Virtual appliance

Install HAProxy ALOHA on KVM

This page applies to:

  • HAProxy ALOHA - all versions

This section describes how to install the virtual appliance on KVM.

Install the virtual appliance on KVM Jump to heading

Follow these steps to install HAProxy ALOHA on KVM.

  1. From the HAProxy Technologies Customer Portal, create a new support ticket to request your download credentials.

  2. Browse to the URL Enter your credentials to access the folder.

  3. Download the file aloha-albva-kvm.tgz and extract its contents.

  4. Be sure that you have installed the qemu-kvm and virt-manager system packages.

  5. Open Virtual Machine Manager (virt-manager) and create a new virtual machine:

    • Click File > New Virtual Machine.
    • Select Import existing disk image.
    • For the storage volume, choose Browse local and then browse to the file aloha-albva.img.
    • Set the operating system to Generic default.
    • Complete the wizard to import the virtual machine.

Assign an IP address Jump to heading

You must assign an IP address belonging to the internal network to your HAProxy ALOHA appliance. Although you have the option of using DHCP to assign an IP address dynamically, which is useful for connecting to the HAProxy ALOHA for the first time before you’ve set up a static IP, it is typical to prefer a static IP, since you will want HAProxy ALOHA to have a predictable address on your network.

When starting your appliance for the first time, you can either:

  • use DHCP to assign an IP address dynamically, then assign a static address either through the web user interface or the CLI, or
  • assign a static address to the appliance immediately.

Once you have assigned an IP address, you can then connect to the HAProxy ALOHA web UI and change IP address assignments using the graphical interface.

Use DHCP Jump to heading

By default, DHCP automatically assigns an IP address to your HAProxy ALOHA virtual appliance at first boot.

  1. Start your virtual appliance. The following message displays:

    Retrieve IP using DHCP or configure static ... 10sec (D/s)?
    Retrieve IP using DHCP or configure static ... 10sec (D/s)?
  2. Enter D for DHCP or wait for 10 seconds. The web UI’s URL displays, for example:

    Access WEB User Interface:
    Access WEB User Interface:

Later, you should assign a static IP address to the appliance.

Save the changed configuration by executing config save in the CLI.

Assign a static IP address Jump to heading

  1. Start your appliance. The following message displays:

    Retrieve IP using DHCP or configure static ... 10sec (D/s)?
    Retrieve IP using DHCP or configure static ... 10sec (D/s)?
  2. Enter s to enter a static IP address. When no DHCP server is available, this is the default mode. The following message displays:

    Configure IP manually
    Use IP address (
    Configure IP manually
    Use IP address (
  3. Enter the IP address you want to assign to the appliance. The following message displays:

    Use netmask (
    Use netmask (
  4. Enter the netmask you want to assign to the appliance. The following message displays:

    Use default gateway (
    Use default gateway (
  5. Optional: Enter the IP address of the appliance’s default gateway. The following message displays:

    Commit and save this configuration (N/y)?
    Commit and save this configuration (N/y)?
  6. To save your configuration, enter y. The web UI’s URL displays, for example:

    Access WEB User Interface:
    Access WEB User Interface:

You can now access the HAProxy ALOHA web UI at the address http://<IP Address>:4444/.

Log in to the web user interface Jump to heading

Copy the Access WEB User Interface address that’s displayed when you connect to the command-line terminal. This takes you to a login screen.

To log in, use the username and password admin.

Once logged in, run the initial configuration wizard.

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