Layer 7 (HAProxy)

Overview of the LB Layer7 tab

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This page applies to:

  • HAProxy ALOHA - all versions

The LB Layer7 tab embeds HAProxy, which is a reverse proxy for load balancing TCP and HTTP. As a reverse proxy, it terminates the client’s connection on one end, then opens a connection to the server on the other end. You enable TCP mode or HTTP mode by setting the mode directive in the configured frontend and backend sections.

  • In HTTP mode, you can make routing decisions based on HTTP metadata such as the URL path, HTTP headers, and cookies. Set mode http.
  • In TCP mode, you can load balance TCP traffic, over which you can transport any TCP-compatible application including HTTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, and MySQL. Set mode tcp.
  • HAProxy ALOHA 17.0 and newer: Load balance UDP by adding a udp-lb configuration section.

The LB Layer7 tab supports a variety of configurable options, including:

  • Load balancing schemes including round robin, least connection, source, destination, source/destination, URI, HTTP header values, and others.
  • Server health checks by HTTP or TCP protocol.
  • Traffic rate limiting and traffic policing.
  • Rich conditional switching rules (ACLs) for traffic filtering and control.
  • Rich SSL and security stack.
  • Web Application Firewall (WAF).
  • Rich observability support.

HAProxy is a good choice for many use cases, while the embedded LVS load balancer is good for others.

Prefer LVS (LB Layer4 tab) when Prefer HAProxy (LB Layer7 tab) when
  • You want to enable Direct Server Return from backend servers.
  • You want to enable destination NAT. If you also need source NAT, use the NAT tab to configure it.
  • You want to load balance an application that uses TCP or UDP (HTTP, WebSocket, FastCGI, Syslog, DNS, for example) with superior logging and statistics.
  • Your use case requires TLS, HTTP routing rules, HTTP header modification, rate limiting, caching, compression, or other HAProxy features.

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