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Configuration Manual - HAProxy Enterprise 3.1r1

#1. Quick reminder about HTTP

When HAProxy is running in HTTP mode, both the request and the response are fully analyzed and indexed, thus it becomes possible to build matching criteria on almost anything found in the contents.

However, it is important to understand how HTTP requests and responses are formed, and how HAProxy decomposes them. It will then become easier to write correct rules and to debug existing configurations.

First, HTTP is standardized by a series of RFC that HAProxy follows as closely as possible:

  • RFC 9110: HTTP Semantics (explains the meaning of protocol elements)

  • RFC 9111: HTTP Caching (explains the rules to follow for an HTTP cache)

  • RFC 9112: HTTP/1.1 (representation, interoperability rules, security)

  • RFC 9113: HTTP/2 (representation, interoperability rules, security)

  • RFC 9114: HTTP/3 (representation, interoperability rules, security)

In addition to these, RFC 8999 to 9002 specify the QUIC transport layer used by the HTTP/3 protocol.

#1.1. The HTTP transaction model

The HTTP protocol is transaction-driven. This means that each request will lead to one and only one response. Originally, with version 1.0 of the protocol, there was a single request per connection: a TCP connection is established from the client to the server, a request is sent by the client over the connection, the server responds, and the connection is closed. A new request then involves a new connection :

[CON1] [REQ1] ... [RESP1] [CLO1] [CON2] [REQ2] ... [RESP2] [CLO2] ...

In this mode, often called the HTTP close mode, there are as many connection establishments as there are HTTP transactions. Since the connection is closed by the server after the response, the client does not need to know the content length, it considers that the response is complete when the connection closes. This also means that if some responses are truncated due to network errors, the client could mistakenly think a response was complete, and this used to cause truncated images to be rendered on screen sometimes.

Due to the transactional nature of the protocol, it was possible to improve it to avoid closing a connection between two subsequent transactions. In this mode however, it is mandatory that the server indicates the content length for each response so that the client does not wait indefinitely. For this, a special header is used: Content-length. This mode is called the keep-alive mode, and arrived with HTTP/1.1 (some HTTP/1.0 agents support it), and connections that are reused between requests are called persistent connections:

[CON] [REQ1] ... [RESP1] [REQ2] ... [RESP2] [CLO] ...

Its advantages are a reduced latency between transactions, less processing power required on the server side, and the ability to detect a truncated response. It is generally faster than the close mode, but not always because some clients often limit their concurrent connections to a smaller value, and this compensates less for poor network connectivity. Also, some servers have to keep the connection alive for a long time waiting for a possible new request and may experience a high memory usage due to the high number of connections, and closing too fast may break some requests that arrived at the moment the connection was closed.

In this mode, the response size needs to be known upfront so that's not always possible with dynamically generated or compressed contents. For this reason another mode was implemented, the chunked mode, where instead of announcing the size of the whole size at once, the sender only advertises the size of the next chunk of response it already has in a buffer, and can terminate at any moment with a zero-sized chunk. In this mode, the Content-Length header is not used.

Another improvement in the communications is the pipelining mode. It still uses keep-alive, but the client does not wait for the first response to send the second request. This is useful for fetching large number of images composing a page :

[CON] [REQ1] [REQ2] ... [RESP1] [RESP2] [CLO] ...

This can obviously have a tremendous benefit on performance because the network latency is eliminated between subsequent requests. Many HTTP agents do not correctly support pipelining since there is no way to associate a response with the corresponding request in HTTP. For this reason, it is mandatory for the server to reply in the exact same order as the requests were received. In practice, after several attempts by various clients to deploy it, it has been totally abandoned for its lack of reliability on certain servers. But it is mandatory for servers to support it.

The next improvement is the multiplexed mode, as implemented in HTTP/2 and HTTP/3. In this mode, multiple transactions (i.e. request-response pairs) are transmitted in parallel over a single connection, and they all progress at their own speed, independent from each other. With multiplexed protocols, a new notion of stream was introduced, to represent these parallel communications happening over the same connection. Each stream is generally assigned a unique identifier for a given connection, that is used by both endpoints to know where to deliver the data. It is fairly common for clients to start many (up to 100, sometimes more) streams in parallel over a same connection, and let the server sort them out and respond in any order depending on what response is available. The main benefit of the multiplexed mode is that it significantly reduces the number of round trips, and speeds up page loading time over high latency networks. It is sometimes visible on sites using many images, where all images appear to load in parallel.

These protocols have also improved their efficiency by adopting some mechanisms to compress header fields in order to reduce the number of bytes on the wire, so that without the appropriate tools, they are not realistically manipulable by hand nor readable to the naked eye like HTTP/1 was. For this reason, various examples of HTTP messages continue to be represented in literature (including this document) using the HTTP/1 syntax even for newer versions of the protocol.

HTTP/2 suffers from some design limitations, such as packet losses affecting all streams at once, and if a client takes too much time to retrieve an object (e.g. needs to store it on disk), it may slow down its retrieval and make it impossible during this time to access the data that is pending behind it. This is called head of line blocking or HoL blocking or sometimes just HoL.

HTTP/3 is implemented over QUIC, itself implemented over UDP. QUIC solves the head of line blocking at the transport level by means of independently handled streams. Indeed, when experiencing loss, an impacted stream does not affect the other streams, and all of them can be accessed in parallel. QUIC also provides connection migration support but currently haproxy does not support it.

By default HAProxy operates in keep-alive mode with regards to persistent connections: for each connection it processes each request and response, and leaves the connection idle on both sides between the end of a response and the start of a new request. When it receives HTTP/2 connections from a client, it processes all the requests in parallel and leaves the connection idling, waiting for new requests, just as if it was a keep-alive HTTP connection.

HAProxy essentially supports 3 connection modes :

  • keep alive : all requests and responses are processed, and the client facing and server facing connections are kept alive for new requests. This is the default and suits the modern web and modern protocols (HTTP/2 and HTTP/3).

  • server close : the server-facing connection is closed after the response.

  • close : the connection is actively closed after end of response on both sides.

In addition to this, by default, the server-facing connection is reusable by any request from any client, as mandated by the HTTP protocol specification, so any information pertaining to a specific client has to be passed along with each request if needed (e.g. client's source address etc). When HTTP/2 is used with a server, by default HAProxy will dedicate this connection to the same client to avoid the risk of head of line blocking between clients.

#1.2. Terminology

Inside HAProxy, the terminology has evolved a bit over the ages to follow the evolutions of the HTTP protocol and its usages. While originally there was no significant difference between a connection, a session, a stream or a transaction, these ones clarified over time to match closely what exists in the modern versions of the HTTP protocol, though some terms remain visible in the configuration or the command line interface for the purpose of historical compatibility.

Here are some definitions that apply to the current version of HAProxy:

  • connection: a connection is a single, bidiractional communication channel between a remote agent (client or server) and haproxy, at the lowest level possible. Usually it corresponds to a TCP socket established between a pair of IP and ports. On the client-facing side, connections are the very first entities that are instantiated when a client connects to haproxy, and rules applying at the connection level are the earliest ones that apply.

  • session: a session adds some context information associated with a connection. This includes and information specific to the transport layer (e.g. TLS keys etc), or variables. This term has long been used inside HAProxy to denote end-to-end HTTP/1.0 communications between two ends, and as such it remains visible in the name of certain CLI commands or statistics, despite representing streams nowadays, but the help messages and descriptions try to make this unambiguous. It is still valid when it comes to network-level terminology (e.g. TCP sessions inside the operating systems, or TCP sessions across a firewall), or for non-HTTP user-level applications (e.g. a telnet session or an SSH session). It must not be confused with application sessions that are used to store a full user context in a cookie and require to be sent to the same server.

  • stream: a stream exactly corresponds to an end-to-end bidirectional communication at the application level, where analysis and transformations may be applied. In HTTP, it contains a single request and its associated response, and is instantiated by the arrival of the request and is finished with the end of delivery of the response. In this context there is a 1:1 relation between such a stream and the stream of a multiplexed protocol. In TCP communications there is a single stream per connection.

  • transaction: a transaction is only a pair of a request and the associated response. The term was used in conjunction with sessions before the streams but nowadays there is a 1:1 relation between a transaction and a stream. It is essentially visible in the variables' scope txn which is valid during the whole transaction, hence the stream.

  • request: it designates the traffic flowing from the client to the server. It is mainly used for HTTP to indicate where operations are performed. This term also exists for TCP operations to indicate where data are processed. Requests often appear in counters as a unit of traffic or activity. They do not always imply a response (e.g. due to errors), but since there is no spontaneous responses without requests, requests remain a relevant metric of the overall activity. In TCP there are as many requests as connections.

  • response: this designates the traffic flowing from the server to the client, or sometimes from HAProxy to the client, when HAProxy produces the response itself (e.g. an HTTP redirect).

  • service: this generally indicates some internal processing in HAProxy that does not require a server, such as the stats page, the cache, or some Lua code to implement a small application. A service usually reads a request, performs some operations and produces a response.

#1.3. HTTP request

First, let's consider this HTTP request :

Line     Contents
   1     GET /serv/login.php?lang=en&profile=2 HTTP/1.1
   2     Host:
   3     User-agent: my small browser
   4     Accept: image/jpeg, image/gif
   5     Accept: image/png

#1.3.1. The Request line

Line 1 is the request line. It is always composed of 3 fields :

  • a METHOD : GET

  • a URI : /serv/login.php?lang=en&profile=2

  • a version tag : HTTP/1.1

All of them are delimited by what the standard calls LWS (linear white spaces), which are commonly spaces, but can also be tabs or line feeds/carriage returns followed by spaces/tabs. The method itself cannot contain any colon (':') and is limited to alphabetic letters. All those various combinations make it desirable that HAProxy performs the splitting itself rather than leaving it to the user to write a complex or inaccurate regular expression.

The URI itself can have several forms :

  • A relative URI :


    It is a complete URL without the host part. This is generally what is received by servers, reverse proxies and transparent proxies.

  • An absolute URI, also called a URL :

    It is composed of a scheme (the protocol name followed by '://'), a host name or address, optionally a colon (':') followed by a port number, then a relative URI beginning at the first slash ('/') after the address part. This is generally what proxies receive, but a server supporting HTTP/1.1 must accept this form too.

  • a star ('*') : this form is only accepted in association with the OPTIONS method and is not relayable. It is used to inquiry a next hop's capabilities.

  • an address:port combination : This is used with the CONNECT method, which is used to establish TCP tunnels through HTTP proxies, generally for HTTPS, but sometimes for other protocols too.

In a relative URI, two sub-parts are identified. The part before the question mark is called the path. It is typically the relative path to static objects on the server. The part after the question mark is called the query string. It is mostly used with GET requests sent to dynamic scripts and is very specific to the language, framework or application in use.

HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 do not convey a version information with the request, so the version is assumed to be the same as the one of the underlying protocol (i.e. HTTP/2). In addition, these protocols do not send a request line as one part, but split it into individual fields called pseudo-headers, whose name start with a colon, and which are conveniently reassembled by HAProxy into an equivalent request line. For this reason, request lines found in logs may slightly differ between HTTP/1.x and HTTP/2 or HTTP/3.

#1.3.2. The request headers

The headers start at the second line. They are composed of a name at the beginning of the line, immediately followed by a colon (':'). Traditionally, an LWS is added after the colon but that's not required. Then come the values. Multiple identical headers may be folded into one single line, delimiting the values with commas, provided that their order is respected. This is commonly encountered in the Cookie: field. A header may span over multiple lines if the subsequent lines begin with an LWS. In the example in 1.3, lines 4 and 5 define a total of 3 values for the Accept: header. Finally, all LWS at the beginning or at the end of a header are ignored and are not part of the value, as per the specification.

Contrary to a common misconception, header names are not case-sensitive, and their values are not either if they refer to other header names (such as the Connection: header). In HTTP/2 and HTTP/3, header names are always sent in lower case, as can be seen when running in debug mode. Internally, all header names are normalized to lower case so that HTTP/1.x and HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 use the exact same representation, and they are sent as-is on the other side. This explains why an HTTP/1.x request typed with camel case is delivered in lower case.

The end of the headers is indicated by the first empty line. People often say that it's a double line feed, which is not exact, even if a double line feed is one valid form of empty line.

Fortunately, HAProxy takes care of all these complex combinations when indexing headers, checking values and counting them, so there is no reason to worry about the way they could be written, but it is important not to accuse an application of being buggy if it does unusual, valid things.

Important note: As suggested by RFC7231, HAProxy normalizes headers by replacing line breaks in the middle of headers by LWS in order to join multi-line headers. This is necessary for proper analysis and helps less capable HTTP parsers to work correctly and not to be fooled by such complex constructs.

#1.4. HTTP response

An HTTP response looks very much like an HTTP request. Both are called HTTP messages. Let's consider this HTTP response :

Line     Contents
   1     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
   2     Content-length: 350
   3     Content-Type: text/html

As a special case, HTTP supports so called Informational responses as status codes 1xx. These messages are special in that they don't convey any part of the response, they're just used as sort of a signaling message to ask a client to continue to post its request for instance. In the case of a status 100 response the requested information will be carried by the next non-100 response message following the informational one. This implies that multiple responses may be sent to a single request, and that this only works when keep-alive is enabled (1xx messages appeared in HTTP/1.1). HAProxy handles these messages and is able to correctly forward and skip them, and only process the next non-100 response. As such, these messages are neither logged nor transformed, unless explicitly state otherwise. Status 101 messages indicate that the protocol is changing over the same connection and that HAProxy must switch to tunnel mode, just as if a CONNECT had occurred. Then the Upgrade header would contain additional information about the type of protocol the connection is switching to.

#1.4.1. The response line

Line 1 is the response line. It is always composed of 3 fields :

  • a version tag : HTTP/1.1

  • a status code : 200

  • a reason : OK

The status code is always 3-digit. The first digit indicates a general status :

  • 1xx = informational message to be skipped (e.g. 100, 101)

  • 2xx = OK, content is following (e.g. 200, 206)

  • 3xx = OK, no content following (e.g. 302, 304)

  • 4xx = error caused by the client (e.g. 401, 403, 404)

  • 5xx = error caused by the server (e.g. 500, 502, 503)

Status codes greater than 599 must not be emitted in communications, though certain agents may produce them in logs to report their internal statuses. Please refer to RFC9110 for the detailed meaning of all such codes. HTTP/2 and above do not have a version tag and use the :status pseudo-header to report the status code.

The reason field is just a hint, but is not parsed by clients. Anything can be found there, but it's a common practice to respect the well-established messages. It can be composed of one or multiple words, such as OK, Found, or Authentication Required. It does not exist in HTTP/2 and above and is not emitted there. When a response from HTTP/2 or above is transmitted to an HTTP/1 client, HAProxy will produce such a common reason field that matches the status code.

HAProxy may emit the following status codes by itself :

Code  When / reason
 200  access to stats page, and when replying to monitoring requests
 301  when performing a redirection, depending on the configured code
 302  when performing a redirection, depending on the configured code
 303  when performing a redirection, depending on the configured code
 307  when performing a redirection, depending on the configured code
 308  when performing a redirection, depending on the configured code
 400  for an invalid or too large request
 401  when an authentication is required to perform the action (when
      accessing the stats page)
 403  when a request is forbidden by a "http-request deny" rule
 404  when the requested resource could not be found
 408  when the request timeout strikes before the request is complete
 410  when the requested resource is no longer available and will not
      be available again
 500  when HAProxy encounters an unrecoverable internal error, such as a
      memory allocation failure, which should never happen
 501 when HAProxy is unable to satisfy a client request because of an
     unsupported feature
 502  when the server returns an empty, invalid or incomplete response, or
      when an "http-response deny" rule blocks the response.
 503  when no server was available to handle the request, or in response to
      monitoring requests which match the "monitor fail" condition
 504  when the response timeout strikes before the server responds

The error 4xx and 5xx codes above may be customized (see errorloc in section 4.2). Other status codes can be emitted on purpose by specific actions (see the deny, return and redirect (4) actions in section 4.3 for example).

#1.4.2. The response headers

Response headers work exactly like request headers, and as such, HAProxy uses the same parsing function for both. Please refer to paragraph 1.3.2 for more details.

#2. Configuring HAProxy

#2.1. Configuration file format

HAProxy's configuration process involves 3 major sources of parameters :

  • the arguments from the command-line, which always take precedence

  • the configuration file(s), whose format is described here

  • the running process's environment, in case some environment variables are explicitly referenced

The configuration file follows a fairly simple hierarchical format which obey a few basic rules:

  1. a configuration file is an ordered sequence of statements

  2. a statement is a single non-empty line before any unprotected # (hash)

  3. a line is a series of tokens or words delimited by unprotected spaces or tab characters

  4. the first word or sequence of words of a line is one of the keywords or keyword sequences listed in this document

  5. all other words are all arguments of the first one, some being well-known keywords listed in this document, others being values, references to other parts of the configuration, or expressions

  6. certain keywords delimit a section inside which only a subset of keywords are supported

  7. a section ends at the end of a file or on a special keyword starting a new section

This is all that is needed to know to write a simple but reliable configuration generator, but this is not enough to reliably parse any configuration nor to figure how to deal with certain corner cases.

First, there are a few consequences of the rules above. Rule 6 and 7 imply that the keywords used to define a new section are valid everywhere and cannot have a different meaning in a specific section. These keywords are always a single word (as opposed to a sequence of words), and traditionally the section that follows them is designated using the same name. For example when speaking about the global section, it designates the section of configuration that follows the global keyword. This usage is used a lot in error messages to help locate the parts that need to be addressed.

A number of sections create an internal object or configuration space, which requires to be distinguished from other ones. In this case they will take an extra word which will set the name of this particular section. For some of them the section name is mandatory. For example frontend foo will create a new section of type frontend named foo. Usually a name is specific to its section and two sections of different types may use the same name, but this is not recommended as it tends to complexify configuration management.

A direct consequence of rule 7 is that when multiple files are read at once, each of them must start with a new section, and the end of each file will end a section. A file cannot contain sub-sections nor end an existing section and start a new one.

Rule 1 mentioned that ordering matters. Indeed, some keywords create directives that can be repeated multiple times to create ordered sequences of rules to be applied in a certain order. For example tcp-request (4) can be used to alternate accept and reject rules on varying criteria. As such, a configuration file processor must always preserve a section's ordering when editing a file. The ordering of sections usually does not matter except for the global section which must be placed before other sections, but it may be repeated if needed. In addition, some automatic identifiers may automatically be assigned to some of the created objects (e.g. proxies), and by reordering sections, their identifiers will change. These ones appear in the statistics for example. As such, the configuration below will assign foo ID number 1 and bar ID number 2, which will be swapped if the two sections are reversed:

listen foo
    bind :80

listen bar
    bind :81

Another important point is that according to rules 2 and 3 above, empty lines, spaces, tabs, and comments following and unprotected # character are not part of the configuration as they are just used as delimiters. This implies that the following configurations are strictly equivalent:

    global#this is the global section
    frontend         foo
mode             http   # or tcp



# this is the public web frontend
frontend foo
    mode http

The common practice is to align to the left only the keyword that initiates a new section, and indent (i.e. prepend a tab character or a few spaces) all other keywords so that it's instantly visible that they belong to the same section (as done in the second example above). Placing comments before a new section helps the reader decide if it's the desired one. Leaving a blank line at the end of a section also visually helps spotting the end when editing it.

Tabs are very convenient for indent but they do not copy-paste well. If spaces are used instead, it is recommended to avoid placing too many (2 to 4) so that editing in field doesn't become a burden with limited editors that do not support automatic indent.

In the early days it used to be common to see arguments split at fixed tab positions because most keywords would not take more than two arguments. With modern versions featuring complex expressions this practice does not stand anymore, and is not recommended.

#2.2. Quoting and escaping

In modern configurations, some arguments require the use of some characters that were previously considered as pure delimiters. In order to make this possible, HAProxy supports character escaping by prepending a backslash ('\') in front of the character to be escaped, weak quoting within double quotes ('"') and strong quoting within single quotes (').

This is pretty similar to what is done in a number of programming languages and very close to what is commonly encountered in Bourne shell. The principle is the following: while the configuration parser cuts the lines into words, it also takes care of quotes and backslashes to decide whether a character is a delimiter or is the raw representation of this character within the current word. The escape character is then removed, the quotes are removed, and the remaining word is used as-is as a keyword or argument for example.

If a backslash is needed in a word, it must either be escaped using itself (i.e. double backslash) or be strongly quoted.

Escaping outside quotes is achieved by preceding a special character by a backslash ('\'):

\    to mark a space and differentiate it from a delimiter
\#   to mark a hash and differentiate it from a comment
\\   to use a backslash
\'   to use a single quote and differentiate it from strong quoting
\"   to use a double quote and differentiate it from weak quoting

In addition, a few non-printable characters may be emitted using their usual C-language representation:

\n   to insert a line feed (LF, character \x0a or ASCII 10 decimal)
\r   to insert a carriage return (CR, character \x0d or ASCII 13 decimal)
\t   to insert a tab (character \x09 or ASCII 9 decimal)
\xNN to insert character having ASCII code hex NN (e.g \x0a for LF).

Weak quoting is achieved by surrounding double quotes () around the character or sequence of characters to protect. Weak quoting prevents the interpretation of:

     space or tab as a word separator
'    single quote as a strong quoting delimiter
#    hash as a comment start

Weak quoting permits the interpretation of environment variables (which are not evaluated outside of quotes) by preceding them with a dollar sign ('$'). If a dollar character is needed inside double quotes, it must be escaped using a backslash.

Strong quoting is achieved by surrounding single quotes ('') around the character or sequence of characters to protect. Inside single quotes, nothing is interpreted, it's the efficient way to quote regular expressions.

As a result, here is the matrix indicating how special characters can be entered in different contexts (unprintable characters are replaced with their name within angle brackets). Note that some characters that may only be represented escaped have no possible representation inside single quotes, hence its absence there:

Character  |  Unquoted     |  Weakly quoted              |  Strongly quoted
  <TAB>    |  \<TAB>, \x09 |  "<TAB>", "\<TAB>", "\x09"  |  '<TAB>'
  <LF>     |  \n, \x0a     |  "\n", "\x0a"               |
  <CR>     |  \r, \x0d     |  "\r", "\x0d"               |
  <SPC>    |  \<SPC>, \x20 |  "<SPC>", "\<SPC>", "\x20"  |  '<SPC>'
  "        |  \", \x22     |  "\"", "\x22"               |  '"'
  #        |  \#, \x23     |  "#", "\#", "\x23"          |  '#'
  $        |  $, \$, \x24  |  "\$", "\x24"               |  '$'
  '        |  \', \x27     |  "'", "\'", "\x27"          |
  \        |  \\, \x5c     |  "\\", "\x5c"               |  '\'

    # those are all strictly equivalent:
    log-format %{+Q}o\ %t\ %s\ %{-Q}r
    log-format "%{+Q}o %t %s %{-Q}r"
    log-format '%{+Q}o %t %s %{-Q}r'
    log-format "%{+Q}o %t"' %s %{-Q}r'
    log-format "%{+Q}o %t"' %s'\ %{-Q}r

There is one particular case where a second level of quoting or escaping may be necessary. Some keywords take arguments within parenthesis, sometimes delimited by commas. These arguments are commonly integers or predefined words, but when they are arbitrary strings, it may be required to perform a separate level of escaping to disambiguate the characters that belong to the argument from the characters that are used to delimit the arguments themselves. A pretty common case is the regsub converter. It takes a regular expression in argument, and if a closing parenthesis is needed inside, this one will require to have its own quotes.

The keyword argument parser is exactly the same as the top-level one regarding quotes, except that the \#, \$, and \xNN escapes are not processed. But what is not always obvious is that the delimiters used inside must first be escaped or quoted so that they are not resolved at the top level.

Let's take this example making use of the regsub converter which takes 3 arguments, one regular expression, one replacement string and one set of flags:

# replace all occurrences of "foo" with "blah" in the path:
http-request set-path %[path,regsub(foo,blah,g)]

Here no special quoting was necessary. But if now we want to replace either foo or bar with blah, we'll need the regular expression (foo|bar). We cannot write:

http-request set-path %[path,regsub((foo|bar),blah,g)]

because we would like the string to cut like this:

http-request set-path %[path,regsub((foo|bar),blah,g)]
                             arg1 _/         /    /
                             arg2 __________/    /
                             arg3 ______________/

but actually what is passed is a string between the opening and closing parenthesis then garbage:

http-request set-path %[path,regsub((foo|bar),blah,g)]
                    arg1=(foo|bar _/        /
                trailing garbage  _________/

The obvious solution here seems to be that the closing parenthesis needs to be quoted, but alone this will not work, because as mentioned above, quotes are processed by the top-level parser which will resolve them before processing this word:

http-request set-path %[path,regsub("(foo|bar)",blah,g)]
------------ -------- ----------------------------------
   word1       word2    word3=%[path,regsub((foo|bar),blah,g)]

So we didn't change anything for the argument parser at the second level which still sees a truncated regular expression as the only argument, and garbage at the end of the string. By escaping the quotes they will be passed unmodified to the second level:

http-request set-path %[path,regsub(\"(foo|bar)\",blah,g)]
------------ -------- ------------------------------------
   word1       word2    word3=%[path,regsub("(foo|bar)",blah,g)]
                            arg1=(foo|bar) _/          /    /
                                arg2=blah  ___________/    /
                                    arg3=g _______________/

Another approach consists in using single quotes outside the whole string and double quotes inside (so that the double quotes are not stripped again):

http-request set-path '%[path,regsub("(foo|bar)",blah,g)]'
------------ --------  ----------------------------------
   word1       word2    word3=%[path,regsub("(foo|bar)",blah,g)]
                            arg1=(foo|bar) _/          /    /
                                      arg2 ___________/    /
                                      arg3 _______________/

But in this case it's important to note that delimiters embedded into the higher level string remain pure characters and are not delimiters anymore. It particularly means that spaces and tabs around commas are part of the string. The example below is wrong on multiple points:

http-request set-path '%[path, regsub("(foo|bar)", blah, g)]'
------------ --------  --------------------------------------
   word1       word2    word3=%[path, regsub("(foo|bar)", blah, g)]
                   converter=" regsub" _/        /         /   /
                                arg1=(foo|bar) _/         /   /
                                 arg2=" blah" ___________/   /
                                    arg3=" g" ______________/

The single fact of surrounding commas with spaces resulted in the spaces being part of the field itself, hence the converter regsub (starting with a space), which won't be found and will trigger an error, but more subtly, the replacement string blah will insert a space in the output. A good rule of thumb is to never insert unneeded spaces inside expressions.

When using regular expressions, it can happen that the dollar ('$') character appears in the expression or that a backslash ('\') is used in the replacement string. In this case these ones will also be processed inside the double quotes thus single quotes are preferred (or double escaping). Example:

http-request set-path '%[path,regsub("^/(here)(/|$)","my/\1",g)]'
------------ --------  -----------------------------------------
   word1       word2    word3=%[path,regsub("^/(here)(/|$)","my/\1",g)]
                                            |-------------| |-----||-|
                          arg1=(here)(/|$) _/               /      /
                                arg2=my/\1 ________________/      /
                                      arg3 ______________________/

Remember that backslashes are not escape characters within single quotes and that the whole word above is already protected against them using the single quotes. Conversely, if double quotes had been used around the whole expression, single the dollar character and the backslashes would have been resolved at top level, breaking the argument contents at the second level.

Unfortunately, since single quotes can't be escaped inside of strong quoting, if you need to include single quotes in your argument, you will need to escape or quote them twice. There are a few ways to do this:

http-request set-var( str("\\'foo\\'")
http-request set-var( str(\"\'foo\'\")
http-request set-var( str(\\\'foo\\\')

When in doubt, simply do not use quotes anywhere, and start to place single or double quotes around arguments that require a comma or a closing parenthesis, and think about escaping these quotes using a backslash if the string contains a dollar or a backslash. Again, this is pretty similar to what is used under a Bourne shell when double-escaping a command passed to eval. For API writers the best is probably to place escaped quotes around each and every argument, regardless of their contents. Users will probably find that using single quotes around the whole expression and double quotes around each argument provides more readable configurations.

#2.3. Environment variables

HAProxy's configuration supports environment variables. Those variables are interpreted only within double quotes. Variables are expanded during the configuration parsing. Variable names must be preceded by a dollar ($) and optionally enclosed with braces ({}) similarly to what is done in Bourne shell. Variable names can contain alphanumerical characters or the character underscore (_) but should not start with a digit. If the variable contains a list of several values separated by spaces, it can be expanded as individual arguments by enclosing the variable with braces and appending the suffix '[*]' before the closing brace. It is also possible to specify a default value to use when the variable is not set, by appending that value after a dash '-' next to the variable name. Note that the default value only replaces non existing variables, not empty ones.


    bind "fd@${FD_APP1}"

    log "${LOCAL_SYSLOG-}:514" local0 notice  # send to local server

    user "$HAPROXY_USER"

Some variables are defined by HAProxy, they can be used in the configuration file, or could be inherited by a program (See 3.7. Programs). These variables are listed in the matrix below, and they are classified among four categories:

  • usable: the variable is accessible from the configuration, either to be resolved as-is, or used within conditional blocks or predicates to enable or disable this some configuration fragments, as described in section 2.4 Conditional blocks.

  • modifiable: the variable can be redefined or unset in the configuration via setenv/unsetenv keywords.

  • listed: the variable is listed in CLI's show env command output, described in section 9.3 Unix Sockets commands of the management guide.

  • exported: variable is exported to launch programs in a modified environment (See section 3.7 Programs). Note that this does not apply to external checks which have their own rules regarding exported variables.

There also two subcategories master and worker, respectively marked 'M' and 'W' in the table below, showing the differences between the two processes when HAProxy is launched in master-worker mode.

  • master: the variable is set and accessible from the master process. So, it will appear in the master CLI's show env output and it can be used in conditional blocks or directives to enable some special settings for the master (see examples in section 2.4 Conditional blocks).

  • worker: the variable is set and accessible from the worker process. It will appear in the worker CLI's show env (or the master CLI's @1 show env) and it may as well condition some worker process parameters (see examples from section 2.4 Conditional blocks).

In standalone mode (without -W option nor the master-worker keyword) the process behaves like a worker, except for variables HAPROXY_MASTER_CLI and HAPROXY_MWORKER which are not defined.

Some variables are marked as not usable and not modifiable:






Their values are undefined during configuration parsing, they are set later during the initialization. So, it's recommended not to use these variables within conditional blocks and not to reference them in the global section's setenv/resetenv/unsetenv keywords.

The table below summaries the status of each variable for the different working modes:

variable M W M W M W

The variables in question are the following:

  • HAPROXY_LOCALPEER: defined at the startup of the process which contains the name of the local peer. (See -L in the management guide.)

  • HAPROXY_CFGFILES: list of the configuration files loaded by HAProxy, separated by semicolons. Can be useful in the case you specified a directory.

  • HAPROXY_HTTP_LOG_FMT: contains the value of the default HTTP log format as defined in section 8.2.3 HTTP log format. It can be used to override the default log format without having to copy the whole original definition.

  • HAPROXY_HTTP_CLF_LOG_FMT: contains the value of the default HTTP CLF log format as defined in section 8.2.3 HTTP log format. It can be used to override the default log format without having to copy the whole original definition.

      # Add the rule that gave the final verdict to the log
      log-format ${HAPROXY_TCP_LOG_FMT} lr=last_rule_file:last_rule_line  
  • HAPROXY_HTTPS_LOG_FMT: similar to HAPROXY_HTTP_LOG_FMT but for HTTPS log format as defined in section 8.2.4 HTTPS log format.

  • HAPROXY_TCP_LOG_FMT: similar to HAPROXY_HTTP_LOG_FMT but for TCP log format as defined in section 8.2.2 TCP log format.

  • HAPROXY_TCP_CLF_LOG_FMT: similar to HAPROXY_HTTP_CLF_LOG_FMT but for TCP CLF log format as defined in section 8.2.2 TCP log format.

  • HAPROXY_MWORKER: In master-worker mode, this variable is set to 1.

  • HAPROXY_CLI: configured listeners addresses of the stats socket of every processe, these addresses are separated by semicolons.

  • HAPROXY_MASTER_CLI: In master-worker mode, listeners addresses of the master CLI, separated by semicolons.

  • HAPROXY_STARTUP_VERSION: contains the version used to start, in master- worker mode this is the version which was used to start the master, even after updating the binary and reloading.

  • HAPROXY_BRANCH: contains the HAProxy branch version (such as 2.8). It does not contain the full version number. It can be useful in case of migration if resources (such as maps or certificates) are in a path containing the branch number.

In addition, some pseudo-variables are internally resolved and may be used as regular variables. Pseudo-variables always start with a dot ('.'), and are the only ones where the dot is permitted. The current list of pseudo-variables is:

  • .FILE: the name of the configuration file currently being parsed.

  • .LINE: the line number of the configuration file currently being parsed, starting at one.

  • .SECTION: the name of the section currently being parsed, or its type if the section doesn't have a name (e.g. global), or an empty string before the first section.

These variables are resolved at the location where they are parsed. For example if a .LINE variable is used in a log-format directive located in a defaults section, its line number will be resolved before parsing and compiling the log-format directive, so this same line number will be reused by subsequent proxies.

This way it is possible to emit information to help locate a rule in variables, logs, error statuses, health checks, header values, or even to use line numbers to name some config objects like servers for example.

#2.4. Conditional blocks

It may sometimes be convenient to be able to conditionally enable or disable some arbitrary parts of the configuration, for example to enable/disable SSL or ciphers, enable or disable some pre-production listeners without modifying the configuration, or adjust the configuration's syntax to support two distinct versions of HAProxy during a migration.. HAProxy brings a set of nestable preprocessor-like directives which allow to integrate or ignore some blocks of text. These directives must be placed on their own line and they act on the lines that follow them. Two of them support an expression, the other ones only switch to an alternate block or end a current level. The 4 following directives are defined to form conditional blocks:

  • .if <condition>

  • .elif <condition>

  • .else

  • .endif

The .if directive nests a new level, .elif stays at the same level, .else as well, and .endif closes a level. Each .if must be terminated by a matching .endif. The .elif may only be placed after .if or .elif, and there is no limit to the number of .elif that may be chained. There may be only one .else per .if and it must always be after the .if or the last .elif of a block.

Comments may be placed on the same line if needed after a '#', they will be ignored. The directives are tokenized like other configuration directives, and as such it is possible to use environment variables in conditions.

Conditions can also be evaluated on startup with the -cc parameter. See 3. Starting HAProxy in the management doc.

The conditions are either an empty string (which then returns false), or an expression made of any combination of:

  • the integer zero ('0'), always returns false

  • a non-nul integer (e.g. '1'), always returns true.

  • a predicate optionally followed by argument(s) in parenthesis.

  • a condition placed between a pair of parenthesis '(' and ')'

  • an exclamation mark ('!') preceding any of the non-empty elements above, and which will negate its status.

  • expressions combined with a logical AND ('&&'), which will be evaluated from left to right until one returns false

  • expressions combined with a logical OR ('||'), which will be evaluated from right to left until one returns true

The same line tokenizer and argument parser are used as for the rest of the configuration language. Words are split around consecutive series of one or more unquoted spaces or tabs, and are reassembled together using a single space to delimit them before evaluation, in order to save the user from having to quote the entire line. But this also means that spaces surrounding commas or parenthesis are definitely part of the value, which is not always expected. For example, the expression below:

.if defined( HAPROXY_MWORKER )

will test for the existence of variable HAPROXY_MWORKER (with spaces), and this one:

.if streq("$ENABLE_SSL",     1)

will compare the environment variable ENABLE_SSL to the value 1 (with a single leading space). The reason is the line is first split into words like this:

 .if streq("$ENABLE_SSL",     1)
|---|--------------------|   |--|
  1           2               3

then the weak quoting is applied and environment variable $ENABLE_SSL is resolved (let's say for example that ENABLE_SSL=0), and finally the words are reassembled into a single string by placing a single space between the words:

 .if streq(0, 1)
  1     2     3

and only then it is parsed as a single expression. The space that was inserted between the comma and 1 is still part of the argument value, making this argument 1:

 .if streq(0, 1)
  \    \    \  \_ argument2: " 1"
   \    \    \___ argument1: "0"
    \    \_______ function: "streq"
     \___________ directive: ".if"

It's visible here that even if ENABLE_SSL had been equal to 1, it wouldn't have matched 1 since the string would differ by one space.

Note: as explained in section 2.2. Quoting and escaping, a good rule of thumb is to never insert unneeded spaces inside expressions.

Note that like in other languages, the AND operator has precedence over the OR operator, so that "A && B || C && D" evalues as "(A && B) || (C && D)".

The list of currently supported predicates is the following:

  • defined(<name>) : returns true if an environment variable <name> exists, regardless of its contents

  • feature(<name>) : returns true if feature <name> is listed as present in the features list reported by haproxy -vv (which means a <name> appears after a '+')

  • streq(<str1>,<str2>) : returns true only if the two strings are equal

  • strneq(<str1>,<str2>) : returns true only if the two strings differ

  • strstr(<str1>,<str2>) : returns true only if the second string is found in the first one.

  • version_atleast(<ver>): returns true if the current haproxy version is at least as recent as <ver> otherwise false. The version syntax is the same as shown by haproxy -v and missing components are assumed as being zero.

  • version_before(<ver>) : returns true if the current haproxy version is strictly older than <ver> otherwise false. The version syntax is the same as shown by haproxy -v and missing components are assumed as being zero.

  • enabled(<opt>) : returns true if the option <opt> is enabled at run-time. Only a subset of options are supported: POLL, EPOLL, KQUEUE, EVPORTS, SPLICE, GETADDRINFO, REUSEPORT, FAST-FORWARD, SERVER-SSL-VERIFY-NONE

  • module(<name>) : returns true if the <name> HAPEE module was loaded. Modules name are shown with the modules list command on the CLI.

# 1. HAPROXY_MWORKER variable is set automatically by HAProxy in master and
# in worker process environments (see HAProxy variables matrix from
# 2.3. Environment variables). Its presence enables an additional listener.


.if defined(HAPROXY_MWORKER)
    listen mwcli_px
       bind :1111

# 2. HAPROXY_BRANCH is set automatically by HAProxy in master and in worker
# process environments (see HAProxy variables matrix from 2.3. Environment
# variables). We check HAPROXY_BRANCH value and conditionally enable
# mworker-max-reloads parameter.


.if streq("$HAPROXY_BRANCH",3.1)
     mworker-max-reloads 5

# 3. Some arbitrary environment variables are set by user in the global
# section. If HAProxy is started in master-worker mode, they are presented in
# master and in worker process environments. We check values of these
# variables and conditionally enable ports 80 and 443. Environment variables
# checks can be mixed with features and version checks.

  setenv WITH_SSL yes
  unsetenv SSL_ONLY

.if strneq("$SSL_ONLY",yes)
       bind :80

.if streq("$WITH_SSL",yes)
  .if feature(OPENSSL)
       bind :443 ssl crt ...

.if feature(OPENSSL) && (streq("$WITH_SSL",yes) || streq("$SSL_ONLY",yes))
       bind :443 ssl crt ...

.if version_atleast(2.4-dev19)
    profiling.memory on

.if !feature(OPENSSL)
    .alert "SSL support is mandatory"

Four other directives are provided to report some status:

  • .diag message : emit this message only when in diagnostic mode (-dD)

  • .notice message : emit this message at level NOTICE

  • .warning message : emit this message at level WARNING

  • .alert message : emit this message at level ALERT

Messages emitted at level WARNING may cause the process to fail to start if the strict-mode is enabled. Messages emitted at level ALERT will always cause a fatal error. These can be used to detect some inappropriate conditions and provide advice to the user.

.if "${A}"
  .if "${B}"
     .notice "A=1, B=1"
  .elif "${C}"
     .notice "A=1, B=0, C=1"
  .elif "${D}"
     .warning "A=1, B=0, C=0, D=1"
     .alert "A=1, B=0, C=0, D=0"
     .notice "A=0"

.diag "WTA/2021-05-07: replace 'redirect' with 'return' after switch to 2.4"
      http-request redirect location /goaway if ABUSE  

#2.5. Time format

Some parameters involve values representing time, such as timeouts. These values are generally expressed in milliseconds (unless explicitly stated otherwise) but may be expressed in any other unit by suffixing the unit to the numeric value. It is important to consider this because it will not be repeated for every keyword. Supported units are :

  • us : microseconds. 1 microsecond = 1/1000000 second

  • ms : milliseconds. 1 millisecond = 1/1000 second. This is the default.

  • s : seconds. 1s = 1000ms

  • m : minutes. 1m = 60s = 60000ms

  • h : hours. 1h = 60m = 3600s = 3600000ms

  • d : days. 1d = 24h = 1440m = 86400s = 86400000ms

#2.6. Size format

Some parameters involve values representing size, such as bandwidth limits. These values are generally expressed in bytes (unless explicitly stated otherwise) but may be expressed in any other unit by suffixing the unit to the numeric value. It is important to consider this because it will not be repeated for every keyword. Supported units are case insensitive :

  • k : kilobytes. 1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes

  • m : megabytes. 1 megabyte = 1048576 bytes

  • g : gigabytes. 1 gigabyte = 1073741824 bytes

Both time and size formats require integers, decimal notation is not allowed.

#2.7. Name format for maps and ACLs

It is possible to use a list of pattern for maps or ACLs. A list of pattern is identified by its name and may be used at different places in the configuration. List of pattern are split on three categories depending on the name format:

  • Lists of pattern based on regular files: It is the default case. The filename, absolute or relative, is used as name. The file must exist otherwise an error is triggered. But it may be empty. The file@ prefix may also be specified but it is not part of the name identifying the list. A filename, with or without the prefix, references the same list of pattern.

  • Lists of pattern based on optional files: The filename must be preceded by opt@ prefix. The file existence is optional. If the file exists, its content is loaded but no error is reported if not. The prefix is not part of the name identifying the list. It means, for a given filename, Optional files and regular files reference the same list of pattern.

  • Lists of pattern based on virtual files: The name is just an identified. It is not a reference to any file. virt@ prefix must be used. It is part of the name. Thus it cannot be mixed with other kind of lists.

Virtual files are useful when patterns are fully dynamically managed with no patterns on startup and on reload. Optional files may be used under the same conditions. But patterns can be dumped in the file, via an external script based on the show map CLI command for instance. This way, it is possible to keep patterns on reload.

Note: Even if it is unlikely, it means no regular file starting with file@, opt@ or virt@ can be loaded, except by adding ./ explicitly in front of the filename (for instance file@./virt@map).

#2.8. Variables

In HAProxy configuration, variables can be used in sample fetch functions, converters, log-format strings or TCP/HTTP actions. Process-wide variables can be defined, globally accessible for the whole life of the process. Some others have a shorter lifespan. Variables are similar to those found in shell scripts. It is a symbolic name for a chunk of memory. The variables size is not limited and is dynamically allocated. So they must be used with caution, especially for an intensive usage. However, it is possible to limit the maximum amount of memory used by the variables by setting tune.vars global parameters.

Variables must be designated using the format "<scope>.<name>". The <scope> is a single word indicating the life time of the variable. The <name> part, inside a scope, may only contain characters 'a-z', 'A-Z', '0-9' and '_'. It is unique in this scope but the same name in different scopes can be used and refers to different variables. Supported scopes are:

  • proc : for variables known during the whole process lifespan and globally accessible. proc variables can be manipulated from the CLI using get var and set var commands. They can also be set from global sections via set-var (3) and set-var-fmt (2) directives.

  • sess : for variables known during the whole lifespan of a session. sess variables are private to a session, not visbile from outside it and not shared with other sessions.

  • txn : for variables known during the whole lifespan of a transaction. txn variables are private to a stream, not visible from outside it and not shared with other streams.

  • req : for variables known during the request processing for a specific stream. req variables are visible from the stream creation and until the first server connection attempt. They are private to a stream, not visible from outside it and not shared with other streams. There is no overlap at all between req and res variables.

  • res : for variables known during the response processing for a specific stream. res variables are visible from the first server connection attempt and until the stream destruction. They are private to a stream, not visible from outside it and not shared with other streams. There is no overlap at all between req and res variables.

  • check : for variables known during a health-check execution. check variables are private to a health-check, not visible from outside it and are not shared with other health-checks. They can be set using dedicated tcp-check (10) or http-check (9) directives.

Depending on the context, extra scopes referencing the parent of a current stream can be used:

  • psess : same as sess but using the session of the parent stream, if any.

  • ptxn : same as txn but using the transaction of the parent stream, if any.

  • preq : same as req but using the parent stream, if any. preq variables are only accessible during request processing of the parent stream.

  • pres : same as res but using the parent stream, if any. pres variables are only accessible during response processing of the parent stream.

Scopes referencing the parent stream are usable from the moment it is defined. Most of time, there is no parent stream. But, if applicable, this will be explicitly specified. For now, it is only possible to retrieve the value of variables defined in a scope of the parent stream. It is not possible to set nor unset such variables. Usually a child stream performs some processing for the parent at a precise moment and prevents it from making progress until the operation it does is completed. This means that the parent may be stopped in the middle of a request processing or a response processing for example. As such, certain scopes will not be available from the child stream. For example if a request is subject to some analysis performed by a child stream, this child stream will not find any variable in the pres scope since the parent is not processing a response, hence doesn't have any variables in its res scope.

The content of a variable is the result of the evaluation of a sample fetch expression and it inherits of the output type of this expression. It is important when the variable is used because its type must be compatible with its usage. For instance a variable containing a string used in add() converter must be convertible to a valid integer to succeed. It is especially true when variables are compared to static value. The right matching method must be used.

#2.9. Examples

# Simple configuration for an HTTP proxy listening on port 80 on all
# interfaces and forwarding requests to a single backend "servers" with a
# single server "server1" listening on
    maxconn 256

    mode http
    timeout connect 5000ms
    timeout client 50000ms
    timeout server 50000ms

frontend http-in
    bind *:80
    default_backend servers

backend servers
    server server1 maxconn 32

# The same configuration defined with a single listen block. Shorter but
# less expressive, especially in HTTP mode.
    maxconn 256

    mode http
    timeout connect 5000ms
    timeout client 50000ms
    timeout server 50000ms

listen http-in
    bind *:80
    server server1 maxconn 32

Assuming haproxy is in $PATH, test these configurations in a shell with:

$ sudo haproxy -f configuration.conf -c

#3. Global parameters

Parameters in the global section are process-wide and often OS-specific. They are generally set once for all and do not need being changed once correct. Some of them have command-line equivalents.

The following keywords are supported in the global section :

#3.1. Process management and security

#51degrees-data-file <file path>

Keyword 51degrees-data-file can be used with these sections: global

The path of the 51Degrees data file to provide device detection services. The file should be unzipped and accessible by HAProxy with relevant permissions.

Please note that this option is only available when HAProxy has been compiled with USE_51DEGREES.

#51degrees-property-name-list [<string> ...]

Keyword 51degrees-property-name-list can be used with these sections: global

A list of 51Degrees property names to be load from the dataset. A full list of names is available on the 51Degrees website:

Please note that this option is only available when HAProxy has been compiled with USE_51DEGREES.

#51degrees-property-separator <char>

Keyword 51degrees-property-separator can be used with these sections: global

A char that will be appended to every property value in a response header containing 51Degrees results. If not set that will be set as ','.

Please note that this option is only available when HAProxy has been compiled with USE_51DEGREES.

#51degrees-cache-size <number>

Keyword 51degrees-cache-size can be used with these sections: global

Sets the size of the 51Degrees converter cache to <number> entries. This is an LRU cache which reminds previous device detections and their results. By default, this cache is disabled.

Please note that this option is only available when HAProxy has been compiled with USE_51DEGREES.

#51degrees-use-performance-graph { on | off }

Keyword 51degrees-use-performance-graph can be used with these sections: global

Enables ('on') or disables ('off') the use of the performance graph in the detection process. The default value depends on 51Degrees library.

Please note that this option is only available when HAProxy has been compiled with USE_51DEGREES and 51DEGREES_VER=4.

#51degrees-use-predictive-graph { on | off }

Keyword 51degrees-use-predictive-graph can be used with these sections: global

Enables ('on') or disables ('off') the use of the predictive graph in the detection process. The default value depends on 51Degrees library.

Please note that this option is only available when HAProxy has been compiled with USE_51DEGREES and 51DEGREES_VER=4.

#51degrees-drift <number>

Keyword 51degrees-drift can be used with these sections: global

Sets the drift value that a detection can allow.

Please note that this option is only available when HAProxy has been compiled with USE_51DEGREES and 51DEGREES_VER=4.

#51degrees-difference <number>

Keyword 51degrees-difference can be used with these sections: global

Sets the difference value that a detection can allow.

Please note that this option is only available when HAProxy has been compiled with USE_51DEGREES and 51DEGREES_VER=4.

#51degrees-allow-unmatched { on | off }

Keyword 51degrees-allow-unmatched can be used with these sections: global

Enables ('on') or disables ('off') the use of unmatched nodes in the detection process. The default value depends on 51Degrees library.

Please note that this option is only available when HAProxy has been compiled with USE_51DEGREES and 51DEGREES_VER=4.

#ca-base <dir>

Keyword ca-base can be used with these sections: global

Assigns a default directory to fetch SSL CA certificates and CRLs from when a relative path is used with ca-file (2), ca-verify-file or crl-file (2) directives. Absolute locations specified in ca-file (2), ca-verify-file and crl-file (2) prevail and ignore ca-base.

#chroot <jail dir>

Keyword chroot can be used with these sections: global

Changes current directory to <jail dir> and performs a chroot() there before dropping privileges. This increases the security level in case an unknown vulnerability would be exploited, since it would make it very hard for the attacker to exploit the system. This only works when the process is started with superuser privileges. It is important to ensure that <jail_dir> is both empty and non-writable to anyone.

#close-spread-time <time>

Keyword close-spread-time can be used with these sections: global

Define a time window during which idle connections and active connections closing is spread in case of soft-stop. After a SIGUSR1 is received and the grace period is over (if any), the idle connections will all be closed at once if this option is not set, and active HTTP or HTTP2 connections will be ended after the next request is received, either by appending a Connection: close line to the HTTP response, or by sending a GOAWAY frame in case of HTTP2. When this option is set, connection closing will be spread over this set <time>. If the close-spread-time is set to infinite, active connection closing during a soft-stop will be disabled. The Connection: close header will not be added to HTTP responses (or GOAWAY for HTTP2) anymore and idle connections will only be closed once their timeout is reached (based on the various timeouts set in the configuration).

Arguments :
<time>  is a time window (by default in milliseconds) during which
        connection closing will be spread during a soft-stop operation, or
        "infinite" if active connection closing should be disabled.  

It is recommended to set this setting to a value lower than the one used in the hard-stop-after option if this one is used, so that all connections have a chance to gracefully close before the process stops.

See also: grace, hard-stop-after, idle-close-on-response

#cluster-secret <secret>

Keyword cluster-secret can be used with these sections: global

Define an ASCII string secret shared between several nodes belonging to the same cluster. It could be used for different usages. It is at least used to derive stateless reset tokens for all the QUIC connections instantiated by this process. This is also the case to derive secrets used to encrypt Retry tokens.

If this parameter is not set, a random value will be selected on process startup. This allows to use features which rely on it, albeit with some limitations.

#cpu-map [auto:]<thread-group>[/<thread-set>] <cpu-set>[,...] [...]

Keyword cpu-map can be used with these sections: global

On some operating systems, it is possible to bind a thread group or a thread to a specific CPU set. This means that the designated threads will never run on other CPUs. The cpu-map directive specifies CPU sets for individual threads or thread groups. The first argument is a thread group range, optionally followed by a thread set. These ranges have the following format:

all | odd | even | number[-[number]]

<number> must be a number between 1 and 32 or 64, depending on the machine's word size. Any group IDs above 'thread-groups' and any thread IDs above the machine's word size are ignored. All thread numbers are relative to the group they belong to. It is possible to specify a range with two such number delimited by a dash ('-'). It also is possible to specify all threads at once using all, only odd numbers using odd or even numbers using even, just like with the thread (2) bind directive. The second and forthcoming arguments are CPU sets. Each CPU set is either a unique number starting at 0 for the first CPU or a range with two such numbers delimited by a dash ('-'). These CPU numbers and ranges may be repeated by delimiting them with commas or by passing more ranges as new arguments on the same line. Outside of Linux and BSD operating systems, there may be a limitation on the maximum CPU index to either 31 or 63. Multiple cpu-map directives may be specified, but each cpu-map directive will replace the previous ones when they overlap.

Ranges can be partially defined. The higher bound can be omitted. In such case, it is replaced by the corresponding maximum value, 32 or 64 depending on the machine's word size.

The prefix auto: can be added before the thread set to let HAProxy automatically bind a set of threads to a CPU by incrementing threads and CPU sets. To be valid, both sets must have the same size. No matter the declaration order of the CPU sets, it will be bound from the lowest to the highest bound. Having both a group and a thread range with the auto: prefix is not supported. Only one range is supported, the other one must be a fixed number.

Note that group ranges are supported for historical reasons. Nowadays, a lone number designates a thread group and must be 1 if thread-groups are not used, and specifying a thread range or number requires to prepend 1/ in front of it if thread groups are not used. Finally, 1 is strictly equivalent to 1/all and designates all threads in the group.

cpu-map 1/all 0-3 # bind all threads of the first group on the
                  # first 4 CPUs

cpu-map 1/1- 0-   # will be replaced by "cpu-map 1/1-64 0-63"
                  # or "cpu-map 1/1-32 0-31" depending on the machine's
                  # word size.

# all these lines bind thread 1 to the cpu 0, the thread 2 to cpu 1
# and so on.
cpu-map auto:1/1-4   0-3
cpu-map auto:1/1-4   0-1 2-3
cpu-map auto:1/1-4   3 2 1 0
cpu-map auto:1/1-4   3,2,1,0

# bind each thread to exactly one CPU using all/odd/even keyword
cpu-map auto:1/all   0-63
cpu-map auto:1/even  0-31
cpu-map auto:1/odd   32-63

# invalid cpu-map because thread and CPU sets have different sizes.
cpu-map auto:1/1-4   0    # invalid
cpu-map auto:1/1     0-3  # invalid

# map 40 threads of those 4 groups to individual CPUs
cpu-map auto:1/1-10   0-9
cpu-map auto:2/1-10   10-19
cpu-map auto:3/1-10   20-29
cpu-map auto:4/1-10   30-39

# Map 80 threads to one physical socket and 80 others to another socket
# without forcing assignment. These are split into 4 groups since no
# group may have more than 64 threads.
cpu-map 1/1-40   0-39,80-119    # node0, siblings 0 & 1
cpu-map 2/1-40   0-39,80-119
cpu-map 3/1-40   40-79,120-159  # node1, siblings 0 & 1
cpu-map 4/1-40   40-79,120-159  
#crt-base <dir>

Keyword crt-base can be used with these sections: global

Assigns a default directory to fetch SSL certificates from when a relative path is used with crtfile or crt (3) directives. Absolute locations specified prevail and ignore crt-base (2).


Keyword daemon can be used with these sections: global

Makes the process fork into background. This is the recommended mode of operation. It is equivalent to the command line -D argument. It can be disabled by the command line -db argument. This option is ignored in systemd mode.

#default-path { current | config | parent | origin <path> }

Keyword default-path can be used with these sections: global

By default HAProxy loads all files designated by a relative path from the location the process is started in. In some circumstances it might be desirable to force all relative paths to start from a different location just as if the process was started from such locations. This is what this directive is made for. Technically it will perform a temporary chdir() to the designated location while processing each configuration file, and will return to the original directory after processing each file. It takes an argument indicating the policy to use when loading files whose path does not start with a slash ('/'):

  • current indicates that all relative files are to be loaded from the directory the process is started in ; this is the default.

  • config indicates that all relative files should be loaded from the directory containing the configuration file. More specifically, if the configuration file contains a slash ('/'), the longest part up to the last slash is used as the directory to change to, otherwise the current directory is used. This mode is convenient to bundle maps, errorfiles, certificates and Lua scripts together as relocatable packages. When multiple configuration files are loaded, the directory is updated for each of them.

  • parent indicates that all relative files should be loaded from the parent of the directory containing the configuration file. More specifically, if the configuration file contains a slash ('/'), .. is appended to the longest part up to the last slash is used as the directory to change to, otherwise the directory is ... This mode is convenient to bundle maps, errorfiles, certificates and Lua scripts together as relocatable packages, but where each part is located in a different subdirectory (e.g. config/, certs/, maps/, ...).

  • origin indicates that all relative files should be loaded from the designated (mandatory) path. This may be used to ease management of different HAProxy instances running in parallel on a system, where each instance uses a different prefix but where the rest of the sections are made easily relocatable.

Each default-path directive instantly replaces any previous one and will possibly result in switching to a different directory. While this should always result in the desired behavior, it is really not a good practice to use multiple default-path directives, and if used, the policy ought to remain consistent across all configuration files.

Warning: some configuration elements such as maps or certificates are uniquely identified by their configured path. By using a relocatable layout, it becomes possible for several of them to end up with the same unique name, making it difficult to update them at run time, especially when multiple configuration files are loaded from different directories. It is essential to observe a strict collision-free file naming scheme before adopting relative paths. A robust approach could consist in prefixing all files names with their respective site name, or in doing so at the directory level.

#description <text>

Keyword description can be used with these sections: global

Add a text that describes the instance.

Please note that it is required to escape certain characters (# for example) and this text is inserted into a html page so you should avoid using "<" and ">" characters.

#deviceatlas-json-file <path>

Keyword deviceatlas-json-file can be used with these sections: global

Sets the path of the DeviceAtlas JSON data file to be loaded by the API. The path must be a valid JSON data file and accessible by HAProxy process.

#deviceatlas-log-level <value>

Keyword deviceatlas-log-level can be used with these sections: global

Sets the level of information returned by the API. This directive is optional and set to 0 by default if not set.

#deviceatlas-properties-cookie <name>

Keyword deviceatlas-properties-cookie can be used with these sections: global

Sets the client cookie's name used for the detection if the DeviceAtlas Client-side component was used during the request. This directive is optional and set to DAPROPS by default if not set.

#deviceatlas-separator <char>

Keyword deviceatlas-separator can be used with these sections: global

Sets the character separator for the API properties results. This directive is optional and set to | by default if not set.


Keyword expose-deprecated-directives can be used with these sections: global

This statement must appear before using some directives tagged as deprecated to silent warnings and make sure the config file will not be rejected. Not all deprecated directives are concerned, only those without any alternative solution.


Keyword expose-experimental-directives can be used with these sections: global

This statement must appear before using directives tagged as experimental or the config file will be rejected.

#external-check [preserve-env]

Keyword external-check can be used with these sections: global

Allows the use of an external agent to perform health checks. This is disabled by default as a security precaution, and even when enabled, checks may still fail unless insecure-fork-wanted is enabled as well. If the program launched makes use of a setuid executable (it should really not), you may also need to set insecure-setuid-wanted in the global section. By default, the checks start with a clean environment which only contains variables defined in the external-check (3) command in the backend section. It may sometimes be desirable to preserve the environment though, for example when complex scripts retrieve their extra paths or information there. This can be done by appending the preserve-env keyword. In this case however it is strongly advised not to run a setuid nor as a privileged user, as this exposes the check program to potential attacks. See option external-check, and insecure-fork-wanted, and insecure-setuid-wanted for extra details.

#fd-hard-limit <number>

Keyword fd-hard-limit can be used with these sections: global

Sets an upper bound to the maximum number of file descriptors that the process will use, regardless of system limits. While ulimit-n and maxconn (5) may be used to enforce a value, when they are not set, the process will be limited to the hard limit of the RLIMIT_NOFILE setting as reported by ulimit -n -H. But some modern operating systems are now allowing extremely large values here (in the order of 1 billion), which will consume way too much RAM for regular usage. The fd-hard-limit setting is provided to enforce a possibly lower bound to this limit. This means that it will always respect the system-imposed limits when they are below <number> but the specified value will be used if system-imposed limits are higher. By default fd-hard-limit is set to 1048576. This default could be changed via DEFAULT_MAXFD compile-time variable, that could serve as the maximum (kernel) system limit, if RLIMIT_NOFILE hard limit is extremely large. fd-hard-limit set in global section allows to temporarily override the value provided via DEFAULT_MAXFD at the build-time. In the example below, no other setting is specified and the maxconn value will automatically adapt to the lower of fd-hard-limit and the RLIMIT_NOFILE limit:

    # use as many FDs as possible but no more than 50000
    fd-hard-limit 50000

See also: ulimit-n, maxconn

#gid <number>

Keyword gid can be used with these sections: global

Changes the process's group ID to <number>. It is recommended that the group ID is dedicated to HAProxy or to a small set of similar daemons. HAProxy must be started with a user belonging to this group, or with superuser privileges. Note that if HAProxy is started from a user having supplementary groups, it will only be able to drop these groups if started with superuser privileges. See also group (4) and uid (2).

#grace <time>

Keyword grace can be used with these sections: global

Defines a delay between SIGUSR1 and real soft-stop.

Arguments :
<time>  is an extra delay (by default in milliseconds) after receipt of the
        SIGUSR1 signal that will be waited for before proceeding with the
        soft-stop operation.  

This is used for compatibility with legacy environments where the haproxy process needs to be stopped but some external components need to detect the status before listeners are unbound. The principle is that the internal stopping variable (which is reported by the stopping sample fetch function) will be turned to true, but listeners will continue to accept connections undisturbed, until the delay expires, after what the regular soft-stop will proceed. This must not be used with processes that are reloaded, or this will prevent the old process from unbinding, and may prevent the new one from starting, or simply cause trouble.

  grace 10s

# Returns 200 OK until stopping is set via SIGUSR1
frontend ext-check
  bind :9999
  monitor-uri /ext-check
  monitor fail if { stopping }  

Please note that a more flexible and durable approach would instead consist for an orchestration system in setting a global variable from the CLI, use that variable to respond to external checks, then after a delay send the SIGUSR1 signal.

# Returns 200 OK until proc.stopping is set to non-zero. May be done
# from HTTP using set-var(proc.stopping) or from the CLI using:
# > set var proc.stopping int(1)
frontend ext-check
  bind :9999
  monitor-uri /ext-check
  monitor fail if { var(proc.stopping) -m int gt 0 }  

See also: hard-stop-after, monitor

#group <group name>

Keyword group can be used with these sections: global

Similar to gid (2) but uses the GID of group name <group name> from /etc/group. See also gid (2) and user (4).


Keyword h1-accept-payload-with-any-method can be used with these sections: global

Does not reject HTTP/1.0 GET/HEAD/DELETE requests with a payload.

While It is explicitly allowed in HTTP/1.1, HTTP/1.0 is not clear on this point and some old servers don't expect any payload and never look for body length (via Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding headers). It means that some intermediaries may properly handle the payload for HTTP/1.0 GET/HEAD/DELETE requests, while some others may totally ignore it. That may lead to security issues because a request smuggling attack is possible. Thus, by default, HAProxy rejects HTTP/1.0 GET/HEAD/DELETE requests with a payload.

However, it may be an issue with some old clients. In this case, this global option may be set.


Keyword h1-do-not-close-on-insecure-transfer-encoding can be used with these sections: global

As mandated by the HTTP/1.1 specification (RFC9112#6.1), the presence of both a Transfer-Encoding header field and a Content-Length header field in the same message represents a serious risk of conveying a content smuggling attack if there are any HTTP/1.0 agent anywhere in the upstream of downstream chain, and when facing this, an agent must absolutely close the connection after the response so as to prevent any exploitation. But this may have a performance impact on some very old clients, especially if they need to renegotiate a TLS connection for every request. This option is present to ask HAProxy not to enforce this rule, and to just sanitize the message but leave the connection alive after the response. This may only be done when absolutely certain that no HTTP/1.0 agents are present in the chain and that all implementations before HAProxy are fully HTTP/1.1 compliant regarding the rules that apply to these header fields. In any case, HAProxy will continue to ignore and drop the extraneous Content-Length header so as not to confuse the next hop.

When enabling this option to work around an old broken client or server, it is important to understand that regardless of the need or not for this option, such an agent violating this rule faces a risk to see its messages truncated by old agents that would consider Content-Length and ignore Transfer-Encoding, since the cumulated size of the encoded chunk sizes are not being accounted for. As such, the rule above is not just a matter of security but also of taking care of getting rid of agents that may face communication trouble due to incompatibilities with older ones.

#h1-case-adjust <from> <to>

Keyword h1-case-adjust can be used with these sections: global

Defines the case adjustment to apply, when enabled, to the header name <from>, to change it to <to> before sending it to HTTP/1 clients or servers. <from> must be in lower case, and <from> and <to> must not differ except for their case. It may be repeated if several header names need to be adjusted. Duplicate entries are not allowed. If a lot of header names have to be adjusted, it might be more convenient to use h1-case-adjust-file. Please note that no transformation will be applied unless option h1-case-adjust-bogus-client or option h1-case-adjust-bogus-server is specified in a proxy.

There is no standard case for header names because, as stated in RFC7230, they are case-insensitive. So applications must handle them in a case- insensitive manner. But some bogus applications violate the standards and erroneously rely on the cases most commonly used by browsers. This problem becomes critical with HTTP/2 because all header names must be exchanged in lower case, and HAProxy follows the same convention. All header names are sent in lower case to clients and servers, regardless of the HTTP version.

Applications which fail to properly process requests or responses may require to temporarily use such workarounds to adjust header names sent to them for the time it takes the application to be fixed. Please note that an application which requires such workarounds might be vulnerable to content smuggling attacks and must absolutely be fixed.

  h1-case-adjust content-length Content-Length  

See h1-case-adjust-file, option h1-case-adjust-bogus-client and option h1-case-adjust-bogus-server.

#h1-case-adjust-file <hdrs-file>

Keyword h1-case-adjust-file can be used with these sections: global

Defines a file containing a list of key/value pairs used to adjust the case of some header names before sending them to HTTP/1 clients or servers. The file <hdrs-file> must contain 2 header names per line. The first one must be in lower case and both must not differ except for their case. Lines which start with '#' are ignored, just like empty lines. Leading and trailing tabs and spaces are stripped. Duplicate entries are not allowed. Please note that no transformation will be applied unless option h1-case-adjust-bogus-client or option h1-case-adjust-bogus-server is specified in a proxy.

If this directive is repeated, only the last one will be processed. It is an alternative to the directive h1-case-adjust if a lot of header names need to be adjusted. Please read the risks associated with using this.

See h1-case-adjust, option h1-case-adjust-bogus-client and option h1-case-adjust-bogus-server.


Keyword h2-workaround-bogus-websocket-clients can be used with these sections: global

This disables the announcement of the support for h2 websockets to clients. This can be use to overcome clients which have issues when implementing the relatively fresh RFC8441, such as Firefox 88. To allow clients to automatically downgrade to http/1.1 for the websocket tunnel, specify h2 support on the bind line using alpn (2) without an explicit proto (2) keyword. If this statement was previously activated, this can be disabled by prefixing the keyword with "no'.

#hard-stop-after <time>

Keyword hard-stop-after can be used with these sections: global

Defines the maximum time allowed to perform a clean soft-stop.

Arguments :
<time>  is the maximum time (by default in milliseconds) for which the
        instance will remain alive when a soft-stop is received via the
        SIGUSR1 signal.  

This may be used to ensure that the instance will quit even if connections remain opened during a soft-stop (for example with long timeouts for a proxy in tcp mode). It applies both in TCP and HTTP mode.

  hard-stop-after 30s  

See also: grace

#harden.reject-privileged-ports.tcp { on | off } #harden.reject-privileged-ports.quic { on | off }

Keyword harden.reject-privileged-ports.tcp can be used with these sections: global

Toggle per protocol protection which forbid communication with clients which use privileged ports as their source port. This range of ports is defined according to RFC 6335. By default, protection is active for QUIC protocol as this behavior is suspicious and may be used as a spoofing or DNS/NTP amplification attack.

#http-err-codes [+-]<range>[,...] [...]

Keyword http-err-codes can be used with these sections: global

Replace, reduce or extend the list of status codes that define an error as considered by the termination codes and the http_err_cnt counter in stick tables. The default range for errors is 400 to 499, but in certain contexts some users prefer to exclude specific codes, especially when tracking client errors (e.g. 404 on systems with dynamically generated contents). See also http-fail-codes and http_err_cnt.

A range specified without '+' nor '-' redefines the existing range to the new one. A range starting with '+' extends the existing range to also include the specified one, which may or may not overlap with the existing one. A range starting with '-' removes the specified range from the existing one. A range consists in a number from 100 to 599, optionally followed by - followed by another number greater than or equal to the first one to indicate the high boundary of the range. Multiple ranges may be delimited by commas for a same add/del/ replace operation.

http-err-codes 400,402-444,446-480,490   # sets exactly these codes
http-err-codes 400-499 -450 +500         # sets 400 to 500 except 450
http-err-codes -450-459                  # removes 450 to 459 from range
http-err-codes +501,505                  # adds 501 and 505 to range  
#http-fail-codes [+-]<range>[,...] [...]

Keyword http-fail-codes can be used with these sections: global

Replace, reduce or extend the list of status codes that define a failure as considered by the termination codes and the http_fail_cnt counter in stick tables. The default range for failures is 500 to 599 except 501 and 505 which can be triggered by clients, and normally indicate a failure from the server to process the request. Some users prefer to exclude certain codes in certain contexts where it is known they're not relevant, such as 500 in certain SOAP environments as it doesn't translate a server fault there. The syntax is exactly the same as for http-err-codes above. See also http-err-codes and http_fail_cnt.


Keyword insecure-fork-wanted can be used with these sections: global

By default HAProxy tries hard to prevent any thread and process creation after it starts. Doing so is particularly important when using Lua files of uncertain origin, and when experimenting with development versions which may still contain bugs whose exploitability is uncertain. And generally speaking it's good hygiene to make sure that no unexpected background activity can be triggered by traffic. But this prevents external checks from working, and may break some very specific Lua scripts which actively rely on the ability to fork. This option is there to disable this protection. Note that it is a bad idea to disable it, as a vulnerability in a library or within HAProxy itself will be easier to exploit once disabled. In addition, forking from Lua or anywhere else is not reliable as the forked process may randomly embed a lock set by another thread and never manage to finish an operation. As such it is highly recommended that this option is never used and that any workload requiring such a fork be reconsidered and moved to a safer solution (such as agents instead of external checks). This option supports the no prefix to disable it. This can also be activated with -dI on the haproxy command line.


Keyword insecure-setuid-wanted can be used with these sections: global

HAProxy doesn't need to call executables at run time (except when using external checks which are strongly recommended against), and is even expected to isolate itself into an empty chroot. As such, there basically is no valid reason to allow a setuid executable to be called without the user being fully aware of the risks. In a situation where HAProxy would need to call external checks and/or disable chroot, exploiting a vulnerability in a library or in HAProxy itself could lead to the execution of an external program. On Linux it is possible to lock the process so that any setuid bit present on such an executable is ignored. This significantly reduces the risk of privilege escalation in such a situation. This is what HAProxy does by default. In case this causes a problem to an external check (for example one which would need the ping command), then it is possible to disable this protection by explicitly adding this directive in the global section. If enabled, it is possible to turn it back off by prefixing it with the no keyword.

#issuers-chain-path <dir>

Keyword issuers-chain-path can be used with these sections: global

Assigns a directory to load certificate chain for issuer completion. All files must be in PEM format. For certificates loaded with crt (3) or crt-list, if certificate chain is not included in PEM (also commonly known as intermediate certificate), HAProxy will complete chain if the issuer of the certificate corresponds to the first certificate of the chain loaded with issuers-chain-path. A crt (3) file with PrivateKey+Certificate+IntermediateCA2+IntermediateCA1 could be replaced with PrivateKey+Certificate. HAProxy will complete the chain if a file with IntermediateCA2+IntermediateCA1 is present in issuers-chain-path directory. All other certificates with the same issuer will share the chain in memory.

The OCSP features are able to use the completed chain when no .issuer was used, or no chain was provided in the PEM.

#key-base <dir>

Keyword key-base can be used with these sections: global

Assigns a default directory to fetch SSL private keys from when a relative path is used with key directives. Absolute locations specified prevail and ignore key-base (2). This option only works with a crt-store load line.


Keyword limited-quic can be used with these sections: global

This setting must be used to explicitly enable the QUIC listener bindings when haproxy is compiled against a TLS/SSL stack without QUIC support, typically OpenSSL. It has no effect when haproxy is compiled against a TLS/SSL stack with QUIC support, quictls for instance. Note that QUIC 0-RTT is not supported when this setting is set.

#localpeer <name>

Keyword localpeer can be used with these sections: global

Sets the local instance's peer name. It will be ignored if the -L command line argument is specified or if used after peers section definitions. In such cases, a warning message will be emitted during the configuration parsing.

This option will also set the HAPROXY_LOCALPEER environment variable. See also -L in the management guide and peers section below.

#log <target> [len <length>] [format <format>] [sample <ranges>:<sample_size>] [profile <prof>] <facility> [max level [min level]]

Keyword log can be used with these sections: global

Adds a global syslog server. Several global servers can be defined. They will receive logs for starts and exits, as well as all logs from proxies configured with log global (2). See log (6) option for proxies for more details.

#log-send-hostname [<string>]

Keyword log-send-hostname can be used with these sections: global

Sets the hostname field in the syslog header. If optional string parameter is set the header is set to the string contents, otherwise uses the hostname of the system. Generally used if one is not relaying logs through an intermediate syslog server or for simply customizing the hostname printed in the logs.

#log-tag <string>

Keyword log-tag can be used with these sections: global

Sets the tag field in the syslog header to this string. It defaults to the program name as launched from the command line, which usually is haproxy. Sometimes it can be useful to differentiate between multiple processes running on the same host. See also the per-proxy log-tag (2) directive.

#lua-load <file> [ <arg1> [ <arg2> [ ... ] ] ]

Keyword lua-load can be used with these sections: global

This global directive loads and executes a Lua file in the shared context that is visible to all threads. Any variable set in such a context is visible from any thread. This is the easiest and recommended way to load Lua programs but it will not scale well if a lot of Lua calls are performed, as only one thread may be running on the global state at a time. A program loaded this way will always see 0 in the core.thread variable. This directive can be used multiple times.

args are available in the lua file using the code below in the body of the file. Do not forget that Lua arrays start at index 1. A local variable declared in a file is available in the entire file and not available on other files.

local args = table.pack(...)
#lua-load-per-thread <file> [ <arg1> [ <arg2> [ ... ] ] ]

Keyword lua-load-per-thread can be used with these sections: global

This global directive loads and executes a Lua file into each started thread. Any global variable has a thread-local visibility so that each thread could see a different value. As such it is strongly recommended not to use global variables in programs loaded this way. An independent copy is loaded and initialized for each thread, everything is done sequentially and in the thread's numeric order from 1 to nbthread. If some operations need to be performed only once, the program should check the core.thread variable to figure what thread is being initialized. Programs loaded this way will run concurrently on all threads and will be highly scalable. This is the recommended way to load simple functions that register sample-fetches, converters, actions or services once it is certain the program doesn't depend on global variables. For the sake of simplicity, the directive is available even if only one thread is used and even if threads are disabled (in which case it will be equivalent to lua-load). This directive can be used multiple times.

See lua-load for usage of args.

#lua-prepend-path <string> [<type>]

Keyword lua-prepend-path can be used with these sections: global

Prepends the given string followed by a semicolon to Lua's package.<type> variable. <type> must either be path or cpath. If <type> is not given it defaults to path.

Lua's paths are semicolon delimited lists of patterns that specify how the `require` function attempts to find the source file of a library. Question marks (?) within a pattern will be replaced by module name. The path is evaluated left to right. This implies that paths that are prepended later will be checked earlier.

As an example by specifying the following path:

lua-prepend-path /usr/share/haproxy-lua/?/init.lua
lua-prepend-path /usr/share/haproxy-lua/?.lua

When `require example` is being called Lua will first attempt to load the /usr/share/haproxy-lua/example.lua script, if that does not exist the /usr/share/haproxy-lua/example/init.lua will be attempted and the default paths if that does not exist either.

See for the details within the Lua documentation.

#master-worker [no-exit-on-failure]

Keyword master-worker can be used with these sections: global

Master-worker mode. It is equivalent to the command line -W argument.

This mode will launch a master which will fork a worker after reading the configuration to process the traffic. The master is used as a process manager which will monitor the workers.

Using this mode, you can reload HAProxy directly by sending a SIGUSR2 signal to the master. Reloading will ask the master to read the configuration again and fork a new worker. The previous worker will be kept until the end of its jobs.

The master-worker mode is compatible either with the foreground or daemon mode.

By default, if a worker exits with a bad return code, in the case of a segfault for example, all workers will be killed, and the master will leave. It is convenient to combine this behavior with Restart=on-failure in a systemd unit file in order to relaunch the whole process. If you don't want this behavior, you must use the keyword no-exit-on-failure.

See also -W in the management guide.

#mworker-max-reloads <number>

Keyword mworker-max-reloads can be used with these sections: global

In master-worker mode, this option limits the number of time a worker can survive to a reload. If the worker did not leave after a reload, once its number of reloads is greater than this number, the worker will receive a SIGTERM. This option helps to keep under control the number of workers. See also show proc in the Management Guide.

#nbthread <number>

Keyword nbthread can be used with these sections: global

This setting is only available when support for threads was built in. It makes HAProxy run on <number> threads. nbthread also works when HAProxy is started in foreground. On some platforms supporting CPU affinity, the default nbthread value is automatically set to the number of CPUs the process is bound to upon startup. This means that the thread count can easily be adjusted from the calling process using commands like taskset or cpuset. Otherwise, this value defaults to 1. The default value is reported in the output of haproxy -vv. Note that values set here or automatically detected are subject to the limit set by thread-hard-limit (if set).


Keyword no-quic can be used with these sections: global

Disable QUIC transport protocol. All the QUIC listeners will still be created. But they will not bind their addresses. Hence, no QUIC traffic will be processed by haproxy. See also quic_enabled sample fetch.


Keyword numa-cpu-mapping can be used with these sections: global

If running on a NUMA-aware platform, HAProxy inspects on startup the CPU topology of the machine. If a multi-socket machine is detected, the affinity is automatically calculated to run on the CPUs of a single node. This is done in order to not suffer from the performance penalties caused by the inter-socket bus latency. However, if the applied binding is non optimal on a particular architecture, it can be disabled with the statement 'no numa-cpu-mapping'. This automatic binding is also not applied if a nbthread statement is present in the configuration, or the affinity of the process is already specified, for example via the 'cpu-map' directive or the taskset utility.

#ocsp-update.disable [ on | off ]

Keyword ocsp-update.disable can be used with these sections: global

Disable completely the ocsp-update in HAProxy. Any ocsp-update configuration will be ignored. Default is off. See option ocsp-update for more information about the auto update mechanism.

#ocsp-update.httpproxy <address>[:port]

Keyword ocsp-update.httpproxy can be used with these sections: global

Allow to use an HTTP proxy for the OCSP updates. This only works with HTTP, HTTPS is not supported. This option will allow the OCSP updater to send absolute URI in the request to the proxy.

#ocsp-update.maxdelay <number> #tune.ssl.ocsp-update.maxdelay <number> DEPRECATED

Keyword ocsp-update.maxdelay can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum interval between two automatic updates of the same OCSP response. This time is expressed in seconds and defaults to 3600 (1 hour). It must be set to a higher value than ocsp-update.mindelay. See option ocsp-update for more information about the auto update mechanism.

#ocsp-update.mindelay <number> #tune.ssl.ocsp-update.mindelay <number> DEPRECATED

Keyword ocsp-update.mindelay can be used with these sections: global

Sets the minimum interval between two automatic updates of the same OCSP response. This time is expressed in seconds and defaults to 300 (5 minutes). It is particularly useful for OCSP response that do not have explicit expiration times. It must be set to a lower value than ocsp-update.maxdelay. See option ocsp-update for more information about the auto update mechanism.

#ocsp-update.mode [ on | off ]

Keyword ocsp-update.mode can be used with these sections: global

Sets the default ocsp-update mode for all certificates used in the configuration. This global option can be superseded by the crt-list ocsp-update option. This option is set to off by default. See option ocsp-update for more information about the auto update mechanism.

#pidfile <pidfile>

Keyword pidfile can be used with these sections: global

Writes PIDs of all daemons into file <pidfile> when daemon mode or writes PID of master process into file <pidfile> when master-worker mode. This option is equivalent to the -p command line argument. The file must be accessible to the user starting the process. See also daemon and master-worker.


Keyword pp2-never-send-local can be used with these sections: global

A bug in the PROXY protocol v2 implementation was present in HAProxy up to version 2.1, causing it to emit a PROXY command instead of a LOCAL command for health checks. This is particularly minor but confuses some servers' logs. Sadly, the bug was discovered very late and revealed that some servers which possibly only tested their PROXY protocol implementation against HAProxy fail to properly handle the LOCAL command, and permanently remain in the down state when HAProxy checks them. When this happens, it is possible to enable this global option to revert to the older (bogus) behavior for the time it takes to contact the affected components' vendors and get them fixed. This option is disabled by default and acts on all servers having the send-proxy-v2 statement.

#presetenv <name> <value>

Keyword presetenv can be used with these sections: global

Sets environment variable <name> to value <value>. If the variable exists, it is NOT overwritten. The changes immediately take effect so that the next line in the configuration file sees the new value. See also setenv, resetenv, and unsetenv.


Keyword prealloc-fd can be used with these sections: global

Performs a one-time open of the maximum file descriptor which results in a pre-allocation of the kernel's data structures. This prevents short pauses when nbthread>1 and HAProxy opens a file descriptor which requires the kernel to expand its data structures.

#resetenv [<name> ...]

Keyword resetenv can be used with these sections: global

Removes all environment variables except the ones specified in argument. It allows to use a clean controlled environment before setting new values with setenv or unsetenv. Please note that some internal functions may make use of some environment variables, such as time manipulation functions, but also OpenSSL or even external checks. This must be used with extreme care and only after complete validation. The changes immediately take effect so that the next line in the configuration file sees the new environment. See also setenv, presetenv, and unsetenv.

#server-state-base <directory>

Keyword server-state-base can be used with these sections: global

Specifies the directory prefix to be prepended in front of all servers state file names which do not start with a '/'. See also server-state-file, load-server-state-from-file and server-state-file-name.

#server-state-file <file>

Keyword server-state-file can be used with these sections: global

Specifies the path to the file containing state of servers. If the path starts with a slash ('/'), it is considered absolute, otherwise it is considered relative to the directory specified using server-state-base (if set) or to the current directory. Before reloading HAProxy, it is possible to save the servers' current state using the stats command show servers state. The output of this command must be written in the file pointed by <file>. When starting up, before handling traffic, HAProxy will read, load and apply state for each server found in the file and available in its current running configuration. See also server-state-base and show servers state, load-server-state-from-file and server-state-file-name


Keyword set-dumpable can be used with these sections: global

This option is better left disabled by default and enabled only upon a developer's request. If it has been enabled, it may still be forcibly disabled by prefixing it with the no keyword. It has no impact on performance nor stability but will try hard to re-enable core dumps that were possibly disabled by file size limitations (ulimit -f), core size limitations (ulimit -c), or dumpability of a process after changing its UID/GID (such as /proc/sys/fs/suid_dumpable on Linux). Core dumps might still be limited by the current directory's permissions (check what directory the file is started from), the chroot directory's permission (it may be needed to temporarily disable the chroot directive or to move it to a dedicated writable location), or any other system-specific constraint. For example, some Linux flavours are notorious for replacing the default core file with a path to an executable not even installed on the system (check /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern). Often, simply writing core, core.%p or /var/log/core/core.%p addresses the issue. When trying to enable this option waiting for a rare issue to re-appear, it's often a good idea to first try to obtain such a dump by issuing, for example, kill -11 to the haproxy process and verify that it leaves a core where expected when dying.

#set-var <var-name> <expr>

Keyword set-var can be used with these sections: global

Sets the process-wide variable '<var-name>' to the result of the evaluation of the sample expression <expr>. The variable '<var-name>' may only be a process-wide variable (using the 'proc.' prefix). It works exactly like the 'set-var' action in TCP or HTTP rules except that the expression is evaluated at configuration parsing time and that the variable is instantly set. The sample fetch functions and converters permitted in the expression are only those using internal data, typically 'int(value)' or 'str(value)'. It is possible to reference previously allocated variables as well. These variables will then be readable (and modifiable) from the regular rule sets.

    set-var proc.current_state str(primary)
    set-var proc.prio int(100)
    set-var proc.threshold int(200),sub(proc.prio)  
#set-var-fmt <var-name> <fmt>

Keyword set-var-fmt can be used with these sections: global

Sets the process-wide variable '<var-name>' to the string resulting from the evaluation of the log-format <fmt>. The variable '<var-name>' may only be a process-wide variable (using the 'proc.' prefix). It works exactly like the 'set-var-fmt' action in TCP or HTTP rules except that the expression is evaluated at configuration parsing time and that the variable is instantly set. The sample fetch functions and converters permitted in the expression are only those using internal data, typically 'int(value)' or 'str(value)'. It is possible to reference previously allocated variables as well. These variables will then be readable (and modifiable) from the regular rule sets. Please see section 8.2.6 for details on the Custom log format syntax.

    set-var-fmt proc.current_state "primary"
    set-var-fmt proc.bootid        "%pid|%t"  
#setcap <name>[,<name>...]

Keyword setcap can be used with these sections: global

Sets a list of capabilities that must be preserved when starting and running either as a non-root user (uid > 0), or when starting with uid 0 (root) and switching then to a non-root. By default all permissions are lost by the uid switch, but some are often needed when trying to connect to a server from a foreign address during transparent proxying, or when binding to a port below 1024, e.g. when using tune.quic.socket-owner connection, resulting in setups running entirely under uid 0. Setting capabilities generally is a safer alternative, as only the required capabilities will be preserved. The feature is OS-specific and only enabled on Linux when USE_LINUX_CAP=1 is set at build time. The list of supported capabilities also depends on the OS and is enumerated by the error message displayed when an invalid capability name or an empty one is passed. Multiple capabilities may be passed, delimited by commas. Among those commonly used, cap_net_raw allows to transparently bind to a foreign address, and cap_net_bind_service allows to bind to a privileged port and may be used by QUIC. If the process is started and run under the same non-root user, needed capabilities should be set on haproxy binary file with setcap along with this keyword. For more details about setting capabilities on haproxy binary, please see chapter 13.1 Linux capabilities support in the Management guide.

    setcap cap_net_bind_service,cap_net_admin  
#setenv <name> <value>

Keyword setenv can be used with these sections: global

Sets environment variable <name> to value <value>. If the variable exists, it is overwritten. The changes immediately take effect so that the next line in the configuration file sees the new value. See also presetenv, resetenv, and unsetenv.

#ssl-default-bind-ciphers <ciphers>

Keyword ssl-default-bind-ciphers can be used with these sections: global

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It sets the default string describing the list of cipher algorithms (cipher suite) that are negotiated during the SSL/TLS handshake up to TLSv1.2 for all bind (3) lines which do not explicitly define theirs. The format of the string is defined in man 1 ciphers from OpenSSL man pages. For background information and recommendations see e.g. ( and ( For TLSv1.3 cipher configuration, please check the ssl-default-bind-ciphersuites keyword. Please check the bind (3) keyword for more information.

#ssl-default-bind-ciphersuites <ciphersuites>

Keyword ssl-default-bind-ciphersuites can be used with these sections: global

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in and OpenSSL 1.1.1 or later was used to build HAProxy. It sets the default string describing the list of cipher algorithms (cipher suite) that are negotiated during the TLSv1.3 handshake for all bind (3) lines which do not explicitly define theirs. The format of the string is defined in man 1 ciphers from OpenSSL man pages under the section ciphersuites (2). For cipher configuration for TLSv1.2 and earlier, please check the ssl-default-bind-ciphers keyword. This setting might accept TLSv1.2 ciphersuites however this is an undocumented behavior and not recommended as it could be inconsistent or buggy. The default TLSv1.3 ciphersuites of OpenSSL are: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256

TLSv1.3 only supports 5 ciphersuites:

  • TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256

  • TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384

  • TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256

  • TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256

  • TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256

Please check the bind (3) keyword for more information.

    ssl-default-bind-ciphers ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
    ssl-default-bind-ciphersuites TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256  
#ssl-default-bind-client-sigalgs <sigalgs>

Keyword ssl-default-bind-client-sigalgs can be used with these sections: global

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It sets the default string describing the list of signature algorithms related to client authentication for all bind (3) lines which do not explicitly define theirs. The format of the string is a colon-delimited list of signature algorithms. Each signature algorithm can use one of two forms: TLS1.3 signature scheme names (rsa_pss_rsae_sha256) or the public key algorithm + digest form (ECDSA+SHA256). A list can contain both forms. For more information on the format, see SSL_CTX_set1_client_sigalgs(3). A list of signature algorithms is also available in RFC8446 section 4.2.3 and in OpenSSL in the ssl/t1_lib.c file. This setting is not applicable to TLSv1.1 and earlier versions of the protocol as the signature algorithms aren't separately negotiated in these versions. It is not recommended to change this setting unless compatibility with a middlebox is required.

#ssl-default-bind-curves <curves>

Keyword ssl-default-bind-curves can be used with these sections: global

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It sets the default string describing the list of elliptic curves algorithms (curve suite) that are negotiated during the SSL/TLS handshake with ECDHE. The format of the string is a colon-delimited list of curve name. Please check the bind (3) keyword for more information.

#ssl-default-bind-options [<option>]...

Keyword ssl-default-bind-options can be used with these sections: global

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It sets default ssl-options to force on all bind (3) lines. Please check the bind (3) keyword to see available options.

   ssl-default-bind-options ssl-min-ver TLSv1.0 no-tls-tickets  
#ssl-default-bind-sigalgs <sigalgs>

Keyword ssl-default-bind-sigalgs can be used with these sections: global

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It sets the default string describing the list of signature algorithms that are negotiated during the TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3 handshake for all bind (3) lines which do not explicitly define theirs. The format of the string is a colon-delimited list of signature algorithms. Each signature algorithm can use one of two forms: TLS1.3 signature scheme names (rsa_pss_rsae_sha256) or the public key algorithm + digest form (ECDSA+SHA256). A list can contain both forms. For more information on the format, see SSL_CTX_set1_sigalgs(3). A list of signature algorithms is also available in RFC8446 section 4.2.3 and in OpenSSL in the ssl/t1_lib.c file. This setting is not applicable to TLSv1.1 and earlier versions of the protocol as the signature algorithms aren't separately negotiated in these versions. It is not recommended to change this setting unless compatibility with a middlebox is required.

#ssl-default-server-ciphers <ciphers>

Keyword ssl-default-server-ciphers can be used with these sections: global

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It sets the default string describing the list of cipher algorithms that are negotiated during the SSL/TLS handshake up to TLSv1.2 with the server, for all server (3) lines which do not explicitly define theirs. The format of the string is defined in man 1 ciphers from OpenSSL man pages. For background information and recommendations see e.g. ( and ( For TLSv1.3 cipher configuration, please check the ssl-default-server-ciphersuites keyword. Please check the server (3) keyword for more information.

#ssl-default-server-ciphersuites <ciphersuites>

Keyword ssl-default-server-ciphersuites can be used with these sections: global

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in and OpenSSL 1.1.1 or later was used to build HAProxy. It sets the default string describing the list of cipher algorithms that are negotiated during the TLSv1.3 handshake with the server, for all server (3) lines which do not explicitly define theirs. The format of the string is defined in man 1 ciphers from OpenSSL man pages under the section ciphersuites (2). For cipher configuration for TLSv1.2 and earlier, please check the ssl-default-server-ciphers keyword. Please check the server (3) keyword for more information.

#ssl-default-server-client-sigalgs <sigalgs>

Keyword ssl-default-server-client-sigalgs can be used with these sections: global

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It sets the default string describing the list of signature algorithms related to client authentication for all server (3) lines which do not explicitly define theirs. The format of the string is a colon-delimited list of signature algorithms. Each signature algorithm can use one of two forms: TLS1.3 signature scheme names (rsa_pss_rsae_sha256) or the public key algorithm + digest form (ECDSA+SHA256). A list can contain both forms. For more information on the format, see SSL_CTX_set1_client_sigalgs(3). A list of signature algorithms is also available in RFC8446 section 4.2.3 and in OpenSSL in the ssl/t1_lib.c file. This setting is not applicable to TLSv1.1 and earlier versions of the protocol as the signature algorithms aren't separately negotiated in these versions. It is not recommended to change this setting unless compatibility with a middlebox is required.

#ssl-default-server-curves <curves>

Keyword ssl-default-server-curves can be used with these sections: global

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It sets the default string describing the list of elliptic curves algorithms (curve suite) that are negotiated during the SSL/TLS handshake with ECDHE. The format of the string is a colon-delimited list of curve name. Please check the server (3) keyword for more information.

#ssl-default-server-options [<option>]...

Keyword ssl-default-server-options can be used with these sections: global

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It sets default ssl-options to force on all server (3) lines. Please check the server (3) keyword to see available options.

#ssl-default-server-sigalgs <sigalgs>

Keyword ssl-default-server-sigalgs can be used with these sections: global

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It sets the default string describing the list of signature algorithms that are negotiated during the TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3 handshake for all server (3) lines which do not explicitly define theirs. The format of the string is a colon-delimited list of signature algorithms. Each signature algorithm can use one of two forms: TLS1.3 signature scheme names (rsa_pss_rsae_sha256) or the public key algorithm + digest form (ECDSA+SHA256). A list can contain both forms. For more information on the format, see SSL_CTX_set1_sigalgs(3). A list of signature algorithms is also available in RFC8446 section 4.2.3 and in OpenSSL in the ssl/t1_lib.c file. This setting is not applicable to TLSv1.1 and earlier versions of the protocol as the signature algorithms aren't separately negotiated in these versions. It is not recommended to change this setting unless compatibility with a middlebox is required.

#ssl-dh-param-file <file>

Keyword ssl-dh-param-file can be used with these sections: global

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It sets the default DH parameters that are used during the SSL/TLS handshake when ephemeral Diffie-Hellman (DHE) key exchange is used, for all bind (3) lines which do not explicitly define theirs. It will be overridden by custom DH parameters found in a bind certificate file if any. If custom DH parameters are not specified either by using ssl-dh-param-file or by setting them directly in the certificate file, DHE ciphers will not be used, unless tune.ssl.default-dh-param is set. In this latter case, pre-defined DH parameters of the specified size will be used. Custom parameters are known to be more secure and therefore their use is recommended. Custom DH parameters may be generated by using the OpenSSL command "openssl dhparam <size>", where size should be at least 2048, as 1024-bit DH parameters should not be considered secure anymore.

#ssl-propquery <query>

Keyword ssl-propquery can be used with these sections: global

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in and when OpenSSL's version is at least 3.0. It allows to define a default property string used when fetching algorithms in providers. It behave the same way as the openssl propquery option and it follows the same syntax (described in For instance, if you have two providers loaded, the foo one and the default one, the propquery ?provider=foo allows to pick the algorithm implementations provided by the foo provider by default, and to fallback on the default provider's one if it was not found.

#ssl-provider <name>

Keyword ssl-provider can be used with these sections: global

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in and when OpenSSL's version is at least 3.0. It allows to load a provider during init. If loading is successful, any capabilities provided by the loaded provider might be used by HAProxy. Multiple 'ssl-provider' options can be specified in a configuration file. The providers will be loaded in their order of appearance.

Please note that loading a provider explicitly prevents OpenSSL from loading the 'default' provider automatically. OpenSSL also allows to define the providers that should be loaded directly in its configuration file (openssl.cnf for instance) so it is not necessary to use this 'ssl-provider' option to load providers. The show ssl providers CLI command can be used to show all the providers that were successfully loaded.

The default search path of OpenSSL provider can be found in the output of the openssl version -a command. If the provider is in another directory, you can set the OPENSSL_MODULES environment variable, which takes the directory where your provider can be found.

See also ssl-propquery and ssl-provider-path.

#ssl-provider-path <path>

Keyword ssl-provider-path can be used with these sections: global

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in and when OpenSSL's version is at least 3.0. It allows to specify the search path that is to be used by OpenSSL for looking for providers. It behaves the same way as the OPENSSL_MODULES environment variable. It will be used for any following 'ssl-provider' option or until a new 'ssl-provider-path' is defined. See also ssl-provider.


Keyword ssl-load-extra-del-ext can be used with these sections: global

This setting allows to configure the way HAProxy does the lookup for the extra SSL files. By default HAProxy adds a new extension to the filename. (ex: with foobar.crt load foobar.crt.key). With this option enabled, HAProxy removes the extension before adding the new one (ex: with foobar.crt load foobar.key).

Your crt file must have a .crt extension for this option to work.

This option is not compatible with bundle extensions (.ecdsa, .rsa. .dsa) and won't try to remove them.

This option is disabled by default. See also ssl-load-extra-files.

#ssl-load-extra-files <none|all|bundle|sctl|ocsp|issuer|key>*

Keyword ssl-load-extra-files can be used with these sections: global

This setting alters the way HAProxy will look for unspecified files during the loading of the SSL certificates. This option applies to certificates associated to bind (3) lines as well as server (3) lines but some of the extra files will not have any functional impact for server (3) line certificates.

By default, HAProxy discovers automatically a lot of files not specified in the configuration, and you may want to disable this behavior if you want to optimize the startup time.

none: Only load the files specified in the configuration. Don't try to load a certificate bundle if the file does not exist. In the case of a directory, it won't try to bundle the certificates if they have the same basename.

all: This is the default behavior, it will try to load everything, bundles, sctl, ocsp, issuer, key.

bundle: When a file specified in the configuration does not exist, HAProxy will try to load a cert bundle. Certificate bundles are only managed on the frontend side and will not work for backend certificates.

Starting from HAProxy 2.3, the bundles are not loaded in the same OpenSSL certificate store, instead it will loads each certificate in a separate store which is equivalent to declaring multiple crt (3). OpenSSL 1.1.1 is required to achieve this. Which means that bundles are now used only for backward compatibility and are not mandatory anymore to do an hybrid RSA/ECC bind configuration.

To associate these PEM files into a cert bundle that is recognized by HAProxy, they must be named in the following way: All PEM files that are to be bundled must have the same base name, with a suffix indicating the key type. Currently, three suffixes are supported: rsa, dsa and ecdsa. For example, if has two PEM files, an RSA file and an ECDSA file, they must be named: example.pem.rsa and example.pem.ecdsa. The first part of the filename is arbitrary; only the suffix matters. To load this bundle into HAProxy, specify the base name only:

Example : bind :8443 ssl crt example.pem

Note that the suffix is not given to HAProxy; this tells HAProxy to look for a cert bundle.

HAProxy will load all PEM files in the bundle as if they were configured separately in several crt (3).

The bundle loading does not have an impact anymore on the directory loading since files are loading separately.

On the CLI, bundles are seen as separate files, and the bundle extension is required to commit them.

OCSP files (.ocsp), issuer files (.issuer), Certificate Transparency (.sctl) as well as private keys (.key) are supported with multi-cert bundling.

sctl: Try to load "<basename>.sctl" for each crt keyword. If provided for a backend certificate, it will be loaded but will not have any functional impact.

ocsp: Try to load "<basename>.ocsp" for each crt keyword. If provided for a backend certificate, it will be loaded but will not have any functional impact.

issuer: Try to load "<basename>.issuer" if the issuer of the OCSP file is not provided in the PEM file. If provided for a backend certificate, it will be loaded but will not have any functional impact.

key: If the private key was not provided by the PEM file, try to load a file "<basename>.key" containing a private key.

The default behavior is all.

ssl-load-extra-files bundle sctl
ssl-load-extra-files sctl ocsp issuer
ssl-load-extra-files none  

See also: crt (3), section 5.1 about bind options and section 5.2 about server options.

#ssl-security-level <number>

Keyword ssl-security-level can be used with these sections: global

This directive allows to chose the OpenSSL security level as described in The security level will be applied to every SSL contextes in HAProxy. Only a value between 0 and 5 is supported.

The default value depends on your OpenSSL version, distribution and how was compiled the library.

This directive requires at least OpenSSL 1.1.1.

#ssl-server-verify [none|required]

Keyword ssl-server-verify can be used with these sections: global

The default behavior for SSL verify on servers side. If specified to 'none', servers certificates are not verified. The default is 'required' except if forced using cmdline option '-dV'.


Keyword ssl-skip-self-issued-ca can be used with these sections: global

Self issued CA, aka x509 root CA, is the anchor for chain validation: as a server is useless to send it, client must have it. Standard configuration need to not include such CA in PEM file. This option allows you to keep such CA in PEM file without sending it to the client. Use case is to provide issuer for ocsp without the need for '.issuer' file and be able to share it with 'issuers-chain-path'. This concerns all certificates without intermediate certificates. It's useless for BoringSSL, .issuer is ignored because ocsp bits does not need it. Requires at least OpenSSL 1.0.2.

#stats maxconn <connections>

Keyword stats can be used with these sections: global

By default, the stats socket is limited to 10 concurrent connections. It is possible to change this value with stats maxconn.

#stats socket [<address:port>|<path>] [param*]

Keyword stats can be used with these sections: global

Binds a UNIX socket to <path> or a TCPv4/v6 address to <address:port>. Connections to this socket will return various statistics outputs and even allow some commands to be issued to change some runtime settings. Please consult section 9.3 Unix Socket commands of Management Guide for more details.

All parameters supported by bind (3) lines are supported, for instance to restrict access to some users or their access rights. Please consult section 5.1 for more information.

#stats timeout <timeout, in milliseconds>

Keyword stats can be used with these sections: global

The default timeout on the stats socket is set to 10 seconds. It is possible to change this value with stats timeout. The value must be passed in milliseconds, or be suffixed by a time unit among { us, ms, s, m, h, d }.

#stats-file <path>

Keyword stats-file can be used with these sections: global

Path to a generated haproxy stats-file. On startup haproxy will preload the values to its internal counters. Use the CLI command dump stats-file to produce such stats-file. See the management manual for more details.


Keyword strict-limits can be used with these sections: global

Makes process fail at startup when a setrlimit fails. HAProxy tries to set the best setrlimit according to what has been calculated. If it fails, it will emit a warning. This option is here to guarantee an explicit failure of HAProxy when those limits fail. It is enabled by default. It may still be forcibly disabled by prefixing it with the no keyword.

#thread-group <group> [<thread-range>...]

Keyword thread-group can be used with these sections: global

This setting is only available when support for threads was built in. It enumerates the list of threads that will compose thread group <group>. Thread numbers and group numbers start at 1. Thread ranges are defined either using a single thread number at once, or by specifying the lower and upper bounds delimited by a dash '-' (e.g. 1-16). Unassigned threads will be automatically assigned to unassigned thread groups, and thread groups defined with this directive will never receive more threads than those defined. Defining the same group multiple times overrides previous definitions with the new one. See also nbthread and thread-groups.

#thread-groups <number>

Keyword thread-groups can be used with these sections: global

This setting is only available when support for threads was built in. It makes HAProxy split its threads into <number> independent groups. At the moment, the default value is 1. Thread groups make it possible to reduce sharing between threads to limit contention, at the expense of some extra configuration efforts. It is also the only way to use more than 64 threads since up to 64 threads per group may be configured. The maximum number of groups is configured at compile time and defaults to 16. See also nbthread.

#thread-hard-limit <number>

Keyword thread-hard-limit can be used with these sections: global

This setting is used to enforce a limit to the number of threads, either detected, or configured. This is particularly useful on operating systems where the number of threads is automatically detected, where a number of threads lower than the number of CPUs is desired in generic and portable configurations. Indeed, while nbthread enforces a number of threads that will result in a warning and bad performance if higher than CPUs available, thread-hard-limit will only cap the maximum value and automatically limit the number of threads to no higher than this value, but will not raise lower values. If nbthread is forced to a higher value, thread-hard-limit wins, and a warning is emitted in so that the configuration anomaly can be fixed. By default there is no limit. See also nbthread.

#uid <number>

Keyword uid can be used with these sections: global

Changes the process's user ID to <number>. It is recommended that the user ID is dedicated to HAProxy or to a small set of similar daemons. HAProxy must be started with superuser privileges in order to be able to switch to another one. See also gid (2) and user (4).

#ulimit-n <number>

Keyword ulimit-n can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum number of per-process file-descriptors to <number>. By default, it is automatically computed, so it is recommended not to use this option. If the intent is only to limit the number of file descriptors, better use fd-hard-limit instead.

Note that the dynamic servers are not taken into account in this automatic resource calculation. If using a large number of them, it may be needed to manually specify this value.

See also: fd-hard-limit, maxconn

#unix-bind [ prefix <prefix> ] [ mode <mode> ] [ user <user> ] [ uid <uid> ] [ group <group> ] [ gid <gid> ]

Keyword unix-bind can be used with these sections: global

Fixes common settings to UNIX listening sockets declared in bind (3) statements. This is mainly used to simplify declaration of those UNIX sockets and reduce the risk of errors, since those settings are most commonly required but are also process-specific. The <prefix> setting can be used to force all socket path to be relative to that directory. This might be needed to access another component's chroot. Note that those paths are resolved before HAProxy chroots itself, so they are absolute. The <mode>, <user>, <uid>, <group> and <gid> all have the same meaning as their homonyms used by the bind (3) statement. If both are specified, the bind (3) statement has priority, meaning that the unix-bind settings may be seen as process-wide default settings.

#unsetenv [<name> ...]

Keyword unsetenv can be used with these sections: global

Removes environment variables specified in arguments. This can be useful to hide some sensitive information that are occasionally inherited from the user's environment during some operations. Variables which did not exist are silently ignored so that after the operation, it is certain that none of these variables remain. The changes immediately take effect so that the next line in the configuration file will not see these variables. See also setenv, presetenv, and resetenv.

#user <user name>

Keyword user can be used with these sections: global

Similar to uid (2) but uses the UID of user name <user name> from /etc/passwd. See also uid (2) and group (4).

#node <name>

Keyword node can be used with these sections: global

Only letters, digits, hyphen and underscore are allowed, like in DNS names.

This statement is useful in HA configurations where two or more processes or servers share the same IP address. By setting a different node-name on all nodes, it becomes easy to immediately spot what server is handling the traffic.

#wurfl-cache-size <size>

Keyword wurfl-cache-size can be used with these sections: global

Sets the WURFL Useragent cache size. For faster lookups, already processed user agents are kept in a LRU cache :

  • 0 : no cache is used.

  • <size> : size of lru cache in elements.

Please note that this option is only available when HAProxy has been compiled with USE_WURFL=1.

#wurfl-data-file <file path>

Keyword wurfl-data-file can be used with these sections: global

The path of the WURFL data file to provide device detection services. The file should be accessible by HAProxy with relevant permissions.

Please note that this option is only available when HAProxy has been compiled with USE_WURFL=1.

#wurfl-information-list [<capability>]*

Keyword wurfl-information-list can be used with these sections: global

A space-delimited list of WURFL capabilities, virtual capabilities, property names we plan to use in injected headers. A full list of capability and virtual capability names is available on the Scientiamobile website :

Valid WURFL properties are:

  • wurfl_id Contains the device ID of the matched device.

  • wurfl_root_id Contains the device root ID of the matched device.

  • wurfl_isdevroot Tells if the matched device is a root device. Possible values are TRUE or FALSE.

  • wurfl_useragent The original useragent coming with this particular web request.

  • wurfl_api_version Contains a string representing the currently used Libwurfl API version.

  • wurfl_info A string containing information on the parsed wurfl.xml and its full path.

  • wurfl_last_load_time Contains the UNIX timestamp of the last time WURFL has been loaded successfully.

  • wurfl_normalized_useragent The normalized useragent.

Please note that this option is only available when HAProxy has been compiled with USE_WURFL=1.

#wurfl-information-list-separator <char>

Keyword wurfl-information-list-separator can be used with these sections: global

A char that will be used to separate values in a response header containing WURFL results. If not set that a comma (',') will be used by default.

Please note that this option is only available when HAProxy has been compiled with USE_WURFL=1.

#wurfl-patch-file [<file path>]

Keyword wurfl-patch-file can be used with these sections: global

A list of WURFL patch file paths. Note that patches are loaded during startup thus before the chroot.

Please note that this option is only available when HAProxy has been compiled with USE_WURFL=1.

#3.2. Performance tuning


Keyword busy-polling can be used with these sections: global

In some situations, especially when dealing with low latency on processors supporting a variable frequency or when running inside virtual machines, each time the process waits for an I/O using the poller, the processor goes back to sleep or is offered to another VM for a long time, and it causes excessively high latencies. This option provides a solution preventing the processor from sleeping by always using a null timeout on the pollers. This results in a significant latency reduction (30 to 100 microseconds observed) at the expense of a risk to overheat the processor. It may even be used with threads, in which case improperly bound threads may heavily conflict, resulting in a worse performance and high values for the CPU stolen fields in show info output, indicating which threads are misconfigured. It is important not to let the process run on the same processor as the network interrupts when this option is used. It is also better to avoid using it on multiple CPU threads sharing the same core. This option is disabled by default. If it has been enabled, it may still be forcibly disabled by prefixing it with the no keyword. It is ignored by the select and poll pollers.

This option is automatically disabled on old processes in the context of seamless reload; it avoids too much cpu conflicts when multiple processes stay around for some time waiting for the end of their current connections.

#max-spread-checks <delay in milliseconds>

Keyword max-spread-checks can be used with these sections: global

By default, HAProxy tries to spread the start of health checks across the smallest health check interval of all the servers in a farm. The principle is to avoid hammering services running on the same server. But when using large check intervals (10 seconds or more), the last servers in the farm take some time before starting to be tested, which can be a problem. This parameter is used to enforce an upper bound on delay between the first and the last check, even if the servers' check intervals are larger. When servers run with shorter intervals, their intervals will be respected though.

#maxcompcpuusage <number>

Keyword maxcompcpuusage can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum CPU usage HAProxy can reach before stopping the compression for new requests or decreasing the compression level of current requests. It works like 'maxcomprate' but measures CPU usage instead of incoming data bandwidth. The value is expressed in percent of the CPU used by HAProxy. A value of 100 disable the limit. The default value is 100. Setting a lower value will prevent the compression work from slowing the whole process down and from introducing high latencies.

#maxcomprate <number>

Keyword maxcomprate can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum per-process input compression rate to <number> kilobytes per second. For each stream, if the maximum is reached, the compression level will be decreased during the stream. If the maximum is reached at the beginning of a stream, the stream will not compress at all. If the maximum is not reached, the compression level will be increased up to tune.comp.maxlevel. A value of zero means there is no limit, this is the default value.

#maxconn <number>

Keyword maxconn can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum per-process number of concurrent connections to <number>. It is equivalent to the command-line argument -n. The value provided in command-line argument via -n takes the precedence over the maxconn value set in the global section. Haproxy process could be also compiled with SYSTEM_MAXCONN compile-time variable, which is served in this case as the system maxconn maximum. Again, the command-line -n argument allows at runtime to bypass SYSTEM_MAXCONN limit, if set. Proxies will stop accepting connections when maxconn is reached. The process soft file descriptor limit (could be obtained with ulimit -n command) is automatically adjusted according to provided maxconn. See also ulimit-n. Note: the select poller cannot reliably use more than 1024 file descriptors on some platforms. If your platform only supports select and reports select FAILED on startup, you need to reduce the maxconn until it works (slightly below 500 in general). If maxconn value is not set, it will be automatically calculated based on the current file descriptors limits, reported by the ulimit -nH command (we take the maximum between the hard and soft values), then automatic value will be possibly reduced by fd-hard-limit and by memory limit, if the latter was enforced via -m command line option. Automatic value is also dependent from the buffer size, memory allocated to compression, SSL cache size, and the use or not of SSL and the associated maxsslconn (which can also be automatic).

See also: fd-hard-limit, ulimit-n

#maxconnrate <number>

Keyword maxconnrate can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum per-process number of connections per second to <number>. Proxies will stop accepting connections when this limit is reached. It can be used to limit the global capacity regardless of each frontend capacity. It is important to note that this can only be used as a service protection measure, as there will not necessarily be a fair share between frontends when the limit is reached, so it's a good idea to also limit each frontend to some value close to its expected share. Also, lowering tune.maxaccept can improve fairness.

#maxpipes <number>

Keyword maxpipes can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum per-process number of pipes to <number>. Currently, pipes are only used by kernel-based tcp splicing. Since a pipe contains two file descriptors, the ulimit-n value will be increased accordingly. The default value is maxconn/4, which seems to be more than enough for most heavy usages. The splice code dynamically allocates and releases pipes, and can fall back to standard copy, so setting this value too low may only impact performance.

#maxsessrate <number>

Keyword maxsessrate can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum per-process number of sessions per second to <number>. Proxies will stop accepting connections when this limit is reached. It can be used to limit the global capacity regardless of each frontend capacity. It is important to note that this can only be used as a service protection measure, as there will not necessarily be a fair share between frontends when the limit is reached, so it's a good idea to also limit each frontend to some value close to its expected share. Also, lowering tune.maxaccept can improve fairness.

#maxsslconn <number>

Keyword maxsslconn can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum per-process number of concurrent SSL connections to <number>. By default there is no SSL-specific limit, which means that the global maxconn setting will apply to all connections. Setting this limit avoids having openssl use too much memory and crash when malloc returns NULL (since it unfortunately does not reliably check for such conditions). Note that the limit applies both to incoming and outgoing connections, so one connection which is deciphered then ciphered accounts for 2 SSL connections. If this value is not set, but a memory limit is enforced, this value will be automatically computed based on the memory limit, maxconn, the buffer size, memory allocated to compression, SSL cache size, and use of SSL in either frontends, backends or both. If neither maxconn nor maxsslconn are specified when there is a memory limit, HAProxy will automatically adjust these values so that 100% of the connections can be made over SSL with no risk, and will consider the sides where it is enabled (frontend, backend, both).

#maxsslrate <number>

Keyword maxsslrate can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum per-process number of SSL sessions per second to <number>. SSL listeners will stop accepting connections when this limit is reached. It can be used to limit the global SSL CPU usage regardless of each frontend capacity. It is important to note that this can only be used as a service protection measure, as there will not necessarily be a fair share between frontends when the limit is reached, so it's a good idea to also limit each frontend to some value close to its expected share. It is also important to note that the sessions are accounted before they enter the SSL stack and not after, which also protects the stack against bad handshakes. Also, lowering tune.maxaccept can improve fairness.

#maxzlibmem <number>

Keyword maxzlibmem can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum amount of RAM in megabytes per process usable by the zlib. When the maximum amount is reached, future streams will not compress as long as RAM is unavailable. When sets to 0, there is no limit. The default value is 0. The value is available in bytes on the UNIX socket with show info on the line MaxZlibMemUsage, the memory used by zlib is ZlibMemUsage in bytes.


Keyword no-memory-trimming can be used with these sections: global

Disables memory trimming (malloc_trim) at a few moments where attempts are made to reclaim lots of memory (on memory shortage or on reload). Trimming memory forces the system's allocator to scan all unused areas and to release them. This is generally seen as nice action to leave more available memory to a new process while the old one is unlikely to make significant use of it. But some systems dealing with tens to hundreds of thousands of concurrent connections may experience a lot of memory fragmentation, that may render this release operation extremely long. During this time, no more traffic passes through the process, new connections are not accepted anymore, some health checks may even fail, and the watchdog may even trigger and kill the unresponsive process, leaving a huge core dump. If this ever happens, then it is suggested to use this option to disable trimming and stop trying to be nice with the new process. Note that advanced memory allocators usually do not suffer from such a problem.


Keyword noepoll can be used with these sections: global

Disables the use of the epoll event polling system on Linux. It is equivalent to the command-line argument -de. The next polling system used will generally be poll. See also nopoll.


Keyword noevports can be used with these sections: global

Disables the use of the event ports event polling system on SunOS systems derived from Solaris 10 and later. It is equivalent to the command-line argument -dv. The next polling system used will generally be poll. See also nopoll.


Keyword nogetaddrinfo can be used with these sections: global

Disables the use of getaddrinfo(3) for name resolving. It is equivalent to the command line argument -dG. Deprecated gethostbyname(3) will be used.


Keyword nokqueue can be used with these sections: global

Disables the use of the kqueue event polling system on BSD. It is equivalent to the command-line argument -dk. The next polling system used will generally be poll. See also nopoll.


Keyword nopoll can be used with these sections: global

Disables the use of the poll event polling system. It is equivalent to the command-line argument -dp. The next polling system used will be select. It should never be needed to disable poll since it's available on all platforms supported by HAProxy. See also nokqueue, noepoll and noevports.


Keyword noreuseport can be used with these sections: global

Disables the use of SO_REUSEPORT - see socket(7). It is equivalent to the command line argument -dR.


Keyword nosplice can be used with these sections: global

Disables the use of kernel tcp splicing between sockets on Linux. It is equivalent to the command line argument -dS. Data will then be copied using conventional and more portable recv/send calls. Kernel tcp splicing is limited to some very recent instances of kernel 2.6. Most versions between 2.6.25 and 2.6.28 are buggy and will forward corrupted data, so they must not be used. This option makes it easier to globally disable kernel splicing in case of doubt. See also option splice-auto, option splice-request and option splice-response.

#profiling.memory { on | off }

Keyword profiling.memory can be used with these sections: global

Enables ('on') or disables ('off') per-function memory profiling. This will keep usage statistics of malloc/calloc/realloc/free calls anywhere in the process (including libraries) which will be reported on the CLI using the show profiling command. This is essentially meant to be used when an abnormal memory usage is observed that cannot be explained by the pools and other info are required. The performance hit will typically be around 1%, maybe a bit more on highly threaded machines, so it is normally suitable for use in production. The same may be achieved at run time on the CLI using the set profiling memory command, please consult the management manual.

#profiling.tasks { auto | on | off }

Keyword profiling.tasks can be used with these sections: global

Enables ('on') or disables ('off') per-task CPU profiling. When set to 'auto' the profiling automatically turns on a thread when it starts to suffer from an average latency of 1000 microseconds or higher as reported in the avg_loop_us activity field, and automatically turns off when the latency returns below 990 microseconds (this value is an average over the last 1024 loops so it does not vary quickly and tends to significantly smooth short spikes). It may also spontaneously trigger from time to time on overloaded systems, containers, or virtual machines, or when the system swaps (which must absolutely never happen on a load balancer).

CPU profiling per task can be very convenient to report where the time is spent and which requests have what effect on which other request. Enabling it will typically affect the overall's performance by less than 1%, thus it is recommended to leave it to the default 'auto' value so that it only operates when a problem is identified. This feature requires a system supporting the clock_gettime(2) syscall with clock identifiers CLOCK_MONOTONIC and CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, otherwise the reported time will be zero. This option may be changed at run time using set profiling on the CLI.

#spread-checks <0..50, in percent>

Keyword spread-checks can be used with these sections: global

Sometimes it is desirable to avoid sending agent and health checks to servers at exact intervals, for instance when many logical servers are located on the same physical server. With the help of this parameter, it becomes possible to add some randomness in the check interval between 0 and +/- 50%. A value between 2 and 5 seems to show good results. The default value remains at 0.

#ssl-engine <name> [algo <comma-separated list of algorithms>]

Keyword ssl-engine can be used with these sections: global

Sets the OpenSSL engine to <name>. List of valid values for <name> may be obtained using the command openssl engine. This statement may be used multiple times, it will simply enable multiple crypto engines. Referencing an unsupported engine will prevent HAProxy from starting. Note that many engines will lead to lower HTTPS performance than pure software with recent processors. The optional command algo sets the default algorithms an ENGINE will supply using the OPENSSL function ENGINE_set_default_string(). A value of ALL uses the engine for all cryptographic operations. If no list of algo is specified then the value of ALL is used. A comma-separated list of different algorithms may be specified, including: RSA, DSA, DH, EC, RAND, CIPHERS, DIGESTS, PKEY, PKEY_CRYPTO, PKEY_ASN1. This is the same format that openssl configuration file uses:

HAProxy Version 2.6 disabled the support for engines in the default build. This option is only available when HAProxy has been built with support for it. In case the ssl-engine is required HAProxy can be rebuild with the USE_ENGINE=1 flag.


Keyword ssl-mode-async can be used with these sections: global

Adds SSL_MODE_ASYNC mode to the SSL context. This enables asynchronous TLS I/O operations if asynchronous capable SSL engines are used. The current implementation supports a maximum of 32 engines. The Openssl ASYNC API doesn't support moving read/write buffers and is not compliant with HAProxy's buffer management. So the asynchronous mode is disabled on read/write operations (it is only enabled during initial and renegotiation handshakes). { on | off }

Keyword can be used with these sections: global

Enables ('on') of disabled ('off') the zero-copy forwarding of data for the applets. It is enabled by default.

See also: tune.disable-zero-copy-forwarding.

#tune.buffers.limit <number>

Keyword tune.buffers.limit can be used with these sections: global

Sets a hard limit on the number of buffers which may be allocated per process. The default value is zero which means unlimited. The limit will automatically be re-adjusted to satisfy the reserved buffers for emergency situations so that the user doesn't have to perform complicated calculations. Forcing this value can be particularly useful to limit the amount of memory a process may take, while retaining a sane behavior. When this limit is reached, a task that requests a buffer waits for another one to be released first. Most of the time the waiting time is very short and not perceptible provided that limits remain reasonable. However, some historical limitations have weakened this mechanism over versions and it is known that in certain situations of sustained shortage, some tasks may freeze until their timeout expires, so it is safer to avoid using this when not strictly necessary.

#tune.buffers.reserve <number>

Keyword tune.buffers.reserve can be used with these sections: global

Sets the number of per-thread buffers which are pre-allocated and reserved for use only during memory shortage conditions resulting in failed memory allocations. The minimum value is 0 and the default is 4. There is no reason a user would want to change this value, unless a core developer suggests to change it for a very specific reason.

#tune.bufsize <size>

Keyword tune.bufsize can be used with these sections: global

Sets the buffer size to this size (in bytes). Lower values allow more streams to coexist in the same amount of RAM, and higher values allow some applications with very large cookies to work. The default value is 16384 and can be changed at build time. It is strongly recommended not to change this from the default value, as very low values will break some services such as statistics, and values larger than default size will increase memory usage, possibly causing the system to run out of memory. At least the global maxconn parameter should be decreased by the same factor as this one is increased. In addition, use of HTTP/2 mandates that this value must be 16384 or more. If an HTTP request is larger than (tune.bufsize - tune.maxrewrite), HAProxy will return HTTP 400 (Bad Request) error. Similarly if an HTTP response is larger than this size, HAProxy will return HTTP 502 (Bad Gateway). Note that the value set using this parameter will automatically be rounded up to the next multiple of 8 on 32-bit machines and 16 on 64-bit machines.

#tune.bufsize.small <size>

Keyword tune.bufsize.small can be used with these sections: global

Sets the size in bytes for small buffers. The defaults value is 1024.

These buffers are designed to be used in some specific contexts where memory consumption is restrained but it seems unnecessary to allocate a full buffer. If however a small buffer is not sufficient, a reallocation is automatically done to switch to a standard size buffer.

For the moment, it is used only by HTTP/3 protocol to emit the response headers.

#tune.comp.maxlevel <number>

Keyword tune.comp.maxlevel can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum compression level. The compression level affects CPU usage during compression. This value affects CPU usage during compression. Each stream using compression initializes the compression algorithm with this value. The default value is 1.

#tune.disable-fast-forward EXPERIMENTAL

Keyword tune.disable-fast-forward can be used with these sections: global

Disables the data fast-forwarding. It is a mechanism to optimize the data forwarding by passing data directly from a side to the other one without waking the stream up. Thanks to this directive, it is possible to disable this optimization. Note it also disable any kernel tcp splicing but also the zero-copy forwarding. This command is not meant for regular use, it will generally only be suggested by developers along complex debugging sessions. For this reason it is internally marked as experimental, meaning that expose-experimental-directives must appear on a line before this directive.


Keyword tune.disable-zero-copy-forwarding can be used with these sections: global

Globally disables the zero-copy forwarding of data. It is a mechanism to optimize the data fast-forwarding by avoiding to use the channel's buffer. Thanks to this directive, it is possible to disable this optimization. Note it also disable any kernel tcp splicing.

See also:,,,,,

#tune.epoll.mask-events <event[,...]>

Keyword tune.epoll.mask-events can be used with these sections: global

Along HAProxy's history, a few complex issues were met that were caused by bugs in the epoll mechanism in the Linux kernel. These ones usually are very rare and unreproducible outside the reporter's environment, and may only be worked around by disabling epoll and switching to poll instead, which is not very satisfying for high performance environments. Each time, issues affect only very specific (and rare) event types, and offering the ability to mask them can constitute a more acceptable work-around. This options offers this possibility by permitting to silently ignore events a few uncommon events and replace them with an input (which reports an unspecified incoming event). The effect is to avoid the fast error processing paths in certain places and only use the common paths. This should never be used unless being invited to do so by an expert in order to diagnose or work around a kernel bug.

The option takes a single argument which is a comma-delimited list of words each designating an event to be masked. The currently supported list of events is:

  • err: mask the EPOLLERR event

  • hup: mask the EPOLLHUP events

  • rdhup: mask the EPOLLRDHUP events

# mask all non-traffic epoll events:
tune.epoll.mask-events err,hup,rdhup <number>

Keyword can be used with these sections: global

Sets the number of events that may be processed at once by an asynchronous task handler (from event_hdl API). <number> should be included between 1 and 10000. Large number could cause thread contention as a result of the task doing heavy work without interruption, and on the other hand, small number could result in the task being constantly rescheduled because it cannot consume enough events per run and is not able to catch up with the event producer. The default value may be forced at build time, otherwise defaults to 100.

Keyword can be used with these sections: global

If compiled with DEBUG_FAIL_ALLOC or started with -dMfail, gives the percentage of chances an allocation attempt fails. Must be between 0 (no failure) and 100 (no success). This is useful to debug and make sure memory failures are handled gracefully. When not set, the ratio is 0. However the command-line -dMfail option automatically sets it to 1% failure rate so that it is not necessary to change the configuration for testing.

#tune.fd.edge-triggered { on | off } EXPERIMENTAL

Keyword tune.fd.edge-triggered can be used with these sections: global

Enables ('on') or disables ('off') the edge-triggered polling mode for FDs that support it. This is currently only support with epoll. It may noticeably reduce the number of epoll_ctl() calls and slightly improve performance in certain scenarios. This is still experimental, it may result in frozen connections if bugs are still present, and is disabled by default. { on | off }

Keyword can be used with these sections: global

Enables ('on') of disabled ('off') the zero-copy receives of data for the H1 multiplexer. It is enabled by default.

See also: tune.disable-zero-copy-forwarding, { on | off }

Keyword can be used with these sections: global

Enables ('on') of disabled ('off') the zero-copy sends of data for the H1 multiplexer. It is enabled by default.

See also: tune.disable-zero-copy-forwarding, <number>

Keyword can be used with these sections: global

Sets the threshold for the number of glitches on a backend connection, where that connection will automatically be killed. This allows to automatically kill misbehaving connections without having to write explicit rules for them. The default value is zero, indicating that no threshold is set so that no event will cause a connection to be closed. Beware that some H2 servers may occasionally cause a few glitches over long lasting connection, so any non- zero value here should probably be in the hundreds or thousands to be effective without affecting slightly bogus servers.

See also: tune.h2.fe.glitches-threshold, bc_glitches <number>

Keyword can be used with these sections: global

Sets the HTTP/2 initial window size for outgoing connections, which is the number of bytes the server can respond before waiting for an acknowledgment from HAProxy. This setting only affects payload contents, not headers. When not set, the common default value set by tune.h2.initial-window-size applies. It can make sense to slightly increase this value to allow faster downloads or to reduce CPU usage on the servers, at the expense of creating unfairness between clients. It is better to use instead, which does not cause any unfairness. It doesn't affect resource usage.

See also: tune.h2.initial-window-size. <number>

Keyword can be used with these sections: global

Sets the HTTP/2 maximum number of concurrent streams per outgoing connection (i.e. the number of outstanding requests on a single connection to a server). When not set, the default set by tune.h2.max-concurrent-streams applies. A smaller value than the default 100 may improve a site's responsiveness at the expense of maintaining more established connections to the servers. When the http-reuse setting is set to always, it is recommended to reduce this value so as not to mix too many different clients over the same connection, because if a client is slower than others, a mechanism known as head of line blocking tends to cause cascade effect on download speed for all clients sharing a connection (keep low in this case). It is highly recommended not to increase this value; some might find it optimal to run at low values (1..5 typically). <size>

Keyword can be used with these sections: global

Sets the HTTP/2 receive buffer size for outgoing connections, in bytes. This size will be rounded up to the next multiple of tune.bufsize and will be shared between all streams uploading data (both HEADERS and DATA frames). In any case, one buffer will always be granted to each stream, and 7/8 of the unused buffers will be shared between streams downloading payload, allowing to significantly improve upload performance and avoid head-of-line blocking (HoL) on backend connections shared between multiple clients when http-reuse is set to always. The advertised per-stream window is automatically adjusted to reflect the available space so that in practice it should not be required to touch If less than the size required to deal with all streams is set, this minimum will be used. The default value is about 1600k (100 streams with 16kB buffers each).

See also:, tune.h2.fe.rxbuf, http-reuse.

#tune.h2.fe.glitches-threshold <number>

Keyword tune.h2.fe.glitches-threshold can be used with these sections: global

Sets the threshold for the number of glitches on a frontend connection, where that connection will automatically be killed. This allows to automatically kill misbehaving connections without having to write explicit rules for them. The default value is zero, indicating that no threshold is set so that no event will cause a connection to be closed. Beware that some H2 clientss may occasionally cause a few glitches over long lasting connection, so any non- zero value here should probably be in the hundreds or thousands to be effective without affecting slightly bogus clients.

See also:, fc_glitches

#tune.h2.fe.initial-window-size <number>

Keyword tune.h2.fe.initial-window-size can be used with these sections: global

Sets the HTTP/2 initial window size for incoming connections, which is the number of bytes the client can upload before waiting for an acknowledgment from HAProxy. This setting only affects payload contents (i.e. the body of POST requests), not headers. When not set, the common default value set by tune.h2.initial-window-size applies. It can make sense to increase this value to allow faster uploads. The default value equals tune.bufsize (16384) and allows at least 1.25 Mbps of bandwidth per stream over a 100 ms ping time, and 125 Mbps for 1 ms ping time. It doesn't affect resource usage. Using too large values may cause clients to experience a lack of responsiveness if pages are accessed in parallel to large uploads. It is better to use tune.h2.fe.rxbuf instead, which does not cause any unfairness.

See also: tune.h2.initial-window-size.

#tune.h2.fe.max-concurrent-streams <number>

Keyword tune.h2.fe.max-concurrent-streams can be used with these sections: global

Sets the HTTP/2 maximum number of concurrent streams per incoming connection (i.e. the number of outstanding requests on a single connection from a client). When not set, the default set by tune.h2.max-concurrent-streams applies. A larger value than the default 100 may sometimes slightly improve the page load time for complex sites with lots of small objects over high latency networks but can also result in using more memory by allowing a client to allocate more resources at once. The default value of 100 is generally good and it is recommended not to change this value.

#tune.h2.fe.max-total-streams <number>

Keyword tune.h2.fe.max-total-streams can be used with these sections: global

Sets the HTTP/2 maximum number of total streams processed per incoming connection. Once this limit is reached, HAProxy will send a graceful GOAWAY frame informing the client that it will close the connection after all pending streams have been closed. In practice, clients tend to close as fast as possible when receiving this, and to establish a new connection for next requests. Doing this is sometimes useful and desired in situations where clients stay connected for a very long time and cause some imbalance inside a farm. For example, in some highly dynamic environments, it is possible that new load balancers are instantiated on the fly to adapt to a load increase, and that once the load goes down they should be stopped without breaking established connections. By setting a limit here, the connections will have a limited lifetime and will be frequently renewed, with some possibly being established to other nodes, so that existing resources are quickly released.

It's important to understand that there is an implicit relation between this limit and tune.h2.fe.max-concurrent-streams above. Indeed, HAProxy will always accept to process any possibly pending streams that might be in flight between the client and the frontend, so the advertised limit will always automatically be raised by the value configured in max-concurrent-streams, and this value will serve as a hard limit above which a violation by a non- compliant client will result in the connection being closed. Thus when counting the number of requests per connection from the logs, any number between max-total-streams and (max-total-streams + max-concurrent-streams) may be observed depending on how fast streams are created by the client.

The default value is zero, which enforces no limit beyond those implied by the protocol (2^30 ~= 1.07 billion). Values around 1000 may already cause frequent connection renewal without causing any perceptible latency to most clients. Setting it too low may result in an increase of CPU usage due to frequent TLS reconnections, in addition to increased page load time. Please note that some load testing tools do not support reconnections and may report errors with this setting; as such it may be needed to disable it when running performance benchmarks. See also tune.h2.fe.max-concurrent-streams.

#tune.h2.fe.rxbuf <size>

Keyword tune.h2.fe.rxbuf can be used with these sections: global

Sets the HTTP/2 receive buffer size for incoming connections, in bytes. This size will be rounded up to the next multiple of tune.bufsize and will be shared between all streams uploading data (both HEADERS and DATA frames). In any case, one buffer will always be granted to each stream, and 7/8 of the unused buffers will be shared between streams uploading payload, allowing to significantly improve upload performance. The advertised per-stream window is automatically adjusted to reflect the available space so that in practice it should not be required to touch tune.h2.fe.initial-window-size. If less than the size required to deal with all streams is set, this minimum will be used. The default value of 1600k (100 streams with 16kB buffers each) permits roughly 130 Mbps of upload speed for a client with a 100ms RTT.

See also: tune.h2.fe.initial-window-size and

#tune.h2.header-table-size <number>

Keyword tune.h2.header-table-size can be used with these sections: global

Sets the HTTP/2 dynamic header table size. It defaults to 4096 bytes and cannot be larger than 65536 bytes. A larger value may help certain clients send more compact requests, depending on their capabilities. This amount of memory is consumed for each HTTP/2 connection. It is recommended not to change it.

#tune.h2.initial-window-size <number>

Keyword tune.h2.initial-window-size can be used with these sections: global

Sets the default value for the HTTP/2 initial window size, on both incoming and outgoing connections. This value is used for incoming connections when tune.h2.fe.initial-window-size is not set, and by outgoing connections when is not set. This setting is used both as the initial value and as a minimum per stream. The default value equals 16384 (tune.bufsize), which for uploads roughly allows at least 1.25 Mbps of bandwidth per stream over a network showing a 100 ms ping time, or 125 Mbps over a 1-ms local network. When less receive buffers than the maximum are in use, within the limits defined by and tune.h2.fe.rxbuf, unused buffers will be shared between receiving streams. As such there is normally no point in changing this default setting. Given that changing this default value will both increase upload speeds and cause more unfairness between clients on downloads, it is recommended to instead use the side- specific settings tune.h2.fe.initial-window-size and

#tune.h2.max-concurrent-streams <number>

Keyword tune.h2.max-concurrent-streams can be used with these sections: global

Sets the default HTTP/2 maximum number of concurrent streams per connection (i.e. the number of outstanding requests on a single connection). This value is used for incoming connections when tune.h2.fe.max-concurrent-streams is not set, and for outgoing connections when is not set. The default value is 100. The impact varies depending on the side so please see the two settings above for more details. It is recommended not to use this setting and to switch to the per-side ones instead. A value of zero disables the limit so a single client may create as many streams as allocatable by HAProxy. It is highly recommended not to change this value.

#tune.h2.max-frame-size <number>

Keyword tune.h2.max-frame-size can be used with these sections: global

Sets the HTTP/2 maximum frame size that HAProxy announces it is willing to receive to its peers. The default value is the largest between 16384 and the buffer size (tune.bufsize). In any case, HAProxy will not announce support for frame sizes larger than buffers. The main purpose of this setting is to allow to limit the maximum frame size setting when using large buffers. Too large frame sizes might have performance impact or cause some peers to misbehave. It is highly recommended not to change this value. { on | off }

Keyword can be used with these sections: global

Enables ('on') of disabled ('off') the zero-copy sends of data for the H2 multiplexer. It is enabled by default.

See also: tune.disable-zero-copy-forwarding

#tune.http.cookielen <number>

Keyword tune.http.cookielen can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum length of captured cookies. This is the maximum value that the capture cookie xxx len yyy will be allowed to take, and any upper value will automatically be truncated to this one. It is important not to set too high a value because all cookie captures still allocate this size whatever their configured value (they share a same pool). This value is per request per response, so the memory allocated is twice this value per connection. When not specified, the limit is set to 63 characters. It is recommended not to change this value.

#tune.http.logurilen <number>

Keyword tune.http.logurilen can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum length of request URI in logs. This prevents truncating long request URIs with valuable query strings in log lines. This is not related to syslog limits. If you increase this limit, you may also increase the 'log ... len yyy' parameter. Your syslog daemon may also need specific configuration directives too. The default value is 1024.

#tune.http.maxhdr <number>

Keyword tune.http.maxhdr can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum number of headers allowed in received HTTP messages. When a message comes with a number of headers greater than this value (including the first line), it is rejected with a 400 Bad Request status code for a request, or 502 Bad Gateway for a response. The default value is 101, which is enough for all usages, considering that the widely deployed Apache server uses the same limit. It can be useful to push this limit further to temporarily allow a buggy application to work by the time it gets fixed. The accepted range is 1..32767. Keep in mind that each new header consumes 32bits of memory for each stream, so don't push this limit too high.

Note that HTTP/1.1 is a text protocol, so there is no special limit when the message is sent. The limit during the message parsing is sufficient. HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 are binary protocols and require an encoding step. A limit is set too when headers are encoded to comply to limitation imposed by the protocols. This limit is large enough but not documented on purpose. The same limit is applied on the first steps of the decoding for the same reason.

#tune.idle-pool.shared { on | off }

Keyword tune.idle-pool.shared can be used with these sections: global

Enables ('on') or disables ('off') sharing of idle connection pools between threads for a same server. The default is to share them between threads in order to minimize the number of persistent connections to a server, and to optimize the connection reuse rate. But to help with debugging or when suspecting a bug in HAProxy around connection reuse, it can be convenient to forcefully disable this idle pool sharing between multiple threads, and force this option to off. The default is on. It is strongly recommended against disabling this option without setting a conservative value on pool-low-conn for all servers relying on connection reuse to achieve a high performance level, otherwise connections might be closed very often as the thread count increases.

#tune.idletimer <timeout>

Keyword tune.idletimer can be used with these sections: global

Sets the duration after which HAProxy will consider that an empty buffer is probably associated with an idle stream. This is used to optimally adjust some packet sizes while forwarding large and small data alternatively. The decision to use splice() or to send large buffers in SSL is modulated by this parameter. The value is in milliseconds between 0 and 65535. A value of zero means that HAProxy will not try to detect idle streams. The default is 1000, which seems to correctly detect end user pauses (e.g. read a page before clicking). There should be no reason for changing this value. Please check tune.ssl.maxrecord below.

#tune.listener.default-shards { by-process | by-thread | by-group }

Keyword tune.listener.default-shards can be used with these sections: global

Normally, all bind (3) lines will create a single shard, that is, a single socket that all threads of the process will listen to. With many threads, this is not very efficient, and may even induce some important overhead in the kernel for updating the polling state or even distributing events to the various threads. Modern operating systems support balancing of incoming connections, a mechanism that will consist in permitting multiple sockets to be bound to the same address and port, and to evenly distribute all incoming connections to these sockets so that each thread only sees the connections that are waiting in the socket it is bound to. This significantly reduces kernel-side overhead and increases performance in the incoming connection path. This is usually enabled in HAProxy using the shards (2) setting on bind (3) lines, which defaults to 1, meaning that each listener will be unique in the process. On systems with many processors, it may be more convenient to change the default setting to by-thread in order to always create one listening socket per thread, or by-group in order to always create one listening socket per thread group. Be careful about the file descriptor usage with by-thread as each listener will need as many sockets as there are threads. Also some operating systems (e.g. FreeBSD) are limited to no more than 256 sockets on a same address. Note that by-group will remain equivalent to by-process for default configurations involving a single thread group, and will fall back to sharing the same socket on systems that do not support this mechanism. The default is by-group with a fallback to by-process for systems or socket families that do not support multiple bindings.

#tune.listener.multi-queue { on | fair | off }

Keyword tune.listener.multi-queue can be used with these sections: global

Enables ('on' / 'fair') or disables ('off') the listener's multi-queue accept which spreads the incoming traffic to all threads a bind (3) line is allowed to run on instead of taking them for itself. This provides a smoother traffic distribution and scales much better, especially in environments where threads may be unevenly loaded due to external activity (network interrupts colliding with one thread for example). The default mode, on, optimizes the choice of a thread by picking in a sample the one with the less connections. It is often the best choice when connections are long-lived as it manages to keep all threads busy. A second mode, fair, instead cycles through all threads regardless of their instant load level. It can be better suited for short- lived connections, or on machines with very large numbers of threads where the probability to find the least loaded thread with the first mode is low. Finally it is possible to forcefully disable the redistribution mechanism using off for troubleshooting, or for situations where connections are short-lived and it is estimated that the operating system already provides a good enough distribution. The default is on.

#tune.lua.bool-sample-conversion { normal | pre-3.1-bug }

Keyword tune.lua.bool-sample-conversion can be used with these sections: global

Explicitly tell haproxy how haproxy sample objects should be handled when pushed to Lua. Indeed, when leveraging native converters, sample fetches or variables from Lua script (to name a few), haproxy converts the internal smp type to equivalent Lua type. Because of historical implementation, there is an ambiguity around boolean handling: when doing Lua -> haproxy smp conversion, booleans are properly preserved, but when doing haproxy smp -> Lua conversion, booleans were converted to integers by mistake. This means that a sample fetch or converter returning a boolean would return an integer 0 or 1 when leveraged from Lua. Unfortunately, in Lua, booleans and integers are not interchangeable. Thus, to avoid ambiguities, tune.lua.bool-sample-conversion must explicitly be set to either normal (which means dropping the historical behavior for better consistency) or pre-3.1-bug (enforce historical behavior to prevent existing script logic from misbehaving). If the option is not set explicitly and a Lua script is loaded from the configuration, haproxy will emit a warning, and the option will implicitly default to pre-3.1-bug to match with the historical behavior. It is recommended to set this option to normal after ensuring that in-use Lua scripts are properly handling bool haproxy samples as booleans.

#tune.lua.burst-timeout <timeout>

Keyword tune.lua.burst-timeout can be used with these sections: global

The burst execution timeout applies to any Lua handler. If the handler fails to finish or yield before timeout is reached, it will be aborted to prevent thread contention, to prevent traffic from not being served for too long, and ultimately to prevent the process from crashing because of the watchdog kicking in. Unlike other lua timeouts which are yield-cumulative, burst-timeout will ensure that the time spent in a single lua execution window does not exceed the configured timeout.

Yielding here means that the lua execution is effectively interrupted either through an explicit call to lua-yielding function such as core.(m)sleep() or core.yield(), or following an automatic forced-yield (see tune.lua.forced-yield) and that it will be resumed later when the related task is set for rescheduling. Not all lua handlers may yield: we have to make a distinction between yieldable handlers and unyieldable handlers.

For yieldable handlers (tasks, actions..), reaching the timeout means tune.lua.forced-yield might be too high for the system, reducing it could improve the situation, but it could also be a good idea to check if adding manual yields at some key points within the lua function helps or not. It may also indicate that the handler is spending too much time in a specific lua library function that cannot be interrupted.

For unyieldable handlers (lua converters, sample fetches), it could simply indicate that the handler is doing too much computation, which could result from an improper design given that such handlers, which often block the request execution flow, are expected to terminate quickly to allow the request processing to go through. A common resolution approach here would be to try to better optimize the lua function for speed since decreasing tune.lua.forced-yield won't help.

This timeout only counts the pure Lua runtime. If the Lua does a core.sleep, the sleeping time is not taken in account. The default timeout is 1000ms.

Note: if a lua GC cycle is initiated from the handler (either explicitly requested or automatically triggered by lua after some time), the GC cycle time will also be accounted for.

Indeed, there is no way to deduce the GC cycle time, so this could lead to some false positives on saturated systems (where GC is having hard time to catch up and consumes most of the available execution runtime). If it were to be the case, here are some resolution leads:

  • checking if the script could be optimized to reduce lua memory footprint

  • fine-tuning lua GC parameters and / or requesting manual GC cycles (see:

  • increasing tune.lua.burst-timeout

Setting value to 0 completely disables this protection.

#tune.lua.forced-yield <number>

Keyword tune.lua.forced-yield can be used with these sections: global

This directive forces the Lua engine to execute a yield each <number> of instructions executed. This permits interrupting a long script and allows the HAProxy scheduler to process other tasks like accepting connections or forwarding traffic. The default value is 10000 instructions for scripts loaded using lua-load-per-thread and MAX(500, 10000 / nbthread) instructions for scripts loaded using lua-load (it was found to be an optimal value for performance while taking care of not creating thread contention with multiple threads competing for the global lua lock).

If HAProxy often executes some Lua code but more responsiveness is required, this value can be lowered. If the Lua code is quite long and its result is absolutely required to process the data, the <number> can be increased, but the value should be set wisely as in multithreading context it could increase contention.

#tune.lua.log.loggers { on | off }

Keyword tune.lua.log.loggers can be used with these sections: global

Enables ('on') or disables ('off') logging the output of LUA scripts via the loggers applicable to the current proxy, if any.

Defaults to 'on'.

#tune.lua.log.stderr { on | auto | off }

Keyword tune.lua.log.stderr can be used with these sections: global

Enables ('on') or disables ('off') logging the output of LUA scripts via stderr. When set to 'auto', logging via stderr is conditionally 'on' if any of:

  • tune.lua.log.loggers is set to 'off'

  • the script is executed in a non-proxy context with no global logger

  • the script is executed in a proxy context with no logger attached

Please note that, when enabled, this logging is in addition to the logging configured via tune.lua.log.loggers.

Defaults to 'auto'.

#tune.lua.maxmem <number>

Keyword tune.lua.maxmem can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum amount of RAM in megabytes per process usable by Lua. By default it is zero which means unlimited. It is important to set a limit to ensure that a bug in a script will not result in the system running out of memory.

#tune.lua.service-timeout <timeout>

Keyword tune.lua.service-timeout can be used with these sections: global

This is the execution timeout for the Lua services. This is useful for preventing infinite loops or spending too much time in Lua. This timeout counts only the pure Lua runtime. If the Lua does a sleep, the sleep is not taken in account. The default timeout is 4s.

#tune.lua.session-timeout <timeout>

Keyword tune.lua.session-timeout can be used with these sections: global

This is the execution timeout for the Lua sessions. This is useful for preventing infinite loops or spending too much time in Lua. This timeout counts only the pure Lua runtime. If the Lua does a sleep, the sleep is not taken in account. The default timeout is 4s.

#tune.lua.task-timeout <timeout>

Keyword tune.lua.task-timeout can be used with these sections: global

Purpose is the same as tune.lua.session-timeout, but this timeout is dedicated to the tasks. By default, this timeout isn't set because a task may remain alive during of the lifetime of HAProxy. For example, a task used to check servers.

#tune.max-checks-per-thread <number>

Keyword tune.max-checks-per-thread can be used with these sections: global

Sets the number of active checks per thread above which a thread will actively try to search a less loaded thread to run the health check, or queue it until the number of active checks running on it diminishes. The default value is zero, meaning no such limit is set. It may be needed in certain environments running an extremely large number of expensive checks with many threads when the load appears unequal and may make health checks to randomly time out on startup, typically when using OpenSSL 3.0 which is about 20 times more CPU-intensive on health checks than older ones. This will have for result to try to level the health check work across all threads. The vast majority of configurations do not need to touch this parameter. Please note that too low values may significantly slow down the health checking if checks are slow to execute.

#tune.maxaccept <number>

Keyword tune.maxaccept can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum number of consecutive connections a process may accept in a row before switching to other work. In single process mode, higher numbers used to give better performance at high connection rates, though this is not the case anymore with the multi-queue. This value applies individually to each listener, so that the number of processes a listener is bound to is taken into account. This value defaults to 4 which showed best results. If a significantly higher value was inherited from an ancient config, it might be worth removing it as it will both increase performance and lower response time. In multi-process mode, it is divided by twice the number of processes the listener is bound to. Setting this value to -1 completely disables the limitation. It should normally not be needed to tweak this value.

#tune.maxpollevents <number>

Keyword tune.maxpollevents can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum amount of events that can be processed at once in a call to the polling system. The default value is adapted to the operating system. It has been noticed that reducing it below 200 tends to slightly decrease latency at the expense of network bandwidth, and increasing it above 200 tends to trade latency for slightly increased bandwidth.

#tune.maxrewrite <number>

Keyword tune.maxrewrite can be used with these sections: global

Sets the reserved buffer space to this size in bytes. The reserved space is used for header rewriting or appending. The first reads on sockets will never fill more than bufsize-maxrewrite. Historically it has defaulted to half of bufsize, though that does not make much sense since there are rarely large numbers of headers to add. Setting it too high prevents processing of large requests or responses. Setting it too low prevents addition of new headers to already large requests or to POST requests. It is generally wise to set it to about 1024. It is automatically readjusted to half of bufsize if it is larger than that. This means you don't have to worry about it when changing bufsize. <number>

Keyword can be used with these sections: global

Sets the per-thread amount of memory that will be kept hot in the local cache and will never be recoverable by other threads. Access to this memory is very fast (lockless), and having enough is critical to maintain a good performance level under extreme thread contention. The value is expressed in bytes, and the default value is configured at build time via CONFIG_HAP_POOL_CACHE_SIZE which defaults to 524288 (512 kB). A larger value may increase performance in some usage scenarios, especially when performance profiles show that memory allocation is stressed a lot. Experience shows that a good value sits between once to twice the per CPU core L2 cache size. Too large values will have a negative impact on performance by making inefficient use of the L3 caches in the CPUs, and will consume larger amounts of memory. It is recommended not to change this value, or to proceed in small increments. In order to completely disable the per-thread CPU caches, using a very small value could work, but it is better to use -dMno-cache on the command-line.

#tune.pattern.cache-size <number>

Keyword tune.pattern.cache-size can be used with these sections: global

Sets the size of the pattern lookup cache to <number> entries. This is an LRU cache which reminds previous lookups and their results. It is used by ACLs and maps on slow pattern lookups, namely the ones using the sub, reg, dir, dom, end, bin match methods as well as the case-insensitive strings. It applies to pattern expressions which means that it will be able to memorize the result of a lookup among all the patterns specified on a configuration line (including all those loaded from files). It automatically invalidates entries which are updated using HTTP actions or on the CLI. The default cache size is set to 10000 entries, which limits its footprint to about 5 MB per process/thread on 32-bit systems and 8 MB per process/thread on 64-bit systems, as caches are thread/process local. There is a very low risk of collision in this cache, which is in the order of the size of the cache divided by 2^64. Typically, at 10000 requests per second with the default cache size of 10000 entries, there's 1% chance that a brute force attack could cause a single collision after 60 years, or 0.1% after 6 years. This is considered much lower than the risk of a memory corruption caused by aging components. If this is not acceptable, the cache can be disabled by setting this parameter to 0.

#tune.peers.max-updates-at-once <number>

Keyword tune.peers.max-updates-at-once can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum number of stick-table updates that haproxy will try to process at once when sending messages. Retrieving the data for these updates requires some locking operations which can be CPU intensive on highly threaded machines if unbound, and may also increase the traffic latency during the initial batched transfer between an older and a newer process. Conversely low values may also incur higher CPU overhead, and take longer to complete. The default value is 200 and it is suggested not to change it.

#tune.pipesize <size>

Keyword tune.pipesize can be used with these sections: global

Sets the kernel pipe buffer size to this size (in bytes). By default, pipes are the default size for the system. But sometimes when using TCP splicing, it can improve performance to increase pipe sizes, especially if it is suspected that pipes are not filled and that many calls to splice() are performed. This has an impact on the kernel's memory footprint, so this must not be changed if impacts are not understood.

#tune.pool-high-fd-ratio <number>

Keyword tune.pool-high-fd-ratio can be used with these sections: global

This setting sets the max number of file descriptors (in percentage) used by HAProxy globally against the maximum number of file descriptors HAProxy can use before we start killing idle connections when we can't reuse a connection and we have to create a new one. The default is 25 (one quarter of the file descriptor will mean that roughly half of the maximum front connections can keep an idle connection behind, anything beyond this probably doesn't make much sense in the general case when targeting connection reuse).

#tune.pool-low-fd-ratio <number>

Keyword tune.pool-low-fd-ratio can be used with these sections: global

This setting sets the max number of file descriptors (in percentage) used by HAProxy globally against the maximum number of file descriptors HAProxy can use before we stop putting connection into the idle pool for reuse. The default is 20. { on | off }

Keyword can be used with these sections: global

Enables ('on') of disabled ('off') the zero-copy forwarding of data for the pass-through multiplexer. To be used, the kernel splicing must also be configured. It is enabled by default.

See also: tune.disable-zero-copy-forwarding, option splice-auto, option splice-request and option splice-response { on | off }

Keyword can be used with these sections: global

Enables ('on') or disabled ('off') the HyStart++ (RFC 9406) algorithm for QUIC connections used as a replacement for the slow start phase of congestion control algorithms which may cause high packet loss. It is disabled by default. <number>

Keyword can be used with these sections: global

Defines how many lost packets are needed for the Cubic congestion control algorithm to really consider a loss event. Normally, any loss event is considered as the result of a congestion and is sufficient for Cubic to restart from a smaller window. But experiments show that there can be a variety of causes for losses that are not at all caused by congestion and that can simply be qualified of spurious losses, and for which adjusting the window will have no effect, except slowing communication down. Poor radio signal, out-of-order delivery, high CPU usage on a client causing random delays, as well as system timer imprecision can be among the common causes for this. This setting allows to make Cubic a bit more tolerant to spurious losses, by changing the minimum number of cumulated losses between two ACKs to be considered as a loss event, which defaults to 1. Some significant gains have been observed experimentally, but always accompanied with an aggravation of the bandwidth wasted on retransmits, and an increased risk of saturation of congested links. The value 2 may be used for short periods of time to compare some metrics. Never go beyond 2 without an expert's prior analysis of the situation. The default and minimum value is 1. Always use 1.


Keyword tune.quic.disable-udp-gso can be used with these sections: global

Disable UDP GSO emission. This kernel feature allows to emit multiple datagrams via a single system call which is more efficient for large transfer. It may be useful to disable it on developers suggestion when suspecting an issue on emission.

#tune.quic.frontend.glitches-threshold <number>

Keyword tune.quic.frontend.glitches-threshold can be used with these sections: global

Sets the threshold for the number of glitches on a frontend connection, where that connection will automatically be killed. This allows to automatically kill misbehaving connections without having to write explicit rules for them. The default value is zero, indicating that no threshold is set so that no event will cause a connection to be closed. Beware that some QUIC clients may occasionally cause a few glitches over long lasting connection, so any non- zero value here should probably be in the hundreds or thousands to be effective without affecting slightly bogus clients.

See also: fc_glitches

#tune.quic.frontend.max-idle-timeout <timeout>

Keyword tune.quic.frontend.max-idle-timeout can be used with these sections: global

Sets the QUIC max_idle_timeout transport parameters in milliseconds for frontends which determines the period of time after which a connection silently closes if it has remained inactive during an effective period of time deduced from the two max_idle_timeout values announced by the two endpoints:

  • the minimum of the two values if both are not null,

  • the maximum if only one of them is not null,

  • if both values are null, this feature is disabled.

The default value is 30000.

#tune.quic.frontend.max-streams-bidi <number>

Keyword tune.quic.frontend.max-streams-bidi can be used with these sections: global

Sets the QUIC initial_max_streams_bidi transport parameter for frontends. This is the initial maximum number of bidirectional streams the remote peer will be authorized to open. This determines the number of concurrent client requests.

The default value is 100.

#tune.quic.frontend.default-max-window-size <size>

Keyword tune.quic.frontend.default-max-window-size can be used with these sections: global

Sets the default maximum window size for the congestion controller of a single QUIC connection. The value must be written as an integer with an optional suffix 'k', 'm' or 'g'. It must be between 10k and 4g.

QUIC multiplexer also uses the current congestion window size to determine if it can allocate new stream buffers on data emission. As such, the maximum congestion window size also serves as a limit on this allocator.

The default value is 480k.

See also the quic-cc-algo bind option.

#tune.quic.max-frame-loss <number>

Keyword tune.quic.max-frame-loss can be used with these sections: global

Sets the limit for which a single QUIC frame can be marked as lost. If exceeded, the connection is considered as failing and is closed immediately.

The default value is 10.

#tune.quic.reorder-ratio <0..100, in percent>

Keyword tune.quic.reorder-ratio can be used with these sections: global

The ratio applied to the packet reordering threshold calculated. It may trigger a high packet loss detection when too small.

The default value is 50.

#tune.quic.retry-threshold <number>

Keyword tune.quic.retry-threshold can be used with these sections: global

Dynamically enables the Retry feature for all the configured QUIC listeners as soon as this number of half open connections is reached. A half open connection is a connection whose handshake has not already successfully completed or failed. To be functional this setting needs a cluster secret to be set, if not it will be silently ignored (see cluster-secret setting). This setting will be also silently ignored if the use of QUIC Retry was forced (see quic-force-retry).

The default value is 100.

See for more information about QUIC retry.

#tune.quic.socket-owner { connection | listener }

Keyword tune.quic.socket-owner can be used with these sections: global

Specifies globally how QUIC connections will use socket for receive/send operations. Connections can share listener socket or each connection can allocate its own socket.

When default connection value is set, a dedicated socket will be allocated by every QUIC connections. This option is the preferred one to achieve the best performance with a large QUIC traffic. This is also the only way to ensure soft-stop is conducted properly without data loss for QUIC connections and cases of transient errors during sendto() operation are handled efficiently. However, this relies on some advanced features from the UDP network stack. If your platform is deemed not compatible, haproxy will automatically switch to listener mode on startup. Please note that QUIC listeners running on privileged ports may require to run as uid 0, or some OS-specific tuning to permit the target uid to bind such ports, such as system capabilities. See also the setcap global directive.

The listener value indicates that QUIC transfers will occur on the shared listener socket. This option can be a good compromise for small traffic as it allows to reduce FD consumption. However, performance won't be optimal due to a higher CPU usage if listeners are shared across a lot of threads or a large number of QUIC connections can be used simultaneously.

This setting is applied in conjunction with each quic-socket bind options. If connection mode is used on global tuning, it will be activated for each listener, unless its bind option is set to listener. However, if listener is used globally, it will be forced on every listener instance, regardless of their individual configuration. { on | off }

Keyword can be used with these sections: global

Enables ('on') of disabled ('off') the zero-copy sends of data for the QUIC multiplexer. It is enabled by default.

See also: tune.disable-zero-copy-forwarding

#tune.renice.runtime <number>

Keyword tune.renice.runtime can be used with these sections: global

This configuration option takes a value between -20 and 19. It applies a scheduling priority as documented in man 2 setpriority. This priority is applied after the configuration parsing, which means only the worker or the standalone process will apply it. It is usually configured to set a higher priority than a process doing configuration parsing (tune.renice.startup).

See also: tune.renice.startup

#tune.renice.startup <number>

Keyword tune.renice.startup can be used with these sections: global

This configuration option takes a value between -20 and 19. It applies a scheduling priority as documented in man 2 setpriority. This priority is applied before applying the rest of the configuration which can be useful if you want to lower the priority for configuration parsing. This is applied on the standalone process or the worker before configuration parsing. Once the configuration is parsed, the previous priority is restored unless tune.renice.runtime is used.

See also: tune.renice.runtime

#tune.rcvbuf.backend <size> #tune.rcvbuf.frontend <size>

Keyword tune.rcvbuf.backend can be used with these sections: global

For the kernel socket receive buffer size on non-connected sockets to this size. This can be used QUIC in listener mode and log-forward on the frontend. The default system buffers might sometimes be too small for sockets receiving lots of aggregated traffic, causing some losses and possibly retransmits (in case of QUIC), possibly slowing down connection establishment under heavy traffic. The value is expressed in bytes, applied to each socket. In listener mode, sockets are shared between all connections, and the total number of sockets depends on the shards (2) value of the bind (3) line. There's no good value, a good one corresponds to an expected size per connection multiplied by the expected number of connections. The kernel may trim large values. See also tune.rcvbuf.client and tune.rcvbuf.server for their connected socket counter parts, as well as tune.sndbuf.backend and tune.sndbuf.frontend for the send setting.

#tune.rcvbuf.client <size> #tune.rcvbuf.server <size>

Keyword tune.rcvbuf.client can be used with these sections: global

Forces the kernel socket receive buffer size on the client or the server side to the specified value in bytes. This value applies to all TCP/HTTP frontends and backends. It should normally never be set, and the default size (0) lets the kernel auto-tune this value depending on the amount of available memory. However it can sometimes help to set it to very low values (e.g. 4096) in order to save kernel memory by preventing it from buffering too large amounts of received data. Lower values will significantly increase CPU usage though.

#tune.recv_enough <size>

Keyword tune.recv_enough can be used with these sections: global

HAProxy uses some hints to detect that a short read indicates the end of the socket buffers. One of them is that a read returns more than <recv_enough> bytes, which defaults to 10136 (7 segments of 1448 each). This default value may be changed by this setting to better deal with workloads involving lots of short messages such as telnet or SSH sessions.

#tune.ring.queues <number>

Keyword tune.ring.queues can be used with these sections: global

Sets the number of write queues in front of ring buffers. This can have an effect on the CPU usage of traces during debugging sessions, and both too low or too large a value can have an important effect. The good value was determined experimentally by developers and there should be no reason to try to change it unless instructed to do so in order to try to address specific issues. Such a setting should not be left in the configuration across version upgrades because its optimal value may evolve over time.

#tune.runqueue-depth <number>

Keyword tune.runqueue-depth can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum amount of task that can be processed at once when running tasks. The default value depends on the number of threads but sits between 35 and 280, which tend to show the highest request rates and lowest latencies. Increasing it may incur latency when dealing with I/Os, making it too small can incur extra overhead. Higher thread counts benefit from lower values. When experimenting with much larger values, it may be useful to also enable tune.sched.low-latency and possibly tune.fd.edge-triggered to limit the maximum latency to the lowest possible.

#tune.sched.low-latency { on | off }

Keyword tune.sched.low-latency can be used with these sections: global

Enables ('on') or disables ('off') the low-latency task scheduler. By default HAProxy processes tasks from several classes one class at a time as this is the most efficient. But when running with large values of tune.runqueue-depth this can have a measurable effect on request or connection latency. When this low-latency setting is enabled, tasks of lower priority classes will always be executed before other ones if they exist. This will permit to lower the maximum latency experienced by new requests or connections in the middle of massive traffic, at the expense of a higher impact on this large traffic. For regular usage it is better to leave this off. The default value is off.

#tune.sndbuf.backend <size> #tune.sndbuf.frontend <size>

Keyword tune.sndbuf.backend can be used with these sections: global

For the kernel socket send buffer size on non-connected sockets to this size. This can be used for UNIX socket and UDP logging on the backend side, and for QUIC in listener mode on the frontend. The default system buffers might sometimes be too small for sockets shared between many connections (or log senders), causing some losses and possibly retransmits, slowing down new connection establishment under high traffic. The value is expressed in bytes, applied to each socket. In listener mode, sockets are shared between all connections, and the total number of sockets depends on the shards (2) value of the bind (3) line. There's no good value, a good one corresponds to an expected size per connection multiplied by the expected number of connections. The kernel may trim large values. See also tune.sndbuf.client and tune.sndbuf.server for their connected socket counter parts, as well as tune.rcvbuf.backend and tune.rcvbuf.frontend for the receive setting.

#tune.sndbuf.client <size> #tune.sndbuf.server <size>

Keyword tune.sndbuf.client can be used with these sections: global

Forces the kernel socket send buffer size on the client or the server side to the specified value in bytes. This value applies to all TCP/HTTP frontends and backends. It should normally never be set, and the default size (0) lets the kernel auto-tune this value depending on the amount of available memory. However it can sometimes help to set it to very low values (e.g. 4096) in order to save kernel memory by preventing it from buffering too large amounts of received data. Lower values will significantly increase CPU usage though. Another use case is to prevent write timeouts with extremely slow clients due to the kernel waiting for a large part of the buffer to be read before notifying HAProxy again.

#tune.ssl.cachesize <number>

Keyword tune.ssl.cachesize can be used with these sections: global

Sets the size of the global SSL session cache, in a number of blocks. A block is large enough to contain an encoded session without peer certificate. An encoded session with peer certificate is stored in multiple blocks depending on the size of the peer certificate. A block uses approximately 200 bytes of memory (based on `sizeof(struct sh_ssl_sess_hdr) + SHSESS_BLOCK_MIN_SIZE` calculation used for `shctx_init` function). The default value may be forced at build time, otherwise defaults to 20000. When the cache is full, the most idle entries are purged and reassigned. Higher values reduce the occurrence of such a purge, hence the number of CPU-intensive SSL handshakes by ensuring that all users keep their session as long as possible. All entries are pre-allocated upon startup. Setting this value to 0 disables the SSL session cache.

#tune.ssl.capture-buffer-size <number> #tune.ssl.capture-cipherlist-size <number> DEPRECATED

Keyword tune.ssl.capture-buffer-size can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum size of the buffer used for capturing client hello cipher list, extensions list, elliptic curves list and elliptic curve point formats. If the value is 0 (default value) the capture is disabled, otherwise a buffer is allocated for each SSL/TLS connection.

#tune.ssl.default-dh-param <number>

Keyword tune.ssl.default-dh-param can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum size of the Diffie-Hellman parameters used for generating the ephemeral/temporary Diffie-Hellman key in case of DHE key exchange. The final size will try to match the size of the server's RSA (or DSA) key (e.g, a 2048 bits temporary DH key for a 2048 bits RSA key), but will not exceed this maximum value. Only 1024 or higher values are allowed. Higher values will increase the CPU load, and values greater than 1024 bits are not supported by Java 7 and earlier clients. This value is not used if static Diffie-Hellman parameters are supplied either directly in the certificate file or by using the ssl-dh-param-file parameter. If there is neither a default-dh-param nor a ssl-dh-param-file defined, and if the server's PEM file of a given frontend does not specify its own DH parameters, then DHE ciphers will be unavailable for this frontend.


Keyword tune.ssl.force-private-cache can be used with these sections: global

This option disables SSL session cache sharing between all processes. It should normally not be used since it will force many renegotiations due to clients hitting a random process. But it may be required on some operating systems where none of the SSL cache synchronization method may be used. In this case, adding a first layer of hash-based load balancing before the SSL layer might limit the impact of the lack of session sharing.

#tune.ssl.hard-maxrecord <number>

Keyword tune.ssl.hard-maxrecord can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum amount of bytes passed to SSL_write() at any time. Default value 0 means there is no limit. In contrast to tune.ssl.maxrecord this settings will not be adjusted dynamically. Smaller records may decrease throughput, but may be required when dealing with low-footprint clients.

#tune.ssl.keylog { on | off }

Keyword tune.ssl.keylog can be used with these sections: global

This option activates the logging of the TLS keys. It should be used with care as it will consume more memory per SSL session and could decrease performances. This is disabled by default.

These sample fetches should be used to generate the SSLKEYLOGFILE that is required to decipher traffic with wireshark.

The SSLKEYLOG is a series of lines which are formatted this way:

<Label> <space> <ClientRandom> <space> <Secret>

The ClientRandom is provided by the %[ssl_fc_client_random,hex] sample fetch, the secret and the Label could be find in the array below. You need to generate a SSLKEYLOGFILE with all the labels in this array.

The following sample fetches are hexadecimal strings and does not need to be converted.

SSLKEYLOGFILE Label | Sample fetches for the Secrets --------------------------------|----------------------------------------- CLIENT_EARLY_TRAFFIC_SECRET | %[ssl_xx_client_early_traffic_secret] CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET | %[ssl_xx_client_handshake_traffic_secret] SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET | %[ssl_xx_server_handshake_traffic_secret] CLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 | %[ssl_xx_client_traffic_secret_0] SERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 | %[ssl_xx_server_traffic_secret_0] EXPORTER_SECRET | %[ssl_xx_exporter_secret] EARLY_EXPORTER_SECRET | %[ssl_xx_early_exporter_secret]

These fetches exists for frontend (fc) or backend (bc) sides, replace xx by fc or bc to use the right side.

This is only available with OpenSSL 1.1.1, and useful with TLS1.3 session.

If you want to generate the content of a SSLKEYLOGFILE with TLS < 1.3, you only need this line:

CLIENT_RANDOM %[ssl_fc_client_random,hex] %[ssl_fc_session_key,hex]

A complete keylog could be generate with a log-format these way, even though this is not ideal for syslog:

log-format "CLIENT_EARLY_TRAFFIC_SECRET %[ssl_bc_client_random,hex] %[ssl_bc_client_early_traffic_secret]\n
            CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET %[ssl_bc_client_random,hex] %[ssl_bc_client_handshake_traffic_secret]\n
            SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET %[ssl_bc_client_random,hex] %[ssl_bc_server_handshake_traffic_secret]\n
            CLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 %[ssl_bc_client_random,hex] %[ssl_bc_client_traffic_secret_0]\n
            SERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 %[ssl_bc_client_random,hex] %[ssl_bc_server_traffic_secret_0]\n
            EXPORTER_SECRET %[ssl_bc_client_random,hex] %[ssl_bc_exporter_secret]\n
            EARLY_EXPORTER_SECRET %[ssl_bc_client_random,hex] %[ssl_bc_early_exporter_secret]"
#tune.ssl.lifetime <timeout>

Keyword tune.ssl.lifetime can be used with these sections: global

Sets how long a cached SSL session may remain valid. This time is expressed in seconds and defaults to 300 (5 min). It is important to understand that it does not guarantee that sessions will last that long, because if the cache is full, the longest idle sessions will be purged despite their configured lifetime. The real usefulness of this setting is to prevent sessions from being used for too long.

#tune.ssl.maxrecord <number>

Keyword tune.ssl.maxrecord can be used with these sections: global

Sets the maximum amount of bytes passed to SSL_write() at the beginning of the data transfer. Default value 0 means there is no limit. Over SSL/TLS, the client can decipher the data only once it has received a full record. With large records, it means that clients might have to download up to 16kB of data before starting to process them. Limiting the value can improve page load times on browsers located over high latency or low bandwidth networks. It is suggested to find optimal values which fit into 1 or 2 TCP segments (generally 1448 bytes over Ethernet with TCP timestamps enabled, or 1460 when timestamps are disabled), keeping in mind that SSL/TLS add some overhead. Typical values of 1419 and 2859 gave good results during tests. Use strace -e trace=write to find the best value. HAProxy will automatically switch to this setting after an idle stream has been detected (see tune.idletimer above). See also tune.ssl.hard-maxrecord.

#tune.ssl.ssl-ctx-cache-size <number>

Keyword tune.ssl.ssl-ctx-cache-size can be used with these sections: global

Sets the size of the cache used to store generated certificates to <number> entries. This is a LRU cache. Because generating a SSL certificate dynamically is expensive, they are cached. The default cache size is set to 1000 entries.

#tune.stick-counters <number>

Keyword tune.stick-counters can be used with these sections: global

Sets the number of stick-counters that may be tracked at the same time by a connection or a request via track-sc* actions in tcp-request (4) or http-request rules. The default value is set at build time by the macro MAX_SESS_STK_CTR, and defaults to 3. With this setting it is possible to change the value and ignore the one passed at build time. Increasing this value may be needed when porting complex configurations to haproxy, but users are warned against the costs: each entry takes 16 bytes per connection and 16 bytes per request, all of which need to be allocated and zeroed for all requests even when not used. As such a value of 10 will inflate the memory consumption per request by 320 bytes and will cause this memory to be erased for each request, which does have measurable CPU impacts. Conversely, when no track-sc rules are used, the value may be lowered (0 being valid to entirely disable stick-counters). <size> #tune.vars.proc-max-size <size> #tune.vars.reqres-max-size <size> #tune.vars.sess-max-size <size> #tune.vars.txn-max-size <size>

Keyword can be used with these sections: global

These five tunes help to manage the maximum amount of memory used by the variables system. global limits the overall amount of memory available for all scopes. proc limits the memory for the process scope, sess limits the memory for the session scope, txn for the transaction scope, and reqres limits the memory for each request or response processing. Memory accounting is hierarchical, meaning more coarse grained limits include the finer grained ones: proc includes sess, sess includes txn, and txn includes reqres.

For example, when tune.vars.sess-max-size is limited to 100, tune.vars.txn-max-size and tune.vars.reqres-max-size cannot exceed 100 either. If we create a variable txn.var that contains 100 bytes, all available space is consumed. Notice that exceeding the limits at runtime will not result in an error message, but values might be cut off or corrupted. So make sure to accurately plan for the amount of space needed to store all your variables.

#tune.zlib.memlevel <number>

Keyword tune.zlib.memlevel can be used with these sections: global

Sets the memLevel parameter in zlib initialization for each stream. It defines how much memory should be allocated for the internal compression state. A value of 1 uses minimum memory but is slow and reduces compression ratio, a value of 9 uses maximum memory for optimal speed. Can be a value between 1 and 9. The default value is 8.

#tune.zlib.windowsize <number>

Keyword tune.zlib.windowsize can be used with these sections: global

Sets the window size (the size of the history buffer) as a parameter of the zlib initialization for each stream. Larger values of this parameter result in better compression at the expense of memory usage. Can be a value between 8 and 15. The default value is 15.

#3.3. Debugging

#anonkey <key>

Keyword anonkey can be used with these sections: global

This sets the global anonymizing key to <key>, which must be a 32-bit number between 0 and 4294967295. This is the key that will be used by default by CLI commands when anonymized mode is enabled. This key may also be set at runtime from the CLI command set anon global-key. See also command line argument -dC in the management manual.

#force-cfg-parser-pause <timeout>

Keyword force-cfg-parser-pause can be used with these sections: global

This command is pausing the configuration parser for <timeout> milliseconds. This is useful for development or for testing timeouts of init scripts, particularly to simulate a very long reload. It requires the expose-experimental-directives to be set.

<timeout> is the timeout value specified in milliseconds by default, but can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit, as explained at the top of this document.

    force-cfg-parser-pause 10s  

Keyword quick-exit can be used with these sections: global

This speeds up the old process exit upon reload by skipping the releasing of memory objects and listeners, since all of these are reclaimed by the operating system at the process' death. The gains are only marginal (in the order of a few hundred milliseconds for huge configurations at most). The main target usage in fact is when a bug is spotted in the deinit() code, as this allows to bypass it. It is better not to use this unless instructed to do so by developers.


Keyword quiet can be used with these sections: global

Do not display any message during startup. It is equivalent to the command- line argument -q.

#warn-blocked-traffic-after <time>

Keyword warn-blocked-traffic-after can be used with these sections: global

This allows to adjust the delay after which a stuck task blocking the traffic will trigger the emission of a warning on the standard error output. The delay is expressed in milliseconds and defaults to 100 ms. Permitted values must be comprised between 1 ms and 1000 ms included. Lower values will trigger warnings frequently and higher ones will rarely. The watchdog will kill a runaway task that fails to respond twice for one second anyway, so a 1000 ms warning delay will normally not trigger any warning. It is recommended to stay with values between 10 and 100ms to detect configuration anomalies that may degrade the user's experience, causing long response times or jerkiness on interactive sessions. For example, a poorly designed Lua sample-fetch function doing heavy computations, or a very large map_reg or map_regm map file with a very high evaluation cost may cause such trouble. For comparison a TLS handshake can eat between one and two milliseconds, and compressing a 16kB HTTP response buffer is around one millisecond. The output contains a thread dump of the offending task with a backtrace and some context that helps figure where the time is being spent.


Keyword zero-warning can be used with these sections: global

When this option is set, HAProxy will refuse to start if any warning was emitted while processing the configuration and applying it. It means that warnings about bad combinations of parameters, warnings about very high limits that couldn't be set, and so on, make the process exit with an error during startup. A few late startup warnings cannot be caught by this option, such as the failure to drop supplementary groups when changing the group ID in daemon or master-worker modes, or the failure to mark the process dumpable after the fork(). This option does not catch warnings emitted at runtime. It is highly recommended to set this option on configurations that are not changed often, as it helps to detect subtle mistakes and keep the configuration clean and forward-compatible. Note that haproxy -c will also report errors in such a case. This option is equivalent to command line argument -dW.

#3.3.1. Traces

For debugging purpose, it is possible to activate traces on an HAProxy's subsystem. This will dump debug messages about a specific subsystem. It is a very powerful tool to diagnose issues. Traces can be dynamically configured via the CLI. It is also possible to predefined some settings in the configuration file, in dedicated traces sections. More details about traces can be found in the management guide. It remains a developper tools used during complex debugging sessions. It is pretty verbose and have a cost, so use it with caution. And because it is a developper tool, there is no warranty about the backward compatibility of this section.

traces Starts a new traces section. One or multiple traces section may be used. All direcitives are evaluated in the declararion order, the last ones overriding previous ones.

trace <source> <args...> Configures on trace subsystem. Each of them can be found in the management manual, and follow the exact same syntax. Any output that the trace command would produce will be emitted during the parsing step of the section. Most of the time these will be errors and warnings, but certain incomplete commands might list permissible choices. This command is not meant for regular use, it will generally only be suggested by developers along complex debugging sessions. It is important to keep in mind that depending on the trace level and details, enabling traces can severely degrade the global performance. Please refer to the management manual for the statements syntax.

  ring buf1
    size 10485760 # 10MB
    format timed
    backing-file /tmp/h1.traces

  ring buf2
    size 10485760 # 10MB
    format timed
    backing-file /tmp/h2.traces

    trace h1 sink buf1 level developer verbosity complete start now
    trace h2 sink buf1 level developer verbosity complete start now

#3.4. Userlists

It is possible to control access to frontend/backend/listen sections or to http stats by allowing only authenticated and authorized users. To do this, it is required to create at least one userlist and to define users.

#userlist <listname>

Keyword userlist can be used with these sections: userlist

Creates new userlist with name <listname>. Many independent userlists can be used to store authentication & authorization data for independent customers.

#group <groupname> [users <user>,<user>,(...)]

Keyword group can be used with these sections: userlist

Adds group <groupname> to the current userlist. It is also possible to attach users to this group by using a comma separated list of names proceeded by users keyword.

#user <username> [password|insecure-password <password>] [groups <group>,<group>,(...)]

Keyword user can be used with these sections: userlist

Adds user <username> to the current userlist. Both secure (encrypted) and insecure (unencrypted) passwords can be used. Encrypted passwords are evaluated using the crypt(3) function, so depending on the system's capabilities, different algorithms are supported. For example, modern Glibc based Linux systems support MD5, SHA-256, SHA-512, and, of course, the classic DES-based method of encrypting passwords.

Attention: Be aware that using encrypted passwords might cause significantly increased CPU usage, depending on the number of requests, and the algorithm used. For any of the hashed variants, the password for each request must be processed through the chosen algorithm, before it can be compared to the value specified in the config file. Most current algorithms are deliberately designed to be expensive to compute to achieve resistance against brute force attacks. They do not simply salt/hash the clear text password once, but thousands of times. This can quickly become a major factor in HAProxy's overall CPU consumption, and can even lead to application crashes!

To address the high CPU usage of hash functions, one approach is to reduce the number of rounds of the hash function (SHA family algorithms) or decrease the cost of the function, if the algorithm supports it.

As a side note, musl (e.g. Alpine Linux) implementations are known to be slower than their glibc counterparts when calculating hashes, so you might want to consider this aspect too.

userlist L1
  group G1 users tiger,scott
  group G2 users xdb,scott

  user tiger password $6$k6y3o.eP$JlKBx9za9667qe4(...)xHSwRv6J.C0/D7cV91
  user scott insecure-password elgato
  user xdb insecure-password hello

userlist L2
  group G1
  group G2

  user tiger password $6$k6y3o.eP$JlKBx(...)xHSwRv6J.C0/D7cV91 groups G1
  user scott insecure-password elgato groups G1,G2
  user xdb insecure-password hello groups G2  

Please note that both lists are functionally identical.

#3.5. Peers

It is possible to propagate entries of any data-types in stick-tables between several HAProxy instances over TCP connections in a multi-master fashion. Each instance pushes its local updates and insertions to remote peers. The pushed values overwrite remote ones without aggregation. As an exception, the data type conn_cur is never learned from peers, as it is supposed to reflect local values. Earlier versions used to synchronize it and to cause negative values in active-active setups, and always-growing values upon reloads or active-passive switches because the local value would reflect more connections than locally present. This information, however, is pushed so that monitoring systems can watch it.

Interrupted exchanges are automatically detected and recovered from the last known point. In addition, during a soft restart, the old process connects to the new one using such a TCP connection to push all its entries before the new process tries to connect to other peers. That ensures very fast replication during a reload, it typically takes a fraction of a second even for large tables.

Note that Server IDs are used to identify servers remotely, so it is important that configurations look similar or at least that the same IDs are forced on each server on all participants.

#peers <peersect>

Keyword peers can be used with these sections: peers

Creates a new peer list with name <peersect>. It is an independent section, which is referenced by one or more stick-tables.

#bind [<address>]:port [param*] #bind /<path> [param*]

Keyword bind can be used with these sections: peers

Defines the binding parameters of the local peer of this peers section. Such lines are not supported with peer line in the same peers section.


Keyword disabled can be used with these sections: peers

Disables a peers section. It disables both listening and any synchronization related to this section. This is provided to disable synchronization of stick tables without having to comment out all peers references.

#default-bind [param*]

Keyword default-bind can be used with these sections: peers

Defines the binding parameters for the local peer, excepted its address.

#default-server [param*]

Keyword default-server can be used with these sections: peers

Change default options for a server in a peers section.

<param*>  is a list of parameters for this server. The "default-server"
          keyword accepts an important number of options and has a complete
          section dedicated to it. In a peers section, the transport
          parameters of a "default-server" line are supported. Please refer
          to section 5 for more details, and the "server" keyword below in
          this section for some of the restrictions.  

See also: server (3) and section 5 about server options


Keyword enabled can be used with these sections: peers

This re-enables a peers section which was previously disabled via the disabled (3) keyword.

#log <target> [len <length>] [format <format>] [sample <ranges>:<sample_size>] <facility> [<level> [<minlevel>]]

Keyword log can be used with these sections: peers

peers sections support the same log (6) keyword as for the proxies to log information about the peers listener. See log (6) option for proxies for more details.

#peer <peername> [<address>]:port [param*] #peer <peername> /<path> [param*]

Keyword peer can be used with these sections: peers

Defines a peer inside a peers section. If <peername> is set to the local peer name (by default hostname, or forced using -L command line option or localpeer global configuration setting), HAProxy will listen for incoming remote peer connection on the provided address. Otherwise, the address defines where to connect to in order to join the remote peer, and <peername> is used at the protocol level to identify and validate the remote peer on the server side.

During a soft restart, local peer address is used by the old instance to connect the new one and initiate a complete replication (teaching process).

It is strongly recommended to have the exact same peers declaration on all peers and to only rely on the -L command line argument or the localpeer global configuration setting to change the local peer name. This makes it easier to maintain coherent configuration files across all peers.

You may want to reference some environment variables in the address parameter, see section 2.3 about environment variables.

Note: peer keyword may transparently be replaced by server (3) keyword (see server (3) keyword explanation below).

#server <peername> [<address>:<port>] [param*] #server <peername> [/<path>] [param*]

Keyword server can be used with these sections: peers

As previously mentioned, peer keyword may be replaced by server (3) keyword with a support for all server (3) parameters found in 5.2 paragraph that are related to transport settings. If the underlying peer is local, the address parameter must not be present; it must be provided on a bind (3) line (see bind (3) keyword of this peers section).

A number of server (3) parameters are irrelevant for peers sections. Peers by nature do not support dynamic host name resolution nor health checks, hence parameters like init_addr, resolvers (2), check, agent-check, or track are not supported. Similarly, there is no load balancing nor stickiness, thus parameters such as weight or cookie (3) have no effect.

 # The old way.
 peers mypeers
     peer haproxy1
     peer haproxy2
     peer haproxy3

 backend mybackend
     mode tcp
     balance roundrobin
     stick-table type ip size 20k peers mypeers
     stick on src

     server srv1
     server srv2

  peers mypeers
     bind ssl crt mycerts/pem
     default-server ssl verify none
     server haproxy1 #local peer
     server haproxy2
     server haproxy3  
#shards <shards>

Keyword shards can be used with these sections: peers

In some configurations, one would like to distribute the stick-table contents to some peers in place of sending all the stick-table contents to each peer declared in the peers section. In such cases, shards (2) specifies the number of peer involved in this stick-table contents distribution. See also shard server parameter.

#table <tablename> type {ip | integer | string [len <length>] | binary [len <length>]} size <size> [expire <expire>] [write-to <wtable>] [nopurge] [store <data_type>]*

Keyword table can be used with these sections: peers

Configure a stickiness table for the current section. This line is parsed exactly the same way as the stick-table keyword in others section, except for the peers argument which is not required here and with an additional mandatory first parameter to designate the stick-table. Contrary to others sections, there may be several table lines in peers sections (see also stick-table keyword).

Also be aware of the fact that peers sections have their own stick-table namespaces to avoid collisions between stick-table names identical in different peers section. This is internally handled prepending the peers sections names to the name of the stick-tables followed by a '/' character. If somewhere else in the configuration file you have to refer to such stick-tables declared in peers sections you must use the prefixed version of the stick-table name as follows:

peers mypeers
    peer A ...
    peer B ...
    table t1 ...

frontend fe1
    tcp-request content track-sc0 src table mypeers/t1

This is also this prefixed version of the stick-table names which must be used to refer to stick-tables through the CLI.

About peers protocol, as only peers belonging to the same section may communicate with each others, there is no need to do such a distinction. Several peers sections may declare stick-tables with the same name. This is shorter version of the stick-table name which is sent over the network. There is only a '/' character as prefix to avoid stick-table name collisions between stick-tables declared as backends and stick-table declared in peers sections as follows in this weird but supported configuration:

peers mypeers
    peer A ...
    peer B ...
    table t1 type string size 10m store gpc0

backend t1
    stick-table type string size 10m store gpc0 peers mypeers

Here t1 table declared in mypeers section has mypeers/t1 as global name. t1 table declared as a backend as t1 as global name. But at peer protocol level the former table is named /t1, the latter is again named t1.

#3.6. Mailers

It is possible to send email alerts when the state of servers changes. If configured email alerts are sent to each mailer that is configured in a mailers section. Email is sent to mailers through Lua (see examples/lua/mailers.lua).

#mailers <mailersect>

Keyword mailers can be used with these sections: mailers

Creates a new mailer list with the name <mailersect>. It is an independent section which is referenced by one or more proxies.

#mailer <mailername> <ip>:<port>

Keyword mailer can be used with these sections: mailers

Defines a mailer inside a mailers section.

    # mailers.lua file as provided in the git repository
    # adjust path as needed
    lua-load examples/lua/mailers.lua

mailers mymailers
    mailer smtp1
    mailer smtp2

backend mybackend
    mode tcp
    balance roundrobin

    email-alert mailers mymailers
    email-alert from
    email-alert to

    server srv1
    server srv2  
#timeout mail <time>

Keyword timeout can be used with these sections: mailers

Defines the time available for a mail/connection to be made and send to the mail-server. If not defined the default value is 10 seconds. To allow for at least two SYN-ACK packets to be send during initial TCP handshake it is advised to keep this value above 4 seconds.

mailers mymailers
    timeout mail 20s
    mailer smtp1  

#3.7. Programs (deprecated)

This section is deprecated and should disappear with HAProxy 3.3. The section could be replaced easily by separated process managers. Systemd unit files or sysvinit scripts could replace this section as they are more reliable. In docker environments, some alternatives can also be found such as s6 or supervisord.

In master-worker mode, it is possible to launch external binaries with the master, these processes are called programs. These programs are launched and managed the same way as the workers.

Since version 3.1, the program section has a slightly different behavior, the section is parsed and the program is started from the master, but the rest of the configuration is loaded in the worker. This mean the program configuration is completely separated from the worker configuration, and a program could be reexecuted even if the worker configuration is wrong upon a reload.

During a reload of HAProxy, those processes are dealing with the same sequence as a worker:

  • the master is re-executed

  • the master sends a SIGUSR1 signal to the program

  • if option start-on-reload is not disabled, the master launches a new instance of the program

During a stop, or restart, a SIGTERM is sent to the programs.

#program <name>

Keyword program can be used with these sections: program

This is a new program section, this section will create an instance <name> which is visible in show proc on the master CLI. (See 9.4. Master CLI in the management guide).

#command <command> [arguments*]

Keyword command can be used with these sections: program

Define the command to start with optional arguments. The command is looked up in the current PATH if it does not include an absolute path. This is a mandatory option of the program section. Arguments containing spaces must be enclosed in quotes or double quotes or be prefixed by a backslash.

#user <user name>

Keyword user can be used with these sections: program

Changes the executed command user ID to the <user name> from /etc/passwd. See also group (4).

#group <group name>

Keyword group can be used with these sections: program

Changes the executed command group ID to the <group name> from /etc/group. See also user (4).

#option start-on-reload #no option start-on-reload

Keyword option start-on-reload can be used with these sections: program

Start (or not) a new instance of the program upon a reload of the master. The default is to start a new instance. This option may only be used in a program section.

#3.8. HTTP-errors

It is possible to globally declare several groups of HTTP errors, to be imported afterwards in any proxy section. Same group may be referenced at several places and can be fully or partially imported.

#http-errors <name>

Keyword http-errors can be used with these sections: http-errors

Create a new http-errors group with the name <name>. It is an independent section that may be referenced by one or more proxies using its name.

#errorfile <code> <file>

Keyword errorfile can be used with these sections: http-errors

Associate a file contents to an HTTP error code

Arguments :
<code>    is the HTTP status code. Currently, HAProxy is capable of
          generating codes 200, 400, 401, 403, 404, 405, 407, 408, 410,
          425, 429, 500, 501, 502, 503, and 504.

<file>    designates a file containing the full HTTP response. It is
          recommended to follow the common practice of appending ".http" to
          the filename so that people do not confuse the response with HTML
          error pages, and to use absolute paths, since files are read
          before any chroot is performed.  

Please referrers to errorfile (2) keyword in section 4 for details.

http-errors website-1
    errorfile 400 /etc/haproxy/errorfiles/site1/400.http
    errorfile 404 /etc/haproxy/errorfiles/site1/404.http
    errorfile 408 /dev/null  # work around Chrome pre-connect bug

http-errors website-2
    errorfile 400 /etc/haproxy/errorfiles/site2/400.http
    errorfile 404 /etc/haproxy/errorfiles/site2/404.http
    errorfile 408 /dev/null  # work around Chrome pre-connect bug  

#3.9. Rings

It is possible to globally declare ring-buffers, to be used as target for log servers or traces.

#ring <ringname>

Keyword ring can be used with these sections: ring

Creates a new ring-buffer with name <ringname>.

#backing-file <path>

Keyword backing-file can be used with these sections: ring

This replaces the regular memory allocation by a RAM-mapped file to store the ring. This can be useful for collecting traces or logs for post-mortem analysis, without having to attach a slow client to the CLI. Newer contents will automatically replace older ones so that the latest contents are always available. The contents written to the ring will be visible in that file once the process stops (most often they will even be seen very soon after but there is no such guarantee since writes are not synchronous).

When this option is used, the total storage area is reduced by the size of the struct ring that starts at the beginning of the area, and that is required to recover the area's contents. The file will be created with the starting user's ownership, with mode 0600 and will be of the size configured by the size directive. When the directive is parsed (thus even during config checks), any existing non-empty file will first be renamed with the extra suffix .bak, and any previously existing file with suffix .bak will be removed. This ensures that instant reload or restart of the process will not wipe precious debugging information, and will leave time for an admin to spot this new .bak file and to archive it if needed. As such, after a crash the file designated by <path> will contain the freshest information, and if the service is restarted, the "<path>.bak" file will have it instead. This means that the total storage capacity required will be double of the ring size. Failures to rotate the file are silently ignored, so placing the file into a directory without write permissions will be sufficient to avoid the backup file if not desired.

WARNING: there are stability and security implications in using this feature. First, backing the ring to a slow device (e.g. physical hard drive) may cause perceptible slowdowns during accesses, and possibly even panics if too many threads compete for accesses. Second, an external process modifying the area could cause the haproxy process to crash or to overwrite some of its own memory with traces. Third, if the file system fills up before the ring, writes to the ring may cause the process to crash.

The information present in this ring are structured and are NOT directly readable using a text editor (even though most of it looks barely readable). The output of this file is only intended for developers.

#description <text>

Keyword description can be used with these sections: ring

The description is an optional description string of the ring. It will appear on CLI. By default, <name> is reused to fill this field.

#format <format>

Keyword format can be used with these sections: ring

Format used to store events into the ring buffer.

<format> is the log format used when generating syslog messages. It may be
         one of the following :

  iso     A message containing only the ISO date, followed by the text.
          The PID, process name and system name are omitted. This is
          designed to be used with a local log server.

  local   Analog to rfc3164 syslog message format except that hostname
          field is stripped. This is the default.
          Note: option "log-send-hostname" switches the default to

  raw     A message containing only the text. The level, PID, date, time,
          process name and system name are omitted. This is designed to be
          used in containers or during development, where the severity
          only depends on the file descriptor used (stdout/stderr). This
          is the default.

  rfc3164 The RFC3164 syslog message format.

  rfc5424 The RFC5424 syslog message format.

  short   A message containing only a level between angle brackets such as
          '<3>', followed by the text. The PID, date, time, process name
          and system name are omitted. This is designed to be used with a
          local log server. This format is compatible with what the systemd
          logger consumes.

 priority A message containing only a level plus syslog facility between angle
          brackets such as '<63>', followed by the text. The PID, date, time,
          process name and system name are omitted. This is designed to be used
          with a local log server.

  timed   A message containing only a level between angle brackets such as
          '<3>', followed by ISO date and by the text. The PID, process
          name and system name are omitted. This is designed to be
          used with a local log server.  
#maxlen <length>

Keyword maxlen can be used with these sections: ring

The maximum length of an event message stored into the ring, including formatted header. If an event message is longer than <length>, it will be truncated to this length.

#server <name> <address> [param*]

Keyword server can be used with these sections: ring

Used to configure a syslog tcp server to forward messages from ring buffer. This supports for all server (3) parameters found in 5.2 paragraph. Some of these parameters are irrelevant for ring sections. Important point: there is little reason to add more than one server to a ring, because all servers will receive the exact same copy of the ring contents, and as such the ring will progress at the speed of the slowest server. If one server does not respond, it will prevent old messages from being purged and may block new messages from being inserted into the ring. The proper way to send messages to multiple servers is to use one distinct ring per log server, not to attach multiple servers to the same ring. Note that specific server directive log-proto is used to set the protocol used to send messages.

#size <size>

Keyword size can be used with these sections: ring

This is the optional size in bytes for the ring-buffer. Default value is set to BUFSIZE.

#timeout connect <timeout>

Keyword timeout can be used with these sections: ring

Set the maximum time to wait for a connection attempt to a server to succeed.

Arguments :
<timeout> is the timeout value specified in milliseconds by default, but
          can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit,
          as explained at the top of this document.  
#timeout server <timeout>

Keyword timeout can be used with these sections: ring

Set the maximum time for pending data staying into output buffer.

Arguments :
<timeout> is the timeout value specified in milliseconds by default, but
          can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit,
          as explained at the top of this document.  
    log ring@myring local7

ring myring
    description "My local buffer"
    format rfc3164
    maxlen 1200
    size 32764
    timeout connect 5s
    timeout server 10s
    server mysyslogsrv log-proto octet-count  

#3.10. Log forwarding

It is possible to declare one or multiple log forwarding section, HAProxy will forward all received log messages to a log servers list.

#log-forward <name>

Keyword log-forward can be used with these sections: log-forward

Creates a new log forwarder proxy identified as <name>.

#backlog <conns>

Keyword backlog can be used with these sections: log-forward

Give hints to the system about the approximate listen backlog desired size on connections accept.

#bind <addr> [param*]

Keyword bind can be used with these sections: log-forward

Used to configure a stream log listener to receive messages to forward. This supports the bind (3) parameters found in 5.1 paragraph including those about ssl but some statements such as alpn (2) may be irrelevant for syslog protocol over TCP. Those listeners support both Octet Counting and Non-Transparent-Framing modes as defined in rfc-6587.

#dgram-bind <addr> [param*]

Keyword dgram-bind can be used with these sections: log-forward

Used to configure a datagram log listener to receive messages to forward. Addresses must be in IPv4 or IPv6 form,followed by a port. This supports for some of the bind (3) parameters found in 5.1 paragraph among which interface, namespace (2) or transparent (2), the other ones being silently ignored as irrelevant for UDP/syslog case.

#log global #log <target> [len <length>] [format <format>] [sample <ranges>:<sample_size>] <facility> [<level> [<minlevel>]]

Keyword log can be used with these sections: log-forward

Used to configure target log servers. See more details on proxies documentation. If no format specified, HAProxy tries to keep the incoming log format. Configured facility is ignored, except if incoming message does not present a facility but one is mandatory on the outgoing format. If there is no timestamp available in the input format, but the field exists in output format, HAProxy will use the local date.

   log stderr format iso local7

ring myring
    description "My local buffer"
    format rfc5424
    maxlen 1200
    size 32764
    timeout connect 5s
    timeout server 10s
    # syslog tcp server
    server mysyslogsrv log-proto octet-count

log-forward sylog-loadb
    # all messages on stderr
    log global
    # all messages on local tcp syslog server
    log ring@myring local0
    # load balance messages on 4 udp syslog servers
    log sample 1:4 local0
    log sample 2:4 local0
    log sample 3:4 local0
    log sample 4:4 local0  
#maxconn <conns>

Keyword maxconn can be used with these sections: log-forward

Fix the maximum number of concurrent connections on a log forwarder. 10 is the default.

#timeout client <timeout>

Keyword timeout can be used with these sections: log-forward

Set the maximum inactivity time on the client side.

#3.11. HTTPClient tuning

HTTPClient is an internal HTTP library, it can be used by various subsystems, for example in LUA scripts. HTTPClient is not used in the data path, in other words it has nothing with HTTP traffic passing through HAProxy.

#httpclient.resolvers.disabled <on|off>

Disable the DNS resolution of the httpclient. Prevent the creation of the default resolvers section.

Default value is off. <resolvers id>

This option defines the resolvers section with which the httpclient will try to resolve.

Default option is the default resolvers ID. By default, if this option is not used, it will simply disable the resolving if the section is not found.

However, when this option is explicitly enabled it will trigger a configuration error if it fails to load.

#httpclient.resolvers.prefer <ipv4|ipv6>

This option allows to chose which family of IP you want when resolving, which is convenient when IPv6 is not available on your network. Default option is ipv6.

#httpclient.retries <number>

This option allows to configure the number of retries attempt of the httpclient when a request failed. This does the same as the retries keyword in a backend.

Default value is 3. <cafile>

This option defines the ca-file which should be used to verify the server certificate. It takes the same parameters as the ca-file (2) option on the server line.

By default and when this option is not used, the value is @system-ca which tries to load the CA of the system. If it fails the SSL will be disabled for the httpclient.

However, when this option is explicitly enabled it will trigger a configuration error if it fails.

#httpclient.ssl.verify [none|required]

Works the same way as the verify option on server lines. If specified to 'none', servers certificates are not verified. Default option is required.

By default and when this option is not used, the value is required. If it fails the SSL will be disabled for the httpclient.

However, when this option is explicitly enabled it will trigger a configuration error if it fails.

#httpclient.timeout.connect <timeout>

Set the maximum time to wait for a connection attempt by default for the httpclient.

Arguments :
<timeout> is the timeout value specified in milliseconds by default, but
          can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit,
          as explained at the top of this document.  

The default value is 5000ms.

#3.12. Certificate Storage

HAProxy uses an internal storage mechanism to load and store certificates used in the configuration. This storage can be configured by using a crt-store section. It allows to configure certificate definitions and which files should be loaded in it. A certificate definition must be written before it is used elsewhere in the configuration.

The crt-store takes an optional name in argument. If a name is specified, every certificate of this store must be referenced using "@<name>/<crt>" or "@<name>/<alias>".

Files in the certificate storage can also be updated dynamically with the CLI. See set ssl cert in the section 9.3 of the management guide.

The following keywords are supported in the crt-store section :

  • crt-base

  • key-base

  • load

#crt-base <dir>

Assigns a default directory to fetch SSL certificates from when a relative path is used with crt (3) directives. Absolute locations specified prevail and ignore crt-base (2). When used in a crt-store, the crt-base of the global section is ignored.

#key-base <dir>

Assigns a default directory to fetch SSL private keys from when a relative path is used with key directives. Absolute locations specified prevail and ignore key-base (2). When used in a crt-store, the key-base of the global section is ignored.

#load [crt <filename>] [param*]

Load SSL files in the certificate storage. For the parameter list, see section 3.12.1. Load options

    load crt "site1.crt" key "site1.key" ocsp "site1.ocsp" alias "site1"
    load crt "site2.crt" key "site2.key"

frontend in2
    bind *:443 ssl crt "@/site1" crt "site2.crt"

crt-store web
    crt-base /etc/ssl/certs/
    key-base /etc/ssl/private/
    load crt "site3.crt" alias "site3"
    load crt "site4.crt" key "site4.key"

frontend in2
    bind *:443 ssl crt "@web/site1" crt "site2.crt"  crt "@web/site3" crt "@web/site4.crt"  

#3.12.1. Load options

Load SSL files in the certificate storage. The load keyword can take multiple parameters which are listed below. These keywords are also usable in a crt-list.

#crt <filename>

This argument is mandatory, it loads a PEM which must contain the public certificate but could also contain the intermediate certificates and the private key. If no private key is provided in this file, a key can be provided with the key keyword.

#alias <string>

Optional argument. Allow to name the certificate with an alias, so it can be referenced with it in the configuration. An alias must be prefixed with '@/' when called elsewhere in the configuration.

#key <filename>

This argument is optional. Load a private key in PEM format. If a private key was already defined in crt (3), it will overwrite it.

#ocsp <filename>

This argument is optional, it loads an OCSP response in DER format. It can be updated with the CLI.

#issuer <filename>

This argument is optional. Load the OCSP issuer in PEM format. In order to identify which certificate an OCSP Response applies to, the issuer's certificate is necessary. If the issuer's certificate is not found in the crt (3) file, it could be loaded from a file with this argument.

#sctl <filename>

This argument is optional. Support for Certificate Transparency (RFC6962) TLS extension is enabled. The file must contain a valid Signed Certificate Timestamp List, as described in RFC. File is parsed to check basic syntax, but no signatures are verified.

#ocsp-update [ off | on ]

Enable automatic OCSP response update when set to 'on', disable it otherwise. Its value defaults to 'off'. To enable the OCSP auto update on a bind line, you can use this option in a crt-store or you can use the global option tune.ocsp-update.mode. If a given certificate is used in multiple crt-lists with different values of the 'ocsp-update' set, an error will be raised. Likewise, if a certificate inherits from the global option on a bind line and has an incompatible explicit 'ocsp-update' option set in a crt-list, the same error will be raised.


Here is an example configuration enabling it with a crt-list:

haproxy.cfg: frontend fe bind :443 ssl crt-list haproxy.list

haproxy.list: server_cert.pem [ocsp-update on]

Here is an example configuration enabling it with a crt-store:


  load crt foobar.pem ocsp-update on

frontend fe
    bind :443 ssl crt foobar.pem

When the option is set to 'on', we will try to get an ocsp response whenever an ocsp uri is found in the frontend's certificate. The only limitation of this mode is that the certificate's issuer will have to be known in order for the OCSP certid to be built. Each OCSP response will be updated at least once an hour, and even more frequently if a given OCSP response has an expire date earlier than this one hour limit. A minimum update interval of 5 minutes will still exist in order to avoid updating too often responses that have a really short expire time or even no 'Next Update' at all. Because of this hard limit, please note that when auto update is set to 'on', any OCSP response loaded during init will not be updated until at least 5 minutes, even if its expire time ends before now+5m. This should not be too much of a hassle since an OCSP response must be valid when it gets loaded during init (its expire time must be in the future) so it is unlikely that this response expires in such a short time after init. On the other hand, if a certificate has an OCSP uri specified and no OCSP response, setting this option to 'on' for the given certificate will ensure that the OCSP response gets fetched automatically right after init. The default minimum and maximum delays (5 minutes and 1 hour respectively) can be configured by the ocsp-update.maxdelay and ocsp-update.mindelay global options.

Whenever an OCSP response is updated by the auto update task or following a call to the update ssl ocsp-response CLI command, a dedicated log line is emitted. It follows a dedicated format that contains the following header "<OCSP-UPDATE>" and is followed by specific OCSP-related information:

  • the path of the corresponding frontend certificate

  • a numerical update status

  • a textual update status

  • the number of update failures for the given response

  • the number of update successes for the givan response

See show ssl ocsp-updates CLI command for a full list of error codes and error messages. This line is emitted regardless of the success or failure of the concerned OCSP response update. The OCSP request/response is sent and received through an http_client instance that has the dontlog-normal option set and that uses the regular HTTP log format in case of error (unreachable OCSP responder for instance). If such an error occurs, another log line that contains HTTP-related information will then be emitted alongside the regular OCSP one (which will likely have HTTP error as text status). But if a purely HTTP error happens (unreachable OCSP responder for instance), an extra log line that follows the regular HTTP log-format will be emitted. Here are two examples of such log lines, with a successful OCSP update log line first and then an example of an HTTP error with the two different lines (lines were spit and the URL was shortened for readability): <133>Mar 6 11:16:53 haproxy[14872]: <OCSP-UPDATE> /path_to_cert/foo.pem 1 \ Update successful 0 1

<133>Mar  6 11:18:55 haproxy[14872]: <OCSP-UPDATE> /path_to_cert/bar.pem 2 \
        "HTTP error" 1 0
<133>Mar  6 11:18:55 haproxy[14872]: -:- [06/Mar/2023:11:18:52.200] \
        <OCSP-UPDATE> -/- 2/0/-1/-1/3009 503 217 - - SC-- 0/0/0/0/3 0/0 {} \
        "GET HTTP/1.1"

Troubleshooting: A common error that can happen with let's encrypt certificates is if the DNS resolution provides an IPv6 address and your system does not have a valid outgoing IPv6 route. In such a case, you can either create the appropriate route or set the httpclient.resolvers.prefer ipv4 option in the global section. In case of OCSP response check failure error, you might want to check that the issuer certificate that you provided is valid.

#3.13. Modules

It is possible to load modules that provides new functions or permit to implement protocols under NDA. The modules are declared with the keyword module-load. The keyword module-path permit to specify default path containing modules.

#module-load <module>

Give the module file to load. This file can be absolute path name, or relative to the directory specified in the module-path entry.

module-load /usr/lib/haproxy/module-load  
#module-path <path>

Give the default path containing modules. If more than one directives module-path was found in the configuration file, only the last entry before the directive module-load is used.

module-path /usr/lib/haproxy

The configuration can be conditioned depending on the loaded modules with the module() predicate.

  .if module(lb-antibot)
  cook_chal.set_cookie_attributes " SameSite=None; Secure"

#4. Proxies

Proxy configuration can be located in a set of sections :

  • defaults [<name>] [ from <defaults_name> ]

  • frontend <name> [ from <defaults_name> ]

  • backend <name> [ from <defaults_name> ]

  • listen <name> [ from <defaults_name> ]

A frontend section describes a set of listening sockets accepting client connections.

A backend section describes a set of servers to which the proxy will connect to forward incoming connections.

A listen section defines a complete proxy with its frontend and backend parts combined in one section. It is generally useful for TCP-only traffic.

A defaults section resets all settings to the documented ones and presets new ones for use by subsequent sections. All of frontend, backend and listen sections always take their initial settings from a defaults section, by default the latest one that appears before the newly created section. It is possible to explicitly designate a specific defaults section to load the initial settings from by indicating its name on the section line after the optional keyword from. While defaults section do not impose a name, this use is encouraged for better readability. It is also the only way to designate a specific section to use instead of the default previous one. Since defaults section names are optional, by default a very permissive check is applied on their name and these are even permitted to overlap. However if a defaults section is referenced by any other section, its name must comply with the syntax imposed on all proxy names, and this name must be unique among the defaults sections. Please note that regardless of what is currently permitted, it is recommended to avoid duplicate section names in general and to respect the same syntax as for proxy names. This rule might be enforced in a future version. In addition, a warning is emitted if a defaults section is explicitly used by a proxy while it is also implicitly used by another one because it is the last one defined. It is highly encouraged to not mix both usages by always using explicit references or by adding a last common defaults section reserved for all implicit uses.

Note that it is even possible for a defaults section to take its initial settings from another one, and as such, inherit settings across multiple levels of defaults sections. This can be convenient to establish certain configuration profiles to carry groups of default settings (e.g. TCP vs HTTP or short vs long timeouts) but can quickly become confusing to follow.

All proxy names must be formed from upper and lower case letters, digits, '-' (dash), '_' (underscore) , '.' (dot) and ':' (colon). ACL names are case-sensitive, which means that www and WWW are two different proxies.

Historically, all proxy names could overlap, it just caused troubles in the logs. Since the introduction of content switching, it is mandatory that two proxies with overlapping capabilities (frontend/backend) have different names. However, it is still permitted that a frontend and a backend share the same name, as this configuration seems to be commonly encountered.

Right now, two major proxy modes are supported : tcp, also known as layer 4, and http, also known as layer 7. In layer 4 mode, HAProxy simply forwards bidirectional traffic between two sides. In layer 7 mode, HAProxy analyzes the protocol, and can interact with it by allowing, blocking, switching, adding, modifying, or removing arbitrary contents in requests or responses, based on arbitrary criteria.

In HTTP mode, the processing applied to requests and responses flowing over a connection depends in the combination of the frontend's HTTP options and the backend's. HAProxy supports 3 connection modes :

  • KAL : keep alive (option http-keep-alive) which is the default mode : all requests and responses are processed, and connections remain open but idle between responses and new requests.

  • SCL: server close (option http-server-close) : the server-facing connection is closed after the end of the response is received, but the client-facing connection remains open.

  • CLO: close (option httpclose): the connection is closed after the end of the response and Connection: close appended in both directions.

The effective mode that will be applied to a connection passing through a frontend and a backend can be determined by both proxy modes according to the following matrix, but in short, the modes are symmetric, keep-alive is the weakest option and close is the strongest.

                Backend mode

             | KAL | SCL | CLO
         KAL | KAL | SCL | CLO
mode     SCL | SCL | SCL | CLO
         CLO | CLO | CLO | CLO

It is possible to chain a TCP frontend to an HTTP backend. It is pointless if only HTTP traffic is handled. But it may be used to handle several protocols within the same frontend. In this case, the client's connection is first handled as a raw tcp connection before being upgraded to HTTP. Before the upgrade, the content processings are performend on raw data. Once upgraded, data is parsed and stored using an internal representation called HTX and it is no longer possible to rely on raw representation. There is no way to go back.

There are two kind of upgrades, in-place upgrades and destructive upgrades. The first ones involves a TCP to HTTP/1 upgrade. In HTTP/1, the request processings are serialized, thus the applicative stream can be preserved. The second one involves a TCP to HTTP/2 upgrade. Because it is a multiplexed protocol, the applicative stream cannot be associated to any HTTP/2 stream and is destroyed. New applicative streams are then created when HAProxy receives new HTTP/2 streams at the lower level, in the H2 multiplexer. It is important to understand this difference because that drastically changes the way to process data. When an HTTP/1 upgrade is performed, the content processings already performed on raw data are neither lost nor reexecuted while for an HTTP/2 upgrade, applicative streams are distinct and all frontend rules are evaluated systematically on each one. And as said, the first stream, the TCP one, is destroyed, but only after the frontend rules were evaluated.

There is another importnat point to understand when HTTP processings are performed from a TCP proxy. While HAProxy is able to parse HTTP/1 in-fly from tcp-request content rules, it is not possible for HTTP/2. Only the HTTP/2 preface can be parsed. This is a huge limitation regarding the HTTP content analysis in TCP. Concretely it is only possible to know if received data are HTTP. For instance, it is not possible to choose a backend based on the Host header value while it is trivial in HTTP/1. Hopefully, there is a solution to mitigate this drawback.

There are two ways to perform an HTTP upgrade. The first one, the historical method, is to select an HTTP backend. The upgrade happens when the backend is set. Thus, for in-place upgrades, only the backend configuration is considered in the HTTP data processing. For destructive upgrades, the applicative stream is destroyed, thus its processing is stopped. With this method, possibilities to choose a backend with an HTTP/2 connection are really limited, as mentioned above, and a bit useless because the stream is destroyed. The second method is to upgrade during the tcp-request content rules evaluation, thanks to the switch-mode http action. In this case, the upgrade is performed in the frontend context and it is possible to define HTTP directives in this frontend. For in-place upgrades, it offers all the power of the HTTP analysis as soon as possible. It is not that far from an HTTP frontend. For destructive upgrades, it does not change anything except it is useless to choose a backend on limited information. It is of course the recommended method. Thus, testing the request protocol from the tcp-request content rules to perform an HTTP upgrade is enough. All the remaining HTTP manipulation may be moved to the frontend http-request ruleset. But keep in mind that tcp-request content rules remains evaluated on each streams, that can't be changed.

#4.1. Proxy keywords matrix

The following list of keywords is supported. Most of them may only be used in a limited set of section types. Some of them are marked as deprecated because they are inherited from an old syntax which may be confusing or functionally limited, and there are new recommended keywords to replace them. Keywords marked with (*) can be optionally inverted using the no prefix, e.g. no option contstats. This makes sense when the option has been enabled by default and must be disabled for a specific instance. Such options may also be prefixed with default in order to restore default settings regardless of what has been specified in a previous defaults section. Keywords supported in defaults sections marked with (!) are only supported in named defaults sections, not anonymous ones.

Note: Some dangerous and not recommanded directives are intentionnaly not listed in the following matrix. It is on purpose. These directives are documentated. But by not listing them below is one more way to discourage anyone to use it.

keyword defaults frontend listen backend
acl X (!) X X X
backlog X X X -
balance X - X X
bind - X X -
capture cookie - X X -
capture request header - X X -
capture response header - X X -
clitcpka-cnt X X X -
clitcpka-idle X X X -
clitcpka-intvl X X X -
compression X X X X
cookie X - X X
declare capture - X X -
default-server X - X X
default_backend X X X -
description - X X X
disabled X X X X
dispatch - - X X
email-alert from X X X X
email-alert level X X X X
email-alert mailers X X X X
email-alert myhostname X X X X
email-alert to X X X X
enabled X X X X
errorfile X X X X
errorfiles X X X X
errorloc X X X X
errorloc302 X X X X
errorloc303 X X X X
error-log-format X X X -
force-persist - - X X
filter - X X X
fullconn X - X X
guid - X X X
hash-balance-factor X - X X
hash-type X - X X
http-after-response X (!) X X X
http-check comment X - X X
http-check connect X - X X
http-check disable-on-404 X - X X
http-check expect X - X X
http-check send X - X X
http-check send-state X - X X
http-check set-var X - X X
http-check unset-var X - X X
http-error X X X X
http-request X (!) X X X
http-response X (!) X X X
http-reuse X - X X
http-send-name-header X - X X
id - X X X
ignore-persist - - X X
load-server-state-from-file X - X X
log (*) X X X X
log-format X X X -
log-format-sd X X X -
log-tag X X X X
log-steps X X X -
max-keep-alive-queue X - X X
max-session-srv-conns X X X -
maxconn X X X -
mode X X X X
monitor fail - X X -
monitor-uri X X X -
option abortonclose (*) X - X X
option allbackups (*) X - X X
option checkcache (*) X - X X
option clitcpka (*) X X X -
option contstats (*) X X X -
option disable-h2-upgrade (*) X X X -
option dontlog-normal (*) X X X -
option dontlognull (*) X X X -
option forwardfor X X X X
option forwarded (*) X - X X
option h1-case-adjust-bogus-client (*) X X X -
option h1-case-adjust-bogus-server (*) X - X X
option http-buffer-request (*) X X X X
option http-ignore-probes (*) X X X -
option http-keep-alive (*) X X X X
option http-no-delay (*) X X X X
option http-pretend-keepalive (*) X - X X
option http-restrict-req-hdr-names X X X X
option http-server-close (*) X X X X
option http-use-proxy-header (*) X X X -
option httpchk X - X X
option httpclose (*) X X X X
option httplog X X X -
option httpslog X X X -
option independent-streams (*) X X X X
option ldap-check X - X X
option external-check X - X X
option log-health-checks (*) X - X X
option log-separate-errors (*) X X X -
option logasap (*) X X X -
option mysql-check X - X X
option nolinger (*) X X X X
option originalto X X X X
option persist (*) X - X X
option pgsql-check X - X X
option prefer-last-server (*) X - X X
option redispatch (*) X - X X
option redis-check X - X X
option smtpchk X - X X
option socket-stats (*) X X X -
option splice-auto (*) X X X X
option splice-request (*) X X X X
option splice-response (*) X X X X
option spop-check X - X X
option srvtcpka (*) X - X X
option ssl-hello-chk X - X X
option tcp-check X - X X
option tcp-smart-accept (*) X X X -
option tcp-smart-connect (*) X - X X
option tcpka X X X X
option tcplog X X X -
option transparent (*) X - X X
option idle-close-on-response (*) X X X -
external-check command X - X X
external-check path X - X X
persist rdp-cookie X - X X
quic-initial X (!) X X -
rate-limit sessions X X X -
redirect - X X X
retries X - X X
retry-on X - X X
server - - X X
server-state-file-name X - X X
server-template - - X X
source X - X X
srvtcpka-cnt X - X X
srvtcpka-idle X - X X
srvtcpka-intvl X - X X
stats admin - X X X
stats auth X X X X
stats enable X X X X
stats hide-version X X X X
stats http-request - X X X
stats realm X X X X
stats refresh X X X X
stats scope X X X X
stats show-desc X X X X
stats show-legends X X X X
stats show-node X X X X
stats uri X X X X
stick match - - X X
stick on - - X X
stick store-request - - X X
stick store-response - - X X
stick-table - X X X
tcp-check comment X - X X
tcp-check connect X - X X
tcp-check expect X - X X
tcp-check send X - X X
tcp-check send-lf X - X X
tcp-check send-binary X - X X
tcp-check send-binary-lf X - X X
tcp-check set-var X - X X
tcp-check unset-var X - X X
tcp-request connection X (!) X X -
tcp-request content X (!) X X X
tcp-request inspect-delay X (!) X X X
tcp-request session X (!) X X -
tcp-response content X (!) - X X
tcp-response inspect-delay X (!) - X X
timeout check X - X X
timeout client X X X -
timeout client-fin X X X -
timeout client-hs X X X -
timeout connect X - X X
timeout http-keep-alive X X X X
timeout http-request X X X X
timeout queue X - X X
timeout server X - X X
timeout server-fin X - X X
timeout tarpit X X X X
timeout tunnel X - X X
transparent (depreca ed) X - X X
unique-id-format X X X -
unique-id-header X X X -
use_backend - X X -
use-fcgi-app - - X X
use-server - - X X
keyword defaults frontend listen backend

#4.2. Alphabetically sorted keywords reference

This section provides a description of each keyword and its usage.

#acl <aclname> <criterion> [flags] [operator] <value> ...

Keyword acl can be used with these sections: named defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Declare or complete an access list.

This directive is only available from named defaults sections, not anonymous ones. ACLs defined in a defaults section are not visible from other sections using it.

acl invalid_src  src
acl invalid_src  src_port     0:1023
acl local_dst    hdr(host) -i localhost  

See section 7 about ACL usage.

#backlog <conns>

Keyword backlog can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Give hints to the system about the approximate listen backlog desired size

Arguments :
<conns>   is the number of pending connections. Depending on the operating
          system, it may represent the number of already acknowledged
          connections, of non-acknowledged ones, or both.  

This option is only meaningful for stream listeners, including QUIC ones. Its behavior however is not identical with QUIC instances.

For all listeners but QUIC, in order to protect against SYN flood attacks, one solution is to increase the system's SYN backlog size. Depending on the system, sometimes it is just tunable via a system parameter, sometimes it is not adjustable at all, and sometimes the system relies on hints given by the application at the time of the listen() syscall. By default, HAProxy passes the frontend's maxconn value to the listen() syscall. On systems which can make use of this value, it can sometimes be useful to be able to specify a different value, hence this backlog parameter.

On Linux 2.4, the parameter is ignored by the system. On Linux 2.6, it is used as a hint and the system accepts up to the smallest greater power of two, and never more than some limits (usually 32768).

For QUIC listeners, backlog sets a shared limits for both the maximum count of active handshakes and connections waiting to be accepted. The handshake phase relies primarily of the network latency with the remote peer, whereas the second phase depends solely on haproxy load. When either one of this limit is reached, haproxy starts to drop reception of INITIAL packets, preventing any new connection allocation, until the connection excess starts to decrease. This situation may cause browsers to silently downgrade the HTTP versions and switching to TCP.

See also : maxconn (5) and the target operating system's tuning guide.

#balance <algorithm> [ <arguments> ] #balance url_param <param> [check_post]

Keyword balance can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Define the load balancing algorithm to be used in a backend.

Arguments :
<algorithm> is the algorithm used to select a server when doing load
            balancing. This only applies when no persistence information
            is available, or when a connection is redispatched to another
            server. <algorithm> may be one of the following :

  roundrobin  Each server is used in turns, according to their weights.
              This is the smoothest and fairest algorithm when the server's
              processing time remains equally distributed. This algorithm
              is dynamic, which means that server weights may be adjusted
              on the fly for slow starts for instance. It is limited by
              design to 4095 active servers per backend. Note that in some
              large farms, when a server becomes up after having been down
              for a very short time, it may sometimes take a few hundreds
              requests for it to be re-integrated into the farm and start
              receiving traffic. This is normal, though very rare. It is
              indicated here in case you would have the chance to observe
              it, so that you don't worry. Note: weights are ignored for
              backends in LOG mode.

  static-rr   Each server is used in turns, according to their weights.
              This algorithm is as similar to roundrobin except that it is
              static, which means that changing a server's weight on the
              fly will have no effect. On the other hand, it has no design
              limitation on the number of servers, and when a server goes
              up, it is always immediately reintroduced into the farm, once
              the full map is recomputed. It also uses slightly less CPU to
              run (around -1%). This algorithm is not usable in LOG mode.

  leastconn   The server with the lowest number of connections receives the
              connection. Round-robin is performed within groups of servers
              of the same load to ensure that all servers will be used. Use
              of this algorithm is recommended where very long sessions are
              expected, such as LDAP, SQL, TSE, etc... but is not very well
              suited for protocols using short sessions such as HTTP. This
              algorithm is dynamic, which means that server weights may be
              adjusted on the fly for slow starts for instance. It will
              also consider the number of queued connections in addition to
              the established ones in order to minimize queuing. This
              algorithm is not usable in LOG mode.

  first       The first server with available connection slots receives the
              connection. The servers are chosen from the lowest numeric
              identifier to the highest (see server parameter "id"), which
              defaults to the server's position in the farm. Once a server
              reaches its maxconn value, the next server is used. It does
              not make sense to use this algorithm without setting maxconn.
              The purpose of this algorithm is to always use the smallest
              number of servers so that extra servers can be powered off
              during non-intensive hours. This algorithm ignores the server
              weight, and brings more benefit to long session such as RDP
              or IMAP than HTTP, though it can be useful there too. In
              order to use this algorithm efficiently, it is recommended
              that a cloud controller regularly checks server usage to turn
              them off when unused, and regularly checks backend queue to
              turn new servers on when the queue inflates. Alternatively,
              using "http-check send-state" may inform servers on the load.
              This algorithm is not usable in LOG mode.

  hash        Takes a regular sample expression in argument. The expression
              is evaluated for each request and hashed according to the
              configured hash-type. The result of the hash is divided by
              the total weight of the running servers to designate which
              server will receive the request. This can be used in place of
              "source", "uri", "hdr()", "url_param()", "rdp-cookie" to make
              use of a converter, refine the evaluation, or be used to
              extract data from local variables for example. When the data
              is not available, round robin will apply. This algorithm is
              static by default, which means that changing a server's
              weight on the fly will have no effect, but this can be
              changed using "hash-type". This algorithm is not usable for
              backends in LOG mode, please use "log-hash" instead.

  source      The source IP address is hashed and divided by the total
              weight of the running servers to designate which server will
              receive the request. This ensures that the same client IP
              address will always reach the same server as long as no
              server goes down or up. If the hash result changes due to the
              number of running servers changing, many clients will be
              directed to a different server. This algorithm is generally
              used in TCP mode where no cookie may be inserted. It may also
              be used on the Internet to provide a best-effort stickiness
              to clients which refuse session cookies. This algorithm is
              static by default, which means that changing a server's
              weight on the fly will have no effect, but this can be
              changed using "hash-type". See also the "hash" option above.
              This algorithm is not usable for backends in LOG mode.

  uri         This algorithm hashes either the left part of the URI (before
              the question mark) or the whole URI (if the "whole" parameter
              is present) and divides the hash value by the total weight of
              the running servers. The result designates which server will
              receive the request. This ensures that the same URI will
              always be directed to the same server as long as no server
              goes up or down. This is used with proxy caches and
              anti-virus proxies in order to maximize the cache hit rate.
              Note that this algorithm may only be used in an HTTP backend.
              This algorithm is static by default, which means that
              changing a server's weight on the fly will have no effect,
              but this can be changed using "hash-type".

              This algorithm supports two optional parameters "len" and
              "depth", both followed by a positive integer number. These
              options may be helpful when it is needed to balance servers
              based on the beginning of the URI only. The "len" parameter
              indicates that the algorithm should only consider that many
              characters at the beginning of the URI to compute the hash.
              Note that having "len" set to 1 rarely makes sense since most
              URIs start with a leading "/".

              The "depth" parameter indicates the maximum directory depth
              to be used to compute the hash. One level is counted for each
              slash in the request. If both parameters are specified, the
              evaluation stops when either is reached.

              A "path-only" parameter indicates that the hashing key starts
              at the first '/' of the path. This can be used to ignore the
              authority part of absolute URIs, and to make sure that HTTP/1
              and HTTP/2 URIs will provide the same hash. See also the
              "hash" option above.

  url_param   The URL parameter specified in argument will be looked up in
              the query string of each HTTP GET request.

              If the modifier "check_post" is used, then an HTTP POST
              request entity will be searched for the parameter argument,
              when it is not found in a query string after a question mark
              ('?') in the URL. The message body will only start to be
              analyzed once either the advertised amount of data has been
              received or the request buffer is full. In the unlikely event
              that chunked encoding is used, only the first chunk is
              scanned. Parameter values separated by a chunk boundary, may
              be randomly balanced if at all. This keyword used to support
              an optional <max_wait> parameter which is now ignored.

              If the parameter is found followed by an equal sign ('=') and
              a value, then the value is hashed and divided by the total
              weight of the running servers. The result designates which
              server will receive the request.

              This is used to track user identifiers in requests and ensure
              that a same user ID will always be sent to the same server as
              long as no server goes up or down. If no value is found or if
              the parameter is not found, then a round robin algorithm is
              applied. Note that this algorithm may only be used in an HTTP
              backend. This algorithm is static by default, which means
              that changing a server's weight on the fly will have no
              effect, but this can be changed using "hash-type". See also
              the "hash" option above.

  hdr(<name>) The HTTP header <name> will be looked up in each HTTP
              request. Just as with the equivalent ACL 'hdr()' function,
              the header name in parenthesis is not case sensitive. If the
              header is absent or if it does not contain any value, the
              roundrobin algorithm is applied instead.

              An optional 'use_domain_only' parameter is available, for
              reducing the hash algorithm to the main domain part with some
              specific headers such as 'Host'. For instance, in the Host
              value "", only "1wt" will be considered.

              This algorithm is static by default, which means that
              changing a server's weight on the fly will have no effect,
              but this can be changed using "hash-type". See also the
              "hash" option above.

              A random number will be used as the key for the consistent
              hashing function. This means that the servers' weights are
              respected, dynamic weight changes immediately take effect, as
              well as new server additions. Random load balancing can be
              useful with large farms or when servers are frequently added
              or removed as it may avoid the hammering effect that could
              result from roundrobin or leastconn in this situation. The
              hash-balance-factor directive can be used to further improve
              fairness of the load balancing, especially in situations
              where servers show highly variable response times. When an
              argument <draws> is present, it must be an integer value one
              or greater, indicating the number of draws before selecting
              the least loaded of these servers. It was indeed demonstrated
              that picking the least loaded of two servers is enough to
              significantly improve the fairness of the algorithm, by
              always avoiding to pick the most loaded server within a farm
              and getting rid of any bias that could be induced by the
              unfair distribution of the consistent list. Higher values N
              will take away N-1 of the highest loaded servers at the
              expense of performance. With very high values, the algorithm
              will converge towards the leastconn's result but much slower.
              The default value is 2, which generally shows very good
              distribution and performance. This algorithm is also known as
              the Power of Two Random Choices and is described here :

              For backends in LOG mode, the number of draws is ignored and
              a single random is picked since there is no notion of server
              load. Random log balancing can be useful with large farms or
              when servers are frequently added or removed from the pool of
              available servers as it may avoid the hammering effect that
              could result from roundrobin in this situation.

              The RDP cookie <name> (or "mstshash" if omitted) will be
              looked up and hashed for each incoming TCP request. Just as
              with the equivalent ACL 'req.rdp_cookie()' function, the name
              is not case-sensitive. This mechanism is useful as a degraded
              persistence mode, as it makes it possible to always send the
              same user (or the same session ID) to the same server. If the
              cookie is not found, the normal roundrobin algorithm is
              used instead.

              Note that for this to work, the frontend must ensure that an
              RDP cookie is already present in the request buffer. For this
              you must use 'tcp-request content accept' rule combined with
              a 'req.rdp_cookie_cnt' ACL.

              This algorithm is static by default, which means that
              changing a server's weight on the fly will have no effect,
              but this can be changed using "hash-type". See also the
              "hash" option above.

  log-hash    Takes a comma-delimited list of converters in argument. These
              converters are applied in sequence to the input log message,
              and the result will be cast as a string then hashed according
              to the configured hash-type. The resulting hash will be used
              to select the destination server among the ones declared in
              the log backend. The goal of this algorithm is to be able to
              extract a key within the final log message using string
              converters and then be able to stick to the same server thanks
              to the hash. Only "map-based" hashes are supported for now.
              This algorithm is only usable for backends in LOG mode, for
              others, please use "hash" instead.

  sticky      Tries to stick to the same server as much as possible. The
              first server in the list of available servers receives all
              the log messages. When the server goes DOWN, the next server
              in the list takes its place. When a previously DOWN server
              goes back UP it is added at the end of the list so that the
              sticky server doesn't change until it becomes DOWN.

<arguments> is an optional list of arguments which may be needed by some
            algorithms. Right now, only "url_param", "uri" and "log-hash"
            support an optional argument.  

The load balancing algorithm of a backend is set to roundrobin when no other algorithm, mode nor option have been set. The algorithm may only be set once for each backend.

With authentication schemes that require the same connection like NTLM, URI based algorithms must not be used, as they would cause subsequent requests to be routed to different backend servers, breaking the invalid assumptions NTLM relies on.

TCP/HTTP Examples : balance roundrobin balance url_param userid balance url_param session_id check_post 64 balance hdr(User-Agent) balance hdr(host) balance hdr(Host) use_domain_only balance hash req.cookie(clientid) balance hash var(req.client_id) balance hash req.hdr_ip(x-forwarded-for,-1),ipmask(24)

LOG backend examples: global log backend@mylog-rrb local0 # send all logs to mylog-rrb backend log backend@mylog-hash local0 # send all logs to mylog-hash backend

backend mylog-rrb
  mode log
  balance roundrobin

  server s1 udp@ # will receive 50% of log messages
  server s2 udp@

backend mylog-hash
  mode log

  # extract "METHOD URL PROTO" at the end of the log message,
  # and let haproxy hash it so that log messages generated from
  # similar requests get sent to the same syslog server:
  balance log-hash 'field(-2,\")'

  # server list here
  server s1

Note: the following caveats and limitations on using the check_post extension with url_param must be considered :

  • all POST requests are eligible for consideration, because there is no way to determine if the parameters will be found in the body or entity which may contain binary data. Therefore another method may be required to restrict consideration of POST requests that have no URL parameters in the body. (see acl http_end)

  • using a <max_wait> value larger than the request buffer size does not make sense and is useless. The buffer size is set at build time, and defaults to 16 kB.

  • Content-Encoding is not supported, the parameter search will probably fail; and load balancing will fall back to Round Robin.

  • Expect: 100-continue is not supported, load balancing will fall back to Round Robin.

  • Transfer-Encoding (RFC7230 3.3.1) is only supported in the first chunk. If the entire parameter value is not present in the first chunk, the selection of server is undefined (actually, defined by how little actually appeared in the first chunk).

  • This feature does not support generation of a 100, 411 or 501 response.

  • In some cases, requesting check_post MAY attempt to scan the entire contents of a message body. Scanning normally terminates when linear white space or control characters are found, indicating the end of what might be a URL parameter list. This is probably not a concern with SGML type message bodies.

See also : dispatch, cookie (3), transparent (2), hash-type.

#bind [<address>]:<port_range> [, ...] [param*] #bind /<path> [, ...] [param*]

Keyword bind can be used with these sections: frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Define one or several listening addresses and/or ports in a frontend.

Arguments :
<address>     is optional and can be a host name, an IPv4 address, an IPv6
              address, or '*'. It designates the address the frontend will
              listen on. If unset, all IPv4 addresses of the system will be
              listened on. The same will apply for '*' or the system's
              special address "". The IPv6 equivalent is '::'. Note
              that for UDP, specific OS features are required when binding
              on multiple addresses to ensure the correct network interface
              and source address will be used on response. In other way,
              for QUIC listeners only bind on multiple addresses if running
              with a modern enough systems.

              Optionally, an address family prefix may be used before the
              address to force the family regardless of the address format,
              which can be useful to specify a path to a unix socket with
              no slash ('/'). Currently supported prefixes are :
                - 'ipv4@'  -> address is always IPv4
                - 'ipv6@'  -> address is always IPv6
                - 'udp@'   -> address is resolved as IPv4 or IPv6 and
                  protocol UDP is used. Currently those listeners are
                  supported only in log-forward sections.
                - 'udp4@'  -> address is always IPv4 and protocol UDP
                  is used. Currently those listeners are supported
                  only in log-forward sections.
                - 'udp6@'  -> address is always IPv6 and protocol UDP
                  is used. Currently those listeners are supported
                  only in log-forward sections.
                - 'unix@'  -> address is a path to a local unix socket
                - 'abns@'  -> address is in abstract namespace (Linux only).
                - 'abnsz@'  -> address is in abstract namespace (Linux only)
                   but it is explicitly zero-terminated. This means no \0
                   padding is used to complete sun_path. It is useful to
                   interconnect with programs that don't implement the
                   default abns naming logic that haproxy uses.
                - 'fd@<n>' -> use file descriptor <n> inherited from the
                  parent. The fd must be bound and may or may not already
                  be listening.
                - 'sockpair@<n>'-> like fd@ but you must use the fd of a
                  connected unix socket or of a socketpair. The bind waits
                  to receive a FD over the unix socket and uses it as if it
                  was the FD of an accept(). Should be used carefully.
                - 'quic4@' -> address is resolved as IPv4 and protocol UDP
                  is used. Note that to achieve the best performance with a
                  large traffic you should keep "tune.quic.socket-owner" on
                  connection. Else QUIC connections will be multiplexed
                  over the listener socket. Another alternative would be to
                  duplicate QUIC listener instances over several threads,
                  for example using "shards" keyword to at least reduce
                  thread contention.
                - 'quic6@' -> address is resolved as IPv6 and protocol UDP
                  is used. The performance note for QUIC over IPv4 applies
                  as well.
                - 'rhttp@' [ EXPERIMENTAL ] -> used for reverse HTTP.
                  Address must be a server with the format
                  '<backend>/<server>'. The server will be used to
                  instantiate connections to a remote address. The listener
                  will try to maintain "nbconn" connections. This is an
                  experimental features which requires
                  "expose-experimental-directives" on a line before this

              You may want to reference some environment variables in the
              address parameter, see section 2.3 about environment

<port_range>  is either a unique TCP port, or a port range for which the
              proxy will accept connections for the IP address specified
              above. The port is mandatory for TCP listeners. Note that in
              the case of an IPv6 address, the port is always the number
              after the last colon (':'). A range can either be :
               - a numerical port (ex: '80')
               - a dash-delimited ports range explicitly stating the lower
                 and upper bounds (ex: '2000-2100') which are included in
                 the range.

              Particular care must be taken against port ranges, because
              every <address:port> couple consumes one socket (= a file
              descriptor), so it's easy to consume lots of descriptors
              with a simple range, and to run out of sockets. Also, each
              <address:port> couple must be used only once among all
              instances running on a same system. Please note that binding
              to ports lower than 1024 generally require particular
              privileges to start the program, which are independent of
              the 'uid' parameter.

<path>        is a UNIX socket path beginning with a slash ('/'). This is
              alternative to the TCP listening port. HAProxy will then
              receive UNIX connections on the socket located at this place.
              The path must begin with a slash and by default is absolute.
              It can be relative to the prefix defined by "unix-bind" in
              the global section. Note that the total length of the prefix
              followed by the socket path cannot exceed some system limits
              for UNIX sockets, which commonly are set to 107 characters.

<param*>      is a list of parameters common to all sockets declared on the
              same line. These numerous parameters depend on OS and build
              options and have a complete section dedicated to them. Please
              refer to section 5 to for more details.  

It is possible to specify a list of address:port combinations delimited by commas. The frontend will then listen on all of these addresses. There is no fixed limit to the number of addresses and ports which can be listened on in a frontend, as well as there is no limit to the number of bind (3) statements in a frontend.

Example :
listen http_proxy
    bind :80,:443
    bind /var/run/ssl-frontend.sock user root mode 600 accept-proxy

listen http_https_proxy
    bind :80
    bind :443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/site.pem

listen http_https_proxy_explicit
    bind ipv6@:80
    bind ipv4@public_ssl:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/site.pem
    bind unix@ssl-frontend.sock user root mode 600 accept-proxy

listen external_bind_app1
    bind "fd@${FD_APP1}"

listen h3_quic_proxy
    bind quic4@ ssl crt /etc/mycrt  

Note: regarding Linux's abstract namespace sockets, abns HAProxy sockets uses the whole sun_path length is used for the address length. Some other programs such as socat use the string length only by default. Pass the option ,unix-tightsocklen=0 to any abstract socket definition in socat to make it compatible with HAProxy's, or use the abnsz HAProxy socket family instead.

See also : source (2), option forwardfor, unix-bind and the PROXY protocol documentation, and section 5 about bind options.

#capture cookie <name> len <length>

Keyword capture can be used with these sections: frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: http

Capture and log a cookie in the request and in the response.

Arguments :
<name>    is the beginning of the name of the cookie to capture. In order
          to match the exact name, simply suffix the name with an equal
          sign ('='). The full name will appear in the logs, which is
          useful with application servers which adjust both the cookie name
          and value (e.g. ASPSESSIONXXX).

<length>  is the maximum number of characters to report in the logs, which
          include the cookie name, the equal sign and the value, all in the
          standard "name=value" form. The string will be truncated on the
          right if it exceeds <length>.  

Only the first cookie is captured. Both the cookie (3) request headers and the set-cookie response headers are monitored. This is particularly useful to check for application bugs causing session crossing or stealing between users, because generally the user's cookies can only change on a login page.

When the cookie was not presented by the client, the associated log column will report -. When a request does not cause a cookie to be assigned by the server, a - is reported in the response column.

The capture is performed in the frontend only because it is necessary that the log format does not change for a given frontend depending on the backends. This may change in the future. Note that there can be only one capture cookie statement in a frontend. The maximum capture length is set by the global tune.http.cookielen setting and defaults to 63 characters. It is not possible to specify a capture in a defaults section.

capture cookie ASPSESSION len 32  

See also : capture request header, capture response header as well as section 8 about logging.

#capture request header <name> len <length>

Keyword capture can be used with these sections: frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: http

Capture and log the last occurrence of the specified request header.

Arguments :
<name>    is the name of the header to capture. The header names are not
          case-sensitive, but it is a common practice to write them as they
          appear in the requests, with the first letter of each word in
          upper case. The header name will not appear in the logs, only the
          value is reported, but the position in the logs is respected.

<length>  is the maximum number of characters to extract from the value and
          report in the logs. The string will be truncated on the right if
          it exceeds <length>.  

The complete value of the last occurrence of the header is captured. The value will be added to the logs between braces ('{}'). If multiple headers are captured, they will be delimited by a vertical bar ('|') and will appear in the same order they were declared in the configuration. Non-existent headers will be logged just as an empty string. Common uses for request header captures include the Host field in virtual hosting environments, the Content-length when uploads are supported, User-agent to quickly differentiate between real users and robots, and X-Forwarded-For in proxied environments to find where the request came from.

Note that when capturing headers such as User-agent, some spaces may be logged, making the log analysis more difficult. Thus be careful about what you log if you know your log parser is not smart enough to rely on the braces.

There is no limit to the number of captured request headers nor to their length, though it is wise to keep them low to limit memory usage per stream. In order to keep log format consistent for a same frontend, header captures can only be declared in a frontend. It is not possible to specify a capture in a defaults section.

capture request header Host len 15
capture request header X-Forwarded-For len 15
capture request header Referer len 15  

See also : capture cookie, capture response header as well as section 8 about logging.

#capture response header <name> len <length>

Keyword capture can be used with these sections: frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: http

Capture and log the last occurrence of the specified response header.

Arguments :
<name>    is the name of the header to capture. The header names are not
          case-sensitive, but it is a common practice to write them as they
          appear in the response, with the first letter of each word in
          upper case. The header name will not appear in the logs, only the
          value is reported, but the position in the logs is respected.

<length>  is the maximum number of characters to extract from the value and
          report in the logs. The string will be truncated on the right if
          it exceeds <length>.  

The complete value of the last occurrence of the header is captured. The result will be added to the logs between braces ('{}') after the captured request headers. If multiple headers are captured, they will be delimited by a vertical bar ('|') and will appear in the same order they were declared in the configuration. Non-existent headers will be logged just as an empty string. Common uses for response header captures include the Content-length header which indicates how many bytes are expected to be returned, the Location header to track redirections.

There is no limit to the number of captured response headers nor to their length, though it is wise to keep them low to limit memory usage per stream. In order to keep log format consistent for a same frontend, header captures can only be declared in a frontend. It is not possible to specify a capture in a defaults section.

capture response header Content-length len 9
capture response header Location len 15  

See also : capture cookie, capture request header as well as section 8 about logging.

#clitcpka-cnt <count>

Keyword clitcpka-cnt can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Sets the maximum number of keepalive probes TCP should send before dropping the connection on the client side.

Arguments :
<count>   is the maximum number of keepalive probes.  

This keyword corresponds to the socket option TCP_KEEPCNT. If this keyword is not specified, system-wide TCP parameter (tcp_keepalive_probes) is used. The availability of this setting depends on the operating system. It is known to work on Linux.

See also : option clitcpka, clitcpka-idle, clitcpka-intvl.

#clitcpka-idle <timeout>

Keyword clitcpka-idle can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Sets the time the connection needs to remain idle before TCP starts sending keepalive probes, if enabled the sending of TCP keepalive packets on the client side.

Arguments :
<timeout> is the time the connection needs to remain idle before TCP starts
          sending keepalive probes. It is specified in seconds by default,
          but can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the
          unit, as explained at the top of this document.  

This keyword corresponds to the socket option TCP_KEEPIDLE. If this keyword is not specified, system-wide TCP parameter (tcp_keepalive_time) is used. The availability of this setting depends on the operating system. It is known to work on Linux.

See also : option clitcpka, clitcpka-cnt, clitcpka-intvl.

#clitcpka-intvl <timeout>

Keyword clitcpka-intvl can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Sets the time between individual keepalive probes on the client side.

Arguments :
<timeout> is the time between individual keepalive probes. It is specified
          in seconds by default, but can be in any other unit if the number
          is suffixed by the unit, as explained at the top of this

This keyword corresponds to the socket option TCP_KEEPINTVL. If this keyword is not specified, system-wide TCP parameter (tcp_keepalive_intvl) is used. The availability of this setting depends on the operating system. It is known to work on Linux.

See also : option clitcpka, clitcpka-cnt, clitcpka-idle.

#compression algo <algorithm> ... #compression algo-req <algorithm> #compression algo-res <algorithm> #compression type <mime type> ...

Keyword compression can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable HTTP compression.

Arguments :
algo     is followed by the list of supported compression algorithms for
         responses (legacy keyword)
algo-req is followed by compression algorithm for request (only one is
algo-res is followed by the list of supported compression algorithms for
type     is followed by the list of MIME types that will be compressed for
         responses (legacy keyword).
type-req is followed by the list of MIME types that will be compressed for
type-res is followed by the list of MIME types that will be compressed for

The currently supported algorithms are : identity this is mostly for debugging, and it was useful for developing the compression feature. Identity does not apply any change on data.

gzip         applies gzip compression. This setting is only available when
             support for zlib or libslz was built in.

deflate      same as "gzip", but with deflate algorithm and zlib format.
             Note that this algorithm has ambiguous support on many
             browsers and no support at all from recent ones. It is
             strongly recommended not to use it for anything else than
             experimentation. This setting is only available when support
             for zlib or libslz was built in.

raw-deflate  same as "deflate" without the zlib wrapper, and used as an
             alternative when the browser wants "deflate". All major
             browsers understand it and despite violating the standards,
             it is known to work better than "deflate", at least on MSIE
             and some versions of Safari. Do not use it in conjunction
             with "deflate", use either one or the other since both react
             to the same Accept-Encoding token. This setting is only
             available when support for zlib or libslz was built in.

Compression will be activated depending on the Accept-Encoding request header. With identity, it does not take care of that header. If backend servers support HTTP compression, these directives will be no-op: HAProxy will see the compressed response and will not compress again. If backend servers do not support HTTP compression and there is Accept-Encoding header in request, HAProxy will compress the matching response.

Compression is disabled when:

  • the request does not advertise a supported compression algorithm in the Accept-Encoding header

  • the response message is not HTTP/1.1 or above

  • HTTP status code is not one of 200, 201, 202, or 203

  • response contain neither a Content-Length header nor a Transfer-Encoding whose last value is chunked

  • response contains a Content-Type header whose first value starts with multipart

  • the response contains the no-transform value in the Cache-control header

  • User-Agent matches Mozilla/4 unless it is MSIE 6 with XP SP2, or MSIE 7 and later

  • The response contains a Content-Encoding header, indicating that the response is already compressed (see compression offload)

  • The response contains an invalid ETag header or multiple ETag headers

Note: The compression does not emit the Warning header.

Examples :
compression algo gzip
compression type text/html text/plain  

See also : compression offload, compression direction

#compression offload

Keyword compression can be used with these sections: frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Makes HAProxy work as a compression offloader only.

The offload setting makes HAProxy remove the Accept-Encoding header to prevent backend servers from compressing responses. It is strongly recommended not to do this because this means that all the compression work will be done on the single point where HAProxy is located. However in some deployment scenarios, HAProxy may be installed in front of a buggy gateway with broken HTTP compression implementation which can't be turned off. In that case HAProxy can be used to prevent that gateway from emitting invalid payloads. In this case, simply removing the header in the configuration does not work because it applies before the header is parsed, so that prevents HAProxy from compressing. The offload setting should then be used for such scenarios.

If this setting is used in a defaults section, a warning is emitted and the option is ignored.

See also : compression type, compression algo, compression direction

#compression direction <direction> May be used in the following contexts: http

Makes haproxy able to compress both requests and responses. Valid values are request, to compress only requests, response, to compress only responses, or both, when you want to compress both. The default value is response.

See also : compression type, compression algo, compression offload

#cookie <name> [ rewrite | insert | prefix ] [ indirect ] [ nocache ] [ postonly ] [ preserve ] [ httponly ] [ secure ] [ domain <domain> ]* [ maxidle <idle> ] [ maxlife <life> ] [ dynamic ] [ attr <value> ]*

Keyword cookie can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable cookie-based persistence in a backend.

Arguments :
<name>    is the name of the cookie which will be monitored, modified or
          inserted in order to bring persistence. This cookie is sent to
          the client via a "Set-Cookie" header in the response, and is
          brought back by the client in a "Cookie" header in all requests.
          Special care should be taken to choose a name which does not
          conflict with any likely application cookie. Also, if the same
          backends are subject to be used by the same clients (e.g.
          HTTP/HTTPS), care should be taken to use different cookie names
          between all backends if persistence between them is not desired.

rewrite   This keyword indicates that the cookie will be provided by the
          server and that HAProxy will have to modify its value to set the
          server's identifier in it. This mode is handy when the management
          of complex combinations of "Set-cookie" and "Cache-control"
          headers is left to the application. The application can then
          decide whether or not it is appropriate to emit a persistence
          cookie. Since all responses should be monitored, this mode
          doesn't work in HTTP tunnel mode. Unless the application
          behavior is very complex and/or broken, it is advised not to
          start with this mode for new deployments. This keyword is
          incompatible with "insert" and "prefix".

insert    This keyword indicates that the persistence cookie will have to
          be inserted by HAProxy in server responses if the client did not

          already have a cookie that would have permitted it to access this
          server. When used without the "preserve" option, if the server
          emits a cookie with the same name, it will be removed before
          processing. For this reason, this mode can be used to upgrade
          existing configurations running in the "rewrite" mode. The cookie
          will only be a session cookie and will not be stored on the
          client's disk. By default, unless the "indirect" option is added,
          the server will see the cookies emitted by the client. Due to
          caching effects, it is generally wise to add the "nocache" or
          "postonly" keywords (see below). The "insert" keyword is not
          compatible with "rewrite" and "prefix".

prefix    This keyword indicates that instead of relying on a dedicated
          cookie for the persistence, an existing one will be completed.
          This may be needed in some specific environments where the client
          does not support more than one single cookie and the application
          already needs it. In this case, whenever the server sets a cookie
          named <name>, it will be prefixed with the server's identifier
          and a delimiter. The prefix will be removed from all client
          requests so that the server still finds the cookie it emitted.
          Since all requests and responses are subject to being modified,
          this mode doesn't work with tunnel mode. The "prefix" keyword is
          not compatible with "rewrite" and "insert". Note: it is highly
          recommended not to use "indirect" with "prefix", otherwise server
          cookie updates would not be sent to clients.

indirect  When this option is specified, no cookie will be emitted to a
          client which already has a valid one for the server which has
          processed the request. If the server sets such a cookie itself,
          it will be removed, unless the "preserve" option is also set. In
          "insert" mode, this will additionally remove cookies from the
          requests transmitted to the server, making the persistence
          mechanism totally transparent from an application point of view.
          Note: it is highly recommended not to use "indirect" with
          "prefix", otherwise server cookie updates would not be sent to

nocache   This option is recommended in conjunction with the insert mode
          when there is a cache between the client and HAProxy, as it
          ensures that a cacheable response will be tagged non-cacheable if
          a cookie needs to be inserted. This is important because if all
          persistence cookies are added on a cacheable home page for
          instance, then all customers will then fetch the page from an
          outer cache and will all share the same persistence cookie,
          leading to one server receiving much more traffic than others.
          See also the "insert" and "postonly" options.

postonly  This option ensures that cookie insertion will only be performed
          on responses to POST requests. It is an alternative to the
          "nocache" option, because POST responses are not cacheable, so
          this ensures that the persistence cookie will never get cached.
          Since most sites do not need any sort of persistence before the
          first POST which generally is a login request, this is a very
          efficient method to optimize caching without risking to find a
          persistence cookie in the cache.
          See also the "insert" and "nocache" options.

preserve  This option may only be used with "insert" and/or "indirect". It
          allows the server to emit the persistence cookie itself. In this
          case, if a cookie is found in the response, HAProxy will leave it
          untouched. This is useful in order to end persistence after a
          logout request for instance. For this, the server just has to
          emit a cookie with an invalid value (e.g. empty) or with a date in
          the past. By combining this mechanism with the "disable-on-404"
          check option, it is possible to perform a completely graceful
          shutdown because users will definitely leave the server after
          they logout.

httponly  This option tells HAProxy to add an "HttpOnly" cookie attribute
          when a cookie is inserted. This attribute is used so that a
          user agent doesn't share the cookie with non-HTTP components.
          Please check RFC6265 for more information on this attribute.

secure    This option tells HAProxy to add a "Secure" cookie attribute when
          a cookie is inserted. This attribute is used so that a user agent
          never emits this cookie over non-secure channels, which means
          that a cookie learned with this flag will be presented only over
          SSL/TLS connections. Please check RFC6265 for more information on
          this attribute.

domain    This option allows to specify the domain at which a cookie is
          inserted. It requires exactly one parameter: a valid domain
          name. If the domain begins with a dot, the browser is allowed to
          use it for any host ending with that name. It is also possible to
          specify several domain names by invoking this option multiple
          times. Some browsers might have small limits on the number of
          domains, so be careful when doing that. For the record, sending
          10 domains to MSIE 6 or Firefox 2 works as expected.

maxidle   This option allows inserted cookies to be ignored after some idle
          time. It only works with insert-mode cookies. When a cookie is
          sent to the client, the date this cookie was emitted is sent too.
          Upon further presentations of this cookie, if the date is older
          than the delay indicated by the parameter (in seconds), it will
          be ignored. Otherwise, it will be refreshed if needed when the
          response is sent to the client. This is particularly useful to
          prevent users who never close their browsers from remaining for
          too long on the same server (e.g. after a farm size change). When
          this option is set and a cookie has no date, it is always
          accepted, but gets refreshed in the response. This maintains the
          ability for admins to access their sites. Cookies that have a
          date in the future further than 24 hours are ignored. Doing so
          lets admins fix timezone issues without risking kicking users off
          the site.

maxlife   This option allows inserted cookies to be ignored after some life
          time, whether they're in use or not. It only works with insert
          mode cookies. When a cookie is first sent to the client, the date
          this cookie was emitted is sent too. Upon further presentations
          of this cookie, if the date is older than the delay indicated by
          the parameter (in seconds), it will be ignored. If the cookie in
          the request has no date, it is accepted and a date will be set.
          Cookies that have a date in the future further than 24 hours are
          ignored. Doing so lets admins fix timezone issues without risking
          kicking users off the site. Contrary to maxidle, this value is
          not refreshed, only the first visit date counts. Both maxidle and
          maxlife may be used at the time. This is particularly useful to
          prevent users who never close their browsers from remaining for
          too long on the same server (e.g. after a farm size change). This
          is stronger than the maxidle method in that it forces a
          redispatch after some absolute delay.

dynamic   Activate dynamic cookies. When used, a session cookie is
          dynamically created for each server, based on the IP and port
          of the server, and a secret key, specified in the
          "dynamic-cookie-key" backend directive.
          The cookie will be regenerated each time the IP address change,
          and is only generated for IPv4/IPv6.

attr      This option tells HAProxy to add an extra attribute when a
          cookie is inserted. The attribute value can contain any
          characters except control ones or ";". This option may be

There can be only one persistence cookie per HTTP backend, and it can be declared in a defaults section. The value of the cookie will be the value indicated after the cookie (3) keyword in a server (3) statement. If no cookie is declared for a given server, the cookie is not set.

Examples :
cookie JSESSIONID prefix
cookie SRV insert indirect nocache
cookie SRV insert postonly indirect
cookie SRV insert indirect nocache maxidle 30m maxlife 8h  

See also : balance source, capture cookie, server (3) and ignore-persist.

#declare capture [ request | response ] len <length>

Keyword declare can be used with these sections: frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Declares a capture slot.

<length> is the length allowed for the capture.  

This declaration is only available in the frontend or listen section, but the reserved slot can be used in the backends. The request keyword allocates a capture slot for use in the request, and response allocates a capture slot for use in the response.

See also: capture-req, capture-res (sample converters), capture.req.hdr, capture.res.hdr (sample fetches), http-request capture and http-response capture.

#default-server [param*]

Keyword default-server can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Change default options for a server in a backend

<param*>  is a list of parameters for this server. The "default-server"
          keyword accepts an important number of options and has a complete
          section dedicated to it. Please refer to section 5 for more
Example :
default-server inter 1000 weight 13  

See also: server (3) and section 5 about server options

#default_backend <backend>

Keyword default_backend can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Specify the backend to use when no use_backend rule has been matched.

Arguments :
<backend> is the name of the backend to use.  

When doing content-switching between frontend and backends using the use_backend keyword, it is often useful to indicate which backend will be used when no rule has matched. It generally is the dynamic backend which will catch all undetermined requests.

Example :
use_backend     dynamic  if  url_dyn
use_backend     static   if  url_css url_img extension_img
default_backend dynamic  

See also : use_backend

#description <string>

Keyword description can be used with these sections: frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Describe a listen, frontend or backend.

Arguments : string

Allows to add a sentence to describe the related object in the HAProxy HTML stats page. The description will be printed on the right of the object name it describes. No need to backslash spaces in the <string> arguments.


Keyword disabled can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Disable a proxy, frontend or backend.

Arguments : none

The disabled (3) keyword is used to disable an instance, mainly in order to liberate a listening port or to temporarily disable a service. The instance will still be created and its configuration will be checked, but it will be created in the stopped state and will appear as such in the statistics. It will not receive any traffic nor will it send any health-checks or logs. It is possible to disable many instances at once by adding the disabled (3) keyword in a defaults section.

See also : enabled (3)

#dispatch <address>:<port>

Keyword dispatch can be used with these sections: listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Set a default server address

Arguments :
<address> is the IPv4 address of the default server. Alternatively, a
          resolvable hostname is supported, but this name will be resolved
          during start-up.

<ports>   is a mandatory port specification. All connections will be sent
          to this port, and it is not permitted to use port offsets as is
          possible with normal servers.  

The dispatch keyword designates a default server for use when no other server can take the connection. In the past it was used to forward non persistent connections to an auxiliary load balancer. Due to its simple syntax, it has also been used for simple TCP relays. It is recommended not to use it for more clarity, and to use the server (3) directive instead.

See also : server (3)

#dynamic-cookie-key <string>

Keyword dynamic-cookie-key can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Set the dynamic cookie secret key for a backend.

Arguments : The secret key to be used.

When dynamic cookies are enabled (see the dynamic directive for cookie), a dynamic cookie is created for each server (unless one is explicitly specified on the server (3) line), using a hash of the IP address of the server, the TCP port, and the secret key. That way, we can ensure session persistence across multiple load-balancers, even if servers are dynamically added or removed.


Keyword enabled can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Enable a proxy, frontend or backend.

Arguments : none

The enabled (3) keyword is used to explicitly enable an instance, when the defaults has been set to disabled (3). This is very rarely used.

See also : disabled (3)

#errorfile <code> <file>

Keyword errorfile can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Return a file contents instead of errors generated by HAProxy

Arguments :
<code>    is the HTTP status code. Currently, HAProxy is capable of
          generating codes 200, 400, 401, 403, 404, 405, 407, 408, 410,
          413, 414, 425, 429, 431, 500, 501, 502, 503, and 504.

<file>    designates a file containing the full HTTP response. It is
          recommended to follow the common practice of appending ".http" to
          the filename so that people do not confuse the response with HTML
          error pages, and to use absolute paths, since files are read
          before any chroot is performed.  

It is important to understand that this keyword is not meant to rewrite errors returned by the server, but errors detected and returned by HAProxy. This is why the list of supported errors is limited to a small set.

Code 200 is emitted in response to requests matching a monitor-uri rule.

The files are parsed when HAProxy starts and must be valid according to the HTTP specification. They should not exceed the configured buffer size (BUFSIZE), which generally is 16 kB, otherwise an internal error will be returned. It is also wise not to put any reference to local contents (e.g. images) in order to avoid loops between the client and HAProxy when all servers are down, causing an error to be returned instead of an image. Finally, The response cannot exceed (tune.bufsize - tune.maxrewrite) so that http-after-response rules still have room to operate (see tune.maxrewrite).

The files are read at the same time as the configuration and kept in memory. For this reason, the errors continue to be returned even when the process is chrooted, and no file change is considered while the process is running. A simple method for developing those files consists in associating them to the 403 status code and interrogating a blocked URL.

See also : http-error, errorloc, errorloc302, errorloc303

Example :
errorfile 400 /etc/haproxy/errorfiles/400badreq.http
errorfile 408 /dev/null  # work around Chrome pre-connect bug
errorfile 403 /etc/haproxy/errorfiles/403forbid.http
errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errorfiles/503sorry.http  
#errorfiles <name> [<code> ...]

Keyword errorfiles can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Import, fully or partially, the error files defined in the <name> http-errors section.

Arguments :
<name>  is the name of an existing http-errors section.

<code>  is a HTTP status code. Several status code may be listed.
        Currently, HAProxy is capable of generating codes 200, 400, 401,
        403, 404, 405, 407, 408, 410, 413, 414, 425, 429, 431, 500, 501,
        502, 503, and 504.  

Errors defined in the http-errors section with the name <name> are imported in the current proxy. If no status code is specified, all error files of the http-errors section are imported. Otherwise, only error files associated to the listed status code are imported. Those error files override the already defined custom errors for the proxy. And they may be overridden by following ones. Functionally, it is exactly the same as declaring all error files by hand using errorfile (2) directives.

See also : http-error, errorfile (2), errorloc, errorloc302 , errorloc303 and section 3.8 about http-errors.

Example :
errorfiles generic
errorfiles site-1 403 404  
#errorloc <code> <url> #errorloc302 <code> <url>

Keyword errorloc can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Return an HTTP redirection to a URL instead of errors generated by HAProxy

Arguments :
<code>    is the HTTP status code. Currently, HAProxy is capable of
          generating codes 200, 400, 401, 403, 404, 405, 407, 408, 410,
          413, 414, 425, 429, 431, 500, 501, 502, 503, and 504.

<url>     it is the exact contents of the "Location" header. It may contain
          either a relative URI to an error page hosted on the same site,
          or an absolute URI designating an error page on another site.
          Special care should be given to relative URIs to avoid redirect
          loops if the URI itself may generate the same error (e.g. 500).  

It is important to understand that this keyword is not meant to rewrite errors returned by the server, but errors detected and returned by HAProxy. This is why the list of supported errors is limited to a small set.

Code 200 is emitted in response to requests matching a monitor-uri rule.

Note that both keyword return the HTTP 302 status code, which tells the client to fetch the designated URL using the same HTTP method. This can be quite problematic in case of non-GET methods such as POST, because the URL sent to the client might not be allowed for something other than GET. To work around this problem, please use errorloc303 which send the HTTP 303 status code, indicating to the client that the URL must be fetched with a GET request.

See also : http-error, errorfile (2), errorloc303

#errorloc303 <code> <url>

Keyword errorloc303 can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Return an HTTP redirection to a URL instead of errors generated by HAProxy

Arguments :
<code>    is the HTTP status code. Currently, HAProxy is capable of
          generating codes 200, 400, 401, 403, 404, 405, 407, 408, 410,
          413, 414, 425, 429, 431, 500, 501, 502, 503, and 504.

<url>     it is the exact contents of the "Location" header. It may contain
          either a relative URI to an error page hosted on the same site,
          or an absolute URI designating an error page on another site.
          Special care should be given to relative URIs to avoid redirect
          loops if the URI itself may generate the same error (e.g. 500).  

It is important to understand that this keyword is not meant to rewrite errors returned by the server, but errors detected and returned by HAProxy. This is why the list of supported errors is limited to a small set.

Code 200 is emitted in response to requests matching a monitor-uri rule.

Note that both keyword return the HTTP 303 status code, which tells the client to fetch the designated URL using the same HTTP GET method. This solves the usual problems associated with errorloc and the 302 code. It is possible that some very old browsers designed before HTTP/1.1 do not support it, but no such problem has been reported till now.

See also : http-error, errorfile (2), errorloc, errorloc302

#email-alert from <emailaddr>

Keyword email-alert can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Declare the from email address to be used in both the envelope and header of email alerts. This is the address that email alerts are sent from.

Arguments :
<emailaddr> is the from email address to use when sending email alerts  

Also requires email-alert mailers and email-alert to to be set and if so sending email alerts is enabled for the proxy.

See also : email-alert level, email-alert mailers, email-alert myhostname, email-alert to, section 3.6 about mailers.

#email-alert level <level>

Keyword email-alert can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Declare the maximum log level of messages for which email alerts will be sent. This acts as a filter on the sending of email alerts.

Arguments :
<level> One of the 8 syslog levels:
          emerg alert crit err warning notice info  debug
        The above syslog levels are ordered from lowest to highest.  

By default level is alert

Also requires email-alert from, email-alert mailers and email-alert to to be set and if so sending email alerts is enabled for the proxy.

Alerts are sent when :

  • An un-paused server is marked as down and <level> is alert or lower

  • A paused server is marked as down and <level> is notice or lower

  • A server is marked as up or enters the drain state and <level> is notice or lower

  • option log-health-checks is enabled, <level> is info or lower, and a health check status update occurs

See also : email-alert from, email-alert mailers, email-alert myhostname, email-alert to, section 3.6 about mailers.

#email-alert mailers <mailersect>

Keyword email-alert can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Declare the mailers to be used when sending email alerts

Arguments :
<mailersect> is the name of the mailers section to send email alerts.  

Also requires email-alert from and email-alert to to be set and if so sending email alerts is enabled for the proxy.

See also : email-alert from, email-alert level, email-alert myhostname, email-alert to, section 3.6 about mailers.

#email-alert myhostname <hostname>

Keyword email-alert can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Declare the to hostname address to be used when communicating with mailers.

Arguments :
<hostname> is the hostname to use when communicating with mailers  

By default the systems hostname is used.

Also requires email-alert from, email-alert mailers and email-alert to to be set and if so sending email alerts is enabled for the proxy.

See also : email-alert from, email-alert level, email-alert mailers, email-alert to, section 3.6 about mailers.

#email-alert to <emailaddr>

Keyword email-alert can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Declare both the recipient address in the envelope and to address in the header of email alerts. This is the address that email alerts are sent to.

Arguments :
<emailaddr> is the to email address to use when sending email alerts  

Also requires email-alert mailers and email-alert to to be set and if so sending email alerts is enabled for the proxy.

See also : email-alert from, email-alert level, email-alert mailers, email-alert myhostname, section 3.6 about mailers.

#error-log-format <fmt>

Keyword error-log-format can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Specifies the log format string to use in case of connection error on the frontend side.

This directive specifies the log format string that will be used for logs containing information related to errors, timeouts, retries redispatches or HTTP status code 5xx. This format will in short be used for every log line that would be concerned by the log-separate-errors option, including connection errors described in section 8.2.5.

If the directive is used in a defaults section, all subsequent frontends will use the same log format. Please see section 8.2.6 which covers the custom log format string in depth.

error-log-format directive overrides previous error-log-format directives.

#force-persist { if | unless } <condition>

Keyword force-persist can be used with these sections: listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Declare a condition to force persistence on down servers

By default, requests are not dispatched to down servers. It is possible to force this using option persist, but it is unconditional and redispatches to a valid server if option redispatch is set. That leaves with very little possibilities to force some requests to reach a server which is artificially marked down for maintenance operations.

The force-persist statement allows one to declare various ACL-based conditions which, when met, will cause a request to ignore the down status of a server and still try to connect to it. That makes it possible to start a server, still replying an error to the health checks, and run a specially configured browser to test the service. Among the handy methods, one could use a specific source IP address, or a specific cookie. The cookie also has the advantage that it can easily be added/removed on the browser from a test page. Once the service is validated, it is then possible to open the service to the world by returning a valid response to health checks.

The forced persistence is enabled when an if condition is met, or unless an unless condition is met. The final redispatch is always disabled when this is used.

See also : option redispatch, ignore-persist, persist, and section 7 about ACL usage.

#filter <name> [param*]

Keyword filter can be used with these sections: frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Add the filter <name> in the filter list attached to the proxy.

Arguments :
<name>     is the name of the filter. Officially supported filters are
           referenced in section 9.

<param*>   is a list of parameters accepted by the filter <name>. The
           parsing of these parameters are the responsibility of the
           filter. Please refer to the documentation of the corresponding
           filter (section 9) for all details on the supported parameters.  

Multiple occurrences of the filter line can be used for the same proxy. The same filter can be referenced many times if needed.

  bind *:80

  filter trace name BEFORE-HTTP-COMP
  filter compression
  filter trace name AFTER-HTTP-COMP

  compression algo gzip
  compression offload

  server srv1  

See also : section 9.

#fullconn <conns>

Keyword fullconn can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Specify at what backend load the servers will reach their maxconn

Arguments :
<conns>   is the number of connections on the backend which will make the
          servers use the maximal number of connections.  

When a server has a maxconn (5) parameter specified, it means that its number of concurrent connections will never go higher. Additionally, if it has a minconn parameter, it indicates a dynamic limit following the backend's load. The server will then always accept at least <minconn> connections, never more than <maxconn>, and the limit will be on the ramp between both values when the backend has less than <conns> concurrent connections. This makes it possible to limit the load on the servers during normal loads, but push it further for important loads without overloading the servers during exceptional loads.

Since it's hard to get this value right, HAProxy automatically sets it to 10% of the sum of the maxconns of all frontends that may branch to this backend (based on use_backend and default_backend rules). That way it's safe to leave it unset. However, use_backend involving dynamic names are not counted since there is no way to know if they could match or not.

Example :
# The servers will accept between 100 and 1000 concurrent connections each
# and the maximum of 1000 will be reached when the backend reaches 10000
# connections.
backend dynamic
   fullconn   10000
   server     srv1   dyn1:80 minconn 100 maxconn 1000
   server     srv2   dyn2:80 minconn 100 maxconn 1000  

See also : maxconn (5), server (3)

#guid <string>

Keyword guid can be used with these sections: frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Specify a case-sensitive global unique ID for this proxy.

<string> must be unique across all haproxy configuration on every object types. Format is left unspecified to allow the user to select its naming policy. The only restriction is its length which cannot be greater than 127 characters. All alphanumerical values and '.', ':', '-' and '_' characters are valid.

#hash-balance-factor <factor>

Keyword hash-balance-factor can be used with these sections: defaults backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Specify the balancing factor for bounded-load consistent hashing

Arguments :
<factor> is the control for the maximum number of concurrent requests to
         send to a server, expressed as a percentage of the average number
         of concurrent requests across all of the active servers.  

Specifying a hash-balance-factor for a server with hash-type consistent enables an algorithm that prevents any one server from getting too many requests at once, even if some hash buckets receive many more requests than others. Setting <factor> to 0 (the default) disables the feature. Otherwise, <factor> is a percentage greater than 100. For example, if <factor> is 150, then no server will be allowed to have a load more than 1.5 times the average. If server weights are used, they will be respected.

If the first-choice server is disqualified, the algorithm will choose another server based on the request hash, until a server with additional capacity is found. A higher <factor> allows more imbalance between the servers, while a lower <factor> means that more servers will be checked on average, affecting performance. Reasonable values are from 125 to 200.

This setting is also used by balance random which internally relies on the consistent hashing mechanism.

See also : balance (2) and hash-type.

#hash-type <method> <function> <modifier>

Keyword hash-type can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Specify a method to use for mapping hashes to servers

Arguments :
<method> is the method used to select a server from the hash computed by
         the <function> :

  map-based   the hash table is a static array containing all alive servers.
              The hashes will be very smooth, will consider weights, but
              will be static in that weight changes while a server is up
              will be ignored. This means that there will be no slow start.
              Also, since a server is selected by its position in the array,
              most mappings are changed when the server count changes. This
              means that when a server goes up or down, or when a server is
              added to a farm, most connections will be redistributed to
              different servers. This can be inconvenient with caches for

  consistent  the hash table is a tree filled with many occurrences of each
              server. The hash key is looked up in the tree and the closest
              server is chosen. This hash is dynamic, it supports changing
              weights while the servers are up, so it is compatible with the
              slow start feature. It has the advantage that when a server
              goes up or down, only its associations are moved. When a
              server is added to the farm, only a few part of the mappings
              are redistributed, making it an ideal method for caches.
              However, due to its principle, the distribution will never be
              very smooth and it may sometimes be necessary to adjust a
              server's weight or its ID to get a more balanced distribution.
              In order to get the same distribution on multiple load
              balancers, it is important that all servers have the exact
              same IDs. Note: consistent hash uses sdbm and avalanche if no
              hash function is specified.

<function> is the hash function to be used :

   sdbm   this function was created initially for sdbm (a public-domain
          reimplementation of ndbm) database library. It was found to do
          well in scrambling bits, causing better distribution of the keys
          and fewer splits. It also happens to be a good general hashing
          function with good distribution, unless the total server weight
          is a multiple of 64, in which case applying the avalanche
          modifier may help.

   djb2   this function was first proposed by Dan Bernstein many years ago
          on comp.lang.c. Studies have shown that for certain workload this
          function provides a better distribution than sdbm. It generally
          works well with text-based inputs though it can perform extremely
          poorly with numeric-only input or when the total server weight is
          a multiple of 33, unless the avalanche modifier is also used.

   wt6    this function was designed for HAProxy while testing other
          functions in the past. It is not as smooth as the other ones, but
          is much less sensible to the input data set or to the number of
          servers. It can make sense as an alternative to sdbm+avalanche or
          djb2+avalanche for consistent hashing or when hashing on numeric
          data such as a source IP address or a visitor identifier in a URL

   crc32  this is the most common CRC32 implementation as used in Ethernet,
          gzip, PNG, etc. It is slower than the other ones but may provide
          a better distribution or less predictable results especially when
          used on strings.

   none   don't hash the key, the key will be used as a hash, this can be
          useful to manually hash the key using a converter for that purpose
          and let haproxy use the result directly.

<modifier> indicates an optional method applied after hashing the key :

   avalanche   This directive indicates that the result from the hash
               function above should not be used in its raw form but that
               a 4-byte full avalanche hash must be applied first. The
               purpose of this step is to mix the resulting bits from the
               previous hash in order to avoid any undesired effect when
               the input contains some limited values or when the number of
               servers is a multiple of one of the hash's components (64
               for SDBM, 33 for DJB2). Enabling avalanche tends to make the
               result less predictable, but it's also not as smooth as when
               using the original function. Some testing might be needed
               with some workloads. This hash is one of the many proposed
               by Bob Jenkins.  

The default hash type is map-based and is recommended for most usages. The default function is sdbm, the selection of a function should be based on the range of the values being hashed.

See also : balance (2), hash-balance-factor, server (3)

#http-after-response <action> <options...> [ { if | unless } <condition> ]

Keyword http-after-response can be used with these sections: named defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http
Available actions (22) for http-after-response

Access control for all Layer 7 responses (server, applet/service and internal ones).

The http-after-response statement defines a set of rules which apply to layer 7 processing. The rules are evaluated in their declaration order when they are met in a frontend, listen or backend section. Since these rules apply on responses, the backend rules are applied first, followed by the frontend's rules. Any rule may optionally be followed by an ACL-based condition, in which case it will only be evaluated if the condition evaluates true.

Unlike http-response rules, these ones are applied on all responses, the server ones but also to all responses generated by HAProxy. These rules are evaluated at the end of the responses analysis, before the data forwarding phase.

The condition is evaluated just before the action is executed, and the action is performed exactly once. As such, there is no problem if an action changes an element which is checked as part of the condition. This also means that multiple actions may rely on the same condition so that the first action that changes the condition's evaluation is sufficient to implicitly disable the remaining actions. This is used for example when trying to assign a value to a variable from various sources when it's empty. There is no limit to the number of http-after-response statements per instance.

The first keyword after http-after-response in the syntax is the rule's action, optionally followed by a varying number of arguments for the action. The supported actions and their respective syntaxes are enumerated in section 4.3 Actions (look for actions which tick HTTP Aft).

This directive is only available from named defaults sections, not anonymous ones. Rules defined in the defaults section are evaluated before ones in the associated proxy section. To avoid ambiguities, in this case the same defaults section cannot be used by proxies with the frontend capability and by proxies with the backend capability. It means a listen section cannot use a defaults section defining such rules.

Note: Errors emitted in early stage of the request parsing are handled by the multiplexer at a lower level, before any http analysis. Thus no http-after-response ruleset is evaluated on these errors.

http-after-response set-header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000"
http-after-response set-header Cache-Control "no-store,no-cache,private"
http-after-response set-header Pragma "no-cache"  
#http-check comment <string>

Keyword http-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Defines a comment for the following the http-check rule, reported in logs if it fails.

Arguments :
<string>  is the comment message to add in logs if the following http-check
          rule fails.  

It only works for connect, send and expect rules. It is useful to make user-friendly error reporting.

See also : option httpchk, http-check connect, http-check send and http-check expect.

#http-check connect [default] [port <expr>] [addr <ip>] [send-proxy] [via-socks4] [ssl] [sni <sni>] [alpn <alpn>] [linger] [proto <name>] [comment <msg>]

Keyword http-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Opens a new connection to perform an HTTP health check

Arguments :
comment <msg>  defines a message to report if the rule evaluation fails.

default      Use default options of the server line to do the health
             checks. The server options are used only if not redefined.

port <expr>  if not set, check port or server port is used.
             It tells HAProxy where to open the connection to.
             <port> must be a valid TCP port source integer, from 1 to
             65535 or an sample-fetch expression.

addr <ip>    defines the IP address to do the health check.

send-proxy   send a PROXY protocol string

via-socks4   enables outgoing health checks using upstream socks4 proxy.

ssl          opens a ciphered connection

sni <sni>    specifies the SNI to use to do health checks over SSL.

alpn <alpn>  defines which protocols to advertise with ALPN. The protocol
             list consists in a comma-delimited list of protocol names,
             for instance: "h2,http/1.1". If it is not set, the server ALPN
             is used.

proto <name> forces the multiplexer's protocol to use for this connection.
             It must be an HTTP mux protocol and it must be usable on the
             backend side. The list of available protocols is reported in
             haproxy -vv.

linger       cleanly close the connection instead of using a single RST.  

Just like tcp-check health checks, it is possible to configure the connection to use to perform HTTP health check. This directive should also be used to describe a scenario involving several request/response exchanges, possibly on different ports or with different servers.

When there are no TCP port configured on the server line neither server port directive, then the first step of the http-check sequence must be to specify the port with a http-check connect.

In an http-check ruleset a 'connect' is required, it is also mandatory to start the ruleset with a 'connect' rule. Purpose is to ensure admin know what they do.

When a connect must start the ruleset, if may still be preceded by set-var, unset-var or comment rules.

Examples :
# check HTTP and HTTPs services on a server.
# first open port 80 thanks to server line port directive, then
# tcp-check opens port 443, ciphered and run a request on it:
option httpchk

http-check connect
http-check send meth GET uri / ver HTTP/1.1 hdr host
http-check expect status 200-399
http-check connect port 443 ssl sni
http-check send meth GET uri / ver HTTP/1.1 hdr host
http-check expect status 200-399

server www check port 80  

See also : option httpchk, http-check send, http-check expect

#http-check disable-on-404

Keyword http-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Enable a maintenance mode upon HTTP/404 response to health-checks

Arguments : none

When this option is set, a server which returns an HTTP code 404 will be excluded from further load-balancing, but will still receive persistent connections. This provides a very convenient method for Web administrators to perform a graceful shutdown of their servers. It is also important to note that a server which is detected as failed while it was in this mode will not generate an alert, just a notice. If the server responds 2xx or 3xx again, it will immediately be reinserted into the farm. The status on the stats page reports NOLB for a server in this mode. It is important to note that this option only works in conjunction with the httpchk option. If this option is used with http-check expect, then it has precedence over it so that 404 responses will still be considered as soft-stop. Note also that a stopped server will stay stopped even if it replies 404s. This option is only evaluated for running servers.

See also : option httpchk and http-check expect.

#http-check expect [min-recv <int>] [comment <msg>] [ok-status <st>] [error-status <st>] [tout-status <st>] [on-success <fmt>] [on-error <fmt>] [status-code <expr>] [!] <match> <pattern>

Keyword http-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Make HTTP health checks consider response contents or specific status codes

Arguments :
comment <msg>  defines a message to report if the rule evaluation fails.

min-recv  is optional and can define the minimum amount of data required to
          evaluate the current expect rule. If the number of received bytes
          is under this limit, the check will wait for more data. This
          option can be used to resolve some ambiguous matching rules or to
          avoid executing costly regex matches on content known to be still
          incomplete. If an exact string is used, the minimum between the
          string length and this parameter is used. This parameter is
          ignored if it is set to -1. If the expect rule does not match,
          the check will wait for more data. If set to 0, the evaluation
          result is always conclusive.

ok-status <st>     is optional and can be used to set the check status if
                   the expect rule is successfully evaluated and if it is
                   the last rule in the tcp-check ruleset. "L7OK", "L7OKC",
                   "L6OK" and "L4OK" are supported :
                     - L7OK  : check passed on layer 7
                     - L7OKC : check conditionally passed on layer 7, set
                               server to NOLB state.
                     - L6OK  : check passed on layer 6
                     - L4OK  : check passed on layer 4
                   By default "L7OK" is used.

error-status <st>  is optional and can be used to set the check status if
                   an error occurred during the expect rule evaluation.
                   "L7OKC", "L7RSP", "L7STS", "L6RSP" and "L4CON" are
                   supported :
                     - L7OKC : check conditionally passed on layer 7, set
                               server to NOLB state.
                     - L7RSP : layer 7 invalid response - protocol error
                     - L7STS : layer 7 response error, for example HTTP 5xx
                     - L6RSP : layer 6 invalid response - protocol error
                     - L4CON : layer 1-4 connection problem
                   By default "L7RSP" is used.

tout-status <st>   is optional and can be used to set the check status if
                   a timeout occurred during the expect rule evaluation.
                   "L7TOUT", "L6TOUT", and "L4TOUT" are supported :
                     - L7TOUT : layer 7 (HTTP/SMTP) timeout
                     - L6TOUT : layer 6 (SSL) timeout
                     - L4TOUT : layer 1-4 timeout
                   By default "L7TOUT" is used.

on-success <fmt>   is optional and can be used to customize the
                   informational message reported in logs if the expect
                   rule is successfully evaluated and if it is the last rule
                   in the tcp-check ruleset. <fmt> is a Custom log format
                   string (see section 8.2.6).

on-error <fmt>     is optional and can be used to customize the
                   informational message reported in logs if an error
                   occurred during the expect rule evaluation. <fmt> is a
                   Custom log format string (see section 8.2.6).

<match>   is a keyword indicating how to look for a specific pattern in the
          response. The keyword may be one of "status", "rstatus", "hdr",
          "fhdr", "string", or "rstring". The keyword may be preceded by an
          exclamation mark ("!") to negate the match. Spaces are allowed
          between the exclamation mark and the keyword. See below for more
          details on the supported keywords.

<pattern> is the pattern to look for. It may be a string, a regular
          expression or a more complex pattern with several arguments. If
          the string pattern contains spaces, they must be escaped with the
          usual backslash ('\').  

By default, option httpchk considers that response statuses 2xx and 3xx are valid, and that others are invalid. When http-check expect is used, it defines what is considered valid or invalid. Only one http-check (9) statement is supported in a backend. If a server fails to respond or times out, the check obviously fails. The available matches are :

status <codes> :  test the status codes found parsing <codes> string. it
                  must be a comma-separated list of status codes or range
                  codes. A health check response will be considered as
                  valid if the response's status code matches any status
                  code or is inside any range of the list. If the "status"
                  keyword is prefixed with "!", then the response will be
                  considered invalid if the status code matches.

rstatus <regex> : test a regular expression for the HTTP status code.
                  A health check response will be considered valid if the
                  response's status code matches the expression. If the
                  "rstatus" keyword is prefixed with "!", then the response
                  will be considered invalid if the status code matches.
                  This is mostly used to check for multiple codes.

hdr  { name | name-lf } [ -m <meth> ] <name>
     [ { value | value-lf } [ -m <meth> ] <value> :
                  test the specified header pattern on the HTTP response
                  headers. The name pattern is mandatory but the value
                  pattern is optional. If not specified, only the header
                  presence is verified. <meth> is the matching method,
                  applied on the header name or the header value. Supported
                  matching methods are "str" (exact match), "beg" (prefix
                  match), "end" (suffix match), "sub" (substring match) or
                  "reg" (regex match). If not specified, exact matching
                  method is used. If the "name-lf" parameter is used,
                  <name> is evaluated as a Custom log format string (see
                  section 8.2.6). If "value-lf" parameter is used, <value>
                  is evaluated as a log-format string. These parameters
                  cannot be used with the regex matching method. Finally,
                  the header value is considered as comma-separated
                  list. Note that matchings are case insensitive on the
                  header names.

fhdr { name | name-lf } [ -m <meth> ] <name>
     [ { value | value-lf } [ -m <meth> ] <value> :
                  test the specified full header pattern on the HTTP
                  response headers. It does exactly the same as the "hdr"
                  keyword, except the full header value is tested, commas
                  are not considered as delimiters.

string <string> : test the exact string match in the HTTP response body.
                  A health check response will be considered valid if the
                  response's body contains this exact string. If the
                  "string" keyword is prefixed with "!", then the response
                  will be considered invalid if the body contains this
                  string. This can be used to look for a mandatory word at
                  the end of a dynamic page, or to detect a failure when a
                  specific error appears on the check page (e.g. a stack

rstring <regex> : test a regular expression on the HTTP response body.
                  A health check response will be considered valid if the
                  response's body matches this expression. If the "rstring"
                  keyword is prefixed with "!", then the response will be
                  considered invalid if the body matches the expression.
                  This can be used to look for a mandatory word at the end
                  of a dynamic page, or to detect a failure when a specific
                  error appears on the check page (e.g. a stack trace).

string-lf <fmt> : test a Custom log format string (see section 8.2.6) match
                  in the HTTP response body. A health check response will
                  be considered valid if the response's body contains the
                  string resulting of the evaluation of <fmt>, which
                  follows the log-format rules. If prefixed with "!", then
                  the response will be considered invalid if the body
                  contains the string.

It is important to note that the responses will be limited to a certain size defined by the global tune.bufsize option, which defaults to 16384 bytes. Thus, too large responses may not contain the mandatory pattern when using string or rstring. If a large response is absolutely required, it is possible to change the default max size by setting the global variable. However, it is worth keeping in mind that parsing very large responses can waste some CPU cycles, especially when regular expressions are used, and that it is always better to focus the checks on smaller resources.

In an http-check ruleset, the last expect rule may be implicit. If no expect rule is specified after the last http-check send, an implicit expect rule is defined to match on 2xx or 3xx status codes. It means this rule is also defined if there is no http-check (9) rule at all, when only option httpchk is set.

Last, if http-check expect is combined with http-check disable-on-404, then this last one has precedence when the server responds with 404.

Examples :
# only accept status 200 as valid
http-check expect status 200,201,300-310

# be sure a sessid coookie is set
http-check expect header name "set-cookie" value -m beg "sessid="

# consider SQL errors as errors
http-check expect ! string SQL\ Error

# consider status 5xx only as errors
http-check expect ! rstatus ^5

# check that we have a correct hexadecimal tag before /html
http-check expect rstring <!--tag:[0-9a-f]*--></html>  

See also : option httpchk, http-check connect, http-check disable-on-404 and http-check send.

#http-check send [meth <method>] [{ uri <uri> | uri-lf <fmt> }>] [ver <version>] [hdr <name> <fmt>]* [{ body <string> | body-lf <fmt> }] [comment <msg>]

Keyword http-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Add a possible list of headers and/or a body to the request sent during HTTP health checks.

Arguments :
comment <msg>  defines a message to report if the rule evaluation fails.

meth <method>  is the optional HTTP method used with the requests. When not
               set, the "OPTIONS" method is used, as it generally requires
               low server processing and is easy to filter out from the
               logs. Any method may be used, though it is not recommended
               to invent non-standard ones.

uri <uri>      is optional and set the URI referenced in the HTTP requests
               to the string <uri>. It defaults to "/" which is accessible
               by default on almost any server, but may be changed to any
               other URI. Query strings are permitted.

uri-lf <fmt>   is optional and set the URI referenced in the HTTP requests
               using the Custom log format <fmt> (see section 8.2.6). It
               defaults to "/" which is accessible by default on almost any
               server, but may be changed to any other URI. Query strings
               are permitted.

ver <version>  is the optional HTTP version string. It defaults to
               "HTTP/1.0" but some servers might behave incorrectly in HTTP
               1.0, so turning it to HTTP/1.1 may sometimes help. Note that
               the Host field is mandatory in HTTP/1.1, use "hdr" argument
               to add it.

hdr <name> <fmt>  adds the HTTP header field whose name is specified in
                  <name> and whose value is defined by <fmt>, which follows
                  the Custom log format rules described in section 8.2.6.

body <string>  add the body defined by <string> to the request sent during
               HTTP health checks. If defined, the "Content-Length" header
               is thus automatically added to the request.

body-lf <fmt>  add the body defined by the Custom log format <fmt> (see
               section 8.2.6) to the request sent during HTTP health
               checks. If defined, the "Content-Length" header is thus
               automatically added to the request.  

In addition to the request line defined by the option httpchk directive, this one is the valid way to add some headers and optionally a body to the request sent during HTTP health checks. If a body is defined, the associate Content-Length header is automatically added. Thus, this header or Transfer-encoding header should not be present in the request provided by http-check send. If so, it will be ignored. The old trick consisting to add headers after the version string on the option httpchk line is now deprecated.

Also http-check send doesn't support HTTP keep-alive. Keep in mind that it will automatically append a Connection: close header, unless a Connection header has already already been configured via a hdr entry.

Note that the Host header and the request authority, when both defined, are automatically synchronized. It means when the HTTP request is sent, when a Host is inserted in the request, the request authority is accordingly updated. Thus, don't be surprised if the Host header value overwrites the configured request authority.

Note also for now, no Host header is automatically added in HTTP/1.1 or above requests. You should add it explicitly.

See also : option httpchk, http-check send-state and http-check expect.

#http-check send-state

Keyword http-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Enable emission of a state header with HTTP health checks

Arguments : none

When this option is set, HAProxy will systematically send a special header X-Haproxy-Server-State with a list of parameters indicating to each server how they are seen by HAProxy. This can be used for instance when a server is manipulated without access to HAProxy and the operator needs to know whether HAProxy still sees it up or not, or if the server is the last one in a farm.

The header is composed of fields delimited by semi-colons, the first of which is a word (UP, DOWN, NOLB), possibly followed by a number of valid checks on the total number before transition, just as appears in the stats interface. Next headers are in the form "<variable>=<value>", indicating in no specific order some values available in the stats interface :

  • a variable address, containing the address of the backend server. This corresponds to the <address> field in the server declaration. For unix domain sockets, it will read unix.

  • a variable port, containing the port of the backend server. This corresponds to the <port> field in the server declaration. For unix domain sockets, it will read unix.

  • a variable name, containing the name of the backend followed by a slash (/) then the name of the server. This can be used when a server is checked in multiple backends.

  • a variable node containing the name of the HAProxy node, as set in the global node variable, otherwise the system's hostname if unspecified.

  • a variable weight indicating the weight of the server, a slash (/) and the total weight of the farm (just counting usable servers). This helps to know if other servers are available to handle the load when this one fails.

  • a variable scur indicating the current number of concurrent connections on the server, followed by a slash (/) then the total number of connections on all servers of the same backend.

  • a variable qcur indicating the current number of requests in the server's queue.

Example of a header received by the application server : >>> X-Haproxy-Server-State: UP 2/3; name=bck/srv2; node=lb1; weight=1/2; \ scur=13/22; qcur=0

See also : option httpchk, http-check disable-on-404 and http-check send.

#http-check set-var(<var-name>[,<cond>...]) <expr> #http-check set-var-fmt(<var-name>[,<cond>...]) <fmt>

Keyword http-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

This operation sets the content of a variable. The variable is declared inline.

Arguments :
<var-name>   The name of the variable. Only "proc", "sess" and "check"
             scopes can be used. See section 2.8 about variables for details.

 <cond>      A set of conditions that must all be true for the variable to
             actually be set (such as "ifnotempty", "ifgt" ...). See the
             set-var converter's description for a full list of possible

 <expr>      Is a sample-fetch expression potentially followed by converters.

 <fmt>       This is the value expressed using Custom log format (see Custom
             Log Format in section 8.2.6).  
Examples :
http-check set-var(check.port) int(1234)
http-check set-var-fmt(check.port) "name=%H"  
#http-check unset-var(<var-name>)

Keyword http-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Free a reference to a variable within its scope.

Arguments :
<var-name>   The name of the variable. Only "proc", "sess" and "check"
             scopes can be used. See section 2.8 about variables for details.  
Examples :
http-check unset-var(check.port)  
#http-error status <code> [content-type <type>] [ { default-errorfiles | errorfile <file> | errorfiles <name> | file <file> | lf-file <file> | string <str> | lf-string <fmt> } ] [ hdr <name> <fmt> ]*

Keyword http-error can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Defines a custom error message to use instead of errors generated by HAProxy.

Arguments :
status <code>        is the HTTP status code. It must be specified.
                     Currently, HAProxy is capable of generating codes
                     200, 400, 401, 403, 404, 405, 407, 408, 410, 413,
                     414, 425, 429, 431, 500, 501, 502, 503, and 504.

content-type <type>  is the response content type, for instance
                     "text/plain". This parameter is ignored and should be
                     omitted when an errorfile is configured or when the
                     payload is empty. Otherwise, it must be defined.

default-errorfiles   Reset the previously defined error message for current
                     proxy for the status <code>. If used on a backend, the
                     frontend error message is used, if defined. If used on
                     a frontend, the default error message is used.

errorfile <file>     designates a file containing the full HTTP response.
                     It is recommended to follow the common practice of
                     appending ".http" to the filename so that people do
                     not confuse the response with HTML error pages, and to
                     use absolute paths, since files are read before any
                     chroot is performed.

errorfiles <name>    designates the http-errors section to use to import
                     the error message with the status code <code>. If no
                     such message is found, the proxy's error messages are

file <file>          specifies the file to use as response payload. If the
                     file is not empty, its content-type must be set as
                     argument to "content-type", otherwise, any
                     "content-type" argument is ignored. <file> is
                     considered as a raw string.

string <str>         specifies the raw string to use as response payload.
                     The content-type must always be set as argument to

lf-file <file>       specifies the file to use as response payload. If the
                     file is not empty, its content-type must be set as
                     argument to "content-type", otherwise, any
                     "content-type" argument is ignored. <file> is
                     evaluated as a Custom log format (see section 8.2.6).

lf-string <str>      specifies the log-format string to use as response
                     payload. The content-type must always be set as
                     argument to "content-type".

hdr <name> <fmt>     adds to the response the HTTP header field whose name
                     is specified in <name> and whose value is defined by
                     <fmt>, which follows the Custom log format rules (see
                     section 8.2.6). This parameter is ignored if an
                     errorfile is used.  

This directive may be used instead of errorfile (2), to define a custom error message. As errorfile (2) directive, it is used for errors detected and returned by HAProxy. If an errorfile is defined, it is parsed when HAProxy starts and must be valid according to the HTTP standards. The generated response must not exceed the configured buffer size (BUFFSIZE), otherwise an internal error will be returned. Finally, if you consider to use some http-after-response rules to rewrite these errors, the reserved buffer space should be available (see tune.maxrewrite).

The files are read at the same time as the configuration and kept in memory. For this reason, the errors continue to be returned even when the process is chrooted, and no file change is considered while the process is running.

Note: 400/408/500 errors emitted in early stage of the request parsing are handled by the multiplexer at a lower level. No custom formatting is supported at this level. Thus only static error messages, defined with errorfile (2) directive, are supported. However, this limitation only exists during the request headers parsing or between two transactions.

See also : errorfile (2), errorfiles, errorloc, errorloc302, errorloc303 and section 3.8 about http-errors.

#http-request <action> [options...] [ { if | unless } <condition> ]

Keyword http-request can be used with these sections: named defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http
Available actions (72) for http-request

Access control for Layer 7 requests

The http-request statement defines a set of rules which apply to layer 7 processing. The rules are evaluated in their declaration order when they are met in a frontend, listen or backend section. Any rule may optionally be followed by an ACL-based condition, in which case it will only be evaluated if the condition evaluates to true.

The condition is evaluated just before the action is executed, and the action is performed exactly once. As such, there is no problem if an action changes an element which is checked as part of the condition. This also means that multiple actions may rely on the same condition so that the first action that changes the condition's evaluation is sufficient to implicitly disable the remaining actions. This is used for example when trying to assign a value to a variable from various sources when it's empty. There is no limit to the number of http-request statements per instance.

The first keyword after http-request in the syntax is the rule's action, optionally followed by a varying number of arguments for the action. The supported actions and their respective syntaxes are enumerated in section 4.3 Actions (look for actions which tick HTTP Req).

This directive is only available from named defaults sections, not anonymous ones. Rules defined in the defaults section are evaluated before ones in the associated proxy section. To avoid ambiguities, in this case the same defaults section cannot be used by proxies with the frontend capability and by proxies with the backend capability. It means a listen section cannot use a defaults section defining such rules.

acl nagios src
acl local_net src
acl auth_ok http_auth(L1)

http-request allow if nagios
http-request allow if local_net auth_ok
http-request auth realm Gimme if local_net auth_ok
http-request deny  
acl key req.hdr(X-Add-Acl-Key) -m found
acl add path /addacl
acl del path /delacl

acl myhost hdr(Host) -f myhost.lst

http-request add-acl(myhost.lst) %[req.hdr(X-Add-Acl-Key)] if key add
http-request del-acl(myhost.lst) %[req.hdr(X-Add-Acl-Key)] if key del  
acl value  req.hdr(X-Value) -m found
acl setmap path /setmap
acl delmap path /delmap

use_backend bk_appli if { hdr(Host),map_str(map.lst) -m found }

http-request set-map(map.lst) %[src] %[req.hdr(X-Value)] if setmap value
http-request del-map(map.lst) %[src]                     if delmap  

See also : stats http-request, section 3.4 about userlists and section 7 about ACL usage.

#http-response <action> <options...> [ { if | unless } <condition> ]

Keyword http-response can be used with these sections: named defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http
Available actions (39) for http-response

Access control for Layer 7 responses

The http-response statement defines a set of rules which apply to layer 7 processing. The rules are evaluated in their declaration order when they are met in a frontend, listen or backend section. Since these rules apply on responses, the backend rules are applied first, followed by the frontend's rules. Any rule may optionally be followed by an ACL-based condition, in which case it will only be evaluated if the condition evaluates to true.

The condition is evaluated just before the action is executed, and the action is performed exactly once. As such, there is no problem if an action changes an element which is checked as part of the condition. This also means that multiple actions may rely on the same condition so that the first action that changes the condition's evaluation is sufficient to implicitly disable the remaining actions. This is used for example when trying to assign a value to a variable from various sources when it's empty. There is no limit to the number of http-response statements per instance.

The first keyword after http-response in the syntax is the rule's action, optionally followed by a varying number of arguments for the action. The supported actions and their respective syntaxes are enumerated in section 4.3 Actions (look for actions which tick HTTP Res).

This directive is only available from named defaults sections, not anonymous ones. Rules defined in the defaults section are evaluated before ones in the associated proxy section. To avoid ambiguities, in this case the same defaults section cannot be used by proxies with the frontend capability and by proxies with the backend capability. It means a listen section cannot use a defaults section defining such rules.

acl key_acl res.hdr(X-Acl-Key) -m found

acl myhost hdr(Host) -f myhost.lst

http-response add-acl(myhost.lst) %[res.hdr(X-Acl-Key)] if key_acl
http-response del-acl(myhost.lst) %[res.hdr(X-Acl-Key)] if key_acl  
acl value  res.hdr(X-Value) -m found

use_backend bk_appli if { hdr(Host),map_str(map.lst) -m found }

http-response set-map(map.lst) %[src] %[res.hdr(X-Value)] if value
http-response del-map(map.lst) %[src]                     if ! value  

See also : http-request, section 3.4 about userlists and section 7 about ACL usage.

#http-reuse { never | safe | aggressive | always }

Keyword http-reuse can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Declare how idle HTTP connections may be shared between requests

In order to avoid the cost of setting up new connections to backend servers for each HTTP request, HAProxy tries to keep such idle connections opened after being used. These connections are specific to a server and are stored in a list called a pool, and are grouped together by a set of common key properties. Subsequent HTTP requests will cause a lookup of a compatible connection sharing identical properties in the associated pool and result in this connection being reused instead of establishing a new one.

A limit on the number of idle connections to keep on a server can be specified via the pool-max-conn server keyword. Unused connections are periodically purged according to the pool-purge-delay interval.

The following connection properties are used to determine if an idle connection is eligible for reuse on a given request:

  • source and destination addresses

  • proxy protocol

  • TOS and mark socket options

  • connection name, determined either by the result of the evaluation of the pool-conn-name expression if present, otherwise by the sni expression

In some occasions, connection lookup or reuse is not performed due to extra restrictions. This is determined by the reuse strategy specified via the keyword argument:

  • never : idle connections are never shared between sessions. This mode may be enforced to cancel a different strategy inherited from a defaults section or for troubleshooting. For example, if an old bogus application considers that multiple requests over the same connection come from the same client and it is not possible to fix the application, it may be desirable to disable connection sharing in a single backend. An example of such an application could be an old HAProxy using cookie insertion in tunnel mode and not checking any request past the first one.

  • safe : this is the default and the recommended strategy. The first request of a session is always sent over its own connection, and only subsequent requests may be dispatched over other existing connections. This ensures that in case the server closes the connection when the request is being sent, the browser can decide to silently retry it. Since it is exactly equivalent to regular keep-alive, there should be no side effects. There is also a special handling for the connections using protocols subject to Head-of-line blocking (backend with h2 or fcgi). In this case, when at least one stream is processed, the used connection is reserved to handle streams of the same session. When no more streams are processed, the connection is released and can be reused.

  • aggressive : this mode may be useful in webservices environments where all servers are not necessarily known and where it would be appreciable to deliver most first requests over existing connections. In this case, first requests are only delivered over existing connections that have been reused at least once, proving that the server correctly supports connection reuse. It should only be used when it's sure that the client can retry a failed request once in a while and where the benefit of aggressive connection reuse significantly outweighs the downsides of rare connection failures.

  • always : this mode is only recommended when the path to the server is known for never breaking existing connections quickly after releasing them. It allows the first request of a session to be sent to an existing connection. This can provide a significant performance increase over the safe strategy when the backend is a cache farm, since such components tend to show a consistent behavior and will benefit from the connection sharing. It is recommended that the http-keep-alive timeout remains low in this mode so that no dead connections remain usable. In most cases, this will lead to the same performance gains as aggressive but with more risks. It should only be used when it improves the situation over aggressive.

Also note that connections with certain bogus authentication schemes (relying on the connection) like NTLM are marked private if possible and never shared. This won't be the case however when using a protocol with multiplexing abilities and using reuse mode level value greater than the default safe strategy as in this case nothing prevents the connection from being already shared.

The rules to decide to keep an idle connection opened or to close it after processing are also governed by the tune.pool-low-fd-ratio (default: 20%) and tune.pool-high-fd-ratio (default: 25%). These correspond to the percentage of total file descriptors spent in idle connections above which haproxy will respectively refrain from keeping a connection opened after a response, and actively kill idle connections. Some setups using a very high ratio of idle connections, either because of too low a global maxconn (5), or due to a lot of HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 traffic on the frontend (few connections) but HTTP/1 connections on the backend, may observe a lower reuse rate because too few connections are kept open. It may be desirable in this case to adjust such thresholds or simply to increase the global maxconn (5) value.

When thread groups are explicitly enabled, it is important to understand that idle connections are only usable between threads from a same group. As such it may happen that unfair load between groups leads to more idle connections being needed, causing a lower reuse rate. The same solution may then be applied (increase global maxconn (5) or increase pool ratios).

See also : option http-keep-alive, pool-conn-name, pool-max-conn, pool-purge-delay, server maxconn, sni, thread-groups, tune.pool-high-fd-ratio, tune.pool-low-fd-ratio

#http-send-name-header [<header>]

Keyword http-send-name-header can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Add the server name to a request. Use the header string given by <header>

Arguments :
<header>  The header string to use to send the server name  

The http-send-name-header statement causes the header field named <header> to be set to the name of the target server at the moment the request is about to be sent on the wire. Any existing occurrences of this header are removed. Upon retries and redispatches, the header field is updated to always reflect the server being attempted to connect to. Given that this header is modified very late in the connection setup, it may have unexpected effects on already modified headers. For example using it with transport-level header such as connection, content-length, transfer-encoding and so on will likely result in invalid requests being sent to the server. Additionally it has been reported that this directive is currently being used as a way to overwrite the Host header field in outgoing requests; while this trick has been known to work as a side effect of the feature for some time, it is not officially supported and might possibly not work anymore in a future version depending on the technical difficulties this feature induces. A long-term solution instead consists in fixing the application which required this trick so that it binds to the correct host name.

See also : server (3)

#id <value>

Keyword id can be used with these sections: frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Set a persistent ID to a proxy.

Arguments : none

Set a persistent ID for the proxy. This ID must be unique and positive. An unused ID will automatically be assigned if unset. The first assigned value will be 1. This ID is currently only returned in statistics.

#ignore-persist { if | unless } <condition>

Keyword ignore-persist can be used with these sections: listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Declare a condition to ignore persistence

By default, when cookie persistence is enabled, every requests containing the cookie are unconditionally persistent (assuming the target server is up and running).

The ignore-persist statement allows one to declare various ACL-based conditions which, when met, will cause a request to ignore persistence. This is sometimes useful to load balance requests for static files, which often don't require persistence. This can also be used to fully disable persistence for a specific User-Agent (for example, some web crawler bots).

The persistence is ignored when an if condition is met, or unless an unless condition is met.

acl url_static  path_beg         /static /images /img /css
acl url_static  path_end         .gif .png .jpg .css .js
ignore-persist  if url_static  

See also : force-persist, cookie (3), and section 7 about ACL usage.

#load-server-state-from-file { global | local | none }

Keyword load-server-state-from-file can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Allow seamless reload of HAProxy

This directive points HAProxy to a file where server state from previous running process has been saved. That way, when starting up, before handling traffic, the new process can apply old states to servers exactly has if no reload occurred. The purpose of the load-server-state-from-file directive is to tell HAProxy which file to use. For now, only 2 arguments to either prevent loading state or load states from a file containing all backends and servers. The state file can be generated by running the command show servers state over the stats socket and redirect output.

The format of the file is versioned and is very specific. To understand it, please read the documentation of the show servers state command (chapter 9.3 of Management Guide).

global     load the content of the file pointed by the global directive
           named "server-state-file".

local      load the content of the file pointed by the directive
           "server-state-file-name" if set. If not set, then the backend
           name is used as a file name.

none       don't load any stat for this backend  


  • server's IP address is preserved across reloads by default, but the order can be changed thanks to the server's init-addr setting. This means that an IP address change performed on the CLI at run time will be preserved, and that any change to the local resolver (e.g. /etc/hosts) will possibly not have any effect if the state file is in use.

  • server's weight is applied from previous running process unless it has has changed between previous and new configuration files.

Example: Minimal configuration

 stats socket /tmp/socket
 server-state-file /tmp/server_state

 load-server-state-from-file global

backend bk
 server s1 check weight 11
 server s2 check weight 12

Then one can run :

socat /tmp/socket - <<< "show servers state" > /tmp/server_state

Content of the file /tmp/server_state would be like this:

# <field names skipped for the doc example>
1 bk 1 s1 2 0 11 11 4 6 3 4 6 0 0
1 bk 2 s2 2 0 12 12 4 6 3 4 6 0 0

Example: Minimal configuration

 stats socket /tmp/socket
 server-state-base /etc/haproxy/states

 load-server-state-from-file local

backend bk
 server s1 check weight 11
 server s2 check weight 12

Then one can run :

socat /tmp/socket - <<< "show servers state bk" > /etc/haproxy/states/bk

Content of the file /etc/haproxy/states/bk would be like this:

# <field names skipped for the doc example>
1 bk 1 s1 2 0 11 11 4 6 3 4 6 0 0
1 bk 2 s2 2 0 12 12 4 6 3 4 6 0 0

See also: server-state-file, server-state-file-name, and show servers state

#log global #log <target> [len <length>] [format <format>] [sample <ranges>:<sample_size>] [profile <prof>] <facility> [<level> [<minlevel>]] #no log

Keyword log can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Enable per-instance logging of events and traffic.

Prefix : no should be used when the logger list must be flushed. For example, if you don't want to inherit from the default logger list. This prefix does not allow arguments.

Arguments :
global     should be used when the instance's logging parameters are the
           same as the global ones. This is the most common usage. "global"
           replaces all log arguments with those of the log entries found
           in the "global" section. Only one "log global" statement may be
           used per instance, and this form takes no other parameter.

<target>   indicates where to send the logs. It takes the same format as
           for the "global" section's logs, and can be one of :

           - An IPv4 address optionally followed by a colon (':') and a UDP
             port. If no port is specified, 514 is used by default (the
             standard syslog port).

           - An IPv6 address followed by a colon (':') and optionally a UDP
             port. If no port is specified, 514 is used by default (the
             standard syslog port).

           - A filesystem path to a UNIX domain socket, keeping in mind
             considerations for chroot (be sure the path is accessible
             inside the chroot) and uid/gid (be sure the path is
             appropriately writable).

           - A file descriptor number in the form "fd@<number>", which may
             point to a pipe, terminal, or socket. In this case unbuffered
             logs are used and one writev() call per log is performed. This
             is a bit expensive but acceptable for most workloads. Messages
             sent this way will not be truncated but may be dropped, in
             which case the DroppedLogs counter will be incremented. The
             writev() call is atomic even on pipes for messages up to
             PIPE_BUF size, which POSIX recommends to be at least 512 and
             which is 4096 bytes on most modern operating systems. Any
             larger message may be interleaved with messages from other
             processes.  Exceptionally for debugging purposes the file
             descriptor may also be directed to a file, but doing so will
             significantly slow HAProxy down as non-blocking calls will be
             ignored. Also there will be no way to purge nor rotate this
             file without restarting the process. Note that the configured
             syslog format is preserved, so the output is suitable for use
             with a TCP syslog server. See also the "short" and "raw"
             formats below.

           - "stdout" / "stderr", which are respectively aliases for "fd@1"
             and "fd@2", see above.

           - A ring buffer in the form "ring@<name>", which will correspond
             to an in-memory ring buffer accessible over the CLI using the
             "show events" command, which will also list existing rings and
             their sizes. Such buffers are lost on reload or restart but
             when used as a complement this can help troubleshooting by
             having the logs instantly available.

           - A log backend in the form "backend@<name>", which will send
             log messages to the corresponding log backend responsible for
             sending the message to the proper server according to the
             backend's lb settings. A log backend is a backend section with
             "mode log" set (see "mode" for more information).

           - An explicit stream address prefix such as "tcp@","tcp6@",
             "tcp4@" or "uxst@" will allocate an implicit ring buffer with
             a stream forward server targeting the given address.

           You may want to reference some environment variables in the
           address parameter, see section 2.3 about environment variables.

<length>   is an optional maximum line length. Log lines larger than this
           value will be truncated before being sent. The reason is that
           syslog servers act differently on log line length. All servers
           support the default value of 1024, but some servers simply drop
           larger lines while others do log them. If a server supports long
           lines, it may make sense to set this value here in order to avoid
           truncating long lines. Similarly, if a server drops long lines,
           it is preferable to truncate them before sending them. Accepted
           values are 80 to 65535 inclusive. The default value of 1024 is
           generally fine for all standard usages. Some specific cases of
           long captures or JSON-formatted logs may require larger values.
           You may also need to increase "tune.http.logurilen" if your
           request URIs are truncated.

<ranges>   A list of comma-separated ranges to identify the logs to sample.
           This is used to balance the load of the logs to send to the log
           server. The limits of the ranges cannot be null. They are numbered
           from 1. The size or period (in number of logs) of the sample must
           be set with <sample_size> parameter.

           The size of the sample in number of logs to consider when balancing
           their logging loads. It is used to balance the load of the logs to
           send to the syslog server. This size must be greater or equal to the
           maximum of the high limits of the ranges.
           (see also <ranges> parameter).

<format> is the log format used when generating syslog messages. It may be
         one of the following :

  local     Analog to rfc3164 syslog message format except that hostname
            field is stripped. This is the default.
            Note: option "log-send-hostname" switches the default to

  rfc3164   The RFC3164 syslog message format.

  rfc5424   The RFC5424 syslog message format.

  priority  A message containing only a level plus syslog facility between
            angle brackets such as '<63>', followed by the text. The PID,
            date, time, process name and system name are omitted. This is
            designed to be used with a local log server.

  short     A message containing only a level between angle brackets such as
            '<3>', followed by the text. The PID, date, time, process name
            and system name are omitted. This is designed to be used with a
            local log server. This format is compatible with what the
            systemd logger consumes.

  timed     A message containing only a level between angle brackets such as
            '<3>', followed by ISO date and by the text. The PID, process
            name and system name are omitted. This is designed to be
            used with a local log server.

  iso       A message containing only the ISO date, followed by the text.
            The PID, process name and system name are omitted. This is
            designed to be used with a local log server.

  raw       A message containing only the text. The level, PID, date, time,
            process name and system name are omitted. This is designed to
            be used in containers or during development, where the severity
            only depends on the file descriptor used (stdout/stderr).

<prof>     name of the optional "log-profile" section that will be
           considered during the log building process to override some
           log options. Check out "8.3.5. Log profiles" for more info.

<facility> must be one of the 24 standard syslog facilities :

               kern   user   mail   daemon auth   syslog lpr    news
               uucp   cron   auth2  ftp    ntp    audit  alert  cron2
               local0 local1 local2 local3 local4 local5 local6 local7

           Note that the facility is ignored for the "short" and "raw"
           formats, but still required as a positional field. It is
           recommended to use "daemon" in this case to make it clear that
           it's only supposed to be used locally.

<level>    is optional and can be specified to filter outgoing messages. By
           default, all messages are sent. If a level is specified, only
           messages with a severity at least as important as this level
           will be sent. An optional minimum level can be specified. If it
           is set, logs emitted with a more severe level than this one will
           be capped to this level. This is used to avoid sending "emerg"
           messages on all terminals on some default syslog configurations.
           Eight levels are known :

             emerg  alert  crit   err    warning notice info  debug  

It is important to keep in mind that it is the frontend which decides what to log from a connection, and that in case of content switching, the log entries from the backend will be ignored. Connections are logged at level info.

However, backend log declaration define how and where servers status changes will be logged. Level notice will be used to indicate a server going up, warning will be used for termination signals and definitive service termination, and alert will be used for when a server goes down.

Note : According to RFC3164, messages are truncated to 1024 bytes before being emitted.

Example :
log global
log stdout format short daemon          # send log to systemd
log stdout format raw daemon            # send everything to stdout
log stderr format raw daemon notice     # send important events to stderr
log local0 notice         # only send important events
log tcp@ local0 notice notice  # same but limit output
                                            # level and send in tcp
log "${LOCAL_SYSLOG}:514" local0 notice   # send to local server  
#log-format <fmt>

Keyword log-format can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Specifies the custom log format string to use for traffic logs

This directive specifies the log format string that will be used for all logs resulting from traffic passing through the frontend using this line. If the directive is used in a defaults section, all subsequent frontends will use the same log format. Please see section 8.2.6 which covers the custom log format string in depth.

A specific log-format used only in case of connection error can also be defined, see the error-log-format option.

log-format directive overrides previous option tcplog, log-format, option httplog and option httpslog directives.

#log-format-sd <fmt>

Keyword log-format-sd can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Specifies the Custom log format string used to produce RFC5424 structured-data

This directive specifies the RFC5424 structured-data log format string that will be used for all logs resulting from traffic passing through the frontend using this line. If the directive is used in a defaults section, all subsequent frontends will use the same log format. Please see section 8.2.6 which covers the log format string in depth.

See for more information about the RFC5424 structured-data part.

Note : This log format string will be used only for loggers that have set log format to rfc5424.

Example :
log-format-sd [exampleSDID@1234\ bytes=\"%B\"\ status=\"%ST\"]  
#log-steps <steps>

Keyword log-steps can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Specifies at which steps during transaction processing logs should be generated.

During tcp/http transaction processing, haproxy may produce logs at different steps during the processing (ie: accept, connect, request, response, close).

By default, HAProxy emits a single log per transaction, once all of the items used in the logformat expression could be satisfied, which means that in practice the log is usually emitted at the end of the transaction (after the end of the response for HTTP or end of connection for TCP), unless option logasap is used.

The log-steps directive allows to refine the precise instants where logs will be emitted, and even permits to emit multiple logs for a same transaction. Special value 'all' may be used to enable all available log origins, making it possible to track a transaction from accept to close. Indidivual log origins may also be specified using their names separated by spaces to selectively enable when logs should be produced.

Common log origins are: accept, connect, request, response, close.

frontend myfront
    option httplog
    log-steps accept,close         #only log accept and close for the txn  

Log origins specified as logging steps (such as accept, close) can be used as-is in log-profiles (after 'on' directive). Combining log-steps with log-profiles is really interesting to have fine-grained control over logs automatically generated by haproxy during transaction processing.

See also : log-profile

#log-tag <string>

Keyword log-tag can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Specifies the log tag to use for all outgoing logs

Sets the tag field in the syslog header to this string. It defaults to the log-tag set in the global section, otherwise the program name as launched from the command line, which usually is HAProxy. Sometimes it can be useful to differentiate between multiple processes running on the same host, or to differentiate customer instances running in the same process. In the backend, logs about servers up/down will use this tag. As a hint, it can be convenient to set a log-tag related to a hosted customer in a defaults section then put all the frontends and backends for that customer, then start another customer in a new defaults section. See also the global log-tag (2) directive.

#max-keep-alive-queue <value>

Keyword max-keep-alive-queue can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Set the maximum server queue size for maintaining keep-alive connections

HTTP keep-alive tries to reuse the same server connection whenever possible, but sometimes it can be counter-productive, for example if a server has a lot of connections while other ones are idle. This is especially true for static servers.

The purpose of this setting is to set a threshold on the number of queued connections at which HAProxy stops trying to reuse the same server and prefers to find another one. The default value, -1, means there is no limit. A value of zero means that keep-alive requests will never be queued. For very close servers which can be reached with a low latency and which are not sensible to breaking keep-alive, a low value is recommended (e.g. local static server can use a value of 10 or less). For remote servers suffering from a high latency, higher values might be needed to cover for the latency and/or the cost of picking a different server.

Note that this has no impact on responses which are maintained to the same server consecutively to a 401 response. They will still go to the same server even if they have to be queued.

See also : option http-server-close, option prefer-last-server, server maxconn (5) and cookie persistence.

#max-session-srv-conns <nb>

Keyword max-session-srv-conns can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Set the maximum number of outgoing connections we can keep idling for a given client session. The default is 5 (it precisely equals MAX_SRV_LIST which is defined at build time).

#maxconn <conns>

Keyword maxconn can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Fix the maximum number of concurrent connections on a frontend

Arguments :
<conns>   is the maximum number of concurrent connections the frontend will
          accept to serve. Excess connections will be queued by the system
          in the socket's listen queue and will be served once a connection

If the system supports it, it can be useful on big sites to raise this limit very high so that HAProxy manages connection queues, instead of leaving the clients with unanswered connection attempts. This value should not exceed the global maxconn. Also, keep in mind that a connection contains two buffers of tune.bufsize (16kB by default) each, as well as some other data resulting in about 33 kB of RAM being consumed per established connection. That means that a medium system equipped with 1GB of RAM can withstand around 20000-25000 concurrent connections if properly tuned.

Also, when <conns> is set to large values, it is possible that the servers are not sized to accept such loads, and for this reason it is generally wise to assign them some reasonable connection limits.

When this value is set to zero, which is the default, the global maxconn (5) value is used.

See also : server (3), global section's maxconn (5), fullconn

#mode { tcp|http|log|spop }

Keyword mode can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

Set the running mode or protocol of the instance

Arguments :
tcp       The instance will work in pure TCP mode. A full-duplex connection
          will be established between clients and servers, and no layer 7
          examination will be performed. This is the default mode. It
          should be used for SSL, SSH, SMTP, ...

http      The instance will work in HTTP mode. The client request will be
          analyzed in depth before connecting to any server. Any request
          which is not RFC-compliant will be rejected. Layer 7 filtering,
          processing and switching will be possible. This is the mode which
          brings HAProxy most of its value.

log       When used in a backend section, it will turn the backend into a
          log backend. Such backend can be used as a log destination for
          any "log" directive by using the "backend@<name>" syntax. Log
          messages will be distributed to the servers from the backend
          according to the lb settings which can be configured using the
          "balance" keyword. Log backends support UDP servers by prefixing
          the server's address with the "udp@" prefix. Common backend and
          server features are supported, but not TCP or HTTP specific ones.

spop      When used in a backend section, it will turn the backend into a
          log backend. This mode is mandatory and automatically set, if
          necessary, for backends referenced by SPOE engines.  

When doing content switching, it is mandatory that the frontend and the backend are in the same mode (generally HTTP), otherwise the configuration will be refused.

Example :
defaults http_instances
    mode http  
#monitor fail { if | unless } <condition>

Keyword monitor can be used with these sections: frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: http

Add a condition to report a failure to a monitor HTTP request.

Arguments :
if <cond>     the monitor request will fail if the condition is satisfied,
              and will succeed otherwise. The condition should describe a
              combined test which must induce a failure if all conditions
              are met, for instance a low number of servers both in a
              backend and its backup.

unless <cond> the monitor request will succeed only if the condition is
              satisfied, and will fail otherwise. Such a condition may be
              based on a test on the presence of a minimum number of active
              servers in a list of backends.  

This statement adds a condition which can force the response to a monitor request to report a failure. By default, when an external component queries the URI dedicated to monitoring, a 200 response is returned. When one of the conditions above is met, HAProxy will return 503 instead of 200. This is very useful to report a site failure to an external component which may base routing advertisements between multiple sites on the availability reported by HAProxy. In this case, one would rely on an ACL involving the nbsrv (2) criterion. Note that monitor fail only works in HTTP mode. Both status messages may be tweaked using errorfile (2) or errorloc if needed.

frontend www
   mode http
   acl site_dead nbsrv(dynamic) lt 2
   acl site_dead nbsrv(static)  lt 2
   monitor-uri   /site_alive
   monitor fail  if site_dead  

See also : monitor-uri, errorfile (2), errorloc

#monitor-uri <uri>

Keyword monitor-uri can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: http

Intercept a URI used by external components' monitor requests

Arguments :
<uri>     is the exact URI which we want to intercept to return HAProxy's
          health status instead of forwarding the request.  

When an HTTP request referencing <uri> will be received on a frontend, HAProxy will not forward it nor log it, but instead will return either HTTP/1.0 200 OK or HTTP/1.0 503 Service unavailable, depending on failure conditions defined with monitor fail. This is normally enough for any front-end HTTP probe to detect that the service is UP and running without forwarding the request to a backend server. Note that the HTTP method, the version and all headers are ignored, but the request must at least be valid at the HTTP level. This keyword may only be used with an HTTP-mode frontend.

Monitor requests are processed very early, just after the request is parsed and even before any http-request. The only rulesets applied before are the tcp-request ones. They cannot be logged either, and it is the intended purpose. Only one URI may be configured for monitoring; when multiple monitor-uri statements are present, the last one will define the URI to be used. They are only used to report HAProxy's health to an upper component, nothing more. However, it is possible to add any number of conditions using monitor fail and ACLs so that the result can be adjusted to whatever check can be imagined (most often the number of available servers in a backend).

Note: if <uri> starts by a slash ('/'), the matching is performed against the request's path instead of the request's uri. It is a workaround to let the HTTP/2 requests match the monitor-uri. Indeed, in HTTP/2, clients are encouraged to send absolute URIs only.

Example :
# Use /haproxy_test to report HAProxy's status
frontend www
    mode http
    monitor-uri /haproxy_test  

See also : monitor fail

#option abortonclose #no option abortonclose

Keyword option abortonclose can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Enable or disable early dropping of aborted requests pending in queues.

Arguments : none

In presence of very high loads, the servers will take some time to respond. The per-instance connection queue will inflate, and the response time will increase respective to the size of the queue times the average per-stream response time. When clients will wait for more than a few seconds, they will often hit the STOP button on their browser, leaving a useless request in the queue, and slowing down other users, and the servers as well, because the request will eventually be served, then aborted at the first error encountered while delivering the response.

As there is no way to distinguish between a full STOP and a simple output close on the client side, HTTP agents should be conservative and consider that the client might only have closed its output channel while waiting for the response. However, this introduces risks of congestion when lots of users do the same, and is completely useless nowadays because probably no client at all will close the stream while waiting for the response. Some HTTP agents support this behavior (Squid, Apache, HAProxy), and others do not (TUX, most hardware-based load balancers). So the probability for a closed input channel to represent a user hitting the STOP button is close to 100%, and the risk of being the single component to break rare but valid traffic is extremely low, which adds to the temptation to be able to abort a stream early while still not served and not pollute the servers.

In HAProxy, the user can choose the desired behavior using the option abortonclose. By default (without the option) the behavior is HTTP compliant and aborted requests will be served. But when the option is specified, a stream with an incoming channel closed will be aborted while it is still possible, either pending in the queue for a connection slot, or during the connection establishment if the server has not yet acknowledged the connection request. This considerably reduces the queue size and the load on saturated servers when users are tempted to click on STOP, which in turn reduces the response time for other users.

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

See also : timeout queue and server's maxconn (5) and maxqueue parameters

#option accept-invalid-http-request DEPRECATED #no option accept-invalid-http-request DEPRECATED

Enable or disable relaxing of HTTP request parsing

The accept-invalid-http-request keyword is deprecated, use option accept-unsafe-violations-in-http-request instead.

#option accept-invalid-http-response DEPRECATED #no option accept-invalid-http-response DEPRECATED

Enable or disable relaxing of HTTP response parsing

The accept-invalid-http-response keyword is deprecated, use option accept-unsafe-violations-in-http-response instead.

#option accept-unsafe-violations-in-http-request #no option accept-unsafe-violations-in-http-request

Keyword option accept-unsafe-violations-in-http-request can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable or disable relaxing of HTTP request parsing

Arguments : none

By default, HAProxy complies with the different HTTP RFCs in terms of message parsing. This means the message parsing is quite strict and causes an error to be returned to the client for malformed messages. This is the desired behavior as such malformed messages are essentially used to build attacks exploiting server weaknesses, and bypass security filtering. Sometimes, a buggy browser will not respect these RCFs for whatever reason (configuration, implementation...) and the issue will not be immediately fixed. In such case, it is possible to relax HAProxy's parser to accept some invalid requests by specifying this option. Most of rules concern the H1 parsing for historical reason. Newer HTTP versions tends to be cleaner and applications follow more stickly these protocols.

When this option is set, the following rules are observed:

  • In H1 only, invalid characters, including NULL character, in header name will be accepted;

  • In H1 only, NULL character in header value will be accepted;

  • The list of characters allowed to appear in a URI is well defined by RFC3986, and chars 0-31, 32 (space), 34 ('"'), 60 ('<'), 62 ('>'), 92 ('\'), 94 ('^'), 96 ('`'), 123 ('{'), 124 ('|'), 125 ('}'), 127 (delete) and anything above are normally not allowed. But here, in H1 only, HAProxy will only block a number of them (0..32, 127);

  • In H1 and H2, URLs containing fragment references ('#' after the path) will be accepted;

  • In H1 only, no check will be performed on the authority for CONNECT requests;

  • In H1 only, no check will be performed against the authority and the Host header value.

  • In H1 only, tests on the HTTP version will be relaxed. It will allow HTTP/0.9 GET requests to pass through (no version specified), as well as different protocol names (e.g. RTSP), and multiple digits for both the major and the minor version.

This option should never be enabled by default as it hides application bugs and open security breaches. It should only be deployed after a problem has been confirmed.

When this option is enabled, invalid but accepted H1 requests will be captured in order to permit later analysis using the show errors request on the UNIX stats socket.Doing this also helps confirming that the issue has been solved.

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

See also : option accept-unsafe-violations-in-http-response and show errors on the stats socket.

#option accept-unsafe-violations-in-http-response #no option accept-unsafe-violations-in-http-response

Keyword option accept-unsafe-violations-in-http-response can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable or disable relaxing of HTTP response parsing

Arguments : none

Similarly to option accept-unsafe-violations-in-http-request, this option may be used to relax parsing rules of HTTP responses. It should only be enabled for trusted legacy servers to accept some invalid responses. Most of rules concern the H1 parsing for historical reason. Newer HTTP versions tends to be cleaner and applications follow more stickly these protocols.

When this option is set, the following rules are observed:

  • In H1 only, invalid characters, including NULL character, in header name will be accepted;

  • In H1 only, NULL character in header value will be accepted;

  • In H1 only, empty values or several chunked value occurrences for Transfer-Encoding header will be accepted;

  • In H1 only, no check will be performed against the authority and the Host header value.

  • In H1 only, tests on the HTTP version will be relaxed. It will allow different protocol names (e.g. RTSP), and multiple digits for both the major and the minor version.

This option should never be enabled by default as it hides application bugs and open security breaches. It should only be deployed after a problem has been confirmed.

When this option is enabled, erroneous header names will still be accepted in responses, but the complete response will be captured in order to permit later analysis using the show errors request on the UNIX stats socket. Doing this also helps confirming that the issue has been solved.

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

See also : option accept-unsafe-violations-in-http-request and show errors on the stats socket.

#option allbackups #no option allbackups

Keyword option allbackups can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Use either all backup servers at a time or only the first one

Arguments : none

By default, the first operational backup server gets all traffic when normal servers are all down. Sometimes, it may be preferred to use multiple backups at once, because one will not be enough. When option allbackups is enabled, the load balancing will be performed among all backup servers when all normal ones are unavailable. The same load balancing algorithm will be used and the servers' weights will be respected. Thus, there will not be any priority order between the backup servers anymore.

This option is mostly used with static server farms dedicated to return a sorry page when an application is completely offline.

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

#option checkcache #no option checkcache

Keyword option checkcache can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Analyze all server responses and block responses with cacheable cookies

Arguments : none

Some high-level frameworks set application cookies everywhere and do not always let enough control to the developer to manage how the responses should be cached. When a session cookie is returned on a cacheable object, there is a high risk of session crossing or stealing between users traversing the same caches. In some situations, it is better to block the response than to let some sensitive session information go in the wild.

The option checkcache enables deep inspection of all server responses for strict compliance with HTTP specification in terms of cacheability. It carefully checks Cache-control, Pragma and Set-cookie headers in server response to check if there's a risk of caching a cookie on a client-side proxy. When this option is enabled, the only responses which can be delivered to the client are :

  • all those without Set-Cookie header;

  • all those with a return code other than 200, 203, 204, 206, 300, 301, 404, 405, 410, 414, 501, provided that the server has not set a Cache-control: public header field;

  • all those that result from a request using a method other than GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, TRACE, provided that the server has not set a 'Cache-Control: public' header field;

  • those with a 'Pragma: no-cache' header

  • those with a 'Cache-control: private' header

  • those with a 'Cache-control: no-store' header

  • those with a 'Cache-control: max-age=0' header

  • those with a 'Cache-control: s-maxage=0' header

  • those with a 'Cache-control: no-cache' header

  • those with a 'Cache-control: no-cache=set-cookie' header

  • those with a 'Cache-control: no-cache="set-cookie,' header (allowing other fields after set-cookie)

If a response doesn't respect these requirements, then it will be blocked just as if it was from an http-response deny rule, with an HTTP 502 bad gateway. The session state shows PH-- meaning that the proxy blocked the response during headers processing. Additionally, an alert will be sent in the logs so that admins are informed that there's something to be fixed.

Due to the high impact on the application, the application should be tested in depth with the option enabled before going to production. It is also a good practice to always activate it during tests, even if it is not used in production, as it will report potentially dangerous application behaviors.

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

#option clitcpka #no option clitcpka

Keyword option clitcpka can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Enable or disable the sending of TCP keepalive packets on the client side

Arguments : none

When there is a firewall or any session-aware component between a client and a server, and when the protocol involves very long sessions with long idle periods (e.g. remote desktops), there is a risk that one of the intermediate components decides to expire a session which has remained idle for too long.

Enabling socket-level TCP keep-alives makes the system regularly send packets to the other end of the connection, leaving it active. The delay between keep-alive probes is controlled by the system only and depends both on the operating system and its tuning parameters.

It is important to understand that keep-alive packets are neither emitted nor received at the application level. It is only the network stacks which sees them. For this reason, even if one side of the proxy already uses keep-alives to maintain its connection alive, those keep-alive packets will not be forwarded to the other side of the proxy.

Please note that this has nothing to do with HTTP keep-alive.

Using option clitcpka enables the emission of TCP keep-alive probes on the client side of a connection, which should help when session expirations are noticed between HAProxy and a client.

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

See also : option srvtcpka, option tcpka

#option contstats

Keyword option contstats can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Enable continuous traffic statistics updates

Arguments : none

By default, counters used for statistics calculation are incremented only when a stream finishes. It works quite well when serving small objects, but with big ones (for example large images or archives) or with A/V streaming, a graph generated from HAProxy counters looks like a hedgehog. With this option enabled counters get incremented frequently along the stream, typically every 5 seconds, which is often enough to produce clean graphs. Recounting touches a hotpath directly so it is not not enabled by default, as it can cause a lot of wakeups for very large session counts and cause a small performance drop.

#option disable-h2-upgrade #no option disable-h2-upgrade

Keyword option disable-h2-upgrade can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable or disable the implicit HTTP/2 upgrade from an HTTP/1.x client connection.

Arguments : none

By default, HAProxy is able to implicitly upgrade an HTTP/1.x client connection to an HTTP/2 connection if the first request it receives from a given HTTP connection matches the HTTP/2 connection preface (i.e. the string PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n). This way, it is possible to support HTTP/1.x and HTTP/2 clients on a non-SSL connections. This option must be used to disable the implicit upgrade. Note this implicit upgrade is only supported for HTTP proxies, thus this option too. Note also it is possible to force the HTTP/2 on clear connections by specifying proto h2 on the bind line. Finally, this option is applied on all bind lines. To disable implicit HTTP/2 upgrades for a specific bind line, it is possible to use proto h1.

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

#option dontlog-normal #no option dontlog-normal

Keyword option dontlog-normal can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Enable or disable logging of normal, successful connections

Arguments : none

There are large sites dealing with several thousand connections per second and for which logging is a major pain. Some of them are even forced to turn logs off and cannot debug production issues. Setting this option ensures that normal connections, those which experience no error, no timeout, no retry nor redispatch, will not be logged. This leaves disk space for anomalies. In HTTP mode, the response status code is checked and return codes 5xx will still be logged.

It is strongly discouraged to use this option as most of the time, the key to complex issues is in the normal logs which will not be logged here. If you need to separate logs, see the log-separate-errors option instead.

See also : log (6), dontlognull, log-separate-errors and section 8 about logging.

#option dontlognull #no option dontlognull

Keyword option dontlognull can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Enable or disable logging of null connections

Arguments : none

In certain environments, there are components which will regularly connect to various systems to ensure that they are still alive. It can be the case from another load balancer as well as from monitoring systems. By default, even a simple port probe or scan will produce a log. If those connections pollute the logs too much, it is possible to enable option dontlognull to indicate that a connection on which no data has been transferred will not be logged, which typically corresponds to those probes. Note that errors will still be returned to the client and accounted for in the stats. If this is not what is desired, option http-ignore-probes can be used instead.

It is generally recommended not to use this option in uncontrolled environments (e.g. internet), otherwise scans and other malicious activities would not be logged.

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

See also : log (6), http-ignore-probes, monitor-uri, and section 8 about logging.

#option forwarded [ proto ] [ host | host-expr <host_expr> ] [ by | by-expr <by_expr> ] [ by_port | by_port-expr <by_port_expr>] [ for | for-expr <for_expr> ] [ for_port | for_port-expr <for_port_expr>] #no option forwarded

Keyword option forwarded can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable insertion of the rfc 7239 forwarded header in requests sent to servers

Arguments :
<host_expr>     optional argument to specify a custom sample expression
                those result will be used as 'host' parameter value

<by_expr>       optional argument to specify a custom sample expression
                those result will be used as 'by' parameter nodename value

<for_expr>      optional argument to specify a custom sample expression
                those result will be used as 'for' parameter nodename value

<by_port_expr>  optional argument to specify a custom sample expression
                those result will be used as 'by' parameter nodeport value

<for_port_expr> optional argument to specify a custom sample expression
                those result will be used as 'for' parameter nodeport value  

Since HAProxy works in reverse-proxy mode, servers are losing some request context (request origin: client ip address, protocol used...)

A common way to address this limitation is to use the well known x-forward-for and x-forward-* friends to expose some of this context to the underlying servers/applications. While this use to work and is widely deployed, it is not officially supported by the IETF and can be the root of some interoperability as well as security issues.

To solve this, a new HTTP extension has been described by the IETF: forwarded header (RFC7239). More information here:

The use of this single header allow to convey numerous details within the same header, and most importantly, fixes the proxy chaining issue. (the rfc allows for multiple chained proxies to append their own values to an already existing header).

This option may be specified in defaults, listen or backend section, but it will be ignored for frontend sections.

Setting option forwarded without arguments results in using default implicit behavior. Default behavior enables proto parameter and injects original client ip.

The equivalent explicit/manual configuration would be: option forwarded proto for

The keyword 'by' is used to enable 'by' parameter (nodename) in forwarded header. It allows to embed request proxy information. 'by' value will be set to proxy ip (destination address) If not available (ie: UNIX listener), 'by' will be set to unknown.

The keyword 'by-expr' is used to enable 'by' parameter (nodename) in forwarded header. It allows to embed request proxy information. 'by' value will be set to the result of the sample expression <by_expr>, if valid, otherwise it will be set to unknown.

The keyword 'for' is used to enable 'for' parameter (nodename) in forwarded header. It allows to embed request client information. 'for' value will be set to client ip (source address) If not available (ie: UNIX listener), 'for' will be set to unknown.

The keyword 'for-expr' is used to enable 'for' parameter (nodename) in forwarded header. It allows to embed request client information. 'for' value will be set to the result of the sample expression <for_expr>, if valid, otherwise it will be set to unknown.

The keyword 'by_port' is used to provide nodeport info to 'by' parameter. 'by_port' requires 'by' or 'by-expr' to be set or it will be ignored. nodeport will be set to proxy (destination) port if available, otherwise it will be ignored.

The keyword 'by_port-expr' is used to provide nodeport info to 'by' parameter. 'by_port-expr' requires 'by' or 'by-expr' to be set or it will be ignored. nodeport will be set to the result of the sample expression <by_port_expr>, if valid, otherwise it will be ignored.

The keyword 'for_port' is used to provide nodeport info to 'for' parameter. 'for_port' requires 'for' or 'for-expr' to be set or it will be ignored. nodeport will be set to client (source) port if available, otherwise it will be ignored.

The keyword 'for_port-expr' is used to provide nodeport info to 'for' parameter. 'for_port-expr' requires 'for' or 'for-expr' to be set or it will be ignored. nodeport will be set to the result of the sample expression <for_port_expr>, if valid, otherwise it will be ignored.

Examples :
# Those servers want the ip address and protocol of the client request
# Resulting header would look like this:
#   forwarded: proto=http;for=
backend www_default
    mode http
    option forwarded
    #equivalent to: option forwarded proto for

# Those servers want the requested host and hashed client ip address
# as well as client source port (you should use seed for xxh32 if ensuring
# ip privacy is a concern)
# Resulting header would look like this:
#   forwarded: host="";for="_000000007F2F367E:60138"
backend www_host
    mode http
    option forwarded host for-expr src,xxh32,hex for_port

# Those servers want custom data in host, for and by parameters
# Resulting header would look like this:
#   forwarded: host="";by=_haproxy;for="[::1]:10"
backend www_custom
    mode http
    option forwarded host-expr str( by-expr str(_haproxy) for for_port-expr int(10)

# Those servers want random 'for' obfuscated identifiers for request
# tracing purposes while protecting sensitive IP information
# Resulting header would look like this:
#   forwarded: for=_000000002B1F4D63
backend www_for_hide
    mode http
    option forwarded for-expr rand,hex  

See also : option forwardfor, option originalto

#option forwardfor [ except <network> ] [ header <name> ] [ if-none ]

Keyword option forwardfor can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable insertion of the X-Forwarded-For header to requests sent to servers

Arguments :
<network> is an optional argument used to disable this option for sources
          matching <network>
<name>    an optional argument to specify a different "X-Forwarded-For"
          header name.  

Since HAProxy works in reverse-proxy mode, the servers see its IP address as their client address. This is sometimes annoying when the client's IP address is expected in server logs. To solve this problem, the well-known HTTP header X-Forwarded-For may be added by HAProxy to all requests sent to the server. This header contains a value representing the client's IP address. Since this header is always appended at the end of the existing header list, the server must be configured to always use the last occurrence of this header only. See the server's manual to find how to enable use of this standard header. Note that only the last occurrence of the header must be used, since it is really possible that the client has already brought one.

The keyword header may be used to supply a different header name to replace the default X-Forwarded-For. This can be useful where you might already have a X-Forwarded-For header from a different application (e.g. stunnel), and you need preserve it. Also if your backend server doesn't use the X-Forwarded-For header and requires different one (e.g. Zeus Web Servers require X-Cluster-Client-IP).

Sometimes, a same HAProxy instance may be shared between a direct client access and a reverse-proxy access (for instance when an SSL reverse-proxy is used to decrypt HTTPS traffic). It is possible to disable the addition of the header for a known source address or network by adding the except keyword followed by the network address. In this case, any source IP matching the network will not cause an addition of this header. Most common uses are with private networks or IPv4 and IPv6 are both supported.

Alternatively, the keyword if-none states that the header will only be added if it is not present. This should only be used in perfectly trusted environment, as this might cause a security issue if headers reaching HAProxy are under the control of the end-user.

This option may be specified either in the frontend or in the backend. If at least one of them uses it, the header will be added. Note that the backend's setting of the header subargument takes precedence over the frontend's if both are defined. In the case of the if-none argument, if at least one of the frontend or the backend does not specify it, it wants the addition to be mandatory, so it wins.

Example :
# Public HTTP address also used by stunnel on the same machine
frontend www
    mode http
    option forwardfor except  # stunnel already adds the header

# Those servers want the IP Address in X-Client
backend www
    mode http
    option forwardfor header X-Client  

See also : option httpclose, option http-server-close, option http-keep-alive

#option h1-case-adjust-bogus-client #no option h1-case-adjust-bogus-client

Keyword option h1-case-adjust-bogus-client can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable or disable the case adjustment of HTTP/1 headers sent to bogus clients

Arguments : none

There is no standard case for header names because, as stated in RFC7230, they are case-insensitive. So applications must handle them in a case- insensitive manner. But some bogus applications violate the standards and erroneously rely on the cases most commonly used by browsers. This problem becomes critical with HTTP/2 because all header names must be exchanged in lower case, and HAProxy follows the same convention. All header names are sent in lower case to clients and servers, regardless of the HTTP version.

When HAProxy receives an HTTP/1 response, its header names are converted to lower case and manipulated and sent this way to the clients. If a client is known to violate the HTTP standards and to fail to process a response coming from HAProxy, it is possible to transform the lower case header names to a different format when the response is formatted and sent to the client, by enabling this option and specifying the list of headers to be reformatted using the global directives h1-case-adjust or h1-case-adjust-file. This must only be a temporary workaround for the time it takes the client to be fixed, because clients which require such workarounds might be vulnerable to content smuggling attacks and must absolutely be fixed.

Please note that this option will not affect standards-compliant clients.

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

See also: option h1-case-adjust-bogus-server, h1-case-adjust, h1-case-adjust-file.

#option h1-case-adjust-bogus-server #no option h1-case-adjust-bogus-server

Keyword option h1-case-adjust-bogus-server can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable or disable the case adjustment of HTTP/1 headers sent to bogus servers

Arguments : none

There is no standard case for header names because, as stated in RFC7230, they are case-insensitive. So applications must handle them in a case- insensitive manner. But some bogus applications violate the standards and erroneously rely on the cases most commonly used by browsers. This problem becomes critical with HTTP/2 because all header names must be exchanged in lower case, and HAProxy follows the same convention. All header names are sent in lower case to clients and servers, regardless of the HTTP version.

When HAProxy receives an HTTP/1 request, its header names are converted to lower case and manipulated and sent this way to the servers. If a server is known to violate the HTTP standards and to fail to process a request coming from HAProxy, it is possible to transform the lower case header names to a different format when the request is formatted and sent to the server, by enabling this option and specifying the list of headers to be reformatted using the global directives h1-case-adjust or h1-case-adjust-file. This must only be a temporary workaround for the time it takes the server to be fixed, because servers which require such workarounds might be vulnerable to content smuggling attacks and must absolutely be fixed.

Please note that this option will not affect standards-compliant servers.

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

See also: option h1-case-adjust-bogus-client, h1-case-adjust, h1-case-adjust-file.

#option http-buffer-request #no option http-buffer-request

Keyword option http-buffer-request can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable or disable waiting for whole HTTP request body before proceeding

Arguments : none

It is sometimes desirable to wait for the body of an HTTP request before taking a decision. This is what is being done by balance url_param for example. The first use case is to buffer requests from slow clients before connecting to the server. Another use case consists in taking the routing decision based on the request body's contents. This option placed in a frontend or backend forces the HTTP processing to wait until either the whole body is received or the request buffer is full. It can have undesired side effects with some applications abusing HTTP by expecting unbuffered transmissions between the frontend and the backend, so this should definitely not be used by default.

See also : option http-no-delay, timeout http-request, http-request wait-for-body

#option http-ignore-probes #no option http-ignore-probes

Keyword option http-ignore-probes can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable or disable logging of null connections and request timeouts

Arguments : none

Recently some browsers started to implement a pre-connect feature consisting in speculatively connecting to some recently visited web sites just in case the user would like to visit them. This results in many connections being established to web sites, which end up in 408 Request Timeout if the timeout strikes first, or 400 Bad Request when the browser decides to close them first. These ones pollute the log and feed the error counters. There was already option dontlognull but it's insufficient in this case. Instead, this option does the following things : - prevent any 400/408 message from being sent to the client if nothing was received over a connection before it was closed; - prevent any log from being emitted in this situation; - prevent any error counter from being incremented

That way the empty connection is silently ignored. Note that it is better not to use this unless it is clear that it is needed, because it will hide real problems. The most common reason for not receiving a request and seeing a 408 is due to an MTU inconsistency between the client and an intermediary element such as a VPN, which blocks too large packets. These issues are generally seen with POST requests as well as GET with large cookies. The logs are often the only way to detect them.

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

See also : log (6), dontlognull, errorfile (2), and section 8 about logging.

#option http-keep-alive #no option http-keep-alive

Keyword option http-keep-alive can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable or disable HTTP keep-alive from client to server for HTTP/1.x connections

Arguments : none

By default HAProxy operates in keep-alive mode with regards to persistent HTTP/1.x connections: for each connection it processes each request and response, and leaves the connection idle on both sides. This mode may be changed by several options such as option http-server-close or option httpclose. This option allows to set back the keep-alive mode, which can be useful when another mode was used in a defaults section.

Setting option http-keep-alive enables HTTP keep-alive mode on the client- and server- sides. This provides the lowest latency on the client side (slow network) and the fastest session reuse on the server side at the expense of maintaining idle connections to the servers. In general, it is possible with this option to achieve approximately twice the request rate that the http-server-close option achieves on small objects. There are mainly two situations where this option may be useful :

  • when the server is non-HTTP compliant and authenticates the connection instead of requests (e.g. NTLM authentication)

  • when the cost of establishing the connection to the server is significant compared to the cost of retrieving the associated object from the server.

This last case can happen when the server is a fast static server of cache.

At the moment, logs will not indicate whether requests came from the same session or not. The accept date reported in the logs corresponds to the end of the previous request, and the request time corresponds to the time spent waiting for a new request. The keep-alive request time is still bound to the timeout defined by timeout http-keep-alive or timeout http-request if not set.

This option disables and replaces any previous option httpclose or option http-server-close.

See also : option httpclose,, option http-server-close, option prefer-last-server and option http-pretend-keepalive.

#option http-no-delay #no option http-no-delay

Keyword option http-no-delay can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Instruct the system to favor low interactive delays over performance in HTTP

Arguments : none

In HTTP, each payload is unidirectional and has no notion of interactivity. Any agent is expected to queue data somewhat for a reasonably low delay. There are some very rare server-to-server applications that abuse the HTTP protocol and expect the payload phase to be highly interactive, with many interleaved data chunks in both directions within a single request. This is absolutely not supported by the HTTP specification and will not work across most proxies or servers. When such applications attempt to do this through HAProxy, it works but they will experience high delays due to the network optimizations which favor performance by instructing the system to wait for enough data to be available in order to only send full packets. Typical delays are around 200 ms per round trip. Note that this only happens with abnormal uses. Normal uses such as CONNECT requests nor WebSockets are not affected.

When option http-no-delay is present in either the frontend or the backend used by a connection, all such optimizations will be disabled in order to make the exchanges as fast as possible. Of course this offers no guarantee on the functionality, as it may break at any other place. But if it works via HAProxy, it will work as fast as possible. This option should never be used by default, and should never be used at all unless such a buggy application is discovered. The impact of using this option is an increase of bandwidth usage and CPU usage, which may significantly lower performance in high latency environments.

See also : option http-buffer-request

#option http-pretend-keepalive #no option http-pretend-keepalive

Keyword option http-pretend-keepalive can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Define whether HAProxy will announce keepalive for HTTP/1.x connection to the server or not

Arguments : none

When running with option http-server-close or option httpclose, HAProxy adds a Connection: close header to the HTTP/1.x request forwarded to the server. Unfortunately, when some servers see this header, they automatically refrain from using the chunked encoding for responses of unknown length, while this is totally unrelated. The effect is that a client or a cache could receive an incomplete response without being aware of it, and consider the response complete.

By setting option http-pretend-keepalive, HAProxy will make the server believe it will keep the connection alive. The server will then not fall back to the abnormal undesired above. When HAProxy gets the whole response, it will close the connection with the server just as it would do with the option httpclose. That way the client gets a normal response and the connection is correctly closed on the server side.

It is recommended not to enable this option by default, because most servers will more efficiently close the connection themselves after the last packet, and release its buffers slightly earlier. Also, the added packet on the network could slightly reduce the overall peak performance. However it is worth noting that when this option is enabled, HAProxy will have slightly less work to do. So if HAProxy is the bottleneck on the whole architecture, enabling this option might save a few CPU cycles.

This option may be set in backend and listen sections. Using it in a frontend section will be ignored and a warning will be reported during startup. It is a backend related option, so there is no real reason to set it on a frontend.

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

See also : option httpclose, option http-server-close, and option http-keep-alive

#option http-restrict-req-hdr-names { preserve | delete | reject }

Keyword option http-restrict-req-hdr-names can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Set HAProxy policy about HTTP request header names containing characters outside the [a-zA-Z0-9-] charset

Arguments :
preserve  disable the filtering. It is the default mode for HTTP proxies
          with no FastCGI application configured.

delete    remove request headers with a name containing a character
          outside the "[a-zA-Z0-9-]" charset. It is the default mode for
          HTTP backends with a configured FastCGI application.

reject    reject the request with a 403-Forbidden response if it contains a
          header name with a character outside the "[a-zA-Z0-9-]" charset.  

This option may be used to restrict the request header names to alphanumeric and hyphen characters ([A-Za-z0-9-]). This may be mandatory to interoperate with non-HTTP compliant servers that fail to handle some characters in header names. It may also be mandatory for FastCGI applications because all non-alphanumeric characters in header names are replaced by an underscore ('_'). Thus, it is easily possible to mix up header names and bypass some rules. For instance, X-Forwarded-For and X_Forwarded-For headers are both converted to HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR in FastCGI.

Note this option is evaluated per proxy and after the http-request rules evaluation.

#option http-server-close #no option http-server-close

Keyword option http-server-close can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable or disable HTTP/1.x connection closing on the server side

Arguments : none

By default HAProxy operates in keep-alive mode with regards to persistent HTTP/1.x connections: for each connection it processes each request and response, and leaves the connection idle on both sides. This mode may be changed by several options such as option http-server-close or option httpclose. Setting option http-server-close enables HTTP connection-close mode on the server side while keeping the ability to support HTTP keep-alive and pipelining on the client side. This provides the lowest latency on the client side (slow network) and the fastest session reuse on the server side to save server resources, similarly to option httpclose. It also permits non-keepalive capable servers to be served in keep-alive mode to the clients if they conform to the requirements of RFC7230. Please note that some servers do not always conform to those requirements when they see Connection: close in the request. The effect will be that keep-alive will never be used. A workaround consists in enabling option http-pretend-keepalive.

At the moment, logs will not indicate whether requests came from the same session or not. The accept date reported in the logs corresponds to the end of the previous request, and the request time corresponds to the time spent waiting for a new request. The keep-alive request time is still bound to the timeout defined by timeout http-keep-alive or timeout http-request if not set.

This option may be set both in a frontend and in a backend. It is enabled if at least one of the frontend or backend holding a connection has it enabled. It disables and replaces any previous option httpclose or option http-keep-alive. Please check section 4 (Proxies) to see how this option combines with others when frontend and backend options differ.

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

See also : option httpclose, option http-pretend-keepalive and option http-keep-alive.

#option http-use-proxy-header #no option http-use-proxy-header

Keyword option http-use-proxy-header can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: http

Make use of non-standard Proxy-Connection header instead of Connection

Arguments : none

While RFC7230 explicitly states that HTTP/1.1 agents must use the Connection header to indicate their wish of persistent or non-persistent connections, both browsers and proxies ignore this header for proxied connections and make use of the undocumented, non-standard Proxy-Connection header instead. The issue begins when trying to put a load balancer between browsers and such proxies, because there will be a difference between what HAProxy understands and what the client and the proxy agree on.

By setting this option in a frontend, HAProxy can automatically switch to use that non-standard header if it sees proxied requests. A proxied request is defined here as one where the URI begins with neither a '/' nor a '*'. This is incompatible with the HTTP tunnel mode. Note that this option can only be specified in a frontend and will affect the request along its whole life.

Also, when this option is set, a request which requires authentication will automatically switch to use proxy authentication headers if it is itself a proxied request. That makes it possible to check or enforce authentication in front of an existing proxy.

This option should normally never be used, except in front of a proxy.

See also : option httpclose, and option http-server-close.

#option httpchk #option httpchk <uri> #option httpchk <method> <uri> #option httpchk <method> <uri> <version> #option httpchk <method> <uri> <version> <host>

Keyword option httpchk can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Enables HTTP protocol to check on the servers health

Arguments :
<method>  is the optional HTTP method used with the requests. When not set,
          the "OPTIONS" method is used, as it generally requires low server
          processing and is easy to filter out from the logs. Any method
          may be used, though it is not recommended to invent non-standard

<uri>     is the URI referenced in the HTTP requests. It defaults to " / "
          which is accessible by default on almost any server, but may be
          changed to any other URI. Query strings are permitted.

<version> is the optional HTTP version string. It defaults to "HTTP/1.0"
          but some servers might behave incorrectly in HTTP 1.0, so turning
          it to HTTP/1.1 may sometimes help. Note that the Host field is
          mandatory in HTTP/1.1.

<host>    is the optional HTTP Host header value. It is not set by default.
          It is a log-format string.  

By default, server health checks only consist in trying to establish a TCP connection. When option httpchk is specified, a complete HTTP request is sent once the TCP connection is established, and responses 2xx and 3xx are considered valid, while all other ones indicate a server failure, including the lack of any response.

Combined with http-check (9) directives, it is possible to customize the request sent during the HTTP health checks or the matching rules on the response. It is also possible to configure a send/expect sequence, just like with the directive tcp-check (10) for TCP health checks.

The server configuration is used by default to open connections to perform HTTP health checks. By it is also possible to overwrite server parameters using http-check connect rules.

httpchk option does not necessarily require an HTTP backend, it also works with plain TCP backends. This is particularly useful to check simple scripts bound to some dedicated ports using the inetd daemon. However, it will always internally relies on an HTX multiplexer. Thus, it means the request formatting and the response parsing will be strict.

Examples :
# Relay HTTPS traffic to Apache instance and check service availability
# using HTTP request "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1" on port 80.
backend https_relay
    mode tcp
    option httpchk OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1
    http-check send hdr Host www
    server apache1 check port 80  

See also : option ssl-hello-chk, option smtpchk, option mysql-check, option pgsql-check, http-check (9) and the check, port and inter server options.

#option httpclose #no option httpclose

Keyword option httpclose can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable or disable HTTP/1.x connection closing

Arguments : none

By default HAProxy operates in keep-alive mode with regards to persistent HTTP/1.x connections: for each connection it processes each request and response, and leaves the connection idle on both sides. This mode may be changed by several options such as option http-server-close or option httpclose.

If option httpclose is set, HAProxy will close the client or the server connection, depending where the option is set. The frontend is considered for client connections while the backend is considered for server ones. If the option is set on a listener, it is applied both on client and server connections. It will check if a Connection: close header is already set in each direction, and will add one if missing.

This option may also be combined with option http-pretend-keepalive, which will disable sending of the Connection: close request header, but will still cause the connection to be closed once the whole response is received.

It disables and replaces any previous option http-server-close or option http-keep-alive.

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

See also : option http-server-close.

#option httplog [ clf ]

Keyword option httplog can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable logging of HTTP request, stream state and timers

Arguments :
clf       if the "clf" argument is added, then the output format will be
          the CLF format instead of HAProxy's default HTTP format. You can
          use this when you need to feed HAProxy's logs through a specific
          log analyzer which only support the CLF format and which is not

By default, the log output format is very poor, as it only contains the source and destination addresses, and the instance name. By specifying option httplog, each log line turns into a much richer format including, but not limited to, the HTTP request, the connection timers, the stream status, the connections numbers, the captured headers and cookies, the frontend, backend and server name, and of course the source address and ports.

Specifying only option httplog will automatically clear the 'clf' mode if it was set by default.

option httplog overrides any previous log-format directive.

See also : section 8 about logging.

#option httpslog

Keyword option httpslog can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable logging of HTTPS request, stream state and timers

By default, the log output format is very poor, as it only contains the source and destination addresses, and the instance name. By specifying option httpslog, each log line turns into a much richer format including, but not limited to, the HTTP request, the connection timers, the stream status, the connections numbers, the captured headers and cookies, the frontend, backend and server name, the SSL certificate verification and SSL handshake statuses, and of course the source address and ports.

option httpslog overrides any previous log-format directive.

See also : section 8 about logging.

#option independent-streams #no option independent-streams

Keyword option independent-streams can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Enable or disable independent timeout processing for both directions

Arguments : none

By default, when data is sent over a socket, both the write timeout and the read timeout for that socket are refreshed, because we consider that there is activity on that socket, and we have no other means of guessing if we should receive data or not.

While this default behavior is desirable for almost all applications, there exists a situation where it is desirable to disable it, and only refresh the read timeout if there are incoming data. This happens on streams with large timeouts and low amounts of exchanged data such as telnet session. If the server suddenly disappears, the output data accumulates in the system's socket buffers, both timeouts are correctly refreshed, and there is no way to know the server does not receive them, so we don't timeout. However, when the underlying protocol always echoes sent data, it would be enough by itself to detect the issue using the read timeout. Note that this problem does not happen with more verbose protocols because data won't accumulate long in the socket buffers.

When this option is set on the frontend, it will disable read timeout updates on data sent to the client. There probably is little use of this case. When the option is set on the backend, it will disable read timeout updates on data sent to the server. Doing so will typically break large HTTP posts from slow lines, so use it with caution.

See also : timeout client (2), timeout server (2) and timeout tunnel

#option ldap-check

Keyword option ldap-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp

Use LDAPv3 health checks for server testing

Arguments : none

It is possible to test that the server correctly talks LDAPv3 instead of just testing that it accepts the TCP connection. When this option is set, an LDAPv3 anonymous simple bind message is sent to the server, and the response is analyzed to find an LDAPv3 bind response message.

The server is considered valid only when the LDAP response contains success resultCode (

Logging of bind requests is server dependent see your documentation how to configure it.

Example :
option ldap-check  

See also : option httpchk

#option external-check

Keyword option external-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Use external processes for server health checks

It is possible to test the health of a server using an external command. This is achieved by running the executable set using external-check command.

Requires the external-check (3) global to be set.

See also : external-check (3), external-check command, external-check path

#option idle-close-on-response #no option idle-close-on-response

Keyword option idle-close-on-response can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: http

Avoid closing idle frontend connections if a soft stop is in progress

Arguments : none

By default, idle connections will be closed during a soft stop. In some environments, a client talking to the proxy may have prepared some idle connections in order to send requests later. If there is no proper retry on write errors, this can result in errors while haproxy is reloading. Even though a proper implementation should retry on connection/write errors, this option was introduced to support backwards compatibility with haproxy prior to version 2.4. Indeed before v2.4, haproxy used to wait for a last request and response to add a connection: close header before closing, thus notifying the client that the connection would not be reusable.

In a real life example, this behavior was seen in AWS using the ALB in front of a haproxy. The end result was ALB sending 502 during haproxy reloads.

Users are warned that using this option may increase the number of old processes if connections remain idle for too long. Adjusting the client timeouts and/or the hard-stop-after parameter accordingly might be needed in case of frequent reloads.

See also: timeout client (2), timeout client-fin, timeout http-request, hard-stop-after

#option log-health-checks #no option log-health-checks

Keyword option log-health-checks can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Enable or disable logging of health checks status updates

Arguments : none

By default, failed health check are logged if server is UP and successful health checks are logged if server is DOWN, so the amount of additional information is limited.

When this option is enabled, any change of the health check status or to the server's health will be logged, so that it becomes possible to know that a server was failing occasional checks before crashing, or exactly when it failed to respond a valid HTTP status, then when the port started to reject connections, then when the server stopped responding at all.

Note that status changes not caused by health checks (e.g. enable/disable on the CLI) are intentionally not logged by this option.

See also: option httpchk, option ldap-check, option mysql-check, option pgsql-check, option redis-check, option smtpchk, option tcp-check, log (6) and section 8 about logging.

#option log-separate-errors #no option log-separate-errors

Keyword option log-separate-errors can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Change log level for non-completely successful connections

Arguments : none

Sometimes looking for errors in logs is not easy. This option makes HAProxy raise the level of logs containing potentially interesting information such as errors, timeouts, retries, redispatches, or HTTP status codes 5xx. The level changes from info to err. This makes it possible to log them separately to a different file with most syslog daemons. Be careful not to remove them from the original file, otherwise you would lose ordering which provides very important information.

Using this option, large sites dealing with several thousand connections per second may log normal traffic to a rotating buffer and only archive smaller error logs.

See also : log (6), dontlognull, dontlog-normal and section 8 about logging.

#option logasap #no option logasap

Keyword option logasap can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Enable or disable early logging.

Arguments : none

By default, logs are emitted when all the log format aliases and sample fetches used in the definition of the log-format string return a value, or when the stream is terminated. This allows the built in log-format strings to account for the transfer time, or the number of bytes in log messages.

When handling long lived connections such as large file transfers or RDP, it may take a while for the request or connection to appear in the logs. Using option logasap, the log message is created as soon as the server connection is established in mode tcp, or as soon as the server sends the complete headers in mode http. Missing information in the logs will be the total number of bytes which will only indicate the amount of data transferred before the message was created and the total time which will not take the remainder of the connection life or transfer time into account. For the case of HTTP, it is good practice to capture the Content-Length response header so that the logs at least indicate how many bytes are expected to be transferred.

Examples :
  listen http_proxy
      mode http
      option httplog
      option logasap
      log local3

>>> Feb  6 12:14:14 localhost \
      haproxy[14389]: [06/Feb/2009:12:14:14.655] http-in \
      static/srv1 9/10/7/14/+30 200 +243 - - ---- 3/1/1/1/0 1/0 \
      "GET /image.iso HTTP/1.0"  

See also : option httplog, capture response header, and section 8 about logging.

#option mysql-check [ user <username> [ { post-41 | pre-41 } ] ]

Keyword option mysql-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp

Use MySQL health checks for server testing

Arguments :
<username> This is the username which will be used when connecting to MySQL
post-41    Send post v4.1 client compatible checks (the default)
pre-41     Send pre v4.1 client compatible checks  

If you specify a username, the check consists of sending two MySQL packet, one Client Authentication packet, and one QUIT packet, to correctly close MySQL session. We then parse the MySQL Handshake Initialization packet and/or Error packet. It is a basic but useful test which does not produce error nor aborted connect on the server. However, it requires an unlocked authorised user without a password. To create a basic limited user in MySQL with optional resource limits:

CREATE USER '<username>'@'<ip_of_haproxy|network_of_haproxy/netmask>'
/*M!100201 MAX_STATEMENT_TIME 0.0001 */;

If you don't specify a username (it is deprecated and not recommended), the check only consists in parsing the Mysql Handshake Initialization packet or Error packet, we don't send anything in this mode. It was reported that it can generate lockout if check is too frequent and/or if there is not enough traffic. In fact, you need in this case to check MySQL max_connect_errors value as if a connection is established successfully within fewer than MySQL max_connect_errors attempts after a previous connection was interrupted, the error count for the host is cleared to zero. If HAProxy's server get blocked, the FLUSH HOSTS statement is the only way to unblock it.

Remember that this does not check database presence nor database consistency. To do this, you can use an external check with xinetd for example.

The check requires MySQL >=3.22, for older version, please use TCP check.

Most often, an incoming MySQL server needs to see the client's IP address for various purposes, including IP privilege matching and connection logging. When possible, it is often wise to masquerade the client's IP address when connecting to the server using the usesrc argument of the source (2) keyword, which requires the transparent proxy feature to be compiled in, and the MySQL server to route the client via the machine hosting HAProxy.

See also: option httpchk

#option nolinger #no option nolinger

Keyword option nolinger can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Enable or disable immediate session resource cleaning after close

Arguments : none

When clients or servers abort connections in a dirty way (e.g. they are physically disconnected), the session timeouts triggers and the session is closed. But it will remain in FIN_WAIT1 state for some time in the system, using some resources and possibly limiting the ability to establish newer connections.

When this happens, it is possible to activate option nolinger which forces the system to immediately remove any socket's pending data on close. Thus, a TCP RST is emitted, any pending data are truncated, and the session is instantly purged from the system's tables. The generally visible effect for a client is that responses are truncated if the close happens with a last block of data (e.g. on a redirect or error response). On the server side, it may help release the source ports immediately when forwarding a client aborts in tunnels. In both cases, TCP resets are emitted and given that the session is instantly destroyed, there will be no retransmit. On a lossy network this can increase problems, especially when there is a firewall on the lossy side, because the firewall might see and process the reset (hence purge its session) and block any further traffic for this session,, including retransmits from the other side. So if the other side doesn't receive it, it will never receive any RST again, and the firewall might log many blocked packets.

For all these reasons, it is strongly recommended NOT to use this option, unless absolutely needed as a last resort. In most situations, using the client-fin or server-fin timeouts achieves similar results with a more reliable behavior. On Linux it's also possible to use the tcp-ut (2) bind or server setting.

This option may be used both on frontends and backends, depending on the side where it is required. Use it on the frontend for clients, and on the backend for servers. While this option is technically supported in defaults sections, it must really not be used there as it risks to accidentally propagate to sections that must no use it and to cause problems there.

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

See also: timeout client-fin, timeout server-fin, tcp-ut (2) bind or server keywords.

#option originalto [ except <network> ] [ header <name> ]

Keyword option originalto can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable insertion of the X-Original-To header to requests sent to servers

Arguments :
<network> is an optional argument used to disable this option for sources
          matching <network>
<name>    an optional argument to specify a different "X-Original-To"
          header name.  

Since HAProxy can work in transparent mode, every request from a client can be redirected to the proxy and HAProxy itself can proxy every request to a complex SQUID environment and the destination host from SO_ORIGINAL_DST will be lost. This is annoying when you want access rules based on destination ip addresses. To solve this problem, a new HTTP header X-Original-To may be added by HAProxy to all requests sent to the server. This header contains a value representing the original destination IP address. Since this must be configured to always use the last occurrence of this header only. Note that only the last occurrence of the header must be used, since it is really possible that the client has already brought one.

The keyword header may be used to supply a different header name to replace the default X-Original-To. This can be useful where you might already have a X-Original-To header from a different application, and you need preserve it. Also if your backend server doesn't use the X-Original-To header and requires different one.

Sometimes, a same HAProxy instance may be shared between a direct client access and a reverse-proxy access (for instance when an SSL reverse-proxy is used to decrypt HTTPS traffic). It is possible to disable the addition of the header for a known destination address or network by adding the except keyword followed by the network address. In this case, any destination IP matching the network will not cause an addition of this header. Most common uses are with private networks or IPv4 and IPv6 are both supported.

This option may be specified either in the frontend or in the backend. If at least one of them uses it, the header will be added. Note that the backend's setting of the header subargument takes precedence over the frontend's if both are defined.

Examples :
# Original Destination address
frontend www
    mode http
    option originalto except

# Those servers want the IP Address in X-Client-Dst
backend www
    mode http
    option originalto header X-Client-Dst  

See also : option httpclose, option http-server-close.

#option persist #no option persist

Keyword option persist can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Enable or disable forced persistence on down servers

Arguments : none

When an HTTP request reaches a backend with a cookie which references a dead server, by default it is redispatched to another server. It is possible to force the request to be sent to the dead server first using option persist if absolutely needed. A common use case is when servers are under extreme load and spend their time flapping. In this case, the users would still be directed to the server they opened the session on, in the hope they would be correctly served. It is recommended to use option redispatch in conjunction with this option so that in the event it would not be possible to connect to the server at all (server definitely dead), the client would finally be redirected to another valid server.

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

See also : option redispatch, retries, force-persist

#option pgsql-check user <username>

Keyword option pgsql-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp

Use PostgreSQL health checks for server testing

Arguments :
<username> This is the username which will be used when connecting to
           PostgreSQL server.  

The check sends a PostgreSQL StartupMessage and waits for either Authentication request or ErrorResponse message. It is a basic but useful test which does not produce error nor aborted connect on the server. This check is identical with the mysql-check.

See also: option httpchk

#option prefer-last-server #no option prefer-last-server

Keyword option prefer-last-server can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Allow multiple load balanced requests to remain on the same server

Arguments : none

When the load balancing algorithm in use is not deterministic, and a previous request was sent to a server to which HAProxy still holds a connection, it is sometimes desirable that subsequent requests on a same session go to the same server as much as possible. Note that this is different from persistence, as we only indicate a preference which HAProxy tries to apply without any form of warranty. The real use is for keep-alive connections sent to servers. When this option is used, HAProxy will try to reuse the same connection that is attached to the server instead of rebalancing to another server, causing a close of the connection. This can make sense for static file servers. It does not make much sense to use this in combination with hashing algorithms. Note, HAProxy already automatically tries to stick to a server which sends a 401 or to a proxy which sends a 407 (authentication required), when the load balancing algorithm is not deterministic. This is mandatory for use with the broken NTLM authentication challenge, and significantly helps in troubleshooting some faulty applications. Option prefer-last-server might be desirable in these environments as well, to avoid redistributing the traffic after every other response.

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

See also: option http-keep-alive

#option redispatch #option redispatch <interval> #no option redispatch

Keyword option redispatch can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Enable or disable session redistribution in case of connection failure

Arguments :
<interval> The optional integer value that controls how often redispatches
           occur when retrying connections. Positive value P indicates a
           redispatch is desired on every Pth retry, and negative value
           N indicate a redispatch is desired on the Nth retry prior to the
           last retry. For example, the default of -1 preserves the
           historical behavior of redispatching on the last retry, a
           positive value of 1 would indicate a redispatch on every retry,
           and a positive value of 3 would indicate a redispatch on every
           third retry. You can disable redispatches with a value of 0.  

In HTTP mode, if a server designated by a cookie is down, clients may definitely stick to it, for example when using option persist or force-persist, because they cannot flush the cookie, so they will not be able to access the service anymore.

Specifying option redispatch will allow the proxy to break cookie or consistent hash based persistence and redistribute them to a working server.

Active servers are selected from a subset of the list of available servers. Active servers that are not down or in maintenance (i.e., whose health is not checked or that have been checked as up), are selected in the following order:

  1. Any active, non-backup server, if any, or,

  2. If the allbackups option is not set, the first backup server in the list, or

  3. If the allbackups option is set, any backup server.

When a retry occurs, HAProxy tries to select another server than the last one. The new server is selected from the current list of servers.

Sometimes, if the list is updated between retries (e.g., if numerous retries occur and last longer than the time needed to check that a server is down, remove it from the list and fall back on the list of backup servers), connections may be redirected to a backup server, though.

It also allows to retry connections to another server in case of multiple connection failures. Of course, it requires having retries set to a nonzero value.

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

See also : option persist, force-persist, retries

#option redis-check

Keyword option redis-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp

Use redis health checks for server testing

Arguments : none

It is possible to test that the server correctly talks REDIS protocol instead of just testing that it accepts the TCP connection. When this option is set, a PING redis command is sent to the server, and the response is analyzed to find the +PONG response message.

Example :
option redis-check  

See also : option httpchk, option tcp-check, tcp-check expect

#option smtpchk #option smtpchk <hello> <domain>

Keyword option smtpchk can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp

Use SMTP health checks for server testing

Arguments :
<hello>   is an optional argument. It is the "hello" command to use. It can
          be either "HELO" (for SMTP) or "EHLO" (for ESMTP). All other
          values will be turned into the default command ("HELO").

<domain>  is the domain name to present to the server. It may only be
          specified (and is mandatory) if the hello command has been
          specified. By default, "localhost" is used.  

When option smtpchk is set, the health checks will consist in TCP connections followed by an SMTP command. By default, this command is HELO localhost. The server's return code is analyzed and only return codes starting with a 2 will be considered as valid. All other responses, including a lack of response will constitute an error and will indicate a dead server.

This test is meant to be used with SMTP servers or relays. Depending on the request, it is possible that some servers do not log each connection attempt, so you may want to experiment to improve the behavior. Using telnet on port 25 is often easier than adjusting the configuration.

Most often, an incoming SMTP server needs to see the client's IP address for various purposes, including spam filtering, anti-spoofing and logging. When possible, it is often wise to masquerade the client's IP address when connecting to the server using the usesrc argument of the source (2) keyword, which requires the transparent proxy feature to be compiled in.

Example :
option smtpchk HELO  

See also : option httpchk, source (2)

#option socket-stats #no option socket-stats

Keyword option socket-stats can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Enable or disable collecting & providing separate statistics for each socket.

Arguments : none

#option splice-auto #no option splice-auto

Keyword option splice-auto can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Enable or disable automatic kernel acceleration on sockets in both directions

Arguments : none

When this option is enabled either on a frontend or on a backend, HAProxy will automatically evaluate the opportunity to use kernel tcp splicing to forward data between the client and the server, in either direction. HAProxy uses heuristics to estimate if kernel splicing might improve performance or not. Both directions are handled independently. Note that the heuristics used are not much aggressive in order to limit excessive use of splicing. This option requires splicing to be enabled at compile time, and may be globally disabled with the global option nosplice. Since splice uses pipes, using it requires that there are enough spare pipes.

Important note: kernel-based TCP splicing is a Linux-specific feature which first appeared in kernel 2.6.25. It offers kernel-based acceleration to transfer data between sockets without copying these data to user-space, thus providing noticeable performance gains and CPU cycles savings. Since many early implementations are buggy, corrupt data and/or are inefficient, this feature is not enabled by default, and it should be used with extreme care. While it is not possible to detect the correctness of an implementation, 2.6.29 is the first version offering a properly working implementation. In case of doubt, splicing may be globally disabled using the global nosplice keyword.

Example :
option splice-auto  

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

See also : option splice-request, option splice-response, and global options nosplice and maxpipes

#option splice-request #no option splice-request

Keyword option splice-request can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Enable or disable automatic kernel acceleration on sockets for requests

Arguments : none

When this option is enabled either on a frontend or on a backend, HAProxy will use kernel tcp splicing whenever possible to forward data going from the client to the server. It might still use the recv/send scheme if there are no spare pipes left. This option requires splicing to be enabled at compile time, and may be globally disabled with the global option nosplice. Since splice uses pipes, using it requires that there are enough spare pipes.

Important note: see option splice-auto for usage limitations.

Example :
option splice-request  

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

See also : option splice-auto, option splice-response, and global options nosplice and maxpipes

#option splice-response #no option splice-response

Keyword option splice-response can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Enable or disable automatic kernel acceleration on sockets for responses

Arguments : none

When this option is enabled either on a frontend or on a backend, HAProxy will use kernel tcp splicing whenever possible to forward data going from the server to the client. It might still use the recv/send scheme if there are no spare pipes left. This option requires splicing to be enabled at compile time, and may be globally disabled with the global option nosplice. Since splice uses pipes, using it requires that there are enough spare pipes.

Important note: see option splice-auto for usage limitations.

Example :
option splice-response  

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

See also : option splice-auto, option splice-request, and global options nosplice and maxpipes

#option spop-check

Keyword option spop-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp

Use SPOP health checks for server testing

Arguments : none

It is possible to test that the server correctly talks SPOP protocol instead of just testing that it accepts the TCP connection. When this option is set, a HELLO handshake is performed between HAProxy and the server, and the response is analyzed to check no error is reported.

Example :
option spop-check  

See also : option httpchk

#option srvtcpka #no option srvtcpka

Keyword option srvtcpka can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Enable or disable the sending of TCP keepalive packets on the server side

Arguments : none

When there is a firewall or any session-aware component between a client and a server, and when the protocol involves very long sessions with long idle periods (e.g. remote desktops), there is a risk that one of the intermediate components decides to expire a session which has remained idle for too long.

Enabling socket-level TCP keep-alives makes the system regularly send packets to the other end of the connection, leaving it active. The delay between keep-alive probes is controlled by the system only and depends both on the operating system and its tuning parameters.

It is important to understand that keep-alive packets are neither emitted nor received at the application level. It is only the network stacks which sees them. For this reason, even if one side of the proxy already uses keep-alives to maintain its connection alive, those keep-alive packets will not be forwarded to the other side of the proxy.

Please note that this has nothing to do with HTTP keep-alive.

Using option srvtcpka enables the emission of TCP keep-alive probes on the server side of a connection, which should help when session expirations are noticed between HAProxy and a server.

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

See also : option clitcpka, option tcpka

#option ssl-hello-chk

Keyword option ssl-hello-chk can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Use SSLv3 client hello health checks for server testing

Arguments : none

When some SSL-based protocols are relayed in TCP mode through HAProxy, it is possible to test that the server correctly talks SSL instead of just testing that it accepts the TCP connection. When option ssl-hello-chk is set, pure SSLv3 client hello messages are sent once the connection is established to the server, and the response is analyzed to find an SSL server hello message. The server is considered valid only when the response contains this server hello message.

All servers tested till there correctly reply to SSLv3 client hello messages, and most servers tested do not even log the requests containing only hello messages, which is appreciable.

Note that this check works even when SSL support was not built into HAProxy because it forges the SSL message. When SSL support is available, it is best to use native SSL health checks instead of this one.

See also: option httpchk, check-ssl

#option tcp-check

Keyword option tcp-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Perform health checks using tcp-check send/expect sequences

This health check method is intended to be combined with tcp-check (10) command lists in order to support send/expect types of health check sequences.

TCP checks currently support 4 modes of operations :

  • no tcp-check (10) directive : the health check only consists in a connection attempt, which remains the default mode.

  • tcp-check send or tcp-check send-binary only is mentioned : this is used to send a string along with a connection opening. With some protocols, it helps sending a QUIT message for example that prevents the server from logging a connection error for each health check. The check result will still be based on the ability to open the connection only.

  • tcp-check expect only is mentioned : this is used to test a banner. The connection is opened and HAProxy waits for the server to present some contents which must validate some rules. The check result will be based on the matching between the contents and the rules. This is suited for POP, IMAP, SMTP, FTP, SSH, TELNET.

  • both tcp-check send and tcp-check expect are mentioned : this is used to test a hello-type protocol. HAProxy sends a message, the server responds and its response is analyzed. the check result will be based on the matching between the response contents and the rules. This is often suited for protocols which require a binding or a request/response model. LDAP, MySQL, Redis and SSL are example of such protocols, though they already all have their dedicated checks with a deeper understanding of the respective protocols. In this mode, many questions may be sent and many answers may be analyzed.

A fifth mode can be used to insert comments in different steps of the script.

For each tcp-check rule you create, you can add a comment directive, followed by a string. This string will be reported in the log and stderr in debug mode. It is useful to make user-friendly error reporting. The comment is of course optional.

During the execution of a health check, a variable scope is made available to store data samples, using the tcp-check set-var operation. Freeing those variable is possible using tcp-check unset-var.

Examples :
# perform a POP check (analyze only server's banner)
option tcp-check
tcp-check expect string +OK\ POP3\ ready comment POP\ protocol

# perform an IMAP check (analyze only server's banner)
option tcp-check
tcp-check expect string *\ OK\ IMAP4\ ready comment IMAP\ protocol

# look for the redis master server after ensuring it speaks well
# redis protocol, then it exits properly.
# (send a command then analyze the response 3 times)
option tcp-check
tcp-check comment PING\ phase
tcp-check send PING\r\n
tcp-check expect string +PONG
tcp-check comment role\ check
tcp-check send info\ replication\r\n
tcp-check expect string role:master
tcp-check comment QUIT\ phase
tcp-check send QUIT\r\n
tcp-check expect string +OK

forge a HTTP request, then analyze the response
(send many headers before analyzing)
option tcp-check
tcp-check comment forge\ and\ send\ HTTP\ request
tcp-check send HEAD\ /\ HTTP/1.1\r\n
tcp-check send Host:\\r\n
tcp-check send User-Agent:\ HAProxy\ tcpcheck\r\n
tcp-check send \r\n
tcp-check expect rstring HTTP/1\..\ (2..|3..) comment check\ HTTP\ response  

See also : tcp-check connect, tcp-check expect and tcp-check send.

#option tcp-smart-accept #no option tcp-smart-accept

Keyword option tcp-smart-accept can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Enable or disable the saving of one ACK packet during the accept sequence

Arguments : none

When an HTTP connection request comes in, the system acknowledges it on behalf of HAProxy, then the client immediately sends its request, and the system acknowledges it too while it is notifying HAProxy about the new connection. HAProxy then reads the request and responds. This means that we have one TCP ACK sent by the system for nothing, because the request could very well be acknowledged by HAProxy when it sends its response.

For this reason, in HTTP mode, HAProxy automatically asks the system to avoid sending this useless ACK on platforms which support it (currently at least Linux). It must not cause any problem, because the system will send it anyway after 40 ms if the response takes more time than expected to come.

During complex network debugging sessions, it may be desirable to disable this optimization because delayed ACKs can make troubleshooting more complex when trying to identify where packets are delayed. It is then possible to fall back to normal behavior by specifying no option tcp-smart-accept.

It is also possible to force it for non-HTTP proxies by simply specifying option tcp-smart-accept. For instance, it can make sense with some services such as SMTP where the server speaks first.

It is recommended to avoid forcing this option in a defaults section. In case of doubt, consider setting it back to automatic values by prepending the default keyword before it, or disabling it using the no keyword.

See also : option tcp-smart-connect

#option tcp-smart-connect #no option tcp-smart-connect

Keyword option tcp-smart-connect can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Enable or disable the saving of one ACK packet during the connect sequence

Arguments : none

On certain systems (at least Linux), HAProxy can ask the kernel not to immediately send an empty ACK upon a connection request, but to directly send the buffer request instead. This saves one packet on the network and thus boosts performance. It can also be useful for some servers, because they immediately get the request along with the incoming connection.

This feature is enabled when option tcp-smart-connect is set in a backend. It is not enabled by default because it makes network troubleshooting more complex.

It only makes sense to enable it with protocols where the client speaks first such as HTTP. In other situations, if there is no data to send in place of the ACK, a normal ACK is sent.

If this option has been enabled in a defaults section, it can be disabled in a specific instance by prepending the no keyword before it.

See also : option tcp-smart-accept

#option tcpka

Keyword option tcpka can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Enable or disable the sending of TCP keepalive packets on both sides

Arguments : none

When there is a firewall or any session-aware component between a client and a server, and when the protocol involves very long sessions with long idle periods (e.g. remote desktops), there is a risk that one of the intermediate components decides to expire a session which has remained idle for too long.

Enabling socket-level TCP keep-alives makes the system regularly send packets to the other end of the connection, leaving it active. The delay between keep-alive probes is controlled by the system only and depends both on the operating system and its tuning parameters.

It is important to understand that keep-alive packets are neither emitted nor received at the application level. It is only the network stacks which sees them. For this reason, even if one side of the proxy already uses keep-alives to maintain its connection alive, those keep-alive packets will not be forwarded to the other side of the proxy.

Please note that this has nothing to do with HTTP keep-alive.

Using option tcpka enables the emission of TCP keep-alive probes on both the client and server sides of a connection. Note that this is meaningful only in defaults or listen sections. If this option is used in a frontend, only the client side will get keep-alives, and if this option is used in a backend, only the server side will get keep-alives. For this reason, it is strongly recommended to explicitly use option clitcpka and option srvtcpka when the configuration is split between frontends and backends.

See also : option clitcpka, option srvtcpka

#option tcplog [clf]

Keyword option tcplog can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Enable advanced logging of TCP connections with stream state and timers

Arguments :
clf       if the "clf" argument is added, then the output format will be
          the CLF format instead of HAProxy's default TCP format. You can
          use this when you need to feed HAProxy's logs through a specific
          log analyzer which only support the CLF format and which is not
          extensible.  Since this expects an HTTP format some of the
          values have been pre set. The http request will show as TCP and
          the response code will show as 000.  

By default, the log output format is very poor, as it only contains the source and destination addresses, and the instance name. By specifying option tcplog, each log line turns into a much richer format including, but not limited to, the connection timers, the stream status, the connections numbers, the frontend, backend and server name, and of course the source address and ports. This option is useful for pure TCP proxies in order to find which of the client or server disconnects or times out. For normal HTTP proxies, it's better to use option httplog which is even more complete.

option tcplog overrides any previous log-format directive.

See also : option httplog, and section 8 about logging.

#option transparent #no option transparent

Keyword option transparent can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Enable client-side transparent proxying

Arguments : none

This option was introduced in order to provide layer 7 persistence to layer 3 load balancers. The idea is to use the OS's ability to redirect an incoming connection for a remote address to a local process (here HAProxy), and let this process know what address was initially requested. When this option is used, sessions without cookies will be forwarded to the original destination IP address of the incoming request (which should match that of another equipment), while requests with cookies will still be forwarded to the appropriate server.

Note that contrary to a common belief, this option does NOT make HAProxy present the client's IP to the server when establishing the connection.

See also: the usesrc argument of the source (2) keyword, and the transparent (2) option of the bind (3) keyword.

#external-check command <command>

Keyword external-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Executable to run when performing an external-check

Arguments :
<command> is the external command to run  

The arguments passed to the to the command are:

<proxy_address> <proxy_port> <server_address> <server_port>

The <proxy_address> and <proxy_port> are derived from the first listener that is either IPv4, IPv6 or a UNIX socket. In the case of a UNIX socket listener the proxy_address will be the path of the socket and the <proxy_port> will be the string NOT_USED. In a backend section, it's not possible to determine a listener, and both <proxy_address> and <proxy_port> will have the string value NOT_USED.

Some values are also provided through environment variables.

Environment variables : HAPROXY_PROXY_ADDR The first bind address if available (or empty if not applicable, for example in a backend section).

HAPROXY_PROXY_ID        The backend id.

HAPROXY_PROXY_NAME      The backend name.

HAPROXY_PROXY_PORT      The first bind port if available (or empty if not
                        applicable, for example in a "backend" section or
                        for a UNIX socket).

HAPROXY_SERVER_ADDR     The server address.

HAPROXY_SERVER_CURCONN  The current number of connections on the server.

HAPROXY_SERVER_ID       The server id.

HAPROXY_SERVER_MAXCONN  The server max connections.

HAPROXY_SERVER_NAME     The server name.

HAPROXY_SERVER_PORT     The server port if available (or empty for a UNIX

HAPROXY_SERVER_SSL      "0" when SSL is not used, "1" when it is used

HAPROXY_SERVER_PROTO    The protocol used by this server, which can be one
                        of "cli" (the haproxy CLI), "syslog" (syslog TCP
                        server), "peers" (peers TCP server), "h1" (HTTP/1.x
                        server), "h2" (HTTP/2 server), or "tcp" (any other
                        TCP server).

PATH                    The PATH environment variable used when executing
                        the command may be set using "external-check path".

If the command executed and exits with a zero status then the check is considered to have passed, otherwise the check is considered to have failed.

Example :
external-check command /bin/true  

See also : external-check (3), option external-check, external-check path

#external-check path <path>

Keyword external-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

The value of the PATH environment variable used when running an external-check

Arguments :
<path> is the path used when executing external command to run  

The default path is .

Example :
external-check path "/usr/bin:/bin"  

See also : external-check (3), option external-check, external-check command

#persist rdp-cookie #persist rdp-cookie(<name>)

Keyword persist can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp

Enable RDP cookie-based persistence

Arguments :
<name>    is the optional name of the RDP cookie to check. If omitted, the
          default cookie name "msts" will be used. There currently is no
          valid reason to change this name.  

This statement enables persistence based on an RDP cookie. The RDP cookie contains all information required to find the server in the list of known servers. So when this option is set in the backend, the request is analyzed and if an RDP cookie is found, it is decoded. If it matches a known server which is still UP (or if option persist is set), then the connection is forwarded to this server.

Note that this only makes sense in a TCP backend, but for this to work, the frontend must have waited long enough to ensure that an RDP cookie is present in the request buffer. This is the same requirement as with the rdp-cookie load-balancing method. Thus it is highly recommended to put all statements in a single listen section.

Also, it is important to understand that the terminal server will emit this RDP cookie only if it is configured for token redirection mode, which means that the IP address redirection option is disabled.

Example :
listen tse-farm
    bind :3389
    # wait up to 5s for an RDP cookie in the request
    tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
    tcp-request content accept if RDP_COOKIE
    # apply RDP cookie persistence
    persist rdp-cookie
    # if server is unknown, let's balance on the same cookie.
    # alternatively, "balance leastconn" may be useful too.
    balance rdp-cookie
    server srv1
    server srv2  

See also : balance rdp-cookie, tcp-request (4) and the req.rdp_cookie ACL.

#quic-initial <action> [ { if | unless } <condition> ]

Keyword quic-initial can be used with these sections: named defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: http
Available actions (5) for quic-initial

Perform an action on an incoming QUIC Initial packet. Contrary to tcp-request connection, this is executed prior to any connection element instantiation and starting and completion of the SSL handshake, which is more efficient when wanting to reject connections attempts.

Arguments :
<action>    defines the action to perform if the condition applies. See

<condition> is a standard layer4-only ACL-based condition (see section 7).
            However, QUIC initial rules are executed too early even for
            some layer4 sample fetch methods despite no configuration
            warning and may result in unspecified runtime behavior,
            although they will not crash. Consider that only internal
            samples and layer4 "src*" and "dst*" are considered as
            supported for now.  

This action is executed early during QUIC packet parsing. As such, only a minimal list of actions is supported :

  • accept

  • dgram-drop

  • reject

  • send-retry

#rate-limit sessions <rate>

Keyword rate-limit can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Set a limit on the number of new sessions accepted per second on a frontend

Arguments :
<rate>    The <rate> parameter is an integer designating the maximum number
          of new sessions per second to accept on the frontend.  

When the frontend reaches the specified number of new sessions per second, it stops accepting new connections until the rate drops below the limit again. During this time, the pending sessions will be kept in the socket's backlog (in system buffers) and HAProxy will not even be aware that sessions are pending. When applying very low limit on a highly loaded service, it may make sense to increase the socket's backlog using the backlog (3) keyword.

This feature is particularly efficient at blocking connection-based attacks or service abuse on fragile servers. Since the session rate is measured every millisecond, it is extremely accurate. Also, the limit applies immediately, no delay is needed at all to detect the threshold.

Example : limit the connection rate on SMTP to 10 per second max listen smtp mode tcp bind :25 rate-limit sessions 10 server smtp1

Note : when the maximum rate is reached, the frontend's status is not changed but its sockets appear as WAITING in the statistics if the socket-stats option is enabled.

See also : the backlog (3) keyword and the fe_sess_rate ACL criterion.

#redirect location <loc> [code <code>] <option> [{if | unless} <condition>] #redirect prefix <pfx> [code <code>] <option> [{if | unless} <condition>] #redirect scheme <sch> [code <code>] <option> [{if | unless} <condition>]

Keyword redirect can be used with these sections: frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Return an HTTP redirection if/unless a condition is matched

If/unless the condition is matched, the HTTP request will lead to a redirect response. If no condition is specified, the redirect applies unconditionally.

Arguments :
<loc>     With "redirect location", the exact value in <loc> is placed into
          the HTTP "Location" header. When used in an "http-request" rule,
          <loc> value follows the Custom log format rules and can include
          some dynamic values (see Custom log format in section 8.2.6).

<pfx>     With "redirect prefix", the "Location" header is built from the
          concatenation of <pfx> and the complete URI path, including the
          query string, unless the "drop-query" option is specified (see
          below). As a special case, if <pfx> equals exactly "/", then
          nothing is inserted before the original URI. It allows one to
          redirect to the same URL (for instance, to insert a cookie). When
          used in an "http-request" rule, <pfx> value follows the Custom
          Log Format rules and can include some dynamic values (see Custom
          Log Format in section 8.2.6).

<sch>     With "redirect scheme", then the "Location" header is built by
          concatenating <sch> with "://" then the first occurrence of the
          "Host" header, and then the URI path, including the query string
          unless the "drop-query" option is specified (see below). If no
          path is found or if the path is "*", then "/" is used instead. If
          no "Host" header is found, then an empty host component will be
          returned, which most recent browsers interpret as redirecting to
          the same host. This directive is mostly used to redirect HTTP to
          HTTPS. When used in an "http-request" rule, <sch> value follows
          the Custom log format rules and can include some dynamic values
          (see Custom log format in section 8.2.6).

<code>    The code is optional. It indicates which type of HTTP redirection
          is desired. Only codes 301, 302, 303, 307 and 308 are supported,
          with 302 used by default if no code is specified. 301 means
          "Moved permanently", and a browser may cache the Location. 302
          means "Moved temporarily" and means that the browser should not
          cache the redirection. 303 is equivalent to 302 except that the
          browser will fetch the location with a GET method. 307 is just
          like 302 but makes it clear that the same method must be reused.
          Likewise, 308 replaces 301 if the same method must be used.

<option>  There are several options which can be specified to adjust the
          expected behavior of a redirection :

  - "drop-query"
    When this keyword is used in a prefix-based redirection, then the
    location will be set without any possible query-string, which is useful
    for directing users to a non-secure page for instance. It has no effect
    with a location-type redirect.

  - "append-slash"
    This keyword may be used in conjunction with "drop-query" to redirect
    users who use a URL not ending with a '/' to the same one with the '/'.
    It can be useful to ensure that search engines will only see one URL.
    For this, a return code 301 is preferred.

  - "ignore-empty"
    This keyword only has effect when a location is produced using a log
    format expression (i.e. when used in http-request or http-response).
    It indicates that if the result of the expression is empty, the rule
    should silently be skipped. The main use is to allow mass-redirects
    of known paths using a simple map.

  - "set-cookie NAME[=value]"
    A "Set-Cookie" header will be added with NAME (and optionally "=value")
    to the response. This is sometimes used to indicate that a user has
    been seen, for instance to protect against some types of DoS. No other
    cookie option is added, so the cookie will be a session cookie. Note
    that for a browser, a sole cookie name without an equal sign is
    different from a cookie with an equal sign.

  - "set-cookie-fmt <fmt>"
    It is equivaliant to the option above, except the "Set-Cookie" header
    will be filled with the result of the log-format string <fmt>
    evaluation. Be carefull to respect the "NAME[=value]" format because no
    special check are performed during the configuration parsing.

  - "clear-cookie NAME[=]"
    A "Set-Cookie" header will be added with NAME (and optionally "="), but
    with the "Max-Age" attribute set to zero. This will tell the browser to
    delete this cookie. It is useful for instance on logout pages. It is
    important to note that clearing the cookie "NAME" will not remove a
    cookie set with "NAME=value". You have to clear the cookie "NAME=" for
    that, because the browser makes the difference.

  - "keep-query"
    When this keyword is used in a location-based redirection, then the
    query-string of the original URI, if any, will be appended to the
    location. If no query-string is found, nothing is added. If the
    location already contains a query-string, the original one will be
    appended with the '&' delimiter.  

Example: move the login URL only to HTTPS. acl clear dst_port 80 acl secure dst_port 8080 acl login_page url_beg /login acl logout url_beg /logout acl uid_given url_reg /login?userid=[^&]+ acl cookie_set hdr_sub(cookie) SEEN=1

redirect prefix set-cookie SEEN=1 if !cookie_set
redirect prefix           if login_page !secure
redirect prefix drop-query if login_page !uid_given
redirect location           if !login_page secure
redirect location / clear-cookie USERID=       if logout

Example: send redirects for request for articles without a '/'. acl missing_slash path_reg ^/article/[^/]*$ redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if missing_slash

Example: redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS when SSL is handled by HAProxy. redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }

Example: append 'www.' prefix in front of all hosts not having it http-request redirect code 301 location \ http://www.%[hdr(host)]%[capture.req.uri] \ unless { hdr_beg(host) -i www }

Example: permanently redirect only old URLs to new ones http-request redirect code 301 location \ %[path,map_str(] ignore-empty

See section 7 about ACL usage.

#retries <value>

Keyword retries can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Set the number of retries to perform on a server after a failure

Arguments :
<value>   is the number of times a request or connection attempt should be
          retried on a server after a failure.  

By default, retries apply only to new connection attempts. However, when the retry-on directive is used, other conditions might trigger a retry (e.g. empty response, undesired status code), and each of them will count one attempt, and when the total number attempts reaches the value here, an error will be returned.

In order to avoid immediate reconnections to a server which is restarting, a turn-around timer of min(timeout connect (2), one second) is applied before a retry occurs on the same server.

When option redispatch is set, some retries may be performed on another server even if a cookie references a different server. By default this will only be the last retry unless an argument is passed to option redispatch.

See also : option redispatch

#retry-on [space-delimited list of keywords]

Keyword retry-on can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Specify when to attempt to automatically retry a failed request. This setting is only valid when mode (2) is set to http and is silently ignored otherwise.

Arguments :
<keywords>  is a space-delimited list of keywords or HTTP status codes, each
            representing a type of failure event on which an attempt to
            retry the request is desired. Please read the notes at the
            bottom before changing this setting. The following keywords are
            supported :

  none              never retry

  conn-failure      retry when the connection or the SSL handshake failed
                    and the request could not be sent. This is the default.

  empty-response    retry when the server connection was closed after part
                    of the request was sent, and nothing was received from
                    the server. This type of failure may be caused by the
                    request timeout on the server side, poor network
                    condition, or a server crash or restart while
                    processing the request.

  junk-response     retry when the server returned something not looking
                    like a complete HTTP response. This includes partial
                    responses headers as well as non-HTTP contents. It
                    usually is a bad idea to retry on such events, which
                    may be caused a configuration issue (wrong server port)
                    or by the request being harmful to the server (buffer
                    overflow attack for example).

  response-timeout  the server timeout stroke while waiting for the server
                    to respond to the request. This may be caused by poor
                    network condition, the reuse of an idle connection
                    which has expired on the path, or by the request being
                    extremely expensive to process. It generally is a bad
                    idea to retry on such events on servers dealing with
                    heavy database processing (full scans, etc) as it may
                    amplify denial of service attacks.

  0rtt-rejected     retry requests which were sent over early data and were
                    rejected by the server. These requests are generally
                    considered to be safe to retry.

  <status>          any HTTP status code among "401" (Unauthorized), "403"
                    (Forbidden), "404" (Not Found), "408" (Request Timeout),
	"421" (Misdirected Request), "425" (Too Early),
	"429" (Too Many Requests), "500" (Server Error),
	"501" (Not Implemented), "502" (Bad Gateway),
	"503" (Service Unavailable), "504" (Gateway Timeout).

                    retry request for any error that are considered
                    retryable. This currently activates "conn-failure",
                    "empty-response", "junk-response", "response-timeout",
                    "0rtt-rejected", "500", "502", "503", and "504".  

Using this directive replaces any previous settings with the new ones; it is not cumulative.

Please note that using anything other than none and conn-failure requires to allocate a buffer and copy the whole request into it, so it has memory and performance impacts. Requests not fitting in a single buffer will never be retried (see the global tune.bufsize setting).

You have to make sure the application has a replay protection mechanism built in such as a unique transaction IDs passed in requests, or that replaying the same request has no consequence, or it is very dangerous to use any retry-on value beside conn-failure and none. Static file servers and caches are generally considered safe against any type of retry. Using a status code can be useful to quickly leave a server showing an abnormal behavior (out of memory, file system issues, etc), but in this case it may be a good idea to immediately redispatch the connection to another server (please see option redispatch for this). Last, it is important to understand that most causes of failures are the requests themselves and that retrying a request causing a server to misbehave will often make the situation even worse for this server, or for the whole service in case of redispatch.

Unless you know exactly how the application deals with replayed requests, you should not use this directive.

The default is conn-failure.

retry-on 503 504  

See also: retries, option redispatch, tune.bufsize

#server <name> <address>[:[port]] [param*]

Keyword server can be used with these sections: listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Declare a server in a backend

Arguments :
<name>    is the internal name assigned to this server. This name will
          appear in logs and alerts. If "http-send-name-header" is
          set, it will be added to the request header sent to the server.

<address> is the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the server. Alternatively, a
          resolvable hostname is supported, but this name will be resolved
          during start-up. Address "" or "*" has a special meaning.
          It indicates that the connection will be forwarded to the same IP
          address as the one from the client connection. This is useful in
          transparent proxy architectures where the client's connection is
          intercepted and HAProxy must forward to the original destination
          address. This is more or less what the "transparent" keyword does
          except that with a server it's possible to limit concurrency and
          to report statistics. Optionally, an address family prefix may be
          used before the address to force the family regardless of the
          address format, which can be useful to specify a path to a unix
          socket with no slash ('/'). Currently supported prefixes are :
                - 'ipv4@'  -> address is always IPv4
                - 'ipv6@'  -> address is always IPv6
                - 'unix@'  -> address is a path to a local unix socket
                - 'abns@'  -> address is in abstract namespace (Linux only)
                - 'abnsz@'  -> address is in abstract namespace (Linux only)
                   but it is explicitly zero-terminated. This means no \0
                   padding is used to complete sun_path. It is useful to
                   interconnect with programs that don't implement the
                   default abns naming logic that haproxy uses.
                - 'sockpair@' -> address is the FD of a connected unix
                  socket or of a socketpair. During a connection, the
                  backend creates a pair of connected sockets, and passes
                  one of them over the FD. The bind part will use the
                  received socket as the client FD. Should be used
                - 'rhttp@' [ EXPERIMENTAL ] -> custom address family for a
                  passive server in HTTP reverse context. This is an
                  experimental features which requires
                  "expose-experimental-directives" on a line before this
          You may want to reference some environment variables in the
          address parameter, see section 2.3 about environment
          variables. The "init-addr" setting can be used to modify the way
          IP addresses should be resolved upon startup.

<port>    is an optional port specification. If set, all connections will
          be sent to this port. If unset, the same port the client
          connected to will be used. The port may also be prefixed by a "+"
          or a "-". In this case, the server's port will be determined by
          adding this value to the client's port.

<param*>  is a list of parameters for this server. The "server" keywords
          accepts an important number of options and has a complete section
          dedicated to it. Please refer to section 5 for more details.  
Examples :
server first cookie first  check inter 1000
server second cookie second check inter 1000
server transp ipv4@
server backup "${SRV_BACKUP}:1080" backup
server www1_dc1 "${LAN_DC1}.101:80"
server www1_dc2 "${LAN_DC2}.101:80"  

Note: regarding Linux's abstract namespace sockets, abns HAProxy sockets uses the whole sun_path length is used for the address length. Some other programs such as socat use the string length only by default. Pass the option ,unix-tightsocklen=0 to any abstract socket definition in socat to make it compatible with HAProxy's, or use the abnsz HAProxy socket family instead.

See also: default-server (2), http-send-name-header and section 5 about server options

#server-state-file-name [ { use-backend-name | <file> } ]

Keyword server-state-file-name can be used with these sections: listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Set the server state file to read, load and apply to servers available in this backend.

It only applies when the directive load-server-state-from-file is set to local. When <file> is not provided, if use-backend-name is used or if this directive is not set, then backend name is used. If <file> starts with a slash '/', then it is considered as an absolute path. Otherwise, <file> is concatenated to the global directive server-state-base.

Example: the minimal configuration below would make HAProxy look for the state server file '/etc/haproxy/states/bk':

  server-state-file-base /etc/haproxy/states

backend bk

See also: server-state-base, load-server-state-from-file, and show servers state

#server-template <prefix> <num | range> <fqdn>[:<port>] [params*]

Keyword server-template can be used with these sections: listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Set a template to initialize servers with shared parameters. The names of these servers are built from <prefix> and <num | range> parameters.

<prefix>  A prefix for the server names to be built.

<num | range>
          If <num> is provided, this template initializes <num> servers
          with 1 up to <num> as server name suffixes. A range of numbers
          <num_low>-<num_high> may also be used to use <num_low> up to
          <num_high> as server name suffixes.

<fqdn>    A FQDN for all the servers this template initializes.

<port>    Same meaning as "server" <port> argument (see "server" keyword).

          Remaining server parameters among all those supported by "server"
# Initializes 3 servers with srv1, srv2 and srv3 as names,
# as FQDN, and health-check enabled.
server-template srv 1-3 check

# or
server-template srv 3 check

# would be equivalent to:
server srv1 check
server srv2 check
server srv3 check  
#source <addr>[:<port>] [usesrc { <addr2>[:<port2>] | client | clientip } ] #source <addr>[:<port>] [usesrc { <addr2>[:<port2>] | hdr_ip(<hdr>[,<occ>]) } ] #source <addr>[:<port>] [interface <name>]

Keyword source can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Set the source address for outgoing connections

Arguments :
<addr>    is the IPv4 address HAProxy will bind to before connecting to a
          server. This address is also used as a source for health checks.

          The default value of means that the system will select
          the most appropriate address to reach its destination. Optionally
          an address family prefix may be used before the address to force
          the family regardless of the address format, which can be useful
          to specify a path to a unix socket with no slash ('/'). Currently
          supported prefixes are :
            - 'ipv4@' -> address is always IPv4
            - 'ipv6@' -> address is always IPv6
            - 'unix@' -> address is a path to a local unix socket
            - 'abns@' -> address is in abstract namespace (Linux only)
            - 'abnsz@'  -> address is in zero-terminated abstract namespace
                           (Linux only)

          You may want to reference some environment variables in the
          address parameter, see section 2.3 about environment variables.

<port>    is an optional port. It is normally not needed but may be useful
          in some very specific contexts. The default value of zero means
          the system will select a free port. Note that port ranges are not
          supported in the backend. If you want to force port ranges, you
          have to specify them on each "server" line.

<addr2>   is the IP address to present to the server when connections are
          forwarded in full transparent proxy mode. This is currently only
          supported on some patched Linux kernels. When this address is
          specified, clients connecting to the server will be presented
          with this address, while health checks will still use the address

<port2>   is the optional port to present to the server when connections
          are forwarded in full transparent proxy mode (see <addr2> above).
          The default value of zero means the system will select a free

<hdr>     is the name of a HTTP header in which to fetch the IP to bind to.
          This is the name of a comma-separated header list which can
          contain multiple IP addresses. By default, the last occurrence is
          used. This is designed to work with the X-Forwarded-For header
          and to automatically bind to the client's IP address as seen
          by previous proxy, typically Stunnel. In order to use another
          occurrence from the last one, please see the <occ> parameter
          below. When the header (or occurrence) is not found, no binding
          is performed so that the proxy's default IP address is used. Also
          keep in mind that the header name is case insensitive, as for any
          HTTP header.

<occ>     is the occurrence number of a value to be used in a multi-value
          header. This is to be used in conjunction with "hdr_ip(<hdr>)",
          in order to specify which occurrence to use for the source IP
          address. Positive values indicate a position from the first
          occurrence, 1 being the first one. Negative values indicate
          positions relative to the last one, -1 being the last one. This
          is helpful for situations where an X-Forwarded-For header is set
          at the entry point of an infrastructure and must be used several
          proxy layers away. When this value is not specified, -1 is
          assumed. Passing a zero here disables the feature.

<name>    is an optional interface name to which to bind to for outgoing
          traffic. On systems supporting this features (currently, only
          Linux), this allows one to bind all traffic to the server to
          this interface even if it is not the one the system would select
          based on routing tables. This should be used with extreme care.
          Note that using this option requires root privileges.  

The source (2) keyword is useful in complex environments where a specific address only is allowed to connect to the servers. It may be needed when a private address must be used through a public gateway for instance, and it is known that the system cannot determine the adequate source address by itself.

An extension which is available on certain patched Linux kernels may be used through the usesrc optional keyword. It makes it possible to connect to the servers with an IP address which does not belong to the system itself. This is called full transparent proxy mode. For this to work, the destination servers have to route their traffic back to this address through the machine running HAProxy, and IP forwarding must generally be enabled on this machine.

In this full transparent proxy mode, it is possible to force a specific IP address to be presented to the servers. This is not much used in fact. A more common use is to tell HAProxy to present the client's IP address. For this, there are two methods :

  • present the client's IP and port addresses. This is the most transparent mode, but it can cause problems when IP connection tracking is enabled on the machine, because a same connection may be seen twice with different states. However, this solution presents the huge advantage of not limiting the system to the 64k outgoing address+port couples, because all of the client ranges may be used.

  • present only the client's IP address and select a spare port. This solution is still quite elegant but slightly less transparent (downstream firewalls logs will not match upstream's). It also presents the downside of limiting the number of concurrent connections to the usual 64k ports. However, since the upstream and downstream ports are different, local IP connection tracking on the machine will not be upset by the reuse of the same session.

This option sets the default source for all servers in the backend. It may also be specified in a defaults section. Finer source address specification is possible at the server level using the source (2) server option. Refer to section 5 for more information.

In order to work, usesrc requires root privileges, or on supported systems, the cap_net_raw capability. See also the setcap global directive.

Examples :
backend private
    # Connect to the servers using our source address

backend transparent_ssl1
    # Connect to the SSL farm from the client's source address
    source usesrc clientip

backend transparent_ssl2
    # Connect to the SSL farm from the client's source address and port
    # not recommended if IP conntrack is present on the local machine.
    source usesrc client

backend transparent_ssl3
    # Connect to the SSL farm from the client's source address. It
    # is more conntrack-friendly.
    source usesrc clientip

backend transparent_smtp
    # Connect to the SMTP farm from the client's source address/port
    # with Tproxy version 4.
    source usesrc clientip

backend transparent_http
    # Connect to the servers using the client's IP as seen by previous
    # proxy.
    source usesrc hdr_ip(x-forwarded-for,-1)  

See also : the source (2) server option in section 5, the Tproxy patches for the Linux kernel on, the bind (3) keyword.

#srvtcpka-cnt <count>

Keyword srvtcpka-cnt can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Sets the maximum number of keepalive probes TCP should send before dropping the connection on the server side.

Arguments :
<count>   is the maximum number of keepalive probes.  

This keyword corresponds to the socket option TCP_KEEPCNT. If this keyword is not specified, system-wide TCP parameter (tcp_keepalive_probes) is used. The availability of this setting depends on the operating system. It is known to work on Linux.

See also : option srvtcpka, srvtcpka-idle, srvtcpka-intvl.

#srvtcpka-idle <timeout>

Keyword srvtcpka-idle can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Sets the time the connection needs to remain idle before TCP starts sending keepalive probes, if enabled the sending of TCP keepalive packets on the server side.

Arguments :
<timeout> is the time the connection needs to remain idle before TCP starts
          sending keepalive probes. It is specified in seconds by default,
          but can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the
          unit, as explained at the top of this document.  

This keyword corresponds to the socket option TCP_KEEPIDLE. If this keyword is not specified, system-wide TCP parameter (tcp_keepalive_time) is used. The availability of this setting depends on the operating system. It is known to work on Linux.

See also : option srvtcpka, srvtcpka-cnt, srvtcpka-intvl.

#srvtcpka-intvl <timeout>

Keyword srvtcpka-intvl can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Sets the time between individual keepalive probes on the server side.

Arguments :
<timeout> is the time between individual keepalive probes. It is specified
          in seconds by default, but can be in any other unit if the number
          is suffixed by the unit, as explained at the top of this

This keyword corresponds to the socket option TCP_KEEPINTVL. If this keyword is not specified, system-wide TCP parameter (tcp_keepalive_intvl) is used. The availability of this setting depends on the operating system. It is known to work on Linux.

See also : option srvtcpka, srvtcpka-cnt, srvtcpka-idle.

#stats admin { if | unless } <cond>

Keyword stats can be used with these sections: frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable statistics admin level if/unless a condition is matched

This statement enables the statistics admin level if/unless a condition is matched.

The admin level allows to enable/disable servers from the web interface. By default, statistics page is read-only for security reasons.

Currently, the POST request is limited to the buffer size minus the reserved buffer space, which means that if the list of servers is too long, the request won't be processed. It is recommended to alter few servers at a time.

Example :
# statistics admin level only for localhost
backend stats_localhost
    stats enable
    stats admin if LOCALHOST  
Example :
# statistics admin level always enabled because of the authentication
backend stats_auth
    stats enable
    stats auth  admin:AdMiN123
    stats admin if TRUE  
Example :
# statistics admin level depends on the authenticated user
userlist stats-auth
    group admin    users admin
    user  admin    insecure-password AdMiN123
    group readonly users haproxy
    user  haproxy  insecure-password haproxy

backend stats_auth
    stats enable
    acl AUTH       http_auth(stats-auth)
    acl AUTH_ADMIN http_auth_group(stats-auth) admin
    stats http-request auth unless AUTH
    stats admin if AUTH_ADMIN  

See also : stats enable, stats auth, stats http-request, section 3.4 about userlists and section 7 about ACL usage.

#stats auth <user>:<passwd>

Keyword stats can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable statistics with authentication and grant access to an account

Arguments :
<user>    is a user name to grant access to

<passwd>  is the cleartext password associated to this user  

This statement enables statistics with default settings, and restricts access to declared users only. It may be repeated as many times as necessary to allow as many users as desired. When a user tries to access the statistics without a valid account, a 401 Forbidden response will be returned so that the browser asks the user to provide a valid user and password. The real which will be returned to the browser is configurable using stats realm.

Since the authentication method is HTTP Basic Authentication, the passwords circulate in cleartext on the network. Thus, it was decided that the configuration file would also use cleartext passwords to remind the users that those ones should not be sensitive and not shared with any other account.

It is also possible to reduce the scope of the proxies which appear in the report using stats scope.

Though this statement alone is enough to enable statistics reporting, it is recommended to set all other settings in order to avoid relying on default unobvious parameters.

Example :
# public access (limited to this backend only)
backend public_www
    server srv1
    stats enable
    stats hide-version
    stats scope   .
    stats uri     /admin?stats
    stats realm   HAProxy\ Statistics
    stats auth    admin1:AdMiN123
    stats auth    admin2:AdMiN321

# internal monitoring access (unlimited)
backend private_monitoring
    stats enable
    stats uri     /admin?stats
    stats refresh 5s  

See also : stats enable, stats realm, stats scope, stats uri

#stats enable

Keyword stats can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable statistics reporting with default settings

Arguments : none

This statement enables statistics reporting with default settings defined at build time. Unless stated otherwise, these settings are used :

  • stats uri : /haproxy?stats

  • stats realm : HAProxy Statistics

  • stats auth : no authentication

  • stats scope : no restriction

Though this statement alone is enough to enable statistics reporting, it is recommended to set all other settings in order to avoid relying on default unobvious parameters.

Example :
# public access (limited to this backend only)
backend public_www
    server srv1
    stats enable
    stats hide-version
    stats scope   .
    stats uri     /admin?stats
    stats realm   HAProxy\ Statistics
    stats auth    admin1:AdMiN123
    stats auth    admin2:AdMiN321

# internal monitoring access (unlimited)
backend private_monitoring
    stats enable
    stats uri     /admin?stats
    stats refresh 5s  

See also : stats auth, stats realm, stats uri

#stats hide-version

Keyword stats can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable statistics and hide HAProxy version reporting

Arguments : none

By default, the stats page reports some useful status information along with the statistics. Among them is HAProxy's version. However, it is generally considered dangerous to report precise version to anyone, as it can help them target known weaknesses with specific attacks. The stats hide-version statement removes the version from the statistics report. This is recommended for public sites or any site with a weak login/password.

Though this statement alone is enough to enable statistics reporting, it is recommended to set all other settings in order to avoid relying on default unobvious parameters.

Example :
# public access (limited to this backend only)
backend public_www
    server srv1
    stats enable
    stats hide-version
    stats scope   .
    stats uri     /admin?stats
    stats realm   HAProxy\ Statistics
    stats auth    admin1:AdMiN123
    stats auth    admin2:AdMiN321

# internal monitoring access (unlimited)
backend private_monitoring
    stats enable
    stats uri     /admin?stats
    stats refresh 5s  

See also : stats auth, stats enable, stats realm, stats uri

#stats http-request { allow | deny | auth [realm <realm>] } [ { if | unless } <condition> ]

Keyword stats can be used with these sections: listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Access control for statistics

As http-request, these set of options allow to fine control access to statistics. Each option may be followed by if/unless and acl. First option with matched condition (or option without condition) is final. For deny a 403 error will be returned, for allow normal processing is performed, for auth a 401/407 error code is returned so the client should be asked to enter a username and password.

There is no fixed limit to the number of http-request statements per instance.

See also : http-request, section 3.4 about userlists and section 7 about ACL usage.

#stats realm <realm>

Keyword stats can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable statistics and set authentication realm

Arguments :
<realm>   is the name of the HTTP Basic Authentication realm reported to
          the browser. The browser uses it to display it in the pop-up
          inviting the user to enter a valid username and password.  

The realm is read as a single word, so any spaces in it should be escaped using a backslash ('\').

This statement is useful only in conjunction with stats auth since it is only related to authentication.

Though this statement alone is enough to enable statistics reporting, it is recommended to set all other settings in order to avoid relying on default unobvious parameters.

Example :
# public access (limited to this backend only)
backend public_www
    server srv1
    stats enable
    stats hide-version
    stats scope   .
    stats uri     /admin?stats
    stats realm   HAProxy\ Statistics
    stats auth    admin1:AdMiN123
    stats auth    admin2:AdMiN321

# internal monitoring access (unlimited)
backend private_monitoring
    stats enable
    stats uri     /admin?stats
    stats refresh 5s  

See also : stats auth, stats enable, stats uri

#stats refresh <delay>

Keyword stats can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable statistics with automatic refresh

Arguments :
<delay>   is the suggested refresh delay, specified in seconds, which will
          be returned to the browser consulting the report page. While the
          browser is free to apply any delay, it will generally respect it
          and refresh the page this every seconds. The refresh interval may
          be specified in any other non-default time unit, by suffixing the
          unit after the value, as explained at the top of this document.  

This statement is useful on monitoring displays with a permanent page reporting the load balancer's activity. When set, the HTML report page will include a link refresh/stop refresh so that the user can select whether they want automatic refresh of the page or not.

Though this statement alone is enough to enable statistics reporting, it is recommended to set all other settings in order to avoid relying on default unobvious parameters.

Example :
# public access (limited to this backend only)
backend public_www
    server srv1
    stats enable
    stats hide-version
    stats scope   .
    stats uri     /admin?stats
    stats realm   HAProxy\ Statistics
    stats auth    admin1:AdMiN123
    stats auth    admin2:AdMiN321

# internal monitoring access (unlimited)
backend private_monitoring
    stats enable
    stats uri     /admin?stats
    stats refresh 5s  

See also : stats auth, stats enable, stats realm, stats uri

#stats scope { <name> | "." }

Keyword stats can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable statistics and limit access scope

Arguments :
<name>    is the name of a listen, frontend or backend section to be
          reported. The special name "." (a single dot) designates the
          section in which the statement appears.  

When this statement is specified, only the sections enumerated with this statement will appear in the report. All other ones will be hidden. This statement may appear as many times as needed if multiple sections need to be reported. Please note that the name checking is performed as simple string comparisons, and that it is never checked that a give section name really exists.

Though this statement alone is enough to enable statistics reporting, it is recommended to set all other settings in order to avoid relying on default unobvious parameters.

Example :
# public access (limited to this backend only)
backend public_www
    server srv1
    stats enable
    stats hide-version
    stats scope   .
    stats uri     /admin?stats
    stats realm   HAProxy\ Statistics
    stats auth    admin1:AdMiN123
    stats auth    admin2:AdMiN321

# internal monitoring access (unlimited)
backend private_monitoring
    stats enable
    stats uri     /admin?stats
    stats refresh 5s  

See also : stats auth, stats enable, stats realm, stats uri

#stats show-desc [ <desc> ]

Keyword stats can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable reporting of a description on the statistics page.

<desc>    is an optional description to be reported. If unspecified, the
          description from global section is automatically used instead.

This statement is useful for users that offer shared services to their customers, where node or description should be different for each customer.

Though this statement alone is enough to enable statistics reporting, it is recommended to set all other settings in order to avoid relying on default unobvious parameters. By default description is not shown.

Example :
# internal monitoring access (unlimited)
backend private_monitoring
    stats enable
    stats show-desc Master node for Europe, Asia, Africa
    stats uri       /admin?stats
    stats refresh   5s  

See also: show-node, stats enable, stats uri and description (3) in global section.

#stats show-legends

Keyword stats can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable reporting additional information on the statistics page

Arguments : none

Enable reporting additional information on the statistics page :

  • cap: capabilities (proxy)

  • mode: one of tcp, http or health (proxy)

  • id: SNMP ID (proxy, socket, server)

  • IP (socket, server)

  • cookie (backend, server)

Though this statement alone is enough to enable statistics reporting, it is recommended to set all other settings in order to avoid relying on default unobvious parameters. Default behavior is not to show this information.

See also: stats enable, stats uri.

#stats show-modules

Keyword stats can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable display of extra statistics module on the statistics page

Arguments : none

New columns are added at the end of the line containing the extra statistics values as a tooltip.

Though this statement alone is enough to enable statistics reporting, it is recommended to set all other settings in order to avoid relying on default unobvious parameters. Default behavior is not to show this information.

See also: stats enable, stats uri.

#stats show-node [ <name> ]

Keyword stats can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable reporting of a host name on the statistics page.

<name>    is an optional name to be reported. If unspecified, the
          node name from global section is automatically used instead.  

This statement is useful for users that offer shared services to their customers, where node or description might be different on a stats page provided for each customer. Default behavior is not to show host name.

Though this statement alone is enough to enable statistics reporting, it is recommended to set all other settings in order to avoid relying on default unobvious parameters.

# internal monitoring access (unlimited)
backend private_monitoring
    stats enable
    stats show-node Europe-1
    stats uri       /admin?stats
    stats refresh   5s  

See also: show-desc, stats enable, stats uri, and node in global section.

#stats uri <prefix>

Keyword stats can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Enable statistics and define the URI prefix to access them

Arguments :
<prefix>  is the prefix of any URI which will be redirected to stats. This
          prefix may contain a question mark ('?') to indicate part of a
          query string.  

The statistics URI is intercepted on the relayed traffic, so it appears as a page within the normal application. It is strongly advised to ensure that the selected URI will never appear in the application, otherwise it will never be possible to reach it in the application.

The default URI compiled in HAProxy is /haproxy?stats, but this may be changed at build time, so it's better to always explicitly specify it here. It is generally a good idea to include a question mark in the URI so that intermediate proxies refrain from caching the results. Also, since any string beginning with the prefix will be accepted as a stats request, the question mark helps ensuring that no valid URI will begin with the same words.

It is sometimes very convenient to use / as the URI prefix, and put that statement in a listen instance of its own. That makes it easy to dedicate an address or a port to statistics only.

Though this statement alone is enough to enable statistics reporting, it is recommended to set all other settings in order to avoid relying on default unobvious parameters.

Example :
# public access (limited to this backend only)
backend public_www
    server srv1
    stats enable
    stats hide-version
    stats scope   .
    stats uri     /admin?stats
    stats realm   HAProxy\ Statistics
    stats auth    admin1:AdMiN123
    stats auth    admin2:AdMiN321

# internal monitoring access (unlimited)
backend private_monitoring
    stats enable
    stats uri     /admin?stats
    stats refresh 5s  

See also : stats auth, stats enable, stats realm

#stick match <pattern> [table <table>] [{if | unless} <cond>]

Keyword stick can be used with these sections: listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Define a request pattern matching condition to stick a user to a server

Arguments :
<pattern>  is a sample expression rule as described in section 7.3. It
           describes what elements of the incoming request or connection
           will be analyzed in the hope to find a matching entry in a
           stickiness table. This rule is mandatory.

<table>    is an optional stickiness table name. If unspecified, the same
           backend's table is used. A stickiness table is declared using
           the "stick-table" statement.

<cond>     is an optional matching condition. It makes it possible to match
           on a certain criterion only when other conditions are met (or
           not met). For instance, it could be used to match on a source IP
           address except when a request passes through a known proxy, in
           which case we'd match on a header containing that IP address.  

Some protocols or applications require complex stickiness rules and cannot always simply rely on cookies nor hashing. The stick match statement describes a rule to extract the stickiness criterion from an incoming request or connection. See section 7 for a complete list of possible patterns and transformation rules.

The table has to be declared using the stick-table statement. It must be of a type compatible with the pattern. By default it is the one which is present in the same backend. It is possible to share a table with other backends by referencing it using the table keyword. If another table is referenced, the server's ID inside the backends are used. By default, all server IDs start at 1 in each backend, so the server ordering is enough. But in case of doubt, it is highly recommended to force server IDs using their id (3) setting.

It is possible to restrict the conditions where a stick match statement will apply, using if or unless followed by a condition. See section 7 for ACL based conditions.

There is no limit on the number of stick match statements. The first that applies and matches will cause the request to be directed to the same server as was used for the request which created the entry. That way, multiple matches can be used as fallbacks.

The stick rules are checked after the persistence cookies, so they will not affect stickiness if a cookie has already been used to select a server. That way, it becomes very easy to insert cookies and match on IP addresses in order to maintain stickiness between HTTP and HTTPS.

Example :
# forward SMTP users to the same server they just used for POP in the
# last 30 minutes
backend pop
    mode tcp
    balance roundrobin
    stick store-request src
    stick-table type ip size 200k expire 30m
    server s1
    server s2

backend smtp
    mode tcp
    balance roundrobin
    stick match src table pop
    server s1
    server s2  

See also : stick-table, stick on, and section 7 about ACLs and samples fetching.

#stick on <pattern> [table <table>] [{if | unless} <condition>]

Keyword stick can be used with these sections: listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Define a request pattern to associate a user to a server

Note : This form is exactly equivalent to stick match followed by stick store-request, all with the same arguments. Please refer to both keywords for details. It is only provided as a convenience for writing more maintainable configurations.

Examples :
# The following form ...
stick on src table pop if !localhost

# strictly equivalent to this one :
stick match src table pop if !localhost
stick store-request src table pop if !localhost

# Use cookie persistence for HTTP, and stick on source address for HTTPS as
# well as HTTP without cookie. Share the same table between both accesses.
backend http
    mode http
    balance roundrobin
    stick on src table https
    cookie SRV insert indirect nocache
    server s1 cookie s1
    server s2 cookie s2

backend https
    mode tcp
    balance roundrobin
    stick-table type ip size 200k expire 30m
    stick on src
    server s1
    server s2  

See also : stick match, stick store-request.

#stick store-request <pattern> [table <table>] [{if | unless} <condition>]

Keyword stick can be used with these sections: listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Define a request pattern used to create an entry in a stickiness table

Arguments :
<pattern>  is a sample expression rule as described in section 7.3. It
           describes what elements of the incoming request or connection
           will be analyzed, extracted and stored in the table once a
           server is selected.

<table>    is an optional stickiness table name. If unspecified, the same
           backend's table is used. A stickiness table is declared using
           the "stick-table" statement.

<cond>     is an optional storage condition. It makes it possible to store
           certain criteria only when some conditions are met (or not met).
           For instance, it could be used to store the source IP address
           except when the request passes through a known proxy, in which
           case we'd store a converted form of a header containing that IP

Some protocols or applications require complex stickiness rules and cannot always simply rely on cookies nor hashing. The stick store-request statement describes a rule to decide what to extract from the request and when to do it, in order to store it into a stickiness table for further requests to match it using the stick match statement. Obviously the extracted part must make sense and have a chance to be matched in a further request. Storing a client's IP address for instance often makes sense. Storing an ID found in a URL parameter also makes sense. Storing a source port will almost never make any sense because it will be randomly matched. See section 7 for a complete list of possible patterns and transformation rules.

The table has to be declared using the stick-table statement. It must be of a type compatible with the pattern. By default it is the one which is present in the same backend. It is possible to share a table with other backends by referencing it using the table keyword. If another table is referenced, the server's ID inside the backends are used. By default, all server IDs start at 1 in each backend, so the server ordering is enough. But in case of doubt, it is highly recommended to force server IDs using their id (3) setting.

It is possible to restrict the conditions where a stick store-request statement will apply, using if or unless followed by a condition. This condition will be evaluated while parsing the request, so any criteria can be used. See section 7 for ACL based conditions.

There is no limit on the number of stick store-request statements, but there is a limit of 8 simultaneous stores per request or response. This makes it possible to store up to 8 criteria, all extracted from either the request or the response, regardless of the number of rules. Only the 8 first ones which match will be kept. Using this, it is possible to feed multiple tables at once in the hope to increase the chance to recognize a user on another protocol or access method. Using multiple store-request rules with the same table is possible and may be used to find the best criterion to rely on, by arranging the rules by decreasing preference order. Only the first extracted criterion for a given table will be stored. All subsequent store- request rules referencing the same table will be skipped and their ACLs will not be evaluated.

The store-request rules are evaluated once the server connection has been established, so that the table will contain the real server that processed the request.

Example :
# forward SMTP users to the same server they just used for POP in the
# last 30 minutes
backend pop
    mode tcp
    balance roundrobin
    stick store-request src
    stick-table type ip size 200k expire 30m
    server s1
    server s2

backend smtp
    mode tcp
    balance roundrobin
    stick match src table pop
    server s1
    server s2  

See also : stick-table, stick on, about ACLs and sample fetching.

#stick-table type {ip | integer | string [len <length>] | binary [len <length>]} size <size> [expire <expire>] [nopurge] [peers <peersect>] [srvkey <srvkey>] [write-to <wtable>] [store <data_type>]* [brates-factor <factor>]

Keyword stick-table can be used with these sections: frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Configure the stickiness table for the current section

Arguments :
 ip         a table declared with "type ip" will only store IPv4 addresses.
            This form is very compact (about 50 bytes per entry) and allows
            very fast entry lookup and stores with almost no overhead. This
            is mainly used to store client source IP addresses.

 ipv6       a table declared with "type ipv6" will only store IPv6 addresses.
            This form is very compact (about 60 bytes per entry) and allows
            very fast entry lookup and stores with almost no overhead. This
            is mainly used to store client source IP addresses.

 integer    a table declared with "type integer" will store 32bit integers
            which can represent a client identifier found in a request for

 string     a table declared with "type string" will store substrings of up
            to <len> characters. If the string provided by the pattern
            extractor is larger than <len>, it will be truncated before
            being stored. During matching, at most <len> characters will be
            compared between the string in the table and the extracted
            pattern. When not specified, the string is automatically limited
            to 32 characters.

 binary     a table declared with "type binary" will store binary blocks
            of <len> bytes. If the block provided by the pattern
            extractor is larger than <len>, it will be truncated before
            being stored. If the block provided by the sample expression
            is shorter than <len>, it will be padded by 0. When not
            specified, the block is automatically limited to 32 bytes.

 <length>   is the maximum number of characters that will be stored in a
            "string" type table (See type "string" above). Or the number
            of bytes of the block in "binary" type table. Be careful when
            changing this parameter as memory usage will proportionally

 <size>     is the maximum number of entries that can fit in the table. This
            value directly impacts memory usage. Count approximately
            50 bytes per entry, plus the size of a string if any. The size
            supports suffixes "k", "m", "g" for 2^10, 2^20 and 2^30 factors.

 [nopurge]  indicates that we refuse to purge older entries when the table
            is full. When not specified and the table is full when HAProxy
            wants to store an entry in it, it will flush a few of the oldest
            entries in order to release some space for the new ones. This is
            most often the desired behavior. In some specific cases, it
            be desirable to refuse new entries instead of purging the older
            ones. That may be the case when the amount of data to store is
            far above the hardware limits and we prefer not to offer access
            to new clients than to reject the ones already connected. When
            using this parameter, be sure to properly set the "expire"
            parameter (see below).

 <peersect> is the name of the peers section to use for replication. Entries
            which associate keys to server IDs are kept synchronized with
            the remote peers declared in this section. All entries are also
            automatically learned from the local peer (old process) during a
            soft restart.

<wtable>    is the name of the stick table where peers updates will be
            written to in addition to the source table. <wtable> must be of
            the same type as the table being defined and must have the same
            key length, and source table cannot be used as a target table
            itself. Every time an entry update will be received on the source
            table through a peer, haproxy will try to refresh related
            <wtable> entry. If the entry doesn't exist yet, it will be
            created, else its values will be updated as well as its timer.
            Note that only types that are not involved in arithmetic ops such
            as server_id, server_key and gpt will be written to <wtable> to
            prevent processed values from a remote table from interfering with
            arithmetic operations performed on the local target table.
            (ie: prevent shared cumulative counter from growing indefinitely)
            One common use of this option is to be able to use sticking rules
            (for server persistence) in a peers cluster setup, because
            matching keys will be learned from remote tables.

 <expire>   defines the maximum duration of an entry in the table since it
            was last created, refreshed using 'track-sc' or matched using
            'stick match' or 'stick on' rule. The expiration delay is
            defined using the standard time format, similarly as the various
            timeouts. The maximum duration is slightly above 24 days. See
            section 2.5 for more information. If this delay is not specified,
            the session won't automatically expire, but older entries will
            be removed once full. Be sure not to use the "nopurge" parameter
            if not expiration delay is specified.
            Note: 'table_*' converters performs lookups but won't update touch
            expire since they don't require 'track-sc'.

 <srvkey>   specifies how each server is identified for the purposes of the
            stick table. The valid values are "name" and "addr". If "name" is
            given, then <name> argument for the server (may be generated by
            a template). If "addr" is given, then the server is identified
            by its current network address, including the port. "addr" is
            especially useful if you are using service discovery to generate
            the addresses for servers with peered stick-tables and want
            to consistently use the same host across peers for a stickiness

<data_type> is used to store additional information in the stick-table. This
            may be used by ACLs in order to control various criteria related
            to the activity of the client matching the stick-table. For each
            item specified here, the size of each entry will be inflated so
            that the additional data can fit. Several data types may be
            stored with an entry. Multiple data types may be specified after
            the "store" keyword, as a comma-separated list. Alternatively,
            it is possible to repeat the "store" keyword followed by one or
            several data types. Except for the "server_id" type which is
            automatically detected and enabled, all data types must be
            explicitly declared to be stored. If an ACL references a data
            type which is not stored, the ACL will simply not match. Some
            data types require an argument which must be passed just after
            the type between parenthesis. See below for the supported data
            types and their arguments.

<factor>    is used to define a factor to be applied on in/out bytes rate.
            Instead of counting each bytes, blocks of bytes are counted.
            Internally, rates are defined on 32-bits counters. By using this
            parameter, it is possible to have rates exceeding the 4G on the
            defined period. The factor must be greater than 0 and lower or
            equal to 1024.  

The data types that can be stored with an entry are the following :

  • server_id : this is an integer which holds the numeric ID of the server a request was assigned to. It is used by the stick match, stick store, and stick on rules. It is automatically enabled when referenced.

  • gpc(<nb>) : General Purpose Counters Array of <nb> elements. This is an array of positive 32-bit integers which may be used to count anything. Most of the time they will be used as a incremental counters on some entries, for instance to note that a limit is reached and trigger some actions. This array is limited to a maximum of 100 elements: gpc0 to gpc99, to ensure that the build of a peer update message can fit into the buffer. Users should take in consideration that a large amount of counters will increase the data size and the traffic load using peers protocol since all data/counters are pushed each time any of them is updated. This data_type will exclude the usage of the legacy data_types 'gpc0' and 'gpc1' on the same table. Using the 'gpc' array data_type, all 'gpc0' and 'gpc1' related fetches and actions will apply to the two first elements of this array.

  • gpc_rate(<nb>,<period>) : Array of increment rates of General Purpose Counters over a period. Those elements are positive 32-bit integers which may be used for anything. Just like <gpc>, the count events, but instead of keeping a cumulative number, they maintain the rate at which the counter is incremented. Most of the time it will be used to measure the frequency of occurrence of certain events (e.g. requests to a specific URL). This array is limited to a maximum of 100 elements: gpt(100) allowing the storage of gpc0 to gpc99, to ensure that the build of a peer update message can fit into the buffer. The array cannot contain less than 1 element: use gpc(1) if you want to store only the counter gpc0. Users should take in consideration that a large amount of counters will increase the data size and the traffic load using peers protocol since all data/counters are pushed each time any of them is updated. This data_type will exclude the usage of the legacy data_types 'gpc0_rate' and 'gpc1_rate' on the same table. Using the 'gpc_rate' array data_type, all 'gpc0' and 'gpc1' related fetches and actions will apply to the two first elements of this array.

  • gpc0 : first General Purpose Counter. It is a positive 32-bit integer integer which may be used for anything. Most of the time it will be used to put a special tag on some entries, for instance to note that a specific behavior was detected and must be known for future matches.

  • gpc0_rate(<period>) : increment rate of the first General Purpose Counter over a period. It is a positive 32-bit integer integer which may be used for anything. Just like <gpc0>, it counts events, but instead of keeping a cumulative number, it maintains the rate at which the counter is incremented. Most of the time it will be used to measure the frequency of occurrence of certain events (e.g. requests to a specific URL).

  • gpc1 : second General Purpose Counter. It is a positive 32-bit integer integer which may be used for anything. Most of the time it will be used to put a special tag on some entries, for instance to note that a specific behavior was detected and must be known for future matches.

  • gpc1_rate(<period>) : increment rate of the second General Purpose Counter over a period. It is a positive 32-bit integer integer which may be used for anything. Just like <gpc1>, it counts events, but instead of keeping a cumulative number, it maintains the rate at which the counter is incremented. Most of the time it will be used to measure the frequency of occurrence of certain events (e.g. requests to a specific URL).

  • gpt(<nb>) : General Purpose Tags Array of <nb> elements. This is an array of positive 32-bit integers which may be used for anything. Most of the time they will be used to put a special tags on some entries, for instance to note that a specific behavior was detected and must be known for future matches. This array is limited to a maximum of 100 elements: gpt(100) allowing the storage of gpt0 to gpt99, to ensure that the build of a peer update message can fit into the buffer. The array cannot contain less than 1 element: use gpt(1) if you want to to store only the tag gpt0. Users should take in consideration that a large amount of counters will increase the data size and the traffic load using peers protocol since all data/counters are pushed each time any of them is updated. This data_type will exclude the usage of the legacy data_type 'gpt0' on the same table. Using the 'gpt' array data_type, all 'gpt0' related fetches and actions will apply to the first element of this array.

  • gpt0 : first General Purpose Tag. It is a positive 32-bit integer integer which may be used for anything. Most of the time it will be used to put a special tag on some entries, for instance to note that a specific behavior was detected and must be known for future matches

  • conn_cnt : Connection Count. It is a positive 32-bit integer which counts the absolute number of connections received from clients which matched this entry. It does not mean the connections were accepted, just that they were received.

  • conn_cur : Current Connections. It is a positive 32-bit integer which stores the concurrent connection counts for the entry. It is incremented once an incoming connection matches the entry, and decremented once the connection leaves. That way it is possible to know at any time the exact number of concurrent connections for an entry.

  • conn_rate(<period>) : frequency counter (takes 12 bytes). It takes an integer parameter <period> which indicates in milliseconds the length of the period over which the average is measured. It reports the average incoming connection rate over that period, in connections per period. The result is an integer which can be matched using ACLs.

  • sess_cnt : Session Count. It is a positive 32-bit integer which counts the absolute number of sessions received from clients which matched this entry. A session is a connection that was accepted by the layer 4 rules.

  • sess_rate(<period>) : frequency counter (takes 12 bytes). It takes an integer parameter <period> which indicates in milliseconds the length of the period over which the average is measured. It reports the average incoming session rate over that period, in sessions per period. The result is an integer which can be matched using ACLs.

  • http_req_cnt : HTTP request Count. It is a positive 32-bit integer which counts the absolute number of HTTP requests received from clients which matched this entry. It does not matter whether they are valid requests or not. Note that this is different from sessions when keep-alive is used on the client side.

  • http_req_rate(<period>) : frequency counter (takes 12 bytes). It takes an integer parameter <period> which indicates in milliseconds the length of the period over which the average is measured. It reports the average HTTP request rate over that period, in requests per period. The result is an integer which can be matched using ACLs. It does not matter whether they are valid requests or not. Note that this is different from sessions when keep-alive is used on the client side.

  • http_err_cnt : HTTP Error Count. It is a positive 32-bit integer which counts the absolute number of HTTP requests errors induced by clients which matched this entry. Errors are counted on invalid and truncated requests, as well as on denied or tarpitted requests, and on failed authentications. If the server responds with 4xx, then the request is also counted as an error since it's an error triggered by the client (e.g. vulnerability scan).

  • http_err_rate(<period>) : frequency counter (takes 12 bytes). It takes an integer parameter <period> which indicates in milliseconds the length of the period over which the average is measured. It reports the average HTTP request error rate over that period, in requests per period (see http_err_cnt above for what is accounted as an error). The result is an integer which can be matched using ACLs.

  • http_fail_cnt : HTTP Failure Count. It is a positive 32-bit integer which counts the absolute number of HTTP response failures induced by servers which matched this entry. Errors are counted on invalid and truncated responses, as well as any 5xx response other than 501 or 505. It aims at being used combined with path or URI to detect service failures.

  • http_fail_rate(<period>) : frequency counter (takes 12 bytes). It takes an integer parameter <period> which indicates in milliseconds the length of the period over which the average is measured. It reports the average HTTP response failure rate over that period, in requests per period (see http_fail_cnt above for what is accounted as a failure). The result is an integer which can be matched using ACLs.

  • bytes_in_cnt : client to server byte count. It is a positive 64-bit integer which counts the cumulative number of bytes received from clients which matched this entry. Headers are included in the count. This may be used to limit abuse of upload features on photo or video servers.

  • bytes_in_rate(<period>) : frequency counter (takes 12 bytes). It takes an integer parameter <period> which indicates in milliseconds the length of the period over which the average is measured. It reports the average incoming bytes rate over that period, in bytes per period. It may be used to detect users which upload too much and too fast. Warning: with large uploads, it is possible that the amount of uploaded data will be counted once upon termination, thus causing spikes in the average transfer speed instead of having a smooth one. This may partially be smoothed with option contstats though this is not perfect yet. Use of byte_in_cnt is recommended for better fairness.

  • bytes_out_cnt : server to client byte count. It is a positive 64-bit integer which counts the cumulative number of bytes sent to clients which matched this entry. Headers are included in the count. This may be used to limit abuse of bots sucking the whole site.

  • bytes_out_rate(<period>) : frequency counter (takes 12 bytes). It takes an integer parameter <period> which indicates in milliseconds the length of the period over which the average is measured. It reports the average outgoing bytes rate over that period, in bytes per period. It may be used to detect users which download too much and too fast. Warning: with large transfers, it is possible that the amount of transferred data will be counted once upon termination, thus causing spikes in the average transfer speed instead of having a smooth one. This may partially be smoothed with option contstats though this is not perfect yet. Use of byte_out_cnt is recommended for better fairness.

  • glitch_cnt : front glitches count. It is a positive 32-bit integer which counts the cumulative number of glitches reported on a front connection. Glitches correspond to either unusual or unexpected actions (protocol- wise) from the client that could indicate a badly defective client or possibly an attacker. As such, this counter can help in order to decide how to act with them in such case.

  • glitch_rate(<period>) : frequency counter (takes 12 bytes). It takes an integer parameter <period> which indicates in milliseconds the length of the period over which the average is measured. It reports the average front glitches rate over that period. It may be used to detect defective clients or potential attackers that perform uncommon or unexpected actions from a protocol point of view, provided that HAProxy flagged them them as such.

There is only one stick-table per proxy. At the moment of writing this doc, it does not seem useful to have multiple tables per proxy. If this happens to be required, simply create a dummy backend with a stick-table in it and reference it.

It is important to understand that stickiness based on learning information has some limitations, including the fact that all learned associations are lost upon restart unless peers are properly configured to transfer such information upon restart (recommended). In general it can be good as a complement but not always as an exclusive stickiness.

Last, memory requirements may be important when storing many data types. Indeed, storing all indicators above at once in each entry requires 116 bytes per entry, or 116 MB for a 1-million entries table. This is definitely not something that can be ignored.

# Keep track of counters of up to 1 million IP addresses over 5 minutes
# and store a general purpose counter and the average connection rate
# computed over a sliding window of 30 seconds.
stick-table type ip size 1m expire 5m store gpc0,conn_rate(30s)  

See also : stick match, stick on, stick store-request, section 2.5 about time format and section 7 about ACLs.

#stick store-response <pattern> [table <table>] [{if | unless} <condition>]

Keyword stick can be used with these sections: listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Define a response pattern used to create an entry in a stickiness table

Arguments :
<pattern>  is a sample expression rule as described in section 7.3. It
           describes what elements of the response or connection will
           be analyzed, extracted and stored in the table once a
           server is selected.

<table>    is an optional stickiness table name. If unspecified, the same
           backend's table is used. A stickiness table is declared using
           the "stick-table" statement.

<cond>     is an optional storage condition. It makes it possible to store
           certain criteria only when some conditions are met (or not met).
           For instance, it could be used to store the SSL session ID only
           when the response is a SSL server hello.  

Some protocols or applications require complex stickiness rules and cannot always simply rely on cookies nor hashing. The stick store-response statement describes a rule to decide what to extract from the response and when to do it, in order to store it into a stickiness table for further requests to match it using the stick match statement. Obviously the extracted part must make sense and have a chance to be matched in a further request. Storing an ID found in a header of a response makes sense. See section 7 for a complete list of possible patterns and transformation rules.

The table has to be declared using the stick-table statement. It must be of a type compatible with the pattern. By default it is the one which is present in the same backend. It is possible to share a table with other backends by referencing it using the table keyword. If another table is referenced, the server's ID inside the backends are used. By default, all server IDs start at 1 in each backend, so the server ordering is enough. But in case of doubt, it is highly recommended to force server IDs using their id (3) setting.

It is possible to restrict the conditions where a stick store-response statement will apply, using if or unless followed by a condition. This condition will be evaluated while parsing the response, so any criteria can be used. See section 7 for ACL based conditions.

There is no limit on the number of stick store-response statements, but there is a limit of 8 simultaneous stores per request or response. This makes it possible to store up to 8 criteria, all extracted from either the request or the response, regardless of the number of rules. Only the 8 first ones which match will be kept. Using this, it is possible to feed multiple tables at once in the hope to increase the chance to recognize a user on another protocol or access method. Using multiple store-response rules with the same table is possible and may be used to find the best criterion to rely on, by arranging the rules by decreasing preference order. Only the first extracted criterion for a given table will be stored. All subsequent store- response rules referencing the same table will be skipped and their ACLs will not be evaluated. However, even if a store-request rule references a table, a store-response rule may also use the same table. This means that each table may learn exactly one element from the request and one element from the response at once.

The table will contain the real server that processed the request.

Example :
# Learn SSL session ID from both request and response and create affinity.
backend https
    mode tcp
    balance roundrobin
    # maximum SSL session ID length is 32 bytes.
    stick-table type binary len 32 size 30k expire 30m

    acl clienthello req.ssl_hello_type 1
    acl serverhello res.ssl_hello_type 2

    # use tcp content accepts to detects ssl client and server hello.
    tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
    tcp-request content accept if clienthello

    # no timeout on response inspect delay by default.
    tcp-response content accept if serverhello

    # SSL session ID (SSLID) may be present on a client or server hello.
    # Its length is coded on 1 byte at offset 43 and its value starts
    # at offset 44.

    # Match and learn on request if client hello.
    stick on req.payload_lv(43,1) if clienthello

    # Learn on response if server hello.
    stick store-response resp.payload_lv(43,1) if serverhello

    server s1
    server s2  

See also : stick-table, stick on, and section 7 about ACLs and pattern extraction.

#tcp-check comment <string>

Keyword tcp-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Defines a comment for the following the tcp-check rule, reported in logs if it fails.

Arguments :
<string>  is the comment message to add in logs if the following tcp-check
          rule fails.  

It only works for connect, send and expect rules. It is useful to make user-friendly error reporting.

See also : option tcp-check, tcp-check connect, tcp-check send and tcp-check expect.

#tcp-check connect [default] [port <expr>] [addr <ip>] [send-proxy] [via-socks4] [ssl] [sni <sni>] [alpn <alpn>] [linger] [proto <name>] [comment <msg>]

Keyword tcp-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Opens a new connection

Arguments :
comment <msg>  defines a message to report if the rule evaluation fails.

default      Use default options of the server line to do the health
             checks. The server options are used only if not redefined.

port <expr>  if not set, check port or server port is used.
             It tells HAProxy where to open the connection to.
             <port> must be a valid TCP port source integer, from 1 to
             65535 or an sample-fetch expression.

addr <ip>    defines the IP address to do the health check.

send-proxy   send a PROXY protocol string

via-socks4   enables outgoing health checks using upstream socks4 proxy.

ssl          opens a ciphered connection

sni <sni>    specifies the SNI to use to do health checks over SSL.

alpn <alpn>  defines which protocols to advertise with ALPN. The protocol
             list consists in a comma-delimited list of protocol names,
             for instance: "http/1.1,http/1.0" (without quotes).
             If it is not set, the server ALPN is used.

proto <name> forces the multiplexer's protocol to use for this connection.
             It must be a TCP mux protocol and it must be usable on the
             backend side. The list of available protocols is reported in
             haproxy -vv.

linger       cleanly close the connection instead of using a single RST.  

When an application lies on more than a single TCP port or when HAProxy load-balance many services in a single backend, it makes sense to probe all the services individually before considering a server as operational.

When there are no TCP port configured on the server line neither server port directive, then the 'tcp-check connect port <port>' must be the first step of the sequence.

In a tcp-check ruleset a 'connect' is required, it is also mandatory to start the ruleset with a 'connect' rule. Purpose is to ensure admin know what they do.

When a connect must start the ruleset, if may still be preceded by set-var, unset-var or comment rules.

Examples :
# check HTTP and HTTPs services on a server.
# first open port 80 thanks to server line port directive, then
# tcp-check opens port 443, ciphered and run a request on it:
option tcp-check
tcp-check connect
tcp-check send GET\ /\ HTTP/1.0\r\n
tcp-check send Host:\\r\n
tcp-check send \r\n
tcp-check expect rstring (2..|3..)
tcp-check connect port 443 ssl
tcp-check send GET\ /\ HTTP/1.0\r\n
tcp-check send Host:\\r\n
tcp-check send \r\n
tcp-check expect rstring (2..|3..)
server www check port 80

# check both POP and IMAP from a single server:
option tcp-check
tcp-check connect port 110 linger
tcp-check expect string +OK\ POP3\ ready
tcp-check connect port 143
tcp-check expect string *\ OK\ IMAP4\ ready
server mail check  

See also : option tcp-check, tcp-check send, tcp-check expect

#tcp-check expect [min-recv <int>] [comment <msg>] [ok-status <st>] [error-status <st>] [tout-status <st>] [on-success <fmt>] [on-error <fmt>] [status-code <expr>] [!] <match> <pattern>

Keyword tcp-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Specify data to be collected and analyzed during a generic health check

Arguments :
comment <msg>  defines a message to report if the rule evaluation fails.

min-recv  is optional and can define the minimum amount of data required to
          evaluate the current expect rule. If the number of received bytes
          is under this limit, the check will wait for more data. This
          option can be used to resolve some ambiguous matching rules or to
          avoid executing costly regex matches on content known to be still
          incomplete. If an exact string (string or binary) is used, the
          minimum between the string length and this parameter is used.
          This parameter is ignored if it is set to -1. If the expect rule
          does not match, the check will wait for more data. If set to 0,
          the evaluation result is always conclusive.

<match>   is a keyword indicating how to look for a specific pattern in the
          response. The keyword may be one of "string", "rstring", "binary" or
          The keyword may be preceded by an exclamation mark ("!") to negate
          the match. Spaces are allowed between the exclamation mark and the
          keyword. See below for more details on the supported keywords.

ok-status <st>     is optional and can be used to set the check status if
                   the expect rule is successfully evaluated and if it is
                   the last rule in the tcp-check ruleset. "L7OK", "L7OKC",
                   "L6OK" and "L4OK" are supported :
                     - L7OK  : check passed on layer 7
                     - L7OKC : check conditionally passed on layer 7, set
                               server to NOLB state.
                     - L6OK  : check passed on layer 6
                     - L4OK  : check passed on layer 4
                    By default "L7OK" is used.

error-status <st>  is optional and can be used to set the check status if
                   an error occurred during the expect rule evaluation.
                   "L7OKC", "L7RSP", "L7STS", "L6RSP" and "L4CON" are
                   supported :
                     - L7OKC : check conditionally passed on layer 7, set
                               server to NOLB state.
                     - L7RSP : layer 7 invalid response - protocol error
                     - L7STS : layer 7 response error, for example HTTP 5xx
                     - L6RSP : layer 6 invalid response - protocol error
                     - L4CON : layer 1-4 connection problem
                   By default "L7RSP" is used.

tout-status <st>   is optional and can be used to set the check status if
                   a timeout occurred during the expect rule evaluation.
                   "L7TOUT", "L6TOUT", and "L4TOUT" are supported :
                     - L7TOUT : layer 7 (HTTP/SMTP) timeout
                     - L6TOUT : layer 6 (SSL) timeout
                     - L4TOUT : layer 1-4 timeout
                   By default "L7TOUT" is used.

on-success <fmt>   is optional and can be used to customize the
                   informational message reported in logs if the expect
                   rule is successfully evaluated and if it is the last rule
                   in the tcp-check ruleset. <fmt> is a Custom log format
                   (see section 8.2.6).

on-error <fmt>     is optional and can be used to customize the
                   informational message reported in logs if an error
                   occurred during the expect rule evaluation. <fmt> is a
                   Custom log format (see section 8.2.6).

status-code <expr> is optional and can be used to set the check status code
                   reported in logs, on success or on error. <expr> is a
                   standard HAProxy expression formed by a sample-fetch
                   followed by some converters.

<pattern> is the pattern to look for. It may be a string or a regular
          expression. If the pattern contains spaces, they must be escaped
          with the usual backslash ('\').
          If the match is set to binary, then the pattern must be passed as
          a series of hexadecimal digits in an even number. Each sequence of
          two digits will represent a byte. The hexadecimal digits may be
          used upper or lower case.  

The available matches are intentionally similar to their http-check cousins :

string <string> : test the exact string matches in the response buffer.
                  A health check response will be considered valid if the
                  response's buffer contains this exact string. If the
                  "string" keyword is prefixed with "!", then the response
                  will be considered invalid if the body contains this
                  string. This can be used to look for a mandatory pattern
                  in a protocol response, or to detect a failure when a
                  specific error appears in a protocol banner.

rstring <regex> : test a regular expression on the response buffer.
                  A health check response will be considered valid if the
                  response's buffer matches this expression. If the
                  "rstring" keyword is prefixed with "!", then the response
                  will be considered invalid if the body matches the

string-lf <fmt> : test a Custom log format match in the response's buffer.
                  A health check response will be considered valid if the
                  response's buffer contains the  string resulting of the
                  evaluation of <fmt>, which follows the Custom log format
                  rules described in section 8.2.6. If prefixed with "!",
                  then the response will be considered invalid if the
                  buffer contains the string.

binary <hexstring> : test the exact string in its hexadecimal form matches
                     in the response buffer. A health check response will
                     be considered valid if the response's buffer contains
                     this exact hexadecimal string.
                     Purpose is to match data on binary protocols.

rbinary <regex> : test a regular expression on the response buffer, like
                  "rstring". However, the response buffer is transformed
                  into its hexadecimal form, including NUL-bytes. This
                  allows using all regex engines to match any binary
                  content.  The hexadecimal transformation takes twice the
                  size of the original response. As such, the expected
                  pattern should work on at-most half the response buffer

binary-lf <hexfmt> : test a Custom log format in its hexadecimal form match
                     in the response's buffer. A health check response will
                     be considered valid if the response's buffer contains
                     the hexadecimal string resulting of the evaluation of
                     <fmt>, which follows the Custom log format rules (see
                     section 8.2.6). If prefixed with "!", then the
                     response will be considered invalid if the buffer
                     contains the hexadecimal string. The hexadecimal
                     string is converted in a binary string before matching
                     the response's buffer.

It is important to note that the responses will be limited to a certain size defined by the global tune.bufsize option, which defaults to 16384 bytes. Thus, too large responses may not contain the mandatory pattern when using string, rstring or binary. If a large response is absolutely required, it is possible to change the default max size by setting the global variable. However, it is worth keeping in mind that parsing very large responses can waste some CPU cycles, especially when regular expressions are used, and that it is always better to focus the checks on smaller resources. Also, in its current state, the check will not find any string nor regex past a null character in the response. Similarly it is not possible to request matching the null character.

Examples :
# perform a POP check
option tcp-check
tcp-check expect string +OK\ POP3\ ready

# perform an IMAP check
option tcp-check
tcp-check expect string *\ OK\ IMAP4\ ready

# look for the redis master server
option tcp-check
tcp-check send PING\r\n
tcp-check expect string +PONG
tcp-check send info\ replication\r\n
tcp-check expect string role:master
tcp-check send QUIT\r\n
tcp-check expect string +OK  

See also : option tcp-check, tcp-check connect, tcp-check send, tcp-check send-binary, http-check expect, tune.bufsize

#tcp-check send <data> [comment <msg>] #tcp-check send-lf <fmt> [comment <msg>]

Keyword tcp-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Specify a string or a Custom log format to be sent as a question during a generic health check

Arguments :
comment <msg>  defines a message to report if the rule evaluation fails.

<data>         is the string that will be sent during a generic health
               check session.

<fmt>          is the Custom log format that will be sent, once evaluated,
               during a generic health check session (see section 8.2.6).  
Examples :
# look for the redis master server
option tcp-check
tcp-check send info\ replication\r\n
tcp-check expect string role:master  

See also : option tcp-check, tcp-check connect, tcp-check expect, tcp-check send-binary, tune.bufsize

#tcp-check send-binary <hexstring> [comment <msg>] #tcp-check send-binary-lf <hexfmt> [comment <msg>]

Keyword tcp-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Specify an hex digits string or an hex digits Custom log format to be sent as a binary question during a raw tcp health check

Arguments :
comment <msg>  defines a message to report if the rule evaluation fails.

<hexstring>    is the hexadecimal string that will be send, once converted
               to binary, during a generic health check session.

<hexfmt>       is the hexadecimal Custom log format that will be send, once
               evaluated and converted to binary, during a generic health
               check session (see section 8.2.6).  
Examples :
# redis check in binary
option tcp-check
tcp-check send-binary 50494e470d0a # PING\r\n
tcp-check expect binary 2b504F4e47 # +PONG  

See also : option tcp-check, tcp-check connect, tcp-check expect, tcp-check send, tune.bufsize

#tcp-check set-var(<var-name>[,<cond>...]) <expr> #tcp-check set-var-fmt(<var-name>[,<cond>...]) <fmt>

Keyword tcp-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

This operation sets the content of a variable. The variable is declared inline.

Arguments :
<var-name>   The name of the variable. Only "proc", "sess" and "check"
             scopes can be used. See section 2.8 about variables for details.

 <cond>      A set of conditions that must all be true for the variable to
             actually be set (such as "ifnotempty", "ifgt" ...). See the
             set-var converter's description for a full list of possible

 <expr>      Is a sample-fetch expression potentially followed by converters.

 <fmt>       This is the value expressed using Custom log format rules (see
             Custom log format in section 8.2.6).  
Examples :
tcp-check set-var(check.port) int(1234)
tcp-check set-var-fmt( "%H"  
#tcp-check unset-var(<var-name>)

Keyword tcp-check can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Free a reference to a variable within its scope.

Arguments :
<var-name>   The name of the variable. Only "proc", "sess" and "check"
             scopes can be used. See section 2.8 about variables for details.  
Examples :
tcp-check unset-var(check.port)  
#tcp-request connection <action> <options...> [ { if | unless } <condition> ]

Keyword tcp-request can be used with these sections: named defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http
Available actions (24) for tcp-request connection

Perform an action on an incoming connection depending on a layer 4 condition

Arguments :
<action>    defines the action to perform if the condition applies. See

<condition> is a standard layer4-only ACL-based condition (see section 7).  

Immediately after acceptance of a new incoming connection, it is possible to evaluate some conditions to decide whether this connection must be accepted or dropped or have its counters tracked. Those conditions cannot make use of any data contents because the connection has not been read from yet, and the buffers are not yet allocated. This is used to selectively and very quickly accept or drop connections from various sources with a very low overhead. If some contents need to be inspected in order to take the decision, the tcp-request content statements must be used instead.

The tcp-request connection rules are evaluated in their exact declaration order. If no rule matches or if there is no rule, the default action is to accept the incoming connection. There is no specific limit to the number of rules which may be inserted. Any rule may optionally be followed by an ACL-based condition, in which case it will only be evaluated if the condition evaluates to true.

The condition is evaluated just before the action is executed, and the action is performed exactly once. As such, there is no problem if an action changes an element which is checked as part of the condition. This also means that multiple actions may rely on the same condition so that the first action that changes the condition's evaluation is sufficient to implicitly disable the remaining actions. This is used for example when trying to assign a value to a variable from various sources when it's empty.

The first keyword after tcp-request connection in the syntax is the rule's action, optionally followed by a varying number of arguments for the action. The supported actions and their respective syntaxes are enumerated in section 4.3 Actions (look for actions which tick TCP RqCon).

This directive is only available from named defaults sections, not anonymous ones. Rules defined in the defaults section are evaluated before ones in the associated proxy section. To avoid ambiguities, in this case the same defaults section cannot be used by proxies with the frontend capability and by proxies with the backend capability. It means a listen section cannot use a defaults section defining such rules.

Note that the if/unless condition is optional. If no condition is set on the action, it is simply performed unconditionally. That can be useful for track-sc* actions as well as for changing the default action to a reject.

Example: accept all connections from white-listed hosts, reject too fast connection without counting them, and track accepted connections. This results in connection rate being capped from abusive sources.

tcp-request connection accept if { src -f /etc/haproxy/whitelist.lst }
tcp-request connection reject if { src_conn_rate gt 10 }
tcp-request connection track-sc0 src

Example: accept all connections from white-listed hosts, count all other connections and reject too fast ones. This results in abusive ones being blocked as long as they don't slow down.

tcp-request connection accept if { src -f /etc/haproxy/whitelist.lst }
tcp-request connection track-sc0 src
tcp-request connection reject if { sc0_conn_rate gt 10 }

Example: enable the PROXY protocol for traffic coming from all known proxies.

tcp-request connection expect-proxy layer4 if { src -f proxies.lst }

See section 7 about ACL usage.

See also : tcp-request session, tcp-request content, stick-table

#tcp-request content <action> [{if | unless} <condition>]

Keyword tcp-request can be used with these sections: named defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http
Available actions (35) for tcp-request content

Perform an action on a new session depending on a layer 4-7 condition

Arguments :
<action>    defines the action to perform if the condition applies. See

<condition> is a standard layer 4-7 ACL-based condition (see section 7).  

A request's contents can be analyzed at an early stage of request processing called TCP content inspection. During this stage, ACL-based rules are evaluated every time the request contents are updated, until either an accept, a reject or a switch-mode rule matches, or the TCP request inspection delay expires with no matching rule.

The first difference between these rules and tcp-request connection rules is that tcp-request content rules can make use of contents to take a decision. Most often, these decisions will consider a protocol recognition or validity. The second difference is that content-based rules can be used in both frontends and backends. In case of HTTP keep-alive with the client, all tcp-request content rules are evaluated again, so HAProxy keeps a record of what sticky counters were assigned by a tcp-request connection versus a tcp-request content rule, and flushes all the content-related ones after processing an HTTP request, so that they may be evaluated again by the rules being evaluated again for the next request. This is of particular importance when the rule tracks some L7 information or when it is conditioned by an L7-based ACL, since tracking may change between requests.

Content-based rules are evaluated in their exact declaration order. If no rule matches or if there is no rule, the default action is to accept the contents. There is no specific limit to the number of rules which may be inserted.

While there is nothing mandatory about it, it is recommended to use the track-sc0 in tcp-request connection rules, track-sc1 for tcp-request content rules in the frontend, and track-sc2 for tcp-request content rules in the backend, because that makes the configuration more readable and easier to troubleshoot, but this is just a guideline and all counters may be used everywhere.

The first keyword after tcp-request content in the syntax is the rule's action, optionally followed by a varying number of arguments for the action. The supported actions and their respective syntaxes are enumerated in section 4.3 Actions (look for actions which tick TCP RqCnt).

This directive is only available from named defaults sections, not anonymous ones. Rules defined in the defaults section are evaluated before ones in the associated proxy section. To avoid ambiguities, in this case the same defaults section cannot be used by proxies with the frontend capability and by proxies with the backend capability. It means a listen section cannot use a defaults section defining such rules.

Note that the if/unless condition is optional. If no condition is set on the action, it is simply performed unconditionally. That can be useful for track-sc* actions as well as for changing the default action to a reject.

Note also that it is recommended to use a tcp-request session rule to track information that does *not* depend on Layer 7 contents, especially for HTTP frontends. Some HTTP processing are performed at the session level and may lead to an early rejection of the requests. Thus, the tracking at the content level may be disturbed in such case. A warning is emitted during startup to prevent, as far as possible, such unreliable usage.

It is perfectly possible to match layer 7 contents with tcp-request content rules from a TCP proxy, since HTTP-specific ACL matches are able to preliminarily parse the contents of a buffer before extracting the required data. If the buffered contents do not parse as a valid HTTP message, then the ACL does not match. The parser which is involved there is exactly the same as for all other HTTP processing, so there is no risk of parsing something differently. In an HTTP frontend or an HTTP backend, it is guaranteed that HTTP contents will always be immediately present when the rule is evaluated first because the HTTP parsing is performed in the early stages of the connection processing, at the session level. But for such proxies, using http-request rules is much more natural and recommended.

Tracking layer7 information is also possible provided that the information are present when the rule is processed. The rule processing engine is able to wait until the inspect delay expires when the data to be tracked is not yet available.

tcp-request content use-service lua.deny if { src -f /etc/haproxy/blacklist.lst }  
tcp-request content set-var(sess.my_var) src
tcp-request content set-var-fmt(sess.from) %[src]:%[src_port]
tcp-request content unset-var(sess.my_var2)  
# Accept HTTP requests containing a Host header saying ""
# and reject everything else. (Only works for HTTP/1 connections)
acl is_host_com hdr(Host) -i
tcp-request inspect-delay 30s
tcp-request content accept if is_host_com
tcp-request content reject

# Accept HTTP requests containing a Host header saying ""
# and reject everything else. (works for HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 connections)
acl is_host_com hdr(Host) -i
tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
tcp-request switch-mode http if HTTP
tcp-request reject   # non-HTTP traffic is implicit here
http-request reject unless is_host_com  
# reject SMTP connection if client speaks first
tcp-request inspect-delay 30s
acl content_present req.len gt 0
tcp-request content reject if content_present

# Forward HTTPS connection only if client speaks
tcp-request inspect-delay 30s
acl content_present req.len gt 0
tcp-request content accept if content_present
tcp-request content reject  
# Track the last IP(stick-table type string) from X-Forwarded-For
tcp-request inspect-delay 10s
tcp-request content track-sc0 hdr(x-forwarded-for,-1)
# Or track the last IP(stick-table type ip|ipv6) from X-Forwarded-For
tcp-request content track-sc0 req.hdr_ip(x-forwarded-for,-1)  
# track request counts per "base" (concatenation of Host+URL)
tcp-request inspect-delay 10s
tcp-request content track-sc0 base table req-rate  

Example: track per-frontend and per-backend counters, block abusers at the frontend when the backend detects abuse(and marks gpc0).

frontend http
    # Use General Purpose Counter 0 in SC0 as a global abuse counter
    # protecting all our sites
    stick-table type ip size 1m expire 5m store gpc0
    tcp-request connection track-sc0 src
    tcp-request connection reject if { sc0_get_gpc0 gt 0 }
    use_backend http_dynamic if { path_end .php }

backend http_dynamic
    # if a source makes too fast requests to this dynamic site (tracked
    # by SC1), block it globally in the frontend.
    stick-table type ip size 1m expire 5m store http_req_rate(10s)
    acl click_too_fast sc1_http_req_rate gt 10
    acl mark_as_abuser sc0_inc_gpc0(http) gt 0
    tcp-request content track-sc1 src
    tcp-request content reject if click_too_fast mark_as_abuser

See section 7 about ACL usage.

See also : tcp-request connection, tcp-request session, tcp-request inspect-delay, and http-request.

#tcp-request inspect-delay <timeout>

Keyword tcp-request can be used with these sections: named defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Set the maximum allowed time to wait for data during content inspection

Arguments :
<timeout> is the timeout value specified in milliseconds by default, but
          can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit,
          as explained at the top of this document.  

People using HAProxy primarily as a TCP relay are often worried about the risk of passing any type of protocol to a server without any analysis. In order to be able to analyze the request contents, we must first withhold the data then analyze them. This statement simply enables withholding of data for at most the specified amount of time.

TCP content inspection applies very early when a connection reaches a frontend, then very early when the connection is forwarded to a backend. This means that a connection may experience a first delay in the frontend and a second delay in the backend if both have tcp-request rules.

Note that when performing content inspection, HAProxy will evaluate the whole rules for every new chunk which gets in, taking into account the fact that those data are partial. If no rule matches before the aforementioned delay, a last check is performed upon expiration, this time considering that the contents are definitive. If no delay is set, HAProxy will not wait at all and will immediately apply a verdict based on the available information. Obviously this is unlikely to be very useful and might even be racy, so such setups are not recommended.

Note the inspection delay is shortened if an connection error or shutdown is experienced or if the request buffer appears as full.

As soon as a rule matches, the request is released and continues as usual. If the timeout is reached and no rule matches, the default policy will be to let it pass through unaffected.

For most protocols, it is enough to set it to a few seconds, as most clients send the full request immediately upon connection. Add 3 or more seconds to cover TCP retransmits but that's all. For some protocols, it may make sense to use large values, for instance to ensure that the client never talks before the server (e.g. SMTP), or to wait for a client to talk before passing data to the server (e.g. SSL). Note that the client timeout must cover at least the inspection delay, otherwise it will expire first. If the client closes the connection or if the buffer is full, the delay immediately expires since the contents will not be able to change anymore.

This directive is only available from named defaults sections, not anonymous ones. Proxies inherit this value from their defaults section.

See also : tcp-request content accept, tcp-request content reject, timeout client (2).

#tcp-request session <action> [{if | unless} <condition>]

Keyword tcp-request can be used with these sections: named defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http
Available actions (23) for tcp-request session

Perform an action on a validated session depending on a layer 5 condition

Arguments :
<action>    defines the action to perform if the condition applies. See

<condition> is a standard layer5-only ACL-based condition (see section 7).  

Once a session is validated, (i.e. after all handshakes have been completed), it is possible to evaluate some conditions to decide whether this session must be accepted or dropped or have its counters tracked. Those conditions cannot make use of any data contents because no buffers are allocated yet and the processing cannot wait at this stage. The main use case is to copy some early information into variables (since variables are accessible in the session), or to keep track of some information collected after the handshake, such as SSL-level elements (SNI, ciphers, client cert's CN) or information from the PROXY protocol header (e.g. track a source forwarded this way). The extracted information can thus be copied to a variable or tracked using track-sc rules. Of course it is also possible to decide to accept/reject as with other rulesets. Most operations performed here could also be performed in tcp-request content rules, except that in HTTP these rules are evaluated for each new request, and that might not always be acceptable. For example a rule might increment a counter on each evaluation. It would also be possible that a country is resolved by geolocation from the source IP address, assigned to a session-wide variable, then the source address rewritten from an HTTP header for all requests. If some contents need to be inspected in order to take the decision, the tcp-request content statements must be used instead.

The tcp-request session rules are evaluated in their exact declaration order. If no rule matches or if there is no rule, the default action is to accept the incoming session. There is no specific limit to the number of rules which may be inserted.

The first keyword after tcp-request session in the syntax is the rule's action, optionally followed by a varying number of arguments for the action. The supported actions and their respective syntaxes are enumerated in section 4.3 Actions (look for actions which tick TCP RqSes).

This directive is only available from named defaults sections, not anonymous ones. Rules defined in the defaults section are evaluated before ones in the associated proxy section. To avoid ambiguities, in this case the same defaults section cannot be used by proxies with the frontend capability and by proxies with the backend capability. It means a listen section cannot use a defaults section defining such rules.

Note that the if/unless condition is optional. If no condition is set on the action, it is simply performed unconditionally. That can be useful for track-sc* actions as well as for changing the default action to a reject.

Example: track the original source address by default, or the one advertised in the PROXY protocol header for connection coming from the local proxies. The first connection-level rule enables receipt of the PROXY protocol for these ones, the second rule tracks whatever address we decide to keep after optional decoding.

tcp-request connection expect-proxy layer4 if { src -f proxies.lst }
tcp-request session track-sc0 src

Example: accept all sessions from white-listed hosts, reject too fast sessions without counting them, and track accepted sessions. This results in session rate being capped from abusive sources.

tcp-request session accept if { src -f /etc/haproxy/whitelist.lst }
tcp-request session reject if { src_sess_rate gt 10 }
tcp-request session track-sc0 src

Example: accept all sessions from white-listed hosts, count all other sessions and reject too fast ones. This results in abusive ones being blocked as long as they don't slow down.

tcp-request session accept if { src -f /etc/haproxy/whitelist.lst }
tcp-request session track-sc0 src
tcp-request session reject if { sc0_sess_rate gt 10 }

See section 7 about ACL usage.

See also : tcp-request connection, tcp-request content, stick-table

#tcp-response content <action> [{if | unless} <condition>]

Keyword tcp-response can be used with these sections: named defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http
Available actions (20) for tcp-response content

Perform an action on a session response depending on a layer 4-7 condition

Arguments :
<action>    defines the action to perform if the condition applies. See

<condition> is a standard layer 4-7 ACL-based condition (see section 7).  

Response contents can be analyzed at an early stage of response processing called TCP content inspection. During this stage, ACL-based rules are evaluated every time the response contents are updated, until either a final rule matches, or a TCP response inspection delay is set and expires with no matching rule.

Most often, these decisions will consider a protocol recognition or validity.

Content-based rules are evaluated in their exact declaration order. If no rule matches or if there is no rule, the default action is to accept the contents. There is no specific limit to the number of rules which may be inserted.

The first keyword after tcp-response content in the syntax is the rule's action, optionally followed by a varying number of arguments for the action. The supported actions and their respective syntaxes are enumerated in section 4.3 Actions (look for actions which tick TCP RsCnt).

This directive is only available from named defaults sections, not anonymous ones. Rules defined in the defaults section are evaluated before ones in the associated proxy section. To avoid ambiguities, in this case the same defaults section cannot be used by proxies with the frontend capability and by proxies with the backend capability. It means a listen section cannot use a defaults section defining such rules.

Note that the if/unless condition is optional. If no condition is set on the action, it is simply performed unconditionally. That can be useful for for changing the default action to a reject.

Several types of actions are supported :

It is perfectly possible to match layer 7 contents with tcp-response content rules, but then it is important to ensure that a full response has been buffered, otherwise no contents will match. In order to achieve this, the best solution involves detecting the HTTP protocol during the inspection period.

See section 7 about ACL usage.

See also : tcp-request content, tcp-response inspect-delay

#tcp-response inspect-delay <timeout>

Keyword tcp-response can be used with these sections: named defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Set the maximum allowed time to wait for a response during content inspection

Arguments :
<timeout> is the timeout value specified in milliseconds by default, but
          can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit,
          as explained at the top of this document.  

This directive is only available from named defaults sections, not anonymous ones. Proxies inherit this value from their defaults section.

See also : tcp-response content, tcp-request inspect-delay.

#timeout check <timeout>

Keyword timeout can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Set additional check timeout, but only after a connection has been already established.

<timeout> is the timeout value specified in milliseconds by default, but
          can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit,
          as explained at the top of this document.  

If set, HAProxy uses min(timeout connect (2), inter) as a connect timeout for check and timeout check as an additional read timeout. The min is used so that people running with *very* long timeout connect (2) (e.g. those who needed this due to the queue or tarpit) do not slow down their checks. (Please also note that there is no valid reason to have such long connect timeouts, because timeout queue and timeout tarpit can always be used to avoid that).

If timeout check is not set HAProxy uses inter for complete check timeout (connect + read) exactly like all <1.3.15 version.

In most cases check request is much simpler and faster to handle than normal requests and people may want to kick out laggy servers so this timeout should be smaller than timeout server (2).

This parameter is specific to backends, but can be specified once for all in defaults sections. This is in fact one of the easiest solutions not to forget about it.

See also: timeout connect (2), timeout queue, timeout server (2), timeout tarpit.

#timeout client <timeout>

Keyword timeout can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Set the maximum inactivity time on the client side.

Arguments :
<timeout> is the timeout value specified in milliseconds by default, but
          can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit,
          as explained at the top of this document.  

The inactivity timeout applies when the client is expected to acknowledge or send data. In HTTP mode, this timeout is particularly important to consider during the first phase, when the client sends the request, and during the response while it is reading data sent by the server. That said, for the first phase, it is preferable to set the timeout http-request to better protect HAProxy from Slowloris like attacks. The value is specified in milliseconds by default, but can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit, as specified at the top of this document. In TCP mode (and to a lesser extent, in HTTP mode), it is highly recommended that the client timeout remains equal to the server timeout in order to avoid complex situations to debug. It is a good practice to cover one or several TCP packet losses by specifying timeouts that are slightly above multiples of 3 seconds (e.g. 4 or 5 seconds). If some long-lived streams are mixed with short-lived streams (e.g. WebSocket and HTTP), it's worth considering timeout tunnel, which overrides timeout client (2) and timeout server (2) for tunnels, as well as timeout client-fin for half-closed connections.

This parameter is specific to frontends, but can be specified once for all in defaults sections. This is in fact one of the easiest solutions not to forget about it. An unspecified timeout results in an infinite timeout, which is not recommended. Such a usage is accepted and works but reports a warning during startup because it may result in accumulation of expired sessions in the system if the system's timeouts are not configured either.

See also : timeout server (2), timeout tunnel, timeout http-request.

#timeout client-fin <timeout>

Keyword timeout can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Set the inactivity timeout on the client side for half-closed connections.

Arguments :
<timeout> is the timeout value specified in milliseconds by default, but
          can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit,
          as explained at the top of this document.  

The inactivity timeout applies when the client is expected to acknowledge or send data while one direction is already shut down. This timeout is different from timeout client (2) in that it only applies to connections which are closed in one direction. This is particularly useful to avoid keeping connections in FIN_WAIT state for too long when clients do not disconnect cleanly. This problem is particularly common long connections such as RDP or WebSocket. Note that this timeout can override timeout tunnel when a connection shuts down in one direction. It is applied to idle HTTP/2 connections once a GOAWAY frame was sent, often indicating an expectation that the connection quickly ends.

This parameter is specific to frontends, but can be specified once for all in defaults sections. By default it is not set, so half-closed connections will use the other timeouts (timeout.client or timeout.tunnel).

See also : timeout client (2), timeout server-fin, and timeout tunnel.

#timeout client-hs <timeout>

Keyword timeout can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Set the maximum time to wait for a client TLS handshake to complete. This is usable both for TCP and QUIC connections.

Arguments :
<timeout> is the timeout value specified in milliseconds by default, but
          can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit,
          as explained at the top of this document.  

If this handshake timeout is not set, this is the client timeout which is used in place.

#timeout connect <timeout>

Keyword timeout can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Set the maximum time to wait for a connection attempt to a server to succeed.

Arguments :
<timeout> is the timeout value specified in milliseconds by default, but
          can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit,
          as explained at the top of this document.  

If the server is located on the same LAN as HAProxy, the connection should be immediate (less than a few milliseconds). Anyway, it is a good practice to cover one or several TCP packet losses by specifying timeouts that are slightly above multiples of 3 seconds (e.g. 4 or 5 seconds). By default, the connect timeout also presets both queue and tarpit timeouts to the same value if these have not been specified.

This parameter is specific to backends, but can be specified once for all in defaults sections. This is in fact one of the easiest solutions not to forget about it. An unspecified timeout results in an infinite timeout, which is not recommended. Such a usage is accepted and works but reports a warning during startup because it may result in accumulation of failed sessions in the system if the system's timeouts are not configured either.

See also: timeout check, timeout queue, timeout server (2), timeout tarpit.

#timeout http-keep-alive <timeout>

Keyword timeout can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Set the maximum allowed time to wait for a new HTTP request to appear

Arguments :
<timeout> is the timeout value specified in milliseconds by default, but
          can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit,
          as explained at the top of this document.  

By default, the time to wait for a new request in case of keep-alive is set by timeout http-request. However this is not always convenient because some people want very short keep-alive timeouts in order to release connections faster, and others prefer to have larger ones but still have short timeouts once the request has started to present itself.

The http-keep-alive timeout covers these needs. It will define how long to wait for a new HTTP request to start coming after a response was sent. Once the first byte of request has been seen, the http-request timeout is used to wait for the complete request to come. Note that empty lines prior to a new request do not refresh the timeout and are not counted as a new request.

There is also another difference between the two timeouts : when a connection expires during timeout http-keep-alive, no error is returned, the connection just closes. If the connection expires in http-request while waiting for a request to complete, an HTTP 408 error is returned to the client before closing the connection, unless option http-ignore-probes is set in the frontend.

In general timeout http-keep-alive is best used to prevent clients from holding open an otherwise idle connection too long on sites seeing large amounts of short connections. This can be accomplished by setting the value to a few tens to hundreds of milliseconds in HTTP/1.1. This will close the connection after the client requests a page without having to hold that connection open to wait for more activity from the client. In that scenario, a new activity from the browser would result in a new handshake at the TCP and/or SSL layer. A common use case for this is HTTP sites serving only a redirect to the HTTPS page. Such connections are better not kept idle too long because they won't be reused, unless maybe to fetch a favicon.

Another use case is the exact opposite: some sites want to permit clients to reuse idle connections for a long time (e.g. 30 seconds to one minute) but do not want to wait that long for the first request, in order to avoid a very inexpensive attack vector. In this case, the http-keep-alive timeout would be set to a large value, but http-request would remain low (a few seconds).

When set to a very small value additional requests that are not pipelined are likely going to be handled over another connection unless the requests are truly pipelined, which is very rare with HTTP/1.1 (requests being sent back-to-back without waiting for a response). Most HTTP/1.1 implementations send a request, wait for a response and then send another request. A small value here for HTTP/1.1 may be advantageous to use less memory and sockets for sites with hundreds of thousands of clients, at the expense of an increase in handshake computation costs.

Special care should be taken with small values when dealing with HTTP/2. The nature of HTTP/2 is to multiplex requests over a connection in order to save on the overhead of reconnecting the TCP and/or SSL layers. The protocol also uses control frames which cope poorly with early TCP connection closures, on very rare occasions this may result in truncated responses when data are destroyed in flight after leaving HAProxy (which then cannot even log an error). A suggested low starting value for HTTP/2 connections would be around 4 seconds. This would prevent most modern keep-alive implementations from needlessly holding open stale connections, and at the same time would allow subsequent requests to reuse the connection. However, this should be adjusted as needed and is simply a starting point.

If this parameter is not set, the http-request timeout applies, and if both are not set, timeout client (2) still applies at the lower level. It should be set in the frontend to take effect, unless the frontend is in TCP mode, in which case the HTTP backend's timeout will be used.

See also : timeout http-request, timeout client (2).

#timeout http-request <timeout>

Keyword timeout can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Set the maximum allowed time to wait for a complete HTTP request

Arguments :
<timeout> is the timeout value specified in milliseconds by default, but
          can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit,
          as explained at the top of this document.  

In order to offer DoS protection, it may be required to lower the maximum accepted time to receive a complete HTTP request without affecting the client timeout. This helps protecting against established connections on which nothing is sent. The client timeout cannot offer a good protection against this abuse because it is an inactivity timeout, which means that if the attacker sends one character every now and then, the timeout will not trigger. With the HTTP request timeout, no matter what speed the client types, the request will be aborted if it does not complete in time. When the timeout expires, an HTTP 408 response is sent to the client to inform it about the problem, and the connection is closed. The logs will report termination codes cR. Some recent browsers are having problems with this standard, well-documented behavior, so it might be needed to hide the 408 code using option http-ignore-probes or errorfile 408 /dev/null. See more details in the explanations of the cR termination code in section 8.5.

By default, this timeout only applies to the header part of the request, and not to any data. As soon as the empty line is received, this timeout is not used anymore. When combined with option http-buffer-request, this timeout also applies to the body of the request.. It is used again on keep-alive connections to wait for a second request if timeout http-keep-alive is not set.

Generally it is enough to set it to a few seconds, as most clients send the full request immediately upon connection. Add 3 or more seconds to cover TCP retransmits but that's all. Setting it to very low values (e.g. 50 ms) will generally work on local networks as long as there are no packet losses. This will prevent people from sending bare HTTP requests using telnet.

If this parameter is not set, the client timeout still applies between each chunk of the incoming request. It should be set in the frontend to take effect, unless the frontend is in TCP mode, in which case the HTTP backend's timeout will be used.

See also : errorfile (2), http-ignore-probes, timeout http-keep-alive, and timeout client (2), option http-buffer-request.

#timeout queue <timeout>

Keyword timeout can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Set the maximum time to wait in the queue for a connection slot to be free

Arguments :
<timeout> is the timeout value specified in milliseconds by default, but
          can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit,
          as explained at the top of this document.  

When a server's maxconn is reached, connections are left pending in a queue which may be server-specific or global to the backend. In order not to wait indefinitely, a timeout is applied to requests pending in the queue. If the timeout is reached, it is considered that the request will almost never be served, so it is dropped and a 503 error is returned to the client.

The timeout queue statement allows to fix the maximum time for a request to be left pending in a queue. If unspecified, the same value as the backend's connection timeout (timeout connect (2)) is used, for backwards compatibility with older versions with no timeout queue parameter.

See also : timeout connect (2).

#timeout server <timeout>

Keyword timeout can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Set the maximum inactivity time on the server side.

Arguments :
<timeout> is the timeout value specified in milliseconds by default, but
          can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit,
          as explained at the top of this document.  

The inactivity timeout applies when the server is expected to acknowledge or send data. In HTTP mode, this timeout is particularly important to consider during the first phase of the server's response, when it has to send the headers, as it directly represents the server's processing time for the request. To find out what value to put there, it's often good to start with what would be considered as unacceptable response times, then check the logs to observe the response time distribution, and adjust the value accordingly.

The value is specified in milliseconds by default, but can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit, as specified at the top of this document. In TCP mode (and to a lesser extent, in HTTP mode), it is highly recommended that the client timeout remains equal to the server timeout in order to avoid complex situations to debug. Whatever the expected server response times, it is a good practice to cover at least one or several TCP packet losses by specifying timeouts that are slightly above multiples of 3 seconds (e.g. 4 or 5 seconds minimum). If some long-lived streams are mixed with short-lived streams (e.g. WebSocket and HTTP), it's worth considering timeout tunnel, which overrides timeout client (2) and timeout server (2) for tunnels.

This parameter is specific to backends, but can be specified once for all in defaults sections. This is in fact one of the easiest solutions not to forget about it. An unspecified timeout results in an infinite timeout, which is not recommended. Such a usage is accepted and works but reports a warning during startup because it may result in accumulation of expired sessions in the system if the system's timeouts are not configured either.

See also : timeout client (2) and timeout tunnel.

#timeout server-fin <timeout>

Keyword timeout can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Set the inactivity timeout on the server side for half-closed connections.

Arguments :
<timeout> is the timeout value specified in milliseconds by default, but
          can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit,
          as explained at the top of this document.  

The inactivity timeout applies when the server is expected to acknowledge or send data while one direction is already shut down. This timeout is different from timeout server (2) in that it only applies to connections which are closed in one direction. This is particularly useful to avoid keeping connections in FIN_WAIT state for too long when a remote server does not disconnect cleanly. This problem is particularly common long connections such as RDP or WebSocket. Note that this timeout can override timeout tunnel when a connection shuts down in one direction. This setting was provided for completeness, but in most situations, it should not be needed.

This parameter is specific to backends, but can be specified once for all in defaults sections. By default it is not set, so half-closed connections will use the other timeouts (timeout.server or timeout.tunnel).

See also : timeout client-fin, timeout server (2), and timeout tunnel.

#timeout tarpit <timeout>

Keyword timeout can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: http

Set the duration for which tarpitted connections will be maintained

Arguments :
<timeout> is the tarpit duration specified in milliseconds by default, but
          can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit,
          as explained at the top of this document.  

When a connection is tarpitted using http-request tarpit, it is maintained open with no activity for a certain amount of time, then closed. timeout tarpit defines how long it will be maintained open.

The value is specified in milliseconds by default, but can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit, as specified at the top of this document. If unspecified, the same value as the backend's connection timeout (timeout connect (2)) is used, for backwards compatibility with older versions with no timeout tarpit parameter.

See also : timeout connect (2).

#timeout tunnel <timeout>

Keyword timeout can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Set the maximum inactivity time on the client and server side for tunnels.

Arguments :
<timeout> is the timeout value specified in milliseconds by default, but
          can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit,
          as explained at the top of this document.  

The tunnel timeout applies when a bidirectional connection is established between a client and a server, and the connection remains inactive in both directions. This timeout supersedes both the client and server timeouts once the connection becomes a tunnel. In TCP, this timeout is used as soon as no analyzer remains attached to either connection (e.g. tcp content rules are accepted). In HTTP, this timeout is used when a connection is upgraded (e.g. when switching to the WebSocket protocol, or forwarding a CONNECT request to a proxy), or after the first response when no keepalive/close option is specified.

Since this timeout is usually used in conjunction with long-lived connections, it usually is a good idea to also set timeout client-fin to handle the situation where a client suddenly disappears from the net and does not acknowledge a close, or sends a shutdown and does not acknowledge pending data anymore. This can happen in lossy networks where firewalls are present, and is detected by the presence of large amounts of sessions in a FIN_WAIT state.

The value is specified in milliseconds by default, but can be in any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit, as specified at the top of this document. Whatever the expected normal idle time, it is a good practice to cover at least one or several TCP packet losses by specifying timeouts that are slightly above multiples of 3 seconds (e.g. 4 or 5 seconds minimum).

This parameter is specific to backends, but can be specified once for all in defaults sections. This is in fact one of the easiest solutions not to forget about it.

Example :
defaults http
    option http-server-close
    timeout connect 5s
    timeout client 30s
    timeout client-fin 30s
    timeout server 30s
    timeout tunnel  1h    # timeout to use with WebSocket and CONNECT  

See also : timeout client (2), timeout client-fin, timeout server (2).

#transparent DEPRECATED

Keyword transparent can be used with these sections: defaults listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Enable client-side transparent proxying

Arguments : none

This keyword was introduced in order to provide layer 7 persistence to layer 3 load balancers. The idea is to use the OS's ability to redirect an incoming connection for a remote address to a local process (here HAProxy), and let this process know what address was initially requested. When this option is used, sessions without cookies will be forwarded to the original destination IP address of the incoming request (which should match that of another equipment), while requests with cookies will still be forwarded to the appropriate server.

The transparent (2) keyword is deprecated, use option transparent instead.

Note that contrary to a common belief, this option does NOT make HAProxy present the client's IP to the server when establishing the connection.

See also: option transparent

#unique-id-format <fmt>

Keyword unique-id-format can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Generate a unique ID for each request.

Arguments :
<fmt>   is a Custom log format string (see section 8.2.6).  

This keyword creates a ID for each request using the custom log format. A unique ID is useful to trace a request passing through many components of a complex infrastructure. The newly created ID may also be logged using the %ID alias in the Custom log format string.

The format should be composed from elements that are guaranteed to be unique when combined together. For instance, if multiple HAProxy instances are involved, it might be important to include the node name. It is often needed to log the incoming connection's source and destination addresses and ports. Note that since multiple requests may be performed over the same connection, including a request counter may help differentiate them. Similarly, a timestamp may protect against a rollover of the counter. Logging the process ID will avoid collisions after a service restart.

It is recommended to use hexadecimal notation for many fields since it makes them more compact and saves space in logs.

unique-id-format %{+X}o\ %ci:%cp_%fi:%fp_%Ts_%rt:%pid

will generate:


See also: unique-id-header

#unique-id-header <name>

Keyword unique-id-header can be used with these sections: defaults frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: http

Add a unique ID header in the HTTP request.

Arguments :
<name>   is the name of the header.  

Add a unique-id header in the HTTP request sent to the server, using the unique-id-format. It can't work if the unique-id-format doesn't exist.

    unique-id-format %{+X}o\ %ci:%cp_%fi:%fp_%Ts_%rt:%pid
    unique-id-header X-Unique-ID

    will generate:

       X-Unique-ID: 7F000001:8296_7F00001E:1F90_4F7B0A69_0003:790A

See also: "unique-id-format"  
#use_backend <backend> [{if | unless} <condition>]

Keyword use_backend can be used with these sections: frontend listen

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Switch to a specific backend if/unless an ACL-based condition is matched.

Arguments :
<backend>   is the name of a valid backend or "listen" section, or a
            Custom log format resolving to a backend name (see Custom
            Log Format in section 8.2.6).

<condition> is a condition composed of ACLs, as described in section 7. If
            it is omitted, the rule is unconditionally applied.  

When doing content-switching, connections arrive on a frontend and are then dispatched to various backends depending on a number of conditions. The relation between the conditions and the backends is described with the use_backend keyword. While it is normally used with HTTP processing, it can also be used in pure TCP, either without content using stateless ACLs (e.g. source address validation) or combined with a tcp-request (4) rule to wait for some payload.

There may be as many use_backend rules as desired. All of these rules are evaluated in their declaration order, and the first one which matches will assign the backend.

In the first form, the backend will be used if the condition is met. In the second form, the backend will be used if the condition is not met. If no condition is valid, the backend defined with default_backend will be used. If no default backend is defined, either the servers in the same section are used (in case of a listen section) or, in case of a frontend, no server is used and a 503 service unavailable response is returned.

Note that it is possible to switch from a TCP frontend to an HTTP backend. In this case, either the frontend has already checked that the protocol is HTTP, and backend processing will immediately follow, or the backend will wait for a complete HTTP request to get in. This feature is useful when a frontend must decode several protocols on a unique port, one of them being HTTP.

When <backend> is a simple name, it is resolved at configuration time, and an error is reported if the specified backend does not exist. If <backend> is a Custom log format instead, no check may be done at configuration time, so the backend name is resolved dynamically at run time. If the resulting backend name does not correspond to any valid backend, no other rule is evaluated, and the default_backend directive is applied instead. Note that when using dynamic backend names, it is highly recommended to use a prefix that no other backend uses in order to ensure that an unauthorized backend cannot be forced from the request.

It is worth mentioning that use_backend rules with an explicit name are used to detect the association between frontends and backends to compute the backend's fullconn setting. This cannot be done for dynamic names.

See also: default_backend, tcp-request (4), fullconn, log-format, and section 7 about ACLs.

#use-fcgi-app <name>

Keyword use-fcgi-app can be used with these sections: listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Defines the FastCGI application to use for the backend.

Arguments :
<name>    is the name of the FastCGI application to use.  

See section 10.1 about FastCGI application setup for details.

#use-server <server> if <condition> #use-server <server> unless <condition>

Keyword use-server can be used with these sections: listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Only use a specific server if/unless an ACL-based condition is matched.

Arguments :
<server>    is the name of a valid server in the same backend section
            or a Custom log format string resolving to a server name
            (see section 8.2.6).

<condition> is a condition composed of ACLs, as described in section 7.  

By default, connections which arrive to a backend are load-balanced across the available servers according to the configured algorithm, unless a persistence mechanism such as a cookie is used and found in the request.

Sometimes it is desirable to forward a particular request to a specific server without having to declare a dedicated backend for this server. This can be achieved using the use-server rules. These rules are evaluated after the redirect (4) rules and before evaluating cookies, and they have precedence on them. There may be as many use-server rules as desired. All of these rules are evaluated in their declaration order, and the first one which matches will assign the server.

If a rule designates a server which is down, and option persist is not used and no force-persist rule was validated, it is ignored and evaluation goes on with the next rules until one matches.

In the first form, the server will be used if the condition is met. In the second form, the server will be used if the condition is not met. If no condition is valid, the processing continues and the server will be assigned according to other persistence mechanisms.

Note that even if a rule is matched, cookie processing is still performed but does not assign the server. This allows prefixed cookies to have their prefix stripped.

The use-server statement works both in HTTP and TCP mode. This makes it suitable for use with content-based inspection. For instance, a server could be selected in a farm according to the TLS SNI field when using protocols with implicit TLS (also see req.ssl_sni). And if these servers have their weight set to zero, they will not be used for other traffic.

Example :
# intercept incoming TLS requests based on the SNI field
use-server www if { req.ssl_sni -i }
server     www weight 0
use-server mail if { req.ssl_sni -i }
server     mail weight 0
use-server imap if { req.ssl_sni -i }
server     imap weight 0
# all the rest is forwarded to this server
server  default check  

When <server> is a simple name, it is checked against existing servers in the configuration and an error is reported if the specified server does not exist. If it is a Custom log format, no check is performed when parsing the configuration, and if we can't resolve a valid server name at runtime but the use-server rule was conditioned by an ACL returning true, no other use-server rule is applied and we fall back to load balancing.

See also: use_backend, section 5 about server and section 7 about ACLs.

#4.3. Actions keywords matrix

Several rule sets are evaluated at various stages of the request or response processing, and for each rule found in these rule sets, an action may be executed if the optional condition is met.

A large number of actions are provided by default, they can modify contents, accept/block processing, change internal states etc. And it is possible to define new actions in Lua (in which case their names will always be prefixed with lua.).

While historically some actions did only exist in specific rule sets, nowadays many actions are usable with many rule sets. The listing in this section will indicate for which supported action where it may be used, by ticking the corresponding abbreviated entry names among the following rule sets:

The same abbreviations are used in the reference section 4.4 below.

keyword QUIC: Ini TCP: RqCon RqSes RqCnt RsCnt HTTP: Req Res Aft
accept X X X X X - - -
add-acl - - - - - X X -
add-header - - - - - X X X
allow - - - - - X X X
attach-srv - - X - - - - -
auth - - - - - X - -
cache-store - - - - - - X -
cache-use - - - - - X - -
capture - - - X - X X X
close - - - - X - - -
del-acl - - - - - X X -
del-header - - - - - X X X
del-map - - - - - X X X
deny - - - - - X X -
dgram-drop X - - - - - - -
disable-l7-retry - - - - - X - -
do-log X X X X X X X X
do-resolve - - - X - X - -
early-hint - - - - - X - -
expect-netscaler-cip - X - - - - - -
expect-proxy layer4 - X - - - - - -
normalize-uri - - - - - X - -
redirect - - - - - X X -
reject X X X X X X - -
replace-header - - - - - X X X
replace-path - - - - - X - -
replace-pathq - - - - - X - -
replace-uri - - - - - X - -
replace-value - - - - - X X X
return - - - - - X X -
sc-add-gpc - X X X X X X X
sc-inc-gpc - X X X X X X X
sc-inc-gpc0 - X X X X X X X
sc-inc-gpc1 - X X X X X X X
sc-set-gpt - X X X X X X X
sc-set-gpt0 - X X X X X X X
send-retry X - - - - - - -
send-spoe-group - - - X X X X -
set-bandwidth-limit - - - X X X X -
set-bc-mark - - - X - X - -
set-bc-tos - - - X - X - -
set-dst - X X X - X - -
set-dst-port - X X X - X - -
set-fc-mark - X X X X X X -
set-fc-tos - X X X X X X -
set-header - - - - - X X X
set-log-level - - - X X X X X
set-map - - - - - X X X
set-mark (deprecated) - X X X X X X -
set-method - - - - - X - -
set-nice - - - X X X X -
set-path - - - - - X - -
set-pathq - - - - - X - -
set-priority-class - - - X - X - -
set-priority-offset - - - X - X - -
set-query - - - - - X - -
set-retries - - - X - X - -
set-src - X X X - X - -
set-src-port - X X X - X - -
set-status - - - - - - X X
set-timeout - - - - - X X -
set-tos (deprecated) - X X X X X X -
set-uri - - - - - X - -
set-var - X X X X X X X
set-var-fmt - X X X X X X X
silent-drop - X X X X X X -
strict-mode - - - - - X X X
switch-mode - - - X - - - -
tarpit - - - - - X - -
track-sc0 - X X X - X X -
track-sc1 - X X X - X X -
track-sc2 - X X X - X X -
unset-var - X X X X X X X
use-service - - - X - X - -
wait-for-body - - - - - X X -
wait-for-handshake - - - - - X - -

#4.4. Alphabetically sorted actions reference

This section provides a detailed description of each action and its usage, using the same ruleset terminology marking as described in section 4.3 above.


Action is usable with: quic-initial, tcp-request connection, tcp-request session, tcp-request content, tcp-response content

This stops the evaluation of the rules and lets the request or response pass the check. This action is final, i.e. no further rules from the same rule set are evaluated for the current section. There is no difference between this and the allow action except that for historical compatibility, accept is used for TCP and QUIC rules and allow for HTTP rules. See also the allow action below.

#add-acl(<file-name>) <key fmt>

Action is usable with: http-request, http-response

This is used to add a new entry into an ACL. The ACL must be loaded from a file (even a dummy empty file). The file name of the ACL to be updated is passed between parentheses. It takes one argument: <key fmt>, which follows Custom log format rules described in section 8.2.6, to collect content of the new entry. It performs a lookup in the ACL before insertion, to avoid duplicated (or more) values. It is the equivalent of the add acl command from the stats socket, but can be triggered by an HTTP request.

#add-header <name> <fmt>

Action is usable with: http-request, http-response, http-after-response

This appends an HTTP header field whose name is specified in <name> and whose value is defined by <fmt> which follows the Custom log format rules (see Custom log format in section 8.2.6). This is particularly useful to pass connection-specific information to the server (e.g. the client's SSL certificate), or to combine several headers into one. This rule is not final, so it is possible to add other similar rules. Note that header addition is performed immediately, so one rule might reuse the resulting header from a previous rule.


Action is usable with: http-request, http-response, http-after-response

This stops the evaluation of the rules and lets the request pass the check. This action is final, i.e. no further rules from the same rule set are evaluated for the current section. There is no difference between this and the accept action except that for historical compatibility, accept is used for TCP rules and allow for HTTP rules. See also the accept action above.

#attach-srv <srv> [name <expr>] EXPERIMENTAL

Action is usable with: tcp-request session

This is used to intercept the connection after proper HTTP/2 establishment. The connection is reversed to the backend side and inserted into the idle pool of server <srv>. This may only be used with servers having an 'rhttp@' address.

The connection is inserted into the server idle pool with a name defined by the result of the <expr> evaluation. This is the name that will be matched against by requests subject to pool-conn-name or sni parameter. See http-reuse for more details.

Reverse HTTP is currently still in active development. Configuration mechanism may change in the future. For this reason it is internally marked as experimental, meaning that expose-experimental-directives must appear on a line before this directive.

Note that a very similar but independent protocol is under development. See

#auth [realm <realm>]

Action is usable with: http-request

This stops the evaluation of the rules and immediately responds with an HTTP 401 or 407 error code to invite the user to present a valid user name and password. No further http-request rules are evaluated. An optional realm parameter is supported, it sets the authentication realm that is returned with the response (typically the application's name).

The corresponding proxy's error message is used. It may be customized using an errorfile (2) or an http-error directive. For 401 responses, all occurrences of the WWW-Authenticate header are removed and replaced by a new one with a basic authentication challenge for realm "<realm>". For 407 responses, the same is done on the Proxy-Authenticate header. If the error message must not be altered, consider to use http-request return rule instead.

acl auth_ok http_auth_group(L1) G1
http-request auth unless auth_ok  
#cache-store <name>

Action is usable with: http-response

Store an http-response within the cache. The storage of the response headers is done at this step, which means you can use others http-response actions to modify headers before or after the storage of the response. This action is responsible for the setup of the cache storage filter.

See section 6.2 about cache setup.

#cache-use <name>

Action is usable with: http-request

Try to deliver a cached object from the cache <name>. This directive is also mandatory to store the cache as it calculates the cache hash. If you want to use a condition for both storage and delivering that's a good idea to put it after this one.

See section 6.2 about cache setup.

#capture <sample> [ len <length> | id <id> ]

Action is usable with: tcp-request content, http-request, http-response, http-after-response

This captures sample expression <sample> from the request or response buffer, and converts it to a string of at most <len> characters. The resulting string is stored into the next capture (4) slot (either request or response), so it will possibly appear next to some captured HTTP headers. It will then automatically appear in the logs, and it will be possible to extract it using sample fetch methods to feed it into headers or anything. The length should be limited given that this size will be allocated for each capture during the whole stream life. Note that the length is only usable with http-request rules. Please check section 7.3 (Fetching samples), capture request header and capture response header for more information.

If the keyword id (3) is used instead of len, the action tries to store the captured string in a previously declared capture slot. This is useful to run captures in backends. The slot id can be declared by a previous directive http-request capture or with the declare capture keyword.

When using this action in a backend, please double check that the relevant frontend(s) have the required capture slots otherwise, this rule will be ignored at run time. This can't be detected at configuration parsing time due to HAProxy's ability to dynamically resolve backend name at runtime.


Action is usable with: tcp-response content

This is used to immediately close the connection with the server. No further tcp-response content rules are evaluated. The main purpose of this action is to force a connection to be finished between a client and a server after an exchange when the application protocol expects some long time outs to elapse first. The goal is to eliminate idle connections which take significant resources on servers with certain protocols.

#del-acl(<file-name>) <key fmt>

Action is usable with: http-request, http-response

This is used to delete an entry from an ACL. The ACL must be loaded from a file (even a dummy empty file). The file name of the ACL to be updated is passed between parentheses. It takes one argument: <key fmt>, which follows Custom log format rules of section 8.2.6, to collect content of the entry to delete. It is the equivalent of the del acl command from the stats socket, but can be triggered by an HTTP request or response.

#del-header <name> [ -m <meth> ]

Action is usable with: http-request, http-response, http-after-response

This removes all HTTP header fields whose name is specified in <name>. <meth> is the matching method, applied on the header name. Supported matching methods are str (exact match), beg (prefix match), end (suffix match), sub (substring match) and reg (regex match). If not specified, exact matching method is used.

#del-map(<map-name>) <key fmt>

Action is usable with: http-request, http-response, http-after-response

This is used to delete an entry from a MAP. <map-name> must follow the format described in 2.7. about name format for maps and ACLs. The name of the MAP to be updated is passed between parentheses. It takes one argument: <key fmt>, which follows Custom log format rules of section 8.2.6, to collect content of the entry to delete. It takes one argument: file name It is the equivalent of the del map command from the stats socket, but can be triggered by an HTTP request or response.

#deny [ { status | deny_status } <code> ] [ content-type <type> ] [ { default-errorfiles | errorfile <file> | errorfiles <name> | file <file> | lf-file <file> | string <str> | lf-string <fmt> } ] [ hdr <name> <fmt> ]*

Action is usable with: http-request, http-response

This stops the evaluation of the rules and immediately rejects the request or response. By default an HTTP 403 error is returned for requests, and 502 for responses, but the returned response may be customized using same syntax as for the return action. Thus, see return below for details. For compatibility purposes, when no argument is defined, or only deny_status, the argument default-errorfiles is implied. It means "deny [deny_status <status>]" is an alias of "deny [status <status>] default-errorfiles". This action is final, i.e. no further rules from the same rule set are evaluated for the current section. See also the return action for the advanced syntax.


Action is usable with: quic-initial

This silently ignores the reception of a QUIC initial packet which otherwise would have resulted in a new QUIC connection instantiation and its SSL handshake execution.


Action is usable with: http-request

This disables any attempt to retry the request if it fails for any other reason than a connection failure. This can be useful for example to make sure POST requests aren't retried on failure.


Action is usable with: quic-initial, tcp-request connection, tcp-request session, tcp-request content, tcp-response content, http-request, http-response, http-after-response

This action manually triggers a log emission on the proxy. This means log options on the proxy will be considered (including formatting options such as log-format), but it will not interfere with the logs automatically generated by the proxy during transaction handling. It currently doesn't support any argument, though extensions may appear in future versions.

Using log-profile, it is possible to precisely describe how the log should be emitted for each of the available contexts where the action may be used. That is, 'on' keyword followed by of the following values: 'quic-init', 'tcp-req-conn', 'tcp-req-sess', 'tcp-req-cont', 'tcp-res-cont', 'http-req', 'http-res', 'http-after-res'.

Also, they will be properly reported when using %OG logformat alias.

log-profile myprof
  on tcp-req-conn format "Connect: %ci"

frontend myfront
  log stdout format rfc5424 profile myprof local0
  log-format "log generated using proxy logformat, from '%OG'"
  tcp-request connection do-log             #uses special log-profile format
  tcp-request content do-log                #uses proxy logformat  
#do-resolve(<var>,<resolvers>,[ipv4,ipv6]) <expr>

Action is usable with: tcp-request content, http-request

This action performs a DNS resolution of the output of <expr> and stores the result in the variable <var>. It uses the DNS resolvers section pointed by <resolvers>. It is possible to choose a resolution preference using the optional arguments 'ipv4' or 'ipv6'. When performing the DNS resolution, the client side connection is on pause waiting till the end of the resolution. If an IP address can be found, it is stored into <var>. If any kind of error occurs, then <var> is not set. One can use this action to discover a server IP address at run time and based on information found in the request (IE a Host header). If this action is used to find the server's IP address (using the set-dst action), then the server IP address in the backend must be set to The do-resolve action takes an host-only parameter, any port must be removed from the string.

resolvers mydns
  nameserver local
  nameserver google
  timeout retry   1s
  hold valid 10s
  hold nx 3s
  hold other 3s
  hold obsolete 0s
  accepted_payload_size 8192

frontend fe
  http-request do-resolve(txn.myip,mydns,ipv4) hdr(Host),host_only
  http-request capture var(txn.myip) len 40

  # return 503 when the variable is not set,
  # which mean DNS resolution error
  use_backend b_503 unless { var(txn.myip) -m found }

  default_backend be

backend b_503
  # dummy backend used to return 503.
  # one can use the errorfile directive to send a nice
  # 503 error page to end users

backend be
  # rule to prevent HAProxy from reconnecting to services
  # on the local network (forged DNS name used to scan the network)
  http-request deny if { var(txn.myip) -m ip }
  http-request set-dst var(txn.myip)
  server clear  

NOTE: Don't forget to set the protection rules to ensure HAProxy won't be used to scan the network or worst won't loop over itself...

#early-hint <name> <fmt>

Action is usable with: http-request

This is used to build an HTTP 103 Early Hints response prior to any other one. This appends an HTTP header field to this response whose name is specified in <name> and whose value is defined by <fmt> which follows the Custom Log Format rules (see Custom log format in section 8.2.6). This is particularly useful to pass to the client some Link headers to preload resources required to render the HTML documents.

See RFC 8297 for more information.

#expect-netscaler-cip layer4

Action is usable with: tcp-request connection

This configures the client-facing connection to receive a NetScaler Client IP insertion protocol header before any byte is read from the socket. This is equivalent to having the accept-netscaler-cip keyword on the bind (3) line, except that using the TCP rule allows the PROXY protocol to be accepted only for certain IP address ranges using an ACL. This is convenient when multiple layers of load balancers are passed through by traffic coming from public hosts.

#expect-proxy layer4

Action is usable with: tcp-request connection

This configures the client-facing connection to receive a PROXY protocol header before any byte is read from the socket. This is equivalent to having the accept-proxy keyword on the bind (3) line, except that using the TCP rule allows the PROXY protocol to be accepted only for certain IP address ranges using an ACL. This is convenient when multiple layers of load balancers are passed through by traffic coming from public hosts.

#normalize-uri <normalizer> #normalize-uri fragment-encode #normalize-uri fragment-strip #normalize-uri path-merge-slashes #normalize-uri path-strip-dot #normalize-uri path-strip-dotdot [ full ] #normalize-uri percent-decode-unreserved [ strict ] #normalize-uri percent-to-uppercase [ strict ] #normalize-uri query-sort-by-name

Action is usable with: http-request

Performs normalization of the request's URI.

URI normalization in HAProxy 2.4 is currently available as an experimental technical preview. As such, it requires the global directive 'expose-experimental-directives' first to be able to invoke it. You should be prepared that the behavior of normalizers might change to fix possible issues, possibly breaking proper request processing in your infrastructure.

Each normalizer handles a single type of normalization to allow for a fine-grained selection of the level of normalization that is appropriate for the supported backend.

As an example the path-strip-dotdot normalizer might be useful for a static fileserver that directly maps the requested URI to the path within the local filesystem. However it might break routing of an API that expects a specific number of segments in the path.

It is important to note that some normalizers might result in unsafe transformations for broken URIs. It might also be possible that a combination of normalizers that are safe by themselves results in unsafe transformations when improperly combined.

As an example the percent-decode-unreserved normalizer might result in unexpected results when a broken URI includes bare percent characters. One such a broken URI is /%%36%36 which would be decoded to /%66 which in turn is equivalent to /f. By specifying the strict option requests to such a broken URI would safely be rejected.

The following normalizers are available:

  • fragment-encode: Encodes # as %23.

    The fragment-strip normalizer should be preferred, unless it is known
    that broken clients do not correctly encode '#' within the path component.
    - /#foo  -> /%23foo
  • fragment-strip: Removes the URI's fragment component.

    According to RFC 3986#3.5 the fragment component of an URI should not
    be sent, but handled by the User Agent after retrieving a resource.
    This normalizer should be applied first to ensure that the fragment is
    not interpreted as part of the request's path component.
    - /#foo  -> /
  • path-strip-dot: Removes /./ segments within the path component (RFC 3986#

    Segments including percent encoded dots (%2E) will not be detected. Use
    the percent-decode-unreserved normalizer first if this is undesired.
    - /.            -> /
    - /./bar/       -> /bar/
    - /a/./a        -> /a/a
    - /.well-known/ -> /.well-known/ (no change)
  • path-strip-dotdot: Normalizes /../ segments within the path component (RFC 3986#

    This merges segments that attempt to access the parent directory with
    their preceding segment.
    Empty segments do not receive special treatment. Use the merge-slashes
    normalizer first if this is undesired.
    Segments including percent encoded dots (%2E) will not be detected. Use
    the percent-decode-unreserved normalizer first if this is undesired.
    - /foo/../     -> /
    - /foo/../bar/ -> /bar/
    - /foo/bar/../ -> /foo/
    - /../bar/     -> /../bar/
    - /bar/../../  -> /../
    - /foo//../    -> /foo/
    - /foo/%2E%2E/ -> /foo/%2E%2E/
    If the full option is specified then ../ at the beginning will be
    removed as well:
    - /../bar/     -> /bar/
    - /bar/../../  -> /
  • path-merge-slashes: Merges adjacent slashes within the path component into a single slash.

    - //        -> /
    - /foo//bar -> /foo/bar
  • percent-decode-unreserved: Decodes unreserved percent encoded characters to their representation as a regular character (RFC 3986#

    The set of unreserved characters includes all letters, all digits, -,
    ., _, and ~.
    - /%61dmin       -> /admin
    - /foo%3Fbar=baz -> /foo%3Fbar=baz (no change)
    - /%%36%36       -> /%66           (unsafe)
    - /%ZZ           -> /%ZZ
    If the strict option is specified then invalid sequences will result
    in a HTTP 400 Bad Request being returned.
    - /%%36%36 -> HTTP 400
    - /%ZZ     -> HTTP 400
  • percent-to-uppercase: Uppercases letters within percent-encoded sequences (RFC 3986#

    - /%6f -> /%6F
    - /%zz -> /%zz
    If the strict option is specified then invalid sequences will result
    in a HTTP 400 Bad Request being returned.
    - /%zz -> HTTP 400
  • query-sort-by-name: Sorts the query string parameters by parameter name. Parameters are assumed to be delimited by '&'. Shorter names sort before longer names and identical parameter names maintain their relative order.

    - /?c=3&a=1&b=2         -> /?a=1&b=2&c=3
    - /?aaa=3&a=1&aa=2      -> /?a=1&aa=2&aaa=3
    - /?a=3&b=4&a=1&b=5&a=2 -> /?a=3&a=1&a=2&b=4&b=5
#redirect <rule>

Action is usable with: http-request, http-response

This performs an HTTP redirection based on a redirect rule. This is exactly the same as the redirect (4) statement except that it inserts a redirect rule which is processed in the middle of other http-request or http-response rules and that these rules use the Custom log format. For responses, only the location type of redirect is permitted. In addition, when a redirect is performed during a response, the transfer from the server to HAProxy is interrupted so that no payload can be forwarded to the client. This may cause some connections to be closed on HTTP/1. This action is final, i.e. no further rules from the same rule set are evaluated for the current section. See the redirect (4) keyword for the rule's syntax.


Action is usable with: quic-initial, tcp-request connection, tcp-request session, tcp-request content, tcp-response content, http-request

This stops the evaluation of the rules and immediately closes the connection without sending any response. For HTTP rules, it acts similarly to the tcp-request content reject rules. It can be useful to force an immediate connection closure on HTTP/2 connections.

In tcp-request connection rules, rejected connections do not even become a session, which is why they are accounted separately for in the stats, as denied connections. They are not considered for the session rate-limit and are not logged either. The reason is that these rules should only be used to filter extremely high connection rates such as the ones encountered during a massive DDoS attack. Under these extreme conditions, the simple action of logging each event would make the system collapse and would considerably lower the filtering capacity. If logging is absolutely desired, then tcp-request content rules should be used instead, as tcp-request session rules will not log either.

When used in tcp-response content rules, the server connection will be closed and the response aborted. This is generally used to prevent sensitive information from leaking, typically after inspecting contents in conjunction with the wait-for-body action.

This action can also be used in quic-initial rules. The newly opened QUIC connection is immediately closed without any SSL handshake processing and the client is notified via a CONNECTION_REFUSED error code.

#replace-header <name> <match-regex> <replace-fmt>

Action is usable with: http-request, http-response, http-after-response

This matches the value of all occurrences of header field <name> against <match-regex>. Matching is performed case-sensitively. Matching values are completely replaced by <replace-fmt>. Format characters are allowed in <replace-fmt> and work like <fmt> arguments in http-request add-header. Standard back-references using the backslash ('\') followed by a number are supported.

This action acts on whole header lines, regardless of the number of values they may contain. Thus it is well-suited to process headers naturally containing commas in their value, such as If-Modified-Since or Set-Cookie. Headers that contain a comma-separated list of values, such as Accept, or Cache-Control should be processed using the replace-value action instead. See also the replace-value action.

http-request replace-header Cookie foo=([^;]*);(.*) foo=\1;ip=%bi;\2

# applied to:
Cookie: foo=foobar; expires=Tue, 14-Jun-2016 01:40:45 GMT;

# outputs:
Cookie: foo=foobar;ip=; expires=Tue, 14-Jun-2016 01:40:45 GMT;

# assuming the backend IP is

http-request replace-header User-Agent curl foo

# applied to:
User-Agent: curl/7.47.0

# outputs:
User-Agent: foo  
http-response replace-header Set-Cookie (C=[^;]*);(.*) \1;ip=%bi;\2

# applied to:
Set-Cookie: C=1; expires=Tue, 14-Jun-2016 01:40:45 GMT

# outputs:
Set-Cookie: C=1;ip=; expires=Tue, 14-Jun-2016 01:40:45 GMT

# assuming the backend IP is  
#replace-path <match-regex> <replace-fmt>

Action is usable with: http-request

This works like replace-header except that it works on the request's path component instead of a header. The path component starts at the first '/' after an optional scheme+authority and ends before the question mark. Thus, the replacement does not modify the scheme, the authority and the query-string.

It is worth noting that regular expressions may be more expensive to evaluate than certain ACLs, so rare replacements may benefit from a condition to avoid performing the evaluation at all if it does not match.

# prefix /foo : turn /bar?q=1 into /foo/bar?q=1 :
http-request replace-path (.*) /foo\1

# strip /foo : turn /foo/bar?q=1 into /bar?q=1
http-request replace-path /foo/(.*) /\1
# or more efficient if only some requests match :
http-request replace-path /foo/(.*) /\1 if { url_beg /foo/ }  
#replace-pathq <match-regex> <replace-fmt>

Action is usable with: http-request

This does the same as http-request replace-path except that the path contains the query-string if any is present. Thus, the path and the query-string are replaced.

# suffix /foo : turn /bar?q=1 into /bar/foo?q=1 :
http-request replace-pathq ([^?]*)(\?(.*))? \1/foo\2  
#replace-uri <match-regex> <replace-fmt>

Action is usable with: http-request

This works like replace-header except that it works on the request's URI part instead of a header. The URI part may contain an optional scheme, authority or query string. These are considered to be part of the value that is matched against.

It is worth noting that regular expressions may be more expensive to evaluate than certain ACLs, so rare replacements may benefit from a condition to avoid performing the evaluation at all if it does not match.

IMPORTANT NOTE: historically in HTTP/1.x, the vast majority of requests sent by browsers use the origin form, which differs from the absolute form in that they do not contain a scheme nor authority in the URI portion. Mostly only requests sent to proxies, those forged by hand and some emitted by certain applications use the absolute form. As such, replace-uri usually works fine most of the time in HTTP/1.x with rules starting with a /. But with HTTP/2, clients are encouraged to send absolute URIs only, which look like the ones HTTP/1 clients use to talk to proxies. Such partial replace-uri rules may then fail in HTTP/2 when they work in HTTP/1. Either the rules need to be adapted to optionally match a scheme and authority, or replace-path should be used.

# rewrite all "http" absolute requests to "https":
http-request replace-uri ^http://(.*) https://\1

# prefix /foo : turn /bar?q=1 into /foo/bar?q=1 :
http-request replace-uri ([^/:]*://[^/]*)?(.*) \1/foo\2  
#replace-value <name> <match-regex> <replace-fmt>

Action is usable with: http-request, http-response, http-after-response

This works like replace-header except that it matches the regex against every comma-delimited value of the header field <name> instead of the entire header. This is suited for all headers which are allowed to carry more than one value. An example could be the Accept request header, or Cache-Control for requests or responses.

http-request replace-value X-Forwarded-For ^192\.168\.(.*)$ 172.16.\1

# applied to:

# outputs:
http-after-response replace-value Cache-control ^public$ private

# applied to:
Cache-Control: max-age=3600, public

# outputs:
Cache-Control: max-age=3600, private  
#return [ status <code> ] [ content-type <type> ] [ { default-errorfiles | errorfile <file> | errorfiles <name> | file <file> | lf-file <file> | string <str> | lf-string <fmt> } ] [ hdr <name> <fmt> ]*

Action is usable with: http-request, http-response

This stops the evaluation of the rules and immediately returns a response. The default status code used for the response is 200. It can be optionally specified as an arguments to status. The response content-type may also be specified as an argument to content-type. Finally the response itself may be defined. It can be a full HTTP response specifying the errorfile to use, or the response payload specifying the file or the string to use. These rules are followed to create the response :

  • If neither the errorfile nor the payload to use is defined, a dummy response is returned. Only the status argument is considered. It can be any code in the range [200, 599]. The content-type argument, if any, is ignored.

  • If default-errorfiles argument is set, the proxy's errorfiles are considered. If the status argument is defined, it must be one of the status code handled by HAProxy (200, 400, 403, 404, 405, 408, 410, 413, 414, 425, 429, 431, 500, 501, 502, 503, and 504). The content-type argument, if any, is ignored.

  • If a specific errorfile is defined, with an errorfile (2) argument, the corresponding file, containing a full HTTP response, is returned. Only the status argument is considered. It must be one of the status code handled by HAProxy (200, 400, 403, 404, 405, 408, 410, 413, 414, 425, 429, 431, 500, 501, 502, 503, and 504). The content-type argument, if any, is ignored.

  • If an http-errors section is defined, with an errorfiles argument, the corresponding file in the specified http-errors section, containing a full HTTP response, is returned. Only the status argument is considered. It must be one of the status code handled by HAProxy (200, 400, 403, 404, 405, 408, 410, 413, 414, 425, 429, 431, 500, 501, 502, 503, and 504). The content-type argument, if any, is ignored.

  • If a file or a lf-file argument is specified, the file's content is used as the response payload. If the file is not empty, its content-type must be set as argument to content-type. Otherwise, any content-type argument is ignored. With a lf-file argument, the file's content is evaluated as a Custom log format (see section 8.2.6). With a file argument, it is considered as a raw content.

  • If a string or lf-string argument is specified, the defined string is used as the response payload. The content-type must always be set as argument to content-type. With a lf-string argument, the string is evaluated as a Custom log format (see section 8.2.6). With a string argument, it is considered as a raw string.

When the response is not based on an errorfile, it is possible to append HTTP header fields to the response using hdr arguments. Otherwise, all hdr arguments are ignored. For each one, the header name is specified in <name> and its value is defined by <fmt> which follows the Custom log format rules described in section 8.2.6.

Note that the generated response must be smaller than a buffer. And to avoid any warning, when an errorfile or a raw file is loaded, the buffer space reserved for the headers rewriting should also be free.

This action is final, i.e. no further rules from the same rule set are evaluated for the current section.

http-request return errorfile /etc/haproxy/errorfiles/200.http \
    if { path /ping }

http-request return content-type image/x-icon file /var/www/favicon.ico  \
    if { path /favicon.ico }

http-request return status 403 content-type text/plain    \
    lf-string "Access denied. IP %[src] is blacklisted."  \
    if { src -f /etc/haproxy/blacklist.lst }  
#sc-add-gpc(<idx>,<sc-id>) { <int> | <expr> }

Action is usable with: tcp-request connection, tcp-request session, tcp-request content, tcp-response content, http-request, http-response, http-after-response

This action increments the General Purpose Counter at the index <idx> of the array associated to the sticky counter designated by <sc-id> by the value of either integer <int> or the integer evaluation of expression <expr>. Integers and expressions are limited to unsigned 32-bit values. If an error occurs, this action silently fails and the actions evaluation continues. <idx> is an integer between 0 and 99 and <sc-id> is an integer between 0 and 2. It also silently fails if the there is no GPC stored at this index. The entry in the table is refreshed even if the value is zero. The 'gpc_rate' is automatically adjusted to reflect the average growth rate of the gpc value.

This action applies only to the 'gpc' and 'gpc_rate' array data_types (and not to the legacy 'gpc0', 'gpc1', 'gpc0_rate' nor 'gpc1_rate' data_types). There is no equivalent function for legacy data types, but if the value is always 1, please see 'sc-inc-gpc()', 'sc-inc-gpc0()' and 'sc-inc-gpc1()'. There is no way to decrement the value either, but it is possible to store exact values in a General Purpose Tag using 'sc-set-gpt()' instead.

The main use of this action is to count scores or total volumes (e.g. estimated danger per source IP reported by the server or a WAF, total uploaded bytes, etc).


Action is usable with: tcp-request connection, tcp-request session, tcp-request content, tcp-response content, http-request, http-response, http-after-response

This actions increments the General Purpose Counter at the index <idx> of the array associated to the sticky counter designated by <sc-id>. If an error occurs, this action silently fails and the actions evaluation continues. <idx> is an integer between 0 and 99 and <sc-id> is an integer between 0 and 2. It also silently fails if the there is no GPC stored at this index. This action applies only to the 'gpc' and 'gpc_rate' array data_types (and not to the legacy 'gpc0', 'gpc1', 'gpc0_rate' nor 'gpc1_rate' data_types).

#sc-inc-gpc0(<sc-id>) #sc-inc-gpc1(<sc-id>)

Action is usable with: tcp-request connection, tcp-request session, tcp-request content, tcp-response content, http-request, http-response, http-after-response

This actions increments the GPC0 or GPC1 counter according with the sticky counter designated by <sc-id>. If an error occurs, this action silently fails and the actions evaluation continues.

#sc-set-gpt(<idx>,<sc-id>) { <int> | <expr> }

Action is usable with: tcp-request connection, tcp-request session, tcp-request content, tcp-response content, http-request, http-response, http-after-response

This action sets the 32-bit unsigned GPT at the index <idx> of the array associated to the sticky counter designated by <sc-id> at the value of <int>/<expr>. The expected result is a boolean.

If an error occurs, this action silently fails and the actions evaluation continues. <idx> is an integer between 0 and 99 and <sc-id> is an integer between 0 and 2. It also silently fails if the there is no GPT stored at this index.

This action applies only to the 'gpt' array data_type (and not to the legacy 'gpt0' data-type).

#sc-set-gpt0(<sc-id>) { <int> | <expr> }

Action is usable with: tcp-request connection, tcp-request session, tcp-request content, tcp-response content, http-request, http-response, http-after-response

This action sets the 32-bit unsigned GPT0 tag according to the sticky counter designated by <sc-id> and the value of <int>/<expr>. The expected result is a boolean. If an error occurs, this action silently fails and the actions evaluation continues. This action is an alias for "sc-set-gpt(0,<sc-id>)". See also the sc-set-gpt action.


Action is usable with: quic-initial

This action forces the emission of a Retry packet in response to a client Initial packet without token. This is useful to ensure client address is validated prior to instantiating any connection elements and starting the handshake.

#send-spoe-group <engine-name> <group-name>

Action is usable with: tcp-request content, tcp-response content, http-request, http-response

This action is used to trigger sending of a group of SPOE messages. To do so, the SPOE engine used to send messages must be defined, as well as the SPOE group to send. Of course, the SPOE engine must refer to an existing SPOE filter. If not engine name is provided on the SPOE filter line, the SPOE agent name must be used.

<engine-name>  The SPOE engine name.

<group-name>   The SPOE group name as specified in the engine
#set-bandwidth-limit <name> [limit {<expr> | <size>}] [period {<expr> | <time>}]

Action is usable with: tcp-request content, tcp-response content, http-request, http-response

This action is used to enable the bandwidth limitation filter <name>, either on the upload or download direction depending on the filter type. Custom limit and period may be defined, if and only if <name> references a per-stream bandwidth limitation filter. When a set-bandwidth-limit rule is executed, it first resets all settings of the filter to their defaults prior to enabling it. As a consequence, if several set-bandwidth-limit actions are executed for the same filter, only the last one is considered. Several bandwidth limitation filters can be enabled on the same stream.

Note that this action cannot be used in a defaults section because bandwidth limitation filters cannot be defined in defaults sections. In addition, only the HTTP payload transfer is limited. The HTTP headers are not considered.

<expr>  Is a standard HAProxy expression formed by a sample-fetch followed
        by some converters. The result is converted to an integer. It is
        interpreted as a size in bytes for the "limit" parameter and as a
        duration in milliseconds for the "period" parameter.

<size>  Is a number. It follows the HAProxy size format and is expressed in

<time>  Is a number. It follows the HAProxy time format and is expressed in
http-request set-bandwidth-limit global-limit
http-request set-bandwidth-limit my-limit limit 1m period 10s  

See section 9.7 about bandwidth limitation filter setup.

#set-bc-mark { <mark> | <expr> }

Action is usable with: tcp-request content, http-request

This is used to set the Netfilter/IPFW MARK on the backend connection (all packets sent to the server) to the value passed in <mark> or <expr> on platforms which support it. This value is an unsigned 32 bit value which can be matched by netfilter/ipfw and by the routing table or monitoring the packets through DTrace. <mark> can be expressed both in decimal or hexadecimal format (prefixed by 0x). Alternatively, <expr> can be used: it is a standard HAProxy expression formed by a sample-fetch followed by some converters which must resolve to integer type. This action can be useful to force certain packets to take a different route (for example a cheaper network path for bulk downloads). This works on Linux kernels 2.6.32 and above and requires admin privileges, as well on FreeBSD and OpenBSD. The mark will be set for the whole duration of the backend/server connection (from connect to close).

#set-bc-tos { <tos> | <expr> }

Action is usable with: tcp-request content, http-request

This is used to set the TOS or DSCP field value on the backend connection (all packets sent to the server) to the value passed in <tos> or <expr> on platforms which support this. This value represents the whole 8 bits of the IP TOS field. Note that only the 6 higher bits are used in DSCP or TOS, and the two lower bits are always 0. Alternatively, <expr> can be used: it is a standard HAProxy expression formed by a sample-fetch followed by some converters which must resolve to integer type. This action can be used to adjust some routing behavior on inner routers based on some information from the request. The tos will be set for the whole duration of the backend/server connection (from connect to close).

See RFC 2474, 2597, 3260 and 4594 for more information.

#set-dst <expr>

Action is usable with: tcp-request connection, tcp-request session, tcp-request content, http-request

This is used to set the destination IP address to the value of specified expression. Useful when a proxy in front of HAProxy rewrites destination IP, but provides the correct IP in a HTTP header; or you want to mask the IP for privacy. If you want to connect to the new address/port, use '' as a server address in the backend.

<expr>  Is a standard HAProxy expression formed by a sample-fetch followed
        by some converters.  
http-request set-dst hdr(x-dst)
http-request set-dst dst,ipmask(24)  

When possible, set-dst preserves the original destination port as long as the address family allows it, otherwise the destination port is set to 0.

#set-dst-port <expr>

Action is usable with: tcp-request connection, tcp-request session, tcp-request content, http-request

This is used to set the destination port address to the value of specified expression. If you want to connect to the new address/port, use '' as a server address in the backend.

<expr>  Is a standard HAProxy expression formed by a sample-fetch
        followed by some converters.  
http-request set-dst-port hdr(x-port)
http-request set-dst-port int(4000)  

When possible, set-dst-port preserves the original destination address as long as the address family supports a port, otherwise it forces the destination address to IPv4 before rewriting the port.

#set-fc-mark { <mark> | <expr> }

Action is usable with: tcp-request connection, tcp-request session, tcp-request content, tcp-response content, http-request, http-response

This is used to set the Netfilter/IPFW MARK on all packets sent to the client to the value passed in <mark> or <expr> on platforms which support it. This value is an unsigned 32 bit value which can be matched by netfilter/ipfw and by the routing table or monitoring the packets through DTrace. <mark> can be expressed both in decimal or hexadecimal format (prefixed by 0x). Alternatively, <expr> can be used: it is a standard HAProxy expression formed by a sample-fetch followed by some converters which must resolve to integer type. This action can be useful to force certain packets to take a different route (for example a cheaper network path for bulk downloads). This works on Linux kernels 2.6.32 and above and requires admin privileges, as well on FreeBSD and OpenBSD.

#set-fc-tos { <tos | <expr> }

Action is usable with: tcp-request connection, tcp-request session, tcp-request content, tcp-response content, http-request, http-response

This is used to set the TOS or DSCP field value of packets sent to the client to the value passed in <tos> or <expr> on platforms which support this. This value represents the whole 8 bits of the IP TOS field. Note that only the 6 higher bits are used in DSCP or TOS, and the two lower bits are always 0. Alternatively, <expr> can be used: it is a standard HAProxy expression formed by a sample-fetch followed by some converters which must resolve to integer type. This action can be used to adjust some routing behavior on border routers based on some information from the request.

See RFC 2474, 2597, 3260 and 4594 for more information.

#set-header <name> <fmt>

Action is usable with: http-request, http-response, http-after-response

This does the same as the add-header action except that the header is first removed if it existed. This is useful when passing security information to the server, where the header must not be manipulated by external users, or to force certain response headers such as Server to hide external information. Note that the new value is computed before the removal so it is possible to concatenate a value to an existing header.

http-request set-header X-Haproxy-Current-Date %T
http-request set-header X-SSL                  %[ssl_fc]
http-request set-header X-SSL-Session_ID       %[ssl_fc_session_id,hex]
http-request set-header X-SSL-Client-Verify    %[ssl_c_verify]
http-request set-header X-SSL-Client-DN        %{+Q}[ssl_c_s_dn]
http-request set-header X-SSL-Client-CN        %{+Q}[ssl_c_s_dn(cn)]
http-request set-header X-SSL-Issuer           %{+Q}[ssl_c_i_dn]
http-request set-header X-SSL-Client-NotBefore %{+Q}[ssl_c_notbefore]
http-request set-header X-SSL-Client-NotAfter  %{+Q}[ssl_c_notafter]  
#set-log-level <level>

Action is usable with: tcp-request content, tcp-response content, http-request, http-response, http-after-response

This is used to change the log level of the current request when a certain condition is met. Valid levels are the 8 syslog levels (see the log (6) keyword) plus the special level silent which disables logging for this request. This rule is not final so the last matching rule wins. This rule can be useful to disable health checks coming from another equipment.

#set-map(<map-name>) <key fmt> <value fmt>

Action is usable with: http-request, http-response, http-after-response

This is used to add a new entry into a map. <map-name> must follow the format described in 2.7. about name format for maps and ACLs. The name of the MAP to be updated is passed between parentheses. It takes 2 arguments: <key fmt>, which follows Custom log format rules described in section 8.2.6, used to collect map key, and <value fmt>, which follows Custom log format rules, used to collect content for the new entry. It performs a lookup in the map before insertion, to avoid duplicated (or more) values. It is the equivalent of the set map command from the stats socket, but can be triggered by an HTTP request.

#set-mark <mark> DEPRECATED

This is an alias for set-fc-mark (which should be used instead).

#set-method <fmt>

Action is usable with: http-request

This rewrites the request method with the result of the evaluation of format string <fmt>. There should be very few valid reasons for having to do so as this is more likely to break something than to fix it.

#set-nice <nice>

Action is usable with: tcp-request content, tcp-response content, http-request, http-response

This sets the nice factor of the current request/response being processed. It only has effect against the other requests being processed at the same time. The default value is 0, unless altered by the nice setting on the bind (3) line. The accepted range is -1024..1024. The higher the value, the nicest the request will be. Lower values will make the request more important than other ones. This can be useful to improve the speed of some requests, or lower the priority of non-important requests. Using this setting without prior experimentation can cause some major slowdown.

#set-path <fmt>

Action is usable with: http-request

This rewrites the request path with the result of the evaluation of format
string <fmt>. The query string, if any, is left intact. If a scheme and
authority is found before the path, they are left intact as well. If the
request doesn't have a path ("*"), this one is replaced with the format.
This can be used to prepend a directory component in front of a path for
example. See also "http-request set-query" and "http-request set-uri".

Example :
  # prepend the host name before the path
  http-request set-path /%[hdr(host)]%[path]
#set-pathq <fmt>

Action is usable with: http-request

This does the same as http-request set-path except that the query-string is also rewritten. It may be used to remove the query-string, including the question mark (it is not possible using http-request set-query).

#set-priority-class <expr>

Action is usable with: tcp-request content, http-request

This is used to set the queue priority class of the current request. The value must be a sample expression which converts to an integer in the range -2047..2047. Results outside this range will be truncated. The priority class determines the order in which queued requests are processed. Lower values have higher priority.

#set-priority-offset <expr>

Action is usable with: tcp-request content, http-request

This is used to set the queue priority timestamp offset of the current request. The value must be a sample expression which converts to an integer in the range -524287..524287. Results outside this range will be truncated. When a request is queued, it is ordered first by the priority class, then by the current timestamp adjusted by the given offset in milliseconds. Lower values have higher priority. Note that the resulting timestamp is is only tracked with enough precision for 524,287ms (8m44s287ms). If the request is queued long enough to where the adjusted timestamp exceeds this value, it will be misidentified as highest priority. Thus it is important to set timeout queue to a value, where when combined with the offset, does not exceed this limit.

#set-query <fmt>

Action is usable with: http-request

This rewrites the request's query string which appears after the first question mark (?) with the result of the evaluation of format string <fmt>. The part prior to the question mark is left intact. If the request doesn't contain a question mark and the new value is not empty, then one is added at the end of the URI, followed by the new value. If a question mark was present, it will never be removed even if the value is empty. This can be used to add or remove parameters from the query string.

See also http-request set-query and http-request set-uri.

# replace "%3D" with "=" in the query string
http-request set-query %[query,regsub(%3D,=,g)]  
#set-retries <int> | <epxr>

Action is usable with: tcp-request content, http-request

This action overrides the specified retries value for the current stream only. It can be an integer value, in the range [0, 100], or an expression which must return a integer in the range [0, 100].

Note that this action is only relevant on the backend side and thus this rule is only available for the proxies with backend capability. It is also not allowed in defaults sections.

tcp-request content set-retries 3
http-request set-retries var(txn.retries)  
#set-src <expr>

Action is usable with: tcp-request connection, tcp-request session, tcp-request content, http-request

This is used to set the source IP address to the value of specified expression. Useful when a proxy in front of HAProxy rewrites source IP, but provides the correct IP in a HTTP header; or you want to mask source IP for privacy. All subsequent calls to src fetch will return this value (see example).

Arguments :
<expr>  Is a standard HAProxy expression formed by a sample-fetch followed
        by some converters.  

See also option forwardfor.

http-request set-src hdr(x-forwarded-for)
http-request set-src src,ipmask(24)

# After the masking this will track connections
# based on the IP address with the last byte zeroed out.
http-request track-sc0 src  

When possible, set-src preserves the original source port as long as the address family allows it, otherwise the source port is set to 0.

#set-src-port <expr>

Action is usable with: tcp-request connection, tcp-request session, tcp-request content, http-request

This is used to set the source port address to the value of specified expression.

<expr>  Is a standard HAProxy expression formed by a sample-fetch followed
        by some converters.  
http-request set-src-port hdr(x-port)
http-request set-src-port int(4000)  

When possible, set-src-port preserves the original source address as long as the address family supports a port, otherwise it forces the source address to IPv4 before rewriting the port.

#set-status <status> [reason <str>]

Action is usable with: http-response, http-after-response

This replaces the response status code with <status> which must be an integer between 100 and 999. Optionally, a custom reason text can be provided defined by <str>, or the default reason for the specified code will be used as a fallback. Note that the reason string only exists in HTTP/1.x and is ignored by other versions of the protocol.

# return "431 Request Header Fields Too Large"
http-response set-status 431
# return "503 Slow Down", custom reason
http-response set-status 503 reason "Slow Down".  
#set-timeout { client | server | tunnel } { <timeout> | <expr> }

Action is usable with: http-request, http-response

This action overrides the specified client, server (3) or tunnel timeout for the current stream only. The timeout can be specified in milliseconds or with any other unit if the number is suffixed by the unit as explained at the top of this document. It is also possible to write an expression which must return a number interpreted as a timeout in milliseconds.

Note that the server/tunnel timeouts are only relevant on the backend side and thus this rule is only available for the proxies with backend capabilities. Likewise, client timeout is only relevant for frontend side. Also the timeout value must be non-null to obtain the expected results.

http-request set-timeout tunnel 5s
http-request set-timeout server req.hdr(host),map_int(host.lst)  
http-response set-timeout tunnel 5s
http-response set-timeout server res.hdr(X-Refresh-Seconds),mul(1000)  
#set-tos <tos> DEPRECATED

This is an alias for set-fc-tos (which should be used instead).

#set-uri <fmt>

Action is usable with: http-request

This rewrites the request URI with the result of the evaluation of format string <fmt>. The scheme, authority, path and query string are all replaced at once. This can be used to rewrite hosts in front of proxies, or to perform complex modifications to the URI such as moving parts between the path and the query string. If an absolute URI is set, it will be sent as is to HTTP/1.1 servers. If it is not the desired behavior, the host, the path and/or the query string should be set separately. See also http-request set-path and http-request set-query.

#set-var(<var-name>[,<cond>...]) <expr> #set-var-fmt(<var-name>[,<cond>...]) <fmt>

Action is usable with: tcp-request connection, tcp-request session, tcp-request content, tcp-response content, http-request, http-response, http-after-response

This is used to set the contents of a variable. The variable is declared inline.

<var-name>   The name of the variable. Variable of the parent stream cannot
             be set. See section 2.8 about variables for details.

 <cond>      A set of conditions that must all be true for the variable to
             actually be set (such as "ifnotempty", "ifgt" ...). See the
             set-var converter's description for a full list of possible

 <expr>      Is a standard HAProxy expression formed by a sample-fetch
             followed by some converters.

 <fmt>       This is the value expressed using Custom log format rules (see
             Custom log format in section 8.2.6).  

All scopes are usable for HTTP rules, but scopes proc and sess are the only usable ones in rule sets which do not have access to contents such as tcp-request connection and tcp-request session.

http-request set-var(req.my_var) req.fhdr(user-agent),lower
http-request set-var-fmt(txn.from) %[src]:%[src_port]  
#silent-drop [ rst-ttl <ttl> ]

Action is usable with: tcp-request connection, tcp-request session, tcp-request content, tcp-response content, http-request, http-response

This stops the evaluation of the rules and makes the client-facing connection suddenly disappear using a system-dependent way that tries to prevent the client from being notified. When called without the rst-ttl argument, we try to prevent sending any FIN or RST packet back to the client by using TCP_REPAIR. If this fails (mainly because of missing privileges), we fall back to sending a RST packet with a TTL of 1.

The effect is that the client still sees an established connection while there is none on HAProxy, saving resources. However, stateful equipment placed between the HAProxy and the client (firewalls, proxies, load balancers) will also keep the established connection in their session tables.

The optional rst-ttl changes this behaviour: TCP_REPAIR is not used, and an RST packet with a configurable TTL is sent. When set to a reasonable value, the RST packet travels through the local infrastructure, deleting the connection in firewalls and other systems, but disappears before reaching the client. Future packets from the client will then be dropped already by front equipment. These local RSTs protect local resources, but not the client's. This must not be used unless the consequences of doing this are fully understood.

#strict-mode { on | off }

Action is usable with: http-request, http-response, http-after-response

This enables or disables the strict rewriting mode for following rules. It does not affect rules declared before it and it is only applicable on rules performing a rewrite on the requests. When the strict mode is enabled, any rewrite failure triggers an internal error. Otherwise, such errors are silently ignored. The purpose of the strict rewriting mode is to make some rewrites optional while others must be performed to continue the request processing.

By default, the strict rewriting mode is enabled. Its value is also reset when a ruleset evaluation ends. So, for instance, if you change the mode on the frontend, the default mode is restored when HAProxy starts the backend rules evaluation.

#switch-mode http [ proto <name> ]

Action is usable with: tcp-request content

This action is used to perform a connection upgrade. Only HTTP upgrades are supported for now. The protocol may optionally be specified. This action is only available for a proxy with the frontend capability. The connection upgrade is immediately performed, following tcp-request content rules are not evaluated. This upgrade method should be preferred to the implicit one consisting to rely on the backend mode. When used, it is possible to set HTTP directives in a frontend without any warning. These directives will be conditionally evaluated if the HTTP upgrade is performed. However, an HTTP backend must still be selected. It remains unsupported to route an HTTP connection (upgraded or not) to a TCP server.

See section 4 about Proxies for more details on HTTP upgrades.

#tarpit [ { status | deny_status } <code>] [content-type <type>] [ { default-errorfiles | errorfile <file> | errorfiles <name> | file <file> | lf-file <file> | string <str> | lf-string <fmt> } ] [ hdr <name> <fmt> ]*

Action is usable with: http-request

This stops the evaluation of the rules and immediately blocks the request without responding for a delay specified by timeout tarpit or timeout connect (2) if the former is not set. After that delay, if the client is still connected, a response is returned so that the client does not suspect it has been tarpitted. Logs will report the flags PT. The goal of the tarpit rule is to slow down robots during an attack when they're limited on the number of concurrent requests. It can be very efficient against very dumb robots, and will significantly reduce the load on firewalls compared to a deny rule. But when facing correctly developed robots, it can make things worse by forcing HAProxy and the front firewall to support insane number of concurrent connections. By default an HTTP error 500 is returned. But the response may be customized using same syntax than http-request return rules. Thus, see http-request return for details.

For compatibility purpose, when no argument is defined, or only deny_status, the argument default-errorfiles is implied. It means "http-request tarpit [deny_status <status>]" is an alias of "http-request tarpit [status <status>] default-errorfiles". No further http-request rules are evaluated. See also http-request return and http-request silent-drop.

#track-sc0 <key> [table <table>] #track-sc1 <key> [table <table>] #track-sc2 <key> [table <table>]

Action is usable with: tcp-request connection, tcp-request session, tcp-request content, http-request, http-response

This enables tracking of sticky counters from current request. These rules do not stop evaluation and do not change default action. The number of counters that may be simultaneously tracked by the same connection is set by the global tune.stick-counters setting, which defaults to MAX_SESS_STKCTR if set at build time (it is reported in haproxy -vv) and which defaults to 3, so the track-sc number is between 0 and (tune.stick-counters-1). The first track-sc0 rule executed enables tracking of the counters of the specified table as the first set. The first track-sc1 rule executed enables tracking of the counters of the specified table as the second set. The first track-sc2 rule executed enables tracking of the counters of the specified table as the third set. It is a recommended practice to use the first set of counters for the per-frontend counters and the second set for the per-backend ones. But this is just a guideline, all may be used everywhere.

Arguments :
<key>   is mandatory, and is a sample expression rule as described in
        section 7.3. It describes what elements of the incoming connection,
        request or response will be analyzed, extracted, combined, and used
        to select which table entry to update the counters.

<table> is an optional table to be used instead of the default one, which
        is the stick-table declared in the current proxy. All the counters
        for the matches and updates for the key will then be performed in
        that table until the session ends.  

Once a track-sc* rule is executed, the key is looked up in the table and if it is not found, an entry is allocated for it. Then a pointer to that entry is kept during all the session's life, and this entry's counters are updated as often as possible, every time the session's counters are updated, and also systematically when the session ends. Counters are only updated for events that happen after the tracking has been started. As an exception, connection counters and request counters are systematically updated so that they reflect useful information.

If the entry tracks concurrent connection counters, one connection is counted for as long as the entry is tracked, and the entry will not expire during that time. Tracking counters also provides a performance advantage over just checking the keys, because only one table lookup is performed for all ACL checks that make use of it.


Action is usable with: tcp-request connection, tcp-request session, tcp-request content, tcp-response content, http-request, http-response, http-after-response

This is used to unset a variable. See the set-var (3) action for details about <var-name>.

http-request unset-var(req.my_var)  
#use-service <service-name>

Action is usable with: tcp-request content, http-request

This action executes the configured TCP or HTTP service to reply to the request, depending on the rule set it's used in. The rule is final, i.e. no further rules are evaluated in the same rule set.

A service may choose to reply by sending any valid response or it may immediately close the connection without sending any response. For HTTP services, a valid response requires a valid HTTP response. Outside natives services, for instance the Prometheus exporter for HTTP services, it is possible to write custom TCP and HTTP services in Lua.

Arguments :
<service-name>  is mandatory. It is the service to call  
http-request use-service prometheus-exporter if { path /metrics }  
#wait-for-body time <time> [ at-least <bytes> ]

Action is usable with: http-request, http-response

This will delay the processing of the request or response until one of the following conditions occurs:

  • The full request body is received, in which case processing proceeds normally.

  • <bytes> bytes have been received, when the at-least argument is given and <bytes> is non-zero, in which case processing proceeds normally.

  • The request buffer is full, in which case processing proceeds normally. The size of this buffer is determined by the tune.bufsize option.

  • The request has been waiting for more than <time> milliseconds. In this case HAProxy will respond with a 408 Request Timeout error to the client and stop processing the request. Note that if any of the other conditions happens first, this timeout will not occur even if the full body has not yet been received.

This action may be used as a replacement for option http-buffer-request.

Arguments :
<time>    is mandatory. It is the maximum time to wait for the body. It
          follows the HAProxy time format and is expressed in milliseconds.

<bytes>   is optional. It is the minimum payload size to receive to stop to
          wait. It follows the HAProxy size format and is expressed in
          bytes. A value of 0 (the default) means no limit.  
http-request wait-for-body time 1s at-least 1k if METH_POST  

See also : option http-buffer-request


Action is usable with: http-request

This will delay the processing of the request until the SSL handshake happened. This is mostly useful to delay processing early data until we're sure they are valid.

#5. Bind and server options

The bind (3), server (3) and default-server (2) keywords support a number of settings depending on some build options and on the system HAProxy was built on. These settings generally each consist in one word sometimes followed by a value, written on the same line as the bind (3) or server (3) line. All these options are described in this section.

#5.1. Bind options

The bind (3) keyword supports a certain number of settings which are all passed as arguments on the same line. The order in which those arguments appear makes no importance, provided that they appear after the bind address. All of these parameters are optional. Some of them consist in a single words (booleans), while other ones expect a value after them. In this case, the value must be provided immediately after the setting name.

The currently supported settings are the following ones.

#accept-netscaler-cip <magic number>

Enforces the use of the NetScaler Client IP insertion protocol over any connection accepted by any of the TCP sockets declared on the same line. The NetScaler Client IP insertion protocol dictates the layer 3/4 addresses of the incoming connection to be used everywhere an address is used, with the only exception of tcp-request connection rules which will only see the real connection address. Logs will reflect the addresses indicated in the protocol, unless it is violated, in which case the real address will still be used. This keyword combined with support from external components can be used as an efficient and reliable alternative to the X-Forwarded-For mechanism which is not always reliable and not even always usable. See also tcp-request connection expect-netscaler-cip for a finer-grained setting of which client is allowed to use the protocol.


Enforces the use of the PROXY protocol over any connection accepted by any of the sockets declared on the same line. Versions 1 and 2 of the PROXY protocol are supported and correctly detected. The PROXY protocol dictates the layer 3/4 addresses of the incoming connection to be used everywhere an address is used, with the only exception of tcp-request connection rules which will only see the real connection address. Logs will reflect the addresses indicated in the protocol, unless it is violated, in which case the real address will still be used. This keyword combined with support from external components can be used as an efficient and reliable alternative to the X-Forwarded-For mechanism which is not always reliable and not even always usable. See also tcp-request connection expect-proxy for a finer-grained setting of which client is allowed to use the protocol.


Allow receiving early data when using TLSv1.3. This is disabled by default, due to security considerations. Because it is vulnerable to replay attacks, you should only allow if for requests that are safe to replay, i.e. requests that are idempotent. You can use the wait-for-handshake action for any request that wouldn't be safe with early data.

#alpn <protocols>

This enables the TLS ALPN extension and advertises the specified protocol list as supported on top of ALPN. The protocol list consists in a comma- delimited list of protocol names, for instance: http/1.1,http/1.0 (without quotes). This requires that the SSL library is built with support for TLS extensions enabled (check with haproxy -vv). The ALPN extension replaces the initial NPN extension. At the protocol layer, ALPN is required to enable HTTP/2 on an HTTPS frontend and HTTP/3 on a QUIC frontend. However, when such frontends have none of npn (2), alpn (2) and no-alpn set, a default value of h2,http/1.1 will be used for a regular HTTPS frontend, and h3 for a QUIC frontend. Versions of OpenSSL prior to 1.0.2 didn't support ALPN and only supposed the now obsolete NPN extension. At the time of writing this, most browsers still support both ALPN and NPN for HTTP/2 so a fallback to NPN may still work for a while. But ALPN must be used whenever possible. Protocols not advertised are not negotiated. For example it is possible to only accept HTTP/2 connections with this:

bind :443 ssl crt pub.pem alpn h2  # explicitly disable HTTP/1.1

QUIC supports only h3 and hq-interop as ALPN. h3 is for HTTP/3 and hq-interop is used for http/0.9 and QUIC interop runner (see Each alpn (2) statement will replace a previous one. In order to remove them, use no-alpn.

Note that some old browsers such as Firefox 88 used to experience issues with WebSocket over H2, and in case such a setup is encountered, it may be needed to either explicitly disable HTTP/2 in the alpn (2) string by forcing it to http/1.1 or no-alpn, or to enable h2-workaround-bogus-websocket-clients globally.

#backlog <backlog>

Sets the socket's backlog to this value. If unspecified or 0, the frontend's backlog is used instead, which generally defaults to the maxconn value.

#ca-file <cafile>

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It designates a PEM file from which to load CA certificates used to verify client's certificate. It is possible to load a directory containing multiple CAs, in this case HAProxy will try to load every .pem, .crt, .cer, and .crl" available in the directory, files starting with a dot are ignored.

Warning: The @system-ca parameter could be used in place of the cafile in order to use the trusted CAs of your system, like its done with the server directive. But you mustn't use it unless you know what you are doing. Configuring it this way basically mean that the bind will accept any client certificate generated from one of the CA present on your system, which is extremely insecure.

#ca-ignore-err [all|<errorID>,...]

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. Sets a comma separated list of errorIDs to ignore during verify at depth > 0. It could be a numerical ID, or the constant name (X509_V_ERR) which is available in the OpenSSL documentation: It is recommended to use the constant name as the numerical value can change in new version of OpenSSL. If set to 'all', all errors are ignored. SSL handshake is not aborted if an error is ignored.

#ca-sign-file <cafile>

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It designates a PEM file containing both the CA certificate and the CA private key used to create and sign server's certificates. This is a mandatory setting when the dynamic generation of certificates is enabled. See 'generate-certificates' for details.

#ca-sign-pass <passphrase>

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It is the CA private key passphrase. This setting is optional and used only when the dynamic generation of certificates is enabled. See 'generate-certificates' for details.

#ca-verify-file <cafile>

This setting designates a PEM file from which to load CA certificates used to verify client's certificate. It designates CA certificates which must not be included in CA names sent in server hello message. Typically, ca-file (2) must be defined with intermediate certificates, and ca-verify-file with certificates to ending the chain, like root CA.

#ciphers <ciphers>

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It sets the string describing the list of cipher algorithms (cipher suite) that are negotiated during the SSL/TLS handshake up to TLSv1.2. The format of the string is defined in man 1 ciphers from OpenSSL man pages. For background information and recommendations see e.g. ( and ( For TLSv1.3 cipher configuration, please check the ciphersuites (2) keyword.

#ciphersuites <ciphersuites>

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in and OpenSSL 1.1.1 or later was used to build HAProxy. It sets the string describing the list of cipher algorithms (cipher suite) that are negotiated during the TLSv1.3 handshake. The format of the string is defined in man 1 ciphers from OpenSSL man pages under the ciphersuites (2) section. For cipher configuration for TLSv1.2 and earlier, please check the ciphers (2) keyword. This setting might accept TLSv1.2 ciphersuites however this is an undocumented behavior and not recommended as it could be inconsistent or buggy. The default TLSv1.3 ciphersuites of OpenSSL are: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256

TLSv1.3 only supports 5 ciphersuites:

  • TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256

  • TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384

  • TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256

  • TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256

  • TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256

ciphersuites TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256  
#client-sigalgs <sigalgs>

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It sets the string describing the list of signature algorithms related to client authentication that are negotiated . The format of the string is defined in man 3 SSL_CTX_set1_client_sigalgs from the OpenSSL man pages. It is not recommended to use this setting if no specific usecase was identified.

#crl-file <crlfile>

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It designates a PEM file from which to load certificate revocation list used to verify client's certificate. You need to provide a certificate revocation list for every certificate of your certificate authority chain.

#crt <cert>

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in.

HAProxy uses a cache system, the files are loaded only once in the certificate storage, and each next crt (3) keyword will use this cached version. When the certificate was declared in a crt-store, the certificate storage is populated from there and don't try to load additional files by detecting file extensions.

It designates a PEM file containing both the required certificates and any associated private keys. This file can be built by concatenating multiple PEM files into one (e.g. cat cert.pem key.pem > combined.pem). If your CA requires an intermediate certificate, this can also be concatenated into this file. Intermediate certificate can also be shared in a directory via issuers-chain-path directive.

If the file does not contain a private key, HAProxy will try to load the key at the same path suffixed by a .key.

If the OpenSSL used supports Diffie-Hellman, parameters present in this file are loaded.

If a directory name is used instead of a PEM file, then all files found in that directory will be loaded in alphabetic order unless their name ends with '.key', '.issuer', '.ocsp' or '.sctl' (reserved extensions). Files starting with a dot are also ignored. This directive may be specified multiple times in order to load certificates from multiple files or directories. The certificates will be presented to clients who provide a valid TLS Server Name Indication field matching one of their CN or alt subjects. Wildcards are supported, where a wildcard character '*' is used instead of the first hostname component (e.g. * matches but not If an empty directory is used, HAProxy will not start unless the strict-sni keyword is used.

If no SNI is provided by the client or if the SSL library does not support TLS extensions, or if the client provides an SNI hostname which does not match any certificate, then the first loaded certificate will be presented. This means that when loading certificates from a directory, it is highly recommended to load the default one first as a file or to ensure that it will always be the first one in the directory. In order to chose multiple default certificates (1 rsa and 1 ecdsa), there are 3 options:

  • A multi-cert bundle can be configured as the first certificate (`crt foobar.pem` in the configuration where the existing files are `foobar.pem.ecdsa` and `foobar.pem.rsa`.

  • Or a '*' filter for each certificate in a crt-list line.

  • The 'default-crt' keyword can be used.

Note that the same cert may be loaded multiple times without side effects.

Some CAs (such as GoDaddy) offer a drop down list of server types that do not include HAProxy when obtaining a certificate. If this happens be sure to choose a web server that the CA believes requires an intermediate CA (for GoDaddy, selection Apache Tomcat will get the correct bundle, but many others, e.g. nginx, result in a wrong bundle that will not work for some clients).

For each PEM file, HAProxy checks for the presence of file at the same path suffixed by .ocsp. If such file is found, support for the TLS Certificate Status Request extension (also known as OCSP stapling) is automatically enabled. The content of this file is optional. If not empty, it must contain a valid OCSP Response in DER format. In order to be valid an OCSP Response must comply with the following rules: it has to indicate a good status, it has to be a single response for the certificate of the PEM file, and it has to be valid at the moment of addition. If these rules are not respected the OCSP Response is ignored and a warning is emitted. In order to identify which certificate an OCSP Response applies to, the issuer's certificate is necessary. If the issuer's certificate is not found in the PEM file, it will be loaded from a file at the same path as the PEM file suffixed by .issuer if it exists otherwise it will fail with an error.

For each PEM file, HAProxy also checks for the presence of file at the same path suffixed by .sctl. If such file is found, support for Certificate Transparency (RFC6962) TLS extension is enabled. The file must contain a valid Signed Certificate Timestamp List, as described in RFC. File is parsed to check basic syntax, but no signatures are verified.

There are cases where it is desirable to support multiple key types, e.g. RSA and ECDSA in the cipher suites offered to the clients. This allows clients that support EC certificates to be able to use EC ciphers, while simultaneously supporting older, RSA only clients.

To achieve this, OpenSSL 1.1.1 is required, you can configure this behavior by providing one crt entry per certificate type, or by configuring a cert bundle like it was required before HAProxy 1.8. See ssl-load-extra-files.

#crt-ignore-err <errors>

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. Sets a comma separated list of errorIDs to ignore during verify at depth == 0. It could be a numerical ID, or the constant name (X509_V_ERR) which is available in the OpenSSL documentation: It is recommended to use the constant name as the numerical value can change in new version of OpenSSL. If set to 'all', all errors are ignored. SSL handshake is not aborted if an error is ignored.

#crt-list <file>

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It designates a list of PEM file with an optional ssl configuration and a SNI filter per certificate, with the following format for each line :

<crtfile> [\[<sslbindconf> ...\]] [[!]<snifilter> ...]

sslbindconf supports the following keywords from the bind line (see Section 5.1. Bind options):

  • allow-0rtt

  • alpn

  • ca-file

  • ca-verify-file

  • ciphers

  • ciphersuites

  • client-sigalgs

  • crl-file

  • curves

  • ecdhe

  • no-alpn

  • no-ca-names

  • npn

  • sigalgs

  • ssl-min-ver

  • ssl-max-ver

  • verify

sslbindconf also supports the following keywords from the crt-store load keyword (see Section 3.12.1. Load options):

  • crt

  • key

  • ocsp

  • issuer

  • sctl

  • ocsp-update

It overrides the configuration set in bind line for the certificate.

Wildcards are supported in the SNI filter. Negative filter are also supported, useful in combination with a wildcard filter to exclude a particular SNI, or after the first certificate to exclude a pattern from its CN or Subject Alt Name (SAN). The certificates will be presented to clients who provide a valid TLS Server Name Indication field matching one of the SNI filters. If no SNI filter is specified, the CN and SAN are used. This directive may be specified multiple times. See the crt (3) option for more information. The default certificate is still needed to meet OpenSSL expectations. If it is not used, the 'strict-sni' option may be used.

Multi-cert bundling (see ssl-load-extra-files) is supported with crt-list, as long as only the base name is given in the crt-list. SNI filter will do the same work on all bundled certificates.

Empty lines as well as lines beginning with a hash ('#') will be ignored.

The first declared certificate of a bind line is used as the default certificate, either from crt or crt-list option, which HAProxy should use in the TLS handshake if no other certificate matches. This certificate will also be used if the provided SNI matches its CN or SAN, even if a matching SNI filter is found on any crt-list. The SNI filter !* can be used after the first declared certificate to not include its CN and SAN in the SNI tree, so it will never match except if no other certificate matches. This way the first declared certificate act as a fallback. It is also possible to declare a '*' filter, which will allow to chose this certificate as default. When multiple default certificates are defined, HAProxy is able to chose the right ECDSA or RSA one depending on what the client supports.

When no ALPN is set, the bind (3) line's default one is used. If a bind (3) line has no no-alpn, alpn (2) nor npn (2) set, a default value will be used depending on the protocol (see alpn (2) above). However if the bind (3) line has a different default, or explicitly disables ALPN using no-alpn, it is possible to force a specific value for a certificate.

crt-list file example:
cert1.pem !*
# comment
cert2.pem [alpn h2,http/1.1]
certW.pem                   *.domain.tld !secure.domain.tld
certS.pem [curves X25519:P-256 ciphers ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384] secure.domain.tld
default.pem.rsa *
default.pem.ecdsa *
foo.crt [key bar.pem ocsp foo.ocsp ocsp-update on]  
#default-crt <cert>

This option does the same as the crt (3) option, with the difference that this certificate will be used as a default one. It is possible to add multiple default certificates to have an ECDSA and an RSA one, having more is not really useful.

A default certificate is used when no strict-sni option is used on the bind line. A default certificate is provided when the servername extension was not used by the client, or when the servername does not match any configured certificate.

bind *:443 default-crt foobar.pem.rsa default-crt foobar.pem.ecdsa crt website.pem.rsa  

See also the crt (3) keyword.

#curves <curves>

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It sets the string describing the list of elliptic curves algorithms (curve suite) that are negotiated during the SSL/TLS handshake with ECDHE. The format of the string is a colon-delimited list of curve name. Example: X25519:P-256 (without quote) When curves (2) is set, ecdhe parameter is ignored.


Is an optional keyword which is supported only on certain Linux kernels. It states that a connection will only be accepted once some data arrive on it, or at worst after the first retransmit. This should be used only on protocols for which the client talks first (e.g. HTTP). It can slightly improve performance by ensuring that most of the request is already available when the connection is accepted. On the other hand, it will not be able to detect connections which don't talk. It is important to note that this option is broken in all kernels up to 2.6.31, as the connection is never accepted until the client talks. This can cause issues with front firewalls which would see an established connection while the proxy will only see it in SYN_RECV. This option is only supported on TCPv4/TCPv6 sockets and ignored by other ones.

#ecdhe <named curve>

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It sets the named curve (RFC 4492) used to generate ECDH ephemeral keys. By default, used named curve is prime256v1.

#expose-fd listeners

This option is only usable with the stats socket. It gives your stats socket the capability to pass listeners FD to another HAProxy process. In master-worker mode, this is not required anymore, the listeners will be passed using the internal socketpairs between the master and the workers. See also -x in the management guide.


This option enforces use of SSLv3 only on SSL connections instantiated from this listener. SSLv3 is generally less expensive than the TLS counterparts for high connection rates. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-bind-options. See also ssl-min-ver (2) and ssl-max-ver (2).


This option enforces use of TLSv1.0 only on SSL connections instantiated from this listener. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-bind-options. See also ssl-min-ver (2) and ssl-max-ver (2).


This option enforces use of TLSv1.1 only on SSL connections instantiated from this listener. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-bind-options. See also ssl-min-ver (2) and ssl-max-ver (2).


This option enforces use of TLSv1.2 only on SSL connections instantiated from this listener. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-bind-options. See also ssl-min-ver (2) and ssl-max-ver (2).


This option enforces use of TLSv1.3 only on SSL connections instantiated from this listener. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-bind-options. See also ssl-min-ver (2) and ssl-max-ver (2).


This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It enables the dynamic SSL certificates generation. A CA certificate and its private key are necessary (see 'ca-sign-file'). When HAProxy is configured as a transparent forward proxy, SSL requests generate errors because of a common name mismatch on the certificate presented to the client. With this option enabled, HAProxy will try to forge a certificate using the SNI hostname indicated by the client. This is done only if no certificate matches the SNI hostname (see 'crt-list'). If an error occurs, the default certificate is used, else the 'strict-sni' option is set. It can also be used when HAProxy is configured as a reverse proxy to ease the deployment of an architecture with many backends.

Creating a SSL certificate is an expensive operation, so a LRU cache is used to store forged certificates (see 'tune.ssl.ssl-ctx-cache-size'). It increases the HAProxy's memory footprint to reduce latency when the same certificate is used many times.

#gid <gid>

Sets the group of the UNIX sockets to the designated system gid. It can also be set by default in the global section's unix-bind statement. Note that some platforms simply ignore this. This setting is equivalent to the group (4) setting except that the group ID is used instead of its name. This setting is ignored by non UNIX sockets.

#group <group>

Sets the group of the UNIX sockets to the designated system group. It can also be set by default in the global section's unix-bind statement. Note that some platforms simply ignore this. This setting is equivalent to the gid (2) setting except that the group name is used instead of its gid. This setting is ignored by non UNIX sockets.

#guid-prefix <string>

Generate case-sensitive global unique IDs for each listening sockets allocated on this bind line. Prefix will be concatenated to listeners position index on the current bind line, with character '-' as separator. See guid (2) proxy keyword description for more information on its format.

#id <id>

Fixes the socket ID. By default, socket IDs are automatically assigned, but sometimes it is more convenient to fix them to ease monitoring. This value must be strictly positive and unique within the listener/frontend. This option can only be used when defining only a single socket.

#interface <interface>

Restricts the socket to a specific interface. When specified, only packets received from that particular interface are processed by the socket. This is currently only supported on Linux. The interface must be a primary system interface, not an aliased interface. It is also possible to bind multiple frontends to the same address if they are bound to different interfaces. Note that binding to a network interface requires root privileges. This parameter is only compatible with TCPv4/TCPv6 sockets. When specified, return traffic uses the same interface as inbound traffic, and its associated routing table, even if there are explicit routes through different interfaces configured. This can prove useful to address asymmetric routing issues when the same client IP addresses need to be able to reach frontends hosted on different interfaces.

#level <level>

This setting is used with the stats sockets only to restrict the nature of the commands that can be issued on the socket. It is ignored by other sockets. <level> can be one of :

  • user (4) is the least privileged level; only non-sensitive stats can be read, and no change is allowed. It would make sense on systems where it is not easy to restrict access to the socket.

  • operator is the default level and fits most common uses. All data can be read, and only non-sensitive changes are permitted (e.g. clear max counters).

  • admin should be used with care, as everything is permitted (e.g. clear all counters).

#maxconn <maxconn>

Limits the sockets to this number of concurrent connections. Extraneous connections will remain in the system's backlog until a connection is released. If unspecified, the limit will be the same as the frontend's maxconn. Note that in case of port ranges or multiple addresses, the same value will be applied to each socket. This setting enables different limitations on expensive sockets, for instance SSL entries which may easily eat all memory.

#mode <mode>

Sets the octal mode used to define access permissions on the UNIX socket. It can also be set by default in the global section's unix-bind statement. Note that some platforms simply ignore this. This setting is ignored by non UNIX sockets.

#mss <maxseg>

Sets the TCP Maximum Segment Size (MSS) value to be advertised on incoming connections. This can be used to force a lower MSS for certain specific ports, for instance for connections passing through a VPN. Note that this relies on a kernel feature which is theoretically supported under Linux but was buggy in all versions prior to 2.6.28. It may or may not work on other operating systems. It may also not change the advertised value but change the effective size of outgoing segments. The commonly advertised value for TCPv4 over Ethernet networks is 1460 = 1500(MTU) - 40(IP+TCP). If this value is positive, it will be used as the advertised MSS. If it is negative, it will indicate by how much to reduce the incoming connection's advertised MSS for outgoing segments. This parameter is only compatible with TCP v4/v6 sockets.

#name <name>

Sets an optional name for these sockets, which will be reported on the stats page.

#namespace <name>

On Linux, it is possible to specify which network namespace a socket will belong to. This directive makes it possible to explicitly bind a listener to a namespace different from the default one. Please refer to your operating system's documentation to find more details about network namespaces.

#nbconn <nbconn> EXPERIMENTAL

This setting is only valid for listener instances which uses reverse HTTP. This will define the count of connections which will be mounted in parallel. If not specified, a default value of 1 is used.

Reverse HTTP is currently still in active development. Configuration mechanism may change in the future. For this reason it is internally marked as expirmental, meaning that expose-experimental-directives must appear on a line before this directive.

#nice <nice>

Sets the 'niceness' of connections initiated from the socket. Value must be in the range -1024..1024 inclusive, and defaults to zero. Positive values means that such connections are more friendly to others and easily offer their place in the scheduler. On the opposite, negative values mean that connections want to run with a higher priority than others. The difference only happens under high loads when the system is close to saturation. Negative values are appropriate for low-latency or administration services, and high values are generally recommended for CPU intensive tasks such as SSL processing or bulk transfers which are less sensible to latency. For example, it may make sense to use a positive value for an SMTP socket and a negative one for an RDP socket.


Disables ALPN processing (technically speaking this sets the ALPN string to an empty string that will not be advertised). It permits to cancel a previous occurrence of an alpn (2) setting and to disable application protocol negotiation. It may also be used to prevent a listener from negotiating ALPN with a client on an HTTPS or QUIC listener; by default, HTTPS listeners will advertise h2,http/1.1 and QUIC listeners will advertise h3. See also alpn (2) bove. Note that when using crt-list, a certificate may override the alpn (2) setting and re-enable its processing.


This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It prevents from send CA names in server hello message when ca-file is used. Use ca-verify-file instead of ca-file (2) with no-ca-names.


This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It disables support for SSLv3 on any sockets instantiated from the listener when SSL is supported. Note that SSLv2 is forced disabled in the code and cannot be enabled using any configuration option. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-bind-options. Use ssl-min-ver (2) and ssl-max-ver (2) instead.


This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It disables the stateless session resumption (RFC 5077 TLS Ticket extension) and force to use stateful session resumption. Stateless session resumption is more expensive in CPU usage. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-bind-options. The TLS ticket mechanism is only used up to TLS 1.2. Forward Secrecy is compromised with TLS tickets, unless ticket keys are periodically rotated (via reload or by using tls-ticket-keys).


This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It disables support for TLSv1.0 on any sockets instantiated from the listener when SSL is supported. Note that SSLv2 is forced disabled in the code and cannot be enabled using any configuration option. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-bind-options. Use ssl-min-ver (2) and ssl-max-ver (2) instead.


This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It disables support for TLSv1.1 on any sockets instantiated from the listener when SSL is supported. Note that SSLv2 is forced disabled in the code and cannot be enabled using any configuration option. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-bind-options. Use ssl-min-ver (2) and ssl-max-ver (2) instead.


This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It disables support for TLSv1.2 on any sockets instantiated from the listener when SSL is supported. Note that SSLv2 is forced disabled in the code and cannot be enabled using any configuration option. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-bind-options. Use ssl-min-ver (2) and ssl-max-ver (2) instead.


This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It disables support for TLSv1.3 on any sockets instantiated from the listener when SSL is supported. Note that SSLv2 is forced disabled in the code and cannot be enabled using any configuration option. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-bind-options. Use ssl-min-ver (2) and ssl-max-ver (2) instead.

#npn <protocols>

This enables the NPN TLS extension and advertises the specified protocol list as supported on top of NPN. The protocol list consists in a comma-delimited list of protocol names, for instance: http/1.1,http/1.0 (without quotes). This requires that the SSL library is built with support for TLS extensions enabled (check with haproxy -vv). Note that the NPN extension has been replaced with the ALPN extension (see the alpn (2) keyword), though this one is only available starting with OpenSSL 1.0.2. If HTTP/2 is desired on an older version of OpenSSL, NPN might still be used as most clients still support it at the time of writing this. It is possible to enable both NPN and ALPN though it probably doesn't make any sense out of testing.


Use the client's preference when selecting the cipher suite, by default the server's preference is enforced. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-bind-options. Note that with OpenSSL >= 1.1.1 ChaCha20-Poly1305 is reprioritized anyway (without setting this option), if a ChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher is at the top of the client cipher list.

#proto <name>

Forces the multiplexer's protocol to use for the incoming connections. It must be compatible with the mode of the frontend (TCP or HTTP). It must also be usable on the frontend side. The list of available protocols is reported in haproxy -vv. The protocols properties are reported : the mode (TCP/HTTP), the side (FE/BE), the mux name and its flags.

Some protocols are subject to the head-of-line blocking on server side (flag=HOL_RISK). Finally some protocols don't support upgrades (flag=NO_UPG). The HTX compatibility is also reported (flag=HTX).

Here are the protocols that may be used as argument to a proto (2) directive on a bind line :

h2   : mode=HTTP  side=FE|BE  mux=H2    flags=HTX|HOL_RISK|NO_UPG
h1   : mode=HTTP  side=FE|BE  mux=H1    flags=HTX|NO_UPG
none : mode=TCP   side=FE|BE  mux=PASS  flags=NO_UPG

Idea behind this option is to bypass the selection of the best multiplexer's protocol for all connections instantiated from this listening socket. For instance, it is possible to force the http/2 on clear TCP by specifying proto h2 on the bind line.

#quic-cc-algo { cubic | newreno | bbr | nocc }[(<args,...>)]

This is a QUIC specific setting to select the congestion control algorithm for any connection attempts to the configured QUIC listeners. They are similar to those used by TCP.

Default value: cubic

It is possible to enable pacing if the algorithm is compatible. This is done by setting an optional integer argument as described in the next paragraph. The purpose of pacing is to smooth emission of data to reduce network losses. In most scenario, it can significantly improve network throughput by avoiding retransmissions. Pacing support is still experimental, as such it requires expose-experimental-directives. The BBR congestion control algorithm depends on the pacing support which is in this case implicitly enabled by choosing the bbr algorithm. Note that haproxy's BBR implementation is still considered as experimental and cannot be enabled without expose-experimental-directives.

For further customization, a list of parameters can be specified after the algorithm token. It must be written between parenthesis, separated by a comma. Each argument is optional and can be empty if needed. Here is the mandatory order of each parameters :

  • maximum window size in bytes. It must be greater than 10k and smaller than 4g. By default tune.quic.frontend.default-max-window-size value is used.

  • pacing activation. By default, it is set to 0, which means pacing is not used. To activate it, specify a positive value. Burst size will be dynamically adjusted to adapt to the network conditions. This parameter is ignored by BBR as pacing is automatically activated for this algorithm.

# newreno congestion control algorithm
quic-cc-algo newreno
# cubic congestion control algorithm with one megabytes as window
quic-cc-algo cubic(1m)
# cubic with pacing activated on top of it
quic-cc-algo cubic(,1)  

A special value nocc may be used to force a fixed congestion window always set at the maximum size. It is reserved for debugging scenarios to remove any side effects caused by the congestion controller. It must not be used in production as it can quickly lead to network issues such as a high loss rate.


This is a QUIC specific setting which forces the use of the QUIC Retry feature for all the connection attempts to the configured QUIC listeners. It consists in verifying the peers are able to receive packets at the transport address they used to initiate a new connection, sending them a Retry packet which contains a token. This token must be sent back to the Retry packet sender, this latter being the only one to be able to validate the token. Note that QUIC Retry will always be used even if a Retry threshold was set (see tune.quic.retry-threshold setting).

This setting requires the cluster secret to be set or else an error will be reported on startup (see cluster-secret).

See for more information about QUIC retry.

#quic-socket [ connection | listener ]

This QUIC specific setting allows to define the socket allocation mode for the specific listeners. See tune.quic.socket-owner for a full description of its usage.

#severity-output <format>

This setting is used with the stats sockets only to configure severity level output prepended to informational feedback messages. Severity level of messages can range between 0 and 7, conforming to syslog rfc5424. Valid and successful socket commands requesting data (i.e. show map, get acl foo etc.) will never have a severity level prepended. It is ignored by other sockets. <format> can be one of :

  • none (default) no severity level is prepended to feedback messages.

  • number severity level is prepended as a number.

  • string severity level is prepended as a string following the rfc5424 convention.

#shards <number> | by-thread | by-group

In multi-threaded mode, on operating systems supporting multiple listeners on the same IP:port, this will automatically create this number of multiple identical listeners for the same line, all bound to a fair share of the number of the threads attached to this listener. This can sometimes be useful when using very large thread counts where the in-kernel locking on a single socket starts to cause a significant overhead. In this case the incoming traffic is distributed over multiple sockets and the contention is reduced. Note that doing this can easily increase the CPU usage by making more threads work a little bit.

If the number of shards is higher than the number of available threads, it will automatically be trimmed to the number of threads (i.e. one shard per thread). The special by-thread value also creates as many shards as there are threads on the bind (3) line. Since the system will evenly distribute the incoming traffic between all these shards, it is important that this number is an integral divisor of the number of threads. Alternately, the other special value by-group will create one shard per thread group. This can be useful when dealing with many threads and not wanting to create too many sockets. The load distribution will be a bit less optimal but the contention (especially in the system) will still be lower than with a single socket.

On operating systems that do not support multiple sockets bound to the same address, by-thread and by-group will automatically fall back to a single shard. For by-group this is done without any warning since it doesn't change anything for a single group, and will result in sockets being duplicated for each group anyway. However, for by-thread, a diagnostic warning will be emitted if this happens since the resulting number of listeners will not be the expected one.

#sigalgs <sigalgs>

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It sets the string describing the list of signature algorithms that are negotiated during the TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3 handshake. The format of the string is defined in man 3 SSL_CTX_set1_sigalgs from the OpenSSL man pages. It is not recommended to use this setting unless compatibility with a middlebox is required.


This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It enables SSL deciphering on connections instantiated from this listener. A certificate is necessary (see crt (3) above). All contents in the buffers will appear in clear text, so that ACLs and HTTP processing will only have access to deciphered contents. SSLv3 is disabled per default, use ssl-min-ver SSLv3 to enable it.

#ssl-max-ver [ SSLv3 | TLSv1.0 | TLSv1.1 | TLSv1.2 | TLSv1.3 ]

This option enforces use of <version> or lower on SSL connections instantiated from this listener. Using this setting without ssl-min-ver (2) can be ambiguous because the default ssl-min-ver value could change in future HAProxy versions. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-bind-options. See also ssl-min-ver (2).

#ssl-min-ver [ SSLv3 | TLSv1.0 | TLSv1.1 | TLSv1.2 | TLSv1.3 ]

This option enforces use of <version> or upper on SSL connections instantiated from this listener. The default value is TLSv1.2. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-bind-options. See also ssl-max-ver (2).


This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. The SSL/TLS negotiation is allowed only if the client provided an SNI that matches a certificate. The default certificate is not used. This option also allows starting without any certificate on a bind line, so an empty directory could be used and filled later from the stats socket. See the crt (3) option for more information. See add ssl crt-list command in the management guide.

#tcp-ut <delay>

Sets the TCP User Timeout for all incoming connections instantiated from this listening socket. This option is available on Linux since version 2.6.37. It allows HAProxy to configure a timeout for sockets which contain data not receiving an acknowledgment for the configured delay. This is especially useful on long-lived connections experiencing long idle periods such as remote terminals or database connection pools, where the client and server timeouts must remain high to allow a long period of idle, but where it is important to detect that the client has disappeared in order to release all resources associated with its connection (and the server's session). The argument is a delay expressed in milliseconds by default. This only works for regular TCP connections, and is ignored for other protocols.


Is an optional keyword which is supported only on Linux kernels >= 3.7. It enables TCP Fast Open on the listening socket, which means that clients which support this feature will be able to send a request and receive a response during the 3-way handshake starting from second connection, thus saving one round-trip after the first connection. This only makes sense with protocols that use high connection rates and where each round trip matters. This can possibly cause issues with many firewalls which do not accept data on SYN packets, so this option should only be enabled once well tested. This option is only supported on TCPv4/TCPv6 sockets and ignored by other ones. You may need to build HAProxy with USE_TFO=1 if your libc doesn't define TCP_FASTOPEN.

#thread [<thread-group>/]<thread-set>[,...]

This restricts the list of threads on which this listener is allowed to run. It does not enforce any of them but eliminates those which do not match. It limits the threads allowed to process incoming connections for this listener.

There are two numbering schemes. By default, thread numbers are absolute in the process, comprised between 1 and the value specified in global.nbthread. It is also possible to designate a thread number using its relative number inside its thread group, by specifying the thread group number first, then a slash ('/') and the relative thread number(s). In this case thread numbers also start at 1 and end at 32 or 64 depending on the platform. When absolute thread numbers are specified, they will be automatically translated to relative numbers once thread groups are known. Usually, absolute numbers are preferred for simple configurations, and relative ones are preferred for complex configurations where CPU arrangement matters for performance.

After the optional thread group number, the thread-set specification must use the following format:

"all" | "odd" | "even" | [number][-[number]]

As their names imply, all validates all threads within the set (either all of the group's when a group is specified, or all of the process' threads), odd validates all odd-numberred threads (every other thread starting at 1) either for the process or the group, and even validates all even-numberred threads (every other thread starting at 2). If instead thread number ranges are used, then all threads included in the range from the first to the last thread number are validated. The numbers are either relative to the group or absolute depending on the presence of a thread group number. If the first thread number is omitted, 1 is used, representing either the first thread of the group or the first thread of the process. If the last thread number is omitted, either the last thread number of the group (32 or 64) is used, or the last thread number of the process (global.nbthread).

These ranges may be repeated and delimited by a comma, so that non-contiguous thread sets can be specified, and the group, if present, must be specified again for each new range. Note that it is not permitted to mix group-relative and absolute specifications because the whole bind (3) line must use either an absolute notation or a relative one, as those not set will be resolved at the end of the parsing.

It is important to know that each listener described by a bind (3) line creates at least one socket represented by at least one file descriptor. Since file descriptors cannot span multiple thread groups, if a bind (3) line specifies a thread range that covers more than one group, several file descriptors will automatically be created so that there is at least one per group. Technically speaking they all refer to the same socket in the kernel, but they will get a distinct identifier in haproxy and will even have a dedicated stats entry if option socket-stats is used.

The main purpose is to have multiple bind lines sharing the same IP:port but not the same thread in a listener, so that the system can distribute the incoming connections into multiple queues, bypassing haproxy's internal queue load balancing. Currently Linux 3.9 and above is known for supporting this. See also the shards (2) keyword above that automates duplication of bind (3) lines and their assignment to multiple groups of threads.

This keyword is compatible with reverse HTTP binds. However, it is forbidden to specify a thread set which spans across several thread groups for such a listener as this may caused nbconn to not work as intended.

#tls-ticket-keys <keyfile>

Sets the TLS ticket keys file to load the keys from. The keys need to be 48 or 80 bytes long, depending if aes128 or aes256 is used, encoded with base64 with one line per key (ex. openssl rand 80 | openssl base64 -A | xargs echo). The first key determines the key length used for next keys: you can't mix aes128 and aes256 keys. Number of keys is specified by the TLS_TICKETS_NO build option (default 3) and at least as many keys need to be present in the file. Last TLS_TICKETS_NO keys will be used for decryption and the penultimate one for encryption. This enables easy key rotation by just appending new key to the file and reloading the process. Keys must be periodically rotated (ex. every 12h) or Perfect Forward Secrecy is compromised. It is also a good idea to keep the keys off any permanent storage such as hard drives (hint: use tmpfs and don't swap those files). Lifetime hint can be changed using tune.ssl.timeout.


Is an optional keyword which is supported only on certain Linux kernels. It indicates that the addresses will be bound even if they do not belong to the local machine, and that packets targeting any of these addresses will be intercepted just as if the addresses were locally configured. This normally requires that IP forwarding is enabled. Caution! do not use this with the default address '*', as it would redirect any traffic for the specified port. This keyword is available only when HAProxy is built with USE_LINUX_TPROXY=1. This parameter is only compatible with TCPv4 and TCPv6 sockets, depending on kernel version. Some distribution kernels include backports of the feature, so check for support with your vendor.

#uid <uid>

Sets the owner of the UNIX sockets to the designated system uid. It can also be set by default in the global section's unix-bind statement. Note that some platforms simply ignore this. This setting is equivalent to the user (4) setting except that the user numeric ID is used instead of its name. This setting is ignored by non UNIX sockets.

#user <user>

Sets the owner of the UNIX sockets to the designated system user. It can also be set by default in the global section's unix-bind statement. Note that some platforms simply ignore this. This setting is equivalent to the uid (2) setting except that the user name is used instead of its uid. This setting is ignored by non UNIX sockets.


Is an optional keyword which is supported only on most recent systems including Linux kernels >= 2.4.21. It is used to bind a socket to both IPv4 and IPv6 when it uses the default address. Doing so is sometimes necessary on systems which bind to IPv6 only by default. It has no effect on non-IPv6 sockets, and is overridden by the v6only option.


Is an optional keyword which is supported only on most recent systems including Linux kernels >= 2.4.21. It is used to bind a socket to IPv6 only when it uses the default address. Doing so is sometimes preferred to doing it system-wide as it is per-listener. It has no effect on non-IPv6 sockets and has precedence over the v4v6 option.

#verify [none|optional|required]

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. If set to 'none', client certificate is not requested. This is the default. In other cases, a client certificate is requested. If the client does not provide a certificate after the request and if 'verify' is set to 'required', then the handshake is aborted, while it would have succeeded if set to 'optional'. The certificate provided by the client is always verified using CAs from 'ca-file' and optional CRLs from 'crl-file'. On verify failure the handshake is aborted, regardless of the 'verify' option, unless the error code exactly matches one of those listed with 'ca-ignore-err' or 'crt-ignore-err'.

#5.2. Server and default-server options

The server (3) and default-server (2) keywords support a certain number of settings which are all passed as arguments on the server line. The order in which those arguments appear does not count, and they are all optional. Some of those settings are single words (booleans) while others expect one or several values after them. In this case, the values must immediately follow the setting name. Except default-server, all those settings must be specified after the server's address if they are used:

server <name> <address>[:port] [settings ...]
default-server [settings ...]

Note that all these settings are supported both by server (3) and default-server (2) keywords, except id (3) which is only supported by server (3).

The currently supported settings are the following ones.

#addr <ipv4|ipv6> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Using the addr parameter, it becomes possible to use a different IP address to send health-checks or to probe the agent-check. On some servers, it may be desirable to dedicate an IP address to specific component able to perform complex tests which are more suitable to health-checks than the application. This parameter is ignored if the check parameter is not set. See also the port parameter.

#agent-check May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Enable an auxiliary agent check which is run independently of a regular health check. An agent health check is performed by making a TCP connection to the port set by the agent-port parameter and reading an ASCII string terminated by the first '\r' or '\n' met. The string is made of a series of words delimited by spaces, tabs or commas in any order, each consisting of :

  • An ASCII representation of a positive integer percentage, e.g. 75%. Values in this format will set the weight proportional to the initial weight of a server as configured when HAProxy starts. Note that a zero weight is reported on the stats page as DRAIN since it has the same effect on the server (it's removed from the LB farm). It is the legacy way to set the weight of a server. Setting it with the weight: prefix is preferred.

  • The string weight: following by an positive interger or a positive interger percentage, with no space. If the value ends with the '%' sign, then the new weight will be proportional to the initially weight of the server. Otherwise, the value is considered as an absolute weight and must be between 0 and 256. Servers which are part of a farm running a static load-balancing algorithm have stricter limitations because the weight cannot change once set. Thus for these servers, the only accepted values are 0 and 100% (or 0 and the initial weight). Changes take effect immediately, though certain LB algorithms require a certain amount of requests to consider changes. Note that a zero weight is reported on the stats page as DRAIN since it has the same effect on the server (it's removed from the LB farm).

  • The string maxconn: followed by an integer (no space between). Values in this format will set the maxconn of a server. The maximum number of connections advertised needs to be multiplied by the number of load balancers and different backends that use this health check to get the total number of connections the server might receive. Example: maxconn:30

  • The word ready. This will turn the server's administrative state to the READY mode, thus canceling any DRAIN or MAINT state

  • The word drain. This will turn the server's administrative state to the DRAIN mode, thus it will not accept any new connections other than those that are accepted via persistence.

  • The word maint. This will turn the server's administrative state to the MAINT mode, thus it will not accept any new connections at all, and health checks will be stopped.

  • The words down, fail, or stopped, optionally followed by a description string after a sharp ('#'). All of these mark the server's operating state as DOWN, but since the word itself is reported on the stats page, the difference allows an administrator to know if the situation was expected or not : the service may intentionally be stopped, may appear up but fail some validity tests, or may be seen as down (e.g. missing process, or port not responding).

  • The word up sets back the server's operating state as UP if health checks also report that the service is accessible.

Parameters which are not advertised by the agent are not changed. For example, an agent might be designed to monitor CPU usage and only report a relative weight and never interact with the operating status. Similarly, an agent could be designed as an end-user interface with 3 radio buttons allowing an administrator to change only the administrative state. However, it is important to consider that only the agent may revert its own actions, so if a server is set to DRAIN mode or to DOWN state using the agent, the agent must implement the other equivalent actions to bring the service into operations again.

Failure to connect to the agent is not considered an error as connectivity is tested by the regular health check which is enabled by the check parameter. Warning though, it is not a good idea to stop an agent after it reports down, since only an agent reporting up will be able to turn the server up again. Note that the CLI on the Unix stats socket is also able to force an agent's result in order to work around a bogus agent if needed.

Requires the agent-port parameter to be set. See also the agent-inter and no-agent-check parameters.

#agent-send <string> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

If this option is specified, HAProxy will send the given string (verbatim) to the agent server upon connection. You could, for example, encode the backend name into this string, which would enable your agent to send different responses based on the backend. Make sure to include a '\n' if you want to terminate your request with a newline.

#agent-inter <delay> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

The agent-inter parameter sets the interval between two agent checks to <delay> milliseconds. If left unspecified, the delay defaults to 2000 ms.

Just as with every other time-based parameter, it may be entered in any other explicit unit among { us, ms, s, m, h, d }. The agent-inter parameter also serves as a timeout for agent checks timeout check is not set. In order to reduce resonance effects when multiple servers are hosted on the same hardware, the agent and health checks of all servers are started with a small time offset between them. It is also possible to add some random noise in the agent and health checks interval using the global spread-checks keyword. This makes sense for instance when a lot of backends use the same servers.

See also the agent-check and agent-port parameters.

#agent-addr <addr> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

The agent-addr parameter sets address for agent check.

You can offload agent-check to another target, so you can make single place managing status and weights of servers defined in HAProxy in case you can't make self-aware and self-managing services. You can specify both IP or hostname, it will be resolved.

#agent-port <port> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

The agent-port parameter sets the TCP port used for agent checks.

See also the agent-check and agent-inter parameters.

#allow-0rtt May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

Allow sending early data to the server when using TLS 1.3. Note that early data will be sent only if the client used early data, or if the backend uses retry-on with the 0rtt-rejected keyword.

#alpn <protocols> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

This enables the TLS ALPN extension and advertises the specified protocol list as supported on top of ALPN. The protocol list consists in a comma- delimited list of protocol names, for instance: http/1.1,http/1.0 (without quotes). This requires that the SSL library is built with support for TLS extensions enabled (check with haproxy -vv). The ALPN extension replaces the initial NPN extension. ALPN is required to connect to HTTP/2 servers. Versions of OpenSSL prior to 1.0.2 didn't support ALPN and only supposed the now obsolete NPN extension. If both HTTP/2 and HTTP/1.1 are expected to be supported, both versions can be advertised, in order of preference, like below :

server ssl crt pub.pem alpn h2,http/1.1

See also ws to use an alternative ALPN for websocket streams.

#backup May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

When backup is present on a server line, the server is only used in load balancing when all other non-backup servers are unavailable. Requests coming with a persistence cookie referencing the server will always be served though. By default, only the first operational backup server is used, unless the allbackups option is set in the backend. See also the no-backup and allbackups options.

#ca-file <cafile> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It designates a PEM file from which to load CA certificates used to verify server's certificate. It is possible to load a directory containing multiple CAs, in this case HAProxy will try to load every .pem, .crt, .cer, and .crl" available in the directory, files starting with a dot are ignored.

In order to use the trusted CAs of your system, the @system-ca parameter could be used in place of the cafile. The location of this directory could be overwritten by setting the SSL_CERT_DIR environment variable.

#check May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

This option enables health checks on a server:

  • when not set, no health checking is performed, and the server is always considered available.

  • when set and no other check method is configured, the server is considered available when a connection can be established at the highest configured transport layer. This means TCP by default, or SSL/TLS when ssl (2) or check-ssl are set, both possibly combined with connection prefixes such as a PROXY protocol header when send-proxy or check-send-proxy are set. This behavior is slightly different for dynamic servers, read the following paragraphs for more details.

  • when set and an application-level health check is defined, the application-level exchanges are performed on top of the configured transport layer and the server is considered available if all of the exchanges succeed.

By default, health checks are performed on the same address and port as configured on the server, using the same encapsulation parameters (SSL/TLS, proxy-protocol header, etc... ). It is possible to change the destination address using addr and the port using port. When done, it is assumed the server isn't checked on the service port, and configured encapsulation parameters are not reused. One must explicitly set check-send-proxy to send connection headers, check-ssl to use SSL/TLS.

Note that the implicit configuration of ssl and PROXY protocol is not performed for dynamic servers. In this case, it is required to explicitly use check-ssl and check-send-proxy when wanted, even if the check port is not overridden.

When sni or alpn (2) are set on the server line, their value is not used for health checks and one must use check-sni or check-alpn.

The default source address for health check traffic is the same as the one defined in the backend. It can be changed with the source (2) keyword.

The interval between checks can be set using the inter keyword, and the rise and fall keywords can be used to define how many successful or failed health checks are required to flag a server available or not available.

Optional application-level health checks can be configured with option httpchk, option mysql-check option smtpchk, option pgsql-check, option ldap-check, or option redis-check.

# simple tcp check
backend foo
  server s1 check
# this does a tcp connect + tls handshake
backend foo
  server s1 ssl check
# simple tcp check is enough for check success
backend foo
  option tcp-check
  tcp-check connect
  server s1 ssl check  
#check-send-proxy May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

This option forces emission of a PROXY protocol line with outgoing health checks, regardless of whether the server uses send-proxy or not for the normal traffic. By default, the PROXY protocol is enabled for health checks if it is already enabled for normal traffic and if no port nor addr directive is present. However, if such a directive is present, the check-send-proxy option needs to be used to force the use of the protocol. See also the send-proxy option for more information.

#check-alpn <protocols> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Defines which protocols to advertise with ALPN. The protocol list consists in a comma-delimited list of protocol names, for instance: http/1.1,http/1.0 (without quotes). If it is not set, the server ALPN is used.

#check-proto <name> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Forces the multiplexer's protocol to use for the server's health-check connections. It must be compatible with the health-check type (TCP or HTTP). It must also be usable on the backend side. The list of available protocols is reported in haproxy -vv. The protocols properties are reported : the mode (TCP/HTTP), the side (FE/BE), the mux name and its flags.

Some protocols are subject to the head-of-line blocking on server side (flag=HOL_RISK). Finally some protocols don't support upgrades (flag=NO_UPG). The HTX compatibility is also reported (flag=HTX).

Here are the protocols that may be used as argument to a check-proto directive on a server line:

h2   : mode=HTTP  side=FE|BE  mux=H2    flags=HTX|HOL_RISK|NO_UPG
fcgi : mode=HTTP  side=BE     mux=FCGI  flags=HTX|HOL_RISK|NO_UPG
h1   : mode=HTTP  side=FE|BE  mux=H1    flags=HTX|NO_UPG
none : mode=TCP   side=FE|BE  mux=PASS  flags=NO_UPG

Idea behind this option is to bypass the selection of the best multiplexer's protocol for health-check connections established to this server. If not defined, the server one will be used, if set.

#check-sni <sni> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

This option allows you to specify the SNI to be used when doing health checks over SSL. It is only possible to use a string to set <sni>. If you want to set a SNI for proxied traffic, see sni.

#check-ssl May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

This option forces encryption of all health checks over SSL, regardless of whether the server uses SSL or not for the normal traffic. This is generally used when an explicit port or addr directive is specified and SSL health checks are not inherited. It is important to understand that this option inserts an SSL transport layer below the checks, so that a simple TCP connect check becomes an SSL connect, which replaces the old ssl-hello-chk. The most common use is to send HTTPS checks by combining httpchk with SSL checks. All SSL settings are common to health checks and traffic (e.g. ciphers). See the ssl (2) option for more information and no-check-ssl to disable this option.

#check-via-socks4 May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

This option enables outgoing health checks using upstream socks4 proxy. By default, the health checks won't go through socks tunnel even it was enabled for normal traffic.

#ciphers <ciphers> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. This option sets the string describing the list of cipher algorithms that is negotiated during the SSL/TLS handshake with the server. The format of the string is defined in man 1 ciphers from OpenSSL man pages. For background information and recommendations see e.g. ( and ( For TLSv1.3 cipher configuration, please check the ciphersuites (2) keyword.

#ciphersuites <ciphersuites> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in and OpenSSL 1.1.1 or later was used to build HAProxy. This option sets the string describing the list of cipher algorithms that is negotiated during the TLS 1.3 handshake with the server. The format of the string is defined in man 1 ciphers from OpenSSL man pages under the ciphersuites (2) section. For cipher configuration for TLSv1.2 and earlier, please check the ciphers (2) keyword.

#client-sigalgs <sigalgs> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It sets the string describing the list of signature algorithms related to client authentication that are negotiated . The format of the string is defined in man 3 SSL_CTX_set1_client_sigalgs from the OpenSSL man pages. It is not recommended to use this setting if no specific usecase was identified.

#cookie <value> May be used in the following contexts: http

The cookie (3) parameter sets the cookie value assigned to the server to <value>. This value will be checked in incoming requests, and the first operational server possessing the same value will be selected. In return, in cookie insertion or rewrite modes, this value will be assigned to the cookie sent to the client. There is nothing wrong in having several servers sharing the same cookie value, and it is in fact somewhat common between normal and backup servers. See also the cookie (3) keyword in backend section.

#crl-file <crlfile> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It designates a PEM file from which to load certificate revocation list used to verify server's certificate.

#crt <cert> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It designates a PEM file from which to load both a certificate and the associated private key. This file can be built by concatenating both PEM files into one. This certificate will be sent if the server send a client certificate request.

If the file does not contain a private key, HAProxy will try to load the key at the same path suffixed by a .key (provided the ssl-load-extra-files option is set accordingly).

#curves <curves> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It sets the string describing the list of elliptic curves algorithms (curve suite) that are negotiated during the SSL/TLS handshake with ECDHE. The format of the string is a colon-delimited list of curve name. Example: X25519:P-256 (without quote)

#disabled May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

The disabled (3) keyword starts the server in the disabled (3) state. That means that it is marked down in maintenance mode, and no connection other than the ones allowed by persist mode will reach it. It is very well suited to setup new servers, because normal traffic will never reach them, while it is still possible to test the service by making use of the force-persist mechanism. See also enabled (3) setting.

#enabled May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

This option may be used as 'server' setting to reset any 'disabled' setting which would have been inherited from 'default-server' directive as default value. It may also be used as 'default-server' setting to reset any previous 'default-server' 'disabled' setting.

#error-limit <count> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

If health observing is enabled, the error-limit parameter specifies the number of consecutive errors that triggers event selected by the on-error option. By default it is set to 10 consecutive errors.

See also the check, error-limit and on-error.

#fall <count> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

The fall parameter states that a server will be considered as dead after <count> consecutive unsuccessful health checks. This value defaults to 3 if unspecified. See also the check, inter and rise parameters.

#force-sslv3 May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This option enforces use of SSLv3 only when SSL is used to communicate with the server. SSLv3 is generally less expensive than the TLS counterparts for high connection rates. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-server-options. See also ssl-min-ver (2) and ssl-max-ver".

#force-tlsv10 May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This option enforces use of TLSv1.0 only when SSL is used to communicate with the server. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-server-options. See also ssl-min-ver (2) and ssl-max-ver".

#force-tlsv11 May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This option enforces use of TLSv1.1 only when SSL is used to communicate with the server. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-server-options. See also ssl-min-ver (2) and ssl-max-ver".

#force-tlsv12 May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This option enforces use of TLSv1.2 only when SSL is used to communicate with the server. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-server-options. See also ssl-min-ver (2) and ssl-max-ver".

#force-tlsv13 May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This option enforces use of TLSv1.3 only when SSL is used to communicate with the server. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-server-options. See also ssl-min-ver (2) and ssl-max-ver".

#guid <string> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Specify a case-sensitive global unique ID for this server. This must be unique across all haproxy configuration on every object types. See guid (2) proxy keyword description for more information on its format.

#hash-key <key> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Specify how hash-type consistent node keys are computed

Arguments :
<key>   <key> may be one of the following :

  id         The node keys will be derived from the server's numeric
             identifier as set from "id" or which defaults to its position
             in the server list.

  addr       The node keys will be derived from the server's address, when
             available, or else fall back on "id".

  addr-port  The node keys will be derived from the server's address and
             port, when available, or else fall back on "id".  

The addr and addr-port options may be useful in scenarios where multiple HAProxy processes are balancing traffic to the same set of servers. If the server order of each process is different (because, for example, DNS records were resolved in different orders) then this will allow each independent HAProxy processes to agree on routing decisions.

#id <value> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Set a persistent ID for the server. This ID must be positive and unique for the proxy. An unused ID will automatically be assigned if unset. The first assigned value will be 1. This ID is currently only returned in statistics.

#init-addr {last | libc | none | <ip>},[...]* May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Indicate in what order the server's address should be resolved upon startup if it uses an FQDN. Attempts are made to resolve the address by applying in turn each of the methods mentioned in the comma-delimited list. The first method which succeeds is used. If the end of the list is reached without finding a working method, an error is thrown. Method last suggests to pick the address which appears in the state file (see server-state-file). Method libc uses the libc's internal resolver (gethostbyname() or getaddrinfo() depending on the operating system and build options). Method none specifically indicates that the server should start without any valid IP address in a down state. It can be useful to ignore some DNS issues upon startup, waiting for the situation to get fixed later. Finally, an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) may be provided. It can be the currently known address of the server (e.g. filled by a configuration generator), or the address of a dummy server used to catch old sessions and present them with a decent error message for example. When the first load balancing algorithm is used, this IP address could point to a fake server used to trigger the creation of new instances on the fly. This option defaults to last,libc indicating that the previous address found in the state file (if any) is used first, otherwise the libc's resolver is used. This ensures continued compatibility with the historic behavior.

    # never fail on address resolution
    default-server init-addr last,libc,none  
#inter <delay> #fastinter <delay> #downinter <delay> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

The inter parameter sets the interval between two consecutive health checks to <delay> milliseconds. If left unspecified, the delay defaults to 2000 ms. It is also possible to use fastinter and downinter to optimize delays between checks depending on the server state :

           Server state
Interval used
UP 100% (non-transitional) "inter"
Transitionally UP (going down "fall"), Transitionally DOWN (going up "rise"), or yet unchecked. "fastinter" if set, "inter" otherwise.
DOWN 100% (non-transitional) "downinter" if set, "inter" otherwise.

Just as with every other time-based parameter, they can be entered in any other explicit unit among { us, ms, s, m, h, d }. The inter parameter also serves as a timeout for health checks sent to servers if timeout check is not set. In order to reduce resonance effects when multiple servers are hosted on the same hardware, the agent and health checks of all servers are started with a small time offset between them. It is also possible to add some random noise in the agent and health checks interval using the global spread-checks keyword. This makes sense for instance when a lot of backends use the same servers. The global tune.max-checks-per-thread setting, if defined to a non-nul value, will limit the number of concurrent checks being performed at once on any given thread. In order to achieve this, haproxy will put in a queue the checks that were about to start on a thread that has reached this limit, until another check finishes. This will have for effect to extend the effective check interval. In such a case, reducing the inter setting will have a very limited effect as it will not be able to reduce the time spent in the queue.

#init-state { fully-up | up | down | fully-down }

Keyword init-state can be used with these sections: listen backend

May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

The init-state option sets the initial state of the server:

  • when set to 'fully-up', the server is considered immediately available and can turn to the DOWN sate when ALL health checks fail.

  • when set to 'up' (the default), the server is considered immediately available and will initiate a health check that can turn it to the DOWN state immediately if it fails.

  • when set to 'down', the server initially is considered unavailable and will initiate a health check that can turn it to the UP state immediately if it succeeds.

  • when set to 'fully-down', the server is initially considered unavailable and can turn to the UP state when ALL health checks succeed.

The server's init-state is considered when the HAProxy instance is (re)started, a new server is detected (for example via service discovery / DNS resolution), a dynamic server is inlived, a server exits maintenance, etc.

# pass client traffic ONLY to Redis "master" node
backend redis-master
  mode tcp
  balance first
  option tcp-check
  tcp-check send role\r\n
  tcp-check expect string master
  server-template redis 3 _redis._tcp.redis-headless-service.sandbox.svc.cluster.local:6379 check ... init-state down

# pass traffic to the server only after 3 successful health checks
backend google-backend
  mode http
  server srv1 check init-state fully-down rise 3
  server srv2 check init-state fully-down rise 3  

See also: option tcp-check, option httpchk

#log-bufsize <bufsize> May be used in the following contexts: log

The log-bufsize specifies the ring bufsize to use for the implicit ring that will be associated to the log server in a log backend. When not specified, this defaults to BUFSIZE. Use of a greater value will increase memory usage but can help to prevent the loss of log messages with slow servers since the buffer will be able to hold more pending messages. This keyword may only be used in log backend sections (with mode log)

#log-proto <logproto> May be used in the following contexts: log ring

The log-proto specifies the protocol used to forward event messages to a server configured in a log or ring section. Possible values are legacy and octet-count corresponding respectively to Non-transparent-framing and Octet counting in rfc6587. legacy is the default.

#maxconn <maxconn> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

The maxconn (5) parameter specifies the maximal number of concurrent connections that will be sent to this server. If the number of incoming concurrent connections goes higher than this value, they will be queued, waiting for a slot to be released. This parameter is very important as it can save fragile servers from going down under extreme loads. If a minconn parameter is specified, the limit becomes dynamic. The default value is 0 which means unlimited. See also the minconn and maxqueue parameters, and the backend's fullconn keyword.

In HTTP mode this parameter limits the number of concurrent requests instead of the number of connections. Multiple requests might be multiplexed over a single TCP connection to the server. As an example if you specify a maxconn of 50 you might see between 1 and 50 actual server connections, but no more than 50 concurrent requests.

#maxqueue <maxqueue> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

The maxqueue parameter specifies the maximal number of connections which will wait in the queue for this server. If this limit is reached, next requests will be redispatched to other servers instead of indefinitely waiting to be served. This will break persistence but may allow people to quickly re-log in when the server they try to connect to is dying. Some load balancing algorithms such as leastconn take this into account and accept to add requests into a server's queue up to this value if it is explicitly set to a value greater than zero, which often allows to better smooth the load when dealing with single-digit maxconn values. The default value is 0 which means the queue is unlimited. See also the maxconn (5) and minconn parameters and balance leastconn.

#max-reuse <count> May be used in the following contexts: http ring

When used under http context:

The max-reuse argument indicates the HTTP connection processors that they should not reuse a server connection more than this number of times to send new requests. Permitted values are -1 (the default), which disables this limit, or any positive value. Value zero will effectively disable keep-alive. This is only used to work around certain server bugs which cause them to leak resources over time. The argument is not necessarily respected by the lower layers as there might be technical limitations making it impossible to enforce. At least HTTP/2 connections to servers will respect it.

When used under ring context:

The max-reuse argument indicates that the sink TCP connection processors that they should not reuse a server connection more than this number of times to send messages. It means that the connection to the server will be forcefully destroyed once at least max-reuse + 1 messages were handled on the same connection. The connection to the server will then be automatically re-created. When dealing with a large amount of messages in multithreading context, this can help to better distribute the ring's load over multiple threads. Indeed, each connection is bound to the same CPU thread for its entire duration: unlike HTTP, there is no thing like syslog transaction, so the server connection could live indefinitely as long as the server doesn't close the connection or no network error occurs. By destroying connections from time to time we give the opportunity to other threads to pick-up some messages in turn. It may also help gracefully rotate log servers in contexts where there is an extra load-balancing layer between haproxy and the log servers. However, keep in mind that each connection recycling will leave an outgoing port in TIME_WAIT state that will not be reusable for around one minute on modern operating systems, and that as such, one must be careful not to use too low values to prevent rapid source port exhaustion. As a rule of thumb, make sure never to close more than a few times per second, and preferably much less often. Permitted values are -1 (the default), which disables this limit, or any positive value. Unlike under HTTP context, when used with sink servers max-reuse is a best-effort: ring messages are batched, so the limit is checked between each batch.

#minconn <minconn> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

When the minconn parameter is set, the maxconn limit becomes a dynamic limit following the backend's load. The server will always accept at least <minconn> connections, never more than <maxconn>, and the limit will be on the ramp between both values when the backend has less than <fullconn> concurrent connections. This makes it possible to limit the load on the server during normal loads, but push it further for important loads without overloading the server during exceptional loads. See also the maxconn (5) and maxqueue parameters, as well as the fullconn backend keyword.

#namespace <name> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

On Linux, it is possible to specify which network namespace a socket will belong to. This directive makes it possible to explicitly bind a server to a namespace different from the default one. Please refer to your operating system's documentation to find more details about network namespaces.

#no-agent-check May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

This option may be used as server (3) setting to reset any agent-check setting which would have been inherited from default-server (2) directive as default value. It may also be used as default-server (2) setting to reset any previous default-server (2) agent-check setting.

#no-backup May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

This option may be used as server (3) setting to reset any backup setting which would have been inherited from default-server (2) directive as default value. It may also be used as default-server (2) setting to reset any previous default-server (2) backup setting.

#no-check May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

This option may be used as server (3) setting to reset any check setting which would have been inherited from default-server (2) directive as default value. It may also be used as default-server (2) setting to reset any previous default-server (2) check setting.

#no-check-ssl May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

This option may be used as server (3) setting to reset any check-ssl setting which would have been inherited from default-server (2) directive as default value. It may also be used as default-server (2) setting to reset any previous default-server (2) check-ssl setting.

#no-send-proxy May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

This option may be used as server (3) setting to reset any send-proxy setting which would have been inherited from default-server (2) directive as default value. It may also be used as default-server (2) setting to reset any previous default-server (2) send-proxy setting.

#no-send-proxy-v2 May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

This option may be used as server (3) setting to reset any send-proxy-v2 setting which would have been inherited from default-server (2) directive as default value. It may also be used as default-server (2) setting to reset any previous default-server (2) send-proxy-v2 setting.

#no-send-proxy-v2-ssl May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

This option may be used as server (3) setting to reset any send-proxy-v2-ssl setting which would have been inherited from default-server (2) directive as default value. It may also be used as default-server (2) setting to reset any previous default-server (2) send-proxy-v2-ssl setting.

#no-send-proxy-v2-ssl-cn May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

This option may be used as server (3) setting to reset any send-proxy-v2-ssl-cn setting which would have been inherited from default-server (2) directive as default value. It may also be used as default-server (2) setting to reset any previous default-server (2) send-proxy-v2-ssl-cn setting.

#no-ssl May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This option may be used as server (3) setting to reset any ssl (2) setting which would have been inherited from default-server (2) directive as default value. It may also be used as default-server (2) setting to reset any previous default-server (2) ssl (2) setting.

Note that using `default-server ssl` setting and `no-ssl` on server will however init SSL connection, so it can be later be enabled through the runtime API: see `set server` commands in management doc.

#no-ssl-reuse May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This option disables SSL session reuse when SSL is used to communicate with the server. It will force the server to perform a full handshake for every new connection. It's probably only useful for benchmarking, troubleshooting, and for paranoid users.

#no-sslv3 May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This option disables support for SSLv3 when SSL is used to communicate with the server. Note that SSLv2 is disabled in the code and cannot be enabled using any configuration option. Use ssl-min-ver (2) and ssl-max-ver (2) instead.

Supported in default-server: No

#no-tls-tickets May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It disables the stateless session resumption (RFC 5077 TLS Ticket extension) and force to use stateful session resumption. Stateless session resumption is more expensive in CPU usage for servers. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-server-options. The TLS ticket mechanism is only used up to TLS 1.2. Forward Secrecy is compromised with TLS tickets, unless ticket keys are periodically rotated (via reload or by using tls-ticket-keys). See also tls-tickets.

#no-tlsv10 May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This option disables support for TLSv1.0 when SSL is used to communicate with the server. Note that SSLv2 is disabled in the code and cannot be enabled using any configuration option. TLSv1 is more expensive than SSLv3 so it often makes sense to disable it when communicating with local servers. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-server-options. Use ssl-min-ver (2) and ssl-max-ver (2) instead.

Supported in default-server: No

#no-tlsv11 May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This option disables support for TLSv1.1 when SSL is used to communicate with the server. Note that SSLv2 is disabled in the code and cannot be enabled using any configuration option. TLSv1 is more expensive than SSLv3 so it often makes sense to disable it when communicating with local servers. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-server-options. Use ssl-min-ver (2) and ssl-max-ver (2) instead.

Supported in default-server: No

#no-tlsv12 May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This option disables support for TLSv1.2 when SSL is used to communicate with the server. Note that SSLv2 is disabled in the code and cannot be enabled using any configuration option. TLSv1 is more expensive than SSLv3 so it often makes sense to disable it when communicating with local servers. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-server-options. Use ssl-min-ver (2) and ssl-max-ver (2) instead.

Supported in default-server: No

#no-tlsv13 May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This option disables support for TLSv1.3 when SSL is used to communicate with the server. Note that SSLv2 is disabled in the code and cannot be enabled using any configuration option. TLSv1 is more expensive than SSLv3 so it often makes sense to disable it when communicating with local servers. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-server-options. Use ssl-min-ver (2) and ssl-max-ver (2) instead.

Supported in default-server: No

#no-verifyhost May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This option may be used as server (3) setting to reset any verifyhost setting which would have been inherited from default-server (2) directive as default value. It may also be used as default-server (2) setting to reset any previous default-server (2) verifyhost setting.

#no-tfo May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This option may be used as server (3) setting to reset any tfo (2) setting which would have been inherited from default-server (2) directive as default value. It may also be used as default-server (2) setting to reset any previous default-server (2) tfo (2) setting.

#non-stick May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Never add connections allocated to this sever to a stick-table. This may be used in conjunction with backup to ensure that stick-table persistence is disabled for backup servers.

#npn <protocols> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

This enables the NPN TLS extension and advertises the specified protocol list as supported on top of NPN. The protocol list consists in a comma-delimited list of protocol names, for instance: http/1.1,http/1.0 (without quotes). This requires that the SSL library is built with support for TLS extensions enabled (check with haproxy -vv). Note that the NPN extension has been replaced with the ALPN extension (see the alpn (2) keyword), though this one is only available starting with OpenSSL 1.0.2.

#observe <mode> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

This option enables health adjusting based on observing communication with the server. By default this functionality is disabled and enabling it also requires to enable health checks. There are two supported modes: layer4 and layer7. In layer4 mode, only successful/unsuccessful tcp connections are significant. In layer7, which is only allowed for http proxies, responses received from server are verified, like valid/wrong http code, unparsable headers, a timeout, etc. Valid status codes include 100 to 499, 501 and 505.

See also the check, on-error and error-limit.

#on-error <mode> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Select what should happen when enough consecutive errors are detected. Currently, four modes are available:

  • fastinter: force fastinter

  • fail-check: simulate a failed check, also forces fastinter (default)

  • sudden-death: simulate a pre-fatal failed health check, one more failed check will mark a server down, forces fastinter

  • mark-down: mark the server immediately down and force fastinter

See also the check, observe and error-limit.

#on-marked-down <action> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Modify what occurs when a server is marked down. Currently one action is available:

  • shutdown-sessions: Shutdown peer streams. When this setting is enabled, all connections to the server are immediately terminated when the server goes down. It might be used if the health check detects more complex cases than a simple connection status, and long timeouts would cause the service to remain unresponsive for too long a time. For instance, a health check might detect that a database is stuck and that there's no chance to reuse existing connections anymore. Connections killed this way are logged with a 'D' termination code (for Down).

Actions are disabled by default

#on-marked-up <action> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Modify what occurs when a server is marked up. Currently one action is available:

  • shutdown-backup-sessions: Shutdown streams on all backup servers. This is done only if the server is not in backup state and if it is not disabled (it must have an effective weight > 0). This can be used sometimes to force an active server to take all the traffic back after recovery when dealing with long sessions (e.g. LDAP, SQL, ...). Doing this can cause more trouble than it tries to solve (e.g. incomplete transactions), so use this feature with extreme care. Streams killed because a server comes up are logged with an 'U' termination code (for Up).

Actions are disabled by default

#pool-conn-name <expr> May be used in the following contexts: http

When a backend connection is established, this expression is evaluated to generate the connection name. This name is one of the key properties of the connection in the idle server pool. See the http-reuse keyword. When a request looks up an existing idle connection, this expression is evaluated to match an identical connection.

In context where SSL SNI is used for backend connection, the connection name is automatically assigned to the result of the sni expression. This suits the most common usage. For more advanced setup, pool-conn-name may be used to override this.

See also: http-reuse, sni

#pool-low-conn <max> May be used in the following contexts: http

Set a low threshold on the number of idling connections for a server, below which a thread will not try to steal a connection from another thread. This can be useful to improve CPU usage patterns in scenarios involving many very fast servers, in order to ensure all threads will keep a few idle connections all the time instead of letting them accumulate over one thread and migrating them from thread to thread. Typical values of twice the number of threads seem to show very good performance already with sub-millisecond response times. The default is zero, indicating that any idle connection can be used at any time. It is the recommended setting for normal use. This only applies to connections that can be shared according to the same principles as those applying to http-reuse. In case connection sharing between threads would be disabled via tune.idle-pool.shared, it can become very important to use this setting to make sure each thread always has a few connections, or the connection reuse rate will decrease as thread count increases.

#pool-max-conn <max> May be used in the following contexts: http

Set the maximum number of idling connections for a server. -1 means unlimited connections, 0 means no idle connections. The default is -1. When idle connections are enabled, orphaned idle connections which do not belong to any client session anymore are moved to a dedicated pool so that they remain usable by future clients. This only applies to connections that can be shared according to the same principles as those applying to http-reuse.

#pool-purge-delay <delay> May be used in the following contexts: http

Sets the delay to start purging idle connections. Each <delay> interval, half of the idle connections are closed. 0 means we don't keep any idle connection. The default is 5s.

#port <port> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Using the port parameter, it becomes possible to use a different port to send health-checks or to probe the agent-check. On some servers, it may be desirable to dedicate a port to a specific component able to perform complex tests which are more suitable to health-checks than the application. It is common to run a simple script in inetd for instance. This parameter is ignored if the check parameter is not set. See also the addr parameter.

#proto <name> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

Forces the multiplexer's protocol to use for the outgoing connections to this server. It must be compatible with the mode of the backend (TCP or HTTP). It must also be usable on the backend side. The list of available protocols is reported in haproxy -vv.The protocols properties are reported : the mode (TCP/HTTP), the side (FE/BE), the mux name and its flags.

Some protocols are subject to the head-of-line blocking on server side (flag=HOL_RISK). Finally some protocols don't support upgrades (flag=NO_UPG). The HTX compatibility is also reported (flag=HTX).

Here are the protocols that may be used as argument to a proto (2) directive on a server line :

h2   : mode=HTTP  side=FE|BE  mux=H2    flags=HTX|HOL_RISK|NO_UPG
fcgi : mode=HTTP  side=BE     mux=FCGI  flags=HTX|HOL_RISK|NO_UPG
h1   : mode=HTTP  side=FE|BE  mux=H1    flags=HTX|NO_UPG
none : mode=TCP   side=FE|BE  mux=PASS  flags=NO_UPG

Idea behind this option is to bypass the selection of the best multiplexer's protocol for all connections established to this server.

See also ws to use an alternative protocol for websocket streams.

#redir <prefix> May be used in the following contexts: http

The redir parameter enables the redirection mode for all GET and HEAD requests addressing this server. This means that instead of having HAProxy forward the request to the server, it will send an HTTP 302 response with the Location header composed of this prefix immediately followed by the requested URI beginning at the leading '/' of the path component. That means that no trailing slash should be used after <prefix>. All invalid requests will be rejected, and all non-GET or HEAD requests will be normally served by the server. Note that since the response is completely forged, no header mangling nor cookie insertion is possible in the response. However, cookies in requests are still analyzed, making this solution completely usable to direct users to a remote location in case of local disaster. Main use consists in increasing bandwidth for static servers by having the clients directly connect to them. Note: never use a relative location here, it would cause a loop between the client and HAProxy!

Example : server srv1 redir check

#rise <count> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

The rise parameter states that a server will be considered as operational after <count> consecutive successful health checks. This value defaults to 2 if unspecified. See also the check, inter and fall parameters.

#resolve-opts <option>,<option>,... May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Comma separated list of options to apply to DNS resolution linked to this server.

Available options:

  • allow-dup-ip By default, HAProxy prevents IP address duplication in a backend when DNS resolution at runtime is in operation. That said, for some cases, it makes sense that two servers (in the same backend, being resolved by the same FQDN) have the same IP address. For such case, simply enable this option. This is the opposite of prevent-dup-ip.

  • ignore-weight Ignore any weight that is set within an SRV record. This is useful when you would like to control the weights using an alternate method, such as using an agent-check or through the runtime api.

  • prevent-dup-ip Ensure HAProxy's default behavior is enforced on a server: prevent re-using an IP address already set to a server in the same backend and sharing the same fqdn. This is the opposite of allow-dup-ip.

backend b_myapp
  default-server init-addr none resolvers dns
  server s1 check resolve-opts allow-dup-ip
  server s2 check resolve-opts allow-dup-ip  

With the option allow-dup-ip set:

  • if the nameserver returns a single IP address, then both servers will use it

  • If the nameserver returns 2 IP addresses, then each server will pick up a different address

Default value: not set

#resolve-prefer <family> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

When DNS resolution is enabled for a server and multiple IP addresses from different families are returned, HAProxy will prefer using an IP address from the family mentioned in the resolve-prefer parameter. Available families: ipv4 and ipv6

Default value: ipv6

server s1 resolvers mydns resolve-prefer ipv6  
#resolve-net <network>[,<network[,...]] May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

This option prioritizes the choice of an ip address matching a network. This is useful with clouds to prefer a local ip. In some cases, a cloud high availability service can be announced with many ip addresses on many different datacenters. The latency between datacenter is not negligible, so this patch permits to prefer a local datacenter. If no address matches the configured network, another address is selected.

server s1 resolvers mydns resolve-net  
#resolvers <id> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

Points to an existing resolvers (2) section to resolve current server's hostname.

server s1 check resolvers mydns  

See also section 5.3

#send-proxy May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

The send-proxy parameter enforces use of the PROXY protocol over any connection established to this server. The PROXY protocol informs the other end about the layer 3/4 addresses of the incoming connection, so that it can know the client's address or the public address it accessed to, whatever the upper layer protocol. For connections accepted by an accept-proxy or accept-netscaler-cip listener, the advertised address will be used. Only TCPv4 and TCPv6 address families are supported. Other families such as Unix sockets, will report an UNKNOWN family. Servers using this option can fully be chained to another instance of HAProxy listening with an accept-proxy setting. This setting must not be used if the server isn't aware of the protocol. When health checks are sent to the server, the PROXY protocol is automatically used when this option is set, unless there is an explicit port or addr directive, in which case an explicit check-send-proxy directive would also be needed to use the PROXY protocol. See also the no-send-proxy option of this section and accept-proxy and accept-netscaler-cip option of the bind (3) keyword.

#send-proxy-v2 May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

The send-proxy-v2 parameter enforces use of the PROXY protocol version 2 over any connection established to this server. The PROXY protocol informs the other end about the layer 3/4 addresses of the incoming connection, so that it can know the client's address or the public address it accessed to, whatever the upper layer protocol. It also send ALPN information if an alpn have been negotiated. This setting must not be used if the server isn't aware of this version of the protocol. See also the no-send-proxy-v2 option of this section and send-proxyoption of thebind" keyword.

#set-proxy-v2-tlv-fmt(<id>) <fmt> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

The set-proxy-v2-tlv-fmt parameter is used to send arbitrary PROXY protocol version 2 TLVs. For the type (<id>) range of the defined TLV type please refer to section 2.2.8. of the proxy protocol specification. However, the value can be chosen freely as long as it does not exceed the maximum length of 65,535 bytes. It can also be used for forwarding TLVs by using the fetch fc_pp_tlv to retrieve a received TLV from the frontend. It may be used as a server or a default-server option. It must be used in combination with send-proxy-v2 such that PPv2 TLVs are actually sent out.


In this case, we fetch the TLV with the type 0x20 as a string and set as the value of a newly created TLV that also has the type 0x20.

#proxy-v2-options <option>[,<option>]* May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

The proxy-v2-options parameter add options to send in PROXY protocol version 2 when send-proxy-v2 is used. Options available are:

  • ssl : See also send-proxy-v2-ssl.

  • cert-cn : See also send-proxy-v2-ssl-cn.

  • ssl-cipher: Name of the used cipher.

  • cert-sig : Signature algorithm of the used certificate.

  • cert-key : Key algorithm of the used certificate

  • authority : Host name value passed by the client (only SNI from a TLS connection is supported).

  • crc32c : Checksum of the PROXYv2 header.

  • unique-id : Send a unique ID generated using the frontend's unique-id-format within the PROXYv2 header. This unique-id is primarily meant for mode tcp. It can lead to unexpected results in mode http, because the generated unique ID is also used for the first HTTP request within a Keep-Alive connection.

#send-proxy-v2-ssl May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

The send-proxy-v2-ssl parameter enforces use of the PROXY protocol version 2 over any connection established to this server. The PROXY protocol informs the other end about the layer 3/4 addresses of the incoming connection, so that it can know the client's address or the public address it accessed to, whatever the upper layer protocol. In addition, the SSL information extension of the PROXY protocol is added to the PROXY protocol header. This setting must not be used if the server isn't aware of this version of the protocol. See also the no-send-proxy-v2-ssl option of this section and the send-proxy-v2 option of the bind (3) keyword.

#send-proxy-v2-ssl-cn May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

The send-proxy-v2-ssl parameter enforces use of the PROXY protocol version 2 over any connection established to this server. The PROXY protocol informs the other end about the layer 3/4 addresses of the incoming connection, so that it can know the client's address or the public address it accessed to, whatever the upper layer protocol. In addition, the SSL information extension of the PROXY protocol, along along with the Common Name from the subject of the client certificate (if any), is added to the PROXY protocol header. This setting must not be used if the server isn't aware of this version of the protocol. See also the no-send-proxy-v2-ssl-cn option of this section and the send-proxy-v2 option of the bind (3) keyword.

#shard <shard> May be used in the following contexts: peers

This parameter in used only in the context of stick-tables synchronisation with peers protocol. The shard parameter identifies the peers which will receive all the stick-table updates for keys with this shard as distribution hash. The accepted values are 0 up to shards (2) parameter value specified in the peers section. 0 value is the default value meaning that the peer will receive all the key updates. Greater values than shards (2) will be ignored. This is also the case for any value provided to the local peer.

Example :

peers mypeers shards 3 peer A # local peer without shard value (0 internally) peer B shard 1 peer C shard 2 peer D shard 3

#sigalgs <sigalgs> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. It sets the string describing the list of signature algorithms that are negotiated during the TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3 handshake. The format of the string is defined in man 3 SSL_CTX_set1_sigalgs from the OpenSSL man pages. It is not recommended to use this setting unless compatibility with a middlebox is required.

#slowstart <start_time_in_ms> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

The slowstart parameter for a server accepts a value in milliseconds which indicates after how long a server which has just come back up will run at full speed. Just as with every other time-based parameter, it can be entered in any other explicit unit among { us, ms, s, m, h, d }. The speed grows linearly from 0 to 100% during this time. The limitation applies to two parameters :

  • maxconn: the number of connections accepted by the server will grow from 1 to 100% of the usual dynamic limit defined by (minconn,maxconn,fullconn).

  • weight: when the backend uses a dynamic weighted algorithm, the weight grows linearly from 1 to 100%. In this case, the weight is updated at every health-check. For this reason, it is important that the inter parameter is smaller than the slowstart, in order to maximize the number of steps.

The slowstart never applies when HAProxy starts, otherwise it would cause trouble to running servers. It only applies when a server has been previously seen as failed.

#sni <expression> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

The sni parameter evaluates the sample fetch expression, converts it to a string and uses the result as the host name sent in the SNI TLS extension to the server. A typical use case is to send the SNI received from the client in a bridged TCP/SSL scenario, using the ssl_fc_sni sample fetch for the expression. THIS MUST NOT BE USED FOR HTTPS, where req.hdr(host) should be used instead, since SNI in HTTPS must always match the Host field and clients are allowed to use different host names over the same connection). If verify required is set (which is the recommended setting), the resulting name will also be matched against the server certificate's names. See the verify (2) directive for more details. If you want to set a SNI for health checks, see the check-sni directive for more details.

By default, the SNI is assigned to the connection name for http-reuse, unless overridden by the pool-conn-name server keyword.

#source <addr>[:<pl>[-<ph>]] [usesrc { <addr2>[:<port2>] | client | clientip } ] #source <addr>[:<port>] [usesrc { <addr2>[:<port2>] | hdr_ip(<hdr>[,<occ>]) } ] #source <addr>[:<pl>[-<ph>]] [interface <name>] ... May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

The source (2) parameter sets the source address which will be used when connecting to the server. It follows the exact same parameters and principle as the backend source (2) keyword, except that it only applies to the server referencing it. Please consult the source (2) keyword for details.

Additionally, the source (2) statement on a server line allows one to specify a source port range by indicating the lower and higher bounds delimited by a dash ('-'). Some operating systems might require a valid IP address when a source port range is specified. It is permitted to have the same IP/range for several servers. Doing so makes it possible to bypass the maximum of 64k total concurrent connections. The limit will then reach 64k connections per server.

Since Linux 4.2/libc 2.23 IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT is set for connections specifying the source address without port(s).

#ssl May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This option enables SSL ciphering on outgoing connections to the server. It is critical to verify server certificates using verify (2) when using SSL to connect to servers, otherwise the communication is prone to trivial man in the-middle attacks rendering SSL useless. When this option is used, health checks are automatically sent in SSL too unless there is a port or an addr directive indicating the check should be sent to a different location. See the no-ssl to disable ssl (2) option and check-ssl option to force SSL health checks.

#ssl-max-ver [ SSLv3 | TLSv1.0 | TLSv1.1 | TLSv1.2 | TLSv1.3 ] May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This option enforces use of <version> or lower when SSL is used to communicate with the server. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-server-options. See also ssl-min-ver (2).

#ssl-min-ver [ SSLv3 | TLSv1.0 | TLSv1.1 | TLSv1.2 | TLSv1.3 ] May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This option enforces use of <version> or upper when SSL is used to communicate with the server. This option is also available on global statement ssl-default-server-options. See also ssl-max-ver (2).

#ssl-reuse May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This option may be used as server (3) setting to reset any no-ssl-reuse setting which would have been inherited from default-server (2) directive as default value. It may also be used as default-server (2) setting to reset any previous default-server (2) no-ssl-reuse setting.

#stick May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

This option may be used as server (3) setting to reset any non-stick setting which would have been inherited from default-server (2) directive as default value. It may also be used as default-server (2) setting to reset any previous default-server (2) non-stick setting.

#socks4 <addr>:<port> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This option enables upstream socks4 tunnel for outgoing connections to the server. Using this option won't force the health check to go via socks4 by default. You will have to use the keyword check-via-socks4 to enable it.

#tcp-ut <delay> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

Sets the TCP User Timeout for all outgoing connections to this server. This option is available on Linux since version 2.6.37. It allows HAProxy to configure a timeout for sockets which contain data not receiving an acknowledgment for the configured delay. This is especially useful on long-lived connections experiencing long idle periods such as remote terminals or database connection pools, where the client and server timeouts must remain high to allow a long period of idle, but where it is important to detect that the server has disappeared in order to release all resources associated with its connection (and the client's session). One typical use case is also to force dead server connections to die when health checks are too slow or during a soft reload since health checks are then disabled. The argument is a delay expressed in milliseconds by default. This only works for regular TCP connections, and is ignored for other protocols.

#tfo May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This option enables using TCP fast open when connecting to servers, on systems that support it (currently only the Linux kernel >= 4.11). See the tfo (2) bind option for more information about TCP fast open. Please note that when using tfo, you should also use the conn-failure, empty-response and response-timeout keywords for retry-on, or HAProxy won't be able to retry the connection on failure. See also no-tfo.

#track [<backend>/]<server> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log

This option enables ability to set the current state of the server by tracking another one. It is possible to track a server which itself tracks another server, provided that at the end of the chain, a server has health checks enabled. If <backend> is omitted the current one is used. If disable-on-404 is used, it has to be enabled on both proxies.

Example :
backend A
server a1 track B/b1
server a2 track B/b1

backend B
server b1 check  
#tls-tickets May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This option may be used as server (3) setting to reset any no-tls-tickets (2) setting which would have been inherited from default-server (2) directive as default value. The TLS ticket mechanism is only used up to TLS 1.2. Forward Secrecy is compromised with TLS tickets, unless ticket keys are periodically rotated (via reload or by using tls-ticket-keys). It may also be used as default-server (2) setting to reset any previous default-server (2) no-tls-tickets (2) setting.

#verify [none|required] May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in. If set to 'none', server certificate is not verified. In the other case, The certificate provided by the server is verified using CAs from 'ca-file' and optional CRLs from 'crl-file' after having checked that the names provided in the certificate's subject and subjectAlternateNames attributes match either the name passed using the sni directive, or if not provided, the static host name passed using the verifyhost directive. When no name is found, the certificate's names are ignored. For this reason, without SNI it's important to use verifyhost. On verification failure the handshake is aborted. It is critically important to verify server certificates when using SSL to connect to servers, otherwise the communication is prone to trivial man-in-the-middle attacks rendering SSL totally useless. Unless ssl_server_verify appears in the global section, verify (2) is set to required by default.

#verifyhost <hostname> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http log peers ring

This setting is only available when support for OpenSSL was built in, and only takes effect if 'verify required' is also specified. This directive sets a default static hostname to check the server's certificate against when no SNI was used to connect to the server. If SNI is not used, this is the only way to enable hostname verification. This static hostname, when set, will also be used for health checks (which cannot provide an SNI value). If none of the hostnames in the certificate match the specified hostname, the handshake is aborted. The hostnames in the server-provided certificate may include wildcards. See also verify (2), sni and no-verifyhost options.

#weight <weight> May be used in the following contexts: tcp http

The weight parameter is used to adjust the server's weight relative to other servers. All servers will receive a load proportional to their weight relative to the sum of all weights, so the higher the weight, the higher the load. The default weight is 1, and the maximal value is 256. A value of 0 means the server will not participate in load-balancing but will still accept persistent connections. If this parameter is used to distribute the load according to server's capacity, it is recommended to start with values which can both grow and shrink, for instance between 10 and 100 to leave enough room above and below for later adjustments.

#ws { auto | h1 | h2 } May be used in the following contexts: http

This option allows to configure the protocol used when relaying websocket streams. This is most notably useful when using an HTTP/2 backend without the support for H2 websockets through the RFC8441.

The default mode is auto. This will reuse the same protocol as the main one. The only difference is when using ALPN. In this case, it can try to downgrade the ALPN to http/1.1 only for websocket streams if the configured server ALPN contains it.

The value h1 is used to force HTTP/1.1 for websockets streams, through ALPN if SSL ALPN is activated for the server. Similarly, h2 can be used to force HTTP/2.0 websockets. Use this value with care : the server must support RFC8441 or an error will be reported by haproxy when relaying websockets.

Note that NPN is not taken into account as its usage has been deprecated in favor of the ALPN extension.

See also alpn (2) and proto (2).

#5.3. Server IP address resolution using DNS

HAProxy allows using a host name on the server line to retrieve its IP address using name servers. By default, HAProxy resolves the name when parsing the configuration file, at startup and cache the result for the process's life. This is not sufficient in some cases, such as in Amazon where a server's IP can change after a reboot or an ELB Virtual IP can change based on current workload. This chapter describes how HAProxy can be configured to process server's name resolution at run time. Whether run time server name resolution has been enable or not, HAProxy will carry on doing the first resolution when parsing the configuration.

#5.3.1. Global overview

As we've seen in introduction, name resolution in HAProxy occurs at two different steps of the process life:

  1. when starting up, HAProxy parses the server line definition and matches a host name. It uses libc functions to get the host name resolved. This resolution relies on /etc/resolv.conf file.

  2. at run time, HAProxy performs periodically name resolutions for servers requiring DNS resolutions.

A few other events can trigger a name resolution at run time:

  • when a server's health check ends up in a connection timeout: this may be because the server has a new IP address. So we need to trigger a name resolution to know this new IP.

When using resolvers, the server name can either be a hostname, or a SRV label. HAProxy considers anything that starts with an underscore as a SRV label. If a SRV label is specified, then the corresponding SRV records will be retrieved from the DNS server, and the provided hostnames will be used. The SRV label will be checked periodically, and if any server are added or removed, HAProxy will automatically do the same.

A few things important to notice:

  • all the name servers are queried in the meantime. HAProxy will process the first valid response.

  • a resolution is considered as invalid (NX, timeout, refused), when all the servers return an error.

#5.3.2. The resolvers section

This section is dedicated to host information related to name resolution in HAProxy. There can be as many as resolvers section as needed. Each section can contain many name servers.

At startup, HAProxy tries to generate a resolvers section named default, if no section was named this way in the configuration. This section is used by default by the httpclient and uses the parse-resolv-conf keyword. If HAProxy failed to generate automatically this section, no error or warning are emitted.

When multiple name servers are configured in a resolvers section, then HAProxy uses the first valid response. In case of invalid responses, only the last one is treated. Purpose is to give the chance to a slow server to deliver a valid answer after a fast faulty or outdated server.

When each server returns a different error type, then only the last error is used by HAProxy. The following processing is applied on this error:

  1. HAProxy retries the same DNS query with a new query type. The A queries are switch to AAAA or the opposite. SRV queries are not concerned here. Timeout errors are also excluded.

  2. When the fallback on the query type was done (or not applicable), HAProxy retries the original DNS query, with the preferred query type.

  3. HAProxy retries previous steps <resolve_retries> times. If no valid response is received after that, it stops the DNS resolution and reports the error.

For example, with 2 name servers configured in a resolvers section, the following scenarios are possible:

  • First response is valid and is applied directly, second response is ignored

  • First response is invalid and second one is valid, then second response is applied

  • First response is a NX domain and second one a truncated response, then HAProxy retries the query with a new type

  • First response is a NX domain and second one is a timeout, then HAProxy retries the query with a new type

  • Query timed out for both name servers, then HAProxy retries it with the same query type

As a DNS server may not answer all the IPs in one DNS request, HAProxy keeps a cache of previous answers, an answer will be considered obsolete after <hold obsolete> seconds without the IP returned.

#resolvers <resolvers id>

Keyword resolvers can be used with these sections: resolvers

Creates a new name server list labeled <resolvers id>

A resolvers section accept the following parameters:

#accepted_payload_size <nb>

Keyword accepted_payload_size can be used with these sections: resolvers

Defines the maximum payload size accepted by HAProxy and announced to all the name servers configured in this resolvers section. <nb> is in bytes. If not set, HAProxy announces 512. (minimal value defined by RFC 6891)

Note: the maximum allowed value is 65535. Recommended value for UDP is 4096 and it is not recommended to exceed 8192 except if you are sure that your system and network can handle this (over 65507 makes no sense since is the maximum UDP payload size). If you are using only TCP nameservers to handle huge DNS responses, you should put this value to the max: 65535.

#nameserver <name> <address>[:port] [param*]

Keyword nameserver can be used with these sections: resolvers

Used to configure a nameserver. <name> of the nameserver should ne unique. By default the <address> is considered of type datagram. This means if an IPv4 or IPv6 is configured without special address prefixes (paragraph 11.) the UDP protocol will be used. If an stream protocol address prefix is used, the nameserver will be considered as a stream server (TCP for instance) and server (3) parameters found in 5.2 paragraph which are relevant for DNS resolving will be considered. Note: currently, in TCP mode, 4 queries are pipelined on the same connections. A batch of idle connections are removed every 5 seconds. maxconn (5) can be configured to limit the amount of those concurrent connections and TLS should also usable if the server supports.


Keyword parse-resolv-conf can be used with these sections: resolvers

Adds all nameservers found in /etc/resolv.conf to this resolvers nameservers list. Ordered as if each nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf was individually placed in the resolvers section in place of this directive.

#hold <status> <period>

Keyword hold can be used with these sections: resolvers

Upon receiving the DNS response <status>, determines whether a server's state should change from UP to DOWN. To make that determination, it checks whether any valid status has been received during the past <period> in order to counteract the just received invalid status.

<status> : last name resolution status.
       nx        After receiving an NXDOMAIN status, check for any valid
                 status during the concluding period.

       refused   After receiving a REFUSED status, check for any valid
                 status during the concluding period.

       timeout   After the "timeout retry" has struck, check for any
                 valid status during the concluding period.

       other     After receiving any other invalid status, check for any
                 valid status during the concluding period.

       valid     Applies only to "http-request do-resolve" and
                 "tcp-request content do-resolve" actions. It defines the
                 period for which the server will maintain a valid response
                 before triggering another resolution. It does not affect
                 dynamic resolution of servers.

       obsolete  Defines how long to wait before removing obsolete DNS
                 records after an updated answer record is received. It
                 applies to SRV records.

<period> : Amount of time into the past during which a valid response must
           have been received. It follows the HAProxy time format and is in
           milliseconds by default.

For a server that relies on dynamic DNS resolution to determine its IP address, receiving an invalid DNS response, such as NXDOMAIN, will lead to changing the server's state from UP to DOWN. The hold directives define how far into the past to look for a valid response. If a valid response has been received within <period>, the just received invalid status will be ignored.

Unless a valid response has been receiving during the concluding period, the server will be marked as DOWN. For example, if hold nx 30s is set and the last received DNS response was NXDOMAIN, the server will be marked DOWN unless a valid response has been received during the last 30 seconds.

A server in the DOWN state will be marked UP immediately upon receiving a valid status from the DNS server.

A separate behavior exists for hold valid and hold obsolete.

#resolve_retries <nb>

Keyword resolve_retries can be used with these sections: resolvers

Defines the number <nb> of queries to send to resolve a server name before giving up. Default value: 3

A retry occurs on name server timeout or when the full sequence of DNS query type failover is over and we need to start up from the default ANY query type.

#timeout <event> <time>

Keyword timeout can be used with these sections: resolvers

Defines timeouts related to name resolution <event> : the event on which the <time> timeout period applies to. events available are: - resolve : default time to trigger name resolutions when no other time applied. Default value: 1s - retry : time between two DNS queries, when no valid response have been received. Default value: 1s <time> : time related to the event. It follows the HAProxy time format. <time> is expressed in milliseconds.

resolvers mydns
  nameserver dns1
  nameserver dns2
  nameserver dns3 tcp@
  resolve_retries       3
  timeout resolve       1s
  timeout retry         1s
  hold other           30s
  hold refused         30s
  hold nx              30s
  hold timeout         30s
  hold valid           10s
  hold obsolete        30s  

#6. Cache

HAProxy provides a cache, which was designed to perform cache on small objects (favicon, css...). This is a minimalist low-maintenance cache which runs in RAM.

The cache is based on a memory area shared between all threads, and split in 1kB blocks.

If an object is not used anymore, it can be deleted to store a new object independently of its expiration date. The oldest objects are deleted first when we try to allocate a new one.

The cache uses a hash of the host header and the URI as the key.

It's possible to view the status of a cache using the Unix socket command show cache consult section 9.3 Unix Socket commands of Management Guide for more details.

When an object is delivered from the cache, the server name in the log is replaced by "<CACHE>".

#6.1. Limitation

The cache won't store and won't deliver objects in these cases:

  • If the response is not a 200

  • If the response contains a Vary header and either the process-vary option is disabled, or a currently unmanaged header is specified in the Vary value (only accept-encoding, referer and origin are managed for now)

  • If the Content-Length + the headers size is greater than max-object-size

  • If the response is not cacheable

  • If the response does not have an explicit expiration time (s-maxage or max-age Cache-Control directives or Expires header) or a validator (ETag or Last-Modified headers)

  • If the process-vary option is enabled and there are already max-secondary-entries entries with the same primary key as the current response

  • If the process-vary option is enabled and the response has an unknown encoding (not mentioned in while varying on the accept-encoding client header

  • If the request is not a GET

  • If the HTTP version of the request is smaller than 1.1

  • If the request contains an Authorization header

#6.2. Setup

To setup a cache, you must define a cache section and use it in a proxy with the corresponding http-request and http-response actions.

#6.2.1. Cache section

#cache <name>

Keyword cache can be used with these sections: cache

Declare a cache section, allocate a shared cache memory named <name>, the size of cache is mandatory.

#total-max-size <megabytes>

Keyword total-max-size can be used with these sections: cache

Define the size in RAM of the cache in megabytes. This size is split in blocks of 1kB which are used by the cache entries. Its maximum value is 4095.

#max-object-size <bytes>

Keyword max-object-size can be used with these sections: cache

Define the maximum size of the objects to be cached. Must not be greater than an half of total-max-size. If not set, it equals to a 256th of the cache size. All objects with sizes larger than max-object-size will not be cached.

#max-age <seconds>

Keyword max-age can be used with these sections: cache

Define the maximum expiration duration. The expiration is set as the lowest value between the s-maxage or max-age (in this order) directive in the Cache-Control response header and this value. The default value is 60 seconds, which means that you can't cache an object more than 60 seconds by default.

#process-vary <on/off>

Keyword process-vary can be used with these sections: cache

Enable or disable the processing of the Vary header. When disabled, a response containing such a header will never be cached. When enabled, we need to calculate a preliminary hash for a subset of request headers on all the incoming requests (which might come with a cpu cost) which will be used to build a secondary key for a given request (see RFC 7234#4.1). The secondary key is built out of the contents of the 'accept-encoding', 'referer' and 'origin' headers for now. The default value is off (disabled).

#max-secondary-entries <number>

Keyword max-secondary-entries can be used with these sections: cache

Define the maximum number of simultaneous secondary entries with the same primary key in the cache. This needs the vary support to be enabled. Its default value is 10 and should be passed a strictly positive integer.

#6.2.2. Proxy section

The proxy section making use of the cache will need to involve the cache-use action in the http-request rule set in order to look up the requested object from the cache, and the cache-store action in the http-response rule set in order to store or update the retrieved object into the cache. Each of these actions may optionally involve conditions. For example, one could decide to skip the cache-use action for a certain sub-directory that is known not to be cacheable, or to skip the cache-store action for certain content-types that are known to be worthless. Please note that the cache indexing key is computed during the cache-use action, so if this action is skipped, no attempt to update the cache will be made on the response path anyway.

backend bck1
  mode http

  http-request cache-use foobar
  http-response cache-store foobar
  server srv1

cache foobar
  total-max-size 4
  max-age 240  

#7. Using ACLs and fetching samples

HAProxy is capable of extracting data from request or response streams, from client or server information, from tables, environmental information etc... The action of extracting such data is called fetching a sample. Once retrieved, these samples may be used for various purposes such as a key to a stick-table, but most common usages consist in matching them against predefined constant data called patterns.

#7.1. ACL basics

The use of Access Control Lists (ACL) provides a flexible solution to perform content switching and generally to take decisions based on content extracted from the request, the response or any environmental status. The principle is simple :

  • extract a data sample from a stream, table or the environment

  • optionally apply some format conversion to the extracted sample

  • apply one or multiple pattern matching methods on this sample

  • perform actions only when a pattern matches the sample

The actions generally consist in blocking a request, selecting a backend, or adding a header.

In order to define a test, the acl (3) keyword is used. The syntax is :

acl <aclname> <criterion> [flags] [operator] [<value>] ...

This creates a new ACL <aclname> or completes an existing one with new tests. Those tests apply to the portion of request/response specified in <criterion> and may be adjusted with optional flags [flags]. Some criteria also support an operator which may be specified before the set of values. Optionally some conversion operators may be applied to the sample, and they will be specified as a comma-delimited list of keywords just after the first keyword. The values are of the type supported by the criterion, and are separated by spaces.

ACL names must be formed from upper and lower case letters, digits, '-' (dash), '_' (underscore) , '.' (dot) and ':' (colon). ACL names are case-sensitive, which means that my_acl and My_Acl are two different ACLs.

There is no enforced limit to the number of ACLs. The unused ones do not affect performance, they just consume a small amount of memory.

The criterion generally is the name of a sample fetch method, or one of its ACL specific declinations. The default test method is implied by the output type of this sample fetch method. The ACL declinations can describe alternate matching methods of a same sample fetch method. The sample fetch methods are the only ones supporting a conversion.

Sample fetch methods return data which can be of the following types :

  • boolean

  • integer (signed or unsigned)

  • IPv4 or IPv6 address

  • string

  • data block

Converters transform any of these data into any of these. For example, some converters might convert a string to a lower-case string while other ones would turn a string to an IPv4 address, or apply a netmask to an IP address. The resulting sample is of the type of the last converter applied to the list, which defaults to the type of the sample fetch method.

Each sample or converter returns data of a specific type, specified with its keyword in this documentation. When an ACL is declared using a standard sample fetch method, certain types automatically involved a default matching method which are summarized in the table below :

Sample or converter output type Default matching method
boolean bool
integer int
ip ip
string str
binary none, use "-m"

Note that in order to match a binary samples, it is mandatory to specify a matching method, see below.

The ACL engine can match these types against patterns of the following types :

  • boolean

  • integer or integer range

  • IP address / network

  • string (exact, substring, suffix, prefix, subdir, domain)

  • regular expression

  • hex block

The following ACL flags are currently supported :

-i : ignore case during matching of all subsequent patterns.
-f : load patterns from a list.
-m : use a specific pattern matching method
-n : forbid the DNS resolutions
-M : load the file pointed by -f like a map.
-u : force the unique id of the ACL
-- : force end of flags. Useful when a string looks like one of the flags.

The -f flag is followed by the name that must follow the format described in 2.7. about name format for maps and ACLs. It is even possible to pass multiple -f arguments if the patterns are to be loaded from multiple lists. if an existing file is referenced, all lines will be read as individual values. Empty lines as well as lines beginning with a sharp ('#') will be ignored. All leading spaces and tabs will be stripped. If it is absolutely necessary to insert a valid pattern beginning with a sharp, just prefix it with a space so that it is not taken for a comment. Depending on the data type and match method, HAProxy may load the lines into a binary tree, allowing very fast lookups. This is true for IPv4 and exact string matching. In this case, duplicates will automatically be removed.

The -M flag allows an ACL to use a map. If this flag is set, the list is parsed as two column entries. The first column contains the patterns used by the ACL, and the second column contain the samples. The sample can be used later by a map. This can be useful in some rare cases where an ACL would just be used to check for the existence of a pattern in a map before a mapping is applied.

The -u flag forces the unique id of the ACL. This unique id is used with the socket interface to identify ACL and dynamically change its values. Note that a file is always identified by its name even if an id is set.

Also, note that the -i flag applies to subsequent entries and not to entries loaded from files preceding it. For instance :

acl valid-ua hdr(user-agent) -f exact-ua.lst -i -f generic-ua.lst test

In this example, each line of exact-ua.lst will be exactly matched against the user-agent header of the request. Then each line of generic-ua will be case-insensitively matched. Then the word test will be insensitively matched as well.

The -m flag is used to select a specific pattern matching method on the input sample. All ACL-specific criteria imply a pattern matching method and generally do not need this flag. However, this flag is useful with generic sample fetch methods to describe how they're going to be matched against the patterns. This is required for sample fetches which return data type for which there is no obvious matching method (e.g. string or binary). When -m is specified and followed by a pattern matching method name, this method is used instead of the default one for the criterion. This makes it possible to match contents in ways that were not initially planned, or with sample fetch methods which return a string. The matching method also affects the way the patterns are parsed.

The -n flag forbids the dns resolutions. It is used with the load of ip files. By default, if the parser cannot parse ip address it considers that the parsed string is maybe a domain name and try dns resolution. The flag -n disable this resolution. It is useful for detecting malformed ip lists. Note that if the DNS server is not reachable, the HAProxy configuration parsing may last many minutes waiting for the timeout. During this time no error messages are displayed. The flag -n disable this behavior. Note also that during the runtime, this function is disabled for the dynamic acl modifications.

There are some restrictions however. Not all methods can be used with all sample fetch methods. Also, if -m is used in conjunction with -f, it must be placed first. The pattern matching method must be one of the following :

  • found : only check if the requested sample could be found in the stream, but do not compare it against any pattern. It is recommended not to pass any pattern to avoid confusion. This matching method is particularly useful to detect presence of certain contents such as headers, cookies, etc... even if they are empty and without comparing them to anything nor counting them.

  • bool (2) : check the value as a boolean. It can only be applied to fetches which return a boolean or integer value, and takes no pattern. Value zero or false does not match, all other values do match.

  • int : match the value as an integer. It can be used with integer and boolean samples. Boolean false is integer 0, true is integer 1.

  • ip : match the value as an IPv4 or IPv6 address. It is compatible with IP address samples only, so it is implied and never needed.

  • bin : match the contents against a hexadecimal string representing a binary sequence. This may be used with binary or string samples.

  • len : match the sample's length as an integer. This may be used with binary or string samples.

  • str : exact match : match the contents against a string. This may be used with binary or string samples.

  • sub : substring match : check that the contents contain at least one of the provided string patterns. This may be used with binary or string samples.

  • reg : regex match : match the contents against a list of regular expressions. This may be used with binary or string samples.

  • beg : prefix match : check that the contents begin like the provided string patterns. This may be used with binary or string samples.

  • end : suffix match : check that the contents end like the provided string patterns. This may be used with binary or string samples.

  • dir : subdir match : check that a slash-delimited portion of the contents exactly matches one of the provided string patterns. This may be used with binary or string samples.

  • dom : domain match : check that a dot-delimited portion of the contents exactly match one of the provided string patterns. This may be used with binary or string samples.

For example, to quickly detect the presence of cookie JSESSIONID in an HTTP request, it is possible to do :

acl jsess_present req.cook(JSESSIONID) -m found

In order to apply a regular expression on the 500 first bytes of data in the buffer, one would use the following acl :

acl script_tag req.payload(0,500) -m reg -i <script>

On systems where the regex library is much slower when using -i, it is possible to convert the sample to lowercase before matching, like this :

acl script_tag req.payload(0,500),lower -m reg <script>

All ACL-specific criteria imply a default matching method. Most often, these criteria are composed by concatenating the name of the original sample fetch method and the matching method. For example, hdr_beg applies the beg match to samples retrieved using the hdr fetch method. This matching method is only usable when the keyword is used alone, without any converter. In case any such converter were to be applied after such an ACL keyword, the default matching method from the ACL keyword is simply ignored since what will matter for the matching is the output type of the last converter. Since all ACL-specific criteria rely on a sample fetch method, it is always possible instead to use the original sample fetch method and the explicit matching method using -m.

If an alternate match is specified using -m on an ACL-specific criterion, the matching method is simply applied to the underlying sample fetch method. For example, all ACLs below are exact equivalent :

acl short_form  hdr_beg(host)        www.
acl alternate1  hdr_beg(host) -m beg www.
acl alternate2  hdr_dom(host) -m beg www.
acl alternate3  hdr(host)     -m beg www.

The table below summarizes the compatibility matrix between sample or converter types and the pattern types to fetch against. It indicates for each compatible combination the name of the matching method to be used, surrounded with angle brackets ">" and "<" when the method is the default one and will work by default without -m.

Input sample type
pattern type boolean integer ip string binary
none (presence only) found found found found found
none (boolean value) > bool < bool bool
integer (value) int > int < int int
integer (length) len len len len len
IP address > ip < ip ip
exact string str str str > str < str
prefix beg beg beg beg beg
suffix end end end end end
substring sub sub sub sub sub
subdir dir dir dir dir dir
domain dom dom dom dom dom
regex reg reg reg reg reg
hex block bin bin

#7.1.1. Matching booleans

In order to match a boolean, no value is needed and all values are ignored. Boolean matching is used by default for all fetch methods of type boolean. When boolean matching is used, the fetched value is returned as-is, which means that a boolean true will always match and a boolean false will never match.

Boolean matching may also be enforced using -m bool on fetch methods which return an integer value. Then, integer value 0 is converted to the boolean false and all other values are converted to true.

#7.1.2. Matching integers

Integer matching applies by default to integer fetch methods. It can also be enforced on boolean fetches using -m int. In this case, false is converted to the integer 0, and true is converted to the integer 1.

Integer matching also supports integer ranges and operators. Note that integer matching only applies to positive values. A range is a value expressed with a lower and an upper bound separated with a colon, both of which may be omitted.

For instance, 1024:65535 is a valid range to represent a range of unprivileged ports, and 1024: would also work. 0:1023 is a valid representation of privileged ports, and :1023 would also work.

As a special case, some ACL functions support decimal numbers which are in fact two integers separated by a dot. This is used with some version checks for instance. All integer properties apply to those decimal numbers, including ranges and operators.

For an easier usage, comparison operators are also supported. Note that using operators with ranges does not make much sense and is strongly discouraged. Similarly, it does not make much sense to perform order comparisons with a set of values.

Available operators for integer matching are :

eq : true if the tested value equals at least one value
ge : true if the tested value is greater than or equal to at least one value
gt : true if the tested value is greater than at least one value
le : true if the tested value is less than or equal to at least one value
lt : true if the tested value is less than at least one value

For instance, the following ACL matches any negative Content-Length header :

acl negative-length req.hdr_val(content-length) lt 0

This one matches SSL versions between 3.0 and 3.1 (inclusive) :

acl sslv3 req.ssl_ver 3:3.1

#7.1.3. Matching strings

String matching applies to string or binary fetch methods, and exists in 6 different forms :

  • exact match (-m str) : the extracted string must exactly match the patterns;

  • substring match (-m sub) : the patterns are looked up inside the extracted string, and the ACL matches if any of them is found inside;

  • prefix match (-m beg) : the patterns are compared with the beginning of the extracted string, and the ACL matches if any of them matches.

  • suffix match (-m end) : the patterns are compared with the end of the extracted string, and the ACL matches if any of them matches.

  • subdir match (-m dir) : the patterns are looked up anywhere inside the extracted string, delimited with slashes (/), the beginning or the end of the string. The ACL matches if any of them matches. As such, the string /images/png/logo/32x32.png, would match /images, /images/png, images/png, /png/logo, logo/32x32.png or 32x32.png but not png nor 32x32.

  • domain match (-m dom) : the patterns are looked up anywhere inside the extracted string, delimited with dots (.), colons (:), slashes (/), question marks (?), the beginning or the end of the string. This is made to be used with URLs. Leading and trailing delimiters in the pattern are ignored. The ACL matches if any of them matches. As such, in the example string, the patterns http, www1, .www1, dc-eu, example, com, 80, dc-eu.example, blah, :www1:, dc-eu.example:80 would match, but not eu nor dc. Using it to match domain suffixes for filtering or routing is generally not a good idea, as the routing could easily be fooled by prepending the matching prefix in front of another domain for example.

String matching applies to verbatim strings as they are passed, with the exception of the backslash (\) which makes it possible to escape some characters such as the space. If the -i flag is passed before the first string, then the matching will be performed ignoring the case. In order to match the string -i, either set it second, or pass the -- flag before the first string. Same applies of course to match the string --.

Do not use string matches for binary fetches which might contain null bytes (0x00), as the comparison stops at the occurrence of the first null byte. Instead, convert the binary fetch to a hex string with the hex converter first.

# matches if the string <tag> is present in the binary sample
acl tag_found req.payload(0,0),hex -m sub 3C7461673E  

#7.1.4. Matching regular expressions (regexes)

Just like with string matching, regex matching applies to verbatim strings as they are passed, with the exception of the backslash (\) which makes it possible to escape some characters such as the space. If the -i flag is passed before the first regex, then the matching will be performed ignoring the case. In order to match the string -i, either set it second, or pass the -- flag before the first string. Same principle applies of course to match the string --.

#7.1.5. Matching arbitrary data blocks

It is possible to match some extracted samples against a binary block which may not safely be represented as a string. For this, the patterns must be passed as a series of hexadecimal digits in an even number, when the match method is set to binary. Each sequence of two digits will represent a byte. The hexadecimal digits may be used upper or lower case.

Example :
# match "Hello\n" in the input stream (\x48 \x65 \x6c \x6c \x6f \x0a)
acl hello req.payload(0,6) -m bin 48656c6c6f0a  

#7.1.6. Matching IPv4 and IPv6 addresses

IPv4 addresses values can be specified either as plain addresses or with a netmask appended, in which case the IPv4 address matches whenever it is within the network. Plain addresses may also be replaced with a resolvable host name, but this practice is generally discouraged as it makes it more difficult to read and debug configurations. If hostnames are used, you should at least ensure that they are present in /etc/hosts so that the configuration does not depend on any random DNS match at the moment the configuration is parsed.

The dotted IPv4 address notation is supported in both regular as well as the abbreviated form with all-0-octets omitted:

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
192.168.1 10.12 127.1
192.168.1/22 10.12/8 127.1/8

Notice that this is different from RFC 4632 CIDR address notation in which 192.168.42/24 would be equivalent to

IPv6 may be entered in their usual form, with or without a netmask appended. Only bit counts are accepted for IPv6 netmasks. In order to avoid any risk of trouble with randomly resolved IP addresses, host names are never allowed in IPv6 patterns.

HAProxy is also able to match IPv4 addresses with IPv6 addresses in the following situations :

  • tested address is IPv4, pattern address is IPv4, the match applies in IPv4 using the supplied mask if any.

  • tested address is IPv6, pattern address is IPv6, the match applies in IPv6 using the supplied mask if any.

  • tested address is IPv6, pattern address is IPv4, the match applies in IPv4 using the pattern's mask if the IPv6 address matches with 2002:IPV4::, ::IPV4 or ::ffff:IPV4, otherwise it fails.

  • tested address is IPv4, pattern address is IPv6, the IPv4 address is first converted to IPv6 by prefixing ::ffff: in front of it, then the match is applied in IPv6 using the supplied IPv6 mask.

#7.2. Using ACLs to form conditions

Some actions are only performed upon a valid condition. A condition is a combination of ACLs with operators. 3 operators are supported :

  • AND (implicit)

  • OR (explicit with the or keyword or the || operator)

  • Negation with the exclamation mark (!)

A condition is formed as a disjunctive form:

[!]acl1 [!]acl2 ... [!]acln  { or [!]acl1 [!]acl2 ... [!]acln } ...

Such conditions are generally used after an if or unless statement, indicating when the condition will trigger the action.

For instance, to block HTTP requests to the * URL with methods other than OPTIONS, as well as POST requests without content-length, and GET or HEAD requests with a content-length greater than 0, and finally every request which is not either GET/HEAD/POST/OPTIONS !

acl missing_cl req.hdr_cnt(Content-length) eq 0
http-request deny if HTTP_URL_STAR !METH_OPTIONS || METH_POST missing_cl
http-request deny if METH_GET HTTP_CONTENT
http-request deny unless METH_GET or METH_POST or METH_OPTIONS

To select a different backend for requests to static contents on the www site and to every request on the img, video, download and ftp hosts :

acl url_static  path_beg         /static /images /img /css
acl url_static  path_end         .gif .png .jpg .css .js
acl host_www    hdr_beg(host) -i www
acl host_static hdr_beg(host) -i img. video. download. ftp.

# now use backend "static" for all static-only hosts, and for static URLs
# of host "www". Use backend "www" for the rest.
use_backend static if host_static or host_www url_static
use_backend www    if host_www

It is also possible to form rules using anonymous ACLs. Those are unnamed ACL expressions that are built on the fly without needing to be declared. They must be enclosed between braces, with a space before and after each brace (because the braces must be seen as independent words). Example :

The following rule :

    acl missing_cl req.hdr_cnt(Content-length) eq 0
    http-request deny if METH_POST missing_cl

Can also be written that way :

    http-request deny if METH_POST { req.hdr_cnt(Content-length) eq 0 }

It is generally not recommended to use this construct because it's a lot easier to leave errors in the configuration when written that way. However, for very simple rules matching only one source IP address for instance, it can make more sense to use them than to declare ACLs with random names. Another example of good use is the following :

With named ACLs :

     acl site_dead nbsrv(dynamic) lt 2
     acl site_dead nbsrv(static)  lt 2
     monitor fail  if site_dead

With anonymous ACLs :

     monitor fail if { nbsrv(dynamic) lt 2 } || { nbsrv(static) lt 2 }

See section 4.2 for detailed help on the http-request deny and use_backend keywords.

#7.3. Fetching samples

Historically, sample fetch methods were only used to retrieve data to match against patterns using ACLs. With the arrival of stick-tables, a new class of sample fetch methods was created, most often sharing the same syntax as their ACL counterpart. These sample fetch methods are also known as fetches. As of now, ACLs and fetches have converged. All ACL fetch methods have been made available as fetch methods, and ACLs may use any sample fetch method as well.

This section details all available sample fetch methods and their output type. Some sample fetch methods have deprecated aliases that are used to maintain compatibility with existing configurations. They are then explicitly marked as deprecated and should not be used in new setups.

The ACL derivatives are also indicated when available, with their respective matching methods. These ones all have a well defined default pattern matching method, so it is never necessary (though allowed) to pass the -m option to indicate how the sample will be matched using ACLs.

As indicated in the sample type versus matching compatibility matrix above, when using a generic sample fetch method in an ACL, the -m option is mandatory unless the sample type is one of boolean, integer, IPv4 or IPv6. When the same keyword exists as an ACL keyword and as a standard fetch method, the ACL engine will automatically pick the ACL-only one by default.

Some of these keywords support one or multiple mandatory arguments, and one or multiple optional arguments. These arguments are strongly typed and are checked when the configuration is parsed so that there is no risk of running with an incorrect argument (e.g. an unresolved backend name). Fetch function arguments are passed between parenthesis and are delimited by commas. When an argument is optional, it will be indicated below between square brackets ('[ ]'). When all arguments are optional, the parenthesis may be omitted.

Thus, the syntax of a standard sample fetch method is one of the following : - name - name(arg1) - name(arg1,arg2)

#7.3.1. Converters

Sample fetch methods may be combined with transformations to be applied on top of the fetched sample (also called converters). These combinations form what is called sample expressions and the result is a sample. Initially this was only supported by stick on and stick store-request directives but this has now be extended to all places where samples may be used (ACLs, log-format, unique-id-format, add-header, ...).

These transformations are enumerated as a series of specific keywords after the sample fetch method. These keywords may equally be appended immediately after the fetch keyword's argument, delimited by a comma. These keywords can also support some arguments (e.g. a netmask) which must be passed in parenthesis.

A certain category of converters are bitwise and arithmetic operators which support performing basic operations on integers. Some bitwise operations are supported (and, or, xor, cpl) and some arithmetic operations are supported (add, sub, mul, div, mod, neg). Some comparators are provided (odd, even, not, bool) which make it possible to report a match without having to write an ACL.

The following keywords are supported:

keyword input type output type
add(value) integer integer
add_item(delim,[var][,suff]]) string string
aes_gcm_dec(bits,nonce,key,aead_tag) binary binary
aes_gcm_enc(bits,nonce,key,aead_tag) binary binary
and(value) integer integer
b64dec string binary
base64 binary string
be2dec(separator,chunk_size,[truncate]) binary string
be2hex([separator],[chunk_size],[truncate]) binary string
bool integer boolean
bytes(offset[,length]) binary binary
capture-req(id) string string
capture-res(id) string string
concat([start],[var],[end]) string string
cpl integer integer
crc32([avalanche]) binary integer
crc32c([avalanche]) binary integer
cut_crlf string string
da-csv-conv(prop[,prop*]) string string
date string integer
debug([prefix][,destination]) any same
digest(algorithm) binary binary
div(value) integer integer
djb2([avalanche]) binary integer
even integer boolean
field(index,delimiters[,count]) string string
fix_is_valid binary boolean
fix_tag_value(tag) binary binary
hex binary string
hex2i binary integer
hmac(algorithm,key) binary binary
host_only string string
htonl integer integer
http_date([offset],[unit]) integer string
iif(true,false) boolean string
in_table(table) string boolean
ipmask(mask4,[mask6]) address address
json([input-code]) string string
json_query(json_path,[output_type]) string _outtype_
jwt_header_query([json_path],[output_type]) string string
jwt_payload_query([json_path],[output_type]) string string
jwt_verify(alg,key) string integer
language(value[,default]) string string
length string integer
lower string string
ltime(format[,offset]) integer string
ltrim(chars) string string
map(map_name[,default_value]) string string
map_match(map_name[,default_value]) _match_ string
map_match_output(map_name[,default_value]) _match_ _output_
mod(value) integer integer
mqtt_field_value(pkt_type,fieldname_or_prop_ID) binary binary
mqtt_is_valid binary boolean
ms_ltime(format[,offset]) integer string
ms_utime(format[,offset]) integer string
mul(value) integer integer
nbsrv string integer
neg integer integer
not integer boolean
odd integer boolean
or(value) integer integer
param(name,[delim]) string string
port_only string integer
protobuf(field_number,[field_type]) binary binary
regsub(regex,subst[,flags]) string string
rfc7239_field(field) string string
rfc7239_is_valid string boolean
rfc7239_n2nn string address / str
rfc7239_n2np string integer / str
rfc7239_nn address/str string
rfc7239_np integer/str string
rtrim(chars) string string
sdbm([avalanche]) binary integer
secure_memcmp(var) string boolean
set-var(var[,cond...]) any same
sha1 binary binary
sha2([bits]) binary binary
srv_queue string integer
strcmp(var) string boolean
sub(value) integer integer
table_bytes_in_rate(table) string integer
table_bytes_out_rate(table) string integer
table_conn_cnt(table) string integer
table_conn_cur(table) string integer
table_conn_rate(table) string integer
table_expire(table[,default_value]) string integer
table_glitch_cnt(table) string integer
table_glitch_rate(table) string integer
table_gpc(idx,table) string integer
table_gpc0(table) string integer
table_gpc0_rate(table) string integer
table_gpc1(table) string integer
table_gpc1_rate(table) string integer
table_gpc_rate(idx,table) string integer
table_gpt(idx,table) string integer
table_gpt0(table) string integer
table_http_err_cnt(table) string integer
table_http_err_rate(table) string integer
table_http_fail_cnt(table) string integer
table_http_fail_rate(table) string integer
table_http_req_cnt(table) string integer
table_http_req_rate(table) string integer
table_idle(table[,default_value]) string integer
table_kbytes_in(table) string integer
table_kbytes_out(table) string integer
table_server_id(table) string integer
table_sess_cnt(table) string integer
table_sess_rate(table) string integer
table_trackers(table) string integer
ub64dec string string
ub64enc string string
ungrpc(field_number,[field_type]) binary binary / int
unset-var(var) any same
upper string string
url_dec([in_form]) string string
url_enc([enc_type]) string string
us_ltime(format[,offset]) integer string
us_utime(format[,offset]) integer string
utime(format[,offset]) integer string
when(condition) any same
word(index,delimiters[,count]) string string
wt6([avalanche]) binary integer
x509_v_err_str integer string
xor(value) integer integer
xxh3([seed]) binary integer
xxh32([seed]) binary integer
xxh64([seed]) binary integer

The detailed list of converter keywords follows:


Returns values for the properties requested as a string, where values are separated by the delimiter specified with 51degrees-property-separator. The device is identified using the User-Agent header passed to the converter. The function can be passed up to five property names, and if a property name can't be found, the value NoData is returned.

Example :
# Here the header "X-51D-DeviceTypeMobileTablet" is added to the request,
# containing values for the three properties requested by using the
# User-Agent passed to the converter.
frontend http-in
  bind *:8081
  default_backend servers
  http-request set-header X-51D-DeviceTypeMobileTablet \
#add(<value>) integer integer

Adds <value> to the input value of type signed integer, and returns the result as a signed integer. <value> can be a numeric value or a variable name. See section 2.8 about variables for details.

#add_item(<delim>,[<var>][,<suff>]]) string string

Concatenates a minimum of 2 and up to 3 fields after the current sample which is then turned into a string. The first one, <delim>, is a constant string, that will be appended immediately after the existing sample if an existing sample is not empty and either the <var> or the <suff> is not empty. The second one, <var>, is a variable name. The variable will be looked up, its contents converted to a string, and it will be appended immediately after the <delim> part. If the variable is not found, nothing is appended. It is optional and may optionally be followed by a constant string <suff>, however if <var> is omitted, then <suff> is mandatory. This converter is similar to the concat converter and can be used to build new variables made of a succession of other variables but the main difference is that it does the checks if adding a delimiter makes sense as wouldn't be the case if e.g. the current sample is empty. That situation would require 2 separate rules using concat converter where the first rule would have to check if the current sample string is empty before adding a delimiter. If commas or closing parenthesis are needed as delimiters, they must be protected by quotes or backslashes, themselves protected so that they are not stripped by the first level parser (please see section 2.2 for quoting and escaping). See examples below.

http-request set-var(req.tagged) 'var(req.tagged),add_item(",",req.score1,"(site1)") if src,in_table(site1)'
http-request set-var(req.tagged) 'var(req.tagged),add_item(",",req.score2,"(site2)") if src,in_table(site2)'
http-request set-var(req.tagged) 'var(req.tagged),add_item(",",req.score3,"(site3)") if src,in_table(site3)'
http-request set-header x-tagged %[var(req.tagged)]

http-request set-var(req.tagged) 'var(req.tagged),add_item(",",req.score1),add_item(",",req.score2)'
http-request set-var(req.tagged) 'var(req.tagged),add_item(",",,(site1))' if src,in_table(site1)  
#aes_gcm_dec(<bits>,<nonce>,<key>,<aead_tag>) binary binary

Decrypts the raw byte input using the AES128-GCM, AES192-GCM or AES256-GCM algorithm, depending on the <bits> parameter. All other parameters need to be base64 encoded and the returned result is in raw byte format. If the <aead_tag> validation fails, the converter doesn't return any data. The <nonce>, <key> and <aead_tag> can either be strings or variables. This converter requires at least OpenSSL 1.0.1.

http-response set-header X-Decrypted-Text %[var(txn.enc),\
#aes_gcm_enc(<bits>,<nonce>,<key>,<aead_tag>) binary binary

Encrypts the raw byte input using the AES128-GCM, AES192-GCM or AES256-GCM algorithm, depending on the <bits> parameter. <nonce> and <key> parameters must be base64 encoded. Last parameter, <aead_tag>, must be a variable. The AEAD tag will be stored base64 encoded into that variable. The returned result is in raw byte format. The <nonce> and <key> can either be strings or variables. This converter requires at least OpenSSL 1.0.1.

http-response set-header X-Encrypted-Text %[var(txn.plain),\
#and(<value>) integer integer

Performs a bitwise AND between <value> and the input value of type signed integer, and returns the result as an signed integer. <value> can be a numeric value or a variable name. See section 2.8 about variables for details.

#b64dec string binary

Converts (decodes) a base64 encoded input string to its binary representation. It performs the inverse operation of base64(). For base64url(URL and Filename Safe Alphabet (RFC 4648)) variant see ub64dec.

#base64 binary string

Converts a binary input sample to a base64 string. It is used to log or transfer binary content in a way that can be reliably transferred (e.g. an SSL ID can be copied in a header). For base64url(URL and Filename Safe Alphabet (RFC 4648)) variant see ub64enc.

#be2dec(<separator>,<chunk_size>,[<truncate>]) binary string

Converts big-endian binary input sample to a string containing an unsigned integer number per <chunk_size> input bytes. <separator> is put every <chunk_size> binary input bytes if specified. <truncate> flag indicates whatever binary input is truncated at <chunk_size> boundaries. <chunk_size> maximum value is limited by the size of long long int (8 bytes).

bin(01020304050607),be2dec(:,2)   # 258:772:1286:7
bin(01020304050607),be2dec(-,2,1) # 258-772-1286
bin(01020304050607),be2dec(,2,1)  # 2587721286
bin(7f000001),be2dec(.,1)         #  
#be2hex([<separator>],[<chunk_size>],[<truncate>]) binary string

Converts big-endian binary input sample to a hex string containing two hex digits per input byte. It is used to log or transfer hex dumps of some binary input data in a way that can be reliably transferred (e.g. an SSL ID can be copied in a header). <separator> is put every <chunk_size> binary input bytes if specified. <truncate> flag indicates whatever binary input is truncated at <chunk_size> boundaries.

bin(01020304050607),be2hex         # 01020304050607
bin(01020304050607),be2hex(:,2)    # 0102:0304:0506:07
bin(01020304050607),be2hex(--,2,1) # 0102--0304--0506
bin(0102030405060708),be2hex(,3,1) # 010203040506  
#bool integer boolean

Returns a boolean TRUE if the input value of type signed integer is non-null, otherwise returns FALSE. Used in conjunction with and(), it can be used to report true/false for bit testing on input values (e.g. verify the presence of a flag).

#bytes(<offset>[,<length>]) binary binary

Extracts some bytes from an input binary sample. The result is a binary sample starting at an offset (in bytes) of the original sample and optionally truncated at the given length. <offset> and <length> can be numeric values or variable names. The converter returns an empty sample if either <offset> or <length> is invalid. Invalid <offset> means a negative value or a value >= length of the input sample. Invalid <length> means a negative value or, in some cases, a value bigger than the length of the input sample.

http-request set-var(txn.input) req.hdr(input) # let's say input is "012345"

http-response set-header bytes_0 "%[var(txn.input),bytes(0)]"  # outputs "012345"
http-response set-header bytes_1_3 "%[var(txn.input),bytes(1,3)]"  # outputs "123"

http-response set-var(txn.var_start) int(1)
http-response set-var(txn.var_length) int(3)
http-response set-header bytes_var1_var3    "%[var(txn.input),bytes(txn.var_start,txn.var_length)]"  # outputs "123"  
#capture-req(<id>) string string

Capture the string entry in the request slot <id> and returns the entry as is. If the slot doesn't exist, the capture fails silently.

See also: declare capture, http-request capture, http-response capture, capture.req.hdr and capture.res.hdr (sample fetches).

#capture-res(<id>) string string

Capture the string entry in the response slot <id> and returns the entry as is. If the slot doesn't exist, the capture fails silently.

See also: declare capture, http-request capture, http-response capture, capture.req.hdr and capture.res.hdr (sample fetches).

#concat([<start>],[<var>],[<end>]) string string

Concatenates up to 3 fields after the current sample which is then turned to a string. The first one, <start>, is a constant string, that will be appended immediately after the existing sample. It may be omitted if not used. The second one, <var>, is a variable name. The variable will be looked up, its contents converted to a string, and it will be appended immediately after the <first> part. If the variable is not found, nothing is appended. It may be omitted as well. The third field, <end> is a constant string that will be appended after the variable. It may also be omitted. Together, these elements allow to concatenate variables with delimiters to an existing set of variables. This can be used to build new variables made of a succession of other variables, such as colon-delimited values. If commas or closing parenthesis are needed as delimiters, they must be protected by quotes or backslashes, themselves protected so that they are not stripped by the first level parser. This is often used to build composite variables from other ones, but sometimes using a format string with multiple fields may be more convenient. See examples below.

tcp-request session set-var(sess.src) src
tcp-request session set-var(sess.dn)  ssl_c_s_dn
tcp-request session set-var(txn.sig) str(),concat(<ip=,sess.ip,>),concat(<dn=,sess.dn,>)
tcp-request session set-var(txn.ipport) "str(),concat('addr=(',sess.ip),concat(',',sess.port,')')"
tcp-request session set-var-fmt(txn.ipport) "addr=(%[sess.ip],%[sess.port])"  ## does the same
http-request set-header x-hap-sig %[var(txn.sig)]  
#cpl integer integer

Takes the input value of type signed integer, applies a ones-complement (flips all bits) and returns the result as an signed integer.

#crc32([<avalanche>]) binary integer

Hashes a binary input sample into an unsigned 32-bit quantity using the CRC32 hash function. Optionally, it is possible to apply a full avalanche hash function to the output if the optional <avalanche> argument equals 1. This converter uses the same functions as used by the various hash-based load balancing algorithms, so it will provide exactly the same results. It is provided for compatibility with other software which want a CRC32 to be computed on some input keys, so it follows the most common implementation as found in Ethernet, Gzip, PNG, etc... It is slower than the other algorithms but may provide a better or at least less predictable distribution. It must not be used for security purposes as a 32-bit hash is trivial to break. See also djb2, sdbm, wt6, crc32c and the hash-type directive.

#crc32c([<avalanche>]) binary integer

Hashes a binary input sample into an unsigned 32-bit quantity using the CRC32C hash function. Optionally, it is possible to apply a full avalanche hash function to the output if the optional <avalanche> argument equals 1. This converter uses the same functions as described in RFC4960, Appendix B [8]. It is provided for compatibility with other software which want a CRC32C to be computed on some input keys. It is slower than the other algorithms and it must not be used for security purposes as a 32-bit hash is trivial to break. See also djb2, sdbm, wt6, crc32 and the hash-type directive.

#cut_crlf string string

Cuts the string representation of the input sample on the first carriage return ('\r') or newline ('\n') character found. Only the string length is updated.

#da-csv-conv(<prop>[,<prop>*]) string string

Asks the DeviceAtlas converter to identify the User Agent string passed on input, and to emit a string made of the concatenation of the properties enumerated in argument, delimited by the separator defined by the global keyword deviceatlas-property-separator, or by default the pipe character ('|'). There's a limit of 12 different properties imposed by the HAProxy configuration language.

frontend www
  bind *:8881
  default_backend servers
  http-request set-header X-DeviceAtlas-Data %[req.fhdr(User-Agent),da-csv(primaryHardwareType,osName,osVersion,browserName,browserVersion,browserRenderingEngine)]  
#date string integer

This converter is used to convert a date from an HTTP header. It can be an IMF date, an ASCTIME date or a RFC850 date. It will output an UNIX timestamp.

http-request return lf-string "%[str('Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT'),date]\n" content-type text/plain  
#debug([<prefix][,<destination>]) any same

This converter is used as debug tool. It takes a capture of the input sample and sends it to event sink <destination>, which may designate a ring buffer such as buf0, as well as stdout, or stderr. Available sinks may be checked at run time by issuing show events on the CLI. When not specified, the output will be buf0, which may be consulted via the CLI's show events command. An optional prefix <prefix> may be passed to help distinguish outputs from multiple expressions. It will then appear before the colon in the output message. The input sample is passed as-is on the output, so that it is safe to insert the debug converter anywhere in a chain, even with non- printable sample types.

tcp-request connection track-sc0 src,debug(track-sc)  
#digest(<algorithm>) binary binary

Converts a binary input sample to a message digest. The result is a binary sample. The <algorithm> must be an OpenSSL message digest name (e.g. sha256).

Please note that this converter is only available when HAProxy has been compiled with USE_OPENSSL.

#div(<value>) integer integer

Divides the input value of type signed integer by <value>, and returns the result as an signed integer. If <value> is null, the largest unsigned integer is returned (typically 2^63-1). <value> can be a numeric value or a variable name. See section 2.8 about variables for details.

#djb2([<avalanche>]) binary integer

Hashes a binary input sample into an unsigned 32-bit quantity using the DJB2 hash function. Optionally, it is possible to apply a full avalanche hash function to the output if the optional <avalanche> argument equals 1. This converter uses the same functions as used by the various hash-based load balancing algorithms, so it will provide exactly the same results. It is mostly intended for debugging, but can be used as a stick-table entry to collect rough statistics. It must not be used for security purposes as a 32-bit hash is trivial to break. See also crc32, sdbm, wt6, crc32c, and the hash-type directive.

#even integer boolean

Returns a boolean TRUE if the input value of type signed integer is even otherwise returns FALSE. It is functionally equivalent to not,and(1),bool.

#field(<index>,<delimiters>[,<count>]) string string

Extracts the substring at the given index counting from the beginning (positive index) or from the end (negative index) considering given delimiters from an input string. Indexes start at 1 or -1 and delimiters are a string formatted list of chars. Optionally you can specify <count> of fields to extract (default: 1). Value of 0 indicates extraction of all remaining fields.

Example :
str(f1_f2_f3__f5),field(4,_)    # <empty>
str(f1_f2_f3__f5),field(5,_)    # f5
str(f1_f2_f3__f5),field(2,_,0)  # f2_f3__f5
str(f1_f2_f3__f5),field(2,_,2)  # f2_f3
str(f1_f2_f3__f5),field(-2,_,3) # f2_f3_
str(f1_f2_f3__f5),field(-3,_,0) # f1_f2_f3  
#fix_is_valid binary boolean

Parses a binary payload and performs sanity checks regarding FIX (Financial Information eXchange):

  • checks that all tag IDs and values are not empty and the tags IDs are well numeric

  • checks the BeginString tag is the first tag with a valid FIX version

  • checks the BodyLength tag is the second one with the right body length

  • checks the MsgType tag is the third tag.

  • checks that last tag in the message is the CheckSum tag with a valid checksum

Due to current HAProxy design, only the first message sent by the client and the server can be parsed.

This converter returns a boolean, true if the payload contains a valid FIX message, false if not.

See also the fix_tag_value converter.

tcp-request inspect-delay 10s
tcp-request content reject unless { req.payload(0,0),fix_is_valid }  
#fix_tag_value(<tag>) binary binary

Parses a FIX (Financial Information eXchange) message and extracts the value from the tag <tag>. <tag> can be a string or an integer pointing to the desired tag. Any integer value is accepted, but only the following strings are translated into their integer equivalent: BeginString, BodyLength, MsgType, SenderCompID, TargetCompID, CheckSum. More tag names can be easily added.

Due to current HAProxy design, only the first message sent by the client and the server can be parsed. No message validation is performed by this converter. It is highly recommended to validate the message first using fix_is_valid converter.

See also the fix_is_valid converter.

tcp-request inspect-delay 10s
tcp-request content reject unless { req.payload(0,0),fix_is_valid }
# MsgType tag ID is 35, so both lines below will return the same content
tcp-request content set-var( req.payload(0,0),fix_tag_value(35)
tcp-request content set-var( req.payload(0,0),fix_tag_value(MsgType)  
#hex binary string

Converts a binary input sample to a hex string containing two hex digits per input byte. It is used to log or transfer hex dumps of some binary input data in a way that can be reliably transferred (e.g. an SSL ID can be copied in a header).

#hex2i binary integer

Converts a hex string containing two hex digits per input byte to an integer. If the input value cannot be converted, then zero is returned.

#hmac(<algorithm>,<key>) binary binary

Converts a binary input sample to a message authentication code with the given key. The result is a binary sample. The <algorithm> must be one of the registered OpenSSL message digest names (e.g. sha256). The <key> parameter must be base64 encoded and can either be a string or a variable.

Please note that this converter is only available when HAProxy has been compiled with USE_OPENSSL.

#host_only string string

Converts a string which contains a Host header value and removes its port. The input must respect the format of the host header value (rfc9110#section-7.2). It will support that kind of input: hostname, hostname:80,,, [::1], [::1]:80.

This converter also sets the string in lowercase.

See also: port_only converter which will return the port.

#htonl integer integer

Converts the input integer value to its 32-bit binary representation in the network byte order. Because sample fetches own signed 64-bit integer, when this converter is used, the input integer value is first casted to an unsigned 32-bit integer.

#http_date([<offset],[<unit>]) integer string

Converts an integer supposed to contain a date since epoch to a string representing this date in a format suitable for use in HTTP header fields. If an offset value is specified, then it is added to the date before the conversion is operated. This is particularly useful to emit Date header fields, Expires values in responses when combined with a positive offset, or Last-Modified values when the offset is negative. If a unit value is specified, then consider the timestamp as either s for seconds (default behavior), ms for milliseconds, or us for microseconds since epoch. Offset is assumed to have the same unit as input timestamp.

#iif(<true>,<false>) boolean string

Returns the <true> string if the input value is true. Returns the <false> string otherwise.

http-request set-header x-forwarded-proto %[ssl_fc,iif(https,http)]  
#in_table(<table>) string boolean

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, a boolean false is returned. Otherwise a boolean true is returned. This can be used to verify the presence of a certain key in a table tracking some elements (e.g. whether or not a source IP address or an Authorization header was already seen).

#ipmask(<mask4>,[<mask6>]) address address

Apply a mask to an IP address, and use the result for lookups and storage. This can be used to make all hosts within a certain mask to share the same table entries and as such use the same server. The mask4 can be passed in dotted form (e.g. or in CIDR form (e.g. 24). The mask6 can be passed in quadruplet form (e.g. ffff:ffff::) or in CIDR form (e.g. 64). If no mask6 is given IPv6 addresses will fail to convert for backwards compatibility reasons.

#json([<input-code>]) string string

Escapes the input string and produces an ASCII output string ready to use as a JSON string. The converter tries to decode the input string according to the <input-code> parameter. It can be ascii, utf8, utf8s, utf8p or utf8ps. The ascii decoder never fails. The utf8 decoder detects 3 types of errors:

  • bad UTF-8 sequence (lone continuation byte, bad number of continuation bytes, ...)

  • invalid range (the decoded value is within a UTF-8 prohibited range),

  • code overlong (the value is encoded with more bytes than necessary).

The UTF-8 JSON encoding can produce a too long value error when the UTF-8 character is greater than 0xffff because the JSON string escape specification only authorizes 4 hex digits for the value encoding. The UTF-8 decoder exists in 4 variants designated by a combination of two suffix letters : p for permissive and s for silently ignore. The behaviors of the decoders are :

  • ascii : never fails;

  • utf8 : fails on any detected errors;

  • utf8s : never fails, but removes characters corresponding to errors;

  • utf8p : accepts and fixes the overlong errors, but fails on any other error;

  • utf8ps : never fails, accepts and fixes the overlong errors, but removes characters corresponding to the other errors.

This converter is particularly useful for building properly escaped JSON for logging to servers which consume JSON-formatted traffic logs.

capture request header Host len 15
capture request header user-agent len 150
log-format '{"ip":"%[src]","user-agent":"%[capture.req.hdr(1),json(utf8s)]"}'  

Input request from client GET / HTTP/1.0 User-Agent: Very Ugly UA 1/2

Output log: {ip:,user-agent:Very \Ugly\UA 1\/2}

#json_query(<json_path>,[<output_type>]) string _outtype_

The json_query converter supports the JSON types string, boolean, number and array. Floating point numbers will be returned as a string. By specifying the output_type 'int' the value will be converted to an Integer. Arrays will be returned as string, starting and ending with a square brackets. The content is a CSV. Depending on the data type, the array values might be quoted. If the array values are complex types, the string contains the complete json representation of each value separated by a comma. Example result for a roles query to a JWT:


If conversion is not possible the json_query converter fails.

<json_path> must be a valid JSON Path string as defined in

# get a integer value from the request body
# "{"integer":4}" => 5
http-request set-var(txn.pay_int) req.body,json_query('$.integer','int'),add(1)

# get a key with '.' in the name
# {"my.key":"myvalue"} => myvalue
http-request set-var(txn.pay_mykey) req.body,json_query('$.my\\.key')

# {"boolean-false":false} => 0
http-request set-var(txn.pay_boolean_false) req.body,json_query('$.boolean-false')

# get the value of the key 'iss' from a JWT Bearer token
http-request set-var(txn.token_payload) req.hdr(Authorization),word(2,.),ub64dec,json_query('$.iss')  
#jwt_header_query([<json_path>],[<output_type>]) string string

When given a JSON Web Token (JWT) in input, either returns the decoded header part of the token (the first base64-url encoded part of the JWT) if no parameter is given, or performs a json_query on the decoded header part of the token. See json_query converter for details about the accepted json_path and output_type parameters.

Please note that this converter is only available when HAProxy has been compiled with USE_OPENSSL.

#jwt_payload_query([<json_path>],[<output_type>]) string string

When given a JSON Web Token (JWT) in input, either returns the decoded payload part of the token (the second base64-url encoded part of the JWT) if no parameter is given, or performs a json_query on the decoded payload part of the token. See json_query converter for details about the accepted json_path and output_type parameters.

Please note that this converter is only available when HAProxy has been compiled with USE_OPENSSL.

#jwt_verify(<alg>,<key>) string integer

Performs a signature verification for the JSON Web Token (JWT) given in input by using the <alg> algorithm and the <key> parameter, which should either hold a secret or a path to a public certificate. Returns 1 in case of verification success, 0 in case of verification error and a strictly negative value for any other error. Because of all those non-null error return values, the result of this converter should never be converted to a boolean. See below for a full list of the possible return values.

For now, only JWS tokens using the Compact Serialization format can be processed (three dot-separated base64-url encoded strings). All the algorithms mentioned in section 3.1 of RFC7518 are managed (HS, ES, RS and PS with the 256, 384 or 512 key sizes, as well as the special none case).

If the used algorithm is of the HMAC family, <key> should be the secret used in the HMAC signature calculation. Otherwise, <key> should be the path to the public certificate that can be used to validate the token's signature. All the certificates that might be used to verify JWTs must be known during init in order to be added into a dedicated certificate cache so that no disk access is required during runtime. For this reason, any used certificate must be mentioned explicitly at least once in a jwt_verify call. Passing an intermediate variable as second parameter is then not advised.

This converter only verifies the signature of the token and does not perform a full JWT validation as specified in section 7.2 of RFC7519. We do not ensure that the header and payload contents are fully valid JSON's once decoded for instance, and no checks are performed regarding their respective contents.

The possible return values are the following :

ID message
0 "Verification failure"
1 "Verification success"
-1 "Unknown algorithm (not mentioned in RFC7518)"
-2 "Unmanaged algorithm"
-3 "Invalid token"
-4 "Out of memory"
-5 "Unknown certificate"

Please note that this converter is only available when HAProxy has been compiled with USE_OPENSSL.

# Get a JWT from the authorization header, extract the "alg" field of its
# JOSE header and use a public certificate to verify a signature
http-request set-var(txn.bearer) http_auth_bearer
http-request set-var(txn.jwt_alg) var(txn.bearer),jwt_header_query('$.alg')
http-request deny unless { var(txn.jwt_alg) -m str "RS256" }
http-request deny unless { var(txn.bearer),jwt_verify(txn.jwt_alg,"/path/to/crt.pem") 1 }  
#language(<value>[,<default>]) string string

Returns the value with the highest q-factor from a list as extracted from the accept-language header using req.fhdr. Values with no q-factor have a q-factor of 1. Values with a q-factor of 0 are dropped. Only values which belong to the list of semi-colon delimited <values> will be considered. The argument <value> syntax is lang[;lang[;lang[;...]]]. If no value matches the given list and a default value is provided, it is returned. Note that language names may have a variant after a dash ('-'). If this variant is present in the list, it will be matched, but if it is not, only the base language is checked. The match is case-sensitive, and the output string is always one of those provided in arguments. The ordering of arguments is meaningless, only the ordering of the values in the request counts, as the first value among multiple sharing the same q-factor is used.

Example :
# this configuration switches to the backend matching a
# given language based on the request :

acl es req.fhdr(accept-language),language(es;fr;en) -m str es
acl fr req.fhdr(accept-language),language(es;fr;en) -m str fr
acl en req.fhdr(accept-language),language(es;fr;en) -m str en
use_backend spanish if es
use_backend french  if fr
use_backend english if en
default_backend choose_your_language  
#length string integer

Get the length of the string. This can only be placed after a string sample fetch function or after a transformation keyword returning a string type. The result is of type integer.

#lower string string

Convert a string sample to lower case. This can only be placed after a string sample fetch function or after a transformation keyword returning a string type. The result is of type string.

#ltime(<format>[,<offset>]) integer string

Converts an integer supposed to contain a date since epoch to a string representing this date in local time using a format defined by the <format> string using strftime(3). The purpose is to allow any date format to be used in logs. An optional <offset> in seconds may be applied to the input date (positive or negative). See the strftime() man page for the format supported by your operating system. See also the utime converter.

Example :
# Emit two colons, one with the local time and another with ip:port
# e.g.  20140710162350
log-format %[date,ltime(%Y%m%d%H%M%S)]\ %ci:%cp  
#ltrim(<chars>) string string

Skips any characters from <chars> from the beginning of the string representation of the input sample.

#map(<map_name>[,<default_value>]) string string #map(<map_name>[,<default_value>]) string string #map(<map_name>[,<default_value>]) string string

Search the input value from <map_name> using the <match_type> matching method, and return the associated value converted to the type <output_type>. If the input value cannot be found in the <map_name>, the converter returns the <default_value>. If the <default_value> is not set, the converter fails and acts as if no input value could be fetched. If the <match_type> is not set, it defaults to str. Likewise, if the <output_type> is not set, it defaults to str. For convenience, the map keyword is an alias for map_str and maps a string to another string. <map_name> must follow the format described in 2.7. about name format for maps and ACLs

It is important to avoid overlapping between the keys : IP addresses and strings are stored in trees, so the first of the finest match will be used. Other keys are stored in lists, so the first matching occurrence will be used.

The following array contains the list of all map functions available sorted by input type, match type and output type.

input type

match method output type str output type int output type ip output type key
str str map_str map_str_int map_str_ip map_str_key
str beg map_beg map_beg_int map_end_ip map_end_key
str sub map_sub map_sub_int map_sub_ip map_sub_key
str dir map_dir map_dir_int map_dir_ip map_dir_key
str dom map_dom map_dom_int map_dom_ip map_dom_key
str end map_end map_end_int map_end_ip map_end_key
str reg map_reg map_reg_int map_reg_ip map_reg_key
str reg map_regm map_reg_int map_reg_ip map_reg_key
int int map_int map_int_int map_int_ip map_int_key
ip ip map_ip map_ip_int map_ip_ip map_ip_key

The special map called map_regm expect matching zone in the regular expression and modify the output replacing back reference (like \1) by the corresponding match text.

Output type key means that it is the matched entry's key (as found in the map file) that will be returned as a string instead of the value. Note that optional <default_value> argument is not supported when key output type is used.

Files referenced by <map_name> contains one key + value per line. Lines which start with '#' are ignored, just like empty lines. Leading tabs and spaces are stripped. The key is then the first word (series of non-space/tabs characters), and the value is what follows this series of space/tab till the end of the line excluding trailing spaces/tabs.

Example :
# this is a comment and is ignored    United Kingdom      \n
 |       |       |         |        `- trailing spaces ignored
 |       |       |         `---------- value
 |       |       `-------------------- middle spaces ignored
 |       `---------------------------- key
 `------------------------------------ leading spaces ignored  
#mod(<value>) integer integer

Divides the input value of type signed integer by <value>, and returns the remainder as an signed integer. If <value> is null, then zero is returned. <value> can be a numeric value or a variable name. See section 2.8 about variables for details.

#mqtt_field_value(<packettype>,<fieldname_or_property_ID>) binary binary

Returns value of <fieldname> found in input MQTT payload of type <packettype>. <packettype> can be either a string (case insensitive matching) or a numeric value corresponding to the type of packet we're supposed to extract data from. Supported string and integers can be found here:

<fieldname> depends on <packettype> and can be any of the following below. (note that <fieldname> matching is case insensitive). <property id> can only be found in MQTT v5.0 streams. check this table:

  • CONNECT (or 1): flags, protocol_name, protocol_version, client_identifier, will_topic, will_payload, username, password, keepalive OR any property ID as a numeric value (for MQTT v5.0 packets only): 17: Session Expiry Interval 33: Receive Maximum 39: Maximum Packet Size 34: Topic Alias Maximum 25: Request Response Information 23: Request Problem Information 21: Authentication Method 22: Authentication Data 18: Will Delay Interval 1: Payload Format Indicator 2: Message Expiry Interval 3: Content Type 8: Response Topic 9: Correlation Data Not supported yet: 38: User Property

  • CONNACK (or 2): flags, protocol_version, reason_code OR any property ID as a numeric value (for MQTT v5.0 packets only): 17: Session Expiry Interval 33: Receive Maximum 36: Maximum QoS 37: Retain Available 39: Maximum Packet Size 18: Assigned Client Identifier 34: Topic Alias Maximum 31: Reason String 40; Wildcard Subscription Available 41: Subscription Identifiers Available 42: Shared Subscription Available 19: Server Keep Alive 26: Response Information 28: Server Reference 21: Authentication Method 22: Authentication Data Not supported yet: 38: User Property

Due to current HAProxy design, only the first message sent by the client and the server can be parsed. Thus this converter can extract data only from CONNECT and CONNACK packet types. CONNECT is the first message sent by the client and CONNACK is the first response sent by the server.

acl data_in_buffer req.len ge 4
tcp-request content set-var(txn.username) \
        req.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(connect,protocol_name) \
        if data_in_buffer
# do the same as above
tcp-request content set-var(txn.username) \
        req.payload(0,0),mqtt_field_value(1,protocol_name) \
        if data_in_buffer  
#mqtt_is_valid binary boolean

Checks that the binary input is a valid MQTT packet. It returns a boolean.

Due to current HAProxy design, only the first message sent by the client and the server can be parsed. Thus this converter can extract data only from CONNECT and CONNACK packet types. CONNECT is the first message sent by the client and CONNACK is the first response sent by the server.

Only MQTT 3.1, 3.1.1 and 5.0 are supported.

acl data_in_buffer req.len ge 4
tcp-request content reject unless { req.payload(0,0),mqtt_is_valid }  
#ms_ltime(<format>[,<offset>]) integer string

This works like ltime but takes an input in milliseconds. It also supports the %N conversion specifier inspired by date(1). Converts an integer supposed to contain a date since epoch to a string representing this date in local time using a format defined by the <format> string using strftime(3). The purpose is to allow any date format to be used in logs. An optional <offset> in milliseconds may be applied to the input date (positive or negative). See the strftime() man page for the format supported by your operating system.

The %N conversion specifier allows you to output the nanoseconds part of the date, precision is limited since the input is milliseconds. (000000000..999000000). %N can take a width argument between % and N. It is useful to display milliseconds (%3N) or microseconds (%6N). The default and maximum width is 9 (%N = %9N).

See also the utime converter for UTC as well as ltime and us_ltime converters.

Example :
# Emit 3 colons, the local time, the timezone and another with ip:port
# e.g. /11:53:02.196 +0200
log-format %[accept_date(ms),ms_ltime("%Y/%m/%d/%H:%M:%S.%3N %z")]\ %ci:%cp  
#ms_utime(<format>[,<offset>]) integer string

This works like utime but takes an input in milliseconds. It also supports the %N conversion specifier inspired by date(1). Converts an integer supposed to contain a date since epoch to a string representing this date in UTC time using a format defined by the <format> string using strftime(3). The purpose is to allow any date format to be used in logs. An optional <offset> in milliseconds may be applied to the input date (positive or negative). See the strftime() man page for the format supported by your operating system.

The %N conversion specifier allows you to output the nanoseconds part of the date, precision is limited since the input is milliseconds. (000000000..999000000). %N can take a width argument between % and N. It is useful to display milliseconds (%3N) or microseconds (%6N). The default and maximum width is 9 (%N = %9N).

See also the ltime converter for local as well as utime and us_utime converters.

Example :
# Emit 3 colons, the UTC time, the timezone and another with ip:port
# e.g. /09:53:02.196 +0000
log-format %[accept_date(ms),ms_utime("%Y/%m/%d/%H:%M:%S.%3N %z")]\ %ci:%cp  
#mul(<value>) integer integer

Multiplies the input value of type signed integer by <value>, and returns the product as an signed integer. In case of overflow, the largest possible value for the sign is returned so that the operation doesn't wrap around. <value> can be a numeric value or a variable name. See section 2.8 about variables for details.

#nbsrv string integer

Takes an input value of type string, interprets it as a backend name and returns the number of usable servers in that backend. Can be used in places where we want to look up a backend from a dynamic name, like a result of a map lookup.

#neg integer integer

Takes the input value of type signed integer, computes the opposite value, and returns the remainder as an signed integer. 0 is identity. This operator is provided for reversed subtracts : in order to subtract the input from a constant, simply perform a neg,add(value).

#not integer boolean

Returns a boolean FALSE if the input value of type signed integer is non-null, otherwise returns TRUE. Used in conjunction with and(), it can be used to report true/false for bit testing on input values (e.g. verify the absence of a flag).

#odd integer boolean

Returns a boolean TRUE if the input value of type signed integer is odd otherwise returns FALSE. It is functionally equivalent to and(1),bool.

#or(<value>) integer integer

Performs a bitwise OR between <value> and the input value of type signed integer, and returns the result as an signed integer. <value> can be a numeric value or a variable name. See section 2.8 about variables for details.

#param(<name>,[<delim>]) string string

This extracts the first occurrence of the parameter <name> in the input string where parameters are delimited by <delim>, which defaults to "&", and the name and value of the parameter are separated by a =. If there is no = and value before the end of the parameter segment, it is treated as equivalent to a value of an empty string.

This can be useful for extracting parameters from a query string, or possibly a x-www-form-urlencoded body. In particular, `query,param(<name>)` can be used as an alternative to `urlp(<name>)` which only uses "&" as a delimiter, whereas urlp also uses ? and ;.

Note that this converter doesn't do anything special with url encoded characters. If you want to decode the value, you can use the url_dec converter on the output. If the name of the parameter in the input might contain encoded characters, you'll probably want do normalize the input before calling param. This can be done using http-request normalize-uri, in particular the percent-decode-unreserved and percent-to-uppercase options.

Example :
str(a=b&c=d&a=r),param(a)   # b
str(a&b=c),param(a)         # ""
str(a=&b&c=a),param(b)      # ""
str(a=1;b=2;c=4),param(b,;) # 2
#port_only string integer

Converts a string which contains a Host header value into an integer by returning its port. The input must respect the format of the host header value (rfc9110#section-7.2). It will support that kind of input: hostname, hostname:80,,, [::1], [::1]:80.

If no port were provided in the input, it will return 0.

See also: host_only converter which will return the host.

#protobuf(<field_number>,[<field_type>]) binary binary

This extracts the protocol buffers message field in raw mode of an input binary sample representation of a protocol buffer message with <field_number> as field number (dotted notation) if <field_type> is not present, or as an integer sample if this field is present (see also ungrpc below). The list of the authorized types is the following one: int32, int64, uint32, uint64, sint32, sint64, bool (2), enum for the varint wire type 0 fixed64, sfixed64, double for the 64bit wire type 1, fixed32, sfixed32, float for the wire type 5. Note that string is considered as a length-delimited type, so it does not require any <field_type> argument to be extracted. More information may be found here about the protocol buffers message field types:

#regsub(<regex>,<subst>[,<flags>]) string string

Applies a regex-based substitution to the input string. It does the same operation as the well-known sed utility with "s/<regex>/<subst>/". By default it will replace in the input string the first occurrence of the largest part matching the regular expression <regex> with the substitution string <subst>. It is possible to replace all occurrences instead by adding the flag g in the third argument <flags>. It is also possible to make the regex case insensitive by adding the flag i in <flags>. Since <flags> is a string, it is made up from the concatenation of all desired flags. Thus if both i and g are desired, using gi or ig will have the same effect. The first use of this converter is to replace certain characters or sequence of characters with other ones.

It is highly recommended to enclose the regex part using protected quotes to improve clarity and never have a closing parenthesis from the regex mixed up with the parenthesis from the function. Just like in Bourne shell, the first level of quotes is processed when delimiting word groups on the line, a second level is usable for argument. It is recommended to use single quotes outside since these ones do not try to resolve backslashes nor dollar signs.

# de-duplicate "/" in header "x-path".
# input:  x-path: /////a///b/c/xzxyz/
# output: x-path: /a/b/c/xzxyz/
http-request set-header x-path "%[hdr(x-path),regsub('/+','/','g')]"

# copy query string to x-query and drop all leading '?', ';' and '&'
http-request set-header x-query "%[query,regsub([?;&]*,'')]"

# capture groups and backreferences
# both lines do the same.
http-request redirect location %[url,'regsub("(foo|bar)([0-9]+)?","\2\1",i)']
http-request redirect location %[url,regsub(\"(foo|bar)([0-9]+)?\",\"\2\1\",i)]  
#rfc7239_field(<field>) string string

Extracts a single field/parameter from RFC 7239 compliant header value input.

Supported fields are:

  • proto: either 'http' or 'https'

  • host: http compliant host

  • for: RFC7239 node

  • by: RFC7239 node

More info here:

# extract host field from forwarded header and store it in req.fhost var
http-request set-var(req.fhost) req.hdr(forwarded),rfc7239_field(host)
#input: "proto=https;host=\"\""
#  output: ""

# extract for field from forwarded header and store it in req.ffor var
http-request set-var(req.ffor) req.hdr(forwarded),rfc7239_field(for)
#input: "proto=https;host=\"\";for=\"\""
#  output: ""  
#rfc7239_is_valid string boolean

Returns true if input header is RFC 7239 compliant header value and false otherwise.

acl valid req.hdr(forwarded),rfc7239_is_valid
#input: "for=;proto=http"
#  output: TRUE
#input: "proto=custom"
#  output: FALSE  
#rfc7239_n2nn string address / str

Converts RFC7239 node (provided by 'for' or 'by' 7239 header fields) into its corresponding nodename final form:

  • ipv4 address

  • ipv6 address

  • 'unknown'

  • '_obfs' identifier

# extract 'for' field from forwarded header, extract nodename from
# resulting node identifier and store the result in req.fnn
http-request set-var(req.fnn) req.hdr(forwarded),rfc7239_field(for),rfc7239_n2nn
#input: ""
#  output: (ipv4)
#input: "[ab:cd:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff]:9998"
#  output: ab:cd:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (ipv6)
#input: "_name:_port"
#  output: "_name" (string)  
#rfc7239_n2np string integer / str

Converts RFC7239 node (provided by 'for' or 'by' 7239 header fields) into its corresponding nodeport final form:

  • unsigned integer

  • '_obfs' identifier

# extract 'by' field from forwarded header, extract node port from
# resulting node identifier and store the result in req.fnp
http-request set-var(req.fnp) req.hdr(forwarded),rfc7239_field(by),rfc7239_n2np
#input: ""
#  output: 9999 (integer)
#input: "[ab:cd:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff]:9998"
#  output: 9998 (integer)
#input: "_name:_port"
#  output: "_port" (string)  
#rfc7239_nn address/str string

Converts provided address / string input into RFC7239-compliant node name. It may be used to manually build 'for' or 'by' 7239 header fields.

When provided input is string, it will be automatically prefixed with '_' char to represent obfuscated identifier. String must comply with RFC7239 charset. If string is empty, it will be converter to unknown identifier.

#input: ipv6(ab:cd:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
#  output: "[ab:cd:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff]"
#input: str(test)
#  output: "_test"
#input: str()
#  output: "unknown"  

See also: rfc7239_np

#rfc7239_np integer/str string

Converts provided unsigned integer / string input into RFC7239-compliant node port. It may be used to manually build 'for' or 'by' 7239 header fields.

When provided input is string, it will be automatically prefixed with '_' char to represent obfuscated identifier. String must comply with RFC7239 charset and cannot be empty.

#input: int(12)
#  output: "12"
#input: str(test)
#  output: "_test"

# build 'for' forwarded header field
http-request set-var-fmt(txn.test) "for=\"%[ipv6(::1),rfc7239_nn]:%[int(8080),rfc7239_np]\";"
#  output: "for=\"[::1]:8080\";"

# build RFC-compliant 7239 header:
http-request set-var-fmt(txn.forwarded) "for=\"%[ipv6(::1),rfc7239_nn]:%[str(8888),rfc7239_np]\";host=\"\";proto=http"
# check RFC-compliancy:
http-request set-var(txn.test) "var(txn.forwarded),debug(test,stderr),rfc7239_is_valid,debug(test,stderr)"
#  stderr output:
#    [debug] test: type=str <for="[::1]:_8888";host="";proto=http>
#    [debug] test: type=bool <1>  

See also: rfc7239_nn

#rtrim(<chars>) string string

Skips any characters from <chars> from the end of the string representation of the input sample.

#sdbm([<avalanche>]) binary integer

Hashes a binary input sample into an unsigned 32-bit quantity using the SDBM hash function. Optionally, it is possible to apply a full avalanche hash function to the output if the optional <avalanche> argument equals 1. This converter uses the same functions as used by the various hash-based load balancing algorithms, so it will provide exactly the same results. It is mostly intended for debugging, but can be used as a stick-table entry to collect rough statistics. It must not be used for security purposes as a 32-bit hash is trivial to break. See also crc32, djb2, wt6, crc32c, and the hash-type directive.

#secure_memcmp(<var>) string boolean

Compares the contents of <var> with the input value. Both values are treated as a binary string. Returns a boolean indicating whether both binary strings match.

If both binary strings have the same length then the comparison will be performed in constant time.

Please note that this converter is only available when HAProxy has been compiled with USE_OPENSSL.

Example :
http-request set-var(txn.token) hdr(token)
# Check whether the token sent by the client matches the secret token
# value, without leaking the contents using a timing attack.
acl token_given str(my_secret_token),secure_memcmp(txn.token)  
#set-var(<var>[,<cond>...]) any same

Sets a variable with the input content and returns the content on the output as-is if all of the specified conditions are true (see below for a list of possible conditions). The variable keeps the value and the associated input type. See section 2.8 about variables for details.

You can pass at most four conditions to the converter among the following possible conditions :

  • ifexists/ifnotexists: Checks if the variable already existed before the current set-var call. A variable is usually created through a successful set-var call. Note that variables of scope proc are created during configuration parsing so the ifexists condition will always be true for them.

  • ifempty/ifnotempty: Checks if the input is empty or not. Scalar types are never empty so the ifempty condition will be false for them regardless of the input's contents (integers, booleans, IPs ...).

  • ifset/ifnotset: Checks if the variable was previously set or not, or if unset-var was called on the variable. A variable that does not exist yet is considered as not set. A proc variable can exist while not being set since they are created during configuration parsing.

  • ifgt/iflt: Checks if the content of the variable is greater than or less than the input. This check can only be performed if both the input and the variable are of type integer. Otherwise, the check is considered as true by default.

#sha1 binary binary

Converts a binary input sample to a SHA-1 digest. The result is a binary sample with length of 20 bytes.

#sha2([<bits>]) binary binary

Converts a binary input sample to a digest in the SHA-2 family. The result is a binary sample with length of <bits>/8 bytes.

Valid values for <bits> are 224, 256, 384, 512, each corresponding to SHA-<bits>. The default value is 256.

Please note that this converter is only available when HAProxy has been compiled with USE_OPENSSL.

#srv_queue string integer

Takes an input value of type string, either a server name or <backend>/<server> format and returns the number of queued streams on that server. Can be used in places where we want to look up queued streams from a dynamic name, like a cookie value (e.g. req.cook(SRVID),srv_queue) and then make a decision to break persistence or direct a request elsewhere.

#strcmp(<var>) string boolean

Compares the contents of <var> with the input value of type string. Returns the result as a signed integer compatible with strcmp(3): 0 if both strings are identical. A value less than 0 if the left string is lexicographically smaller than the right string or if the left string is shorter. A value greater than 0 otherwise (right string greater than left string or the right string is shorter).

See also the secure_memcmp converter if you need to compare two binary strings in constant time.

Example :
http-request set-var( hdr(host)
# Check whether the client is attempting domain fronting.
acl ssl_sni_http_host_match ssl_fc_sni,strcmp( eq 0  
#sub(<value>) integer integer

Subtracts <value> from the input value of type signed integer, and returns the result as an signed integer. Note: in order to subtract the input from a constant, simply perform a neg,add(value). <value> can be a numeric value or a variable name. See section 2.8 about variables for details.

#table_bytes_in_rate(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the average client-to-server bytes rate associated with the input sample in the designated table, measured in amount of bytes over the period configured in the table. See also the sc_bytes_in_rate sample fetch keyword.

#table_bytes_out_rate(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the average server-to-client bytes rate associated with the input sample in the designated table, measured in amount of bytes over the period configured in the table. See also the sc_bytes_out_rate sample fetch keyword.

#table_conn_cnt(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the cumulative number of incoming connections associated with the input sample in the designated table. See also the sc_conn_cnt sample fetch keyword.

#table_conn_cur(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the current amount of concurrent tracked connections associated with the input sample in the designated table. See also the sc_conn_cur sample fetch keyword.

#table_conn_rate(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the average incoming connection rate associated with the input sample in the designated table. See also the sc_conn_rate sample fetch keyword.

#table_expire(<table>[,<default_value>]) string integer

Uses the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, the converter fails except if <default_value> is set: this makes the converter succeed and return <default_value>. If the key is found the converter returns the key expiration delay associated with the input sample in the designated table. See also the table_idle sample fetch keyword.

#table_glitch_cnt(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the cumulative number of front connection glitches associated with the input sample in the designated table. See also the sc_glitch_cnt sample fetch keyword and fc_glitches for the value measured on the current front connection.

#table_glitch_rate(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the average front connection glitch rate associated with the input sample in the designated table. See also the sc_glitch_rate sample fetch keyword.

#table_gpc(<idx>,<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a lookup in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the current value of the General Purpose Counter at the index <idx> of the array associated to the input sample in the designated <table>. <idx> is an integer between 0 and 99. If there is no GPC stored at this index, it also returns the boolean value 0. This applies only to the 'gpc' array data_type (and not to the legacy 'gpc0' nor 'gpc1' data_types). See also the sc_get_gpc sample fetch keyword.

#table_gpc0(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the current value of the first general purpose counter associated with the input sample in the designated table. See also the sc_get_gpc0 sample fetch keyword.

#table_gpc0_rate(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the frequency which the gpc0 counter was incremented over the configured period in the table, associated with the input sample in the designated table. See also the sc_get_gpc0_rate sample fetch keyword.

#table_gpc1(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the current value of the second general purpose counter associated with the input sample in the designated table. See also the sc_get_gpc1 sample fetch keyword.

#table_gpc1_rate(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the frequency which the gpc1 counter was incremented over the configured period in the table, associated with the input sample in the designated table. See also the sc_get_gpc1_rate sample fetch keyword.

#table_gpc_rate(<idx>,<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a lookup in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the frequency which the Global Purpose Counter at index <idx> of the array (associated to the input sample in the designated stick-table <table>) was incremented over the configured period. <idx> is an integer between 0 and 99. If there is no gpc_rate stored at this index, it also returns the boolean value 0. This applies only to the 'gpc_rate' array data_type (and not to the legacy 'gpc0_rate' nor 'gpc1_rate' data_types). See also the sc_gpc_rate sample fetch keyword.

#table_gpt(<idx>,<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a lookup in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, boolean value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the current value of the general purpose tag at the index <idx> of the array associated to the input sample in the designated <table>. <idx> is an integer between 0 and 99. If there is no GPT stored at this index, it also returns the boolean value 0. This applies only to the 'gpt' array data_type (and not on the legacy 'gpt0' data-type). See also the sc_get_gpt sample fetch keyword.

#table_gpt0(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, boolean value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the current value of the first general purpose tag associated with the input sample in the designated table. See also the sc_get_gpt0 sample fetch keyword.

#table_http_err_cnt(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the cumulative number of HTTP errors associated with the input sample in the designated table. See also the sc_http_err_cnt sample fetch keyword.

#table_http_err_rate(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the average rate of HTTP errors associated with the input sample in the designated table, measured in amount of errors over the period configured in the table. See also the sc_http_err_rate sample fetch keyword.

#table_http_fail_cnt(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the cumulative number of HTTP failures associated with the input sample in the designated table. See also the sc_http_fail_cnt sample fetch keyword.

#table_http_fail_rate(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the average rate of HTTP failures associated with the input sample in the designated table, measured in amount of failures over the period configured in the table. See also the sc_http_fail_rate sample fetch keyword.

#table_http_req_cnt(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the cumulative number of HTTP requests associated with the input sample in the designated table. See also the sc_http_req_cnt sample fetch keyword.

#table_http_req_rate(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the average rate of HTTP requests associated with the input sample in the designated table, measured in amount of requests over the period configured in the table. See also the sc_http_req_rate sample fetch keyword.

#table_idle(<table>[,<default_value>]) string integer

Uses the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, the converter fails except if <default_value> is set: this makes the converter succeed and return <default_value>. If the key is found the converter returns the time the key entry associated with the input sample in the designated table remained idle since the last time it was updated. See also the table_expire sample fetch keyword.

#table_kbytes_in(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the cumulative number of client- to-server data associated with the input sample in the designated table, measured in kilobytes. The test is currently performed on 32-bit integers, which limits values to 4 terabytes. See also the sc_kbytes_in sample fetch keyword.

#table_kbytes_out(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the cumulative number of server- to-client data associated with the input sample in the designated table, measured in kilobytes. The test is currently performed on 32-bit integers, which limits values to 4 terabytes. See also the sc_kbytes_out sample fetch keyword.

#table_server_id(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the server ID associated with the input sample in the designated table. A server ID is associated to a sample by a stick (5) rule when a connection to a server succeeds. A server ID zero means that no server is associated with this key.

#table_sess_cnt(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the cumulative number of incoming sessions associated with the input sample in the designated table. Note that a session here refers to an incoming connection being accepted by the tcp-request connection rulesets. See also the sc_sess_cnt sample fetch keyword.

#table_sess_rate(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the average incoming session rate associated with the input sample in the designated table. Note that a session here refers to an incoming connection being accepted by the tcp-request connection rulesets. See also the sc_sess_rate sample fetch keyword.

#table_trackers(<table>) string integer

Uses the string representation of the input sample to perform a look up in the specified table. If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the current amount of concurrent connections tracking the same key as the input sample in the designated table. It differs from table_conn_cur in that it does not rely on any stored information but on the table's reference count (the use value which is returned by show table on the CLI). This may sometimes be more suited for layer7 tracking. It can be used to tell a server how many concurrent connections there are from a given address for example. See also the sc_trackers sample fetch keyword.

#ub64dec string string

This converter is the base64url variant of b64dec converter. base64url encoding is the URL and Filename Safe Alphabet variant of base64 encoding. It is also the encoding used in JWT (JSON Web Token) standard.

# Decoding a JWT payload:
http-request set-var(txn.token_payload) req.hdr(Authorization),word(2,.),ub64dec  
#ub64enc string string

This converter is the base64url variant of base64 converter.

#ungrpc(<field_number>,[<field_type>]) binary binary / int

This extracts the protocol buffers message field in raw mode of an input binary sample representation of a gRPC message with <field_number> as field number (dotted notation) if <field_type> is not present, or as an integer sample if this field is present. The list of the authorized types is the following one: int32, int64, uint32, uint64, sint32, sint64, bool (2), enum for the varint wire type 0 fixed64, sfixed64, double for the 64bit wire type 1, fixed32, sfixed32, float for the wire type 5. Note that string is considered as a length-delimited type, so it does not require any <field_type> argument to be extracted. More information may be found here about the protocol buffers message field types:

// with such a protocol buffer .proto file content adapted from

message Point {
  int32 latitude = 1;
  int32 longitude = 2;

message PPoint {
  Point point = 59;

message Rectangle {
  // One corner of the rectangle.
  PPoint lo = 48;
  // The other corner of the rectangle.
  PPoint hi = 49;

let's say a body request is made of a Rectangle object value (two PPoint protocol buffers messages), the four protocol buffers fields could be extracted with these ungrpc directives:

req.body,ungrpc(48.59.1,int32) # "latitude" of "lo" first PPoint
req.body,ungrpc(48.59.2,int32) # "longitude" of "lo" first PPoint
req.body,ungrpc(49.59.1,int32) # "latitude" of "hi" second PPoint
req.body,ungrpc(49.59.2,int32) # "longitude" of "hi" second PPoint

We could also extract the intermediary 48.59 field as a binary sample as follows:


As a gRPC message is always made of a gRPC header followed by protocol buffers messages, in the previous example the latitude of lo first PPoint could be extracted with these equivalent directives:


Note that the first convert must be ungrpc, the remaining ones must be protobuf and only the last one may have or not a second argument to interpret the previous binary sample.

#unset-var(<var>) any same

Unsets a variable if the input content is defined. The name of the variable starts with an indication about its scope. See section 2.8 about variables for details.

#upper string string

Convert a string sample to upper case. This can only be placed after a string sample fetch function or after a transformation keyword returning a string type. The result is of type string.

#url_dec([<in_form>]) string string

Takes an url-encoded string provided as input and returns the decoded version as output. The input and the output are of type string. If the <in_form> argument is set to a non-zero integer value, the input string is assumed to be part of a form or query string and the '+' character will be turned into a space (' '). Otherwise this will only happen after a question mark indicating a query string ('?').

#url_enc([<enc_type>]) string string

Takes a string provided as input and returns the encoded version as output. The input and the output are of type string. By default the type of encoding is meant for `query` type. There is no other type supported for now but the optional argument is here for future changes.

#us_ltime(<format>[,<offset>]) integer string

This works like ltime but takes an input in microseconds. It also supports the %N conversion specifier inspired by date(1). Converts an integer supposed to contain a date since epoch to a string representing this date in local time using a format defined by the <format> string using strftime(3). The purpose is to allow any date format to be used in logs. An optional <offset> in microseconds may be applied to the input date (positive or negative). See the strftime() man page for the format supported by your operating system.

The %N conversion specifier allows you to output the nanoseconds part of the date, precision is limited since the input is microseconds. (000000000..999999000). %N can take a width argument between % and N. It is useful to display milliseconds (%3N) or microseconds (%6N). The default and maximum width is 9 (%N = %9N).

See also the utime converter for UTC as well as ltime and ms_ltime converters.

Example :
# Emit 3 colons, the local time, the timezone and another with ip:port
# e.g. /09:53:02.196234 +0000
log-format %[accept_date(us),us_ltime("%Y/%m/%d/%H:%M:%S.%6N %z")]\ %ci:%cp  
#us_utime(<format>[,<offset>]) integer string

This works like utime but takes an input in microseconds. It also supports the %N conversion specifier inspired by date(1). Converts an integer supposed to contain a date since epoch to a string representing this date in UTC time using a format defined by the <format> string using strftime(3). The purpose is to allow any date format to be used in logs. An optional <offset> in microseconds may be applied to the input date (positive or negative). See the strftime() man page for the format supported by your operating system.

The %N conversion specifier allows you to output the nanoseconds part of the date, precision is limited since the input is microseconds. (000000000..999999000). %N can take a width argument between % and N. It is useful to display milliseconds (%3N) or microseconds (%6N). The default and maximum width is 9 (%N = %9N).

See also the ltime converter for local as well as utime and ms_utime converters.

Example :
# Emit 3 colons, the UTC time, the timezone and another with ip:port
# e.g. /09:53:02.196234 +0000
log-format %[accept_date(us),us_utime("%Y/%m/%d/%H:%M:%S.%6N %z")]\ %ci:%cp  
#utime(<format>[,<offset>]) integer string

Converts an integer supposed to contain a date since epoch to a string representing this date in UTC time using a format defined by the <format> string using strftime(3). The purpose is to allow any date format to be used in logs. An optional <offset> in seconds may be applied to the input date (positive or negative). See the strftime() man page for the format supported by your operating system. See also the ltime converter as well as ms_utime and us_utime.

Example :
# Emit two colons, one with the UTC time and another with ip:port
# e.g.  20140710162350
log-format %[date,utime(%Y%m%d%H%M%S)]\ %ci:%cp  
#when(<condition>[,<args>...]) any same

Evaluates the condition and when true, passes the input sample as-is to the output, otherwise return nothing. This is designed specifically to produce some rarely needed data that should only be emitted under certain conditions, such as debugging information when an error is met.

The condition is made of a keyword among the list below, optionally preceeded by an exclamation mark ('!') to negate it, and optionally suffixed by some arguments specific to that condition:

  • error returns true when an error was encountered during the processing of the request or stream. It uses the same rules as dontlog-normal (e.g. a successful redispatch counts as an error).

  • forwarded returns true when the request was forwarded to a backend server

  • normal returns true when no error happened (this is equivalent to !error).

  • processed returns true when the request was either forwarded to a backend server, or processed by an applet.

  • stopping returns true if the process is currently stopping when the rule is evaluated

  • toapplet returns true when the request was processed by an applet.

  • acl (3) returns true when the ACL designated by the next argument evaluates to true. Note that the ACL is evaluated inline by the converter, so that what it refers to must be valid in that context. A particular use case consists in evaluating if the total transfer time is too long or not before deciding to log detauls from abnormally long transfers.

Note that the content is evaluated in any case, so doing this does not avoid the generation of that information. It's only meant to avoid producing that information.

An example would be to add backend stream debugging information in the logs only when an error was encountered during processing, or logging extra information when stopping, etc.

# log "dbg={-}" when fine, or "dbg={... debug info ...}" on error:
log-format "$HAPROXY_HTTP_LOG_FMT dbg={%[bs.debug_str,when(!normal)]}"

Here, the "dbg" field in the log will only contain an dash ('-') to
indicate a missing content when the rule is not validated, and will emit a
whole debugging block when it is.  

Example # log dbg={-} when fine, or dbg={... debug info ...} on slow transfers acl slow_xfer ge 10000 # more than 10s is slow log-format $HAPROXY_HTTP_LOG_FMT \ fsdbg={%[fs.debug_str,when(acl,slow_xfer)]} \ bsdbg={%[bs.debug_str,when(acl,slow_xfer)]}

Example # only emit the backend src/port when a real connection was issued: log-format $HAPROXY_HTTP_LOG_FMT \ src=[%[bc_src,when(forwarded)]:%[bc_src_port,when(forwarded)]]

Since it kills the evaluation of the expression when it is not true, it is also possible to use it to stop a subsequent converter from being called. This may for example be used to call the debug() converter only upon error, to log an element only when absolutely necessary.

# emit the whole response headers list to stderr only on error and only
# when the output is a connection. We abuse a dummy variable here.
http-after-response set-var(res.test) \

See also: debug converter

#word(<index>,<delimiters>[,<count>]) string string

Extracts the nth word counting from the beginning (positive index) or from the end (negative index) considering given delimiters from an input string. Indexes start at 1 or -1 and delimiters are a string formatted list of chars. Empty words are skipped. This means that delimiters at the start or end of the input string are ignored and consecutive delimiters within the input string are considered to be a single delimiter. Optionally you can specify <count> of words to extract (default: 1). Value of 0 indicates extraction of all remaining words.

Example :
str(f1_f2_f3__f5),word(4,_)    # f5
str(f1_f2_f3__f5),word(5,_)    # <not found>
str(f1_f2_f3__f5),word(2,_,0)  # f2_f3__f5
str(f1_f2_f3__f5),word(3,_,2)  # f3__f5
str(f1_f2_f3__f5),word(-2,_,3) # f1_f2_f3
str(f1_f2_f3__f5),word(-3,_,0) # f1_f2
str(/f1/f2/f3/f4),word(1,/)    # f1
str(/f1////f2/f3/f4),word(1,/) # f2  
#wt6([<avalanche>]) binary integer

Hashes a binary input sample into an unsigned 32-bit quantity using the WT6 hash function. Optionally, it is possible to apply a full avalanche hash function to the output if the optional <avalanche> argument equals 1. This converter uses the same functions as used by the various hash-based load balancing algorithms, so it will provide exactly the same results. It is mostly intended for debugging, but can be used as a stick-table entry to collect rough statistics. It must not be used for security purposes as a 32-bit hash is trivial to break. See also crc32, djb2, sdbm, crc32c, and the hash-type directive.

#x509_v_err_str integer string

Convert a numerical value to its corresponding X509_V_ERR constant name. It is useful in ACL in order to have a configuration which works with multiple version of OpenSSL since some codes might change when changing version.

When the corresponding constant name was not found, outputs the numerical value as a string.

The list of constant provided by OpenSSL can be found at Be careful to read the page for the right version of OpenSSL.

bind :443 ssl crt common.pem ca-file ca-auth.crt verify optional crt-ignore-err X509_V_ERR_CERT_REVOKED,X509_V_ERR_CERT_HAS_EXPIRED

acl cert_expired ssl_c_verify,x509_v_err_str -m str X509_V_ERR_CERT_HAS_EXPIRED
acl cert_revoked ssl_c_verify,x509_v_err_str -m str X509_V_ERR_CERT_REVOKED
acl cert_ok      ssl_c_verify,x509_v_err_str -m str X509_V_OK

http-response add-header X-SSL Ok if cert_ok
http-response add-header X-SSL Expired if cert_expired
http-response add-header X-SSL Revoked if cert_revoked

http-response add-header X-SSL-verify %[ssl_c_verify,x509_v_err_str]  
#xor(<value>) integer integer

Performs a bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) between <value> and the input value of type signed integer, and returns the result as an signed integer. <value> can be a numeric value or a variable name. See section 2.8 about variables for details.

#xxh3([<seed>]) binary integer

Hashes a binary input sample into a signed 64-bit quantity using the XXH3 64-bit variant of the XXhash hash function. This hash supports a seed which defaults to zero but a different value maybe passed as the <seed> argument. This hash is known to be very good and very fast so it can be used to hash URLs and/or URL parameters for use as stick-table keys to collect statistics with a low collision rate, though care must be taken as the algorithm is not considered as cryptographically secure.

#xxh32([<seed>]) binary integer

Hashes a binary input sample into an unsigned 32-bit quantity using the 32-bit variant of the XXHash hash function. This hash supports a seed which defaults to zero but a different value maybe passed as the <seed> argument. This hash is known to be very good and very fast so it can be used to hash URLs and/or URL parameters for use as stick-table keys to collect statistics with a low collision rate, though care must be taken as the algorithm is not considered as cryptographically secure.

#xxh64([<seed>]) binary integer

Hashes a binary input sample into a signed 64-bit quantity using the 64-bit variant of the XXHash hash function. This hash supports a seed which defaults to zero but a different value maybe passed as the <seed> argument. This hash is known to be very good and very fast so it can be used to hash URLs and/or URL parameters for use as stick-table keys to collect statistics with a low collision rate, though care must be taken as the algorithm is not considered as cryptographically secure.

#7.3.2. Fetching samples from internal states

A first set of sample fetch methods applies to internal information which does not even relate to any client information. These ones are sometimes used with monitor fail directives to report an internal status to external watchers. The sample fetch methods described in this section are usable anywhere.

Summary of sample fetch methods in this section and their respective types:

Detailed list:

#act_conn : integer

Returns the total number of active concurrent connections on the process.

#acl([!]<name>[,...]) : boolean

Returns true if the evaluation of all the named ACL(s) is true, otherwise returns false. Up to 12 ACLs may be provided, each delimited by comma. Each named ACL may be prefixed with a ! to invert the result. If any evaluation produces an error then the sample also returns an error. Note that HAProxy does not perform any validation checks on the referenced ACLs, such as whether an ACL which uses a http request sample is used in response context. This behavior may be changed in the future.

#always_false : boolean

Always returns the boolean false value. It may be used with ACLs as a temporary replacement for another one when adjusting configurations.

#always_true : boolean

Always returns the boolean true value. It may be used with ACLs as a temporary replacement for another one when adjusting configurations.

#avg_queue([<backend>]) : integer

Returns the total number of queued connections of the designated backend divided by the number of active servers. The current backend is used if no backend is specified. This is very similar to queue except that the size of the farm is considered, in order to give a more accurate measurement of the time it may take for a new connection to be processed. The main usage is with ACL to return a sorry page to new users when it becomes certain they will get a degraded service, or to pass to the backend servers in a header so that they decide to work in degraded mode or to disable some functions to speed up the processing a bit. Note that in the event there would not be any active server anymore, twice the number of queued connections would be considered as the measured value. This is a fair estimate, as we expect one server to get back soon anyway, but we still prefer to send new traffic to another backend if in better shape. See also the queue, be_conn, and be_sess_rate sample fetches.

#be_conn([<backend>]) : integer

Applies to the number of currently established connections on the backend, possibly including the connection being evaluated. If no backend name is specified, the current one is used. But it is also possible to check another backend. It can be used to use a specific farm when the nominal one is full. See also the fe_conn, queue, be_conn_free, and be_sess_rate criteria.

#be_conn_free([<backend>]) : integer

Returns an integer value corresponding to the number of available connections across available servers in the backend. Queue slots are not included. Backup servers are also not included, unless all other servers are down. If no backend name is specified, the current one is used. But it is also possible to check another backend. It can be used to use a specific farm when the nominal one is full. See also the be_conn, connslots, and srv_conn_free criteria.

OTHER CAVEATS AND NOTES: if any of the server maxconn, or maxqueue is 0 (meaning unlimited), then this fetch clearly does not make sense, in which case the value returned will be -1.

#be_sess_rate([<backend>]) : integer

Returns an integer value corresponding to the sessions creation rate on the backend, in number of new sessions per second. This is used with ACLs to switch to an alternate backend when an expensive or fragile one reaches too high a session rate, or to limit abuse of service (e.g. prevent sucking of an online dictionary). It can also be useful to add this element to logs using a log-format directive.

Example :
# Redirect to an error page if the dictionary is requested too often
backend dynamic
    mode http
    acl being_scanned be_sess_rate gt 100
    redirect location /denied.html if being_scanned  
#bin(<hex>) : bin

Returns a binary chain. The input is the hexadecimal representation of the string.

#bool(<bool>) : bool

Returns a boolean value. <bool> can be 'true', 'false', '1' or '0'. 'false' and '0' are the same. 'true' and '1' are the same.

#connslots([<backend>]) : integer

Returns an integer value corresponding to the number of connection slots still available in the backend, by totaling the maximum amount of connections on all servers and the maximum queue size. This is probably only used with ACLs.

The basic idea here is to be able to measure the number of connection slots still available (connection + queue), so that anything beyond that (intended usage; see use_backend keyword) can be redirected to a different backend.

'connslots' = number of available server connection slots, + number of available server queue slots.

Note that while fe_conn may be used, connslots comes in especially useful when you have a case of traffic going to one single ip, splitting into multiple backends (perhaps using ACLs to do name-based load balancing) and you want to be able to differentiate between different backends, and their available connslots. Also, whereas nbsrv (2) only measures servers that are actually *down*, this fetch is more fine-grained and looks into the number of available connection slots as well. See also queue and avg_queue.

OTHER CAVEATS AND NOTES: at this point in time, the code does not take care of dynamic connections. Also, if any of the server maxconn, or maxqueue is 0, then this fetch clearly does not make sense, in which case the value returned will be -1.

#cpu_calls : integer

Returns the number of calls to the task processing the stream or current request since it was allocated. This number is reset for each new request on the same connections in case of HTTP keep-alive. This value should usually be low and stable (around 2 calls for a typically simple request) but may become high if some processing (compression, caching or analysis) is performed. This is purely for performance monitoring purposes.

#cpu_ns_avg : integer

Returns the average number of nanoseconds spent in each call to the task processing the stream or current request. This number is reset for each new request on the same connections in case of HTTP keep-alive. This value indicates the overall cost of processing the request or the connection for each call. There is no good nor bad value but the time spent in a call automatically causes latency for other processing (see lat_ns_avg below), and may affect other connection's apparent response time. Certain operations like compression, complex regex matching or heavy Lua operations may directly affect this value, and having it in the logs will make it easier to spot the faulty processing that needs to be fixed to recover decent performance. Note: this value is exactly cpu_ns_tot divided by cpu_calls.

#cpu_ns_tot : integer

Returns the total number of nanoseconds spent in each call to the task processing the stream or current request. This number is reset for each new request on the same connections in case of HTTP keep-alive. This value indicates the overall cost of processing the request or the connection for each call. There is no good nor bad value but the time spent in a call automatically causes latency for other processing (see lat_ns_avg below), induces CPU costs on the machine, and may affect other connection's apparent response time. Certain operations like compression, complex regex matching or heavy Lua operations may directly affect this value, and having it in the logs will make it easier to spot the faulty processing that needs to be fixed to recover decent performance. The value may be artificially high due to a high cpu_calls count, for example when processing many HTTP chunks, and for this reason it is often preferred to log cpu_ns_avg instead.

#date([<offset>],[<unit>]) : integer

Returns the current date as the epoch (number of seconds since 01/01/1970).

If an offset value is specified, then it is added to the current date before returning the value. This is particularly useful to compute relative dates, as both positive and negative offsets are allowed. It is useful combined with the http_date converter.

<unit> is facultative, and can be set to s for seconds (default behavior), ms for milliseconds or us for microseconds. If unit is set, return value is an integer reflecting either seconds, milliseconds or microseconds since epoch, plus offset. It is useful when a time resolution of less than a second is needed.

Example :
# set an expires header to now+1 hour in every response
http-response set-header Expires %[date(3600),http_date]

# set an expires header to now+1 hour in every response, with
# millisecond granularity
http-response set-header Expires %[date(3600000,ms),http_date(0,ms)]  
#date_us : integer

Return the microseconds part of the date (the second part is returned by date sample). This sample is coherent with the date sample as it is comes from the same timeval structure.

#env(<name>) : string

Returns a string containing the value of environment variable <name>. As a reminder, environment variables are per-process and are sampled when the process starts. This can be useful to pass some information to a next hop server, or with ACLs to take specific action when the process is started a certain way.

Examples :
# Pass the Via header to next hop with the local hostname in it
http-request add-header Via 1.1\ %[env(HOSTNAME)]

# reject cookie-less requests when the STOP environment variable is set
http-request deny if !{ req.cook(SESSIONID) -m found } { env(STOP) -m found }  
#fe_conn([<frontend>]) : integer

Returns the number of currently established connections on the frontend, possibly including the connection being evaluated. If no frontend name is specified, the current one is used. But it is also possible to check another frontend. It can be used to return a sorry page before hard-blocking, or to use a specific backend to drain new requests when the farm is considered full. This is mostly used with ACLs but can also be used to pass some statistics to servers in HTTP headers. See also the dst_conn, be_conn, fe_sess_rate fetches.

#fe_req_rate([<frontend>]) : integer

Returns an integer value corresponding to the number of HTTP requests per second sent to a frontend. This number can differ from fe_sess_rate in situations where client-side keep-alive is enabled.

#fe_sess_rate([<frontend>]) : integer

Returns an integer value corresponding to the sessions creation rate on the frontend, in number of new sessions per second. This is used with ACLs to limit the incoming session rate to an acceptable range in order to prevent abuse of service at the earliest moment, for example when combined with other layer 4 ACLs in order to force the clients to wait a bit for the rate to go down below the limit. It can also be useful to add this element to logs using a log-format directive. See also the rate-limit sessions directive for use in frontends.

Example :
# This frontend limits incoming mails to 10/s with a max of 100
# concurrent connections. We accept any connection below 10/s, and
# force excess clients to wait for 100 ms. Since clients are limited to
# 100 max, there cannot be more than 10 incoming mails per second.
frontend mail
    bind :25
    mode tcp
    maxconn 100
    acl too_fast fe_sess_rate ge 10
    tcp-request inspect-delay 100ms
    tcp-request content accept if ! too_fast
    tcp-request content accept if WAIT_END  
#hostname : string

Returns the system hostname.

#int(<integer>) : signed integer

Returns a signed integer.

#ipv4(<ipv4>) : ipv4

Returns an ipv4.

#ipv6(<ipv6>) : ipv6

Returns an ipv6.

#last_entity : string

This returns the identity of the last entity that was evaluated during stream analysis. It may be the final rule that matched or the filter that interrupted the processing.

A final rule is one that terminates the evaluation of the rule set (like an accept, deny or redirect (4)). This works for TCP request and response rules acting on the content rulesets, and on HTTP rules from http-request, http-response and http-after-response rule sets. The legacy redirect (4) rulesets are not supported (such information is not stored there), and neither tcp-request connection nor tcp-request session rulesets are supported because the information is stored at the stream level and streams do not exist during these rules. In that case, the returned value is equivalent to last_rule_file:last_rule_line. See also last_rule_file, last_rule_line.

For a filter, its identifier is returned as defined by the developers. If this identifier is not defined, an hexadecimal value is returned corresponding to an unique internal identifier.

The main purpose of this function is to be able to report in logs the last entity that interrupted a processing, in order to help debugging issues. The information returned on entities may changed in time and must not be used for something else than debugging.

# Log the last entity, if any, and only if an error is reported
log-format "$HAPROXY_HTTP_LOG_FMT %{Q}[last_entity,when(error)]  
#last_rule_file : string

This returns the name of the configuration file containing the last final rule that was matched during stream analysis. A final rule is one that terminates the evaluation of the rule set (like an accept, deny or redirect (4)). This works for TCP request and response rules acting on the content rulesets, and on HTTP rules from http-request, http-response and http-after-response rule sets. The legacy redirect (4) rulesets are not supported (such information is not stored there), and neither tcp-request connection nor tcp-request session rulesets are supported because the information is stored at the stream level and streams do not exist during these rules. The main purpose of this function is to be able to report in logs where was the rule that gave the final verdict, in order to help figure why a request was denied for example. See also last_rule_line.

#last_rule_line : integer

This returns the line number in the configuration file where is located the last final rule that was matched during stream analysis. A final rule is one that terminates the evaluation of the rule set (like an accept, deny or redirect (4)). This works for TCP request and response rules acting on the content rulesets, and on HTTP rules from http-request, http-response and http-after-response rule sets. The legacy redirect (4) rulesets are not supported (such information is not stored there), and neither tcp-request connection nor tcp-request session rulesets are supported because the information is stored at the stream level and streams do not exist during these rules. The main purpose of this function is to be able to report in logs where was the rule that gave the final verdict, in order to help figure why a request was denied for example. See also last_rule_file.

#lat_ns_avg : integer

Returns the average number of nanoseconds spent between the moment the task handling the stream is woken up and the moment it is effectively called. This number is reset for each new request on the same connections in case of HTTP keep-alive. This value indicates the overall latency inflicted to the current request by all other requests being processed in parallel, and is a direct indicator of perceived performance due to noisy neighbours. In order to keep the value low, it is possible to reduce the scheduler's run queue depth using tune.runqueue-depth, to reduce the number of concurrent events processed at once using tune.maxpollevents, to decrease the stream's nice value using the nice option on the bind (3) lines or in the frontend, to enable low latency scheduling using tune.sched.low-latency, or to look for other heavy requests in logs (those exhibiting large values of cpu_ns_avg), whose processing needs to be adjusted or fixed. Compression of large buffers could be a culprit, like heavy regex or long lists of regex. Note: this value is exactly lat_ns_tot divided by cpu_calls.

#lat_ns_tot : integer

Returns the total number of nanoseconds spent between the moment the task handling the stream is woken up and the moment it is effectively called. This number is reset for each new request on the same connections in case of HTTP keep-alive. This value indicates the overall latency inflicted to the current request by all other requests being processed in parallel, and is a direct indicator of perceived performance due to noisy neighbours. In order to keep the value low, it is possible to reduce the scheduler's run queue depth using tune.runqueue-depth, to reduce the number of concurrent events processed at once using tune.maxpollevents, to decrease the stream's nice value using the nice option on the bind (3) lines or in the frontend, to enable low latency scheduling using tune.sched.low-latency, or to look for other heavy requests in logs (those exhibiting large values of cpu_ns_avg), whose processing needs to be adjusted or fixed. Compression of large buffers could be a culprit, like heavy regex or long lists of regex. Note: while it may intuitively seem that the total latency adds to a transfer time, it is almost never true because while a task waits for the CPU, network buffers continue to fill up and the next call will process more at once. The value may be artificially high due to a high cpu_calls count, for example when processing many HTTP chunks, and for this reason it is often preferred to log lat_ns_avg instead, which is a more relevant performance indicator.

#meth(<method>) : method

Returns a method.

#nbsrv([<backend>]) : integer

Returns an integer value corresponding to the number of usable servers of either the current backend or the named backend. This is mostly used with ACLs but can also be useful when added to logs. This is normally used to switch to an alternate backend when the number of servers is too low to to handle some load. It is useful to report a failure when combined with monitor fail.

#prio_class : integer

Returns the priority class of the current stream for http mode or connection for tcp mode. The value will be that set by the last call to http-request set-priority-class or tcp-request content set-priority-class.

#prio_offset : integer

Returns the priority offset of the current stream for http mode or connection for tcp mode. The value will be that set by the last call to http-request set-priority-offset or tcp-request content set-priority-offset.

#pid : integer

Return the PID of the current process. In most cases this is the PID of the worker process.

#proc : integer

Always returns value 1 (historically it would return the calling process number).

#queue([<backend>]) : integer

Returns the total number of queued connections of the designated backend, including all the connections in server queues. If no backend name is specified, the current one is used, but it is also possible to check another one. This is useful with ACLs or to pass statistics to backend servers. This can be used to take actions when queuing goes above a known level, generally indicating a surge of traffic or a massive slowdown on the servers. One possible action could be to reject new users but still accept old ones. See also the avg_queue, be_conn, and be_sess_rate fetches.

#quic_enabled : boolean

Return true when the support for QUIC transport protocol was compiled and if this protocol was not disabled by no-quic global option. See also no-quic global option.

#rand([<range>]) : integer

Returns a random integer value within a range of <range> possible values, starting at zero. If the range is not specified, it defaults to 2^32, which gives numbers between 0 and 4294967295. It can be useful to pass some values needed to take some routing decisions for example, or just for debugging purposes. This random must not be used for security purposes.

#srv_conn([<backend>/]<server>) : integer

Returns an integer value corresponding to the number of currently established connections on the designated server, possibly including the connection being evaluated. If <backend> is omitted, then the server is looked up in the current backend. It can be used to use a specific farm when one server is full, or to inform the server about our view of the number of active connections with it. See also the fe_conn, be_conn, queue, and srv_conn_free fetch methods.

#srv_conn_free([<backend>/]<server>) : integer

Returns an integer value corresponding to the number of available connections on the designated server, possibly including the connection being evaluated. The value does not include queue slots. If <backend> is omitted, then the server is looked up in the current backend. It can be used to use a specific farm when one server is full, or to inform the server about our view of the number of active connections with it. See also the be_conn_free and srv_conn fetch methods.

OTHER CAVEATS AND NOTES: If the server maxconn is 0, then this fetch clearly does not make sense, in which case the value returned will be -1.

#srv_is_up([<backend>/]<server>) : boolean

Returns true when the designated server is UP, and false when it is either DOWN or in maintenance mode. If <backend> is omitted, then the server is looked up in the current backend. It is mainly used to take action based on an external status reported via a health check (e.g. a geographical site's availability). Another possible use which is more of a hack consists in using dummy servers as boolean variables that can be enabled or disabled from the CLI, so that rules depending on those ACLs can be tweaked in realtime.

#srv_queue([<backend>/]<server>) : integer

Returns an integer value corresponding to the number of connections currently pending in the designated server's queue. If <backend> is omitted, then the server is looked up in the current backend. It can sometimes be used together with the use-server directive to force to use a known faster server when it is not much loaded. See also the srv_conn, avg_queue and queue sample fetch methods.

#srv_sess_rate([<backend>/]<server>) : integer

Returns an integer corresponding to the sessions creation rate on the designated server, in number of new sessions per second. If <backend> is omitted, then the server is looked up in the current backend. This is mostly used with ACLs but can make sense with logs too. This is used to switch to an alternate backend when an expensive or fragile one reaches too high a session rate, or to limit abuse of service (e.g. prevent latent requests from overloading servers).

Example :
# Redirect to a separate back
acl srv1_full srv_sess_rate(be1/srv1) gt 50
acl srv2_full srv_sess_rate(be1/srv2) gt 50
use_backend be2 if srv1_full or srv2_full  
#srv_iweight([<backend>/]<server>) : integer

Returns an integer corresponding to the server's initial weight. If <backend> is omitted, then the server is looked up in the current backend. See also srv_weight and srv_uweight.

#srv_uweight([<backend>/]<server>) : integer

Returns an integer corresponding to the user visible server's weight. If <backend> is omitted, then the server is looked up in the current backend. See also srv_weight and srv_iweight.

#srv_weight([<backend>/]<server>) : integer

Returns an integer corresponding to the current (or effective) server's weight. If <backend> is omitted, then the server is looked up in the current backend. See also srv_iweight and srv_uweight.

#stopping : boolean

Returns TRUE if the process calling the function is currently stopping. This can be useful for logging, or for relaxing certain checks or helping close certain connections upon graceful shutdown.

#str(<string>) : string

Returns a string.

#table_avl([<table>]) : integer

Returns the total number of available entries in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table. See also table_cnt.

#table_cnt([<table>]) : integer

Returns the total number of entries currently in use in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table. See also src_conn_cnt and table_avl for other entry counting methods.

#thread : integer

Returns an integer value corresponding to the position of the thread calling the function, between 0 and (global.nbthread-1). This is useful for logging and debugging purposes.

#txn.id32 : integer

Returns the internal transaction ID. It is a 32bits integer. So, in absolute, its value is not unique, transaction IDs may wrap. The wrapping period depends on the request rate. In practice, it should not be an issue. For a true unique ID, see unique-id-format directive.

#txn.sess_term_state : string

Returns the TCP or HTTP stream termination state, as reported in the log. It is a 2-characters string, The final stream state followed by the event which caused its to terminate. See section 8.5 about stream state at disconnection for the list of possible events. The current value at time the sample fetch is evaluated is returned. It is subject to change. Except used with ACLs in http-after-response rule sets or in log messages, it will always be --.

# Return a 429-Too-Many-Requests if stream timed out in queue
http-after-response set-status 429 if { txn.sess_term_state  "sQ" }  
#uptime : integer

Returns the uptime of the current HAProxy worker in seconds.

#uuid([<version>]) : string

Returns a UUID following the RFC 9562 standard. If the version is not specified, a UUID version 4 (fully random) is returned.

Versions 4 and 7 are supported.

#var(<var-name>[,<default>]) : undefined

Returns a variable with the stored type. If the variable is not set, the sample fetch fails, unless a default value is provided, in which case it will return it as a string. Empty strings are permitted. See section 2.8 about variables for details.

#wait_end : boolean

This fetch either returns true when the inspection period is over, or does not fetch. It is only used in ACLs, in conjunction with content analysis to avoid returning a wrong verdict early. It may also be used to delay some actions, such as a delayed reject for some special addresses. Since it either stops the rules evaluation or immediately returns true, it is recommended to use this acl as the last one in a rule. Please note that the default ACL WAIT_END is always usable without prior declaration. This test was designed to be used with TCP request content inspection.

Examples :
# delay every incoming request by 2 seconds
tcp-request inspect-delay 2s
tcp-request content accept if WAIT_END

# don't immediately tell bad guys they are rejected
tcp-request inspect-delay 10s
acl goodguys src
acl badguys  src
tcp-request content accept if goodguys
tcp-request content reject if badguys WAIT_END
tcp-request content reject  
#waiting_entity : string

This returns the identity of the entity that was waiting to continue its processing when an error or a timeout was encountered. It may be the a rule or a filter for instance. However, this list is not exhaustive and the format of all possible entities is not forcefully documented.

When the entity is a rule, its location is returned. It is the configuration file containing the rule followed by the line where the rule is defined in this file, separated by a colon.

For a filter, its identifier is returned as defined by the developers. If this identifier is not defined, an hexadecimal value is returned corresponding to an unique internal identifier.

The main purpose of this function is to be able to report in logs the entity blocking the stream analysis when an error or a timeout was encountered, interrupting this processing, in order to help debugging issues. The information returned on entities may changed in time and must not be used for something else than debugging.

# Log the waiting entity, if any, and only if an error is reported
log-format "$HAPROXY_HTTP_LOG_FMT %{Q}[waiting_entity,when(error)]  

#7.3.3. Fetching samples at Layer 4

The layer 4 usually describes just the transport layer which in HAProxy is closest to the connection, where no content is yet made available. The fetch methods described here are usable as low as the tcp-request connection rule sets unless they require some future information. Those generally include TCP/IP addresses and ports, as well as elements from stick-tables related to the incoming connection. For retrieving a value from a sticky counters, the counter number can be explicitly set as 0, 1, or 2 using the pre-defined sc0_, sc1_, or sc2_ prefix. These three pre-defined prefixes can only be used if the global tune.stick-counters value does not exceed 3, otherwise the counter number can be specified as the first integer argument when using the sc_ prefix starting from sc_0 to sc_N where N is (tune.stick-counters-1). An optional table may be specified with the sc* form, in which case the currently tracked key will be looked up into this alternate table instead of the table currently being tracked.

Summary of sample fetch methods in this section and their respective types:

keyword output type
bc.timer.connect integer
bc_be_queue integer
bc_dst ip
bc_dst_port integer
bc_err integer
bc_err_name string
bc_err_str string
bc_glitches integer
bc_http_major integer
bc_nb_streams integer
bc_src ip
bc_src_port integer
bc_srv_queue integer
bc_settings_streams_limit integer
be_id integer
be_name string
bc_rtt(<unit>) integer
bc_rttvar(<unit>) integer
be_server_timeout integer
be_tunnel_timeout integer
bytes_in integer
bytes_out integer
cur_server_timeout integer
cur_tunnel_timeout integer
cur_client_timeout integer
dst ip
dst_conn integer
dst_is_local boolean
dst_port integer
fc.timer.handshake integer integer
fc_dst ip
fc_dst_is_local boolean
fc_dst_port integer
fc_err integer
fc_err_name string
fc_err_str string
fc_fackets integer
fc_glitches integer
fc_http_major integer
fc_lost integer
fc_nb_streams integer
fc_pp_authority string
fc_pp_unique_id string
fc_pp_tlv(<id>) string
fc_rcvd_proxy boolean
fc_reordering integer
fc_retrans integer
fc_rtt(<unit>) integer
fc_rttvar(<unit>) integer
fc_sacked integer
fc_src ip
fc_src_is_local boolean
fc_src_port integer
fc_settings_streams_limit integer
fc_unacked integer
fe_defbe string
fe_id integer
fe_name string
fe_client_timeout integer integer
sc0_bytes_in_rate([<table>]) integer
sc1_bytes_in_rate([<table>]) integer
sc2_bytes_in_rate([<table>]) integer
sc0_bytes_out_rate([<table>]) integer
sc1_bytes_out_rate([<table>]) integer
sc2_bytes_out_rate([<table>]) integer
sc0_clr_gpc0([<table>]) integer
sc1_clr_gpc0([<table>]) integer
sc2_clr_gpc0([<table>]) integer
sc0_clr_gpc1([<table>]) integer
sc1_clr_gpc1([<table>]) integer
sc2_clr_gpc1([<table>]) integer
sc0_conn_cnt([<table>]) integer
sc1_conn_cnt([<table>]) integer
sc2_conn_cnt([<table>]) integer
sc0_conn_cur([<table>]) integer
sc1_conn_cur([<table>]) integer
sc2_conn_cur([<table>]) integer
sc0_conn_rate([<table>]) integer
sc1_conn_rate([<table>]) integer
sc2_conn_rate([<table>]) integer
sc0_get_gpc0([<table>]) integer
sc1_get_gpc0([<table>]) integer
sc2_get_gpc0([<table>]) integer
sc0_get_gpc1([<table>]) integer
sc1_get_gpc1([<table>]) integer
sc2_get_gpc1([<table>]) integer
sc0_get_gpt0([<table>]) integer
sc1_get_gpt0([<table>]) integer
sc2_get_gpt0([<table>]) integer
sc0_glitch_cnt([<table>]) integer
sc1_glitch_cnt([<table>]) integer
sc2_glitch_cnt([<table>]) integer
sc0_glitch_rate([<table>]) integer
sc1_glitch_rate([<table>]) integer
sc2_glitch_rate([<table>]) integer
sc0_gpc0_rate([<table>]) integer
sc1_gpc0_rate([<table>]) integer
sc2_gpc0_rate([<table>]) integer
sc0_gpc1_rate([<table>]) integer
sc1_gpc1_rate([<table>]) integer
sc2_gpc1_rate([<table>]) integer
sc0_http_err_cnt([<table>]) integer
sc1_http_err_cnt([<table>]) integer
sc2_http_err_cnt([<table>]) integer
sc0_http_err_rate([<table>]) integer
sc1_http_err_rate([<table>]) integer
sc2_http_err_rate([<table>]) integer
sc0_http_fail_cnt([<table>]) integer
sc1_http_fail_cnt([<table>]) integer
sc2_http_fail_cnt([<table>]) integer
sc0_http_fail_rate([<table>]) integer
sc1_http_fail_rate([<table>]) integer
sc2_http_fail_rate([<table>]) integer
sc0_http_req_cnt([<table>]) integer
sc1_http_req_cnt([<table>]) integer
sc2_http_req_cnt([<table>]) integer
sc0_http_req_rate([<table>]) integer
sc1_http_req_rate([<table>]) integer
sc2_http_req_rate([<table>]) integer
sc0_inc_gpc0([<table>]) integer
sc1_inc_gpc0([<table>]) integer
sc2_inc_gpc0([<table>]) integer
sc0_inc_gpc1([<table>]) integer
sc1_inc_gpc1([<table>]) integer
sc2_inc_gpc1([<table>]) integer
sc0_kbytes_in([<table>]) integer
sc1_kbytes_in([<table>]) integer
sc2_kbytes_in([<table>]) integer
sc0_kbytes_out([<table>]) integer
sc1_kbytes_out([<table>]) integer
sc2_kbytes_out([<table>]) integer
sc0_sess_cnt([<table>]) integer
sc1_sess_cnt([<table>]) integer
sc2_sess_cnt([<table>]) integer
sc0_sess_rate([<table>]) integer
sc1_sess_rate([<table>]) integer
sc2_sess_rate([<table>]) integer
sc0_tracked([<table>]) boolean
sc1_tracked([<table>]) boolean
sc2_tracked([<table>]) boolean
sc0_trackers([<table>]) integer
sc1_trackers([<table>]) integer
sc2_trackers([<table>]) integer
so_id integer
so_name string
src ip
src_bytes_in_rate([<table>]) integer
src_bytes_out_rate([<table>]) integer
src_clr_gpc0([<table>]) integer
src_clr_gpc1([<table>]) integer
src_conn_cnt([<table>]) integer
src_conn_cur([<table>]) integer
src_conn_rate([<table>]) integer
src_get_gpc0([<table>]) integer
src_get_gpc1([<table>]) integer
src_get_gpt0([<table>]) integer
src_glitch_cnt([<table>]) integer
src_glitch_rate([<table>]) integer
src_gpc0_rate([<table>]) integer
src_gpc1_rate([<table>]) integer
src_http_err_cnt([<table>]) integer
src_http_err_rate([<table>]) integer
src_http_fail_cnt([<table>]) integer
src_http_fail_rate([<table>]) integer
src_http_req_cnt([<table>]) integer
src_http_req_rate([<table>]) integer
src_inc_gpc0([<table>]) integer
src_inc_gpc1([<table>]) integer
src_is_local boolean
src_kbytes_in([<table>]) integer
src_kbytes_out([<table>]) integer
src_port integer
src_sess_cnt([<table>]) integer
src_sess_rate([<table>]) integer
src_updt_conn_cnt([<table>]) integer
srv_id integer
srv_name string
txn.conn_retries integer
txn.redispatched boolean

Detailed list:

#accept_date([<unit>]) : integer

This is the exact date when the connection was received by HAProxy (which might be very slightly different from the date observed on the network if there was some queuing in the system's backlog). This is usually the same date which may appear in any upstream firewall's log. When used in HTTP mode, the accept_date field will be reset to the first moment the connection is ready to receive a new request (end of previous response for HTTP/1, immediately after previous request for HTTP/2).

Returns a value in number of seconds since epoch.

<unit> is facultative, and can be set to s for seconds (default behavior), ms for milliseconds or us for microseconds. If unit is set, return value is an integer reflecting either seconds, milliseconds or microseconds since epoch. It is useful when a time resolution of less than a second is needed.

#bc.timer.connect : integer

Total time to establish the TCP connection to the server. This is the equivalent of %Tc in the log-format. This is reported in milliseconds (ms). For more information see Section 8.4 Timing events

#bc_be_queue : integer

Number of streams de-queued while waiting for a connection slot on the target backend. This is the equivalent of %bq in the log-format.

#bc_dst : ip

This is the destination ip address of the connection on the server side, which is the server address HAProxy connected to. It is of type IP and works on both IPv4 and IPv6 tables. On IPv6 tables, IPv4 address is mapped to its IPv6 equivalent, according to RFC 4291.

#bc_dst_port : integer

Returns an integer value corresponding to the destination TCP port of the connection on the server side, which is the port HAProxy connected to.

#bc_err : integer

Returns the ID of the error that might have occurred on the current backend connection. See the fc_err_str fetch for a full list of error codes and their corresponding error message.

#bc_err_name : string

Returns the internal error name describing what problem happened on the backend connection, resulting in a connection failure. This string is made of a single word and is empty when no error is present. It corresponds to the name column in the table presented in the fc_err_str keyword.

#bc_err_str : string

Returns an error message describing what problem happened on the current backend connection, resulting in a connection failure. See the fc_err_str fetch for a full list of error codes and their corresponding error message.

#bc_glitches : integer

Returns the number of protocol glitches counted on the backend connection. These generally cover protocol violations as well as small anomalies that generally indicate a bogus or misbehaving server that may cause trouble in the infrastructure (e.g. cause connections to be aborted early, inducing frequent TLS renegotiations). These may also be caused by too large responses that cannot fit into a single buffer, explaining HTTP 502 errors. Ideally this number should remain zero, though it's generally fine if it remains very low compared to the total number of requests. These values should normally not be considered as alarming (especially small ones), though a sudden jump may indicate an anomaly somewhere. Not all protocol multiplexers measure this metric and the only way to get more details about the events is to enable traces to capture all exchanges.

#bc_http_major : integer

Returns the backend connection's HTTP major version encoding, which may be 1 for HTTP/0.9 to HTTP/1.1 or 2 for HTTP/2. Note, this is based on the on-wire encoding and not the version present in the request header.

#bc_nb_streams : integer

Returns the number of streams opened on the backend connection.

#bc_src : ip

This is the source ip address of the connection on the server side, which is the server address HAProxy connected from. It is of type IP and works on both IPv4 and IPv6 tables. On IPv6 tables, IPv4 addresses are mapped to their IPv6 equivalent, according to RFC 4291.

#bc_src_port : integer

Returns an integer value corresponding to the TCP source port of the connection on the server side, which is the port HAProxy connected from.

#bc_srv_queue : integer

Number of streams de-queued while waiting for a connection slot on the target server. This is the equivalent of %sq in the log-format.

#bc_settings_streams_limit : integer

Returns the maximum number of streams allowed on the backend connection. For TCP and HTTP/1.1 connections, it is always 1. For other protocols, it depends on the settings negotiated with the server.

#be_id : integer

Returns an integer containing the current backend's id. It can be used in frontends with responses to check which backend processed the request. If used in a frontend and no backend was used, it returns the current frontend's id. It can also be used in a tcp-check or an http-check ruleset.

#be_name : string

Returns a string containing the current backend's name. It can be used in frontends with responses to check which backend processed the request. If used in a frontend and no backend was used, it returns the current frontend's name. It can also be used in a tcp-check or an http-check ruleset.

#bc_rtt(<unit>) : integer

Returns the Round Trip Time (RTT) measured by the kernel for the backend connection. <unit> is facultative, by default the unit is milliseconds. <unit> can be set to ms for milliseconds or us for microseconds. If the server connection is not established, if the connection is not TCP or if the operating system does not support TCP_INFO, for example Linux kernels before 2.4, the sample fetch fails.

#bc_rttvar(<unit>) : integer

Returns the Round Trip Time (RTT) variance measured by the kernel for the backend connection. <unit> is facultative, by default the unit is milliseconds. <unit> can be set to ms for milliseconds or us for microseconds. If the server connection is not established, if the connection is not TCP or if the operating system does not support TCP_INFO, for example Linux kernels before 2.4, the sample fetch fails.

#be_server_timeout : integer

Returns the configuration value in millisecond for the server timeout of the current backend. This timeout can be overwritten by a set-timeout rule. See also the cur_server_timeout.

#be_tunnel_timeout : integer

Returns the configuration value in millisecond for the tunnel timeout of the current backend. This timeout can be overwritten by a set-timeout rule. See also the cur_tunnel_timeout.

#bytes_in : integer

This returns the number of bytes uploaded from the client to the server.

#bytes_out : integer

This is the number of bytes transmitted from the server to the client.

#cur_server_timeout : integer

Returns the currently applied server timeout in millisecond for the stream. In the default case, this will be equal to be_server_timeout unless a set-timeout rule has been applied. See also be_server_timeout.

#cur_tunnel_timeout : integer

Returns the currently applied tunnel timeout in millisecond for the stream. In the default case, this will be equal to be_tunnel_timeout unless a set-timeout rule has been applied. See also be_tunnel_timeout.

#cur_client_timeout : integer

Returns the currently applied client timeout in millisecond for the stream. In the default case, this will be equal to fe_client_timeout unless a set-timeout rule has been applied. See also fe_client_timeout.

#dst : ip

This is the destination IP address of the connection on the client side, which is the address the client connected to. Any tcp/http rules may alter this address. It can be useful when running in transparent mode. It is of type IP and works on both IPv4 and IPv6 tables. On IPv6 tables, IPv4 address is mapped to its IPv6 equivalent, according to RFC 4291. When the incoming connection passed through address translation or redirection involving connection tracking, the original destination address before the redirection will be reported. On Linux systems, the source and destination may seldom appear reversed if the nf_conntrack_tcp_loose sysctl is set, because a late response may reopen a timed out connection and switch what is believed to be the source and the destination.

#dst_conn : integer

Returns an integer value corresponding to the number of currently established connections on the same socket including the one being evaluated. It is normally used with ACLs but can as well be used to pass the information to servers in an HTTP header or in logs. It can be used to either return a sorry page before hard-blocking, or to use a specific backend to drain new requests when the socket is considered saturated. This offers the ability to assign different limits to different listening ports or addresses. See also the fe_conn and be_conn fetches.

#dst_is_local : boolean

Returns true if the destination address of the incoming connection is local to the system, or false if the address doesn't exist on the system, meaning that it was intercepted in transparent mode. It can be useful to apply certain rules by default to forwarded traffic and other rules to the traffic targeting the real address of the machine. For example the stats page could be delivered only on this address, or SSH access could be locally redirected. Please note that the check involves a few system calls, so it's better to do it only once per connection.

#dst_port : integer

Returns an integer value corresponding to the destination TCP port of the connection on the client side, which is the port the client connected to. Any tcp/http rules may alter this address. This might be used when running in transparent mode, when assigning dynamic ports to some clients for a whole application session, to stick all users to a same server, or to pass the destination port information to a server using an HTTP header.

#fc.timer.handshake : integer

Total time to accept tcp connection and execute handshakes for low level protocols. Currently, these protocols are proxy-protocol and SSL. This is the equivalent of %Th in the log-format. This is reported in milliseconds (ms). For more information see Section 8.4 Timing events : integer

Total stream duration time, between the moment the proxy accepted it and the moment both ends were closed. This is the equivalent of %Tt in the log-format. This is reported in milliseconds (ms). For more information see Section 8.4 Timing events

#fc_dst : ip

This is the original destination IP address of the connection on the client side. Only tcp-request connection rules may alter this address. See dst for details.

#fc_dst_is_local : boolean

Returns true if the original destination address of the incoming connection is local to the system, or false if the address doesn't exist on the system. See dst_is_local for details.

#fc_dst_port : integer

Returns an integer value corresponding to the original destination TCP port of the connection on the client side. Only tcp-request connection rules may alter this address. See dst-port for details.

#fc_err : integer

Returns the ID of the error that might have occurred on the current connection. Any strictly positive value of this fetch indicates that the connection did not succeed and would result in an error log being output (as described in section 8.2.5). See the fc_err_str fetch for a full list of error codes and their corresponding error message.

#fc_err_name : string

Returns the internal error name describing what problem happened on the frontend connection, resulting in a connection failure. This string is made of a single word and is empty when no error is present. It corresponds to the name column in the table presented in the fc_err_str keyword.

#fc_err_str : string

Returns an error message describing what problem happened on the current connection, resulting in a connection failure. This string corresponds to the message part of the error log format (see section 8.2.5). See below for a full list of error codes and their corresponding error messages :

ID name message
0 - "Success"
1 CONF_FDLIM "Reached configured maxconn value"
2 PROC_FDLIM "Too many sockets on the process"
3 SYS_FDLIM "Too many sockets on the system"
4 SYS_MEMLIM "Out of system buffers"
5 NOPROTO "Protocol or address family not supported"
6 SOCK_ERR "General socket error"
7 PORT_RANGE "Source port range exhausted"
8 CANT_BIND "Can't bind to source address"
9 FREE_PORTS "Out of local source ports on the system"
10 ADDR_INUSE "Local source address already in use"
11 PRX_EMPTY "Connection closed while waiting for PROXY protocol header"
12 PRX_ABORT "Connection error while waiting for PROXY protocol header"
13 PRX_TIMEOUT "Timeout while waiting for PROXY protocol header"
14 PRX_TRUNCATED "Truncated PROXY protocol header received"
15 PRX_NOT_HDR "Received something which does not look like a PROXY protocol header"
16 PRX_BAD_HDR "Received an invalid PROXY protocol header"
17 PRX_BAD_PROTO "Received an unhandled protocol in the PROXY protocol header"
18 CIP_EMPTY "Connection closed while waiting for NetScaler Client IP header"
19 CIP_ABORT "Connection error while waiting for NetScaler Client IP header"
20 CIP_TIMEOUT "Timeout while waiting for a NetScaler Client IP header"
21 CIP_TRUNCATED "Truncated NetScaler Client IP header received"
22 CIP_BAD_MAGIC "Received an invalid NetScaler Client IP magic number"
23 CIP_BAD_PROTO "Received an unhandled protocol in the NetScaler Client IP header"
24 SSL_EMPTY "Connection closed during SSL handshake"
25 SSL_ABORT "Connection error during SSL handshake"
26 SSL_TIMEOUT "Timeout during SSL handshake"
27 SSL_TOO_MANY "Too many SSL connections"
28 SSL_NO_MEM "Out of memory when initializing an SSL connection"
29 SSL_RENEG "Rejected a client-initiated SSL renegotiation attempt"
30 SSL_CA_FAIL "SSL client CA chain cannot be verified"
31 SSL_CRT_FAIL "SSL client certificate not trusted"
32 SSL_MISMATCH "Server presented an SSL certificate different from the configured one"
33 SSL_MISMATCH_SNI "Server presented an SSL certificate different from the expected one"
34 SSL_HANDSHAKE "SSL handshake failure"
35 SSL_HANDSHAKE_HB "SSL handshake failure after heartbeat"
36 SSL_KILLED_HB "Stopped a TLSv1 heartbeat attack (CVE-2014-0160)"
37 SSL_NO_TARGET "Attempt to use SSL on an unknown target (internal error)"
38 SSL_EARLY_FAILED "Server refused early data"
39 SOCKS4_SEND "SOCKS4 Proxy write error during handshake"
40 SOCKS4_RECV "SOCKS4 Proxy read error during handshake"
41 SOCKS4_DENY "SOCKS4 Proxy deny the request"
42 SOCKS4_ABORT "SOCKS4 Proxy handshake aborted by server"
43 SSL_FATAL "SSL fatal error"
44 REVERSE "Reverse connect failure"
45 POLLERR "Poller reported POLLERR"
47 ERESET "ECONNRESET returned by OS"
49 ENOMEM "ENOMEM returned by OS"
50 EBADF "EBADF returned by OS"
51 EFAULT "EFAULT returned by OS"
52 EINVAL "EINVAL returned by OS"
53 ENCONN "ENCONN returned by OS"
54 ENSOCK "ENSOCK returned by OS"
55 ENOBUFS "ENOBUFS returned by OS"
56 EPIPE "EPIPE returned by OS"

#fc_fackets : integer

Returns the fack counter measured by the kernel for the client connection. If the server connection is not established, if the connection is not TCP or if the operating system does not support TCP_INFO, for example Linux kernels before 2.4, the sample fetch fails.

#fc_glitches : integer

Returns the number of protocol glitches counted on the frontend connection. These generally cover protocol violations as well as small anomalies that generally indicate a bogus or misbehaving client that may cause trouble in the infrastructure, such as excess of errors in the logs, or many connections being aborted early, inducing frequent TLS renegotiations. These may also be caused by too large requests that cannot fit into a single buffer, explaining HTTP 400 errors. Ideally this number should remain zero, though it may be possible that some browsers playing with the protocol boundaries trigger it once in a while. These values should normally not be considered as alarming (especially small ones), though a sudden jump may indicate an anomaly somewhere. Large values (i.e. hundreds to thousands per connection, or as many as the requests) may indicate a purposely built client that is trying to fingerprint or attack the protocol stack. Not all protocol multiplexers measure this metric, and the only way to get more details about the events is to enable traces to capture all exchanges.

#fc_http_major : integer

Reports the front connection's HTTP major version encoding, which may be 1 for HTTP/0.9 to HTTP/1.1 or 2 for HTTP/2. Note, this is based on the on-wire encoding and not on the version present in the request header.

#fc_lost : integer

If the connection is not TCP, nor QUIC, the sample fetch fails. For QUIC, returns the number of lost QUIC packets by the client connection. For TCP, returns the lost counter measured by the kernel for the client connection. If the server connection is not established, or if the operating system does not support TCP_INFO, for example Linux kernels before 2.4, the sample fetch fails.

#fc_nb_streams : integer

Returns the number of streams opened on the frontend connection.

#fc_pp_authority : string

Returns the first authority TLV sent by the client in the PROXY protocol header, if any.

#fc_pp_unique_id : string

Returns the first unique ID TLV sent by the client in the PROXY protocol header, if any.

#fc_pp_tlv(<id>) : string

Returns the TLV value for the given TLV ID. The ID must either be a numeric value between 0 and 255 or one of the following supported symbolic names that correspond to the TLV constant suffixes in the PPv2 spec: ALPN: PP2_TYPE_ALPN, AUTHORITY: PP2_TYPE_AUTHORITY, CRC32: PP2_TYPE_CRC32C, NETNS: PP2_TYPE_NETNS, NOOP: PP2_TYPE_NOOP, SSL: PP2_TYPE_SSL, SSL_CIPHER: PP2_SUBTYPE_SSL_CIPHER, SSL_CN: PP2_SUBTYPE_SSL_CN, SSL_KEY_ALG: PP2_SUBTYPE_SSL_KEY_ALG, SSL_SIG_ALG: PP2_SUBTYPE_SSL_SIG_ALG, SSL_VERSION: PP2_SUBTYPE_SSL_VERSION, UNIQUE_ID: PP2_TYPE_UNIQUE_ID.

The received value must be smaller or equal to 1024 bytes. This is done to prevent potential DoS attacks. Values smaller or equal to 256 bytes will be able to be memory pooled. Therefore, try to restrict the length of sent values to 256 bytes for optimal performance.

Note that unlike fc_pp_authority and fc_pp_unique_id, fc_pp_tlv is able to iterate over all occurrences of a requested TLV in case there are duplicate TLV IDs. The order of iteration matches the position in the PROXY protocol header. However, relying on duplicates should mostly be avoided as TLVs are typically assumed to be unique. Generally, finding duplicated TLV IDs indicates an error on the sender side of the PROXY protocol header.

#fc_rcvd_proxy : boolean

Returns true if the client initiated the connection with a PROXY protocol header.

#fc_reordering : integer

If the connection is not TCP, nor QUIC, the sample fetch fails. For QUIC, return the number of QUIC reordered packets for the client connection. For TCP, returns the reordering counter measured by the kernel for the client connection. If the server connection is not established, or if the operating system does not support TCP_INFO, for example Linux kernels before 2.4, the sample fetch fails.

#fc_retrans : integer

Returns the retransmits counter measured by the kernel for the client connection. If the server connection is not established, if the connection is not TCP or if the operating system does not support TCP_INFO, for example Linux kernels before 2.4, the sample fetch fails.

#fc_rtt(<unit>) : integer

If the connection is not TCP, nor QUIC, the sample fetch fails. For QUIC, returns Smoothed Round Trip Time for the client connection. For TCP, returns the Round Trip Time (RTT) measured by the kernel for the client connection. <unit> is facultative, by default the unit is milliseconds. <unit> can be set to ms for milliseconds or us for microseconds. If the server connection is not established, or if the operating system does not support TCP_INFO, for example Linux kernels before 2.4, the sample fetch fails.

#fc_rttvar(<unit>) : integer

If the connection is not TCP, nor QUIC, the sample fetch fails. For QUIC, returns Smoothed Round Trip Time variance for the client connection. For TCP, returns the Round Trip Time (RTT) variance measured by the kernel for the client connection. <unit> is facultative, by default the unit is milliseconds. <unit> can be set to ms for milliseconds or us for microseconds. If the server connection is not established, or if the operating system does not support TCP_INFO, for example Linux kernels before 2.4, the sample fetch fails.

#fc_sacked : integer

Returns the sacked counter measured by the kernel for the client connection. If the server connection is not established, if the connection is not TCP or if the operating system does not support TCP_INFO, for example Linux kernels before 2.4, the sample fetch fails.

#fc_src : ip

This is the original source IP address of the connection on the client side Only tcp-request connection rules may alter this address. See src for details.

#fc_src_is_local : boolean

Returns true if the source address of incoming connection is local to the system, or false if the address doesn't exist on the system. See src_is_local for details.

#fc_src_port : integer

Returns an integer value corresponding to the TCP source port of the connection on the client side. Only tcp-request connection rules may alter this address. See src-port for details.

#fc_settings_streams_limit : integer

Returns the maximum number of streams allowed on the frontend connection. For TCP and HTTP/1.1 connections, it is always 1. For other protocols, it depends on the settings negotiated with the client.

#fc_unacked : integer

Returns the unacked counter measured by the kernel for the client connection. If the server connection is not established, if the connection is not TCP or if the operating system does not support TCP_INFO, for example Linux kernels before 2.4, the sample fetch fails.

#fe_defbe : string

Returns a string containing the frontend's default backend name. It can be used in frontends to check which backend will handle requests by default.

#fe_id : integer

Returns an integer containing the current frontend's id. It can be used in backends to check from which frontend it was called, or to stick all users coming via a same frontend to the same server.

#fe_name : string

Returns a string containing the current frontend's name. It can be used in backends to check from which frontend it was called, or to stick all users coming via a same frontend to the same server.

#fe_client_timeout : integer

Returns the configuration value in millisecond for the client timeout of the current frontend. This timeout can be overwritten by a set-timeout rule. : integer

this is the total transfer time of the response payload till the last byte sent to the client. In HTTP it starts after the last response header (after Tr). This is the equivalent of %Td in the log-format and is reported in milliseconds (ms). For more information see Section 8.4 Timing events

#sc_bytes_in_rate(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_bytes_in_rate([<table>]) : integer #sc1_bytes_in_rate([<table>]) : integer #sc2_bytes_in_rate([<table>]) : integer

Returns the average client-to-server bytes rate from the currently tracked counters, measured in amount of bytes over the period configured in the table. See also src_bytes_in_rate.

#sc_bytes_out_rate(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_bytes_out_rate([<table>]) : integer #sc1_bytes_out_rate([<table>]) : integer #sc2_bytes_out_rate([<table>]) : integer

Returns the average server-to-client bytes rate from the currently tracked counters, measured in amount of bytes over the period configured in the table. See also src_bytes_out_rate.

#sc_clr_gpc(<idx>,<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer

Clears the General Purpose Counter at the index <idx> of the array associated to the designated tracked counter of ID <ctr> from current proxy's stick table or from the designated stick-table <table>, and returns its previous value. <idx> is an integer between 0 and 99 and <ctr> an integer between 0 and 2. Before the first invocation, the stored value is zero, so first invocation will always return zero. This fetch applies only to the 'gpc' array data_type (and not to the legacy 'gpc0' nor 'gpc1' data_types).

#sc_clr_gpc0(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_clr_gpc0([<table>]) : integer #sc1_clr_gpc0([<table>]) : integer #sc2_clr_gpc0([<table>]) : integer

Clears the first General Purpose Counter associated to the currently tracked counters, and returns its previous value. Before the first invocation, the stored value is zero, so first invocation will always return zero. This is typically used as a second ACL in an expression in order to mark a connection when a first ACL was verified :

# block if 5 consecutive requests continue to come faster than 10 sess
# per second, and reset the counter as soon as the traffic slows down.
acl abuse sc0_http_req_rate gt 10
acl kill  sc0_inc_gpc0 gt 5
acl save  sc0_clr_gpc0 ge 0
tcp-request connection accept if !abuse save
tcp-request connection reject if abuse kill  
#sc_clr_gpc1(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_clr_gpc1([<table>]) : integer #sc1_clr_gpc1([<table>]) : integer #sc2_clr_gpc1([<table>]) : integer

Clears the second General Purpose Counter associated to the currently tracked counters, and returns its previous value. Before the first invocation, the stored value is zero, so first invocation will always return zero. This is typically used as a second ACL in an expression in order to mark a connection when a first ACL was verified.

#sc_conn_cnt(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_conn_cnt([<table>]) : integer #sc1_conn_cnt([<table>]) : integer #sc2_conn_cnt([<table>]) : integer

Returns the cumulative number of incoming connections from currently tracked counters. See also src_conn_cnt.

#sc_conn_cur(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_conn_cur([<table>]) : integer #sc1_conn_cur([<table>]) : integer #sc2_conn_cur([<table>]) : integer

Returns the current amount of concurrent connections tracking the same tracked counters. This number is automatically incremented when tracking begins and decremented when tracking stops. See also src_conn_cur.

#sc_conn_rate(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_conn_rate([<table>]) : integer #sc1_conn_rate([<table>]) : integer #sc2_conn_rate([<table>]) : integer

Returns the average connection rate from the currently tracked counters, measured in amount of connections over the period configured in the table. See also src_conn_rate.

#sc_get_gpc(<idx>,<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer

Returns the value of the General Purpose Counter at the index <idx> in the GPC array and associated to the currently tracked counter of ID <ctr> from the current proxy's stick-table or from the designated stick-table <table>. <idx> is an integer between 0 and 99 and <ctr> an integer between 0 and 2. If there is not gpc stored at this index, zero is returned. This fetch applies only to the 'gpc' array data_type (and not to the legacy 'gpc0' nor 'gpc1' data_types). See also src_get_gpc and sc_inc_gpc.

#sc_get_gpc0(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_get_gpc0([<table>]) : integer #sc1_get_gpc0([<table>]) : integer #sc2_get_gpc0([<table>]) : integer

Returns the value of the first General Purpose Counter associated to the currently tracked counters. See also src_get_gpc0 and sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_inc_gpc0.

#sc_get_gpc1(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_get_gpc1([<table>]) : integer #sc1_get_gpc1([<table>]) : integer #sc2_get_gpc1([<table>]) : integer

Returns the value of the second General Purpose Counter associated to the currently tracked counters. See also src_get_gpc1 and sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_inc_gpc1.

#sc_get_gpt(<idx>,<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer

Returns the value of the first General Purpose Tag at the index <idx> of the array associated to the tracked counter of ID <ctr> and from the current proxy's sitck-table or the designated stick-table <table>. <idx> is an integer between 0 and 99 and <ctr> an integer between 0 and 2. If there is no GPT stored at this index, zero is returned. This fetch applies only to the 'gpt' array data_type (and not on the legacy 'gpt0' data-type). See also src_get_gpt.

#sc_get_gpt0(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_get_gpt0([<table>]) : integer #sc1_get_gpt0([<table>]) : integer #sc2_get_gpt0([<table>]) : integer

Returns the value of the first General Purpose Tag associated to the currently tracked counters. See also src_get_gpt0.

#sc_glitch_cnt(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_glitch_cnt([<table>]) : integer #sc1_glitch_cnt([<table>]) : integer #sc2_glitch_cnt([<table>]) : integer

Returns the cumulative number of front connection glitches that were observed on connections associated with the currently tracked counters. Usually these result in requests or connections to be aborted so the returned value will often correspond to past connections. There is no good nor bad value, but a poor quality client may occasionally cause a few glitches per connection, while a very bogus or malevolent client may quickly cause thousands of events to be added on a connection. See also fc_glitches for the number affecting the current connection, src_glitch_cnt to look them up per source, and sc_glitch_rate for the event rate measurements.

#sc_glitch_rate(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_glitch_rate([<table>]) : integer #sc1_glitch_rate([<table>]) : integer #sc2_glitch_rate([<table>]) : integer

Returns the average rate at which front connection glitches were observed for the currently tracked counters, measured in amount of events over the period configured in the table. Usually these glitches result in requests or connections to be aborted so the returned value will often be related to past connections. There is no good nor bad value, but a poor quality client may occasionally cause a few glitches per connection, hence a low rate is generally expected. However, a very bogus or malevolent client may quickly cause thousands of events to be added per connection, and maintain a high rate here. See also src_glitch_rate and sc_glitch_cnt.

#sc_gpc_rate(<idx>,<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer

Returns the average increment rate of the General Purpose Counter at the index <idx> of the array associated to the tracked counter of ID <ctr> from the current proxy's table or from the designated stick-table <table>. It reports the frequency which the gpc counter was incremented over the configured period. <idx> is an integer between 0 and 99 and <ctr> an integer between 0 and 2. Note that the 'gpc_rate' counter array must be stored in the stick-table for a value to be returned, as 'gpc' only holds the event count. This fetch applies only to the 'gpc_rate' array data_type (and not to the legacy 'gpc0_rate' nor 'gpc1_rate' data_types). See also src_gpc_rate, sc_get_gpc, and sc_inc_gpc.

#sc_gpc0_rate(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_gpc0_rate([<table>]) : integer #sc1_gpc0_rate([<table>]) : integer #sc2_gpc0_rate([<table>]) : integer

Returns the average increment rate of the first General Purpose Counter associated to the currently tracked counters. It reports the frequency which the gpc0 counter was incremented over the configured period. See also src_gpc0_rate, sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_get_gpc0, and sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_inc_gpc0. Note that the gpc0_rate counter must be stored in the stick-table for a value to be returned, as gpc0 only holds the event count.

#sc_gpc1_rate(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_gpc1_rate([<table>]) : integer #sc1_gpc1_rate([<table>]) : integer #sc2_gpc1_rate([<table>]) : integer

Returns the average increment rate of the second General Purpose Counter associated to the currently tracked counters. It reports the frequency which the gpc1 counter was incremented over the configured period. See also src_gpcA_rate, sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_get_gpc1, and sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_inc_gpc1. Note that the gpc1_rate counter must be stored in the stick-table for a value to be returned, as gpc1 only holds the event count.

#sc_http_err_cnt(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_http_err_cnt([<table>]) : integer #sc1_http_err_cnt([<table>]) : integer #sc2_http_err_cnt([<table>]) : integer

Returns the cumulative number of HTTP errors from the currently tracked counters. This includes the both request errors and 4xx error responses. See also src_http_err_cnt.

#sc_http_err_rate(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_http_err_rate([<table>]) : integer #sc1_http_err_rate([<table>]) : integer #sc2_http_err_rate([<table>]) : integer

Returns the average rate of HTTP errors from the currently tracked counters, measured in amount of errors over the period configured in the table. This includes the both request errors and 4xx error responses. See also src_http_err_rate.

#sc_http_fail_cnt(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_http_fail_cnt([<table>]) : integer #sc1_http_fail_cnt([<table>]) : integer #sc2_http_fail_cnt([<table>]) : integer

Returns the cumulative number of HTTP response failures from the currently tracked counters. This includes the both response errors and 5xx status codes other than 501 and 505. See also src_http_fail_cnt.

#sc_http_fail_rate(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_http_fail_rate([<table>]) : integer #sc1_http_fail_rate([<table>]) : integer #sc2_http_fail_rate([<table>]) : integer

Returns the average rate of HTTP response failures from the currently tracked counters, measured in amount of failures over the period configured in the table. This includes the both response errors and 5xx status codes other than 501 and 505. See also src_http_fail_rate.

#sc_http_req_cnt(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_http_req_cnt([<table>]) : integer #sc1_http_req_cnt([<table>]) : integer #sc2_http_req_cnt([<table>]) : integer

Returns the cumulative number of HTTP requests from the currently tracked counters. This includes every started request, valid or not. See also src_http_req_cnt.

#sc_http_req_rate(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_http_req_rate([<table>]) : integer #sc1_http_req_rate([<table>]) : integer #sc2_http_req_rate([<table>]) : integer

Returns the average rate of HTTP requests from the currently tracked counters, measured in amount of requests over the period configured in the table. This includes every started request, valid or not. See also src_http_req_rate.

#sc_inc_gpc(<idx>,<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer

Increments the General Purpose Counter at the index <idx> of the array associated to the designated tracked counter of ID <ctr> from current proxy's stick table or from the designated stick-table <table>, and returns its new value. <idx> is an integer between 0 and 99 and <ctr> an integer between 0 and 2. Before the first invocation, the stored value is zero, so first invocation will increase it to 1 and will return 1. This fetch applies only to the 'gpc' array data_type (and not to the legacy 'gpc0' nor 'gpc1' data_types).

#sc_inc_gpc0(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_inc_gpc0([<table>]) : integer #sc1_inc_gpc0([<table>]) : integer #sc2_inc_gpc0([<table>]) : integer

Increments the first General Purpose Counter associated to the currently tracked counters, and returns its new value. Before the first invocation, the stored value is zero, so first invocation will increase it to 1 and will return 1. This is typically used as a second ACL in an expression in order to mark a connection when a first ACL was verified :

acl abuse sc0_http_req_rate gt 10
acl kill  sc0_inc_gpc0 gt 0
tcp-request connection reject if abuse kill  
#sc_inc_gpc1(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_inc_gpc1([<table>]) : integer #sc1_inc_gpc1([<table>]) : integer #sc2_inc_gpc1([<table>]) : integer

Increments the second General Purpose Counter associated to the currently tracked counters, and returns its new value. Before the first invocation, the stored value is zero, so first invocation will increase it to 1 and will return 1. This is typically used as a second ACL in an expression in order to mark a connection when a first ACL was verified.

#sc_kbytes_in(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_kbytes_in([<table>]) : integer #sc1_kbytes_in([<table>]) : integer #sc2_kbytes_in([<table>]) : integer

Returns the total amount of client-to-server data from the currently tracked counters, measured in kilobytes. The test is currently performed on 32-bit integers, which limits values to 4 terabytes. See also src_kbytes_in.

#sc_kbytes_out(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_kbytes_out([<table>]) : integer #sc1_kbytes_out([<table>]) : integer #sc2_kbytes_out([<table>]) : integer

Returns the total amount of server-to-client data from the currently tracked counters, measured in kilobytes. The test is currently performed on 32-bit integers, which limits values to 4 terabytes. See also src_kbytes_out.

#sc_sess_cnt(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_sess_cnt([<table>]) : integer #sc1_sess_cnt([<table>]) : integer #sc2_sess_cnt([<table>]) : integer

Returns the cumulative number of incoming connections that were transformed into sessions, which means that they were accepted by a tcp-request connection rule, from the currently tracked counters. A backend may count more sessions than connections because each connection could result in many backend sessions if some HTTP keep-alive is performed over the connection with the client. See also src_sess_cnt.

#sc_sess_rate(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_sess_rate([<table>]) : integer #sc1_sess_rate([<table>]) : integer #sc2_sess_rate([<table>]) : integer

Returns the average session rate from the currently tracked counters, measured in amount of sessions over the period configured in the table. A session is a connection that got past the early tcp-request connection rules. A backend may count more sessions than connections because each connection could result in many backend sessions if some HTTP keep-alive is performed over the connection with the client. See also src_sess_rate.

#sc_tracked(<ctr>[,<table>]) : boolean #sc0_tracked([<table>]) : boolean #sc1_tracked([<table>]) : boolean #sc2_tracked([<table>]) : boolean

Returns true if the designated session counter is currently being tracked by the current session. This can be useful when deciding whether or not we want to set some values in a header passed to the server.

#sc_trackers(<ctr>[,<table>]) : integer #sc0_trackers([<table>]) : integer #sc1_trackers([<table>]) : integer #sc2_trackers([<table>]) : integer

Returns the current amount of concurrent connections tracking the same tracked counters. This number is automatically incremented when tracking begins and decremented when tracking stops. It differs from sc0_conn_cur in that it does not rely on any stored information but on the table's reference count (the use value which is returned by show table on the CLI). This may sometimes be more suited for layer7 tracking. It can be used to tell a server how many concurrent connections there are from a given address for example.

#so_id : integer

Returns an integer containing the current listening socket's id. It is useful in frontends involving many bind (3) lines, or to stick all users coming via a same socket to the same server.

#so_name : string

Returns a string containing the current listening socket's name, as defined with name on a bind (3) line. It can serve the same purposes as so_id but with strings instead of integers.

#src : ip

This is the source IP address of the client of the session. Any tcp/http rules may alter this address. It is of type IP and works on both IPv4 and IPv6 tables. On IPv6 tables, IPv4 addresses are mapped to their IPv6 equivalent, according to RFC 4291. Note that it is the TCP-level source address which is used, and not the address of a client behind a proxy. However if the accept-proxy or accept-netscaler-cip bind directive is used, it can be the address of a client behind another PROXY-protocol compatible component for all rule sets except tcp-request connection which sees the real address. When the incoming connection passed through address translation or redirection involving connection tracking, the original destination address before the redirection will be reported. On Linux systems, the source and destination may seldom appear reversed if the nf_conntrack_tcp_loose sysctl is set, because a late response may reopen a timed out connection and switch what is believed to be the source and the destination.

# add an HTTP header in requests with the originating address' country
http-request set-header X-Country %[src,map_ip(geoip.lst)]  
#src_bytes_in_rate([<table>]) : integer

Returns the average bytes rate from the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table, measured in amount of bytes over the period configured in the table. If the address is not found, zero is returned. See also sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_bytes_in_rate.

#src_bytes_out_rate([<table>]) : integer

Returns the average bytes rate to the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table, measured in amount of bytes over the period configured in the table. If the address is not found, zero is returned. See also sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_bytes_out_rate.

#src_clr_gpc(<idx>,[<table>]) : integer

Clears the General Purpose Counter at the index <idx> of the array associated to the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table <table>, and returns its previous value. <idx> is an integer between 0 and 99. If the address is not found, an entry is created and 0 is returned. This fetch applies only to the 'gpc' array data_type (and not to the legacy 'gpc0' nor 'gpc1' data_types). See also sc_clr_gpc.

#src_clr_gpc0([<table>]) : integer

Clears the first General Purpose Counter associated to the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table, and returns its previous value. If the address is not found, an entry is created and 0 is returned. This is typically used as a second ACL in an expression in order to mark a connection when a first ACL was verified :

# block if 5 consecutive requests continue to come faster than 10 sess
# per second, and reset the counter as soon as the traffic slows down.
acl abuse src_http_req_rate gt 10
acl kill  src_inc_gpc0 gt 5
acl save  src_clr_gpc0 ge 0
tcp-request connection accept if !abuse save
tcp-request connection reject if abuse kill  
#src_clr_gpc1([<table>]) : integer

Clears the second General Purpose Counter associated to the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table, and returns its previous value. If the address is not found, an entry is created and 0 is returned. This is typically used as a second ACL in an expression in order to mark a connection when a first ACL was verified.

#src_conn_cnt([<table>]) : integer

Returns the cumulative number of connections initiated from the current incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table. If the address is not found, zero is returned. See also sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_conn_cnt.

#src_conn_cur([<table>]) : integer

Returns the current amount of concurrent connections initiated from the current incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table. If the address is not found, zero is returned. See also sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_conn_cur.

#src_conn_rate([<table>]) : integer

Returns the average connection rate from the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table, measured in amount of connections over the period configured in the table. If the address is not found, zero is returned. See also sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_conn_rate.

#src_get_gpc(<idx>,[<table>]) : integer

Returns the value of the General Purpose Counter at the index <idx> of the array associated to the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table <table>. <idx> is an integer between 0 and 99. If the address is not found or there is no gpc stored at this index, zero is returned. This fetch applies only to the 'gpc' array data_type (and not on the legacy 'gpc0' nor 'gpc1' data_types). See also sc_get_gpc and src_inc_gpc.

#src_get_gpc0([<table>]) : integer

Returns the value of the first General Purpose Counter associated to the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table. If the address is not found, zero is returned. See also sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_get_gpc0 and src_inc_gpc0.

#src_get_gpc1([<table>]) : integer

Returns the value of the second General Purpose Counter associated to the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table. If the address is not found, zero is returned. See also sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_get_gpc1 and src_inc_gpc1.

#src_get_gpt(<idx>[,<table>]) : integer

Returns the value of the first General Purpose Tag at the index <idx> of the array associated to the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table <table>. <idx> is an integer between 0 and 99. If the address is not found or the GPT is not stored, zero is returned. See also the sc_get_gpt sample fetch keyword.

#src_get_gpt0([<table>]) : integer

Returns the value of the first General Purpose Tag associated to the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table. If the address is not found, zero is returned. See also sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_get_gpt0.

#src_glitch_cnt([<table>]) : integer

Returns the cumulative number of front connection glitches that were observed on connections from the current connection's source address. Usually these result in requests or connections to be aborted so the returned value will often correspond to past connections. There is no good nor bad value, but a poor quality client may occasionally cause a few glitches per connection, while a very bogus or malevolent client may quickly cause thousands of events to be added on a connection. See also fc_glitches for the number affecting the current connection, sc_glitch_cnt to look them up in currently tracked counters, and src_glitch_rate for the event rate measurements.

#src_glitch_rate([<table>]) : integer

Returns the average rate at which front connection glitches were observed for on connections from the current connection's source address, measured in amount of events over the period configured in the table. Usually these glitches result in requests or connections to be aborted so the returned value will often be related to past connections. There is no good nor bad value, but a poor quality client may occasionally cause a few glitches per connection, hence a low rate is generally expected. However, a very bogus or malevolent client may quickly cause thousands of events to be added per connection, and maintain a high rate here. See also sc_glitch_rate and src_glitch_cnt.

#src_gpc_rate(<idx>[,<table>]) : integer

Returns the average increment rate of the General Purpose Counter at the index <idx> of the array associated to the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table <table>. It reports the frequency which the gpc counter was incremented over the configured period. <idx> is an integer between 0 and 99. Note that the 'gpc_rate' counter must be stored in the stick-table for a value to be returned, as 'gpc' only holds the event count. This fetch applies only to the 'gpc_rate' array data_type (and not to the legacy 'gpc0_rate' nor 'gpc1_rate' data_types). See also sc_gpc_rate, src_get_gpc, and sc_inc_gpc.

#src_gpc0_rate([<table>]) : integer

Returns the average increment rate of the first General Purpose Counter associated to the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table. It reports the frequency which the gpc0 counter was incremented over the configured period. See also sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_gpc0_rate, src_get_gpc0, and sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_inc_gpc0. Note that the gpc0_rate counter must be stored in the stick-table for a value to be returned, as gpc0 only holds the event count.

#src_gpc1_rate([<table>]) : integer

Returns the average increment rate of the second General Purpose Counter associated to the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table. It reports the frequency which the gpc1 counter was incremented over the configured period. See also sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_gpc1_rate, src_get_gpc1, and sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_inc_gpc1. Note that the gpc1_rate counter must be stored in the stick-table for a value to be returned, as gpc1 only holds the event count.

#src_http_err_cnt([<table>]) : integer

Returns the cumulative number of HTTP errors from the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table. This includes the both request errors and 4xx error responses. See also sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_http_err_cnt. If the address is not found, zero is returned.

#src_http_err_rate([<table>]) : integer

Returns the average rate of HTTP errors from the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table, measured in amount of errors over the period configured in the table. This includes the both request errors and 4xx error responses. If the address is not found, zero is returned. See also sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_http_err_rate.

#src_http_fail_cnt([<table>]) : integer

Returns the cumulative number of HTTP response failures triggered by the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table. This includes the both response errors and 5xx status codes other than 501 and 505. See also sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_http_fail_cnt. If the address is not found, zero is returned.

#src_http_fail_rate([<table>]) : integer

Returns the average rate of HTTP response failures triggered by the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table, measured in amount of failures over the period configured in the table. This includes the both response errors and 5xx status codes other than 501 and 505. If the address is not found, zero is returned. See also sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_http_fail_rate.

#src_http_req_cnt([<table>]) : integer

Returns the cumulative number of HTTP requests from the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick- table. This includes every started request, valid or not. If the address is not found, zero is returned. See also sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_http_req_cnt.

#src_http_req_rate([<table>]) : integer

Returns the average rate of HTTP requests from the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick- table, measured in amount of requests over the period configured in the table. This includes every started request, valid or not. If the address is not found, zero is returned. See also sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_http_req_rate.

#src_inc_gpc(<idx>,[<table>]) : integer

Increments the General Purpose Counter at index <idx> of the array associated to the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table <table>, and returns its new value. <idx> is an integer between 0 and 99. If the address is not found, an entry is created and 1 is returned. This fetch applies only to the 'gpc' array data_type (and not to the legacy 'gpc0' nor 'gpc1' data_types). See also sc_inc_gpc.

#src_inc_gpc0([<table>]) : integer

Increments the first General Purpose Counter associated to the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table, and returns its new value. If the address is not found, an entry is created and 1 is returned. See also sc0/sc2/sc2_inc_gpc0. This is typically used as a second ACL in an expression in order to mark a connection when a first ACL was verified :

acl abuse src_http_req_rate gt 10
acl kill  src_inc_gpc0 gt 0
tcp-request connection reject if abuse kill  
#src_inc_gpc1([<table>]) : integer

Increments the second General Purpose Counter associated to the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table, and returns its new value. If the address is not found, an entry is created and 1 is returned. See also sc0/sc2/sc2_inc_gpc1. This is typically used as a second ACL in an expression in order to mark a connection when a first ACL was verified.

#src_is_local : boolean

Returns true if the source address of the incoming connection is local to the system, or false if the address doesn't exist on the system, meaning that it comes from a remote machine. Note that UNIX addresses are considered local. It can be useful to apply certain access restrictions based on where the client comes from (e.g. require auth or https for remote machines). Please note that the check involves a few system calls, so it's better to do it only once per connection.

#src_kbytes_in([<table>]) : integer

Returns the total amount of data received from the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table, measured in kilobytes. If the address is not found, zero is returned. The test is currently performed on 32-bit integers, which limits values to 4 terabytes. See also sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_kbytes_in.

#src_kbytes_out([<table>]) : integer

Returns the total amount of data sent to the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table, measured in kilobytes. If the address is not found, zero is returned. The test is currently performed on 32-bit integers, which limits values to 4 terabytes. See also sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_kbytes_out.

#src_port : integer

Returns an integer value corresponding to the TCP source port of the connection on the client side, which is the port the client connected from. Any tcp/http rules may alter this address. Usage of this function is very limited as modern protocols do not care much about source ports nowadays.

#src_sess_cnt([<table>]) : integer

Returns the cumulative number of connections initiated from the incoming connection's source IPv4 address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table, that were transformed into sessions, which means that they were accepted by tcp-request (4) rules. If the address is not found, zero is returned. See also sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_sess_cnt.

#src_sess_rate([<table>]) : integer

Returns the average session rate from the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table, measured in amount of sessions over the period configured in the table. A session is a connection that went past the early tcp-request (4) rules. If the address is not found, zero is returned. See also sc/sc0/sc1/sc2_sess_rate.

#src_updt_conn_cnt([<table>]) : integer

Creates or updates the entry associated to the incoming connection's source address in the current proxy's stick-table or in the designated stick-table. This table must be configured to store the conn_cnt data type, otherwise the match will be ignored. The current count is incremented by one, and the expiration timer refreshed. The updated count is returned, so this match can't return zero. This was used to reject service abusers based on their source address. Note: it is recommended to use the more complete track-sc* actions in tcp-request (4) rules instead.

Example :
# This frontend limits incoming SSH connections to 3 per 10 second for
# each source address, and rejects excess connections until a 10 second
# silence is observed. At most 20 addresses are tracked.
listen ssh
    bind :22
    mode tcp
    maxconn 100
    stick-table type ip size 20 expire 10s store conn_cnt
    tcp-request content reject if { src_updt_conn_cnt gt 3 }
    server local  
#srv_id : integer

Returns an integer containing the server's id when processing the response. While it's almost only used with ACLs, it may be used for logging or debugging. It can also be used in a tcp-check or an http-check ruleset.

#srv_name : string

Returns a string containing the server's name when processing the response. While it's almost only used with ACLs, it may be used for logging or debugging. It can also be used in a tcp-check or an http-check ruleset.

#txn.conn_retries : integer

Returns the the number of connection retries experienced by this stream when trying to connect to the server. This value is subject to change while the connection is not fully established. For HTTP connections, the value may be affected by L7 retries.

#txn.redispatched : boolean

Returns true if the connection has experienced redispatch upon retry according to option redispatch configuration. This value is subject to change while the connection is not fully established. For HTTP connections, the value may be affected by L7 retries.

#7.3.4. Fetching samples at Layer 5

The layer 5 usually describes just the session layer which in HAProxy is closest to the session once all the connection handshakes are finished, but when no content is yet made available. The fetch methods described here are usable as low as the tcp-request content rule sets unless they require some future information. Those generally include the results of SSL negotiations.

Summary of sample fetch methods in this section and their respective types:

keyword output type
bs.aborted boolean
bs.debug_str([<bitmap>]) string integer
bs.rst_code integer
fs.aborted boolean
fs.debug_str([<bitmap>]) string integer
fs.rst_code integer
ssl_bc boolean
ssl_bc_alg_keysize integer
ssl_bc_alpn string
ssl_bc_cipher string
ssl_bc_client_random binary
ssl_bc_client_early_traffic_secret string
ssl_bc_client_handshake_traffic_secret string
ssl_bc_client_traffic_secret_0 string
ssl_bc_exporter_secret string
ssl_bc_early_exporter_secret string
ssl_bc_curve string
ssl_bc_err integer
ssl_bc_err_str string
ssl_bc_is_resumed boolean
ssl_bc_npn string
ssl_bc_protocol string
ssl_bc_unique_id binary
ssl_bc_server_handshake_traffic_secret string
ssl_bc_server_traffic_secret_0 string
ssl_bc_server_random binary
ssl_bc_session_id binary
ssl_bc_session_key binary
ssl_bc_use_keysize integer
ssl_c_ca_err integer
ssl_c_ca_err_depth integer
ssl_c_chain_der binary
ssl_c_der binary
ssl_c_err integer
ssl_c_i_dn([<entry>[,[,]]]) string
ssl_c_key_alg string
ssl_c_notafter string
ssl_c_notbefore string
ssl_c_r_dn([<entry>[,[,]]]) string
ssl_c_s_dn([<entry>[,[,]]]) string
ssl_c_san string
ssl_c_serial binary
ssl_c_sha1 binary
ssl_c_sig_alg string
ssl_c_used boolean
ssl_c_verify integer
ssl_c_version integer
ssl_f_der binary
ssl_f_i_dn([<entry>[,[,]]]) string
ssl_f_key_alg string
ssl_f_notafter string
ssl_f_notbefore string
ssl_f_s_dn([<entry>[,[,]]]) string
ssl_f_serial binary
ssl_f_sha1 binary
ssl_f_sig_alg string
ssl_f_version integer
ssl_fc boolean
ssl_fc_alg_keysize integer
ssl_fc_alpn string
ssl_fc_cipher string
ssl_fc_cipherlist_bin([<filter_option>]) binary
ssl_fc_cipherlist_hex([<filter_option>]) string
ssl_fc_cipherlist_str([<filter_option>]) string
ssl_fc_cipherlist_xxh integer
ssl_fc_curve string
ssl_fc_ecformats_bin binary
ssl_fc_eclist_bin([<filter_option>]) binary
ssl_fc_extlist_bin([<filter_option>]) binary
ssl_fc_client_random binary
ssl_fc_client_early_traffic_secret string
ssl_fc_client_handshake_traffic_secret string
ssl_fc_client_traffic_secret_0 string
ssl_fc_exporter_secret string
ssl_fc_early_exporter_secret string
ssl_fc_err integer
ssl_fc_err_str string
ssl_fc_has_crt boolean
ssl_fc_has_early boolean
ssl_fc_has_sni boolean
ssl_fc_is_resumed boolean
ssl_fc_npn string
ssl_fc_protocol string
ssl_fc_protocol_hello_id integer
ssl_fc_unique_id binary
ssl_fc_server_handshake_traffic_secret string
ssl_fc_server_traffic_secret_0 string
ssl_fc_server_random binary
ssl_fc_session_id binary
ssl_fc_session_key binary
ssl_fc_sigalgs_bin([<filter_option>]) binary
ssl_fc_sni string
ssl_fc_supported_versions_bin([<filter_option>]) binary
ssl_fc_use_keysize integer
ssl_s_der binary
ssl_s_chain_der binary
ssl_s_key_alg string
ssl_s_notafter string
ssl_s_notbefore string
ssl_s_i_dn([<entry>[,[,]]]) string
ssl_s_s_dn([<entry>[,[,]]]) string
ssl_s_serial binary
ssl_s_sha1 binary
ssl_s_sig_alg string
ssl_s_version integer
txn.timer.user integer

Detailed list:

#51d.all(<prop>[,<prop>*]) : string

Returns values for the properties requested as a string, where values are separated by the delimiter specified with 51degrees-property-separator. The device is identified using all the important HTTP headers from the request. The function can be passed up to five property names, and if a property name can't be found, the value NoData is returned.

Example :
# Here the header "X-51D-DeviceTypeMobileTablet" is added to the request
# containing the three properties requested using all relevant headers from
# the request.
frontend http-in
  bind *:8081
  default_backend servers
  http-request set-header X-51D-DeviceTypeMobileTablet \
#bs.aborted : boolean

Returns true is an abort was received from the server for the current stream. Otherwise false is returned.

#bs.debug_str([<bitmap>]) : string

This function is meant to be used by developers during certain complex troubleshooting sessions. It extracts some internal states from the lower layers of the backend stream and connection, and arranges them as a string, generally in the form of a series of name=value delimited with spaces. The <bitmap> optional argument indicates what layer(s) to extract information from, and is an arithmetic OR (or a sum) of the following values: - socket layer: 16 - connection layer: 8 - transport layer (e.g. SSL): 4 - mux connection: 2 - mux stream: 1

These values might change across versions. The default value of zero is special and enables all layers. Please do not rely on the output of this function for long-term production monitoring. It is meant to evolve even within a stable branch, as the needs for increased details arise. One use typical use case is to concatenate these information at the very end of a log-format, along with fs.debug_str(). Example:

log-format "$HAPROXY_HTTP_LOG_FMT fs=<%[fs.debug_str]> bs=<%[bs.debug_str]>" : integer

Returns the multiplexer's stream ID on the server side. It is the multiplexer's responsibility to return the appropriate information.

#bs.rst_code : integer

Returns the reset code received from the server for the current stream. The code of the H2 RST_STREAM frame or the QUIC STOP_SENDING frame received from the server is returned. The sample fetch fails if no abort was received or if the server stream is not an H2/QUIC stream.

#ssl_bc : boolean

Returns true when the back connection was made via an SSL/TLS transport layer and is locally deciphered. This means the outgoing connection was made to a server with the ssl (2) option. It can be used in a tcp-check or an http-check ruleset.

#fs.aborted : boolean

Returns true is an abort was received from the client for the current stream. Otherwise false is returned.

#fs.debug_str([<bitmap>]) : string

This function is meant to be used by developers during certain complex troubleshooting sessions. It extracts some internal states from the lower layers of the frontend stream and connection, and arranges them as a string, generally in the form of a series of name=value delimited with spaces. The <bitmap> optional argument indicates what layer(s) to extract information from, and is an arithmetic OR (or a sum) of the following values: - socket layer: 16 - connection layer: 8 - transport layer (e.g. SSL): 4 - mux connection: 2 - mux stream: 1

These values might change across versions. The default value of zero is special and enables all layers. Please do not rely on the output of this function for long-term production monitoring. It is meant to evolve even within a stable branch, as the needs for increased details arise. One use typical use case is to concatenate these information at the very end of a log-format, along with bs.debug_str(). Example:

log-format "$HAPROXY_HTTP_LOG_FMT fs=<%[fs.debug_str]> bs=<%[bs.debug_str]>" : integer

Returns the multiplexer's stream ID on the client side. It is the multiplexer's responsibility to return the appropriate information. For instance, on a raw TCP, 0 is always returned because there is no stream.

#fs.rst_code : integer

Returns the reset code received from the client for the current stream. The code of the H2 RST_STREAM frame or the QUIC STOP_SENDING frame received from the client is returned. The sample fetch fails if no abort was received or if the client stream is not an H2/QUIC stream.

#ssl_bc_alg_keysize : integer

Returns the symmetric cipher key size supported in bits when the outgoing connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. It can be used in a tcp-check or an http-check ruleset.

#ssl_bc_alpn : string

This extracts the Application Layer Protocol Negotiation field from an outgoing connection made via a TLS transport layer. The result is a string containing the protocol name negotiated with the server. The SSL library must have been built with support for TLS extensions enabled (check haproxy -vv). Note that the TLS ALPN extension is not advertised unless the alpn (2) keyword on the server (3) line specifies a protocol list. Also, nothing forces the server to pick a protocol from this list, any other one may be requested. The TLS ALPN extension is meant to replace the TLS NPN extension. See also ssl_bc_npn. It can be used in a tcp-check or an http-check ruleset.

#ssl_bc_cipher : string

Returns the name of the used cipher when the outgoing connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. It can be used in a tcp-check or an http-check ruleset.

#ssl_bc_client_random : binary

Returns the client random of the back connection when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. It is useful to to decrypt traffic sent using ephemeral ciphers. This requires OpenSSL >= 1.1.0, or BoringSSL. It can be used in a tcp-check or an http-check ruleset.

#ssl_bc_client_early_traffic_secret : string

Return the CLIENT_EARLY_TRAFFIC_SECRET as an hexadecimal string for the back connection when the outgoing connection was made over a TLS 1.3 transport layer. Require OpenSSL >= 1.1.1. This is one of the keys dumped by the OpenSSL keylog callback to generate the SSLKEYLOGFILE. The SSL Key logging must be activated with tune.ssl.keylog on in the global section. See also tune.ssl.keylog

#ssl_bc_client_handshake_traffic_secret : string

Return the CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET as an hexadecimal string for the bacl connection when the outgoing connection was made over a TLS 1.3 transport layer. Require OpenSSL >= 1.1.1. This is one of the keys dumped by the OpenSSL keylog callback to generate the SSLKEYLOGFILE. The SSL Key logging must be activated with tune.ssl.keylog on in the global section. See also tune.ssl.keylog

#ssl_bc_client_traffic_secret_0 : string

Return the CLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 as an hexadecimal string for the back connection when the outgoing connection was made over a TLS 1.3 transport layer. Require OpenSSL >= 1.1.1. This is one of the keys dumped by the OpenSSL keylog callback to generate the SSLKEYLOGFILE. The SSL Key logging must be activated with tune.ssl.keylog on in the global section. See also tune.ssl.keylog

#ssl_bc_exporter_secret : string

Return the EXPORTER_SECRET as an hexadecimal string for the back connection when the outgoing connection was made over a TLS 1.3 transport layer. Require OpenSSL >= 1.1.1. This is one of the keys dumped by the OpenSSL keylog callback to generate the SSLKEYLOGFILE. The SSL Key logging must be activated with tune.ssl.keylog on in the global section. See also tune.ssl.keylog

#ssl_bc_early_exporter_secret : string

Return the EARLY_EXPORTER_SECRET as an hexadecimal string for the back connection when the outgoing connection was made over an TLS 1.3 transport layer. Require OpenSSL >= 1.1.1. This is one of the keys dumped by the OpenSSL keylog callback to generate the SSLKEYLOGFILE. The SSL Key logging must be activated with tune.ssl.keylog on in the global section. See also tune.ssl.keylog

#ssl_bc_curve : string

Returns the name of the curve used in the key agreement when the outgoing connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. This requires OpenSSL >= 3.0.0.

#ssl_bc_err : integer

When the outgoing connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer, returns the ID of the last error of the first error stack raised on the backend side. It can raise handshake errors as well as other read or write errors occurring during the connection's lifetime. In order to get a text description of this error code, you can either use the ssl_bc_err_str sample fetch or use the openssl errstr command (which takes an error code in hexadecimal representation as parameter). Please refer to your SSL library's documentation to find the exhaustive list of error codes.

#ssl_bc_err_str : string

When the outgoing connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer, returns a string representation of the last error of the first error stack that was raised on the connection from the backend's perspective. See also ssl_fc_err.

#ssl_bc_is_resumed : boolean

Returns true when the back connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer and the newly created SSL session was resumed using a cached session or a TLS ticket. It can be used in a tcp-check or an http-check ruleset.

#ssl_bc_npn : string

This extracts the Next Protocol Negotiation field from an outgoing connection made via a TLS transport layer. The result is a string containing the protocol name negotiated with the server . The SSL library must have been built with support for TLS extensions enabled (check haproxy -vv). Note that the TLS NPN extension is not advertised unless the npn (2) keyword on the server (3) line specifies a protocol list. Also, nothing forces the server to pick a protocol from this list, any other one may be used. Please note that the TLS NPN extension was replaced with ALPN. It can be used in a tcp-check or an http-check ruleset.

#ssl_bc_protocol : string

Returns the name of the used protocol when the outgoing connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. It can be used in a tcp-check or an http-check ruleset.

#ssl_bc_unique_id : binary

When the outgoing connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer, returns the TLS unique ID as defined in RFC5929 section 3. The unique id can be encoded to base64 using the converter: ssl_bc_unique_id,base64. It can be used in a tcp-check or an http-check ruleset.

#ssl_bc_server_handshake_traffic_secret : string

Return the SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET as an hexadecimal string for the back connection when the outgoing connection was made over a TLS 1.3 transport layer. Require OpenSSL >= 1.1.1. This is one of the keys dumped by the OpenSSL keylog callback to generate the SSLKEYLOGFILE. The SSL Key logging must be activated with tune.ssl.keylog on in the global section. See also tune.ssl.keylog

#ssl_bc_server_traffic_secret_0 : string

Return the SERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 as an hexadecimal string for the back connection when the outgoing connection was made over an TLS 1.3 transport layer. Require OpenSSL >= 1.1.1. This is one of the keys dumped by the OpenSSL keylog callback to generate the SSLKEYLOGFILE. The SSL Key logging must be activated with tune.ssl.keylog on in the global section. See also tune.ssl.keylog

#ssl_bc_server_random : binary

Returns the server random of the back connection when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. It is useful to to decrypt traffic sent using ephemeral ciphers. This requires OpenSSL >= 1.1.0, or BoringSSL. It can be used in a tcp-check or an http-check ruleset.

#ssl_bc_session_id : binary

Returns the SSL ID of the back connection when the outgoing connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. It is useful to log if we want to know if session was reused or not. It can be used in a tcp-check or an http-check ruleset.

#ssl_bc_session_key : binary

Returns the SSL session master key of the back connection when the outgoing connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. It is useful to decrypt traffic sent using ephemeral ciphers. This requires OpenSSL >= 1.1.0, or BoringSSL. It can be used in a tcp-check or an http-check ruleset.

#ssl_bc_use_keysize : integer

Returns the symmetric cipher key size used in bits when the outgoing connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. It can be used in a tcp-check or an http-check ruleset.

#ssl_c_ca_err : integer

When the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer, returns the ID of the first error detected during verification of the client certificate at depth > 0, or 0 if no error was encountered during this verification process. Please refer to your SSL library's documentation to find the exhaustive list of error codes.

#ssl_c_ca_err_depth : integer

When the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer, returns the depth in the CA chain of the first error detected during the verification of the client certificate. If no error is encountered, 0 is returned.

#ssl_c_chain_der : binary

Returns the DER formatted chain certificate presented by the client when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. When used for an ACL, the value(s) to match against can be passed in hexadecimal form. One can parse the result with any lib accepting ASN.1 DER data. It currently does not support resumed sessions.

#ssl_c_der : binary

Returns the DER formatted certificate presented by the client when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. When used for an ACL, the value(s) to match against can be passed in hexadecimal form.

#ssl_c_err : integer

When the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer, returns the ID of the first error detected during verification at depth 0, or 0 if no error was encountered during this verification process. Please refer to your SSL library's documentation to find the exhaustive list of error codes.

#ssl_c_i_dn([<entry>[,<occ>[,<format>]]]) : string

When the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer, returns the full distinguished name of the issuer of the certificate presented by the client when no <entry> is specified, or the value of the first given entry found from the beginning of the DN. If a positive/negative occurrence number is specified as the optional second argument, it returns the value of the nth given entry value from the beginning/end of the DN. For instance, ssl_c_i_dn(OU,2) the second organization unit, and ssl_c_i_dn(CN) retrieves the common name. The <format> parameter allows you to receive the DN suitable for consumption by different protocols. Currently supported is rfc2253 for LDAP v3. If you'd like to modify the format only you can specify an empty string and zero for the first two parameters. Example: ssl_c_i_dn(,0,rfc2253)

#ssl_c_key_alg : string

Returns the name of the algorithm used to generate the key of the certificate presented by the client when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer.

#ssl_c_notafter : string

Returns the end date presented by the client as a formatted string YYMMDDhhmmss[Z] when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer.

#ssl_c_notbefore : string

Returns the start date presented by the client as a formatted string YYMMDDhhmmss[Z] when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer.

#ssl_c_r_dn([<entry>[,<occ>[,<format>]]]) : string

When the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer, and is successfully validated with the configured ca-file, returns the full distinguished name of the root CA of the certificate presented by the client when no <entry> is specified, or the value of the first given entry found from the beginning of the DN. If a positive/negative occurrence number is specified as the optional second argument, it returns the value of the nth given entry value from the beginning/end of the DN. For instance, ssl_c_r_dn(OU,2) the second organization unit, and ssl_c_r_dn(CN) retrieves the common name. The <format> parameter allows you to receive the DN suitable for consumption by different protocols. Currently supported is rfc2253 for LDAP v3. If you'd like to modify the format only you can specify an empty string and zero for the first two parameters. Example: ssl_c_r_dn(,0,rfc2253)

#ssl_c_s_dn([<entry>[,<occ>[,<format>]]]) : string

When the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer, returns the full distinguished name of the subject of the certificate presented by the client when no <entry> is specified, or the value of the first given entry found from the beginning of the DN. If a positive/negative occurrence number is specified as the optional second argument, it returns the value of the nth given entry value from the beginning/end of the DN. For instance, ssl_c_s_dn(OU,2) the second organization unit, and ssl_c_s_dn(CN) retrieves the common name. The <format> parameter allows you to receive the DN suitable for consumption by different protocols. Currently supported is rfc2253 for LDAP v3. If you'd like to modify the format only you can specify an empty string and zero for the first two parameters. Example: ssl_c_s_dn(,0,rfc2253)

#ssl_c_san : string

When the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer, and was provided with a client certificate. Returns a string of comma separated Subject Alt Name fields contained into the provided certificate.

This can be used to inspect the client certificate.

acl is_valid_client_cert ssl_c_used && ! ssl_c_verify
http-request set-header X-SSL-Client-SAN %[ssl_c_san] if is_valid_client_cert  

will results in:

X-SSL-Client-SAN: IP Address:, IP Address:, IP Address:, URI:,
#ssl_c_serial : binary

Returns the serial of the certificate presented by the client when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. When used for an ACL, the value(s) to match against can be passed in hexadecimal form.

#ssl_c_sha1 : binary

Returns the SHA-1 fingerprint of the certificate presented by the client when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. This can be used to stick a client to a server, or to pass this information to a server. Note that the output is binary, so if you want to pass that signature to the server, you need to encode it in hex or base64, such as in the example below:

http-request set-header X-SSL-Client-SHA1 %[ssl_c_sha1,hex]  
#ssl_c_sig_alg : string

Returns the name of the algorithm used to sign the certificate presented by the client when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer.

#ssl_c_used : boolean

Returns true if current SSL session uses a client certificate even if current connection uses SSL session resumption. See also ssl_fc_has_crt.

#ssl_c_verify : integer

Returns the verify result error ID when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer, otherwise zero if no error is encountered. Please refer to your SSL library's documentation for an exhaustive list of error codes.

#ssl_c_version : integer

Returns the version of the certificate presented by the client when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer.

#ssl_f_der : binary

Returns the DER formatted certificate presented by the frontend when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. When used for an ACL, the value(s) to match against can be passed in hexadecimal form.

#ssl_f_i_dn([<entry>[,<occ>[,<format>]]]) : string

When the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer, returns the full distinguished name of the issuer of the certificate presented by the frontend when no <entry> is specified, or the value of the first given entry found from the beginning of the DN. If a positive/negative occurrence number is specified as the optional second argument, it returns the value of the nth given entry value from the beginning/end of the DN. For instance, ssl_f_i_dn(OU,2) the second organization unit, and ssl_f_i_dn(CN) retrieves the common name. The <format> parameter allows you to receive the DN suitable for consumption by different protocols. Currently supported is rfc2253 for LDAP v3. If you'd like to modify the format only you can specify an empty string and zero for the first two parameters. Example: ssl_f_i_dn(,0,rfc2253)

#ssl_f_key_alg : string

Returns the name of the algorithm used to generate the key of the certificate presented by the frontend when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer.

#ssl_f_notafter : string

Returns the end date presented by the frontend as a formatted string YYMMDDhhmmss[Z] when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer.

#ssl_f_notbefore : string

Returns the start date presented by the frontend as a formatted string YYMMDDhhmmss[Z] when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer.

#ssl_f_s_dn([<entry>[,<occ>[,<format>]]]) : string

When the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer, returns the full distinguished name of the subject of the certificate presented by the frontend when no <entry> is specified, or the value of the first given entry found from the beginning of the DN. If a positive/negative occurrence number is specified as the optional second argument, it returns the value of the nth given entry value from the beginning/end of the DN. For instance, ssl_f_s_dn(OU,2) the second organization unit, and ssl_f_s_dn(CN) retrieves the common name. The <format> parameter allows you to receive the DN suitable for consumption by different protocols. Currently supported is rfc2253 for LDAP v3. If you'd like to modify the format only you can specify an empty string and zero for the first two parameters. Example: ssl_f_s_dn(,0,rfc2253)

#ssl_f_serial : binary

Returns the serial of the certificate presented by the frontend when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. When used for an ACL, the value(s) to match against can be passed in hexadecimal form.

#ssl_f_sha1 : binary

Returns the SHA-1 fingerprint of the certificate presented by the frontend when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. This can be used to know which certificate was chosen using SNI.

#ssl_f_sig_alg : string

Returns the name of the algorithm used to sign the certificate presented by the frontend when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer.

#ssl_f_version : integer

Returns the version of the certificate presented by the frontend when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer.

#ssl_fc : boolean

Returns true when the front connection was made via an SSL/TLS transport layer and is locally deciphered. This means it has matched a socket declared with a bind (3) line having the ssl (2) option.

Example :
# This passes "X-Proto: https" to servers when client connects over SSL
listen http-https
    bind :80
    bind :443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy.pem
    http-request add-header X-Proto https if { ssl_fc }  
#ssl_fc_alg_keysize : integer

Returns the symmetric cipher key size supported in bits when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer.

#ssl_fc_alpn : string

This extracts the Application Layer Protocol Negotiation field from an incoming connection made via a TLS transport layer and locally deciphered by HAProxy. The result is a string containing the protocol name advertised by the client. The SSL library must have been built with support for TLS extensions enabled (check haproxy -vv). Note that the TLS ALPN extension is not advertised unless the alpn (2) keyword on the bind (3) line specifies a protocol list. Also, nothing forces the client to pick a protocol from this list, any other one may be requested. The TLS ALPN extension is meant to replace the TLS NPN extension. See also ssl_fc_npn.

#ssl_fc_cipher : string

Returns the name of the used cipher when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer.

#ssl_fc_cipherlist_bin([<filter_option>]) : binary

Returns the binary form of the client hello cipher list. The maximum returned value length is limited by the shared capture buffer size controlled by tune.ssl.capture-buffer-size setting. Setting <filter_option> allows to filter returned data. Accepted values: 0 : return the full list of ciphers (default) 1 : exclude GREASE (RFC8701) values from the output

http-request set-header X-SSL-JA3 %[ssl_fc_protocol_hello_id],\
acl is_malware req.fhdr(x-ssl-ja3),digest(md5),hex \
    -f /path/to/file/with/malware-ja3.lst
http-request set-header X-Malware True if is_malware
http-request set-header X-Malware False if !is_malware  
#ssl_fc_cipherlist_hex([<filter_option>]) : string

Returns the binary form of the client hello cipher list encoded as hexadecimal. The maximum returned value length is limited by the shared capture buffer size controlled by tune.ssl.capture-buffer-size setting. Setting <filter_option> allows to filter returned data. Accepted values: 0 : return the full list of ciphers (default) 1 : exclude GREASE (RFC8701) values from the output

#ssl_fc_cipherlist_str([<filter_option>]) : string

Returns the decoded text form of the client hello cipher list. The maximum returned value length is limited by the shared capture buffer size controlled by tune.ssl.capture-buffer-size setting. Setting <filter_option> allows to filter returned data. Accepted values: 0 : return the full list of ciphers (default) 1 : exclude GREASE (RFC8701) values from the output Note that this sample-fetch is only available with OpenSSL >= 1.0.2. If the function is not enabled, this sample-fetch returns the hash like ssl_fc_cipherlist_xxh.

#ssl_fc_cipherlist_xxh : integer

Returns a xxh64 of the cipher list. This hash can return only if the value tune.ssl.capture-buffer-size is set greater than 0, however the hash take into account all the data of the cipher list.

#ssl_fc_curve : string

Returns the name of the curve used in the key agreement when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. This requires OpenSSL >= 3.0.0.

#ssl_fc_ecformats_bin : binary

Return the binary form of the client hello supported elliptic curve point formats. The maximum returned value length is limited by the shared capture buffer size controlled by tune.ssl.capture-buffer-size setting.

http-request set-header X-SSL-JA3 %[ssl_fc_protocol_hello_id],\
acl is_malware req.fhdr(x-ssl-ja3),digest(md5),hex \
    -f /path/to/file/with/malware-ja3.lst
http-request set-header X-Malware True if is_malware
http-request set-header X-Malware False if !is_malware  
#ssl_fc_eclist_bin([<filter_option>]) : binary

Returns the binary form of the client hello supported elliptic curves. The maximum returned value length is limited by the shared capture buffer size controlled by tune.ssl.capture-buffer-size setting. Setting <filter_option> allows to filter returned data. Accepted values: 0 : return the full list of supported elliptic curves (default) 1 : exclude GREASE (RFC8701) values from the output

http-request set-header X-SSL-JA3 %[ssl_fc_protocol_hello_id],\
acl is_malware req.fhdr(x-ssl-ja3),digest(md5),hex \
    -f /path/to/file/with/malware-ja3.lst
http-request set-header X-Malware True if is_malware
http-request set-header X-Malware False if !is_malware  
#ssl_fc_extlist_bin([<filter_option>]) : binary

Returns the binary form of the client hello extension list. The maximum returned value length is limited by the shared capture buffer size controlled by tune.ssl.capture-buffer-size setting. Setting <filter_option> allows to filter returned data. Accepted values: 0 : return the full list of extensions (default) 1 : exclude GREASE (RFC8701) values from the output

http-request set-header X-SSL-JA3 %[ssl_fc_protocol_hello_id],\
acl is_malware req.fhdr(x-ssl-ja3),digest(md5),hex \
    -f /path/to/file/with/malware-ja3.lst
http-request set-header X-Malware True if is_malware
http-request set-header X-Malware False if !is_malware  
#ssl_fc_client_random : binary

Returns the client random of the front connection when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. It is useful to to decrypt traffic sent using ephemeral ciphers. This requires OpenSSL >= 1.1.0, or BoringSSL.

#ssl_fc_client_early_traffic_secret : string

Return the CLIENT_EARLY_TRAFFIC_SECRET as an hexadecimal string for the front connection when the incoming connection was made over a TLS 1.3 transport layer. Require OpenSSL >= 1.1.1. This is one of the keys dumped by the OpenSSL keylog callback to generate the SSLKEYLOGFILE. The SSL Key logging must be activated with tune.ssl.keylog on in the global section. See also tune.ssl.keylog

#ssl_fc_client_handshake_traffic_secret : string

Return the CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET as an hexadecimal string for the front connection when the incoming connection was made over a TLS 1.3 transport layer. Require OpenSSL >= 1.1.1. This is one of the keys dumped by the OpenSSL keylog callback to generate the SSLKEYLOGFILE. The SSL Key logging must be activated with tune.ssl.keylog on in the global section. See also tune.ssl.keylog

#ssl_fc_client_traffic_secret_0 : string

Return the CLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 as an hexadecimal string for the front connection when the incoming connection was made over a TLS 1.3 transport layer. Require OpenSSL >= 1.1.1. This is one of the keys dumped by the OpenSSL keylog callback to generate the SSLKEYLOGFILE. The SSL Key logging must be activated with tune.ssl.keylog on in the global section. See also tune.ssl.keylog

#ssl_fc_exporter_secret : string

Return the EXPORTER_SECRET as an hexadecimal string for the front connection when the incoming connection was made over a TLS 1.3 transport layer. Require OpenSSL >= 1.1.1. This is one of the keys dumped by the OpenSSL keylog callback to generate the SSLKEYLOGFILE. The SSL Key logging must be activated with tune.ssl.keylog on in the global section. See also tune.ssl.keylog

#ssl_fc_early_exporter_secret : string

Return the EARLY_EXPORTER_SECRET as an hexadecimal string for the front connection when the incoming connection was made over an TLS 1.3 transport layer. Require OpenSSL >= 1.1.1. This is one of the keys dumped by the OpenSSL keylog callback to generate the SSLKEYLOGFILE. The SSL Key logging must be activated with tune.ssl.keylog on in the global section. See also tune.ssl.keylog

#ssl_fc_err : integer

When the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer, returns the ID of the last error of the first error stack raised on the frontend side, or 0 if no error was encountered. It can be used to identify handshake related errors other than verify ones (such as cipher mismatch), as well as other read or write errors occurring during the connection's lifetime. Any error happening during the client's certificate verification process will not be raised through this fetch but via the existing ssl_c_err, ssl_c_ca_err and ssl_c_ca_err_depth fetches. In order to get a text description of this error code, you can either use the ssl_fc_err_str sample fetch or use the openssl errstr command (which takes an error code in hexadecimal representation as parameter). Please refer to your SSL library's documentation to find the exhaustive list of error codes.

#ssl_fc_err_str : string

When the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer, returns a string representation of the last error of the first error stack that was raised on the frontend side. Any error happening during the client's certificate verification process will not be raised through this fetch. See also ssl_fc_err.

#ssl_fc_has_crt : boolean

Returns true if a client certificate is present in an incoming connection over SSL/TLS transport layer. Useful if 'verify' statement is set to 'optional'. Note: on SSL session resumption with Session ID or TLS ticket, client certificate is not present in the current connection but may be retrieved from the cache or the ticket. So prefer ssl_c_used if you want to check if current SSL session uses a client certificate.

#ssl_fc_has_early : boolean

Returns true if early data were sent, and the handshake didn't happen yet. As it has security implications, it is useful to be able to refuse those, or wait until the handshake happened.

#ssl_fc_has_sni : boolean

This checks for the presence of a Server Name Indication TLS extension (SNI) in an incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. Returns true when the incoming connection presents a TLS SNI field. This requires that the SSL library is built with support for TLS extensions enabled (check haproxy -vv).

#ssl_fc_is_resumed : boolean

Returns true if the SSL/TLS session has been resumed through the use of SSL session cache or TLS tickets on an incoming connection over an SSL/TLS transport layer.

#ssl_fc_npn : string

This extracts the Next Protocol Negotiation field from an incoming connection made via a TLS transport layer and locally deciphered by HAProxy. The result is a string containing the protocol name advertised by the client. The SSL library must have been built with support for TLS extensions enabled (check haproxy -vv). Note that the TLS NPN extension is not advertised unless the npn (2) keyword on the bind (3) line specifies a protocol list. Also, nothing forces the client to pick a protocol from this list, any other one may be requested. Please note that the TLS NPN extension was replaced with ALPN.

#ssl_fc_protocol : string

Returns the name of the used protocol when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer.

#ssl_fc_protocol_hello_id : integer

The version of the TLS protocol by which the client wishes to communicate during the session as indicated in client hello message. This value can return only if the value tune.ssl.capture-buffer-size is set greater than 0.

http-request set-header X-SSL-JA3 %[ssl_fc_protocol_hello_id],\
acl is_malware req.fhdr(x-ssl-ja3),digest(md5),hex \
    -f /path/to/file/with/malware-ja3.lst
http-request set-header X-Malware True if is_malware
http-request set-header X-Malware False if !is_malware  
#ssl_fc_unique_id : binary

When the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer, returns the TLS unique ID as defined in RFC5929 section 3. The unique id can be encoded to base64 using the converter: ssl_fc_unique_id,base64.

#ssl_fc_server_handshake_traffic_secret : string

Return the SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET as an hexadecimal string for the front connection when the incoming connection was made over a TLS 1.3 transport layer. Require OpenSSL >= 1.1.1. This is one of the keys dumped by the OpenSSL keylog callback to generate the SSLKEYLOGFILE. The SSL Key logging must be activated with tune.ssl.keylog on in the global section. See also tune.ssl.keylog

#ssl_fc_server_traffic_secret_0 : string

Return the SERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0 as an hexadecimal string for the front connection when the incoming connection was made over an TLS 1.3 transport layer. Require OpenSSL >= 1.1.1. This is one of the keys dumped by the OpenSSL keylog callback to generate the SSLKEYLOGFILE. The SSL Key logging must be activated with tune.ssl.keylog on in the global section. See also tune.ssl.keylog

#ssl_fc_server_random : binary

Returns the server random of the front connection when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. It is useful to to decrypt traffic sent using ephemeral ciphers. This requires OpenSSL >= 1.1.0, or BoringSSL.

#ssl_fc_session_id : binary

Returns the SSL ID of the front connection when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. It is useful to stick a given client to a server. It is important to note that some browsers refresh their session ID every few minutes.

#ssl_fc_session_key : binary

Returns the SSL session master key of the front connection when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. It is useful to decrypt traffic sent using ephemeral ciphers. This requires OpenSSL >= 1.1.0, or BoringSSL.

#ssl_fc_sigalgs_bin([<filter_option>]) : binary

Returns the content of the signatures_algorithms (13) TLS extension presented during the Client Hello. It provides a binary list of 2-bytes algorithms defined in the TLS RFC:

This value can return only if the value tune.ssl.capture-buffer-size is set greater than 0. Setting <filter_option> allows to filter returned data. Accepted values: 0 : return the full list of ciphers (default) 1 : exclude GREASE (RFC8701) values from the output

#ssl_fc_sni : string

This extracts the Server Name Indication TLS extension (SNI) field from an incoming connection made via an SSL/TLS transport layer and locally deciphered by HAProxy. The result (when present) typically is a string matching the HTTPS host name (253 chars or less). The SSL library must have been built with support for TLS extensions enabled (check haproxy -vv).

This fetch is different from req.ssl_sni above in that it applies to the connection being deciphered by HAProxy and not to SSL contents being blindly forwarded. See also ssl_fc_sni_end and ssl_fc_sni_reg below. This requires that the SSL library is built with support for TLS extensions enabled (check haproxy -vv).

CAUTION! Except under very specific conditions, it is normally not correct to use this field as a substitute for the HTTP Host header field. For example, when forwarding an HTTPS connection to a server, the SNI field must be set from the HTTP Host header field using req.hdr(host) and not from the front SNI value. The reason is that SNI is solely used to select the certificate the server side will present, and that clients are then allowed to send requests with different Host values as long as they match the names in the certificate. As such, ssl_fc_sni should normally not be used as an argument to the sni server keyword, unless the backend works in TCP mode.

ACL derivatives :
    ssl_fc_sni_end : suffix match
    ssl_fc_sni_reg : regex match  
#ssl_fc_supported_versions_bin([<filter_option>]) : binary

Returns the content of the supported_versions (43) TLS extension presented during the Client Hello. It provides a binary list of 2-bytes versions. TLSv1.3 (0x0304), TLSv1.2 (0x0303).

This value can return only if the value tune.ssl.capture-buffer-size is set greater than 0. Setting <filter_option> allows to filter returned data. Accepted values: 0 : return the full list of ciphers (default) 1 : exclude GREASE (RFC8701) values from the output

#ssl_fc_use_keysize : integer

Returns the symmetric cipher key size used in bits when the incoming connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer.

#ssl_s_der : binary

Returns the DER formatted certificate presented by the server when the outgoing connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. When used for an ACL, the value(s) to match against can be passed in hexadecimal form.

#ssl_s_chain_der : binary

Returns the DER formatted chain certificate presented by the server when the outgoing connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. When used for an ACL, the value(s) to match against can be passed in hexadecimal form. One can parse the result with any lib accepting ASN.1 DER data. It currently does not support resumed sessions.

#ssl_s_key_alg : string

Returns the name of the algorithm used to generate the key of the certificate presented by the server when the outgoing connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer.

#ssl_s_notafter : string

Returns the end date presented by the server as a formatted string YYMMDDhhmmss[Z] when the outgoing connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer.

#ssl_s_notbefore : string

Returns the start date presented by the server as a formatted string YYMMDDhhmmss[Z] when the outgoing connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer.

#ssl_s_i_dn([<entry>[,<occ>[,<format>]]]) : string

When the outgoing connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer, returns the full distinguished name of the issuer of the certificate presented by the server when no <entry> is specified, or the value of the first given entry found from the beginning of the DN. If a positive/negative occurrence number is specified as the optional second argument, it returns the value of the nth given entry value from the beginning/end of the DN. For instance, ssl_s_i_dn(OU,2) the second organization unit, and ssl_s_i_dn(CN) retrieves the common name. The <format> parameter allows you to receive the DN suitable for consumption by different protocols. Currently supported is rfc2253 for LDAP v3. If you'd like to modify the format only you can specify an empty string and zero for the first two parameters. Example: ssl_s_i_dn(,0,rfc2253)

#ssl_s_s_dn([<entry>[,<occ>[,<format>]]]) : string

When the outgoing connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer, returns the full distinguished name of the subject of the certificate presented by the server when no <entry> is specified, or the value of the first given entry found from the beginning of the DN. If a positive/negative occurrence number is specified as the optional second argument, it returns the value of the nth given entry value from the beginning/end of the DN. For instance, ssl_s_s_dn(OU,2) the second organization unit, and ssl_s_s_dn(CN) retrieves the common name. The <format> parameter allows you to receive the DN suitable for consumption by different protocols. Currently supported is rfc2253 for LDAP v3. If you'd like to modify the format only you can specify an empty string and zero for the first two parameters. Example: ssl_s_s_dn(,0,rfc2253)

#ssl_s_serial : binary

Returns the serial of the certificate presented by the server when the outgoing connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. When used for an ACL, the value(s) to match against can be passed in hexadecimal form.

#ssl_s_sha1 : binary

Returns the SHA-1 fingerprint of the certificate presented by the server when the outgoing connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer. This can be used to know which certificate was chosen using SNI.

#ssl_s_sig_alg : string

Returns the name of the algorithm used to sign the certificate presented by the server when the outgoing connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer.

#ssl_s_version : integer

Returns the version of the certificate presented by the server when the outgoing connection was made over an SSL/TLS transport layer.

#txn.timer.user : integer

Total estimated time as seen from client, between the moment the proxy accepted it and the moment both ends were closed, without idle time. This is the equivalent of %Tu in the log-format and is reported in milliseconds (ms). For more details see Section 8.4 Timing events

#7.3.5. Fetching samples from buffer contents (Layer 6)

Fetching samples from buffer contents is a bit different from the previous sample fetches above because the sampled data are ephemeral. These data can only be used when they're available and will be lost when they're forwarded. For this reason, samples fetched from buffer contents during a request cannot be used in a response for example. Even while the data are being fetched, they can change. Sometimes it is necessary to set some delays or combine multiple sample fetch methods to ensure that the expected data are complete and usable, for example through TCP request content inspection. Please see the tcp-request content keyword for more detailed information on the subject.

Warning : Following sample fetches are ignored if used from HTTP proxies. They only deal with raw contents found in the buffers. On their side, HTTP proxies use structured content. Thus raw representation of these data are meaningless. A warning is emitted if an ACL relies on one of the following sample fetches. But it is not possible to detect all invalid usage (for instance inside a Custom log format or a sample expression). So be careful.

Summary of sample fetch methods in this section and their respective types:

Detailed list:

#distcc_body(<token>[,<occ>]) : binary

Parses a distcc message and returns the body associated to occurrence #<occ> of the token <token>. Occurrences start at 1, and when unspecified, any may match though in practice only the first one is checked for now. This can be used to extract file names or arguments in files built using distcc through HAProxy. Please refer to distcc's protocol documentation for the complete list of supported tokens.

#distcc_param(<token>[,<occ>]) : integer

Parses a distcc message and returns the parameter associated to occurrence #<occ> of the token <token>. Occurrences start at 1, and when unspecified, any may match though in practice only the first one is checked for now. This can be used to extract certain information such as the protocol version, the file size or the argument in files built using distcc through HAProxy. Another use case consists in waiting for the start of the preprocessed file contents before connecting to the server to avoid keeping idle connections. Please refer to distcc's protocol documentation for the complete list of supported tokens.

Example :
# wait up to 20s for the pre-processed file to be uploaded
tcp-request inspect-delay 20s
tcp-request content accept if { distcc_param(DOTI) -m found }
# send large files to the big farm
use_backend big_farm if { distcc_param(DOTI) gt 1000000 }  
#payload(<offset>,<length>) : binary DEPRECATED

This is an alias for req.payload when used in the context of a request (e.g. stick on, stick match), and for res.payload when used in the context of a response such as in stick store response.

#payload_lv(<offset1>,<length>[,<offset2>]) : binary DEPRECATED

This is an alias for req.payload_lv when used in the context of a request (e.g. stick on, stick match), and for res.payload_lv when used in the context of a response such as in stick store response.

#req.len : integer #req_len : integer DEPRECATED

Returns an integer value corresponding to the number of bytes present in the request buffer. This is mostly used in ACL. It is important to understand that this test does not return false as long as the buffer is changing. This means that a check with equality to zero will almost always immediately match at the beginning of the session, while a test for more data will wait for that data to come in and return false only when HAProxy is certain that no more data will come in. This test was designed to be used with TCP request content inspection.

#req.payload(<offset>,<length>) : binary

This extracts a binary block of <length> bytes and starting at byte <offset> in the request buffer. As a special case, if the <length> argument is zero, the the whole buffer from <offset> to the end is extracted. This can be used with ACLs in order to check for the presence of some content in a buffer at any location.

ACL derivatives :
    req.payload(<offset>,<length>) : hex binary match  
#req.payload_lv(<offset1>,<length>[,<offset2>]) : binary

This extracts a binary block whose size is specified at <offset1> for <length> bytes, and which starts at <offset2> if specified or just after the length in the request buffer. The <offset2> parameter also supports relative offsets if prepended with a '+' or '-' sign.

ACL derivatives :
    req.payload_lv(<offset1>,<length>[,<offset2>]) : hex binary match  

Example : please consult the example from the stick store-response keyword.

#req.proto_http : boolean #req_proto_http : boolean DEPRECATED

Returns true when data in the request buffer look like HTTP and correctly parses as such. It is the same parser as the common HTTP request parser which is used so there should be no surprises. The test does not match until the request is complete, failed or timed out. This test may be used to report the protocol in TCP logs, but the biggest use is to block TCP request analysis until a complete HTTP request is present in the buffer, for example to track a header.

# track request counts per "base" (concatenation of Host+URL)
tcp-request inspect-delay 10s
tcp-request content reject if !HTTP
tcp-request content track-sc0 base table req-rate  
#req.rdp_cookie([<name>]) : string #rdp_cookie([<name>]) : string DEPRECATED

When the request buffer looks like the RDP protocol, extracts the RDP cookie <name>, or any cookie if unspecified. The parser only checks for the first cookie, as illustrated in the RDP protocol specification. The cookie name is case insensitive. Generally the MSTS cookie name will be used, as it can contain the user name of the client connecting to the server if properly configured on the client. The MSTSHASH cookie is often used as well for session stickiness to servers.

This differs from balance rdp-cookie in that any balancing algorithm may be used and thus the distribution of clients to backend servers is not linked to a hash of the RDP cookie. It is envisaged that using a balancing algorithm such as balance roundrobin or balance leastconn will lead to a more even distribution of clients to backend servers than the hash used by balance rdp-cookie.

ACL derivatives :
    req.rdp_cookie([<name>]) : exact string match  
Example :
listen tse-farm
    # wait up to 5s for an RDP cookie in the request
    tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
    tcp-request content accept if RDP_COOKIE
    # apply RDP cookie persistence
    persist rdp-cookie
    # Persist based on the mstshash cookie
    # This is only useful makes sense if
    # balance rdp-cookie is not used
    stick-table type string size 204800
    stick on req.rdp_cookie(mstshash)
    server srv1
    server srv1  

See also : balance rdp-cookie, persist rdp-cookie, tcp-request (4) and the req.rdp_cookie ACL.

#req.rdp_cookie_cnt([name]) : integer #rdp_cookie_cnt([name]) : integer DEPRECATED

Tries to parse the request buffer as RDP protocol, then returns an integer corresponding to the number of RDP cookies found. If an optional cookie name is passed, only cookies matching this name are considered. This is mostly used in ACL.

ACL derivatives :
    req.rdp_cookie_cnt([<name>]) : integer match  
#req.ssl_alpn : string

Returns a string containing the values of the Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) TLS extension (RFC7301), sent by the client within the SSL ClientHello message. Note that this only applies to raw contents found in the request buffer and not to the contents deciphered via an SSL data layer, so this will not work with bind (3) lines having the ssl (2) option. This is useful in ACL to make a routing decision based upon the ALPN preferences of a TLS client, like in the example below. See also ssl_fc_alpn.

Examples :
# Wait for a client hello for at most 5 seconds
tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
tcp-request content accept if { req.ssl_hello_type 1 }
use_backend bk_acme if { req.ssl_alpn acme-tls/1 }
default_backend bk_default  
#req.ssl_ec_ext : boolean

Returns a boolean identifying if client sent the Supported Elliptic Curves Extension as defined in RFC4492, section 5.1. within the SSL ClientHello message. This can be used to present ECC compatible clients with EC certificate and to use RSA for all others, on the same IP address. Note that this only applies to raw contents found in the request buffer and not to contents deciphered via an SSL data layer, so this will not work with bind (3) lines having the ssl (2) option.

#req.ssl_hello_type : integer #req_ssl_hello_type : integer DEPRECATED

Returns an integer value containing the type of the SSL hello message found in the request buffer if the buffer contains data that parse as a complete SSL (v3 or superior) client hello message. Note that this only applies to raw contents found in the request buffer and not to contents deciphered via an SSL data layer, so this will not work with bind (3) lines having the ssl (2) option. This is mostly used in ACL to detect presence of an SSL hello message that is supposed to contain an SSL session ID usable for stickiness.

#req.ssl_sni : string #req_ssl_sni : string DEPRECATED

Returns a string containing the value of the Server Name TLS extension sent by a client in a TLS stream passing through the request buffer if the buffer contains data that parse as a complete SSL (v3 or superior) client hello message. Note that this only applies to raw contents found in the request buffer and not to contents deciphered via an SSL data layer, so this will not work with bind (3) lines having the ssl (2) option. This will only work for actual implicit TLS based protocols like HTTPS (443), IMAPS (993), SMTPS (465), however it will not work for explicit TLS based protocols, like SMTP (25/587) or IMAP (143). SNI normally contains the name of the host the client tries to connect to (for recent browsers). SNI is useful for allowing or denying access to certain hosts when SSL/TLS is used by the client. This test was designed to be used with TCP request content inspection. If content switching is needed, it is recommended to first wait for a complete client hello (type 1), like in the example below. See also ssl_fc_sni.

ACL derivatives :
    req.ssl_sni : exact string match  
Examples :
# Wait for a client hello for at most 5 seconds
tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
tcp-request content accept if { req.ssl_hello_type 1 }
use_backend bk_allow if { req.ssl_sni -f allowed_sites }
default_backend bk_sorry_page  
#req.ssl_st_ext : integer

Returns 0 if the client didn't send a SessionTicket TLS Extension (RFC5077) Returns 1 if the client sent SessionTicket TLS Extension Returns 2 if the client also sent non-zero length TLS SessionTicket Note that this only applies to raw contents found in the request buffer and not to contents deciphered via an SSL data layer, so this will not work with bind (3) lines having the ssl (2) option. This can for example be used to detect whether the client sent a SessionTicket or not and stick it accordingly, if no SessionTicket then stick on SessionID or don't stick as there's no server side state is there when SessionTickets are in use.

#req.ssl_ver : integer #req_ssl_ver : integer DEPRECATED

Returns an integer value containing the version of the SSL/TLS protocol of a stream present in the request buffer. Both SSLv2 hello messages and SSLv3 messages are supported. TLSv1 is announced as SSL version 3.1. The value is composed of the major version multiplied by 65536, added to the minor version. Note that this only applies to raw contents found in the request buffer and not to contents deciphered via an SSL data layer, so this will not work with bind (3) lines having the ssl (2) option. The ACL version of the test matches against a decimal notation in the form MAJOR.MINOR (e.g. 3.1). This fetch is mostly used in ACL.

ACL derivatives :
    req.ssl_ver : decimal match  
#res.len : integer

Returns an integer value corresponding to the number of bytes present in the response buffer. This is mostly used in ACL. It is important to understand that this test does not return false as long as the buffer is changing. This means that a check with equality to zero will almost always immediately match at the beginning of the stream, while a test for more data will wait for that data to come in and return false only when HAProxy is certain that no more data will come in. This test was designed to be used with TCP response content inspection. But it may also be used in tcp-check based expect rules.

#res.payload(<offset>,<length>) : binary

This extracts a binary block of <length> bytes and starting at byte <offset> in the response buffer. As a special case, if the <length> argument is zero, the whole buffer from <offset> to the end is extracted. This can be used with ACLs in order to check for the presence of some content in a buffer at any location. It may also be used in tcp-check based expect rules.

#res.payload_lv(<offset1>,<length>[,<offset2>]) : binary

This extracts a binary block whose size is specified at <offset1> for <length> bytes, and which starts at <offset2> if specified or just after the length in the response buffer. The <offset2> parameter also supports relative offsets if prepended with a '+' or '-' sign. It may also be used in tcp-check based expect rules.

Example : please consult the example from the stick store-response keyword.

#res.ssl_hello_type : integer #rep_ssl_hello_type : integer DEPRECATED

Returns an integer value containing the type of the SSL hello message found in the response buffer if the buffer contains data that parses as a complete SSL (v3 or superior) hello message. Note that this only applies to raw contents found in the response buffer and not to contents deciphered via an SSL data layer, so this will not work with server (3) lines having the ssl (2) option. This is mostly used in ACL to detect presence of an SSL hello message that is supposed to contain an SSL session ID usable for stickiness.

#7.3.6. Fetching HTTP samples (Layer 7)

It is possible to fetch samples from HTTP contents, requests and responses. This application layer is also called layer 7. It is only possible to fetch the data in this section when a full HTTP request or response has been parsed from its respective request or response buffer. This is always the case with all HTTP specific rules and for sections running with mode http. When using TCP content inspection, it may be necessary to support an inspection delay in order to let the request or response come in first. These fetches may require a bit more CPU resources than the layer 4 ones, but not much since the request and response are indexed.

Note : Regarding HTTP processing from the tcp-request content rules, everything will work as expected from an HTTP proxy. However, from a TCP proxy, without an HTTP upgrade, it will only work for HTTP/1 content. For HTTP/2 content, only the preface is visible. Thus, it is only possible to rely to req.proto_http, req.ver and eventually method sample fetches. All other L7 sample fetches will fail. After an HTTP upgrade, they will work in the same manner than from an HTTP proxy.

Summary of sample fetch methods in this section and their respective types:

keyword output type
base32 integer
base32+src binary
baseq string
capture.req.hdr(<idx>) string
capture.req.method string
capture.req.uri string
capture.req.ver string
capture.res.hdr(<idx>) string
capture.res.ver string
req.body binary
req.body_param([<name>[,i]]) string
req.body_len integer
req.body_size integer
req.cook([<name>]) string
cook([<name>]) string
req.cook_cnt([<name>]) integer
cook_cnt([<name>]) integer
req.cook_val([<name>]) integer
cook_val([<name>]) integer
req.cook_names([<delim>]) string
cookie([<name>]) string
hdr([<name>[,]]) string
request_date([<unit>]) integer
req.fhdr(<name>[,]) string
req.fhdr_cnt([<name>]) integer
req.hdr([<name>[,]]) string
req.hdr_cnt([<name>]) integer
hdr_cnt([<header>]) integer
req.hdr_ip([<name>[,]]) ip
hdr_ip([<name>[,]]) ip
req.hdr_val([<name>[,]]) integer
hdr_val([<name>[,]]) integer
req.hdrs string
req.hdrs_bin binary
req.timer.hdr integer
req.timer.idle integer
req.timer.queue integer
req.timer.tq integer
res.timer.hdr integer
http_auth(<userlist>) boolean
http_auth_bearer([<header>]) string
http_auth_group(<userlist>) string
http_auth_pass string
http_auth_type string
http_auth_user string
http_first_req boolean
method integer
path string
pathq string
query([<options>]) string
req.hdr_names([<delim>]) string
req.ver string
req_ver string
res.body binary
res.body_len integer
res.body_size integer
res.cache_hit boolean
res.cache_name string
res.comp boolean
res.comp_algo string
res.cook([<name>]) string
scook([<name>]) string
res.cook_cnt([<name>]) integer
scook_cnt([<name>]) integer
res.cook_val([<name>]) integer
scook_val([<name>]) integer
res.cook_names([<delim>]) string
res.fhdr([<name>[,]]) string
res.fhdr_cnt([<name>]) integer
res.hdr([<name>[,]]) string
shdr([<name>[,]]) string
res.hdr_cnt([<name>]) integer
shdr_cnt([<name>]) integer
res.hdr_ip([<name>[,]]) ip
shdr_ip([<name>[,]]) ip
res.hdr_names([<delim>]) string
res.hdr_val([<name>[,]]) integer
shdr_val([<name>[,]]) integer
res.hdrs string
res.hdrs_bin binary
res.ver string
resp_ver string
server_status integer
set-cookie([<name>]) string
status integer
txn.status integer integer
unique-id string
url string
url_ip ip
url_port integer
urlp([<name>[,[,i]]]) string
url_param([<name>[,[,i]]]) string
urlp_val([<name>[,[,i]]]) integer
url32 integer
url32+src binary

Detailed list:

#base : string

This returns the concatenation of the first Host header and the path part of the request, which starts at the first slash and ends before the question mark. It can be useful in virtual hosted environments to detect URL abuses as well as to improve shared caches efficiency. Using this with a limited size stick table also allows one to collect statistics about most commonly requested objects by host/path. With ACLs it can allow simple content switching rules involving the host and the path at the same time, such as See also path and uri.

ACL derivatives :
    base     : exact string match
    base_beg : prefix match
    base_dir : subdir match
    base_dom : domain match
    base_end : suffix match
    base_len : length match
    base_reg : regex match
    base_sub : substring match  
#base32 : integer

This returns a 32-bit hash of the value returned by the base fetch method above. This is useful to track per-URL activity on high traffic sites without having to store all URLs. Instead a shorter hash is stored, saving a lot of memory. The output type is an unsigned integer. The hash function used is SDBM with full avalanche on the output. Technically, base32 is exactly equal to base,sdbm(1).

#base32+src : binary

This returns the concatenation of the base32 fetch above and the src fetch below. The resulting type is of type binary, with a size of 8 or 20 bytes depending on the source address family. This can be used to track per-IP, per-URL counters.

#baseq : string

This returns the concatenation of the first Host header and the path part of the request with the query-string, which starts at the first slash. Using this instead of base allows one to properly identify the target resource, for statistics or caching use cases. See also path, pathq and base.

#capture.req.hdr(<idx>) : string

This extracts the content of the header captured by the capture request header, idx is the position of the capture keyword in the configuration. The first entry is an index of 0. See also: capture request header.

#capture.req.method : string

This extracts the METHOD of an HTTP request. It can be used in both request and response. Unlike method, it can be used in both request and response because it's allocated.

#capture.req.uri : string

This extracts the request's URI, which starts at the first slash and ends before the first space in the request (without the host part). Unlike path and url, it can be used in both request and response because it's allocated.

#capture.req.ver : string

This extracts the request's HTTP version and returns either HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1. Unlike req.ver, it can be used in both request, response, and logs because it relies on a persistent flag.

#capture.res.hdr(<idx>) : string

This extracts the content of the header captured by the capture response header, idx is the position of the capture keyword in the configuration. The first entry is an index of 0. See also: capture response header

#capture.res.ver : string

This extracts the response's HTTP version and returns either HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1. Unlike res.ver, it can be used in logs because it relies on a persistent flag.

#req.body : binary

This returns the HTTP request's available body as a block of data. It is recommended to use option http-buffer-request to be sure to wait, as much as possible, for the request's body.

#req.body_param([<name>[,i]]) : string

This fetch assumes that the body of the POST request is url-encoded. The user can check if the content-type contains the value application/x-www-form-urlencoded. This extracts the first occurrence of the parameter <name> in the body, which ends before '&'. The parameter name is case-sensitive, unless i is added as a second argument. If no name is given, any parameter will match, and the first one will be returned. The result is a string corresponding to the value of the parameter <name> as presented in the request body (no URL decoding is performed). Note that the ACL version of this fetch iterates over multiple parameters and will iteratively report all parameters values if no name is given.

#req.body_len : integer

This returns the length of the HTTP request's available body in bytes. It may be lower than the advertised length if the body is larger than the buffer. It is recommended to use option http-buffer-request to be sure to wait, as much as possible, for the request's body.

#req.body_size : integer

This returns the advertised length of the HTTP request's body in bytes. It will represent the advertised Content-Length header, or the size of the available data in case of chunked encoding.

#req.cook([<name>]) : string #cook([<name>]) : string DEPRECATED

This extracts the last occurrence of the cookie name <name> on a Cookie header line from the request, and returns its value as string. If no name is specified, the first cookie value is returned. When used with ACLs, all matching cookies are evaluated. Spaces around the name and the value are ignored as requested by the Cookie header specification (RFC6265). The cookie name is case-sensitive. Empty cookies are valid, so an empty cookie may very well return an empty value if it is present. Use the found match to detect presence. Use the res.cook() variant for response cookies sent by the server.

ACL derivatives :
    req.cook([<name>])     : exact string match
    req.cook_beg([<name>]) : prefix match
    req.cook_dir([<name>]) : subdir match
    req.cook_dom([<name>]) : domain match
    req.cook_end([<name>]) : suffix match
    req.cook_len([<name>]) : length match
    req.cook_reg([<name>]) : regex match
    req.cook_sub([<name>]) : substring match  
#req.cook_cnt([<name>]) : integer #cook_cnt([<name>]) : integer DEPRECATED

Returns an integer value representing the number of occurrences of the cookie <name> in the request, or all cookies if <name> is not specified.

#req.cook_val([<name>]) : integer #cook_val([<name>]) : integer DEPRECATED

This extracts the last occurrence of the cookie name <name> on a Cookie header line from the request, and converts its value to an integer which is returned. If no name is specified, the first cookie value is returned. When used in ACLs, all matching names are iterated over until a value matches.

#req.cook_names([<delim>]) : string

This builds a string made from the concatenation of all cookie names as they appear in the request (Cookie header) when the rule is evaluated. The default delimiter is the comma (',') but it may be overridden as an optional argument <delim>. In this case, only the first character of <delim> is considered.

#cookie([<name>]) : string DEPRECATED

This extracts the last occurrence of the cookie name <name> on a Cookie header line from the request, or a Set-Cookie header from the response, and returns its value as a string. A typical use is to get multiple clients sharing a same profile use the same server. This can be similar to what appsession did with the request-learn statement, but with support for multi-peer synchronization and state keeping across restarts. If no name is specified, the first cookie value is returned. This fetch should not be used anymore and should be replaced by req.cook() or res.cook() instead as it ambiguously uses the direction based on the context where it is used.

#hdr([<name>[,<occ>]]) : string

This is equivalent to req.hdr() when used on requests, and to res.hdr() when used on responses. Please refer to these respective fetches for more details. In case of doubt about the fetch direction, please use the explicit ones. Note that contrary to the hdr() sample fetch method, the hdr_* ACL keywords unambiguously apply to the request headers.

#request_date([<unit>]) : integer

This is the exact date when the first byte of the HTTP request was received by HAProxy (log-format alias %tr). This is computed from accept_date + handshake time (%Th) + idle time (%Ti).

Returns a value in number of seconds since epoch.

<unit> is facultative, and can be set to s for seconds (default behavior), ms for milliseconds or us for microseconds. If unit is set, return value is an integer reflecting either seconds, milliseconds or microseconds since epoch. It is useful when a time resolution of less than a second is needed.

#req.fhdr(<name>[,<occ>]) : string

This returns the full value of the last occurrence of header <name> in an HTTP request. It differs from req.hdr() in that any commas present in the value are returned and are not used as delimiters. This is sometimes useful with headers such as User-Agent.

When used from an ACL, all occurrences are iterated over until a match is found.

Optionally, a specific occurrence might be specified as a position number. Positive values indicate a position from the first occurrence, with 1 being the first one. Negative values indicate positions relative to the last one, with -1 being the last one.

#req.fhdr_cnt([<name>]) : integer

Returns an integer value representing the number of occurrences of request header field name <name>, or the total number of header fields if <name> is not specified. Like req.fhdr() it differs from res.hdr_cnt() by not splitting headers at commas.

#req.hdr([<name>[,<occ>]]) : string

This returns the last comma-separated value of the header <name> in an HTTP request. The fetch considers any comma as a delimiter for distinct values. This is useful if you need to process headers that are defined to be a list of values, such as Accept, or X-Forwarded-For. If full-line headers are desired instead, use req.fhdr(). Please carefully check RFC 7231 to know how certain headers are supposed to be parsed. Also, some of them are case insensitive (e.g. Connection).

When used from an ACL, all occurrences are iterated over until a match is found.

Optionally, a specific occurrence might be specified as a position number. Positive values indicate a position from the first occurrence, with 1 being the first one. Negative values indicate positions relative to the last one, with -1 being the last one.

A typical use is with the X-Forwarded-For header once converted to IP, associated with an IP stick-table.

ACL derivatives :
    hdr([<name>[,<occ>]])     : exact string match
    hdr_beg([<name>[,<occ>]]) : prefix match
    hdr_dir([<name>[,<occ>]]) : subdir match
    hdr_dom([<name>[,<occ>]]) : domain match
    hdr_end([<name>[,<occ>]]) : suffix match
    hdr_len([<name>[,<occ>]]) : length match
    hdr_reg([<name>[,<occ>]]) : regex match
    hdr_sub([<name>[,<occ>]]) : substring match  
#req.hdr_cnt([<name>]) : integer #hdr_cnt([<header>]) : integer DEPRECATED

Returns an integer value representing the number of occurrences of request header field name <name>, or the total number of header field values if <name> is not specified. Like req.hdr() it counts each comma separated part of the header's value. If counting of full-line headers is desired, then req.fhdr_cnt() should be used instead.

With ACLs, it can be used to detect presence, absence or abuse of a specific header, as well as to block request smuggling attacks by rejecting requests which contain more than one of certain headers.

Refer to req.hdr() for more information on header matching.

#req.hdr_ip([<name>[,<occ>]]) : ip #hdr_ip([<name>[,<occ>]]) : ip DEPRECATED

This extracts the last occurrence of header <name> in an HTTP request, converts it to an IPv4 or IPv6 address and returns this address. When used with ACLs, all occurrences are checked, and if <name> is omitted, every value of every header is checked. The parser strictly adheres to the format described in RFC7239, with the extension that IPv4 addresses may optionally be followed by a colon (':') and a valid decimal port number (0 to 65535), which will be silently dropped. All other forms will not match and will cause the address to be ignored.

The <occ> parameter is processed as with req.hdr().

A typical use is with the X-Forwarded-For and X-Client-IP headers.

#req.hdr_val([<name>[,<occ>]]) : integer #hdr_val([<name>[,<occ>]]) : integer DEPRECATED

This extracts the last occurrence of header <name> in an HTTP request, and converts it to an integer value. When used with ACLs, all occurrences are checked, and if <name> is omitted, every value of every header is checked.

The <occ> parameter is processed as with req.hdr().

A typical use is with the X-Forwarded-For header.

#req.hdrs : string

Returns the current request headers as string including the last empty line separating headers from the request body. The last empty line can be used to detect a truncated header block. This sample fetch is useful for some SPOE headers analyzers and for advanced logging.

#req.hdrs_bin : binary

Returns the current request headers contained in preparsed binary form. This is useful for offloading some processing with SPOE. Each string is described by a length followed by the number of bytes indicated in the length. The length is represented using the variable integer encoding detailed in the SPOE documentation. The end of the list is marked by a couple of empty header names and values (length of 0 for both).

*(<str:header-name><str:header-value>)<empty string><empty string>

int: refer to the SPOE documentation for the encoding str: <int:length><bytes>

#req.timer.hdr : integer

Total time to get the client request (HTTP mode only). It's the time elapsed between the first bytes received and the moment the proxy received the empty line marking the end of the HTTP headers. This is reported in milliseconds (ms) and is equivalent to %TR in log-format. See section 8.4 Timing events for more details.

#req.timer.idle : integer

This is the idle time before the HTTP request (HTTP mode only). This timer counts between the end of the handshakes and the first byte of the HTTP request. This is reported in milliseconds and is equivalent to %Ti in log-format. See section 8.4 Timing events for more details.

#req.timer.queue : integer

Total time spent in the queues waiting for a connection slot. This is reported in milliseconds and is equivalent to %Tw in log-format. See section 8.4 Timing events for more details.

#req.timer.tq : integer

total time to get the client request from the accept date or since the emission of the last byte of the previous response. This is reported in milliseconds and is equivalent to %Tq in log-format. See section 8.4 Timing events for more details.

#res.timer.hdr : integer

It's the time elapsed between the moment the TCP connection was established to the server and the moment the server sent its complete response headers. This is reported in milliseconds and is equivalent to %Tr in log-format. See section 8.4 Timing events for more details.

#http_auth(<userlist>) : boolean

Returns a boolean indicating whether the authentication data received from the client match a username & password stored in the specified userlist. This fetch function is not really useful outside of ACLs. Currently only http basic auth is supported.

#http_auth_bearer([<header>]) : string

Returns the client-provided token found in the authorization data when the Bearer scheme is used (to send JSON Web Tokens for instance). No check is performed on the data sent by the client. If a specific <header> is supplied, it will parse this header instead of the Authorization one.

#http_auth_group(<userlist>) : string

Returns a string corresponding to the user name found in the authentication data received from the client if both the user name and password are valid according to the specified userlist. The main purpose is to use it in ACLs where it is then checked whether the user belongs to any group within a list. This fetch function is not really useful outside of ACLs. Currently only http basic auth is supported.

ACL derivatives :
    http_auth_group(<userlist>) : group ...
    Returns true when the user extracted from the request and whose password is
    valid according to the specified userlist belongs to at least one of the
#http_auth_pass : string

Returns the user's password found in the authentication data received from the client, as supplied in the Authorization header. Not checks are performed by this sample fetch. Only Basic authentication is supported.

#http_auth_type : string

Returns the authentication method found in the authentication data received from the client, as supplied in the Authorization header. Not checks are performed by this sample fetch. Only Basic authentication is supported.

#http_auth_user : string

Returns the user name found in the authentication data received from the client, as supplied in the Authorization header. Not checks are performed by this sample fetch. Only Basic authentication is supported.

#http_first_req : boolean

Returns true when the request being processed is the first one of the connection. This can be used to add or remove headers that may be missing from some requests when a request is not the first one, or to help grouping requests in the logs.

#method : integer + string

Returns an integer value corresponding to the method in the HTTP request. For example, GET equals 1 (check sources to establish the matching). Value 9 means other method and may be converted to a string extracted from the stream. This should not be used directly as a sample, this is only meant to be used from ACLs, which transparently convert methods from patterns to these integer + string values. Some predefined ACL already check for most common methods.

ACL derivatives :
    method : case insensitive method match  
Example :
# only accept GET and HEAD requests
acl valid_method method GET HEAD
http-request deny if ! valid_method  
#path : string

This extracts the request's URL path, which starts at the first slash and ends before the question mark (without the host part). A typical use is with prefetch-capable caches, and with portals which need to aggregate multiple information from databases and keep them in caches. Note that with outgoing caches, it would be wiser to use url instead. With ACLs, it's typically used to match exact file names (e.g. /login.php), or directory parts using the derivative forms. See also the url and base fetch methods. Please note that any fragment reference in the URI ('#' after the path) is strictly forbidden by the HTTP standard and will be rejected. However, if the frontend receiving the request has option accept-unsafe-violations-in-http-request, then this fragment part will be accepted and will also appear in the path.

ACL derivatives :
    path     : exact string match
    path_beg : prefix match
    path_dir : subdir match
    path_dom : domain match
    path_end : suffix match
    path_len : length match
    path_reg : regex match
    path_sub : substring match  
#pathq : string

This extracts the request's URL path with the query-string, which starts at the first slash. This sample fetch is pretty handy to always retrieve a relative URI, excluding the scheme and the authority part, if any. Indeed, while it is the common representation for an HTTP/1.1 request target, in HTTP/2, an absolute URI is often used. This sample fetch will return the same result in both cases. Please note that any fragment reference in the URI ('#' after the path) is strictly forbidden by the HTTP standard and will be rejected. However, if the frontend receiving the request has option accept-unsafe-violations-in-http-request, then this fragment part will be accepted and will also appear in the path.

#query([<options>]) : string

This extracts the request's query string, which starts after the first question mark. If no question mark is present, this fetch returns nothing. If a question mark is present but nothing follows, it returns an empty string. This means it's possible to easily know whether a query string is present using the found matching method. This fetch is the complement of path which stops before the question mark and of query_string, which include the question mark.

An optional parameter may be used to customize the return value. Following options are supported:

  • with_qm : Include the question mark at the beginning ot the query string, if not empty.

#req.hdr_names([<delim>]) : string

This builds a string made from the concatenation of all header names as they appear in the request when the rule is evaluated. The default delimiter is the comma (',') but it may be overridden as an optional argument <delim>. In this case, only the first character of <delim> is considered.

#req.ver : string #req_ver : string DEPRECATED

Returns the version string from the HTTP request, for example 1.1. This can be useful for ACL. For logs use the %HV logformat alias. Some predefined ACL already check for versions 1.0 and 1.1.

Common values are 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 or 3.0.

In the case of http/2 and http/3, the value is not extracted from the HTTP version in the request line but is determined by the negotiated protocol version.

ACL derivatives :
    req.ver : exact string match  
#res.body : binary

This returns the HTTP response's available body as a block of data. Unlike the request side, there is no directive to wait for the response's body. This sample fetch is really useful (and usable) in the health-check context.

It may be used in tcp-check based expect rules.

#res.body_len : integer

This returns the length of the HTTP response available body in bytes. Unlike the request side, there is no directive to wait for the response's body. This sample fetch is really useful (and usable) in the health-check context.

It may be used in tcp-check based expect rules.

#res.body_size : integer

This returns the advertised length of the HTTP response body in bytes. It will represent the advertised Content-Length header, or the size of the available data in case of chunked encoding. Unlike the request side, there is no directive to wait for the response body. This sample fetch is really useful (and usable) in the health-check context.

It may be used in tcp-check based expect rules.

#res.cache_hit : boolean

Returns the boolean true value if the response has been built out of an HTTP cache entry, otherwise returns boolean false.

#res.cache_name : string

Returns a string containing the name of the HTTP cache that was used to build the HTTP response if res.cache_hit is true, otherwise returns an empty string.

#res.comp : boolean

Returns the boolean true value if the response has been compressed by HAProxy, otherwise returns boolean false. This may be used to add information in the logs.

#res.comp_algo : string

Returns a string containing the name of the algorithm used if the response was compressed by HAProxy, for example : deflate. This may be used to add some information in the logs.

#res.cook([<name>]) : string #scook([<name>]) : string DEPRECATED

This extracts the last occurrence of the cookie name <name> on a Set-Cookie header line from the response, and returns its value as string. If no name is specified, the first cookie value is returned.

It may be used in tcp-check based expect rules.

ACL derivatives :
    res.scook([<name>] : exact string match  
#res.cook_cnt([<name>]) : integer #scook_cnt([<name>]) : integer DEPRECATED

Returns an integer value representing the number of occurrences of the cookie <name> in the response, or all cookies if <name> is not specified. This is mostly useful when combined with ACLs to detect suspicious responses.

It may be used in tcp-check based expect rules.

#res.cook_val([<name>]) : integer #scook_val([<name>]) : integer DEPRECATED

This extracts the last occurrence of the cookie name <name> on a Set-Cookie header line from the response, and converts its value to an integer which is returned. If no name is specified, the first cookie value is returned.

It may be used in tcp-check based expect rules.

#res.cook_names([<delim>]) : string

This builds a string made from the concatenation of all cookie names as they appear in the response (Set-Cookie headers) when the rule is evaluated. The default delimiter is the comma (',') but it may be overridden as an optional argument <delim>. In this case, only the first character of <delim> is considered.

It may be used in tcp-check based expect rules.

#res.fhdr([<name>[,<occ>]]) : string

This fetch works like the req.fhdr() fetch with the difference that it acts on the headers within an HTTP response.

Like req.fhdr() the res.fhdr() fetch returns full values. If the header is defined to be a list you should use res.hdr().

This fetch is sometimes useful with headers such as Date or Expires.

It may be used in tcp-check based expect rules.

#res.fhdr_cnt([<name>]) : integer

This fetch works like the req.fhdr_cnt() fetch with the difference that it acts on the headers within an HTTP response.

Like req.fhdr_cnt() the res.fhdr_cnt() fetch acts on full values. If the header is defined to be a list you should use res.hdr_cnt().

It may be used in tcp-check based expect rules.

#res.hdr([<name>[,<occ>]]) : string #shdr([<name>[,<occ>]]) : string DEPRECATED

This fetch works like the req.hdr() fetch with the difference that it acts on the headers within an HTTP response.

Like req.hdr() the res.hdr() fetch considers the comma to be a delimiter. If this is not desired res.fhdr() should be used.

It may be used in tcp-check based expect rules.

ACL derivatives :
    res.hdr([<name>[,<occ>]])     : exact string match
    res.hdr_beg([<name>[,<occ>]]) : prefix match
    res.hdr_dir([<name>[,<occ>]]) : subdir match
    res.hdr_dom([<name>[,<occ>]]) : domain match
    res.hdr_end([<name>[,<occ>]]) : suffix match
    res.hdr_len([<name>[,<occ>]]) : length match
    res.hdr_reg([<name>[,<occ>]]) : regex match
    res.hdr_sub([<name>[,<occ>]]) : substring match  
#res.hdr_cnt([<name>]) : integer #shdr_cnt([<name>]) : integer DEPRECATED

This fetch works like the req.hdr_cnt() fetch with the difference that it acts on the headers within an HTTP response.

Like req.hdr_cnt() the res.hdr_cnt() fetch considers the comma to be a delimiter. If this is not desired res.fhdr_cnt() should be used.

It may be used in tcp-check based expect rules.

#res.hdr_ip([<name>[,<occ>]]) : ip #shdr_ip([<name>[,<occ>]]) : ip DEPRECATED

This fetch works like the req.hdr_ip() fetch with the difference that it acts on the headers within an HTTP response.

This can be useful to learn some data into a stick table.

It may be used in tcp-check based expect rules.

#res.hdr_names([<delim>]) : string

This builds a string made from the concatenation of all header names as they appear in the response when the rule is evaluated. The default delimiter is the comma (',') but it may be overridden as an optional argument <delim>. In this case, only the first character of <delim> is considered.

It may be used in tcp-check based expect rules.

#res.hdr_val([<name>[,<occ>]]) : integer #shdr_val([<name>[,<occ>]]) : integer DEPRECATED

This fetch works like the req.hdr_val() fetch with the difference that it acts on the headers within an HTTP response.

This can be useful to learn some data into a stick table.

It may be used in tcp-check based expect rules.

#res.hdrs : string

Returns the current response headers as string including the last empty line separating headers from the request body. The last empty line can be used to detect a truncated header block. This sample fetch is useful for some SPOE headers analyzers and for advanced logging.

It may also be used in tcp-check based expect rules.

#res.hdrs_bin : binary

Returns the current response headers contained in preparsed binary form. This is useful for offloading some processing with SPOE. It may be used in tcp-check based expect rules. Each string is described by a length followed by the number of bytes indicated in the length. The length is represented using the variable integer encoding detailed in the SPOE documentation. The end of the list is marked by a couple of empty header names and values (length of 0 for both).

*(<str:header-name><str:header-value>)<empty string><empty string>

int: refer to the SPOE documentation for the encoding str: <int:length><bytes>

#res.ver : string #resp_ver : string DEPRECATED

Returns the version string from the HTTP response, for example 1.1. This can be useful for logs, but is mostly there for ACL.

It may be used in tcp-check based expect rules.

ACL derivatives :
    resp.ver : exact string match  
#server_status : integer

Return an integer containing the HTTP status code as received from the server. If no response was received from the server, the sample fetch fails.

#set-cookie([<name>]) : string DEPRECATED

This extracts the last occurrence of the cookie name <name> on a Set-Cookie header line from the response and uses the corresponding value to match. This can be comparable to what appsession did with default options, but with support for multi-peer synchronization and state keeping across restarts.

This fetch function is deprecated and has been superseded by the res.cook fetch. This keyword will disappear soon.

#status : integer

Returns an integer containing the HTTP status code in the HTTP response, for example, 302. It is mostly used within ACLs and integer ranges, for example, to remove any Location header if the response is not a 3xx. It will be the status code received by the client if it is not changed, via a 'set-status' action for instance.

It may be used in tcp-check based expect rules.

#txn.status : integer

Return an integer containing the HTTP status code of the transaction, as reported in the log. : integer

Total active time for the HTTP request, between the moment the proxy received the first byte of the request header and the emission of the last byte of the response body. This is the equivalent of %Ta in the log-format and is reported in milliseconds (ms). For more information see Section 8.4 Timing events

#unique-id : string

Returns the unique-id attached to the request. The directive unique-id-format must be set. If it is not set, the unique-id sample fetch fails. Note that the unique-id is usually used with HTTP requests, however this sample fetch can be used with other protocols. Obviously, if it is used with other protocols than HTTP, the unique-id-format directive must not contain HTTP parts. See: unique-id-format and unique-id-header

#url : string

This extracts the request's URL as presented in the request. A typical use is with prefetch-capable caches, and with portals which need to aggregate multiple information from databases and keep them in caches. With ACLs, using path is preferred over using url, because clients may send a full URL as is normally done with proxies. The only real use is to match * which does not match in path, and for which there is already a predefined ACL. See also path and base. Please note that any fragment reference in the URI ('#' after the path) is strictly forbidden by the HTTP standard and will be rejected. However, if the frontend receiving the request has option accept-unsafe-violations-in-http-request, then this fragment part will be accepted and will also appear in the url.

ACL derivatives :
    url     : exact string match
    url_beg : prefix match
    url_dir : subdir match
    url_dom : domain match
    url_end : suffix match
    url_len : length match
    url_reg : regex match
    url_sub : substring match  
#url_ip : ip

This extracts the IP address from the request's URL when the host part is presented as an IP address. Its use is very limited. For instance, a monitoring system might use this field as an alternative for the source IP in order to test what path a given source address would follow, or to force an entry in a table for a given source address. It may be used in combination with 'http-request set-dst' to emulate the older 'option http_proxy'.

#url_port : integer

This extracts the port part from the request's URL. Note that if the port is not specified in the request, port 80 is assumed..

#urlp([<name>[,<delim>[,i]]]) : string #url_param([<name>[,<delim>[,i]]]) : string

This extracts the first occurrence of the parameter <name> in the query string, which begins after either '?' or <delim>, and which ends before '&', ';' or <delim>. The parameter name is case-sensitive, unlessi is added as a third argument. If no name is given, any parameter will match, and the first one will be returned. The result is a string corresponding to the value of the parameter <name> as presented in the request (no URL decoding is performed). This can be used for session stickiness based on a client ID, to extract an application cookie passed as a URL parameter, or in ACLs to apply some checks. Note that the ACL version of this fetch iterates over multiple parameters and will iteratively report all parameters values if no name is given

ACL derivatives :
    urlp(<name>[,<delim>])     : exact string match
    urlp_beg(<name>[,<delim>]) : prefix match
    urlp_dir(<name>[,<delim>]) : subdir match
    urlp_dom(<name>[,<delim>]) : domain match
    urlp_end(<name>[,<delim>]) : suffix match
    urlp_len(<name>[,<delim>]) : length match
    urlp_reg(<name>[,<delim>]) : regex match
    urlp_sub(<name>[,<delim>]) : substring match  
Example :
# match
stick on urlp(PHPSESSIONID)
# match;JSESSIONID=some_id
stick on urlp(JSESSIONID,;)  
#urlp_val([<name>[,<delim>[,i]]]) : integer

See urlp above. This one extracts the URL parameter <name> in the request and converts it to an integer value. This can be used for session stickiness based on a user ID for example, or with ACLs to match a page number or price.

#url32 : integer

This returns a 32-bit hash of the value obtained by concatenating the first Host header and the whole URL including parameters (not only the path part of the request, as in the base32 fetch above). This is useful to track per-URL activity. A shorter hash is stored, saving a lot of memory. The output type is an unsigned integer.

#url32+src : binary

This returns the concatenation of the url32 fetch and the src fetch. The resulting type is of type binary, with a size of 8 or 20 bytes depending on the source address family. This can be used to track per-IP, per-URL counters.

#7.3.7. Fetching samples for developers

This set of sample fetch methods is reserved to developers and must never be used on a production environment, except on developer demand, for debugging purposes. Moreover, no special care will be taken on backwards compatibility. There is no warranty the following sample fetches will never change, be renamed or simply removed. So be really careful if you should use one of them. To avoid any ambiguity, these sample fetches are placed in the dedicated scope internal, for instance internal.strm.is_htx.

Summary of sample fetch methods in this section and their respective types:

Detailed list: : integer

Returns the size in bytes used by data in the HTX message associated to a channel. The channel is chosen depending on the sample direction. : integer

Returns the free space (size - used) in bytes in the HTX message associated to a channel. The channel is chosen depending on the sample direction.

#internal.htx.free_data : integer

Returns the free space for the data in bytes in the HTX message associated to a channel. The channel is chosen depending on the sample direction.

#internal.htx.has_eom : boolean

Returns true if the HTX message associated to a channel contains the end-of-message flag (EOM). Otherwise, it returns false. The channel is chosen depending on the sample direction.

#internal.htx.nbblks : integer

Returns the number of blocks present in the HTX message associated to a channel. The channel is chosen depending on the sample direction.

#internal.htx.size : integer

Returns the total size in bytes of the HTX message associated to a channel. The channel is chosen depending on the sample direction.

#internal.htx.used : integer

Returns the total size used in bytes (data + metadata) in the HTX message associated to a channel. The channel is chosen depending on the sample direction.

#internal.htx_blk.size(<idx>) : integer

Returns the size of the block at the position <idx> in the HTX message associated to a channel or 0 if it does not exist. The channel is chosen depending on the sample direction. <idx> may be any positive integer or one of the special value :

  • head : The oldest inserted block

  • tail : The newest inserted block

  • first : The first block where to (re)start the analysis

#internal.htx_blk.type(<idx>) : string

Returns the type of the block at the position <idx> in the HTX message associated to a channel or HTX_BLK_UNUSED if it does not exist. The channel is chosen depending on the sample direction. <idx> may be any positive integer or one of the special value :

  • head : The oldest inserted block

  • tail : The newest inserted block

  • first : The first block where to (re)start the analysis<idx>) : binary

Returns the value of the DATA block at the position <idx> in the HTX message associated to a channel or an empty string if it does not exist or if it is not a DATA block. The channel is chosen depending on the sample direction. <idx> may be any positive integer or one of the special value :

  • head : The oldest inserted block

  • tail : The newest inserted block

  • first : The first block where to (re)start the analysis

#internal.htx_blk.hdrname(<idx>) : string

Returns the header name of the HEADER block at the position <idx> in the HTX message associated to a channel or an empty string if it does not exist or if it is not an HEADER block. The channel is chosen depending on the sample direction. <idx> may be any positive integer or one of the special value :

  • head : The oldest inserted block

  • tail : The newest inserted block

  • first : The first block where to (re)start the analysis

#internal.htx_blk.hdrval(<idx>) : string

Returns the header value of the HEADER block at the position <idx> in the HTX message associated to a channel or an empty string if it does not exist or if it is not an HEADER block. The channel is chosen depending on the sample direction. <idx> may be any positive integer or one of the special value :

  • head : The oldest inserted block

  • tail : The newest inserted block

  • first : The first block where to (re)start the analysis

#internal.htx_blk.start_line(<idx>) : string

Returns the value of the REQ_SL or RES_SL block at the position <idx> in the HTX message associated to a channel or an empty string if it does not exist or if it is not a SL block. The channel is chosen depending on the sample direction. <idx> may be any positive integer or one of the special value :

  • head : The oldest inserted block

  • tail : The newest inserted block

  • first : The first block where to (re)start the analysis

#internal.strm.is_htx : boolean

Returns true if the current stream is an HTX stream. It means the data in the channels buffers are stored using the internal HTX representation. Otherwise, it returns false.

#7.4. Pre-defined ACLs

Some predefined ACLs are hard-coded so that they do not have to be declared in every frontend which needs them. They all have their names in upper case in order to avoid confusion. Their equivalence is provided below.

ACL name Equivalent to Usa e
FALSE always_false never match
HTTP req.proto_http match if request protocol is valid HTTP
HTTP_1.0 req.ver 1.0 match if HTTP request version is 1.0
HTTP_1.1 req.ver 1.1 match if HTTP request version is 1.1
HTTP_2.0 req.ver 2.0 match if HTTP request version is 2.0
HTTP_3.0 req.ver 3.0 match if HTTP request version is 3.0
HTTP_CONTENT req.hdr_val(content-length) gt 0 match an existing content-length in the HTTP request
HTTP_URL_ABS url_reg ^[^/:]*:// match absolute URL with scheme
HTTP_URL_SLASH url_beg / match URL beginning with "/"
HTTP_URL_STAR url * match URL equal to "*"
LOCALHOST src ::1 match connection from local host
METH_GET method GET HEAD match HTTP GET or HEAD method
METH_HEAD method HEAD match HTTP HEAD method
METH_POST method POST match HTTP POST method
METH_PUT method PUT match HTTP PUT method
METH_TRACE method TRACE match HTTP TRACE method
RDP_COOKIE req.rdp_cookie_cnt gt 0 match presence of an RDP cookie in the request buffer
REQ_CONTENT req.len gt 0 match data in the request buffer
TRUE always_true always match
WAIT_END wait_end wait for end of content analysis

#8. Logging

One of HAProxy's strong points certainly lies is its precise logs. It probably provides the finest level of information available for such a product, which is very important for troubleshooting complex environments. Standard information provided in logs include client ports, TCP/HTTP state timers, precise stream state at termination and precise termination cause, information about decisions to direct traffic to a server, and of course the ability to capture arbitrary headers.

In order to improve administrators reactivity, it offers a great transparency about encountered problems, both internal and external, and it is possible to send logs to different sources at the same time with different level filters :

  • global process-level logs (system errors, start/stop, etc..)

  • per-instance system and internal errors (lack of resource, bugs, ...)

  • per-instance external troubles (servers up/down, max connections)

  • per-instance activity (client connections), either at the establishment or at the termination.

  • per-request control of log-level, e.g. http-request set-log-level silent if sensitive_request

The ability to distribute different levels of logs to different log servers allow several production teams to interact and to fix their problems as soon as possible. For example, the system team might monitor system-wide errors, while the application team might be monitoring the up/down for their servers in real time, and the security team might analyze the activity logs with one hour delay.

#8.1. Log levels

TCP and HTTP connections can be logged with information such as the date, time, source IP address, destination address, connection duration, response times, HTTP request, HTTP return code, number of bytes transmitted, conditions in which the stream ended, and even exchanged cookies values. For example track a particular user's problems. All messages may be sent to up to two syslog servers. Check the log (6) keyword in section 4.2 for more information about log facilities.

#8.2. Log formats

HAProxy supports 5 log formats. Several fields are common between these formats and will be detailed in the following sections. A few of them may vary slightly with the configuration, due to indicators specific to certain options. The supported formats are as follows :

  • the default format, which is very basic and very rarely used. It only provides very basic information about the incoming connection at the moment it is accepted : source IP:port, destination IP:port, and frontend-name. This mode will eventually disappear so it will not be described to great extents.

  • the TCP format, which is more advanced. This format is enabled when option tcplog is set on the frontend. HAProxy will then usually wait for the connection to terminate before logging. This format provides much richer information, such as timers, connection counts, queue size, etc... This format is recommended for pure TCP proxies.

  • the HTTP format, which is the most advanced for HTTP proxying. This format is enabled when option httplog is set on the frontend. It provides the same information as the TCP format with some HTTP-specific fields such as the request, the status code, and captures of headers and cookies. This format is recommended for HTTP proxies.

  • the CLF HTTP format, which is equivalent to the HTTP format, but with the fields arranged in the same order as the CLF format. In this mode, all timers, captures, flags, etc... appear one per field after the end of the common fields, in the same order they appear in the standard HTTP format.

  • the custom log format, allows you to make your own log line.

Next sections will go deeper into details for each of these formats. Format specification will be performed on a field basis. Unless stated otherwise, a field is a portion of text delimited by any number of spaces. Since syslog servers are susceptible of inserting fields at the beginning of a line, it is always assumed that the first field is the one containing the process name and identifier.

Note : Since log lines may be quite long, the log examples in sections below might be broken into multiple lines. The example log lines will be prefixed with 3 closing angle brackets ('>>>') and each time a log is broken into multiple lines, each non-final line will end with a backslash ('\') and the next line will start indented by two characters.

#8.2.1. Default log format

This format is used when no specific option is set. The log is emitted as soon as the connection is accepted. One should note that this currently is the only format which logs the request's destination IP and ports.

Example :
      listen www
          mode http
          log global
          server srv1

  >>> Feb  6 12:12:09 localhost \
        haproxy[14385]: Connect from to \

Field   Format                                Extract from the example above
    1   process_name '[' pid ']:'                            haproxy[14385]:
    2   'Connect from'                                          Connect from
    3   source_ip ':' source_port                   
    4   'to'                                                              to
    5   destination_ip ':' destination_port         
    6   '(' frontend_name '/' mode ')'                            (www/HTTP)

Detailed fields description :

  • source_ip is the IP address of the client which initiated the connection.

  • source_port is the TCP port of the client which initiated the connection.

  • destination_ip is the IP address the client connected to.

  • destination_port is the TCP port the client connected to.

  • frontend_name is the name of the frontend (or listener) which received and processed the connection.

  • "mode is the mode the frontend is operating (TCP or HTTP).

In case of a UNIX socket, the source and destination addresses are marked as unix: and the ports reflect the internal ID of the socket which accepted the connection (the same ID as reported in the stats).

It is advised not to use this deprecated format for newer installations as it will eventually disappear.

#8.2.2. TCP log format

The TCP format is used when option tcplog is specified in the frontend, and is the recommended format for pure TCP proxies. It provides a lot of precious information for troubleshooting. Since this format includes timers and byte counts, the log is normally emitted at the end of the session. It can be emitted earlier if option logasap is specified, which makes sense in most environments with long sessions such as remote terminals. Sessions which match the monitor rules are never logged. It is also possible not to emit logs for sessions for which no data were exchanged between the client and the server, by specifying option dontlognull in the frontend. Successful connections will not be logged if option dontlog-normal is specified in the frontend.

The TCP log format is internally declared as a custom log format based on the exact following string, which may also be used as a basis to extend the format if required. Additionally the HAPROXY_TCP_LOG_FMT variable can be used instead. Refer to section 8.2.6 Custom log format to see how to use this:

# strict equivalent of "option tcplog"
log-format "%ci:%cp [%t] %ft %b/%s %Tw/%Tc/%Tt %B %ts \
            %ac/%fc/%bc/%sc/%rc %sq/%bq"
# or using the HAPROXY_TCP_LOG_FMT variable
log-format "${HAPROXY_TCP_LOG_FMT}"

And the CLF log format is internally declared as a custom log format based on this exact string:

# strict equivalent of "option tcplog clf"
log-format "%{Q}o %{-Q}ci - - [%T] \"TCP \" 000 %B \"\" \"\" %cp \
            %ms %ft %b %s %Th %Tw %Tc %Tt %U %ts-- %ac %fc %bc \
            %sc %rc %sq %bq \"\" \"\" "

A few fields may slightly vary depending on some configuration options, those are marked with a star ('*') after the field name below.

Example :
      frontend fnt
          mode tcp
          option tcplog
          log global
          default_backend bck

      backend bck
          server srv1

  >>> Feb  6 12:12:56 localhost \
        haproxy[14387]: [06/Feb/2009:12:12:51.443] fnt \
        bck/srv1 0/0/5007 212 -- 0/0/0/0/3 0/0

Field   Format                                Extract from the example above
    1   process_name '[' pid ']:'                            haproxy[14387]:
    2   client_ip ':' client_port                   
    3   '[' accept_date ']'                       [06/Feb/2009:12:12:51.443]
    4   frontend_name                                                    fnt
    5   backend_name '/' server_name                                bck/srv1
    6   Tw '/' Tc '/' Tt*                                           0/0/5007
    7   bytes_read*                                                      212
    8   termination_state                                                 --
    9   actconn '/' feconn '/' beconn '/' srv_conn '/' retries*    0/0/0/0/3
   10   srv_queue '/' backend_queue                                      0/0

Detailed fields description :

  • client_ip is the IP address of the client which initiated the TCP connection to HAProxy. If the connection was accepted on a UNIX socket instead, the IP address would be replaced with the word unix. Note that when the connection is accepted on a socket configured with accept-proxy and the PROXY protocol is correctly used, or with a accept-netscaler-cip and the NetScaler Client IP insertion protocol is correctly used, then the logs will reflect the forwarded connection's information.

  • client_port is the TCP port of the client which initiated the connection. If the connection was accepted on a UNIX socket instead, the port would be replaced with the ID of the accepting socket, which is also reported in the stats interface.

  • accept_date is the exact date when the connection was received by HAProxy (which might be very slightly different from the date observed on the network if there was some queuing in the system's backlog). This is usually the same date which may appear in any upstream firewall's log. When used in HTTP mode, the accept_date field will be reset to the first moment the connection is ready to receive a new request (end of previous response for HTTP/1, immediately after previous request for HTTP/2).

  • frontend_name is the name of the frontend (or listener) which received and processed the connection.

  • backend_name is the name of the backend (or listener) which was selected to manage the connection to the server. This will be the same as the frontend if no switching rule has been applied, which is common for TCP applications.

  • server_name is the name of the last server to which the connection was sent, which might differ from the first one if there were connection errors and a redispatch occurred. Note that this server belongs to the backend which processed the request. If the connection was aborted before reaching a server, "<NOSRV>" is indicated instead of a server name.

  • Tw is the total time in milliseconds spent waiting in the various queues. It can be -1 if the connection was aborted before reaching the queue. See Timers below for more details.

  • Tc is the total time in milliseconds spent waiting for the connection to establish to the final server, including retries. It can be -1 if the connection was aborted before a connection could be established. See Timers below for more details.

  • Tt is the total time in milliseconds elapsed between the accept and the last close. It covers all possible processing. There is one exception, if option logasap was specified, then the time counting stops at the moment the log is emitted. In this case, a '+' sign is prepended before the value, indicating that the final one will be larger. See Timers below for more details.

  • bytes_read is the total number of bytes transmitted from the server to the client when the log is emitted. If option logasap is specified, the this value will be prefixed with a '+' sign indicating that the final one may be larger. Please note that this value is a 64-bit counter, so log analysis tools must be able to handle it without overflowing.

  • termination_state is the condition the session was in when the session ended. This indicates the session state, which side caused the end of session to happen, and for what reason (timeout, error, ...). The normal flags should be --, indicating the session was closed by either end with no data remaining in buffers. See below Stream state at disconnection for more details.

  • actconn is the total number of concurrent connections on the process when the session was logged. It is useful to detect when some per-process system limits have been reached. For instance, if actconn is close to 512 when multiple connection errors occur, chances are high that the system limits the process to use a maximum of 1024 file descriptors and that all of them are used. See section 3 Global parameters to find how to tune the system.

  • feconn is the total number of concurrent connections on the frontend when the session was logged. It is useful to estimate the amount of resource required to sustain high loads, and to detect when the frontend's maxconn (5) has been reached. Most often when this value increases by huge jumps, it is because there is congestion on the backend servers, but sometimes it can be caused by a denial of service attack.

  • beconn is the total number of concurrent connections handled by the backend when the session was logged. It includes the total number of concurrent connections active on servers as well as the number of connections pending in queues. It is useful to estimate the amount of additional servers needed to support high loads for a given application. Most often when this value increases by huge jumps, it is because there is congestion on the backend servers, but sometimes it can be caused by a denial of service attack.

  • srv_conn is the total number of concurrent connections still active on the server when the session was logged. It can never exceed the server's configured maxconn (5) parameter. If this value is very often close or equal to the server's maxconn (5), it means that traffic regulation is involved a lot, meaning that either the server's maxconn value is too low, or that there aren't enough servers to process the load with an optimal response time. When only one of the server's srv_conn is high, it usually means that this server has some trouble causing the connections to take longer to be processed than on other servers.

  • retries is the number of connection retries experienced by this session when trying to connect to the server. It must normally be zero, unless a server is being stopped at the same moment the connection was attempted. Frequent retries generally indicate either a network problem between HAProxy and the server, or a misconfigured system backlog on the server preventing new connections from being queued. This field may optionally be prefixed with a '+' sign, indicating that the session has experienced a redispatch after the maximal retry count has been reached on the initial server. In this case, the server name appearing in the log is the one the connection was redispatched to, and not the first one, though both may sometimes be the same in case of hashing for instance. So as a general rule of thumb, when a '+' is present in front of the retry count, this count should not be attributed to the logged server.

  • srv_queue (2) is the total number of requests which were processed before this one in the server queue. It is zero when the request has not gone through the server queue. It makes it possible to estimate the approximate server's response time by dividing the time spent in queue by the number of requests in the queue. It is worth noting that if a session experiences a redispatch and passes through two server queues, their positions will be cumulative. A request should not pass through both the server queue and the backend queue unless a redispatch occurs.

  • backend_queue is the total number of requests which were processed before this one in the backend's global queue. It is zero when the request has not gone through the global queue. It makes it possible to estimate the average queue length, which easily translates into a number of missing servers when divided by a server's maxconn (5) parameter. It is worth noting that if a session experiences a redispatch, it may pass twice in the backend's queue, and then both positions will be cumulative. A request should not pass through both the server queue and the backend queue unless a redispatch occurs.

#8.2.3. HTTP log format

The HTTP format is the most complete and the best suited for HTTP proxies. It is enabled by when option httplog is specified in the frontend. It provides the same level of information as the TCP format with additional features which are specific to the HTTP protocol. Just like the TCP format, the log is usually emitted at the end of the stream, unless option logasap is specified, which generally only makes sense for download sites. A stream which matches the monitor rules will never logged. It is also possible not to log streams for which no data were sent by the client by specifying option dontlognull in the frontend. Successful connections will not be logged if option dontlog-normal is specified in the frontend.

The HTTP log format is internally declared as a custom log format based on the exact following string, which may also be used as a basis to extend the format if required. Additionally the HAPROXY_HTTP_LOG_FMT variable can be used instead. Refer to section 8.2.6 Custom log format to see how to use this:

# strict equivalent of "option httplog"
log-format "%ci:%cp [%tr] %ft %b/%s %TR/%Tw/%Tc/%Tr/%Ta %ST %B %CC \
            %CS %tsc %ac/%fc/%bc/%sc/%rc %sq/%bq %hr %hs %{+Q}r"
# or using the HAPROXY_HTTP_LOG_FMT variable
log-format "${HAPROXY_HTTP_LOG_FMT}"

And the CLF log format is internally declared as a custom log format based on this exact string:

# strict equivalent of "option httplog clf"
log-format "%{+Q}o %{-Q}ci - - [%trg] %r %ST %B \"\" \"\" %cp \
            %ms %ft %b %s %TR %Tw %Tc %Tr %Ta %tsc %ac %fc \
            %bc %sc %rc %sq %bq %CC %CS %hrl %hsl"

Most fields are shared with the TCP log, some being different. A few fields may slightly vary depending on some configuration options. Those ones are marked with a star ('*') after the field name below.

Example :
      frontend http-in
          mode http
          option httplog
          log global
          default_backend bck

      backend static
          server srv1

  >>> Feb  6 12:14:14 localhost \
        haproxy[14389]: [06/Feb/2009:12:14:14.655] http-in \
        static/srv1 10/0/30/69/109 200 2750 - - ---- 1/1/1/1/0 0/0 {} \
        {} "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1"

Field   Format                                Extract from the example above
    1   process_name '[' pid ']:'                            haproxy[14389]:
    2   client_ip ':' client_port                   
    3   '[' request_date ']'                      [06/Feb/2009:12:14:14.655]
    4   frontend_name                                                http-in
    5   backend_name '/' server_name                             static/srv1
    6   TR '/' Tw '/' Tc '/' Tr '/' Ta*                       10/0/30/69/109
    7   status_code                                                      200
    8   bytes_read*                                                     2750
    9   captured_request_cookie                                            -
   10   captured_response_cookie                                           -
   11   termination_state                                               ----
   12   actconn '/' feconn '/' beconn '/' srv_conn '/' retries*    1/1/1/1/0
   13   srv_queue '/' backend_queue                                      0/0
   14   '{' captured_request_headers* '}'                   {}
   15   '{' captured_response_headers* '}'                                {}
   16   '"' http_request '"'                      "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1"

Detailed fields description :

  • client_ip is the IP address of the client which initiated the TCP connection to HAProxy. If the connection was accepted on a UNIX socket instead, the IP address would be replaced with the word unix. Note that when the connection is accepted on a socket configured with accept-proxy and the PROXY protocol is correctly used, or with a accept-netscaler-cip and the NetScaler Client IP insertion protocol is correctly used, then the logs will reflect the forwarded connection's information.

  • client_port is the TCP port of the client which initiated the connection. If the connection was accepted on a UNIX socket instead, the port would be replaced with the ID of the accepting socket, which is also reported in the stats interface.

  • request_date is the exact date when the first byte of the HTTP request was received by HAProxy (log field %tr).

  • frontend_name is the name of the frontend (or listener) which received and processed the connection.

  • backend_name is the name of the backend (or listener) which was selected to manage the connection to the server. This will be the same as the frontend if no switching rule has been applied.

  • server_name is the name of the last server to which the connection was sent, which might differ from the first one if there were connection errors and a redispatch occurred. Note that this server belongs to the backend which processed the request. If the request was aborted before reaching a server, "<NOSRV>" is indicated instead of a server name. If the request was intercepted by the stats subsystem, "<STATS>" is indicated instead.

  • TR is the total time in milliseconds spent waiting for a full HTTP request from the client (not counting body) after the first byte was received. It can be -1 if the connection was aborted before a complete request could be received or a bad request was received. It should always be very small because a request generally fits in one single packet. Large times here generally indicate network issues between the client and HAProxy or requests being typed by hand. See section 8.4 Timing Events for more details.

  • Tw is the total time in milliseconds spent waiting in the various queues. It can be -1 if the connection was aborted before reaching the queue. See section 8.4 Timing Events for more details.

  • Tc is the total time in milliseconds spent waiting for the connection to establish to the final server, including retries. It can be -1 if the request was aborted before a connection could be established. See section 8.4 Timing Events for more details.

  • Tr is the total time in milliseconds spent waiting for the server to send a full HTTP response, not counting data. It can be -1 if the request was aborted before a complete response could be received. It generally matches the server's processing time for the request, though it may be altered by the amount of data sent by the client to the server. Large times here on GET requests generally indicate an overloaded server. See section 8.4 Timing Events for more details.

  • Ta is the time the request remained active in HAProxy, which is the total time in milliseconds elapsed between the first byte of the request was received and the last byte of response was sent. It covers all possible processing except the handshake (see Th) and idle time (see Ti). There is one exception, if option logasap was specified, then the time counting stops at the moment the log is emitted. In this case, a '+' sign is prepended before the value, indicating that the final one will be larger. See section 8.4 Timing Events for more details.

  • status_code is the HTTP status code returned to the client. This status is generally set by the server, but it might also be set by HAProxy when the server cannot be reached or when its response is blocked by HAProxy.

  • bytes_read is the total number of bytes transmitted to the client when the log is emitted. This does include HTTP headers. If option logasap is specified, this value will be prefixed with a '+' sign indicating that the final one may be larger. Please note that this value is a 64-bit counter, so log analysis tools must be able to handle it without overflowing.

  • captured_request_cookie is an optional name=value entry indicating that the client had this cookie in the request. The cookie name and its maximum length are defined by the capture cookie statement in the frontend configuration. The field is a single dash ('-') when the option is not set. Only one cookie may be captured, it is generally used to track session ID exchanges between a client and a server to detect session crossing between clients due to application bugs. For more details, please consult the section Capturing HTTP headers and cookies below.

  • captured_response_cookie is an optional name=value entry indicating that the server has returned a cookie with its response. The cookie name and its maximum length are defined by the capture cookie statement in the frontend configuration. The field is a single dash ('-') when the option is not set. Only one cookie may be captured, it is generally used to track session ID exchanges between a client and a server to detect session crossing between clients due to application bugs. For more details, please consult the section Capturing HTTP headers and cookies below.

  • termination_state is the condition the stream was in when the stream ended. This indicates the stream state, which side caused the end of stream to happen, for what reason (timeout, error, ...), just like in TCP logs, and information about persistence operations on cookies in the last two characters. The normal flags should begin with --, indicating the stream was closed by either end with no data remaining in buffers. See below Stream state at disconnection for more details.

  • actconn is the total number of concurrent connections on the process when the stream was logged. It is useful to detect when some per-process system limits have been reached. For instance, if actconn is close to 512 or 1024 when multiple connection errors occur, chances are high that the system limits the process to use a maximum of 1024 file descriptors and that all of them are used. See section 3 Global parameters to find how to tune the system.

  • feconn is the total number of concurrent connections on the frontend when the stream was logged. It is useful to estimate the amount of resource required to sustain high loads, and to detect when the frontend's maxconn (5) has been reached. Most often when this value increases by huge jumps, it is because there is congestion on the backend servers, but sometimes it can be caused by a denial of service attack.

  • beconn is the total number of concurrent connections handled by the backend when the stream was logged. It includes the total number of concurrent connections active on servers as well as the number of connections pending in queues. It is useful to estimate the amount of additional servers needed to support high loads for a given application. Most often when this value increases by huge jumps, it is because there is congestion on the backend servers, but sometimes it can be caused by a denial of service attack.

  • srv_conn is the total number of concurrent connections still active on the server when the stream was logged. It can never exceed the server's configured maxconn (5) parameter. If this value is very often close or equal to the server's maxconn (5), it means that traffic regulation is involved a lot, meaning that either the server's maxconn value is too low, or that there aren't enough servers to process the load with an optimal response time. When only one of the server's srv_conn is high, it usually means that this server has some trouble causing the requests to take longer to be processed than on other servers.

  • retries is the number of connection retries experienced by this stream when trying to connect to the server. It must normally be zero, unless a server is being stopped at the same moment the connection was attempted. Frequent retries generally indicate either a network problem between HAProxy and the server, or a misconfigured system backlog on the server preventing new connections from being queued. This field may optionally be prefixed with a '+' sign, indicating that the stream has experienced a redispatch after the maximal retry count has been reached on the initial server. In this case, the server name appearing in the log is the one the connection was redispatched to, and not the first one, though both may sometimes be the same in case of hashing for instance. So as a general rule of thumb, when a '+' is present in front of the retry count, this count should not be attributed to the logged server.

  • srv_queue (2) is the total number of requests which were processed before this one in the server queue. It is zero when the request has not gone through the server queue. It makes it possible to estimate the approximate server's response time by dividing the time spent in queue by the number of requests in the queue. It is worth noting that if a stream experiences a redispatch and passes through two server queues, their positions will be cumulative. A request should not pass through both the server queue and the backend queue unless a redispatch occurs.

  • backend_queue is the total number of requests which were processed before this one in the backend's global queue. It is zero when the request has not gone through the global queue. It makes it possible to estimate the average queue length, which easily translates into a number of missing servers when divided by a server's maxconn (5) parameter. It is worth noting that if a stream experiences a redispatch, it may pass twice in the backend's queue, and then both positions will be cumulative. A request should not pass through both the server queue and the backend queue unless a redispatch occurs.

  • captured_request_headers is a list of headers captured in the request due to the presence of the capture request header statement in the frontend. Multiple headers can be captured, they will be delimited by a vertical bar ('|'). When no capture is enabled, the braces do not appear, causing a shift of remaining fields. It is important to note that this field may contain spaces, and that using it requires a smarter log parser than when it's not used. Please consult the section Capturing HTTP headers and cookies below for more details.

  • captured_response_headers is a list of headers captured in the response due to the presence of the capture response header statement in the frontend. Multiple headers can be captured, they will be delimited by a vertical bar ('|'). When no capture is enabled, the braces do not appear, causing a shift of remaining fields. It is important to note that this field may contain spaces, and that using it requires a smarter log parser than when it's not used. Please consult the section Capturing HTTP headers and cookies below for more details.

  • http_request is the complete HTTP request line, including the method, request and HTTP version string. Non-printable characters are encoded (see below the section Non-printable characters). This is always the last field, and it is always delimited by quotes and is the only one which can contain quotes. If new fields are added to the log format, they will be added before this field. This field might be truncated if the request is huge and does not fit in the standard syslog buffer (1024 characters). This is the reason why this field must always remain the last one.

#8.2.4. HTTPS log format

The HTTPS format is the best suited for HTTP over SSL connections. It is an extension of the HTTP format (see section 8.2.3) to which SSL related information are added. It is enabled when option httpslog is specified in the frontend. Just like the TCP and HTTP formats, the log is usually emitted at the end of the stream, unless option logasap is specified. A stream which matches the monitor rules will never logged. It is also possible not to log streams for which no data were sent by the client by specifying option dontlognull in the frontend. Successful connections will not be logged if option dontlog-normal is specified in the frontend.

The HTTPS log format is internally declared as a custom log format based on the exact following string, which may also be used as a basis to extend the format if required. Additionally the HAPROXY_HTTPS_LOG_FMT variable can be used instead. Refer to section 8.2.6 Custom log format to see how to use this:

# strict equivalent of "option httpslog"
log-format "%ci:%cp [%tr] %ft %b/%s %TR/%Tw/%Tc/%Tr/%Ta %ST %B %CC \
           %CS %tsc %ac/%fc/%bc/%sc/%rc %sq/%bq %hr %hs %{+Q}r \
           %[ssl_c_ca_err]/%[ssl_fc_is_resumed] %[ssl_fc_sni]/%sslv/%sslc"
# or using the HAPROXY_HTTPS_LOG_FMT variable
log-format "${HAPROXY_HTTPS_LOG_FMT}"

This format is basically the HTTP one (see section 8.2.3) with new fields appended to it. The new fields (lines 17 and 18) will be detailed here. For the HTTP ones, refer to the HTTP section.

Example :
      frontend https-in
          mode http
          option httpslog
          log global
          bind *:443 ssl crt mycerts/srv.pem ...
          default_backend bck

      backend static
          server srv1 ssl crt mycerts/clt.pem ...

  >>> Feb  6 12:14:14 localhost \
        haproxy[14389]: [06/Feb/2009:12:14:14.655] https-in \
        static/srv1 10/0/30/69/109 200 2750 - - ---- 1/1/1/1/0 0/0 {} \
        {} "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1" 0/0/0/0/0 \

Field   Format                                  Extract from the example above
    1   process_name '[' pid ']:'                              haproxy[14389]:
    2   client_ip ':' client_port                     
    3   '[' request_date ']'                        [06/Feb/2009:12:14:14.655]
    4   frontend_name                                                 https-in
    5   backend_name '/' server_name                               static/srv1
    6   TR '/' Tw '/' Tc '/' Tr '/' Ta*                         10/0/30/69/109
    7   status_code                                                        200
    8   bytes_read*                                                       2750
    9   captured_request_cookie                                              -
   10   captured_response_cookie                                             -
   11   termination_state                                                 ----
   12   actconn '/' feconn '/' beconn '/' srv_conn '/' retries*      1/1/1/1/0
   13   srv_queue '/' backend_queue                                        0/0
   14   '{' captured_request_headers* '}'                     {}
   15   '{' captured_response_headers* '}'                                  {}
   16   '"' http_request '"'                        "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1"
   17   fc_err '/' ssl_fc_err '/' ssl_c_err
        '/' ssl_c_ca_err '/' ssl_fc_is_resumed                       0/0/0/0/0
   18   ssl_fc_sni '/' ssl_version
        '/' ssl_ciphers        

Detailed fields description :

  • fc_err is the status of the connection on the frontend's side. It corresponds to the fc_err sample fetch. See the fc_err and fc_err_str sample fetch functions for more information.

  • ssl_fc_err is the last error of the first SSL error stack that was raised on the connection from the frontend's perspective. It might be used to detect SSL handshake errors for instance. It will be 0 if everything went well. See the ssl_fc_err sample fetch's description for more information.

  • ssl_c_err is the status of the client's certificate verification process. The handshake might be successful while having a non-null verification error code if it is an ignored one. See the ssl_c_err sample fetch and the crt-ignore-err option.

  • ssl_c_ca_err is the status of the client's certificate chain verification process. The handshake might be successful while having a non-null verification error code if it is an ignored one. See the ssl_c_ca_err sample fetch and the ca-ignore-err option.

  • ssl_fc_is_resumed is true if the incoming TLS session was resumed with the stateful cache or a stateless ticket. Don't forgot that a TLS session can be shared by multiple requests.

  • ssl_fc_sni is the SNI (Server Name Indication) presented by the client to select the certificate to be used. It usually matches the host name for the first request of a connection. An absence of this field may indicate that the SNI was not sent by the client, and will lead haproxy to use the default certificate, or to reject the connection in case of strict-sni.

  • ssl_version is the SSL version of the frontend.

  • ssl_ciphers is the SSL cipher used for the connection.

#8.2.5. Error log format

When an incoming connection fails due to an SSL handshake or an invalid PROXY protocol header, HAProxy will log the event using a shorter, fixed line format, unless a dedicated error log format is defined through an error-log-format line. By default, logs are emitted at the LOG_INFO level, unless the option log-separate-errors is set in the backend, in which case the LOG_ERR level will be used. Connections on which no data are exchanged (e.g. probes) are not logged if the dontlognull option is set.

The default format looks like this :

  >>> Dec  3 18:27:14 localhost \
        haproxy[6103]: [03/Dec/2012:17:35:10.380] frt/f1: \
        Connection error during SSL handshake

Field   Format                                Extract from the example above
    1   process_name '[' pid ']:'                             haproxy[6103]:
    2   client_ip ':' client_port                  
    3   '[' accept_date ']'                       [03/Dec/2012:17:35:10.380]
    4   frontend_name "/" bind_name ":"                              frt/f1:
    5   message                        Connection error during SSL handshake

These fields just provide minimal information to help debugging connection failures.

By using the error-log-format directive, the legacy log format described above will not be used anymore, and all error log lines will follow the defined format.

An example of reasonably complete error-log-format follows, it will report the source address and port, the connection accept() date, the frontend name, the number of active connections on the process and on thit frontend, haproxy's internal error identifier on the front connection, the hexadecimal OpenSSL error number (that can be copy-pasted to openssl errstr for full decoding), the client certificate extraction status (0 indicates no error), the client certificate validation status using the CA (0 indicates no error), a boolean indicating if the connection is new or was resumed, the optional server name indication (SNI) provided by the client, the SSL version name and the SSL ciphers used on the connection, if any. Note that backend connection errors are never reported here since in order for a backend connection to fail, it would have passed through a successful stream, hence will be available as regular traffic log (see option httplog or option httpslog).

# detailed frontend connection error log
error-log-format "%ci:%cp [%tr] %ft %ac/%fc %[fc_err]/\
      %[ssl_fc_err,hex]/%[ssl_c_err]/%[ssl_c_ca_err]/%[ssl_fc_is_resumed] \

#8.2.6. Custom log format

Historically, custom log formats were only used to produce logs. But their convenience when used to produce a string by assembling multiple complex expressions has got them adopted by many directives which used to take only a string in argument and which may now also take an such a Custom log format definition. Such arguments, which are commonly designated by "<fmt>" in this document, are defined exactly the same way as the argument to the log-format directive, described here.

When it comes to logs and when the default log formats are not sufficient, it is possible to define new ones in very fine details. As creating a log-format from scratch is not always a trivial task, it is strongly recommended to first have a look at the existing formats (option tcplog, option httplog, option httpslog), pick the one looking the closest to the expectation, copy its log-format equivalent string and adjust it.

A Custom log format definition is a single argument from a configuration perspective. This means that it may not contain blanks (spaces or tabs), unless these blanks are escaped using the backslash character ('\'), or the whole definition is enclosed between quotes (which is the recommended way to use them). The use of unquoted format strings is not recommended anymore as history has shown that it was very error prone since a single missing backslash character could result in silent truncation of the format. Such configurations are still commonly encountered due to the massive adoption of log formats after version 1.5-dev9, 3 years before quotes were usable, but it is recommended to convert them to quoted strings and to drop the backslashes now.

A log format definition is made of any number of log format items separated by text and spaces. A log format item starts with character '%'. In order to emit a verbatim '%', it must be preceded by another '%' resulting in '%%'.

Logformat items may either be aliases or sample expressions:

If an item is named between square brackets ('[' .. ']') then it is used as a sample expression rule (see section 7.3). This it useful to add some less common information such as the client's SSL certificate's DN, or to log the key that would be used to store an entry into a stick table. It is also commonly used with non-log actions (header manipulation, variables etc).

Else if the item is named using an alpha-numerical name, it is an alias. (Refer to the table below for the list of available aliases)

Items can take arguments using braces ('{}'), and multiple arguments are separated by commas within the braces. Flags may be added or removed by prefixing them with a '+' or '-' sign (see below for the list of available flags).

Special alias %o may be used to propagate its flags to all other logformat items on the same format string. This is particularly handy with quoted (Q) and escaped (E) string formats.

Special alias %OG may be used to retrieve the log origin (when / where the log was generated) in a human readable format. It is particularly useful with option logasap because some log variables or sample fetches could report incomplete values or behave differently depending on when / where the logformat expression was evaluated. Possible values are:

  • sess_error: log was generated during session error handling

  • sess_killed: log was generated during session abortion (killed embryonic session)

  • txn_accept: log was generated right after frontend conn was accepted

  • txn_request: log was generated after client request was received

  • txn_connect: log was generated after backend connection establishment

  • txn_response: log was generated during server response handling

  • txn_close: log was generated at the final txn step, before closing

  • unspec: unknown or not specified

%OG is only relevant in logging context.

Items can optionally be named using ('()'). The name must be provided right after '%' (before arguments). It will automatically be used as key name when encoding flag such as json or cbor is set. When no encoding flag is specified (default), item name will be ignored. It is also possible to force the item's output to a given type by appending ':type' after the name, like this: %(itemname:itemtype)aliasname or %(itemname:itemtype)[expr] where itemtype may be 'str', 'sint' or 'bool'. Specifying the type is only relevant when an encoding method is used. Also, it is supported to provide an empty name to force the output type on an anonymous item: %(:itemtype), ie: when encoding is not set globally, see flags definitions below for more information.

Due to the original goal of custom log formats to be used for logging only, there is a special case made of non-printable and unsafe characters (those outside ASCII codes 32 to 126 plus a few other ones) depending where they are used. Section 8.6 describes what's done exactly for logs in order to make sure one will not send unsafe codes that alter the readability of the output in a terminal. When used to form header fields, health checks or payload responses, the rules are less strict and only characters forbidden in HTTP header fields are replaced by their hexadecimal encoding preceded by character '%'. This is normally not a problem, but it might affect the output when the character was expected to be reproduced verbatim (e.g. when building an error page or a full response payload, where line feeds could appear as %0A).

Note: in configuration directives log-format, log-format-sd and unique-id-format, spaces are considered as delimiters and are merged.

Note: when using the RFC5424 syslog message format, the characters '"', '\' and ']' inside PARAM-VALUE should be escaped with '\' as prefix (see for more details). In such cases, the use of the flag E should be considered.

Supported item flags are (may be enabled/disabled from item's arguments):

  • Q: quote a string

  • X: hexadecimal representation (IPs, Ports, %Ts, %rt, %pid)

  • E: escape characters '"', '\' and ']' in a string with '\' as prefix (intended purpose is for the RFC5424 structured-data log formats)

  • bin: try to preserve binary data, this can be useful with sample expressions that output binary data in order to preserve the original data. Be careful however, because it can obviously generate non- printable chars, including NULL-byte, which most syslog endpoints don't expect. Thus it is mainly intended for use with set-var-fmt, rings and binary-capable log endpoints. This option can only be set globally (with %o), it will be ignored if set on an individual item's options.

  • json: automatically encode value in JSON format (when set globally, only named logformat items are considered) Incomplete numerical values (e.g.: '%B' when logasap is used), which are normally prefixed with '+' without encoding, will be encoded as-is. Also, '+E' option will be ignored.

  • cbor: automatically encode value in CBOR format (when set globally, only named logformat items are considered) By default, cbor encoded data is represented in HEX form so that it remains printable on stdout an can be used with usual syslog endpoints. As with json encoding, incomplete numerical values will be encoded as-is and '+E' option will be ignored. When combined with '+bin' option, it will directly generate raw binary CBOR payload. Be careful, because it will obviously generate non-printable chars, thus it is mainly intended for use with set-var-fmt, rings and binary-capable log endpoints.


    log-format %T\ %t\ Some\ Text log-format %{+Q}o\ %t\ %s\ %{-Q}r

    log-format-sd %{+Q,+E}o\ [exampleSDID@1234\ header=%[capture.req.hdr(0)]]

    log-format %{+json}o %(request)r %(custom_expr)[str(custom)] log-format %{+cbor}o %(request)r %(custom_expr)[str(custom)]

Please refer to the table below for currently defined aliases :

R alias field name (8.2.2 and 8.2.3 for description) sample fetch alternative type
%o special, apply flags on all following items
date formats
%T Accept date UTC + timezone %[accept_date,utime("%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z")] date
%Tl Accept date local + timezone %[accept_date,ltime("%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z")] date
%Ts Accept date as a UNIX timestamp %[accept_date] numeric
%t Accept date local (with millisecond resolution) %[accept_date(ms),ms_ltime("%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S.%3N")] date
%ms Accept date milliseconds %[accept_date(ms),ms_utime("%3N")] numeric
H %tr Request date local (with millisecond resolution) %[request_date(ms),ms_ltime("%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S.%3N")] date
H %trg Request date UTC + timezone %[request_date,utime("%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z")] date
H %trl Request date local + timezone %[request_date,ltime("%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z")] date
Timing events
H %Ta Active time of the request (from TR to end) %[] numeric
%Tc Tc %[bc.timer.connect] numeric
%Td Td = Tt - (Tq + Tw + Tc + Tr) %[] numeric
%Th connection handshake time (SSL, PROXY proto) %[fc.timer.handshake] numeric
H %Ti idle time before the HTTP request %[req.timer.idle] numeric
H %Tq Th + Ti + TR %[req.timer.tq] numeric
H %TR time to receive the full request from 1st byte %[req.timer.hdr] numeric
H %Tr Tr (response time) %[res.timer.hdr] numeric
%Tt Tt %[] numeric
%Tu Tu %[txn.timer.user] numeric
%Tw Tw %[req.timer.queue] numeric
%B bytes_read (from server to client) %[bytes_out] numeric
H %CC captured_request_cookie string
H %CS captured_response_cookie string
%H hostname %[hostname] string
H %HP HTTP request URI without query string string
H %HPO HTTP path only (without host nor query string) string
H %HQ HTTP request URI query string (ex: ?bar=baz) ?%[query] string
H %HU HTTP request URI (ex: /foo?bar=baz) string
H %HV HTTP version (ex: HTTP/1.0) HTTP/%[req.ver] string
%ID unique-id %[unique-id] string
%ST status_code %[txn.status] numeric
%U bytes_uploaded (from client to server) %[bytes_in] numeric
%ac actconn %[act_conn] numeric
%b backend_name %[be_name] string
%bc beconn (backend concurrent connections) %[be_conn] numeric
%bi backend_source_ip (connecting address) %[bc_src] IP
%bp backend_source_port (connecting address) %[bc_src_port] numeric
%bq backend_queue %[bc_be_queue] numeric
%ci client_ip (accepted address) %[src] IP
%cp client_port (accepted address) %[src_port] numeric
%f frontend_name %[fe_name] string
%fc feconn (frontend concurrent connections) %[fe_conn] numeric
%fi frontend_ip (accepting address) %[dst] IP
%fp frontend_port (accepting address) %[dst_port] numeric
%ft frontend_name_transport ('~' suffix for SSL) string
%lc frontend_log_counter numeric
%hr captured_request_headers default style string
%hrl captured_request_headers CLF style string list
%hs captured_response_headers default style string
%hsl captured_response_headers CLF style string list
L %OG human readable log origin string
%pid PID %[pid] numeric
H %r http_request string
%rc retries %[txn.redispatched,iif(+,)]%[txn.conn_retries] numeric
%rt request_counter (HTTP req or TCP session) %[txn.id32] numeric
%s server_name %[srv_name] string
%sc srv_conn (server concurrent connections) numeric
%si server_IP (target address) %[bc_dst] IP
%sp server_port (target address) %[bc_dst_port] numeric
%sq srv_queue %[bc_srv_queue] numeric
S %sslc ssl_ciphers (ex: AES-SHA) %[ssl_fc_cipher] string
S %sslv ssl_version (ex: TLSv1) %[ssl_fc_protocol] string
%ts termination_state %[txn.sess_term_state] string
H %tsc termination_state with cookie status string

R = Restrictions : H = mode http only ; S = SSL only ; L = log only

#8.3. Advanced logging options

Some advanced logging options are often looked for but are not easy to find out just by looking at the various options. Here is an entry point for the few options which can enable better logging. Please refer to the keywords reference for more information about their usage.

#8.3.1. Disabling logging of external tests

It is quite common to have some monitoring tools perform health checks on HAProxy. Sometimes it will be a layer 3 load-balancer such as LVS or any commercial load-balancer, and sometimes it will simply be a more complete monitoring system such as Nagios. When the tests are very frequent, users often ask how to disable logging for those checks. There are three possibilities :

  • if connections come from everywhere and are just TCP probes, it is often desired to simply disable logging of connections without data exchange, by setting option dontlognull in the frontend. It also disables logging of port scans, which may or may not be desired.

  • it is possible to use the http-request set-log-level silent action using a variety of conditions (source networks, paths, user-agents, etc).

  • if the tests are performed on a known URI, use monitor-uri to declare this URI as dedicated to monitoring. Any host sending this request will only get the result of a health-check, and the request will not be logged.

#8.3.2. Logging before waiting for the stream to terminate

The problem with logging at end of connection is that you have no clue about what is happening during very long streams, such as remote terminal sessions or large file downloads. This problem can be worked around by specifying option logasap in the frontend. HAProxy will then log as soon as possible, just before data transfer begins. This means that in case of TCP, it will still log the connection status to the server, and in case of HTTP, it will log just after processing the server headers. In this case, the number of bytes reported is the number of header bytes sent to the client. In order to avoid confusion with normal logs, the total time field and the number of bytes are prefixed with a '+' sign which means that real numbers are certainly larger.

#8.3.3. Raising log level upon errors

Sometimes it is more convenient to separate normal traffic from errors logs, for instance in order to ease error monitoring from log files. When the option log-separate-errors is used, connections which experience errors, timeouts, retries, redispatches or HTTP status codes 5xx will see their syslog level raised from info to err. This will help a syslog daemon store the log in a separate file. It is very important to keep the errors in the normal traffic file too, so that log ordering is not altered. You should also be careful if you already have configured your syslog daemon to store all logs higher than notice in an admin file, because the err level is higher than notice.

#8.3.4. Disabling logging of successful connections

Although this may sound strange at first, some large sites have to deal with multiple thousands of logs per second and are experiencing difficulties keeping them intact for a long time or detecting errors within them. If the option dontlog-normal is set on the frontend, all normal connections will not be logged. In this regard, a normal connection is defined as one without any error, timeout, retry nor redispatch. In HTTP, the status code is checked too, and a response with a status 5xx is not considered normal and will be logged too. Of course, doing is is really discouraged as it will remove most of the useful information from the logs. Do this only if you have no other alternative.

#8.3.5. Log profiles

While some directives such as log-format, log-format-sd, error-log-format or log-tag (2) make it possible to configure log formatting globally or at the proxy level, it may be relevant to configure such settings as close as possible to the log endpoints, that is, per log (6) directive.

This is where log-profile section comes into play: log-profile may be defined anywhere in the configuration. This section accepts a set of different keywords that are used to describe how the logs emitted for a given `log` directive should be built.

From a log (6) directive, one can choose to use a specific log-profile by its name. The same profile may be used from multiple log (6) directives.

log-profile <name> Creates a new log profile identified as <name>

log-tag <string> Override syslog log tag set globally or per-proxy using log-tag (2) directive.

on <step> [drop] [format <fmt>] [sd <sd_fmt>] Override the log-format string normally used to build the log line at <step> logging step. <fmt> is used to override log-format or error-log-format strings (depending on the <step>) whereas <sd_fmt> is used to override log-format-sd string (both can be combined).

"drop" special keyword may be used to specify that no log should be
emitted for the given <step>. It takes precedence over "format" and
"sd" if previously defined.

Possible values for <step> are:
  • accept : override log-format if the log is generated right after frontend conn was accepted

  • request : override log-format if the log is generated after client request was received

  • connect : override log-format if the log is generated after backend connection establishment

  • response : override log-format if the log is generated during server response handling

  • close : override log-format if the log is generated at the final transaction (txn) step

  • error : override error-log-format for if the log is generated due to a transaction error

  • any : override both log-format and error-log-format for all logging steps, unless a more precise step override is declared.

    e do-log action for relevant additional <step> values.

    is setting is only relevant for log (6) directives used from contexts where ing log-format directive makes sense (e.g.: http and tcp proxies). se it will simply be ignored.

    ample :

    log-profile myprof

    log-tag custom-tag
    on error format %ci: error
    on connect drop
    on any sd custom-sd

    listen myproxy mode http option httplog log-tag normal

    log stdout format rfc5424 local0
    # success:
    # <134>1 2024-06-12T10:09:11.823400+02:00 - normal 224482 - - [12/Jun/2024:10:09:11.814] myproxy myproxy/<NOSRV> 0/-1/-1/-1/0 200 49 - - LR-- 1/1/0/0/0 0/0 GET / HTTP/1.1
    # error:
    # <134>1 2024-06-12T10:09:44.810929+02:00 - normal 224482 - - [12/Jun/2024:10:09:44.426] myproxy myproxy/<NOSRV> -1/-1/-1/-1/384 400 0 - - CR-- 1/1/0/0/0 0/0 "<BADREQ>"
    log format rfc5424 profile myprof local0
    # success:
    # <134>1 2024-06-12T10:09:11.823428+02:00 - custom-tag 224482 - custom-sd [12/Jun/2024:10:09:11.814] myproxy myproxy/<NOSRV> 0/-1/-1/-1/0 200 49 - - LR-- 1/1/0/0/0 0/0 GET / HTTP/1.1
    # error:
    # <134>1 2024-06-12T10:09:51.566524+02:00 - custom-tag 224482 - - error

#8.4. Timing events

Timers provide a great help in troubleshooting network problems. All values are reported in milliseconds (ms). These timers should be used in conjunction with the stream termination flags. In TCP mode with option tcplog set on the frontend, 3 control points are reported under the form Tw/Tc/Tt, and in HTTP mode, 5 control points are reported under the form TR/Tw/Tc/Tr/Ta. In addition, three other measures are provided, Th, Ti, and Tq.

Timings events in HTTP mode:

              first request               2nd request
   |<-------------------------------->|<-------------- ...
   t         tr                       t    tr ...
   : Th   Ti   TR   Tw   Tc   Tr   Td : Ti   ...
   :<---- Tq ---->:                   :
   :<-------------- Tt -------------->:
   :<--        -----Tu--------------->:
             :<--------- Ta --------->:

Timings events in TCP mode:

        TCP session
   t                   t
   | Th   Tw   Tc   Td |
   |<------ Tt ------->|
  • Th: total time to accept tcp connection and execute handshakes for low level protocols. Currently, these protocols are proxy-protocol and SSL. This may only happen once during the whole connection's lifetime. A large time here may indicate that the client only pre-established the connection without speaking, that it is experiencing network issues preventing it from completing a handshake in a reasonable time (e.g. MTU issues), or that an SSL handshake was very expensive to compute. Please note that this time is reported only before the first request, so it is safe to average it over all request to calculate the amortized value. The second and subsequent request will always report zero here.

    This timer is named %Th as a log-format alias, and fc.timer.handshake as a sample fetch.

  • Ti: is the idle time before the HTTP request (HTTP mode only). This timer counts between the end of the handshakes and the first byte of the HTTP request. When dealing with a second request in keep-alive mode, it starts to count after the end of the transmission the previous response. When a multiplexed protocol such as HTTP/2 is used, it starts to count immediately after the previous request. Some browsers pre-establish connections to a server in order to reduce the latency of a future request, and keep them pending until they need it. This delay will be reported as the idle time. A value of -1 indicates that nothing was received on the connection.

    This timer is named %Ti as a log-format alias, and req.timer.idle as a sample fetch.

  • TR: total time to get the client request (HTTP mode only). It's the time elapsed between the first bytes received and the moment the proxy received the empty line marking the end of the HTTP headers. The value -1 indicates that the end of headers has never been seen. This happens when the client closes prematurely or times out. This time is usually very short since most requests fit in a single packet. A large time may indicate a request typed by hand during a test.

    This timer is named %TR as a log-format alias, and req.timer.hdr as a sample fetch.

  • Tq: total time to get the client request from the accept date or since the emission of the last byte of the previous response (HTTP mode only). It's exactly equal to Th + Ti + TR unless any of them is -1, in which case it returns -1 as well. This timer used to be very useful before the arrival of HTTP keep-alive and browsers' pre-connect feature. It's recommended to drop it in favor of TR nowadays, as the idle time adds a lot of noise to the reports.

    This timer is named %Tq as a log-format alias, and req.timer.tq as a sample fetch.

  • Tw: total time spent in the queues waiting for a connection slot. It accounts for backend queue as well as the server queues, and depends on the queue size, and the time needed for the server to complete previous requests. The value -1 means that the request was killed before reaching the queue, which is generally what happens with invalid or denied requests.

    This timer is named %Tw as a log-format alias, and req.timer.queue as a sample fetch.

  • Tc: total time to establish the TCP connection to the server. It's the time elapsed between the moment the proxy sent the connection request, and the moment it was acknowledged by the server, or between the TCP SYN packet and the matching SYN/ACK packet in return. The value -1 means that the connection never established.

    This timer is named %Tc as a log-format alias, and bc.timer.connect as a sample fetch.

  • Tr: server response time (HTTP mode only). It's the time elapsed between the moment the TCP connection was established to the server and the moment the server sent its complete response headers. It purely shows its request processing time, without the network overhead due to the data transmission. It is worth noting that when the client has data to send to the server, for instance during a POST request, the time already runs, and this can distort apparent response time. For this reason, it's generally wise not to trust too much this field for POST requests initiated from clients behind an untrusted network. A value of -1 here means that the last response header (empty line) was never seen, most likely because the server timeout stroke before the server managed to process the request or because the server returned an invalid response.

    This timer is named %Tr as a log-format alias, and res.timer.hdr as a sample fetch.

  • Td: this is the total transfer time of the response payload till the last byte sent to the client. In HTTP it starts after the last response header (after Tr).

    The data sent are not guaranteed to be received by the client, they can be stuck in either the kernel or the network.

    This timer is named %Td as a log-format alias, and as a sample fetch.

  • Ta: total active time for the HTTP request, between the moment the proxy received the first byte of the request header and the emission of the last byte of the response body. The exception is when the logasap option is specified. In this case, it only equals (TR+Tw+Tc+Tr), and is prefixed with a '+' sign. From this field, we can deduce Td, the data transmission time, by subtracting other timers when valid :

    Td = Ta - (TR + Tw + Tc + Tr)

    Timers with -1 values have to be excluded from this equation. Note that Ta can never be negative.

    This timer is named %Ta as a log-format alias, and as a sample fetch.

  • Tt: total stream duration time, between the moment the proxy accepted it and the moment both ends were closed. The exception is when the logasap option is specified. In this case, it only equals (Th+Ti+TR+Tw+Tc+Tr), and is prefixed with a '+' sign. From this field, we can deduce Td, the data transmission time, by subtracting other timers when valid :

    Td = Tt - (Th + Ti + TR + Tw + Tc + Tr)

    Timers with -1 values have to be excluded from this equation. In TCP mode, Ti, Tq and Tr have to be excluded too. Note that Tt can never be negative and that for HTTP, Tt is simply equal to (Th+Ti+Ta).

    This timer is named %Tt as a log-format alias, and as a sample fetch.

  • Tu: total estimated time as seen from client, between the moment the proxy accepted it and the moment both ends were closed, without idle time. This is useful to roughly measure end-to-end time as a user would see it, without idle time pollution from keep-alive time between requests. This timer in only an estimation of time seen by user as it assumes network latency is the same in both directions. The exception is when the logasap option is specified. In this case, it only equals (Th+TR+Tw+Tc+Tr), and is prefixed with a '+' sign.

    This timer is named %Tu as a log-format alias, and txn.timer.user as a sample fetch.

These timers provide precious indications on trouble causes. Since the TCP protocol defines retransmit delays of 3, 6, 12... seconds, we know for sure that timers close to multiples of 3s are nearly always related to lost packets due to network problems (wires, negotiation, congestion). Moreover, if Ta or Tt is close to a timeout value specified in the configuration, it often means that a stream has been aborted on timeout.

Most common cases :

  • If Th or Ti are close to 3000, a packet has probably been lost between the client and the proxy. This is very rare on local networks but might happen when clients are on far remote networks and send large requests. It may happen that values larger than usual appear here without any network cause. Sometimes, during an attack or just after a resource starvation has ended, HAProxy may accept thousands of connections in a few milliseconds. The time spent accepting these connections will inevitably slightly delay processing of other connections, and it can happen that request times in the order of a few tens of milliseconds are measured after a few thousands of new connections have been accepted at once. Using one of the keep-alive modes may display larger idle times since Ti measures the time spent waiting for additional requests.

  • If Tc is close to 3000, a packet has probably been lost between the server and the proxy during the server connection phase. This value should always be very low, such as 1 ms on local networks and less than a few tens of ms on remote networks.

  • If Tr is nearly always lower than 3000 except some rare values which seem to be the average majored by 3000, there are probably some packets lost between the proxy and the server.

  • If Ta is large even for small byte counts, it generally is because neither the client nor the server decides to close the connection while HAProxy is running in tunnel mode and both have agreed on a keep-alive connection mode. In order to solve this issue, it will be needed to specify one of the HTTP options to manipulate keep-alive or close options on either the frontend or the backend. Having the smallest possible 'Ta' or 'Tt' is important when connection regulation is used with the maxconn (5) option on the servers, since no new connection will be sent to the server until another one is released.

Other noticeable HTTP log cases ('xx' means any value to be ignored) :

TR/Tw/Tc/Tr/+Ta  The "option logasap" is present on the frontend and the log
                 was emitted before the data phase. All the timers are valid
                 except "Ta" which is shorter than reality.

-1/xx/xx/xx/Ta   The client was not able to send a complete request in time
                 or it aborted too early. Check the stream termination flags
                 then "timeout http-request" and "timeout client" settings.

TR/-1/xx/xx/Ta   It was not possible to process the request, maybe because
                 servers were out of order, because the request was invalid
                 or forbidden by ACL rules. Check the stream termination

TR/Tw/-1/xx/Ta   The connection could not establish on the server. Either it
                 actively refused it or it timed out after Ta-(TR+Tw) ms.
                 Check the stream termination flags, then check the
                 "timeout connect" setting. Note that the tarpit action might
                 return similar-looking patterns, with "Tw" equal to the time
                 the client connection was maintained open.

TR/Tw/Tc/-1/Ta   The server has accepted the connection but did not return
                 a complete response in time, or it closed its connection
                 unexpectedly after Ta-(TR+Tw+Tc) ms. Check the stream
                 termination flags, then check the "timeout server" setting.

#8.5. Stream state at disconnection

TCP and HTTP logs provide a stream termination indicator in the termination_state field, just before the number of active connections. It is 2-characters long in TCP mode, and is extended to 4 characters in HTTP mode, each of which has a special meaning :

  • On the first character, a code reporting the first event which caused the stream to terminate :

Character Termination Reason
Cxxx the TCP session was unexpectedly aborted by the client.
Sxxx the TCP session was unexpectedly aborted by the server, or the server explicitly refused it.
Pxxx the stream or session was prematurely aborted by the proxy, because of a connection limit enforcement, because a DENY filter was matched, because of a security check which detected and blocked a dangerous error in server response which might have caused information leak (e.g. cacheable cookie).
Lxxx the stream was locally processed by HAProxy.
Rxxx a resource on the proxy has been exhausted (memory, sockets, source ports, ...). Usually, this appears during the connection phase, and system logs should contain a copy of the precise error. If this happens, it must be considered as a very serious anomaly which should be fixed as soon as possible by any means.
Ixxx an internal error was identified by the proxy during a self-check. This should NEVER happen, and you are encouraged to report any log containing this, because this would almost certainly be a bug. It would be wise to preventively restart the process after such an event too, in case it would be caused by memory corruption.
Dxxx the stream was killed by HAProxy because the server was detected as down and was configured to kill all connections when going down.
Uxxx the stream was killed by HAProxy on this backup server because an active server was detected as up and was configured to kill all backup connections when going up.
Kxxx the stream was actively killed by an admin operating on HAProxy.
cxxx the client-side timeout expired while waiting for the client to send or receive data.
sxxx the server-side timeout expired while waiting for the server to send or receive data.
-xxx normal stream completion, both the client and the server closed with nothing left in the buffers.
  • on the second character, the TCP or HTTP stream state when it was closed :

Character Termination Reason
xRxx the proxy was waiting for a complete, valid REQUEST from the client (HTTP mode only). Nothing was sent to any server.
xQxx the proxy was waiting in the QUEUE for a connection slot. This can only happen when servers have a 'maxconn' parameter set. It can also happen in the global queue after a redispatch consecutive to a failed attempt to connect to a dying server. If no redispatch is reported, then no connection attempt was made to any server.
xCxx the proxy was waiting for the CONNECTION to establish on the server. The server might at most have noticed a connection attempt.
xHxx the proxy was waiting for complete, valid response HEADERS from the server (HTTP only).
xDxx the stream was in the DATA phase.
xLxx the proxy was still transmitting LAST data to the client while the server had already finished. This one is very rare as it can only happen when the client dies while receiving the last packets.
xTxx the request was tarpitted. It has been held open with the client during the whole "timeout tarpit" duration or until the client closed, both of which will be reported in the "Tw" timer.
x-xx normal stream completion after end of data transfer.
  • the third character tells whether the persistence cookie was provided by the client (only in HTTP mode) :

Character Termination Reason
xxNx the client provided NO cookie. This is usually the case for new visitors, so counting the number of occurrences of this flag in the logs generally indicate a valid trend for the site frequentation.
xxIx the client provided an INVALID cookie matching no known server. This might be caused by a recent configuration change, mixed cookies between HTTP/HTTPS sites, persistence conditionally ignored, or an attack.
xxDx the client provided a cookie designating a server which was DOWN, so either "option persist" was used and the client was sent to this server, or it was not set and the client was redispatched to another server.
xxVx the client provided a VALID cookie, and was sent to the associated server.
xxEx the client provided a valid cookie, but with a last date which was older than what is allowed by the "maxidle" cookie parameter, so the cookie is consider EXPIRED and is ignored. The request will be redispatched just as if there was no cookie.
xxOx the client provided a valid cookie, but with a first date which was older than what is allowed by the "maxlife" cookie parameter, so the cookie is consider too OLD and is ignored. The request will be redispatched just as if there was no cookie.
xxUx a cookie was present but was not used to select the server because some other server selection mechanism was used instead (typically a "use-server" rule).
xx-x does not apply (no cookie set in configuration).
  • the last character reports what operations were performed on the persistence cookie returned by the server (only in HTTP mode) :

Character Termination Reason
xxxN NO cookie was provided by the server, and none was inserted either.
xxxI no cookie was provided by the server, and the proxy INSERTED one. Note that in "cookie insert" mode, if the server provides a cookie, it will still be overwritten and reported as "I" here.
xxxU the proxy UPDATED the last date in the cookie that was presented by the client. This can only happen in insert mode with "maxidle". It happens every time there is activity at a different date than the date indicated in the cookie. If any other change happens, such as a redispatch, then the cookie will be marked as inserted instead.
xxxP a cookie was PROVIDED by the server and transmitted as-is.
xxxR the cookie provided by the server was REWRITTEN by the proxy, which happens in "cookie rewrite" or "cookie prefix" modes.
xxxD the cookie provided by the server was DELETED by the proxy.
xxx- does not apply (no cookie set in configuration).

The combination of the two first flags gives a lot of information about what was happening when the stream or session terminated, and why it did terminate. It can be helpful to detect server saturation, network troubles, local system resource starvation, attacks, etc...

The most common termination flags combinations are indicated below. They are alphabetically sorted, with the lowercase set just after the upper case for easier finding and understanding.

Flags   Reason

   --   Normal termination.

   CC   The client aborted before the connection could be established to the
        server. This can happen when HAProxy tries to connect to a recently
        dead (or unchecked) server, and the client aborts while HAProxy is
        waiting for the server to respond or for "timeout connect" to expire.

   CD   The client unexpectedly aborted during data transfer. This can be
        caused by a browser crash, by an intermediate equipment between the
        client and HAProxy which decided to actively break the connection,
        by network routing issues between the client and HAProxy, or by a
        keep-alive stream between the server and the client terminated first
        by the client.

   cD   The client did not send nor acknowledge any data for as long as the
        "timeout client" delay. This is often caused by network failures on
        the client side, or the client simply leaving the net uncleanly.

   CH   The client aborted while waiting for the server to start responding.
        It might be the server taking too long to respond or the client
        clicking the 'Stop' button too fast.

   cH   The "timeout client" stroke while waiting for client data during a
        POST request. This is sometimes caused by too large TCP MSS values
        for PPPoE networks which cannot transport full-sized packets. It can
        also happen when client timeout is smaller than server timeout and
        the server takes too long to respond.

   CQ   The client aborted while its stream was queued, waiting for a server
        with enough empty slots to accept it. It might be that either all the
        servers were saturated or that the assigned server was taking too
        long a time to respond.

   CR   The client aborted before sending a full HTTP request. Most likely
        the request was typed by hand using a telnet client, and aborted
        too early. The HTTP status code is likely a 400 here. Sometimes this
        might also be caused by an IDS killing the connection between HAProxy
        and the client. "option http-ignore-probes" can be used to ignore
        connections without any data transfer.

   cR   The "timeout http-request" stroke before the client sent a full HTTP
        request. This is sometimes caused by too large TCP MSS values on the
        client side for PPPoE networks which cannot transport full-sized
        packets, or by clients sending requests by hand and not typing fast
        enough, or forgetting to enter the empty line at the end of the
        request. The HTTP status code is likely a 408 here. Note: recently,
        some browsers started to implement a "pre-connect" feature consisting
        in speculatively connecting to some recently visited web sites just
        in case the user would like to visit them. This results in many
        connections being established to web sites, which end up in 408
        Request Timeout if the timeout strikes first, or 400 Bad Request when
        the browser decides to close them first. These ones pollute the log
        and feed the error counters. Some versions of some browsers have even
        been reported to display the error code. It is possible to work
        around the undesirable effects of this behavior by adding "option
        http-ignore-probes" in the frontend, resulting in connections with
        zero data transfer to be totally ignored. This will definitely hide
        the errors of people experiencing connectivity issues though.

   CT   The client aborted while its stream was tarpitted. It is important to
        check if this happens on valid requests, in order to be sure that no
        wrong tarpit rules have been written. If a lot of them happen, it
        might make sense to lower the "timeout tarpit" value to something
        closer to the average reported "Tw" timer, in order not to consume
        resources for just a few attackers.

   LC   The request was intercepted and locally handled by HAProxy. The
        request was not sent to the server. It only happens with a redirect
        because of a "redir" parameter on the server line.

   LR   The request was intercepted and locally handled by HAProxy. The
        request was not sent to the server. Generally it means a redirect was
        returned, an HTTP return statement was processed or the request was
        handled by an applet (stats, cache, Prometheus exported, lua applet...).

   LH   The response was intercepted and locally handled by HAProxy. Generally
        it means a redirect was returned or an HTTP return statement was

   SC   The server or an equipment between it and HAProxy explicitly refused
        the TCP connection (the proxy received a TCP RST or an ICMP message
        in return). Under some circumstances, it can also be the network
        stack telling the proxy that the server is unreachable (e.g. no route,
        or no ARP response on local network). When this happens in HTTP mode,
        the status code is likely a 502 or 503 here.

   sC   The "timeout connect" stroke before a connection to the server could
        complete. When this happens in HTTP mode, the status code is likely a
        503 or 504 here.

   SD   The connection to the server died with an error during the data
        transfer. This usually means that HAProxy has received an RST from
        the server or an ICMP message from an intermediate equipment while
        exchanging data with the server. This can be caused by a server crash
        or by a network issue on an intermediate equipment.

   sD   The server did not send nor acknowledge any data for as long as the
        "timeout server" setting during the data phase. This is often caused
        by too short timeouts on L4 equipment before the server (firewalls,
        load-balancers, ...), as well as keep-alive sessions maintained
        between the client and the server expiring first on HAProxy.

   SH   The server aborted before sending its full HTTP response headers, or
        it crashed while processing the request. Since a server aborting at
        this moment is very rare, it would be wise to inspect its logs to
        control whether it crashed and why. The logged request may indicate a
        small set of faulty requests, demonstrating bugs in the application.
        Sometimes this might also be caused by an IDS killing the connection
        between HAProxy and the server.

   sH   The "timeout server" stroke before the server could return its
        response headers. This is the most common anomaly, indicating too
        long transactions, probably caused by server or database saturation.
        The immediate workaround consists in increasing the "timeout server"
        setting, but it is important to keep in mind that the user experience
        will suffer from these long response times. The only long term
        solution is to fix the application.

   sQ   The stream spent too much time in queue and has been expired. See
        the "timeout queue" and "timeout connect" settings to find out how to
        fix this if it happens too often. If it often happens massively in
        short periods, it may indicate general problems on the affected
        servers due to I/O or database congestion, or saturation caused by
        external attacks.

   PC   The proxy refused to establish a connection to the server because the
        process's socket limit has been reached while attempting to connect.
        The global "maxconn" parameter may be increased in the configuration
        so that it does not happen anymore. This status is very rare and
        might happen when the global "ulimit-n" parameter is forced by hand.

   PD   The proxy blocked an incorrectly formatted chunked encoded message in
        a request or a response, after the server has emitted its headers. In
        most cases, this will indicate an invalid message from the server to
        the client. HAProxy supports chunk sizes of up to 2GB - 1 (2147483647
        bytes). Any larger size will be considered as an error.

   PH   The proxy blocked the server's response, because it was invalid,
        incomplete, dangerous (cache control), or matched a security filter.
        In any case, an HTTP 502 error is sent to the client. One possible
        cause for this error is an invalid syntax in an HTTP header name
        containing unauthorized characters. It is also possible but quite
        rare, that the proxy blocked a chunked-encoding request from the
        client due to an invalid syntax, before the server responded. In this
        case, an HTTP 400 error is sent to the client and reported in the
        logs. Finally, it may be due to an HTTP header rewrite failure on the
        response. In this case, an HTTP 500 error is sent (see
        "tune.maxrewrite" and "http-response strict-mode" for more

   PR   The proxy blocked the client's HTTP request, either because of an
        invalid HTTP syntax, in which case it returned an HTTP 400 error to
        the client, or because a deny filter matched, in which case it
        returned an HTTP 403 error.  It may also be due to an HTTP header
        rewrite failure on the request. In this case, an HTTP 500 error is
        sent (see "tune.maxrewrite" and "http-request strict-mode" for more

   PT   The proxy blocked the client's request and has tarpitted its
        connection before returning it a 500 server error. Nothing was sent
        to the server. The connection was maintained open for as long as
        reported by the "Tw" timer field.

   RC   A local resource has been exhausted (memory, sockets, source ports)
        preventing the connection to the server from establishing. The error
        logs will tell precisely what was missing. This is very rare and can
        only be solved by proper system tuning.

The combination of the two last flags gives a lot of information about how persistence was handled by the client, the server and by HAProxy. This is very important to troubleshoot disconnections, when users complain they have to re-authenticate. The commonly encountered flags are :

--   Persistence cookie is not enabled.

NN   No cookie was provided by the client, none was inserted in the
     response. For instance, this can be in insert mode with "postonly"
     set on a GET request.

II   A cookie designating an invalid server was provided by the client,
     a valid one was inserted in the response. This typically happens when
     a "server" entry is removed from the configuration, since its cookie
     value can be presented by a client when no other server knows it.

NI   No cookie was provided by the client, one was inserted in the
     response. This typically happens for first requests from every user
     in "insert" mode, which makes it an easy way to count real users.

VN   A cookie was provided by the client, none was inserted in the
     response. This happens for most responses for which the client has
     already got a cookie.

VU   A cookie was provided by the client, with a last visit date which is
     not completely up-to-date, so an updated cookie was provided in
     response. This can also happen if there was no date at all, or if
     there was a date but the "maxidle" parameter was not set, so that the
     cookie can be switched to unlimited time.

EI   A cookie was provided by the client, with a last visit date which is
     too old for the "maxidle" parameter, so the cookie was ignored and a
     new cookie was inserted in the response.

OI   A cookie was provided by the client, with a first visit date which is
     too old for the "maxlife" parameter, so the cookie was ignored and a
     new cookie was inserted in the response.

DI   The server designated by the cookie was down, a new server was
     selected and a new cookie was emitted in the response.

VI   The server designated by the cookie was not marked dead but could not
     be reached. A redispatch happened and selected another one, which was
     then advertised in the response.

#8.6. Non-printable characters

In order not to cause trouble to log analysis tools or terminals during log consulting, non-printable characters are not sent as-is into log files, but are converted to the two-digits hexadecimal representation of their ASCII code, prefixed by the character '#'. The only characters that can be logged without being escaped are comprised between 32 and 126 (inclusive). Obviously, the escape character '#' itself is also encoded to avoid any ambiguity (#23). It is the same for the character '"' which becomes #22, as well as '{', '|' and '}' when logging headers.

Note that the space character (' ') is not encoded in headers, which can cause issues for tools relying on space count to locate fields. A typical header containing spaces is User-Agent.

Last, it has been observed that some syslog daemons such as syslog-ng escape the quote ('"') with a backslash ('\'). The reverse operation can safely be performed since no quote may appear anywhere else in the logs.

#8.7. Capturing HTTP cookies

Cookie capture simplifies the tracking a complete user session. This can be achieved using the capture cookie statement in the frontend. Please refer to section 4.2 for more details. Only one cookie can be captured, and the same cookie will simultaneously be checked in the request (Cookie: header) and in the response (Set-Cookie: header). The respective values will be reported in the HTTP logs at the captured_request_cookie and captured_response_cookie locations (see section 8.2.3 about HTTP log format). When either cookie is not seen, a dash ('-') replaces the value. This way, it's easy to detect when a user switches to a new session for example, because the server will reassign it a new cookie. It is also possible to detect if a server unexpectedly sets a wrong cookie to a client, leading to session crossing.

Examples :
      # capture the first cookie whose name starts with "ASPSESSION"
      capture cookie ASPSESSION len 32

      # capture the first cookie whose name is exactly "vgnvisitor"
      capture cookie vgnvisitor= len 32

#8.8. Capturing HTTP headers

Header captures are useful to track unique request identifiers set by an upper proxy, virtual host names, user-agents, POST content-length, referrers, etc. In the response, one can search for information about the response length, how the server asked the cache to behave, or an object location during a redirection.

Header captures are performed using the capture request header and capture response header statements in the frontend. Please consult their definition in section 4.2 for more details.

It is possible to include both request headers and response headers at the same time. Non-existent headers are logged as empty strings, and if one header appears more than once, only its last occurrence will be logged. Request headers are grouped within braces '{' and '}' in the same order as they were declared, and delimited with a vertical bar '|' without any space. Response headers follow the same representation, but are displayed after a space following the request headers block. These blocks are displayed just before the HTTP request in the logs.

As a special case, it is possible to specify an HTTP header capture in a TCP frontend. The purpose is to enable logging of headers which will be parsed in an HTTP backend if the request is then switched to this HTTP backend.

Example :
      # This instance chains to the outgoing proxy
      listen proxy-out
          mode http
          option httplog
          option logasap
          log global
          server cache1

          # log the name of the virtual server
          capture request  header Host len 20

          # log the amount of data uploaded during a POST
          capture request  header Content-Length len 10

          # log the beginning of the referrer
          capture request  header Referer len 20

          # server name (useful for outgoing proxies only)
          capture response header Server len 20

          # logging the content-length is useful with "option logasap"
          capture response header Content-Length len 10

          # log the expected cache behavior on the response
          capture response header Cache-Control len 8

          # the Via header will report the next proxy's name
          capture response header Via len 20

          # log the URL location during a redirection
          capture response header Location len 20

  >>> Aug  9 20:26:09 localhost \
        haproxy[2022]: [09/Aug/2004:20:26:09] proxy-out \
        proxy-out/cache1 0/0/0/162/+162 200 +350 - - ---- 0/0/0/0/0 0/0 \
        {||http://fr.f416.mail.} {|864|private||} \

  >>> Aug  9 20:30:46 localhost \
        haproxy[2022]: [09/Aug/2004:20:30:46] proxy-out \
        proxy-out/cache1 0/0/0/182/+182 200 +279 - - ---- 0/0/0/0/0 0/0 \
        {||} {Formilux/0.1.8|3495|||} \
        "GET HTTP/1.1"

  >>> Aug  9 20:30:46 localhost \
        haproxy[2022]: [09/Aug/2004:20:30:46] proxy-out \
        proxy-out/cache1 0/0/2/126/+128 301 +223 - - ---- 0/0/0/0/0 0/0 \
        {||} \
        {Apache|230|||http://www.sytadin.} \
        "GET HTTP/1.1"

#8.9. Examples of logs

These are real-world examples of logs accompanied with an explanation. Some of them have been made up by hand. The syslog part has been removed for better reading. Their sole purpose is to explain how to decipher them.

>>> haproxy[674]: [15/Oct/2003:08:31:57.130] px-http \
      px-http/srv1 6559/0/7/147/6723 200 243 - - ---- 5/3/3/1/0 0/0 \
      "HEAD / HTTP/1.0"

=> long request (6.5s) entered by hand through 'telnet'. The server replied
   in 147 ms, and the session ended normally ('----')

>>> haproxy[674]: [15/Oct/2003:08:31:57.149] px-http \
      px-http/srv1 6559/1230/7/147/6870 200 243 - - ---- 324/239/239/99/0 \
      0/9 "HEAD / HTTP/1.0"

=> Idem, but the request was queued in the global queue behind 9 other
   requests, and waited there for 1230 ms.

>>> haproxy[674]: [15/Oct/2003:08:32:17.654] px-http \
      px-http/srv1 9/0/7/14/+30 200 +243 - - ---- 3/3/3/1/0 0/0 \
      "GET /image.iso HTTP/1.0"

=> request for a long data transfer. The "logasap" option was specified, so
   the log was produced just before transferring data. The server replied in
   14 ms, 243 bytes of headers were sent to the client, and total time from
   accept to first data byte is 30 ms.

>>> haproxy[674]: [15/Oct/2003:08:32:17.925] px-http \
      px-http/srv1 9/0/7/14/30 502 243 - - PH-- 3/2/2/0/0 0/0 \
      "GET /cgi-bin/bug.cgi? HTTP/1.0"

=> the proxy blocked a server response either because of an "http-response
   deny" rule, or because the response was improperly formatted and not
   HTTP-compliant, or because it blocked sensitive information which risked
   being cached. In this case, the response is replaced with a "502 bad
   gateway". The flags ("PH--") tell us that it was HAProxy who decided to
   return the 502 and not the server.

>>> haproxy[18113]: [15/Oct/2003:15:18:55.798] px-http \
      px-http/<NOSRV> -1/-1/-1/-1/8490 -1 0 - - CR-- 2/2/2/0/0 0/0 ""

=> the client never completed its request and aborted itself ("C---") after
   8.5s, while the proxy was waiting for the request headers ("-R--").
   Nothing was sent to any server.

>>> haproxy[18113]: [15/Oct/2003:15:19:06.103] px-http \
     px-http/<NOSRV> -1/-1/-1/-1/50001 408 0 - - cR-- 2/2/2/0/0 0/0 ""

=> The client never completed its request, which was aborted by the
   time-out ("c---") after 50s, while the proxy was waiting for the request
   headers ("-R--"). Nothing was sent to any server, but the proxy could
   send a 408 return code to the client.

>>> haproxy[18989]: [15/Oct/2003:15:24:28.312] px-tcp \
      px-tcp/srv1 0/0/5007 0 cD 0/0/0/0/0 0/0

=> This log was produced with "option tcplog". The client timed out after
   5 seconds ("c----").

>>> haproxy[18989]: [15/Oct/2003:15:26:31.462] px-http \
      px-http/srv1 3183/-1/-1/-1/11215 503 0 - - SC-- 205/202/202/115/3 \
      0/0 "HEAD / HTTP/1.0"

=> The request took 3s to complete (probably a network problem), and the
   connection to the server failed ('SC--') after 4 attempts of 2 seconds
   (config says 'retries 3'), and no redispatch (otherwise we would have
   seen "/+3"). Status code 503 was returned to the client. There were 115
   connections on this server, 202 connections on this proxy, and 205 on
   the global process. It is possible that the server refused the
   connection because of too many already established.

#9. Supported filters

Here are listed officially supported filters with the list of parameters they accept. Depending on compile options, some of these filters might be unavailable. The list of available filters is reported in haproxy -vv.

See also : filter

#9.1. Trace

#filter trace [name <name>] [random-forwarding] [hexdump] Arguments:
<name>               is an arbitrary name that will be reported in
                     messages. If no name is provided, "TRACE" is used.

<quiet>              inhibits trace messages.

<random-forwarding>  enables the random forwarding of parsed data. By
                     default, this filter forwards all previously parsed
                     data. With this parameter, it only forwards a random
                     amount of the parsed data.

<hexdump>             dumps all forwarded data to the server and the client.  

This filter can be used as a base to develop new filters. It defines all callbacks and print a message on the standard error stream (stderr) with useful information for all of them. It may be useful to debug the activity of other filters or, quite simply, HAProxy's activity.

Using <random-parsing> and/or <random-forwarding> parameters is a good way to tests the behavior of a filter that parses data exchanged between a client and a server by adding some latencies in the processing.

#9.2. HTTP compression

#filter compression

The HTTP compression has been moved in a filter in HAProxy 1.7. compression (6) keyword must still be used to enable and configure the HTTP compression. And when no other filter is used, it is enough. When used with the cache or the fcgi-app enabled, it is also enough. In this case, the compression is always done after the response is stored in the cache. But it is mandatory to explicitly use a filter line to enable the HTTP compression when at least one filter other than the cache or the fcgi-app is used for the same listener/frontend/backend. This is important to know the filters evaluation order.

See also : compression (6), section 9.4 about the cache filter and section 9.5 about the fcgi-app filter.

#9.3. Stream Processing Offload Engine (SPOE)

#filter spoe [engine <name>] config <file> Arguments :
<name>      is the engine name that will be used to find the right scope in
            the configuration file. If not provided, all the file will be

<file>      is the path of the engine configuration file. This file can
            contain configuration of several engines. In this case, each
            part must be placed in its own scope.  

The Stream Processing Offload Engine (SPOE) is a filter communicating with external components. It allows the offload of some specifics processing on the streams in tiered applications. These external components and information exchanged with them are configured in dedicated files, for the main part. It also requires dedicated backends, defined in HAProxy configuration.

SPOE communicates with external components using an in-house binary protocol, the Stream Processing Offload Protocol (SPOP).

When the SPOE is used on a stream, a dedicated stream is spawned to handle the communication with the external component. The main stream is the parent stream of this SPOE stream. It means it is possible to retrieve variables of the main stream from the SPOE stream. See section 2.8 about variables for details.

For all information about the SPOE configuration and the SPOP specification, see doc/SPOE.txt.

#9.4. Cache

#filter cache <name> Arguments :
<name>      is name of the cache section this filter will use.  

The cache uses a filter to store cacheable responses. The HTTP rules cache-store and cache-use must be used to define how and when to use a cache. By default the corresponding filter is implicitly defined. And when no other filters than fcgi-app or compression are used, it is enough. In such case, the compression filter is always evaluated after the cache filter. But it is mandatory to explicitly use a filter line to use a cache when at least one filter other than the compression or the fcgi-app is used for the same listener/frontend/backend. This is important to know the filters evaluation order.

See also : section 9.2 about the compression filter, section 9.5 about the fcgi-app filter and section 6 about cache.

#9.5. Fcgi-app

#filter fcgi-app <name> Arguments :
<name>      is name of the fcgi-app section this filter will use.  

The FastCGI application uses a filter to evaluate all custom parameters on the request path, and to process the headers on the response path. the <name> must reference an existing fcgi-app section. The directive use-fcgi-app (2) should be used to define the application to use. By default the corresponding filter is implicitly defined. And when no other filters than cache or compression are used, it is enough. But it is mandatory to explicitly use a filter line to a fcgi-app when at least one filter other than the compression or the cache is used for the same backend. This is important to know the filters evaluation order.

See also: use-fcgi-app (2), section 9.2 about the compression filter, section 9.4 about the cache filter and section 10 about FastCGI application.

#9.6. OpenTracing

The OpenTracing filter adds native support for using distributed tracing in HAProxy. This is enabled by sending an OpenTracing compliant request to one of the supported tracers such as Datadog, Jaeger, Lightstep and Zipkin tracers. Please note: tracers are not listed by any preference, but alphabetically.

This feature is only enabled when HAProxy was built with USE_OT=1.

The OpenTracing filter activation is done explicitly by specifying it in the HAProxy configuration. If this is not done, the OpenTracing filter in no way participates in the work of HAProxy.

#filter opentracing [id <id>] config <file> Arguments :
<id>        is the OpenTracing filter id that will be used to find the
            right scope in the configuration file. If no filter id is
            specified, 'ot-filter' is used as default.  If scope is not
            specified in the configuration file, it applies to all defined
            OpenTracing filters.

<file>      is the path of the OpenTracing configuration file. The same
            file can contain configurations for multiple OpenTracing
            filters simultaneously. In that case we do not need to define
            scope so the same configuration applies to all filters or each
            filter must have its own scope defined.  

More detailed documentation related to the operation, configuration and use of the filter can be found in the addons/ot directory.

Note: The OpenTracing filter shouldn't be used for new designs as OpenTracing itself is no longer maintained nor supported by its authors. A replacement filter base on OpenTelemetry is currently under development and is expected to be ready around HAProxy 3.2. As such OpenTracing will be deprecated in 3.3 and removed in 3.5.

#9.7. Bandwidth limitation

#filter bwlim-in <name> default-limit <size> default-period <time> [min-size <sz>] #filter bwlim-out <name> default-limit <size> default-period <time> [min-size <sz>] #filter bwlim-in <name> limit <size> key <pattern> [table <table>] [min-size <sz>] #filter bwlim-out <name> limit <size> key <pattern> [table <table>] [min-size <sz>] Arguments :
<name>      is the filter name that will be used by 'set-bandwidth-limit'
            actions to reference a specific bandwidth limitation filter.

<size>      is max number of bytes that can be forwarded over the period.
            The value must be specified for per-stream and shared bandwidth
            limitation filters. It follows the HAProxy size format and is
            expressed in bytes.

<pattern>   is a sample expression rule as described in section 7.3. It
            describes what elements will be analyzed, extracted, combined,
            and used to select which table entry to update the counters. It
            must be specified for shared bandwidth limitation filters only.

<table>     is an optional table to be used instead of the default one,
            which is the stick-table declared in the current proxy. It can
            be specified for shared bandwidth limitation filters only.

<time>      is the default time period used to evaluate the bandwidth
            limitation rate. It can be specified for per-stream bandwidth
            limitation filters only. It follows the HAProxy time format and
            is expressed in milliseconds.

<min-size>  is the optional minimum number of bytes forwarded at a time by
            a stream excluding the last packet that may be smaller. This
            value can be specified for per-stream and shared bandwidth
            limitation filters. It follows the HAProxy size format and is
            expressed in bytes.  

Bandwidth limitation filters should be used to restrict the data forwarding speed at the stream level. By extension, such filters limit the network bandwidth consumed by a resource. Several bandwidth limitation filters can be used. For instance, it is possible to define a limit per source address to be sure a client will never consume all the network bandwidth, thereby penalizing other clients, and another one per stream to be able to fairly handle several connections for a given client.

The definition order of these filters is important. If several bandwidth filters are enabled on a stream, the filtering will be applied in their definition order. It is also important to understand the definition order of the other filters have an influence. For instance, depending on the HTTP compression filter is defined before or after a bandwidth limitation filter, the limit will be applied on the compressed payload or not. The same is true for the cache filter.

There are two kinds of bandwidth limitation filters. The first one enforces a default limit and is applied per stream. The second one uses a stickiness table to enforce a limit equally divided between all streams sharing the same entry in the table.

In addition, for a given filter, depending on the filter keyword used, the limitation can be applied on incoming data, received from the client and forwarded to a server, or on outgoing data, received from a server and sent to the client. To apply a limit on incoming data, bwlim-in keyword must be used. To apply it on outgoing data, bwlim-out keyword must be used. In both cases, the bandwidth limitation is applied on forwarded data, at the stream level.

The bandwidth limitation is applied at the stream level and not at the connection level. For multiplexed protocols (H2, H3 and FastCGI), the streams of the same connection may have different limits.

For a per-stream bandwidth limitation filter, default period and limit must be defined. As their names suggest, they are the default values used to setup the bandwidth limitation rate for a stream. However, for this kind of filter and only this one, it is possible to redefine these values using sample expressions when the filter is enabled with a TCP/HTTP set-bandwidth-limit action.

For a shared bandwidth limitation filter, depending on whether it is applied on incoming or outgoing data, the stickiness table used must store the corresponding bytes rate information. "bytes_in_rate(<period>)" counter must be stored to limit incoming data and "bytes_out_rate(<period>)" counter must be used to limit outgoing data.

Finally, it is possible to set the minimum number of bytes that a bandwidth limitation filter can forward at a time for a given stream. It should be used to not forward too small amount of data, to reduce the CPU usage. It must carefully be defined. Too small, a value can increase the CPU usage. Too high, it can increase the latency. It is also highly linked to the defined bandwidth limit. If it is too close to the bandwidth limit, some pauses may be experienced to not exceed the limit because too many bytes will be consumed at a time. It is highly dependent on the filter configuration. A good idea is to start with something around 2 TCP MSS, typically 2896 bytes, and tune it after some experimentations.

frontend http
    bind *:80
    mode http

    # If this filter is enabled, the stream will share the download limit
    # of 10m/s with all other streams with the same source address.
    filter bwlim-out limit-by-src key src table limit-by-src limit 10m

    # If this filter is enabled, the stream will be limited to download at 1m/s,
    # independently of all other streams.
    filter bwlim-out limit-by-strm default-limit 1m default-period 1s

    # Limit all streams to 1m/s (the default limit) and those accessing the
    # internal API to 100k/s. Limit each source address to 10m/s. The shared
    # limit is applied first. Both are limiting the download rate.
    http-request set-bandwidth-limit limit-by-strm
    http-request set-bandwidth-limit limit-by-strm limit 100k if { path_beg /internal }
    http-request set-bandwidth-limit limit-by-src

backend limit-by-src
    # The stickiness table used by <limit-by-src> filter
    stick-table type ip size 1m expire 3600s store bytes_out_rate(1s)  

See also : tcp-request content set-bandwidth-limit, tcp-response content set-bandwidth-limit, http-request set-bandwidth-limit and http-response set-bandwidth-limit.

#10. FastCGI applications

HAProxy is able to send HTTP requests to Responder FastCGI applications. This feature was added in HAProxy 2.1. To do so, servers must be configured to use the FastCGI protocol (using the keyword proto fcgi on the server line) and a FastCGI application must be configured and used by the backend managing these servers (using the keyword use-fcgi-app (2) into the proxy section). Several FastCGI applications may be defined, but only one can be used at a time by a backend.

HAProxy implements all features of the FastCGI specification for Responder application. Especially it is able to multiplex several requests on a simple connection.

#10.1. Setup

#10.1.1. Fcgi-app section

#fcgi-app <name>

Keyword fcgi-app can be used with these sections: fcgi-app

Declare a FastCGI application named <name>. To be valid, at least the document root must be defined.

#acl <aclname> <criterion> [flags] [operator] <value> ...

Keyword acl can be used with these sections: fcgi-app

Declare or complete an access list.

See acl (3) keyword in section 4.2 and section 7 about ACL usage for details. ACLs defined for a FastCGI application are private. They cannot be used by any other application or by any proxy. In the same way, ACLs defined in any other section are not usable by a FastCGI application. However, Pre-defined ACLs are available.

#index <script-name>

Keyword index can be used with these sections: fcgi-app

Define the script name that will be appended after an URI that ends with a slash (/) to set the default value of the FastCGI parameter SCRIPT_NAME. It is an optional setting.

Example :
index index.php  
#log-stderr global #log-stderr <target> [len <length>] [format <format>] [sample <ranges>:<sample_size>] <facility> [<level> [<minlevel>]]

Keyword log-stderr can be used with these sections: fcgi-app

Enable logging of STDERR messages reported by the FastCGI application.

See log (6) keyword in section 4.2 for details. It is an optional setting. By default STDERR messages are ignored.

#pass-header <name> [ { if | unless } <condition> ]

Keyword pass-header can be used with these sections: fcgi-app

Specify the name of a request header which will be passed to the FastCGI application. It may optionally be followed by an ACL-based condition, in which case it will only be evaluated if the condition is true.

Most request headers are already available to the FastCGI application, prefixed with HTTP_. Thus, this directive is only required to pass headers that are purposefully omitted. Currently, the headers Authorization, Proxy-Authorization and hop-by-hop headers are omitted.

Note that the headers Content-type and Content-length are never passed to the FastCGI application because they are already converted into parameters.

#path-info <regex>

Keyword path-info can be used with these sections: fcgi-app

Define a regular expression to extract the script-name and the path-info from the URL-decoded path. Thus, <regex> may have two captures: the first one to capture the script name and the second one to capture the path-info. The first one is mandatory, the second one is optional. This way, it is possible to extract the script-name from the path ignoring the path-info. It is an optional setting. If it is not defined, no matching is performed on the path. and the FastCGI parameters PATH_INFO and PATH_TRANSLATED are not filled.

For security reason, when this regular expression is defined, the newline and the null characters are forbidden from the path, once URL-decoded. The reason to such limitation is because otherwise the matching always fails (due to a limitation one the way regular expression are executed in HAProxy). So if one of these two characters is found in the URL-decoded path, an error is returned to the client. The principle of least astonishment is applied here.

Example :
path-info ^(/.+\.php)(/.*)?$ # both script-name and path-info may be set
path-info ^(/.+\.php)        # the path-info is ignored  
#option get-values #no option get-values

Keyword option get-values can be used with these sections: fcgi-app

Enable or disable the retrieve of variables about connection management.

HAProxy is able to send the record FCGI_GET_VALUES on connection establishment to retrieve the value for following variables:

  • FCGI_MAX_REQS The maximum number of concurrent requests this application will accept.

  • FCGI_MPXS_CONNS 0 if this application does not multiplex connections, 1 otherwise.

Some FastCGI applications does not support this feature. Some others close the connection immediately after sending their response. So, by default, this option is disabled.

Note that the maximum number of concurrent requests accepted by a FastCGI application is a connection variable. It only limits the number of streams per connection. If the global load must be limited on the application, the server parameters maxconn (5) and pool-max-conn must be set. In addition, if an application does not support connection multiplexing, the maximum number of concurrent requests is automatically set to 1.

#option keep-conn #no option keep-conn

Keyword option keep-conn can be used with these sections: fcgi-app

Instruct the FastCGI application to keep the connection open or not after sending a response.

If disabled, the FastCGI application closes the connection after responding
to this request. By default, this option is enabled.
#option max-reqs <reqs>

Keyword option max-reqs can be used with these sections: fcgi-app

Define the maximum number of concurrent requests this application will accept.

This option may be overwritten if the variable FCGI_MAX_REQS is retrieved during connection establishment. Furthermore, if the application does not support connection multiplexing, this option will be ignored. By default set to 1.

#option mpxs-conns #no option mpxs-conns

Keyword option mpxs-conns can be used with these sections: fcgi-app

Enable or disable the support of connection multiplexing.

This option may be overwritten if the variable FCGI_MPXS_CONNS is retrieved during connection establishment. It is disabled by default.

#set-param <name> <fmt> [ { if | unless } <condition> ]

Keyword set-param can be used with these sections: fcgi-app

Set a FastCGI parameter that should be passed to this application. Its value, defined by <fmt> must follows the Custom log format rules (see section 8.2.6 Custom Log format). It may optionally be followed by an ACL-based condition, in which case it will only be evaluated if the condition is true.

With this directive, it is possible to overwrite the value of default FastCGI parameters. If the value is evaluated to an empty string, the rule is ignored. These directives are evaluated in their declaration order.

Example :
# PHP only, required if PHP was built with --enable-force-cgi-redirect
set-param REDIRECT_STATUS 200

set-param PHP_AUTH_DIGEST %[req.hdr(Authorization)]  

#10.1.2. Proxy section

#use-fcgi-app <name>

Define the FastCGI application to use for the backend.

Arguments :
<name>    is the name of the FastCGI application to use.  

This keyword is only available for HTTP proxies with the backend capability and with at least one FastCGI server. However, FastCGI servers can be mixed with HTTP servers. But except there is a good reason to do so, it is not recommended (see section 10.3 about the limitations for details). Only one application may be defined at a time per backend.

Note that, once a FastCGI application is referenced for a backend, depending on the configuration some processing may be done even if the request is not sent to a FastCGI server. Rules to set parameters or pass headers to an application are evaluated.

#10.1.3. Example

frontend front-http
    mode http
    bind *:80
    bind *:

    use_backend back-dynamic if { path_reg ^/.+\.php(/.*)?$ }
    default_backend back-static

backend back-static
    mode http
    server www A.B.C.D:80

backend back-dynamic
    mode http
    use-fcgi-app php-fpm
    server php-fpm A.B.C.D:9000 proto fcgi

fcgi-app php-fpm
    log-stderr global
    option keep-conn

    docroot /var/www/my-app
    index index.php
    path-info ^(/.+\.php)(/.*)?$

#10.2. Default parameters

A Responder FastCGI application has the same purpose as a CGI/1.1 program. In the CGI/1.1 specification (RFC3875), several variables must be passed to the script. So HAProxy set them and some others commonly used by FastCGI applications. All these variables may be overwritten, with caution though.

AUTH_TYPE Identifies the mechanism, if any, used by HAProxy to authenticate the user. Concretely, only the BASIC authentication mechanism is supported.
CONTENT_LENGTH Contains the size of the message-body attached to the request. It means only requests with a known size are considered as valid and sent to the application.
CONTENT_TYPE Contains the type of the message-body attached to the request. It may not be set.
DOCUMENT_ROOT Contains the document root on the remote host under which the script should be executed, as defined in the application's configuration.
GATEWAY_INTERFACE Contains the dialect of CGI being used by HAProxy to communicate with the FastCGI application. Concretely, it is set to "CGI/1.1".
PATH_INFO Contains the portion of the URI path hierarchy following the part that identifies the script itself. To be set, the directive "path-info" must be defined.
PATH_TRANSLATED If PATH_INFO is set, it is its translated version. It is the concatenation of DOCUMENT_ROOT and PATH_INFO. If PATH_INFO is not set, this parameters is not set too.
QUERY_STRING Contains the request's query string. It may not be set.
REMOTE_ADDR Contains the network address of the client sending the request.
REMOTE_USER Contains the user identification string supplied by client as part of user authentication.
REQUEST_METHOD Contains the method which should be used by the script to process the request.
REQUEST_URI Contains the request's URI.
SCRIPT_FILENAME Contains the absolute pathname of the script. it is the concatenation of DOCUMENT_ROOT and SCRIPT_NAME.
SCRIPT_NAME Contains the name of the script. If the directive "path-info" is defined, it is the first part of the URI path hierarchy, ending with the script name. Otherwise, it is the entire URI path.
SERVER_NAME Contains the name of the server host to which the client request is directed. It is the value of the header "Host", if defined. Otherwise, the destination address of the connection on the client side.
SERVER_PORT Contains the destination TCP port of the connection on the client side, which is the port the client connected to.
SERVER_PROTOCOL Contains the request's protocol.
SERVER_SOFTWARE Contains the string "HAProxy" followed by the current HAProxy version.
HTTPS Set to a non-empty value ("on") if the script was queried through the HTTPS protocol.

#10.3. Limitations

The current implementation have some limitations. The first one is about the way some request headers are hidden to the FastCGI applications. This happens during the headers analysis, on the backend side, before the connection establishment. At this stage, HAProxy know the backend is using a FastCGI application but it don't know if the request will be routed to a FastCGI server or not. But to hide request headers, it simply removes them from the HTX message. So, if the request is finally routed to an HTTP server, it never see these headers. For this reason, it is not recommended to mix FastCGI servers and HTTP servers under the same backend.

Similarly, the rules set-param and pass-header are evaluated during the request headers analysis. So the evaluation is always performed, even if the requests is finally forwarded to an HTTP server.

About the rules set-param, when a rule is applied, a pseudo header is added into the HTX message. So, the same way than for HTTP header rewrites, it may fail if the buffer is full. The rules set-param will compete with http-request ones.

Finally, all FastCGI params and HTTP headers are sent into a unique record FCGI_PARAM. Encoding of this record must be done in one pass, otherwise a processing error is returned. It means the record FCGI_PARAM, once encoded, must not exceeds the size of a buffer. However, there is no reserve to respect here.

#11. Address formats

Several statements as bind,server,nameserverandlog" requires an address.

This address can be a host name, an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, or '*'. The '*' is equal to the special address and can be used, in the case of bind (3) or dgram-bind to listen on all IPv4 of the system.The IPv6 equivalent is '::'.

Depending of the statement, a port or port range follows the IP address. This is mandatory on 'bind' statement, optional on 'server'.

This address can also begin with a slash '/'. It is considered as the unix family, and '/' and following characters must be present the path.

Default socket type or transport method datagram or stream depends on the configuration statement showing the address. Indeed, 'bind' and 'server' will use a stream socket type by default whereas 'log', 'nameserver' or 'dgram-bind' will use a datagram.

Optionally, a prefix could be used to force the address family and/or the socket type and the transport method.

#11.1. Address family prefixes

'abns@<name>' following <name> is an abstract namespace (Linux only).

'abnsz@<name>' following <name> is a zero-terminated abstract namespace (Linux only).

'fd@<n>' following address is a file descriptor <n> inherited from the parent. The fd must be bound and may or may not already be listening.

'ip@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is considered as an IPv4 or IPv6 address depending on the syntax. Depending on the statement using this address, a port or a port range may or must be specified.

'ipv4@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is always considered as an IPv4 address. Depending on the statement using this address, a port or a port range may or must be specified.

'ipv6@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is always considered as an IPv6 address. Depending on the statement using this address, a port or a port range may or must be specified.

'sockpair@<n>' following address is the file descriptor of a connected unix socket or of a socketpair. During a connection, the initiator creates a pair of connected sockets, and passes one of them over the FD to the other end. The listener waits to receive the FD from the unix socket and uses it as if it were the FD of an accept(). Should be used carefully.

'unix@<path>' following string is considered as a UNIX socket <path>. this prefix is useful to declare an UNIX socket path which don't start by slash '/'.

#11.2. Socket type prefixes

Previous Address family prefixes can also be prefixed to force the socket type and the transport method. The default depends of the statement using this address but in some cases the user may force it to a different one. This is the case for log (6) statement where the default is syslog over UDP but we could force to use syslog over TCP.

Those prefixes were designed for internal purpose and users should instead use use aliases of the next section 11.3 Protocol prefixes. However these can sometimes be convenient, for example in combination with inherited sockets known by their file descriptor number, in which case the address family is fd and the socket type must be declared.

If users need one those prefixes to perform what they expect because they can not configure the same using the protocol prefixes, they should report this to the maintainers.

'stream+<family>@<address>' forces socket type and transport method to stream

'dgram+<family>@<address>' forces socket type and transport method to datagram.

'quic+<family>@<address>' forces socket type to datagram and transport method to stream.

#11.3. Protocol prefixes

'quic4@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is always considered as an IPv4 address but socket type is forced to datagram and the transport method is forced to stream. Depending on the statement using this address, a UDP port or port range can or must be specified. It is equivalent to quic+ipv4@.

'quic6@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is always considered as an IPv6 address but socket type is forced to datagram and the transport method is forced to stream. Depending on the statement using this address, a UDP port or port range can or must be specified. It is equivalent to quic+ipv6@.

'tcp@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is considered as an IPv4 or IPv6 address depending of the syntax but socket type and transport method is forced to stream. Depending on the statement using this address, a port or a port range can or must be specified. It is considered as an alias of 'stream+ip@'.

'tcp4@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is always considered as an IPv4 address but socket type and transport method is forced to stream. Depending on the statement using this address, a port or port range can or must be specified. It is considered as an alias of 'stream+ipv4@'.

'tcp6@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is always considered as an IPv6 address but socket type and transport method is forced to stream. Depending on the statement using this address, a port or port range can or must be specified. It is considered as an alias of 'stream+ipv4@'.

'mptcp@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is considered as an IPv4 or IPv6 address depending of the syntax but socket type and transport method is forced to stream, with the MPTCP protocol. Depending on the statement using this address, a port or a port range can or must be specified.

'mptcp4@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is always considered as an IPv4 address but socket type and transport method is forced to stream, with the MPTCP protocol. Depending on the statement using this address, a port or port range can or must be specified.

'mptcp6@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is always considered as an IPv6 address but socket type and transport method is forced to stream, with the MPTCP protocol. Depending on the statement using this address, a port or port range can or must be specified.

'udp@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is considered as an IPv4 or IPv6 address depending of the syntax but socket type and transport method is forced to datagram. Depending on the statement using this address, a port or a port range can or must be specified. It is considered as an alias of 'dgram+ip@'.

'udp4@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is always considered as an IPv4 address but socket type and transport method is forced to datagram. Depending on the statement using this address, a port or port range can or must be specified. It is considered as an alias of 'dgram+ipv4@'.

'udp6@<address>[:port1[-port2]]' following <address> is always considered as an IPv6 address but socket type and transport method is forced to datagram. Depending on the statement using this address, a port or port range can or must be specified. It is considered as an alias of 'dgram+ipv4@'.

'uxdg@<path>' following string is considered as a unix socket <path> but transport method is forced to datagram. It is considered as an alias of 'dgram+unix@'.

'uxst@<path>' following string is considered as a unix socket <path> but transport method is forced to stream. It is considered as an alias of 'stream+unix@'.

In future versions, other prefixes could be used to specify protocols like QUIC which proposes stream transport based on socket of type datagram.