Service reliability

Retries and redispatches

The retry and redispatch options attempt to reconnect after a failed connection or resend after a failed HTTP request, which can protect against the following faults:

  • network connectivity issues (including SSL handshake errors and unexpected server failures)
  • HTTP errors
  • servers taking too long to respond

First, consider the behavior of health checks, which monitor each backend server’s connectivity and remove problematic servers from the load balancing rotation. After removing a server from load balancing, the flow of traffic is stopped to that server, which is preferable when the connectivity problem is likely to be long-lasting.

Nevertheless, not all connection problems are long lasting and retrying the connection immediately could successfully overcome short-term connection problems. Connection retries are enabled by default, but you can change their behavior.

Set the number of retries Jump to heading

By default, the load balancer will retry a failed connection 3 times. To change the number of times the load balancer will try to reconnect, set the retries directive to a different value.

  1. In a defaults or backend section, add a retries directive and set its value to the number of times to retry a failed connection attempt.

    Below, we attempt to connect to the server 4 times before giving up and returning a Service Unavailable error to the client:

    backend webservers
    mode http
    balance roundrobin
    server s1 check
    server s2 check
    retries 4
    backend webservers
    mode http
    balance roundrobin
    server s1 check
    server s2 check
    retries 4
  2. Optional: Add the timeout connect directive to set the delay between retries.

    Below, the server performs the next retry after 3 seconds, optimistically giving the server time to overcome from short-term connectivity issues.

    backend webservers
    mode http
    balance roundrobin
    server s1 check
    server s2 check
    retries 4
    timeout connect 3s
    backend webservers
    mode http
    balance roundrobin
    server s1 check
    server s2 check
    retries 4
    timeout connect 3s

Change the value with set-retries Jump to heading

This section applies to:

  • HAProxy 3.1 and newer
  • HAProxy Enterprise 3.1 and newer
  • HAProxy ALOHA 17.0 and newer

Use tcp-request content set-retries if using mode tcp or http-request set-retries if using mode http to change the value of the retries directive dynamically. Assign an interger between 0 and 100. For example, suppose that all servers except for one have become unreachable. In that case, you might make more connection attempts to the server that you have left.

Below, we use nbsrv to check the number of servers that are currently up in the webservers backend. If it’s only one, we use http-request set-retries to change the retries value to 10.

backend webservers
mode http
balance roundrobin
retry-on all-retryable-errors
# Default retries value
retries 3
# Dynamically change retries value if only one server is up
http-request set-retries 10 if { nbsrv(webservers) 1 }
# list of servers
server web1 check maxconn 30
server web2 check maxconn 30
server web3 check maxconn 30
backend webservers
mode http
balance roundrobin
retry-on all-retryable-errors
# Default retries value
retries 3
# Dynamically change retries value if only one server is up
http-request set-retries 10 if { nbsrv(webservers) 1 }
# list of servers
server web1 check maxconn 30
server web2 check maxconn 30
server web3 check maxconn 30

Redispatch to a different server Jump to heading

Instead of trying to reconnect to the same server, you can configure option redispatch to try with a different server in the backend.

  1. Add the option redispatch directive to retry with a different server:

    backend webservers
    mode http
    balance roundrobin
    server s1 check
    server s2 check
    retries 4
    option redispatch
    backend webservers
    mode http
    balance roundrobin
    server s1 check
    server s2 check
    retries 4
    option redispatch
  2. Optional: Add a number of times to retry with the same server before redispatching to a different server. Below, we dispatch the request to another server after 2 failed retries:

    backend webservers
    mode http
    balance roundrobin
    server s1 check
    server s2 check
    retries 4
    option redispatch 2
    backend webservers
    mode http
    balance roundrobin
    server s1 check
    server s2 check
    retries 4
    option redispatch 2

Set when to retry Jump to heading

Available since

  • HAProxy 2.0
  • HAProxy Enterprise 2.0r1
  • HAProxy ALOHA 11.5

Beyond retrying after a failed connection, you can also enable other conditions that should trigger a retry. Use the retry-on directive to specify the conditions.

  1. Add the retry-on directive to define types of HTTP response codes that should trigger a retry. Below, we retry when the request fails due to failure 503 Service Unavailable or 504 Gateway Timeout:

    backend webservers
    mode http
    balance roundrobin
    server s1 check
    server s2 check
    retries 4
    retry-on 503 504
    backend webservers
    mode http
    balance roundrobin
    server s1 check
    server s2 check
    retries 4
    retry-on 503 504

    Options for the codes are:

    • 404
    • 408
    • 425
    • 500
    • 501
    • 502
    • 503
    • 504

    If you set retry-on, the default behavior of retrying failed TCP connections is not enabled unless you set retry-on to all-retryable-errors or a specific connection failure condition, such as conn-failure.

  2. Optional: Add to the retry-on directive specific types of TCP connection problems that should also trigger a retry, in addition to HTTP response codes. Options include:

    • conn-failure
    • empty-response
    • junk-response
    • response-timeout
    • 0rtt-rejected
    • all-retryable-errors

    Below, we retry the connection if the connection could not be established or was closed while sending the request, in addition to when receiving a 503 response:

    backend webservers
    retry-on conn-failure empty-response 503
    backend webservers
    retry-on conn-failure empty-response 503

See also Jump to heading

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