
Install the HAProxy Data Plane API on HAProxy ALOHA

Available since

  • HAProxy ALOHA firmware 13.0
  • HAProxy ALOHA hardware appliance 5300

Install the Data Plane API Jump to heading

To install the Data Plane API:

  1. If your HAProxy ALOHA host is a virtual appliance instead of hardware, you need to create an additional partition large enough to contain the files.

    • Attach a new hard disk to the virtual machine. It should be 30 GB or larger.

    • Power on your HAProxy ALOHA Virtual Appliance.

    • Log in to your HAProxy ALOHA web UI as an administrator. The web UI runs at port 4444.

    • Select the Tools tab, then edit the file /etc/config.rc through the File Manager. Add the following directives at the end of the service system section, then click Save:

      app_device_size 30000000000
      app_device_size 30000000000


      • app_auto_mount automatically mounts the partition on /app.
      • app_auto_format automatically formats the /app partition, if needed.
      • app_device_size <Size in bytes> specifies the size in bytes of the /app partition. Here we set it to 30 GB.
    • Select the Setup tab, then click Save to save your modifications.

    • Restart HAProxy ALOHA by going to the Setup tab and clicking Reboot.

  2. Obtain your credentials for accessing HAProxy ALOHA downloads. You can create a new support ticket in the HAProxy Technologies Customer Portal to request your credentials.

  3. Go to the ALOHA downloads page, navigate into the folder for your firmware and then into the packages folder. Enter your credentials to access the folder.

    Download the latest management-aloha<VERSION>.img disk image.

  4. Log in to your HAProxy ALOHA web UI as an administrator.

  5. Go to the Tools tab, then use the File manager to upload the management-aloha<VERSION>.img disk image to the directory /app/images/.

  6. Go to the Setup tab and click Reboot.

  7. Go back to the Tools tab and check in the File Manager that the /app/management directory is populated.

  8. Check that the dataplaneapi service is started on the Services tab.

  9. Optional: To change the default settings of the Data Plane API, edit the file /app/management/var/lib/dataplaneapi/dataplaneapi.yaml and then restart the dataplaneapi service on the Services tab.

Update to a newer version of the API Jump to heading

To update to a newer version of the API, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain your credentials for accessing HAProxy ALOHA downloads. You can create a new support ticket in the HAProxy Technologies Customer Portal to request your credentials.

  2. Go to the ALOHA downloads page, navigate into the folder for your firmware and then into the packages folder. Enter your credentials to access the folder.

    Download the latest management-aloha<VERSION>.img disk image.

  3. Log in to your HAProxy ALOHA web UI as an administrator.

  4. In the Services tab, stop the dataplaneapi service.

  5. Go to the Tools tab, then use the File manager to upload the management-aloha<VERSION>.img disk image to the directory /app/images/.

  6. Reboot the virtual appliance through the Setup tab.

  7. Check that the dataplaneapi service is started in the Services tab.

    You can also verify which version of the API is installed by running the following command from the CLI:

    /app/management/usr/sbin/dataplaneapi --version
    /app/management/usr/sbin/dataplaneapi --version

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