Manage link aggregation / link bonding
This page applies to:
- HAProxy ALOHA 17.0 and newer
- Does not apply to HAProxy
- Does not apply to HAProxy Enterprise
You can use the HAProxy Data Plane API to join multiple network interfaces to form a single, unified interface. You’ll call the API endpoint /services/network/connections
. Reasons to do this include:
- increased throughput (802.3ad)
- redundancy in case one of the links fails (active-backup)
Getting and setting the version parameter Jump to heading
When making a POST
API call, you must add the version
URL parameter. For example:
The version
parameter must match the load balancer’s current configuration version. This is because the Data Plane API uses optimistic concurrency control, or optimistic locking, to manage its transactions. This ensures that if multiple entities modify a resource that the changes are applied correctly. The APIv3 examples in this section make a GET
request to /v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version
immediately before making a call to update a resource to retrieve the version and populate the CFGVER
environment variable for the URL version
parameter as is shown in the following command:
CFGVER=$(curl -s -u admin:adminpwd http://localhost:5555/v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version)
CFGVER=$(curl -s -u admin:adminpwd http://localhost:5555/v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version)
You will then use the value of the environment variable to populate the version
parameter in the endpoint URL. An example URL may look like this. Note the environment variable reference, $CFGVER
Configure bonded interfaces for increased throughput Jump to heading
To bond two network interfaces together in 802.3ad mode:
Create a new interface that will serve as the bonded interface. Below, we make a
request to theconnections
endpoint. This creates a new connection profile, which is a collection of network interface settings. In this example:- The
block defines the type of connection profile,bond
; its human-readable ID; and interface name. - The
section defines bonding options. To set up IEEE 802.3ad (LACP) Dynamic link aggregation, set the802.3ad
mode. We set the primary interface toeth1
. Refer to the bonding modes section for more information. - The
block defines the IP address to assign to the bond interface. - Set the URL parameter
nixCFGVER=$(curl -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5555/v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version)curl -X POST \--user admin:admin \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"connection": {"id": "bond0","interface-name": "bond0","type": "bond"},"bond": {"options": {"mode": "802.3ad"}},"ipv4": {"address-data": [{"address": "","prefix": 24}],"method": "manual","route-data": []}}' \"http://localhost:5555/v3/services/network/connections?version=$CFGVER&activate=1"nixCFGVER=$(curl -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5555/v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version)curl -X POST \--user admin:admin \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"connection": {"id": "bond0","interface-name": "bond0","type": "bond"},"bond": {"options": {"mode": "802.3ad"}},"ipv4": {"address-data": [{"address": "","prefix": 24}],"method": "manual","route-data": []}}' \"http://localhost:5555/v3/services/network/connections?version=$CFGVER&activate=1"outputtext{"bond": {"options": {"mode": "802.3ad"}},"connection": {"id": "bond0","interface-name": "bond0","type": "bond","uuid": "46a7ddbc-266e-4ff5-af71-2ea37cae9a80"},"ipv4": {"address-data": [{"address": "","prefix": 24}],"method": "manual","route-data": []},"ipv6": {"address-data": [],"method": "disabled","route-data": []}}outputtext{"bond": {"options": {"mode": "802.3ad"}},"connection": {"id": "bond0","interface-name": "bond0","type": "bond","uuid": "46a7ddbc-266e-4ff5-af71-2ea37cae9a80"},"ipv4": {"address-data": [{"address": "","prefix": 24}],"method": "manual","route-data": []},"ipv6": {"address-data": [],"method": "disabled","route-data": []}} - The
Indicate which interfaces to bond by replacing their connection profiles with new profiles that set
. For example, here we make twoPOST
requests to theconnections
endpoint to replace theeth1
profiles:nixCFGVER=$(curl -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5555/v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version)curl -X POST \--user admin:admin \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"connection": {"id": "bond0-eth1","interface-name": "eth1","type": "802-3-ethernet","slave-type": "bond","master": "bond0"}}' \"http://localhost:5555/v3/services/network/connections?version=$CFGVER&activate=1"CFGVER=$(curl -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5555/v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version)curl -X POST \--user admin:admin \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"connection": {"id": "bond0-eth2","interface-name": "eth2","type": "802-3-ethernet","slave-type": "bond","master": "bond0"}}' \"http://localhost:5555/v3/services/network/connections?version=$CFGVER&activate=1"nixCFGVER=$(curl -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5555/v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version)curl -X POST \--user admin:admin \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"connection": {"id": "bond0-eth1","interface-name": "eth1","type": "802-3-ethernet","slave-type": "bond","master": "bond0"}}' \"http://localhost:5555/v3/services/network/connections?version=$CFGVER&activate=1"CFGVER=$(curl -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5555/v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version)curl -X POST \--user admin:admin \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"connection": {"id": "bond0-eth2","interface-name": "eth2","type": "802-3-ethernet","slave-type": "bond","master": "bond0"}}' \"http://localhost:5555/v3/services/network/connections?version=$CFGVER&activate=1"outputtext{"connection": {"id": "bond0-eth1","interface-name": "eth1","master": "bond0","slave-type": "bond","type": "802-3-ethernet","uuid": "c68553ad-9309-4a39-8248-699034bdb3c6"}}{"connection": {"id": "bond0-eth2","interface-name": "eth2","master": "bond0","slave-type": "bond","type": "802-3-ethernet","uuid": "66d43b38-9851-4f1a-9293-1a4fe56fccfa"}}outputtext{"connection": {"id": "bond0-eth1","interface-name": "eth1","master": "bond0","slave-type": "bond","type": "802-3-ethernet","uuid": "c68553ad-9309-4a39-8248-699034bdb3c6"}}{"connection": {"id": "bond0-eth2","interface-name": "eth2","master": "bond0","slave-type": "bond","type": "802-3-ethernet","uuid": "66d43b38-9851-4f1a-9293-1a4fe56fccfa"}} -
To make your changes persistent after a reboot, either:
- From the HAProxy ALOHA UI, click the Setup tab. Then click Save under Configuration.
- Connect to the HAProxy ALOHA server and execute
config save
Configure bonded interfaces for active-backup Jump to heading
To bond two network interfaces together in active-backup mode:
Create a new interface that will serve as the bonded interface. Below, we make a
request to theconnections
endpoint. This creates a new connection profile, which is a collection of network interface settings. In this example:- The
block defines the type of connection profile,bond
; its human-readable ID; and interface name. - The
section defines bonding options. To enable failover with one active interface at a time, set theactive-backup
mode. We set the primary interface toeth1
. Refer to the bonding modes section for more information. - The
block defines the IP address to assign to the bond interface.
nixCFGVER=$(curl -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5555/v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version)curl -X POST \--user admin:admin \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"connection": {"id": "bond0","interface-name": "bond0","type": "bond"},"bond": {"options": {"mode": "active-backup","primary": "eth1"}},"ipv4": {"address-data": [{"address": "","prefix": 24}],"method": "manual","route-data": []}}' \"http://localhost:5555/v3/services/network/connections?version=$CFGVER&activate=1"nixCFGVER=$(curl -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5555/v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version)curl -X POST \--user admin:admin \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"connection": {"id": "bond0","interface-name": "bond0","type": "bond"},"bond": {"options": {"mode": "active-backup","primary": "eth1"}},"ipv4": {"address-data": [{"address": "","prefix": 24}],"method": "manual","route-data": []}}' \"http://localhost:5555/v3/services/network/connections?version=$CFGVER&activate=1"outputtext{"bond": {"options": {"mode": "active-backup","primary": "eth1"}},"connection": {"id": "bond0","interface-name": "bond0","type": "bond","uuid": "32dae57b-6e51-4722-aa5e-ff92fb338d20"},"ipv4": {"address-data": [{"address": "","prefix": 24}],"method": "manual","route-data": []},"ipv6": {"address-data": [],"method": "disabled","route-data": []}}outputtext{"bond": {"options": {"mode": "active-backup","primary": "eth1"}},"connection": {"id": "bond0","interface-name": "bond0","type": "bond","uuid": "32dae57b-6e51-4722-aa5e-ff92fb338d20"},"ipv4": {"address-data": [{"address": "","prefix": 24}],"method": "manual","route-data": []},"ipv6": {"address-data": [],"method": "disabled","route-data": []}} - The
Indicate which interfaces to bond by replacing their connection profiles with new profiles that set
. For example, here we make twoPOST
requests to theconnections
endpoint to replace theeth1
profiles:nixCFGVER=$(curl -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5555/v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version)curl -X POST \--user admin:admin \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"connection": {"id": "bond0-eth1","interface-name": "eth1","type": "802-3-ethernet","slave-type": "bond","master": "bond0"}}' \"http://localhost:5555/v3/services/network/connections?version=$CFGVER&activate=1"CFGVER=$(curl -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5555/v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version)curl -X POST \--user admin:admin \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"connection": {"id": "bond0-eth2","interface-name": "eth2","type": "802-3-ethernet","slave-type": "bond","master": "bond0"}}' \"http://localhost:5555/v3/services/network/connections?version=$CFGVER&activate=1"nixCFGVER=$(curl -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5555/v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version)curl -X POST \--user admin:admin \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"connection": {"id": "bond0-eth1","interface-name": "eth1","type": "802-3-ethernet","slave-type": "bond","master": "bond0"}}' \"http://localhost:5555/v3/services/network/connections?version=$CFGVER&activate=1"CFGVER=$(curl -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5555/v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version)curl -X POST \--user admin:admin \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"connection": {"id": "bond0-eth2","interface-name": "eth2","type": "802-3-ethernet","slave-type": "bond","master": "bond0"}}' \"http://localhost:5555/v3/services/network/connections?version=$CFGVER&activate=1"outputtext{"connection": {"id": "bond0-eth1","interface-name": "eth1","master": "bond0","slave-type": "bond","type": "802-3-ethernet","uuid": "c68553ad-9309-4a39-8248-699034bdb3c6"}}{"connection": {"id": "bond0-eth2","interface-name": "eth2","master": "bond0","slave-type": "bond","type": "802-3-ethernet","uuid": "66d43b38-9851-4f1a-9293-1a4fe56fccfa"}}outputtext{"connection": {"id": "bond0-eth1","interface-name": "eth1","master": "bond0","slave-type": "bond","type": "802-3-ethernet","uuid": "c68553ad-9309-4a39-8248-699034bdb3c6"}}{"connection": {"id": "bond0-eth2","interface-name": "eth2","master": "bond0","slave-type": "bond","type": "802-3-ethernet","uuid": "66d43b38-9851-4f1a-9293-1a4fe56fccfa"}} -
To make your changes persistent after a reboot, either:
- From the HAProxy ALOHA UI, click the Setup tab. Then click Save under Configuration.
- Connect to the HAProxy ALOHA server and execute
config save
Verify your setup Jump to heading
To verify, connect to your HAProxy ALOHA server and call ip address show
to show network interfaces. The bond0
interface should show the MASTER
labels. The eth1
and eth2
interfaces should show the SLAVE
ip address show
ip address show
3: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,SLAVE,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast master bond0 state UP group default qlen 1000link/ether 00:0c:29:a1:4c:5a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff4: eth2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,SLAVE,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast master bond0 state UP group default qlen 1000link/ether 00:0c:29:a1:4c:5a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff permaddr 00:0c:29:a1:4c:647: bond0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,MASTER,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000link/ether 00:0c:29:a1:4c:5a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ffinet scope global bond0valid_lft forever preferred_lft foreverinet6 fe80::20c:29ff:fea1:4c5a/64 scope linkvalid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,SLAVE,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast master bond0 state UP group default qlen 1000link/ether 00:0c:29:a1:4c:5a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff4: eth2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,SLAVE,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast master bond0 state UP group default qlen 1000link/ether 00:0c:29:a1:4c:5a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff permaddr 00:0c:29:a1:4c:647: bond0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,MASTER,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000link/ether 00:0c:29:a1:4c:5a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ffinet scope global bond0valid_lft forever preferred_lft foreverinet6 fe80::20c:29ff:fea1:4c5a/64 scope linkvalid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
Reference Jump to heading
In this section, we describe available options.
Bond options Jump to heading
The following table shows options that the bond.options
object supports.
Option | Description |
downdelay <ms> |
The bonding delay check in ms (default: 1000 ). |
mode <mode> |
The bonding mode (default:active-backup ). |
primary <iface> |
The primary slave for current bond. |
updelay <ms> |
The bonding delay check in ms (default: 1000 ). |
Bonding modes Jump to heading
The following table shows which bonding modes are supported.
Mode number | Mode code | Description |
O |
balance-rr |
Select output interfaces in a round-robin fashion. |
1 |
active-backup |
Failover mode with one active interface at a time. |
2 |
balance-xor |
Transmit based on MAC address. The default policy is a source+destination MAC address algorithm. You can select alternate transmit policies through the
3 |
broadcast |
Not supported. |
4 |
802.3ad |
You can bundle several physical ports to form a single logical channel through the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP), which is part of the IEEE specification 802.3ad. Prerequisites:
5 |
balance-tlb |
Transmit load balancing. The outgoing interface is selected based on interface load. Prerequisites:
6 |
balance-alb |
Adaptive load balancing; balance-tlb mode with a reception load balancing mode made using the ARP protocol. |
See also Jump to heading
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