Manage active/standby clustering (VRRP)
This page applies to:
- HAProxy ALOHA 17.0 and newer
- Does not apply to HAProxy
- Does not apply to HAProxy Enterprise
You can use the HAProxy Data Plane API to configure active/standby clustering using the VRRP protocol. You’ll call the API endpoint /services/network/connections
Getting and setting the version parameter Jump to heading
When making a POST
API call, you must add the version
URL parameter. For example:
The version
parameter must match the load balancer’s current configuration version. This is because the Data Plane API uses optimistic concurrency control, or optimistic locking, to manage its transactions. This ensures that if multiple entities modify a resource that the changes are applied correctly. The APIv3 examples in this section make a GET
request to /v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version
immediately before making a call to update a resource to retrieve the version and populate the CFGVER
environment variable for the URL version
parameter as is shown in the following command:
CFGVER=$(curl -s -u admin:adminpwd http://localhost:5555/v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version)
CFGVER=$(curl -s -u admin:adminpwd http://localhost:5555/v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version)
You will then use the value of the environment variable to populate the version
parameter in the endpoint URL. An example URL may look like this. Note the environment variable reference, $CFGVER
Configure the active server Jump to heading
Follow these steps to configure the active load balancer.
Enable the VRRP service on the load balancer.
Decide on a Virtual Router Identifier (VRID) for the cluster. The VRID can be any number between 1 and 255. It is a unique identifier that is the same on the active and standby servers. It allows the servers to share a virtual router and virtual IP address.
Do not use a VRID already in use. To list VRIDs already in use, on the load balancer run the following command, specifying the network interface you’ll use, here
:nixsudo tcpdump -vvvenns0 -c 5 -i eth0 vrrp | grep -o "vrid [0-9]*"nixsudo tcpdump -vvvenns0 -c 5 -i eth0 vrrp | grep -o "vrid [0-9]*"outputtext[...]5 packets captured6 packets received by filter0 packets dropped by kernelvrid 161vrid 155outputtext[...]5 packets captured6 packets received by filter0 packets dropped by kernelvrid 161vrid 155If the output from the command does not contain any lines with a
, you do not have any VRIDs already in use, and they are all available. -
Make a
request to theconnections
endpoint to see the network interface’s properties. This returns the interface’s connection profile. From this, get its UUID.nixcurl -X GET \--user admin:admin \"http://localhost:5555/v3/services/network/connections"nixcurl -X GET \--user admin:admin \"http://localhost:5555/v3/services/network/connections"outputtext[{"connection": {"id": "ethernet-eth0","interface-name": "eth0","type": "802-3-ethernet","uuid": "46c50848-a49c-4b27-975a-9b53ef16fa6c"},"ipv4": {"address-data": [{"address": "","prefix": 24},{"address": "","prefix": 24}],"gateway": "","method": "manual","route-data": []},"ipv6": {"address-data": [],"method": "disabled","route-data": []}}]outputtext[{"connection": {"id": "ethernet-eth0","interface-name": "eth0","type": "802-3-ethernet","uuid": "46c50848-a49c-4b27-975a-9b53ef16fa6c"},"ipv4": {"address-data": [{"address": "","prefix": 24},{"address": "","prefix": 24}],"gateway": "","method": "manual","route-data": []},"ipv6": {"address-data": [],"method": "disabled","route-data": []}}] -
Modify your existing network interface, such as
, by making aPUT
request to theconnections
endpoint. Below, we enable VRRP on theeth0
interface by sending the JSON we received from theGET
request, but with the addition of thevrrp
section:nixCFGVER=$(curl -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5555/v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version)curl -X PUT \--user admin:admin \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"connection": {"id": "ethernet-eth0","interface-name": "eth0","type": "802-3-ethernet","uuid": "46c50848-a49c-4b27-975a-9b53ef16fa6c"},"ipv4": {"address-data": [{"address": "","prefix": 24}],"gateway": "","method": "manual","route-data": []},"ipv6": {"address-data": [],"method": "disabled","route-data": []},"vrrp": [{"id": 130,"instance": "default","ipv4-addresses": [""],"priority": 101,"version": "v2","no-address": true,"password": "aloha"}]}' \"http://localhost:5555/v3/services/network/connections/46c50848-a49c-4b27-975a-9b53ef16fa6c?version=$CFGVER&activate=1"nixCFGVER=$(curl -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5555/v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version)curl -X PUT \--user admin:admin \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"connection": {"id": "ethernet-eth0","interface-name": "eth0","type": "802-3-ethernet","uuid": "46c50848-a49c-4b27-975a-9b53ef16fa6c"},"ipv4": {"address-data": [{"address": "","prefix": 24}],"gateway": "","method": "manual","route-data": []},"ipv6": {"address-data": [],"method": "disabled","route-data": []},"vrrp": [{"id": 130,"instance": "default","ipv4-addresses": [""],"priority": 101,"version": "v2","no-address": true,"password": "aloha"}]}' \"http://localhost:5555/v3/services/network/connections/46c50848-a49c-4b27-975a-9b53ef16fa6c?version=$CFGVER&activate=1"In this example:
Include the connection profile’s UUID in the requested URL path. Here, it’s
. -
Set the URL parameter
. -
Add a
section to define VRRP options. Here we’re setting:id
: The VRID determined previously.instance
: The VRRP instance name.ipv4-addresses
: One or more virtual IP addresses. The new address(es) should fall within the interface’s IP subnet but shouldn’t already be assigned to any server.priority
: The VRRP instance default priority. Set it to101
for the active server.version
: Set version tov2
: Set this totrue
to enable more than 20 virtual IP addresses. It implements thevirtual_ipaddress_excluded
directive in the underlying VRRP configuration.password
: The VRRP instance authentication password. All cluster members must set the same password.
outputtext{"connection": {"id": "ethernet-eth0","interface-name": "eth0","type": "802-3-ethernet","uuid": "46c50848-a49c-4b27-975a-9b53ef16fa6c"},"ipv4": {"address-data": [{"address": "","prefix": 24}],"gateway": "","method": "manual","route-data": []},"ipv6": {"address-data": [],"method": "disabled","route-data": []},"vrrp": [{"id": 130,"instance": "default","ipv4-addresses": [""],"no-address": true,"password": "aloha","priority": 101,"version": "v2"}]}outputtext{"connection": {"id": "ethernet-eth0","interface-name": "eth0","type": "802-3-ethernet","uuid": "46c50848-a49c-4b27-975a-9b53ef16fa6c"},"ipv4": {"address-data": [{"address": "","prefix": 24}],"gateway": "","method": "manual","route-data": []},"ipv6": {"address-data": [],"method": "disabled","route-data": []},"vrrp": [{"id": 130,"instance": "default","ipv4-addresses": [""],"no-address": true,"password": "aloha","priority": 101,"version": "v2"}]} -
To make your changes persistent after a reboot, either:
- From the HAProxy ALOHA UI, click the Setup tab. Then click Save under Configuration.
- Connect to the HAProxy ALOHA server and execute
config save
Configure the standby server Jump to heading
Follow these steps to configure the standby load balancer.
Enable the VRRP service on the load balancer.
Make a
request to theconnections
endpoint to see the network interface’s properties. This returns the interface’s connection profile. From this, get its UUID.nixcurl -X GET \--user admin:admin \"http://localhost:5555/v3/services/network/connections"nixcurl -X GET \--user admin:admin \"http://localhost:5555/v3/services/network/connections"outputtext[{"connection": {"id": "ethernet-eth0","interface-name": "eth0","type": "802-3-ethernet","uuid": "66a5f56f-449f-413d-9160-7bb6462f3618"},"ipv4": {"address-data": [{"address": "","prefix": 24}],"gateway": "","method": "manual","route-data": []},"ipv6": {"address-data": [],"method": "disabled","route-data": []}}]outputtext[{"connection": {"id": "ethernet-eth0","interface-name": "eth0","type": "802-3-ethernet","uuid": "66a5f56f-449f-413d-9160-7bb6462f3618"},"ipv4": {"address-data": [{"address": "","prefix": 24}],"gateway": "","method": "manual","route-data": []},"ipv6": {"address-data": [],"method": "disabled","route-data": []}}] -
Modify your existing network interface, such as
, by making aPUT
request to theconnections
endpoint. Below, we enable VRRP on theeth0
interface by sending the JSON we received from theGET
request, but with the addition of thevrrp
section:nixCFGVER=$(curl -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5555/v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version)curl -X PUT \--user admin:admin \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"connection": {"id": "ethernet-eth0","interface-name": "eth0","type": "802-3-ethernet","uuid": "66a5f56f-449f-413d-9160-7bb6462f3618"},"ipv4": {"address-data": [{"address": "","prefix": 24}],"gateway": "","method": "manual","route-data": []},"ipv6": {"address-data": [],"method": "disabled","route-data": []},"vrrp": [{"id": 130,"instance": "default","ipv4-addresses": [""],"priority": 100,"version": "v2","no-address": true,"password": "aloha"}]}' \"http://localhost:5555/v3/services/network/connections/66a5f56f-449f-413d-9160-7bb6462f3618?version=$CFGVER&activate=1"nixCFGVER=$(curl -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5555/v3/services/haproxy/configuration/version)curl -X PUT \--user admin:admin \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"connection": {"id": "ethernet-eth0","interface-name": "eth0","type": "802-3-ethernet","uuid": "66a5f56f-449f-413d-9160-7bb6462f3618"},"ipv4": {"address-data": [{"address": "","prefix": 24}],"gateway": "","method": "manual","route-data": []},"ipv6": {"address-data": [],"method": "disabled","route-data": []},"vrrp": [{"id": 130,"instance": "default","ipv4-addresses": [""],"priority": 100,"version": "v2","no-address": true,"password": "aloha"}]}' \"http://localhost:5555/v3/services/network/connections/66a5f56f-449f-413d-9160-7bb6462f3618?version=$CFGVER&activate=1"In this example:
Include the connection profile’s UUID in the requested URL path. Here, it’s
. -
Set the URL parameter
. -
Add a
section to define VRRP options. Here we’re setting:id
: The VRID determined previously for the active server.instance
: The VRRP instance name.ipv4-addresses
: One or more virtual IP addresses. This should be the same set of IP addresses that you set on the active server.priority
: The VRRP instance default priority. Set it to100
for the standby server.version
: Set version tov2
: Set this totrue
to enable more than 20 virtual IP addresses. It implements thevirtual_ipaddress_excluded
directive in the underlying VRRP configuration.password
: The VRRP instance authentication password. All cluster members must set the same password.
outputtext{"connection": {"id": "ethernet-eth0","interface-name": "eth0","type": "802-3-ethernet","uuid": "66a5f56f-449f-413d-9160-7bb6462f3618"},"ipv4": {"address-data": [{"address": "","prefix": 24}],"gateway": "","method": "manual","route-data": []},"ipv6": {"address-data": [],"method": "disabled","route-data": []},"vrrp": [{"id": 130,"instance": "default","ipv4-addresses": [""],"no-address": true,"password": "aloha","priority": 100,"version": "v2"}]}outputtext{"connection": {"id": "ethernet-eth0","interface-name": "eth0","type": "802-3-ethernet","uuid": "66a5f56f-449f-413d-9160-7bb6462f3618"},"ipv4": {"address-data": [{"address": "","prefix": 24}],"gateway": "","method": "manual","route-data": []},"ipv6": {"address-data": [],"method": "disabled","route-data": []},"vrrp": [{"id": 130,"instance": "default","ipv4-addresses": [""],"no-address": true,"password": "aloha","priority": 100,"version": "v2"}]} -
To make your changes persistent after a reboot, either:
- From the HAProxy ALOHA UI, click the Setup tab. Then click Save under Configuration.
- Connect to the HAProxy ALOHA server and execute
config save
Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve the content of this page?