
Manage HAProxy Enterprise configuration files

By default, the HAProxy Enterprise service loads only the configuration file, /etc/hapee-<VERSION>/hapee-lb.cfg.

Validate your configuration Jump to heading

You can validate a configuration file using the hapee-lb program with the -c flag:

sudo /opt/hapee-3.0/sbin/hapee-lb -c -f /etc/hapee-3.0/hapee-lb.cfg
sudo /opt/hapee-3.0/sbin/hapee-lb -c -f /etc/hapee-3.0/hapee-lb.cfg

About the configuration validation command

  • In version 2.8 and earlier, the command indicates a valid configuration by printing Configuration file is valid in addition to setting the zero return status.
  • In version 2.9 and later, the command sets the zero return status for a valid configuration but does not display a message. To display the message, include the -V option on the command line.

Optional: Split the load balancer configuration file Jump to heading

By default, the HAProxy Enterprise service loads only one configuration file, /etc/hapee-<VERSION>/hapee-lb.cfg. If you have a complex configuration and edit it yourself, you may want to consider splitting the configuration into multiple configuration files.


You cannot split a configuration into multiple files if you use the Data Plane API to make configuration changes. The Data Plane API operates only on single-file configurations.

A multi-file configuration is typically used for load balancers that support multiple applications. In such a configuration, the default configuration file would contain the global directives shared by all applications, and the defaults, frontend, and backend sections for each application would be contained in their own configuration files. Thus, for example, if there were two applications, there might be one file for global directives, a second file containing the defaults, frontend, and backend sections for application A, and a third file containing the defaults, frontend, and backend sections for application B.

To split the load balancer configuration:

  1. Create the directory /etc/hapee-<VERSION>/lb-conf.d. For example:

    sudo mkdir /etc/hapee-3.0/lb-conf.d/
    sudo mkdir /etc/hapee-3.0/lb-conf.d/
  2. In the lb-conf.d directory, create a configuration file for one application, for example, app-A.cfg.

  3. Move the application A sections from the main configuration file, /etc/hapee-<VERSION>/hapee-lb.cfg, to the application A configuration file /etc/hapee-<VERSION>/lb-conf.d/app-A.cfg.

  4. Repeat this process for the remaining applications.


    • Do not split configuration sections. A configuration section (such as global, defaults, frontend, or backend) must be completely contained in a single file and cannot be split across multiple files.
    • Configuration files must have the suffix .cfg.
    • The lexical sort order of the names determines the order in which they are loaded at start time.
  5. Edit the service environment file:

    • On Debian/Ubuntu: /etc/default/hapee-<VERSION>-lb
    • On other operating systems: /etc/sysconfig/hapee-<VERSION>-lb

    Change the OPTIONS line so that it contains the following -f argument, which loads the files in the lb-conf.d directory when the HAProxy Enterprise service starts:

    OPTIONS="-f /etc/hapee-3.0/lb-conf.d/"
    OPTIONS="-f /etc/hapee-3.0/lb-conf.d/"
  6. Restart the service:

    sudo systemctl restart hapee-3.0-lb
    sudo systemctl restart hapee-3.0-lb

With this configuration, when the load balancer starts, it first loads the default file containing the global section. Then it loads the files in the lb-conf.d directory in lexical sort order.

Validating the configuration Jump to heading

  1. Use the hapee-lb program’s -c flag to validate the configuration files in configurations split as described above.

    sudo /opt/hapee-3.0/sbin/hapee-lb -c -f /etc/hapee-3.0/hapee-lb.cfg -f /etc/hapee-3.0/lb-conf.d/
    sudo /opt/hapee-3.0/sbin/hapee-lb -c -f /etc/hapee-3.0/hapee-lb.cfg -f /etc/hapee-3.0/lb-conf.d/

    About the configuration checking command

    • In version 2.8 and earlier, the command indicates a valid configuration by printing Configuration file is valid in addition to setting the zero return status.
    • In version 2.9 and later, the command sets the zero return status for a valid configuration but does not display a message. To display the message, include the -V option on the command line.

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