
Enable diagnostic archive

This page applies to:

  • HAProxy Enterprise 2.9r1 and newer

The diagnostic archive or hapee-tech-support tool allows you to collect diagnostic data for your system running HAProxy Enterprise. The hapee-tech-support tool creates a .tar.gz file containing information about the state of the system that you can provide to the HAProxy Technologies Support team. The .tar.gz diagnostic archive file is named with the date and time the file was created. For example:

  • tech-support-20240226-194158.tar.gz

The diagnostic archive contains the following:

  • Information about the system, running processes, and installed packages
  • Operating system information, including kernel parameters
  • Information about hardware resources such as disk, CPU, and memory
  • Networking and firewall information
  • HAProxy Enterprise logs and statistics
  • HAProxy Enterprise configuration files

Enable diagnostic archive Jump to heading

To produce a diagnostic archive, issue the following command to run the hapee-tech-support tool. Note that the tool must be run as sudo:

sudo /opt/hapee-3.1/bin/hapee-tech-support
sudo /opt/hapee-3.1/bin/hapee-tech-support
Example output
tech-support temporary folder is /tmp/ts/tech-support-20240226-200057
Collecting system status information
Collecting platform-specific information
Collecting hardware information
Dumping 5 seconds of system activity...
Collecting networking information
Collecting firewalling information
Found HAPEE logs.
Collection last 1000 lines of hapee logs
Collecting Debian based information
Collecting HAPEE or HAProxy config files
tech-support finished
Report saved to /tmp/ts/tech-support-20240226-200057.tar.gz
Please attach this file to e-mail correspondence with HAProxy's support.
Please remove any prior tech-support files that you no longer want.
Example output
tech-support temporary folder is /tmp/ts/tech-support-20240226-200057
Collecting system status information
Collecting platform-specific information
Collecting hardware information
Dumping 5 seconds of system activity...
Collecting networking information
Collecting firewalling information
Found HAPEE logs.
Collection last 1000 lines of hapee logs
Collecting Debian based information
Collecting HAPEE or HAProxy config files
tech-support finished
Report saved to /tmp/ts/tech-support-20240226-200057.tar.gz
Please attach this file to e-mail correspondence with HAProxy's support.
Please remove any prior tech-support files that you no longer want.

The output will indicate the location and filename of the diagnostic archive. In the example above, it is /tmp/ts/tech-support-20240226-200057.tar.gz. This .tar.gz file is what you will provide to the HAProxy Technologies Support team. By default, the diagnostic archives will be saved to /tmp/ts, though you can also configure a different location.

Options Jump to heading

The following options are available for the hapee-tech-support tool:

Option Description
--stdout (-) Send the output from the operation to stdout. This same output is also sent to a file packaged in the diagnostic archive named tech-support-<date>-<time>-<pid>.log.
--output-dir (-o) OUTPUT_DIR Set the output file location. The default is /tmp/ts.
--save-config (-s) Save HAProxy Enterprise configuration files.
--hapee-log-lines (-l) Save n HAProxy Enterprise log lines. By default, the hapee-tech-support tool saves the last 1000 lines. If set to 0, the hapee-tech-support tool will save all log lines, otherwise it will save the last n lines.
--multi-file-out (-m) Split each diagnostic item’s output into individual .txt files. Otherwise, all of the output will be in a single file named tech-support-<date>-<time>-<pid>.log inside the diagnostic archive.
--keep (-k) Keep the directory the hapee-tech-support tool creates. Usually this is deleted after it has been packaged into the .tar.gz. This will reside in the same location as the diagnostic archive file.
--plugins PLUGINS_DIR Set the plugins directory. The default is /opt/hapee-3.1/bin/plugins. The plugins each collect information about different parts of the system.
--help (-h) Display the help text.

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