Uninstall HAProxy Enterprise on BSD
Follow these steps to uninstall HAProxy Enterprise from a BSD system.
Stop HAProxy Enterprise.
nixsudo systemctl stop hapee-<VERSION>-lbnixsudo systemctl stop hapee-<VERSION>-lbFor example, to stop HAProxy Enterprise 3.1r1:
nixsudo service hapee_31_lb onestopnixsudo service hapee_31_lb onestop -
Back up your configuration files.
The HAProxy Enterprise configuration directory may contain files that you wish to keep: SSL/TLS certificates, map files, and other files that you may wish to preserve after uninstallation. Ensure that any files you wish to keep are copied to a safe location.
The following command will copy the contents of
to a time-stamped directory in/tmp
:nixcp -r /etc/hapee-3.1 /tmp/hapee-3.1-lb.backup.$(date +%F_%R)nixcp -r /etc/hapee-3.1 /tmp/hapee-3.1-lb.backup.$(date +%F_%R) -
Query to see your installed packages.
nixsudo pkg info hapee*nixsudo pkg info hapee*outputtexthapee-3.1r1-lb- -
Remove all HAProxy Enterprise packages.
nixsudo pkg remove hapee-*nixsudo pkg remove hapee-*outputtextChecking integrity... done (0 conflicting)Deinstallation has been requested for the following 1 packages (of 0 packages in the universe):Installed packages to be REMOVED:hapee-3.1r1-lb: of packages to be removed: 1The operation will free 5 MiB.Proceed with deinstalling packages? [y/N]: youtputtextChecking integrity... done (0 conflicting)Deinstallation has been requested for the following 1 packages (of 0 packages in the universe):Installed packages to be REMOVED:hapee-3.1r1-lb: of packages to be removed: 1The operation will free 5 MiB.Proceed with deinstalling packages? [y/N]: y
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