Install on Amazon EKS
Install HAProxy Enterprise Kubernetes Ingress Controller on AWS EKS using an HAProxy Enterprise license key
This section shows you how to install the HAProxy Enterprise Kubernetes Ingress Controller in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service using a license key acquired from HAProxy Technologies (not an Amazon Marketplace subscription).
The procedure should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
Pre-installation checklist Jump to heading
Ensure you have met the following requirements before installing:
- A running EKS Kubernetes cluster with a configured node group
- The helm command-line tool
- The kubectl command-line tool
Connect to your EKS cluster Jump to heading
Follow these steps to connect to your EKS cluster:
Register for your HAProxy Enterprise license key by requesting a free trial. You will use this to access the HAProxy Technologies container registry.
If you do not already have an access key for your AWS account, create a new one:
- From the AWS Console, expand your account menu, located in the upper right, and select Security credentials.
- On the My security credentials page, go to the Access keys section and create a new access key. This will give you an Access Key ID and Secret Access key. Store these somewhere so that you have them later.
On your local workstation, configure the AWS CLI to connect to your AWS account by creating a profile via the
aws configure
command. This will prompt you for your access key and secret access key.nixaws configurenixaws configureLearn more about profiles.
Connect to your Kubernetes cluster using the AWS CLI. This will create a
file:nixaws eks update-kubeconfig --region [Your region] --name [Your cluster name]nixaws eks update-kubeconfig --region [Your region] --name [Your cluster name]For example:
nixaws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-east-1 --name example-clusternixaws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-east-1 --name example-cluster -
Check that you can access the cluster by calling
kubectl get pods
:nixkubectl get podsnixkubectl get podsIf your cluster is new it may not have any resources:
outputtextNo resources found in default namespace.outputtextNo resources found in default namespace.
Install Jump to heading
Choose one of the following installation methods:
Install with Helm Jump to heading
Helm values file
The following example uses --set
invocations to configure the ingress controller. When installing with Helm, you can instead use a Helm values file to provide your configuration values. Using a Helm values file can provide for better traceability of configuration changes and reduce the complexity of Helm installation commands.
You can install with Helm using either the HTTPS or OCI repository:
Add the HAProxy Technologies Helm repository:
nixhelm repo add haproxytech repo add haproxytech -
Update your list of charts:
nixhelm repo updatenixhelm repo update -
Install the v3.0 version of the ingress controller, replacing
with your HAProxy Enterprise license key:nixhelm install haproxy-kubernetes-ingress haproxytech/kubernetes-ingress \--create-namespace \--namespace haproxy-controller \--set \--set controller.imageCredentials.username=<KEY> \--set controller.imageCredentials.password=<KEY> \--set \--set controller.image.tag=v3.0 \--set controller.service.type=LoadBalancernixhelm install haproxy-kubernetes-ingress haproxytech/kubernetes-ingress \--create-namespace \--namespace haproxy-controller \--set \--set controller.imageCredentials.username=<KEY> \--set controller.imageCredentials.password=<KEY> \--set \--set controller.image.tag=v3.0 \--set controller.service.type=LoadBalancer
Install the v3.0 version of the ingress controller, replacing
with your HAProxy Enterprise license key:nixhelm install haproxy-kubernetes-ingress oci:// \--create-namespace \--namespace haproxy-controller \--set \--set controller.imageCredentials.username=<KEY> \--set controller.imageCredentials.password=<KEY> \--set \--set controller.image.tag=v3.0 \--set controller.service.type=LoadBalancernixhelm install haproxy-kubernetes-ingress oci:// \--create-namespace \--namespace haproxy-controller \--set \--set controller.imageCredentials.username=<KEY> \--set controller.imageCredentials.password=<KEY> \--set \--set controller.image.tag=v3.0 \--set controller.service.type=LoadBalancer
This will create an EC2 Classic Load Balancer that routes traffic to the ingress controller service. You can find its DNS name by going to the EC2 Dashboard and viewing Load Balancing > Load Balancers, then selecting the load balancer.
Default ingress class
By default, the Helm chart adds --ingress.class=haproxy
to the ingress controller. That means that it will use Ingress
resources only if they specify ingressClassName: haproxy
. You can disable this by setting --set controller.ingressClass=null
when calling helm install
This change was introduced in version 1.6.
Install with kubectl Jump to heading
Download the deployment YAML file (v3.0).
Edit the
Service object in the YAML file, setting itstype
field toLoadBalancer
:haproxy-ingress.hapee.yamlyamlapiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:labels:run: haproxy-ingressname: haproxy-ingressnamespace: haproxy-controllerspec:selector:run: haproxy-ingresstype: LoadBalancerhaproxy-ingress.hapee.yamlyamlapiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:labels:run: haproxy-ingressname: haproxy-ingressnamespace: haproxy-controllerspec:selector:run: haproxy-ingresstype: LoadBalancer -
Use the
kubectl apply
command to deploy the controller:nixkubectl apply -f haproxy-ingress.hapee.yamlnixkubectl apply -f haproxy-ingress.hapee.yamlThis will create an EC2 Classic Load Balancer that routes traffic to the ingress controller service.
kubectl create secret
to store your credentials for the private HAProxy Docker registry, replacing KEY with your HAProxy Enterprise license key:nixkubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --namespace=haproxy-controller --docker-username=<KEY> --docker-password=<KEY>nixkubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --namespace=haproxy-controller --docker-username=<KEY> --docker-password=<KEY>outputtextsecret/regcred createdoutputtextsecret/regcred created
Check your installation Jump to heading
Verify that the controller is installed into your Kubernetes cluster by using the command kubectl get pods
kubectl get pods --namespace haproxy-controller
kubectl get pods --namespace haproxy-controller
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGEhaproxy-kubernetes-ingress-7dd4cc4b-x5fkv 1/1 Running 0 1m
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGEhaproxy-kubernetes-ingress-7dd4cc4b-x5fkv 1/1 Running 0 1m
Get the External IP, which you can use to access your cluster:
kubectl get services --namespace haproxy-controller
kubectl get services --namespace haproxy-controller
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGEhaproxy-kubernetes-ingress LoadBalancer 80:30264/TCP,443:31575/TCP,1024:31785/TCP 157m
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGEhaproxy-kubernetes-ingress LoadBalancer 80:30264/TCP,443:31575/TCP,1024:31785/TCP 157m
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