Success Story
IT Services and Consulting
Massachusetts, USA

RedIron's Innovation Journey with HAProxy Enterprise

Aaron WilliamsonChief Executive Officer of Managed Services

Todd M. OchsenbeinSystem Administration Team Lead

RedIron, a technology company focused on transformative innovations in retail, helps retailers design, implement, integrate, and maintain any major retail software platform. RedIron’s strategic decision to implement HAProxy Enterprise in its hosted and on-premises infrastructure provides the flexibility to deliver innovative solutions with industry-leading reliability in the retail sector.

Rock-Solid Reliability

Dependability protects revenue and builds trust

Flexible Deployment

Frictionless innovation in K8s, cloud, and on-premises

Authoritative Support

Expert advice ensures the best results and high value

Scalable Performance

Easily handles peak loads and traffic spikes

RedIron Success Story

Use Case

  • Reliability for retail systems
  • Load balancer
  • Deployed in AWS, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, and Kubernetes
  • Hosted managed services and in customer environments
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Expert support builds confidence and maintains reliability for customers

“HAProxy Enterprise assists us in providing the reliability, stability, and support levels to our customers that are part of our value and mission statements."

Aaron Williamson, Chief Executive Officer of Managed Services

For RedIron’s retail customers, reliability is key. If retail point-of-sale systems fail, stores might be unable to process transactions or operate efficiently, potentially costing them millions of dollars per day. 

Taking this risk and business impact very seriously, RedIron’s dedication to its customers lies at the heart of its mission. Their commitment to reliability for their customers’ entire application stack has established RedIron as a trustworthy partner.

It’s no surprise that RedIron demands similarly high levels of support from the infrastructure vendors in their stack. After a merger led to the acquisition of customers with existing HAProxy deployments, RedIron needed to ensure those customers would experience trouble-free continuity. Being new to HAProxy, RedIron decided to transition those customers to HAProxy Enterprise for its authoritative support.

Whenever we've had questions or needed support, we've received great assistance. To us, that's crucial because we extend that same experience to our customers. Typically, we would just get first-level support from vendors, but with HAProxy Technologies we immediately had a senior expert who would understand our customers’ requirements, walk us through the configurations and logs, and answer the hard questions. That was very impressive.

Todd M. Ochsenbein, System Administration Team Lead

RedIron would also depend on HAProxy Enterprise’s ability to perform reliably and improve the overall reliability of their tech stack. HAProxy Enterprise has been consistent and reliable even under peak load and traffic spikes.

"We haven't encountered any latency or connectivity issues with the HAProxy Enterprise solution in production environments. Because of that, HAProxy Enterprise is a key component for us, and we now recommend it for all our customers."

Todd M. Ochsenbein

The reliability and authoritative support from HAProxy Technologies helped RedIron transition from simply maintaining continuity for an inherited install base to making HAProxy Enterprise their go-to load balancing solution.

Flexible application delivery enables innovation in a dynamic tech landscape

"HAProxy Enterprise has been very flexible. It’s not just for some of our customers but for all of them."

Todd M. Ochsenbein, System Administration Team Lead

RedIron’s reputation is built on providing innovative solutions that help retail customers to monetize and operate efficiently. Sustaining that innovation over 20 years in a dynamic technology landscape requires RedIron to be highly adaptable and forward-thinking.

RedIron develops and manages hosted infrastructure and on-premises deployments in diverse customer environments, all the while keeping up with the latest technology, best practices, and security threats. HAProxy Enterprise’s flexible deployment capabilities were a clear winner for RedIron, which sought a solution to fit many different situations.

There's no one-size-fits-all deployment model – that’s why flexibility is so important. The HAProxy team guided us to use the product successfully in diverse customer environments. To me, that's an essential aspect of being a good partner.

Todd M. Ochsenbein, System Administration Team Lead

HAProxy Enterprise’s flexibility allows it to fit a wide range of use cases for RedIron, running in any environment and supporting a broad range of protocols.

"We're using HAProxy Enterprise right now in AWS and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, and in containers in Kubernetes clusters. It’s in production environments and our own development environments. It fits well with our application stack and everything that we deploy."

Todd M. Ochsenbein, System Administration Team Lead

Improve the reliability of your critical applications with HAProxy Enterprise

To see how we can provide increased reliability, flexible deployments, and scalable performance for your applications and APIs, contact HAProxy Technologies for a demo and a trial of HAProxy Enterprise.