Emulating Active/Passive Application Clustering With HAProxy
In this blog post, we will show the different ways in which you can use the HAProxy load balancer to emulate an active/passive clustering mode.
Baptiste has focused on high-performance web architectures for more than a decade now, mainly on the front piece and through the angle of the Load-Balancer/Reverse proxies. Baptiste loves studying new use cases and finds solutions to make the magic happen with his software load-balancer of choice: HAProxy.
Twitter LinkedIn GitHubIn this blog post, we will show the different ways in which you can use the HAProxy load balancer to emulate an active/passive clustering mode.
In this blog post, we demonstrate how to build a simple Redis infrastructure thanks to the HAProxy advanced send/expect health checks feature.
HAProxy allows to redirect traffic based on events and internal status. In this blog post we show how to use HAProxy for failover and worst-case management.
Basically, HAProxy uses the NPN (and later the ALPN) TLS extension to figure out whether the client can browse the website using SPDY.
Here comes the transparent proxy mode: HAProxy can be configured to spoof the client IP address when establishing the TCP connection to the server.
In this blog post, we show how you can enable inserting client certificate information in HTTP headers and reporting them in the log line with HAProxy.
In this blog post, we provide an HAProxy configuration that can help you detect the Apache Cdorked Backdoor attack in your systems and protect them against it.
A brute force attack in WordPress consists of massively sending requests to a URL with different parameters each time. Here's how to prevent it using HAProxy...
In this blog post, we show two ways of performing source IP affinity with HAProxy: through the hash load balancing algorithm and using HAProxy Stick Tables.
In this blog post, we describe how you configure HAProxy to log URLs exactly the way they were sent by the client by using syslog-ng's flexible configuration.
When setup by the application server, the HAProxy load balancer can be used to update cookies on-the-fly. In this blog post, we explain how.
Performing SSL at the Load-Balancer Layer is called SSL offloading because you offload this process from your application servers. Here's what you should know.