Client IP Persistence or Source IP Hash Load Balancing
In this blog post, we show two ways of performing source IP affinity with HAProxy: through the hash load balancing algorithm and using HAProxy Stick Tables.
In this blog post, we show two ways of performing source IP affinity with HAProxy: through the hash load balancing algorithm and using HAProxy Stick Tables.
In this blog post, we describe how you configure HAProxy to log URLs exactly the way they were sent by the client by using syslog-ng's flexible configuration.
When setup by the application server, the HAProxy load balancer can be used to update cookies on-the-fly. In this blog post, we explain how.
Performing SSL at the Load-Balancer Layer is called SSL offloading because you offload this process from your application servers. Here's what you should know.
The beast attack on SSL isn’t new, but we have not yet published an article to explain how to mitigate it with ALOHA or HAProxy.
In this blog post, we show how to perform load balancing with HAProxy on Microsoft Exchange 2013 Services hosted on single and multiple host names.
In this blog post, we show how to use HAProxy with MySQL at high request rates, and how to prevent the common TCP source port exhaustion error.
In this blog post, we will provide information on how to enable Exchange Outlook Web Access (OWA) Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection with HAProxy.
HTTP protocol is connection-less and only the client can request information from a server. In any case, a server can contact a client. Furthermore...
Although HAProxy gives you detailed logging, sometimes you need a custom HAProxy log format. In this post, see how to define the template for logs.
Compression is used for reducing object size in order to reduce delivery delay for objects over the HTTP protocol. We show how to enable this in HAProxy.
In this blog post, we will demonstrate how to create a highly performant WAF platform using Naxsi and the HAProxy load balancer.