Use Your Load Balancer to Monitor Application Health
In this blog post, you’ll learn about several metrics that stand out as particularly useful for monitoring the health of your applications when they’re load balanced by HAProxy.
In this blog post, you’ll learn about several metrics that stand out as particularly useful for monitoring the health of your applications when they’re load balanced by HAProxy.
We focused on covering more HAProxy keywords, making the API a full-fledged way to configure HAProxy. In that area, version 2.5 brings a lot of improvements.
In this blog post, you'll learn how load balancing is an indispensable technique for improving a website’s performance.
Let’s consider one of HAProxy’s newest features, dynamic servers, which lets you add and remove servers from HAProxy’s load balancing list on-the-fly without ever reloading the process.
Load balancing is the distribution of network traffic between backend servers to ensure high availability and performance. Here's everything you should know.
Vulnerability which is tracked in CVE-2021-44228, dubbed Log4Shell, allows attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected systems.
We are announcing HAProxy 2.5! In this blog post, you will find a full list of improvements included in this version.
In this interview, Willy describes his views on the success of the project, and how it grew over the years.
Version 2.4 improves e2e tests, revamps how logging in the HAProxy Data Plane API works, adds support for namespace filtering in Consul Service Discovery, and much more.
In the 1.7 version of the HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller, we added support for custom resource definitions that cover most of the configuration settings.
HAProxy provides three types of health checks: active health checks, passive health checks and agent health checks. In this blog, we will learn about each one.
Learned how to fine tune your HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller’s configuration to leverage powerful annotations to protect your services and APIs.