Load Balancing

Load balancing means dividing up your web traffic and distributing it evenly to a group of identical servers. Load balancing is critical for hosting web applications today.

By sharing the work, your servers will be less strained, which translates to a consistently snappy service. It also makes your service more reliable: By sending traffic to a group of servers, you protect yourself from downtime because if one or even several of your servers fail, your service will continue on without interruption as long as there are other servers still active.

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Learn how leading companies implement HAProxy Enterprise load balancing solutions

Our customers use HAProxy Enterprise to achieve the utmost performance, observability, and security. HAProxy Enterprise security solutions are deployed to protect some of the most popular websites in the world.

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Load balancing is in our DNA

At HAProxy Technologies, we create hardware and software load balancers that give you more flexibility and features than other, more primitive solutions like round-robin DNS or using your web server for load balancing.

Our solutions support any application or API using  HTTP, TCP/IP, UDP, QUIC, and more, such as databases, payment processors, log servers, message queues, mail servers, and IoT devices.

All the best features

Our products offer load balancing features you need for hosting modern applications.

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Load balancing algorithms that are right for your use case: round-robin, least connections, first, random, and consistent hashing algorithms that distribute traffic based on URL, source IP address, or HTTP header.

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A flexible and powerful syntax for defining custom routing rules.

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Active and passive health checking to ensure that clients are routed to only healthy servers.

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Session stickiness for sending a client to the same server where their session has been established.

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Multi-layered security including SSL/TLS encryption, next-generation HAProxy Enterprise WAF, HAProxy Enterprise Bot Management Module, Global Profiling Engine, and a range of response policies for dealing with malicious traffic.

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Detailed logs and metrics that give you accurate information about the characteristics of your traffic.

Power your uptime with HAProxy Products

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HAProxy Enterprise

HAProxy Enterprise is the world’s fastest and most widely used software load balancer. It powers modern application delivery at any scale and in any environment, providing the utmost performance, observability, and security.

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HAProxy ALOHA Hardware or Virtual Load Balancer

HAProxy ALOHA is a plug-and-play hardware or virtual load balancer based on HAProxy Enterprise that supports proxying at Layers 4 and 7. Its simple graphical interface, easy installation, and no limit on backend servers make it ideal for companies looking for a dedicated system to ensure high-performance load distribution for critical services.

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HAProxy Enterprise Kubernetes Ingress Controller

Our ingress controller is the most efficient way to route traffic into a Kubernetes cluster. It automatically detects changes within your Kubernetes infrastructure and ensures accurate distribution of traffic to healthy pods, with zero downtime during scaling changes. It also comes with an integrated WAF to increase the security of your applications running within Kubernetes.

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Contact the authoritative experts on HAProxy who will assist you in finding the solution that best fits your needs for deployment, scale, and security.

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